def get_user_collections_for_sheet(uid, sheet_id): """ Returns a list of `uid`'s collections that `sheet_id` is included in. """ collections = CollectionSet({"$or": [{"admins": uid, "sheets": sheet_id}, {"members": uid, "sheets": sheet_id}]}) collections = [collection.listing_contents(uid) for collection in collections] return collections
def collections_get_api(request, slug=None): if not slug: return jsonResponse(CollectionSet.get_collection_listing( collection_obj = Collection().load({"slug": unquote(slug)}) if not collection_obj: return jsonResponse({"error": "No collection with slug '{}'".format(slug)}) is_member = request.user.is_authenticated and collection_obj.is_member( collection_content = collection_obj.contents(with_content=True, authenticated=is_member) return jsonResponse(collection_content)
def get_user_collections(uid, private=True): """ Returns a list of Collections that user belongs to. """ if not uid: return None collections = CollectionSet().for_user(uid, private=private) collections = [collection.listing_contents(uid) for collection in collections] return collections
def collections_post_api(request, user_id, slug=None): if request.method == "POST": j = request.POST.get("json") if not j: return jsonResponse({"error": "No JSON given in post data."}) collection_data = json.loads(j) if "slug" in collection_data: collection = Collection().load({"slug": collection_data["slug"]}) if not collection: return jsonResponse({ "error": "Collection with slug `{}` not found.".format( collection["slug"]) }) # check poster is a collection admin if user_id not in collection.admins: return jsonResponse({ "error": "You do not have permission to edit this collection." }) collection.load_from_dict(collection_data) else: collection_data["admins"] = [user_id] collection = Collection(collection_data) return jsonResponse({ "status": "ok", "collection": collection.listing_contents( }) elif request.method == "DELETE": if not slug: return jsonResponse( {"error": "Please specify a collection in the URL."}) existing = Collection().load({"slug": slug}) if existing: if user_id not in existing.admins: return jsonResponse({ "error": "You do not have permission to delete this collection." }) else: CollectionSet({"slug": slug}).delete() return jsonResponse({"status": "ok"}) else: return jsonResponse({ "error": "Collection with the slug `{}` does not exist".format(slug) }) else: return jsonResponse({"error": "Unsupported HTTP method."})
def annotate_user_collections(sheets, user_id): """ Adds a `collections` field to each sheet in `sheets` which includes the collections that `user_id` has put that sheet in. """ sheet_ids = [sheet["id"] for sheet in sheets] user_collections = CollectionSet({"sheets": {"$in": sheet_ids}}) for sheet in sheets: sheet["collections"] = [] for collection in user_collections: if sheet["id"] in collection.sheets: sheet["collections"].append({"name":, "slug": collection.slug}) return sheets
def index_sheet(index_name, id): """ Index source sheet with 'id'. """ sheet = db.sheets.find_one({"id": id}) if not sheet: return False pud = public_user_data(sheet["owner"]) tag_terms_simple = make_sheet_tags(sheet) tags = [t["en"] for t in tag_terms_simple] topics = [] for t in sheet.get('topics', []): topic_obj = Topic.init(t['slug']) if not topic_obj: continue topics += [topic_obj] collections = CollectionSet({"sheets": id, "listed": True}) collection_names = [ for c in collections] try: doc = { "title": strip_tags(sheet["title"]), "content": make_sheet_text(sheet, pud), "owner_id": sheet["owner"], "owner_name": pud["name"], "owner_image": pud["imageUrl"], "profile_url": pud["profileUrl"], "version": "Source Sheet by " + user_link(sheet["owner"]), "tags": tags, "topic_slugs": [topic_obj.slug for topic_obj in topics], "topics_en": [topic_obj.get_primary_title('en') for topic_obj in topics], "topics_he": [topic_obj.get_primary_title('he') for topic_obj in topics], "sheetId": id, "summary": sheet.get("summary", None), "collections": collection_names, "datePublished": sheet.get("datePublished", None), "dateCreated": sheet.get("dateCreated", None), "dateModified": sheet.get("dateModified", None), "views": sheet.get("views", 0) } es_client.create(index=index_name, doc_type='sheet', id=id, body=doc) global doc_count doc_count += 1 return True except Exception as e: print("Error indexing sheet %d" % id) print(e) return False
def annotate_displayed_collections(sheets): """ Adds `displayedCollectionName` field to each sheet in `sheets` that has `displayedCollection`. """ slugs = list(set([sheet["displayedCollection"] for sheet in sheets if sheet.get("displayedCollection", None)])) if len(slugs) == 0: return sheets displayed_collections = CollectionSet({"slug": {"$in": slugs}}) for sheet in sheets: if not sheet.get("displayedCollection", None): continue for collection in displayed_collections: if sheet["displayedCollection"] == collection.slug: sheet["displayedCollectionName"] = return sheets
def get_sheets_for_ref(tref, uid=None, in_collection=None): """ Returns a list of sheets that include ref, formating as need for the Client Sidebar. If `uid` is present return user sheets, otherwise return public sheets. If `in_collection` (list of slugs) is present, only return sheets in one of the listed collections. """ oref = model.Ref(tref) # perform initial search with context to catch ranges that include a segment ref segment_refs = [r.normal() for r in oref.all_segment_refs()] query = {"expandedRefs": {"$in": segment_refs}} if uid: query["owner"] = uid else: query["status"] = "public" if in_collection: collections = CollectionSet({"slug": {"$in": in_collection}}) sheets_list = [collection.sheets for collection in collections] sheets_ids = [sheet for sublist in sheets_list for sheet in sublist] query["id"] = {"$in": sheets_ids} sheetsObj = db.sheets.find( query, { "id": 1, "title": 1, "owner": 1, "viaOwner": 1, "via": 1, "dateCreated": 1, "includedRefs": 1, "expandedRefs": 1, "views": 1, "topics": 1, "status": 1, "summary": 1, "attribution": 1, "assigner_id": 1, "likes": 1, "displayedCollection": 1, "options": 1 }).sort([["views", -1]]) sheetsObj.hint("expandedRefs_1") sheets = [s for s in sheetsObj] user_ids = list({s["owner"] for s in sheets}) django_user_profiles = User.objects.filter(id__in=user_ids).values( 'email', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'id') user_profiles = {item['id']: item for item in django_user_profiles} mongo_user_profiles = list( db.profiles.find({"id": { "$in": user_ids }}, { "id": 1, "slug": 1, "profile_pic_url_small": 1 })) mongo_user_profiles = {item['id']: item for item in mongo_user_profiles} for profile in user_profiles: try: user_profiles[profile]["slug"] = mongo_user_profiles[profile][ "slug"] except: user_profiles[profile]["slug"] = "/" try: user_profiles[profile][ "profile_pic_url_small"] = mongo_user_profiles[profile].get( "profile_pic_url_small", '') except: user_profiles[profile]["profile_pic_url_small"] = "" results = [] for sheet in sheets: anchor_ref_list, anchor_ref_expanded_list = oref.get_all_anchor_refs( segment_refs, sheet.get("includedRefs", []), sheet.get("expandedRefs", [])) ownerData = user_profiles.get( sheet["owner"], { 'first_name': 'Ploni', 'last_name': 'Almoni', 'email': '*****@*****.**', 'slug': 'Ploni-Almoni', 'id': None, 'profile_pic_url_small': '' }) if "assigner_id" in sheet: asignerData = public_user_data(sheet["assigner_id"]) sheet["assignerName"] = asignerData["name"] sheet["assignerProfileUrl"] = asignerData["profileUrl"] if "viaOwner" in sheet: viaOwnerData = public_user_data(sheet["viaOwner"]) sheet["viaOwnerName"] = viaOwnerData["name"] sheet["viaOwnerProfileUrl"] = viaOwnerData["profileUrl"] if "displayedCollection" in sheet: collection = Collection().load( {"slug": sheet["displayedCollection"]}) sheet["collectionTOC"] = getattr(collection, "toc", None) topics = add_langs_to_topics(sheet.get("topics", [])) for anchor_ref, anchor_ref_expanded in zip(anchor_ref_list, anchor_ref_expanded_list): sheet_data = { "owner": sheet["owner"], "_id": str(sheet["_id"]), "id": str(sheet["id"]), "public": sheet["status"] == "public", "title": strip_tags(sheet["title"]), "sheetUrl": "/sheets/" + str(sheet["id"]), "anchorRef": anchor_ref.normal(), "anchorRefExpanded": [r.normal() for r in anchor_ref_expanded], "options": sheet["options"], "collectionTOC": sheet.get("collectionTOC", None), "ownerName": ownerData["first_name"] + " " + ownerData["last_name"], "via": sheet.get("via", None), "viaOwnerName": sheet.get("viaOwnerName", None), "assignerName": sheet.get("assignerName", None), "viaOwnerProfileUrl": sheet.get("viaOwnerProfileUrl", None), "assignerProfileUrl": sheet.get("assignerProfileUrl", None), "ownerProfileUrl": "/profile/" + ownerData["slug"], "ownerImageUrl": ownerData.get('profile_pic_url_small', ''), "status": sheet["status"], "views": sheet["views"], "topics": topics, "likes": sheet.get("likes", []), "summary": sheet.get("summary", None), "attribution": sheet.get("attribution", None), "is_featured": sheet.get("is_featured", False), "category": "Sheets", # ditto "type": "sheet", # ditto } results.append(sheet_data) return results