def text_at_revision(tref, version, lang, revision): """ Returns the state of a text (identified by ref/version/lang) at revision number 'revision' """ changes = db.history.find({ "ref": tref, "version": version, "language": lang }).sort([['revision', -1]]) current = get_text(tref, context=0, commentary=False, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in current and not current["error"].startswith("No text found"): return current textField = "text" if lang == "en" else lang text = unicode(current.get(textField, "")) for i in range(changes.count()): r = changes[i] if r["revision"] == revision: break patch = dmp.patch_fromText(r["revert_patch"]) text = dmp.patch_apply(patch, text)[0] return text
def revert_api(request, ref, lang, version, revision): """ API for reverting a text segment to a previous revision. """ if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return jsonResponse({"error": "You must be logged in to revert changes."}) if request.method != "POST": return jsonResponse({"error": "Unsupported HTTP method."}) revision = int(revision) version = version.replace("_", " ") ref = norm_ref(ref) if not ref: # pass along the error message if norm_ref failed return jsonResponse(parse_ref(ref)) existing = get_text(ref, commentary=0, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in existing: return jsonResponse(existing) text = { "versionTitle": version, "versionSource": existing["versionSource"] if lang == "en" else existing["heVersionSource"], "language": lang, "text": text_at_revision(ref, version, lang, revision) } return jsonResponse(save_text(ref, text,, type="revert text"))
def record_text_change(tref, version, lang, text, user, **kwargs): """ Record a change to a text (ref/version/lang) by user. """ # unpack text into smaller segments if necessary (e.g. chapter -> verse) if isinstance(text, list): for i in reversed(range(len(text))): n = i + 1 record_text_change("%s.%d" % (tref, n), version, lang, text[i], user, **kwargs) return # get the current state of the text in question current = get_text(tref, context=0, commentary=False, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in current and current["error"].startswith("No text found"): current = "" elif "error" in current: return current elif lang == "en" and current["text"]: current = current["text"] elif lang == "he" and current["he"]: current = current["he"] else: current = "" # Don't record anything if there's no change. if not text: text = "" if text == current: return # create a patch that turns the new version back into the old backwards_diff = dmp.diff_main(text, current) patch = dmp.patch_toText(dmp.patch_make(backwards_diff)) # get html displaying edits in this change. forwards_diff = dmp.diff_main(current, text) dmp.diff_cleanupSemantic(forwards_diff) diff_html = dmp.diff_prettyHtml(forwards_diff) # give this revision a new revision number revision = next_revision_num() log = { "ref": model.Ref(tref).normal(), "version": version, "language": lang, "diff_html": diff_html, "revert_patch": patch, "user": user, "date":, "revision": revision, "message": kwargs.get("message", ""), "rev_type": kwargs.get("type", None) or "edit text" if len(current) else "add text", "method": kwargs.get("method", "Site") }
def texts_api(request, ref, lang=None, version=None): if request.method == "GET": cb = request.GET.get("callback", None) context = int(request.GET.get("context", 1)) commentary = bool(int(request.GET.get("commentary", True))) version = version.replace("_", " ") if version else None text = get_text(ref, version=version, lang=lang, commentary=commentary, context=context) if "error" in text: return jsonResponse(text, cb) if "commentary" in text: # If this is a spanning ref it can't handle commmentary, # so check if the field is actually present notes = get_notes(ref,, context=1) text["commentary"] += notes return jsonResponse(text, cb) if request.method == "POST": j = request.POST.get("json") if not j: return jsonResponse({"error": "Missing 'json' parameter in post data."}) # Parameters to suppress some costly operations after save count_after = int(request.GET.get("count_after", 1)) index_after = int(request.GET.get("index_after", 1)) if not request.user.is_authenticated(): key = request.POST.get("apikey") if not key: return jsonResponse({"error": "You must be logged in or use an API key to save texts."}) apikey = db.apikeys.find_one({"key": key}) if not apikey: return jsonResponse({"error": "Unrecognized API key."}) response = save_text(ref, json.loads(j), apikey["uid"], method="API", count_after=count_after, index_after=index_after) return jsonResponse(response) else: @csrf_protect def protected_post(request): response = save_text(ref, json.loads(j),, count_after=count_after, index_after=index_after) return jsonResponse(response) return protected_post(request) return jsonResponse({"error": "Unsuported HTTP method."})
def format_link_object_for_client(link, with_text, ref, pos=None): """ :param link: Link object :param ref: Ref object of the source of the link :param pos: Optional position of the Ref in the Link. If not passed, it will be derived from the first two arguments. :return: Dict """ com = {} # The text we're asked to get links to anchorRef = model.Ref(link.refs[pos]) # The link we found to anchorRef linkRef = model.Ref(link.refs[(pos + 1) % 2]) com["_id"] = str(link._id) com["category"] = linkRef.type com["type"] = link.type com["ref"] = linkRef.tref com["anchorRef"] = anchorRef.normal() com["sourceRef"] = linkRef.normal() com["anchorVerse"] = anchorRef.sections[-1] com["commentaryNum"] = linkRef.sections[-1] if linkRef.type == "Commentary" else 0 com["anchorText"] = getattr(link, "anchorText", "") if with_text: from sefaria.texts import get_text text = get_text(linkRef.normal(), context=0, commentary=False) com["text"] = text["text"] if text["text"] else "" com["he"] = text["he"] if text["he"] else "" # strip redundant verse ref for commentators # if the ref we're looking for appears exactly in the commentary ref, strip redundant info #todo: this comparison - ref in linkRef.normal() - seems brittle. Make it rigorous. if com["category"] == "Commentary" and ref in linkRef.normal(): com["commentator"] = linkRef.index.commentator com["heCommentator"] = linkRef.index.heCommentator if getattr(linkRef.index, "heCommentator", None) else com["commentator"] else: com["commentator"] = com["heCommentator"] = linkRef.index.heTitle if getattr(linkRef.index, "heTitle", None) else com["commentator"] if getattr(linkRef.index, "heTitle", None): com["heTitle"] = linkRef.index.heTitle return com
def text_at_revision(tref, version, lang, revision): """ Returns the state of a text (identified by ref/version/lang) at revision number 'revision' """ changes = db.history.find({"ref": tref, "version": version, "language": lang}).sort([['revision', -1]]) current = get_text(tref, context=0, commentary=False, version=version, lang=lang) if "error" in current and not current["error"].startswith("No text found"): return current textField = "text" if lang == "en" else lang text = unicode(current.get(textField, "")) for i in range(changes.count()): r = changes[i] if r["revision"] == revision: break patch = dmp.patch_fromText(r["revert_patch"]) text = dmp.patch_apply(patch, text)[0] return text
def get_links(tref, with_text=True): """ Return a list of links tied to 'ref' in client format. If with_text, retrieve texts for each link. """ links = [] oref = model.Ref(tref) nRef = oref.normal() reRef = oref.regex() # for storing all the section level texts that need to be looked up texts = {} linkset = model.LinkSet({"refs": {"$regex": reRef}}) # For all links that mention ref (in any position) for link in linkset: # each link contins 2 refs in a list # find the position (0 or 1) of "anchor", the one we're getting links for pos = 0 if re.match(reRef, link.refs[0]) else 1 try: com = format_link_object_for_client(link, False, nRef, pos) except InputError: # logger.warning("Bad link: {} - {}".format(link.refs[0], link.refs[1])) continue # Rather than getting text with each link, walk through all links here, # caching text so that redudant DB calls can be minimized if with_text: com_oref = model.Ref(com["ref"]) top_nref = com_oref.top_section_ref().normal() # Lookup and save top level text, only if we haven't already if top_nref not in texts: texts[top_nref] = get_text(top_nref, context=0, commentary=False, pad=False) sections, toSections = com_oref.sections[1:], com_oref.toSections[1:] com["text"] = grab_section_from_text(sections, texts[top_nref]["text"], toSections) com["he"] = grab_section_from_text(sections, texts[top_nref]["he"], toSections) links.append(com) return links
def edit_text(request, ref=None, lang=None, version=None, new_name=None): """ Opens a view directly to adding, editing or translating a given text. """ if ref is not None: version = version.replace("_", " ") if version else None text = get_text(ref, lang=lang, version=version) text["mode"] = request.path.split("/")[1] initJSON = json.dumps(text) else: new_name = new_name.replace("_", " ") if new_name else new_name initJSON = json.dumps({"mode": "add new", "title": new_name}) titles = json.dumps(get_text_titles()) page_title = "%s %s" % (text["mode"].capitalize(), ref) if ref else "Add a New Text" email = if request.user.is_authenticated() else "" return render_to_response('reader.html', {'titles': titles, 'initJSON': initJSON, 'page_title': page_title, 'email': email}, RequestContext(request))
def translation_flow(request, ref): """ Assign a user a paritcular bit of text to translate within 'ref', either a text title or category. """ ref = ref.replace("_", " ") generic_response = { "title": "Help Translate %s" % ref, "content": "" } categories = get_text_categories() next_text = None next_section = None # expire old locks before checking for a currently unlocked text sefaria.locks.expire_locks() pRef = parse_ref(ref, pad=False) if "error" not in pRef and len(pRef["sections"]) == 0: # ref is an exact text Title text = norm_ref(ref) # normalize URL if request.path != "/translate/%s" % url_ref(text): return redirect("/translate/%s" % url_ref(text), permanent=True) # Check for completion if get_percent_available(text) == 100: generic_response["content"] = "<h3>Sefaria now has a complete translation of %s</h3>But you can still contribute in other ways.</h3> <a href='/contribute'>Learn More.</a>" % ref return render_to_response('static/generic.html', generic_response, RequestContext(request)) if "random" in request.GET: # choose a ref from a random section within this text skip = int(request.GET.get("skip")) if "skip" in request.GET else None assigned_ref = random_untranslated_ref_in_text(text, skip=skip) if assigned_ref: next_section = parse_ref(assigned_ref)["sections"][0] elif "section" in request.GET: # choose the next ref within the specified section next_section = int(request.GET["section"]) assigned_ref = next_untranslated_ref_in_text(text, section=next_section) else: # choose the next ref in this text in order assigned_ref = next_untranslated_ref_in_text(text) if not assigned_ref: generic_response["content"] = "All remaining sections in %s are being worked on by other contributors. Work on <a href='/translate/%s'>another text</a> for now." % (text, ref) return render_to_response('static/generic.html', generic_response, RequestContext(request)) elif "error" not in pRef and len(pRef["sections"]) > 0: # ref is a citation to a particular location in a text # for now, send this to the edit_text view return edit_text(request, ref) elif "error" in pRef and ref in categories: # ref is a text Category cat = ref # Check for completion if get_percent_available(cat) == 100: generic_response["content"] = "<h3>Sefaria now has a complete translation of %s</h3>But you can still contribute in other ways.</h3> <a href='/contribute'>Learn More.</a>" % ref return render_to_response('static/generic.html', generic_response, RequestContext(request)) if "random" in request.GET: # choose a random text from this cateogory skip = int(request.GET.get("skip")) if "skip" in request.GET else None text = random_untranslated_text_in_category(cat, skip=skip) assigned_ref = next_untranslated_ref_in_text(text) next_text = text elif "text" in request.GET: # choose the next text requested in URL text = norm_ref(request.GET["text"]) next_text = text if get_percent_available(text) == 100: generic_response["content"] = "%s is complete! Work on <a href='/translate/%s'>another text</a>." % (next, ref) return render_to_response('static/generic.html', generic_response, RequestContext(request)) assigned_ref = next_untranslated_ref_in_text(text) if "error" in assigned_ref: generic_response["content"] = "All remaining sections in %s are being worked on by other contributors. Work on <a href='/translate/%s'>another text</a> for now." % (next, ref) return render_to_response('static/generic.html', generic_response, RequestContext(request)) else: # choose the next text in order skip = 0 assigned_ref = {"error": "haven't chosen yet"} # TODO -- need an escape valve here while "error" in assigned_ref: text = next_untranslated_text_in_category(cat, skip=skip) assigned_ref = next_untranslated_ref_in_text(text) skip += 1 else: # we don't know what this is generic_response["content"] = "<b>%s</b> isn't a known text or category.<br>But you can still contribute in other ways.</h3> <a href='/contribute'>Learn More.</a>" % (ref) return render_to_response('static/generic.html', generic_response, RequestContext(request)) # get the assigned text assigned = get_text(assigned_ref, context=0, commentary=False) # Put a lock on this assignment user = if request.user.is_authenticated() else 0 sefaria.locks.set_lock(assigned_ref, "en", "Sefaria Community Translation", user) # if the assigned text is actually empty, run this request again # but leave the new lock in place to skip over it if "he" not in assigned or not len(assigned["he"]): return translation_flow(request, ref) # get percentage and remaining counts # percent = get_percent_available(assigned["book"]) translated = get_translated_count_by_unit(assigned["book"], unit=assigned["sectionNames"][-1]) remaining = get_untranslated_count_by_unit(assigned["book"], unit=assigned["sectionNames"][-1]) percent = 100 * translated / float(translated + remaining) return render_to_response('translate_campaign.html', {"title": "Help Translate %s" % ref, "base_ref": ref, "assigned_ref": assigned_ref, "assigned_ref_url": url_ref(assigned_ref), "assigned_text": assigned["he"], "assigned_segment_name": assigned["sectionNames"][-1], "assigned": assigned, "translated": translated, "remaining": remaining, "percent": percent, "thanks": "thank" in request.GET, "random_param": "&skip=%d" % assigned["sections"][0] if request.GET.get("random") else "", "next_text": next_text, "next_section": next_section, }, RequestContext(request))
def reader(request, ref, lang=None, version=None): # Redirect to standard URLs # Let unknown refs pass through uref = url_ref(ref) if uref and ref != uref: url = "/" + uref if lang and version: url += "/%s/%s" % (lang, version) response = redirect(url, permanent=True) params = request.GET.urlencode() response['Location'] += "?%s" % params if params else "" return response # BANDAID - return the first section only of a spanning ref pRef = parse_ref(ref) if "error" not in pRef and is_spanning_ref(pRef): ref = split_spanning_ref(pRef)[0] url = "/" + ref if lang and version: url += "/%s/%s" % (lang, version) response = redirect(url) params = request.GET.urlencode() response['Location'] += "?%s" % params if params else "" return response version = version.replace("_", " ") if version else None text = get_text(ref, lang=lang, version=version) if not "error" in text: notes = get_notes(ref,, context=1) text["commentary"] += notes initJSON = json.dumps(text) lines = True if "error" in text or text["type"] not in ('Tanach', 'Talmud') or text["book"] == "Psalms" else False email = if request.user.is_authenticated() else "" zippedText = map(None, text["text"], text["he"]) if not "error" in text else [] # Pull language setting from cookie or Accept-Lanugage header langMode = request.COOKIES.get('langMode') or request.LANGUAGE_CODE or 'en' langMode = 'he' if langMode == 'he-il' else langMode # URL parameter trumps cookie langMode = request.GET.get("lang", langMode) langMode = "bi" if langMode in ("he-en", "en-he") else langMode # Don't allow languages other than what we currently handle langMode = 'en' if langMode not in ('en', 'he', 'bi') else langMode # Substitue language mode if text not available in that language if not "error" in text: if is_text_empty(text["text"]) and not langMode == "he": langMode = "he" if is_text_empty(text["he"]) and not langMode == "en": langMode = "en" langClass = {"en": "english", "he": "hebrew", "bi": "bilingual heLeft"}[langMode] return render_to_response('reader.html', {'text': text, 'initJSON': initJSON, 'zippedText': zippedText, 'lines': lines, 'langClass': langClass, 'page_title': norm_ref(ref) or "Unknown Text", 'title_variants': "(%s)" % ", ".join(text.get("titleVariants", []) + [text.get("heTitle", "")]), 'email': email}, RequestContext(request))
def parashat_hashavua_api(request): callback = request.GET.get("callback", None) p = sefaria.calendars.this_weeks_parasha( p["date"] = p["date"].isoformat() p.update(get_text(p["ref"])) return jsonResponse(p, callback)
row[2].strip(), "language": version_langs[row[3]], "version": row[3], } except Exception, e: print "ERROR Importing: %s" % e continue valid = validate_review(review) if "error" in valid: print "ERROR Validating: %s" % valid["error"] continue text = get_text(review["ref"], context=1, commentary=False, version=review["version"], lang=review["language"]) field = "text" if review["language"] == "en" else "he" if not text[field]: print "ERROR Matching: No text found for %s, %s" % ( review["ref"], review["version"]) versions = get_version_list(review["ref"]) print "Versions: %s" % ", ".join([ v["versionTitle"] for v in versions if v["language"] == review["language"] ])
header = for row in reviews: try: review = { "user": reviewers[row[1]], "date": datetime.strptime(row[0], "%m/%d/%Y").replace(hour=18, minute=59), "rev_type": "review", "score": float(row[4]), "comment": row[5], "ref": row[2].strip(), "language": version_langs[row[3]], "version": row[3], } except Exception, e: print "ERROR Importing: %s" % e continue valid = validate_review(review) if "error" in valid: print "ERROR Validating: %s" % valid["error"] continue text = get_text(review["ref"], context=1, commentary=False, version=review["version"], lang=review["language"]) field = "text" if review["language"] == "en" else "he" if not text[field]: print "ERROR Matching: No text found for %s, %s" % (review["ref"], review["version"]) versions = get_version_list(review["ref"]) print "Versions: %s" % ", ".join([v["versionTitle"] for v in versions if v["language"] == review["language"]])
import os p = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))) sys.path.insert(0, p) sys.path.insert(0, p + "/sefaria") import pymongo from sefaria.texts import get_text, generate_refs_list from sefaria.settings import * connection = pymongo.Connection() db = connection[SEFARIA_DB] if SEFARIA_DB_USER and SEFARIA_DB_PASSWORD: db.authenticate(SEFARIA_DB_USER, SEFARIA_DB_PASSWORD) chapters = generate_refs_list({"title": {"$regex": "Onkelos"}}) for ref in chapters: text = get_text(ref, commentary=0) verses = len(text["he"]) for i in range(verses): ref1 = "%s:%d" % (ref, i+1) ref2 = ref1.replace("Onkelos ", "") link = { "refs": [ref1, ref2], "type": "targum" }
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import os p = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) sys.path.insert(0, p) sys.path.insert(0, p + "/sefaria") import pymongo from sefaria.texts import get_text, generate_refs_list from sefaria.settings import * connection = pymongo.Connection() db = connection[SEFARIA_DB] if SEFARIA_DB_USER and SEFARIA_DB_PASSWORD: db.authenticate(SEFARIA_DB_USER, SEFARIA_DB_PASSWORD) chapters = generate_refs_list({"title": {"$regex": "Targum Jonathan"}}) for ref in chapters: text = get_text(ref, commentary=0) verses = len(text["he"]) for i in range(verses): ref1 = "%s:%d" % (ref, i + 1) ref2 = ref1.replace("Targum Jonathan on ", "") link = {"refs": [ref1, ref2], "type": "targum"}