Exemple #1
    def test_complex_row_major_example(self):
        i_range = range(1, 31, 3)
        j_range = range(2, 24, 2)
        base = 100
        stride = 4
        d = {k: v for k, v in zip(product(i_range, j_range), count(start=base, step=stride))}
        # The previous line produces a dictionary which looks like this:
        # {(1, 2): 100,
        #  (1, 4): 104,
        #  (1, 6): 108,
        #  (1, 8): 112,
        #  (1, 10): 116,
        #  ...
        #  (28, 14): 520,
        #  (28, 16): 524,
        #  (28, 18): 528,
        #  (28, 20): 532,
        #  (28, 22): 536}

        # The catalog builder needs to be smart enough to recover the i and j ranges, the base
        # value, and the stride from this data.
        catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder(d)
        catalog = catalog_builder.create()
        assert isinstance(catalog, LastIndexVariesQuickestCatalog2D)
        assert catalog.key_min() == (1, 2)
        assert catalog.key_max() == (28, 22)
        assert catalog.value_first() == 100
        assert catalog.value_last() == 536
        assert catalog.i_min == 1
        assert catalog.i_max == 28
        assert catalog.j_min == 2
        assert catalog.j_max == 22
        assert len(catalog) == 110
        assert all(d[key] == catalog[key] for key in d)
Exemple #2
    def test_row_major_example(self):
        d = {
            (0, 4): 8,
            (0, 5): 9,
            (0, 6): 10,
            (1, 4): 11,
            (1, 5): 12,
            (1, 6): 13,
            (2, 4): 14,
            (2, 5): 15,
            (2, 6): 16
        catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder(d)
        catalog = catalog_builder.create()
        assert isinstance(catalog, LastIndexVariesQuickestCatalog2D)
        assert catalog.key_min() == (0, 4)
        assert catalog.key_max() == (2, 6)
        assert catalog.value_first() == 8
        assert catalog.value_last() == 16
        assert catalog.i_min == 0
        assert catalog.i_max == 2
        assert catalog.j_min == 4
        assert catalog.j_max == 6
        assert len(catalog) == 9

        with raises(KeyError):
            _ = catalog[(0, 0)]

        assert all(d[key] == catalog[key] for key in d)
Exemple #3
 def test_regular_mapping(self, start, num, step, values):
     assume(step != 0)
     mapping = {key: value for key, value in zip(range(start, start + num*step, step), values)}
     builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
     catalog = builder.create()
     shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
     self.assertEqual(len(shared_items), len(mapping))
Exemple #4
    def test_column_major_example(self):
        d = {
            (11, 14): 5,
            (13, 14): 10,
            (15, 14): 15,
            (11, 16): 20,
            (13, 16): 25,
            (15, 16): 30,
            (11, 18): 35,
            (13, 18): 40,
            (15, 18): 45
        catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder(d)
        catalog = catalog_builder.create()
        assert isinstance(catalog, FirstIndexVariesQuickestCatalog2D)
        assert catalog.key_min() == (11, 14)
        assert catalog.key_max() == (15, 18)
        assert catalog.value_first() == 5
        assert catalog.value_last() == 45
        assert catalog.i_min == 11
        assert catalog.i_max == 15
        assert catalog.j_min == 14
        assert catalog.j_max == 18
        assert len(catalog) == 9

        with raises(KeyError):
            _ = catalog[(0, 0)]

        assert all(d[key] == catalog[key] for key in d)
Exemple #5
 def test_regular_constant_mapping(self, start, num, step, value):
     assume(step != 0)
     mapping = {key: value for key in range(
         start, start + num * step, step)}
     builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
     catalog = builder.create()
     shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
     assert len(shared_items) == len(mapping)
Exemple #6
 def test_linear_regular_mapping(self, num, key_start, key_step, value_start, value_step):
     assume(key_step != 0)
     assume(value_step != 0)
     mapping = {key: value for key, value in zip(range(key_start, key_start + num*key_step, key_step),
                                                 range(value_start, value_start + num*value_step, value_step))}
     builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
     catalog = builder.create()
     shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
     self.assertEqual(len(shared_items), len(mapping))
Exemple #7
 def trace_indexes(self):
     if self._trace_index_catalog is None:
         trace_index_catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder()
         trace_index = 0
         dataset = self._array_dataset
         samples = dataset._samples
         for inline_index in range(0, samples.shape[0]):
             for xline_index in range(0, samples.shape[1]):
                 trace_samples = samples[inline_index, xline_index, :]
                 if dataset._trace_has_samples(trace_samples):
                     trace_index_catalog_builder.add(trace_index, (inline_index, xline_index))
         self._trace_index_catalog = trace_index_catalog_builder.create()
     return self._trace_index_catalog.keys()
Exemple #8
 def trace_indexes(self):
     if self._trace_index_catalog is None:
         trace_index_catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder()
         trace_index = 0
         dataset = self._array_dataset
         samples = dataset._samples
         for inline_index in range(0, samples.shape[0]):
             for xline_index in range(0, samples.shape[1]):
                 trace_samples = samples[inline_index, xline_index, :]
                 if dataset._trace_has_samples(trace_samples):
                         trace_index, (inline_index, xline_index))
         self._trace_index_catalog = trace_index_catalog_builder.create()
     return self._trace_index_catalog.keys()
Exemple #9
    def test_linear_regular_mapping_2d(self, i_start, i_num, i_step, j_start, j_num, j_step, c):
        assume(i_step != 0)
        assume(j_step != 0)

        def v(i, j):
            return (i - i_start) * ((j_start + j_num*j_step) - j_start) + (j - j_start) + c

        mapping = {(i, j): v(i, j)
                   for i in range(i_start, i_start + i_num*i_step, i_step)
                   for j in range(j_start, j_start + j_num*j_step, j_step)}

        builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
        catalog = builder.create()
        shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
        self.assertEqual(len(shared_items), len(mapping))
Exemple #10
 def test_irregular_mapping_gives_dictionary_catalog(self):
     mapping = {
         1: 2,
         2: 3,
         3: 5,
         5: 7,
         8: 11,
         13: 13,
         21: 17,
         34: 19,
         55: 23,
         89: 29,
         144: 31,
     builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
     catalog = builder.create()
     assert all(catalog[key] == value for key, value in mapping.items())
Exemple #11
    def test_complex_always_column_major_general(self, i_range, j_range, data):
        num_indices = len(i_range) * len(j_range)
        v_range = data.draw(ranges(min_size=num_indices, max_size=num_indices))
        d = {k: v for k, v in zip(((i, j) for j, i in product(j_range, i_range)), v_range)}

        # The catalog builder needs to be smart enough to recover the i and j ranges, the base
        # value, and the stride from this data.
        catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder(d)
        catalog = catalog_builder.create()
        assert isinstance(catalog, FirstIndexVariesQuickestCatalog2D)
        assert catalog.key_min() == (i_range.start, j_range.start)
        assert catalog.key_max() == (last(i_range), last(j_range))
        assert catalog.value_first() == v_range.start
        assert catalog.value_last() == last(v_range)
        assert catalog.i_min == i_range.start
        assert catalog.i_max == last(i_range)
        assert catalog.j_min == j_range.start
        assert catalog.j_max == last(j_range)
        assert len(catalog) == num_indices
        assert all(d[key] == catalog[key] for key in d)
Exemple #12
    def test_complex_column_major_example(self):
        i_range = range(1, 31, 3)
        j_range = range(2, 24, 2)
        base = 100
        stride = 4
        d = {k: v for k, v in zip(((i, j) for (j, i) in product(j_range, i_range)), count(start=base, step=stride))}
        # The previous line produces a dictionary which looks like this (note that the value here are
        # not consecutive, so while the dictionary is not displayed in column-major (first index varies
        # quickest) order, when sorted by value, it would be:
        # {(1, 2): 100,
        #  (1, 4): 140,
        #  (1, 6): 180,
        #  (1, 8): 220,
        #  (1, 10): 260,
        #  ...
        #  (28, 14): 376,
        #  (28, 16): 416,
        #  (28, 18): 456,
        #  (28, 20): 496,
        #  (28, 22): 536}

        # The catalog builder needs to be smart enough to recover the i and j ranges, the base
        # value, and the stride from this data.
        catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder(d)
        catalog = catalog_builder.create()
        assert isinstance(catalog, FirstIndexVariesQuickestCatalog2D)
        assert catalog.key_min() == (1, 2)
        assert catalog.key_max() == (28, 22)
        assert catalog.value_first() == 100
        assert catalog.value_last() == 536
        assert catalog.i_min == 1
        assert catalog.i_max == 28
        assert catalog.j_min == 2
        assert catalog.j_max == 22
        assert len(catalog) == 110
        assert all(d[key] == catalog[key] for key in d)
Exemple #13
 def test_arbitrary_mapping(self, mapping):
     builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
     catalog = builder.create()
     shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
     self.assertEqual(len(shared_items), len(mapping))
Exemple #14
 def test_empty_mapping_returns_empty_catalog(self):
     builder = CatalogBuilder([])
     catalog = builder.create()
     assert len(catalog) == 0
Exemple #15
 def test_arbitrary_mapping_2d(self, mapping):
     builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
     catalog = builder.create()
     shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
     assert len(shared_items) == len(mapping)
Exemple #16
 def test_adding_items_puts_them_in_the_catalog(self, mapping):
     builder = CatalogBuilder()
     for key, value in mapping.items():
         builder.add(key, value)
     catalog = builder.create()
     assert all(catalog[key] == value for key, value in mapping.items())
Exemple #17
 def test_duplicate_items_returns_none(self, mapping):
     builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping + mapping)
     catalog = builder.create()
     assert catalog is None
Exemple #18
 def test_constant_mapping(self, mapping):
     builder = CatalogBuilder(mapping)
     catalog = builder.create()
     shared_items = set(mapping.items()) & set(catalog.items())
     assert len(shared_items) == len(mapping)
Exemple #19
def catalog_traces(fh, bps, trace_header_format=TraceHeaderRev1, endian='>', progress=None):
    """Build catalogs to facilitate random access to trace_samples data.

        This function can take significant time to run, proportional
        to the number of traces in the SEG Y file.

    Four catalogs will be build:

     1. A catalog mapping trace_samples index (0-based) to the position of that
        trace_samples header in the file.

     2. A catalog mapping trace_samples index (0-based) to the number of
        samples in that trace_samples.

     3. A catalog mapping CDP number to the trace_samples index.

     4. A catalog mapping an (inline, crossline) number 2-tuple to
        trace_samples index.

        fh: A file-like-object open in binary mode, positioned at the
            start of the first trace_samples header.

        bps: The number of bytes per sample, such as obtained by a call
            to bytes_per_sample()

        trace_header_format: The class defining the trace header format.
            Defaults to TraceHeaderRev1.

        endian: '>' for big-endian data (the standard and default), '<'
            for little-endian (non-standard)

        progress: A unary callable which will be passed a number
            between zero and one indicating the progress made. If
            provided, this callback will be invoked at least once with
            an argument equal to 1

        A 4-tuple of the form (trace_samples-offset-catalog,
                               line-catalog)` where
        each catalog is an instance of ``collections.Mapping`` or None
        if no catalog could be built.
    progress_callback = progress if progress is not None else lambda p: None

    if not callable(progress_callback):
        raise TypeError("catalog_traces(): progress callback must be callable")

    class CatalogSubFormat(metaclass=SubFormatMeta,

    trace_header_packer = make_header_packer(CatalogSubFormat, endian)

    length = file_length(fh)

    pos_begin = fh.tell()

    trace_offset_catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder()
    trace_length_catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder()
    line_catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder()
    alt_line_catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder()
    cdp_catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder()

    for trace_number in count():
        progress_callback(_READ_PROPORTION * pos_begin / length)
        data = fh.read(TRACE_HEADER_NUM_BYTES)
        if len(data) < TRACE_HEADER_NUM_BYTES:
        trace_header = trace_header_packer.unpack(data)

        num_samples = trace_header.num_samples
        trace_length_catalog_builder.add(trace_number, num_samples)
        samples_bytes = num_samples * bps
        trace_offset_catalog_builder.add(trace_number, pos_begin)
        # Should we check the data actually exists?
        cdp_catalog_builder.add(trace_header.ensemble_num, trace_number)
        pos_end = pos_begin + TRACE_HEADER_NUM_BYTES + samples_bytes
        pos_begin = pos_end


    trace_offset_catalog = trace_offset_catalog_builder.create()
    progress_callback(_READ_PROPORTION + (_READ_PROPORTION / 4))

    trace_length_catalog = trace_length_catalog_builder.create()
    progress_callback(_READ_PROPORTION + (_READ_PROPORTION / 2))

    cdp_catalog = cdp_catalog_builder.create()
    progress_callback(_READ_PROPORTION + (_READ_PROPORTION * 3 / 4))

    line_catalog = line_catalog_builder.create()

    if line_catalog is None:
        # Some 3D files put Inline and Crossline numbers in (TraceSequenceFile, cdp) pair
        line_catalog = alt_line_catalog_builder.create()


    return (trace_offset_catalog,
Exemple #20
def catalog_fixed_length_traces(fh, binary_reel_header, trace_header_format=TraceHeaderRev1, endian='>', progress=None):
    """Build catalogs to for a fixed length SEG Y file. This is much faster 
    than the full catalog, but has limitations. No CDP, or inline, xline
    catalogs, and it only works for segy files with fixed legth SEG Y files.

        This function is faster than the full catalog, but has limitations. 
        No CDP, or inline, xline catalogs, and it only works for SEG Y files 
        with a fixed number of samples in each trace.

    Two catalogs will be built:

     1. A catalog mapping trace_samples index (0-based) to the position of that
        trace_samples header in the file.

     2. A catalog mapping trace_samples index (0-based) to the number of
        samples in that trace_samples.

        fh: A file-like-object open in binary mode, positioned at the
            start of the first trace_samples header.

        bps: The number of bytes per sample, such as obtained by a call
            to bytes_per_sample()

        trace_header_format: The class defining the trace header format.
            Defaults to TraceHeaderRev1.

        endian: '>' for big-endian data (the standard and default), '<'
            for little-endian (non-standard)

        progress: A unary callable which will be passed a number
            between zero and one indicating the progress made. If
            provided, this callback will be invoked at least once with
            an argument equal to 1

        A 4-tuple of the form (trace_samples-offset-catalog,
                               None)` where
        each catalog is an instance of ``collections.Mapping`` or None
        if no catalog could be built.
    revision = extract_revision(binary_reel_header)
    bps = bytes_per_sample(binary_reel_header, revision)
    progress_callback = progress if progress is not None else lambda p: None

    if not callable(progress_callback):
        raise TypeError("catalog_traces(): progress callback must be callable")

    class CatalogSubFormat(metaclass=SubFormatMeta,

    num_file_bytes = file_length(fh)
    num_traces_float = (num_file_bytes-REEL_HEADER_NUM_BYTES)/(TRACE_HEADER_NUM_BYTES+num_samples*bps)
    num_traces = int(num_traces_float)
    if num_traces != num_traces_float:
        raise ValueError(
            "SEG Y file {!r} of {} bytes is not consistent with a fixed trace length".format(
    trace_offset_catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder()
    trace_length_catalog_builder = CatalogBuilder()
    for trace_index in range(num_traces):
        pos_begin=REEL_HEADER_NUM_BYTES+(num_samples * bps+TRACE_HEADER_NUM_BYTES) * trace_index
        trace_length_catalog_builder.add(trace_index, num_samples)
        trace_offset_catalog_builder.add(trace_index, pos_begin)
    trace_offset_catalog = trace_offset_catalog_builder.create()
    trace_length_catalog = trace_length_catalog_builder.create()


    return (trace_offset_catalog,