Exemple #1
def read_textual_reel_header(fh, encoding):
    """Read the SEG Y card image header, also known as the textual header

        fh: A file-like object open in binary mode positioned such that the
            beginning of the textual header will be the next byte to read.

        encoding: Either 'cp037' for EBCDIC or 'ascii' for ASCII.

        A tuple of forty Unicode strings containing the transcoded header data.
    raw_header = fh.read(TEXTUAL_HEADER_NUM_BYTES)

    num_bytes_read = len(raw_header)
    if num_bytes_read < TEXTUAL_HEADER_NUM_BYTES:
        raise EOFError(
            "Only {} bytes of {} byte textual reel header could be read".
            format(num_bytes_read, TEXTUAL_HEADER_NUM_BYTES))

    lines = tuple(
        for raw_line in batched(raw_header, CARD_LENGTH))
    return lines
Exemple #2
 def test_pad_contents(self, items, batch_size, pad):
     assume(len(items) > 0)
     assume(0 < batch_size < 1000)
     num_left_over = len(items) % batch_size
     pad_length = batch_size - num_left_over if num_left_over != 0 else 0
     assume(pad_length != 0)
     batches = list(batched(items, batch_size, padding=pad))
     self.assertEqual(batches[-1][batch_size - pad_length :], [pad] * pad_length)
Exemple #3
 def test_pad_contents(self, items, batch_size, pad):
     assume(len(items) > 0)
     assume(0 < batch_size < 1000)
     num_left_over = len(items) % batch_size
     pad_length = batch_size - num_left_over if num_left_over != 0 else 0
     assume(pad_length != 0)
     batches = list(batched(items, batch_size, padding=pad))
     self.assertEqual(batches[-1][batch_size - pad_length:], [pad] * pad_length)
Exemple #4
def spaced_ranges(min_num_ranges, max_num_ranges, min_interval, max_interval):
    """A Hypothesis strategy to produce separated, non-overlapping ranges.

        min_num_ranges: The minimum number of ranges to produce. TODO: Correct?
        max_num_ranges: The maximum number of ranges to produce.
        min_interval: The minimum interval used for the lengths of the alternating ranges and spaces.
        max_interval: The maximum interval used for the lengths of the alternating ranges and spaces.
    return strategy(integers_in_range(min_num_ranges, max_num_ranges))               \
           .map(lambda n: 2*n)                                                       \
           .flatmap(lambda n: (integers_in_range(min_interval, max_interval),) * n)  \
           .map(list).map(lambda lst: list(accumulate(lst)))                         \
           .map(lambda lst: list(batched(lst, 2)))                                   \
           .map(lambda pairs: list(starmap(range, pairs)))
Exemple #5
def spaced_ranges(min_num_ranges, max_num_ranges, min_interval, max_interval):
    """A Hypothesis strategy to produce separated, non-overlapping ranges.

        min_num_ranges: The minimum number of ranges to produce. TODO: Correct?
        max_num_ranges: The maximum number of ranges to produce.
        min_interval: The minimum interval used for the lengths of the alternating ranges and spaces.
        max_interval: The maximum interval used for the lengths of the alternating ranges and spaces.
    return integers(min_num_ranges, max_num_ranges)               \
           .map(lambda n: 2*n)                                                       \
           .flatmap(lambda n: lists(integers(min_interval, max_interval), min_size=n, max_size=n))  \
           .map(list).map(lambda lst: list(accumulate(lst)))                         \
           .map(lambda lst: list(batched(lst, 2)))                                   \
           .map(lambda pairs: list(starmap(range, pairs)))
Exemple #6
def read_textual_reel_header(fh, encoding):
    """Read the SEG Y card image header, also known as the textual header

        fh: A file-like object open in binary mode positioned such that the
            beginning of the textual header will be the next byte to read.

        encoding: Either 'cp037' for EBCDIC or 'ascii' for ASCII.

        A tuple of forty Unicode strings containing the transcoded header data.
    raw_header = fh.read(TEXTUAL_HEADER_NUM_BYTES)

    num_bytes_read = len(raw_header)
    if num_bytes_read < TEXTUAL_HEADER_NUM_BYTES:
        raise EOFError("Only {} bytes of {} byte textual reel header could be read"
                       .format(num_bytes_read, TEXTUAL_HEADER_NUM_BYTES))

    lines = tuple(bytes(raw_line).decode(encoding) for raw_line in batched(raw_header, CARD_LENGTH))
    return lines
Exemple #7
def format_extended_textual_header(text, encoding, include_text_stop=False):
    """Format a string into pages and line suitable for an extended textual header.

        text: An arbitrary text string.  Any universal newlines will be preserved.

        encoding: Either ASCII ('ascii') or EBCDIC ('cp037')

        include_text_stop: If True, a text stop stanza header will be appended, otherwise not.

    if not is_supported_encoding(encoding):
        raise UnsupportedEncodingError("Extended textual header", encoding)

    # According to the standard: "The Extended Textual File Header consists of one or more 3200-byte records, each
    # record containing 40 lines of textual card-image text." It goes on "... Each line in an Extended Textual File
    # Header ends in carriage return and linefeed (EBCDIC 0D25 or ASCII 0D0A)."  Given that we're dealing with fixed-
    # length (80 byte) lines, this implies that we have 78 bytes of space into which we can encode the content of each
    # line, which must be left-justified and padded with spaces.

    original_lines = text.splitlines()

    # Split overly long lines (i.e. > 78) and pad too-short lines with spaces
    lines = []
    for original_line in original_lines:
        padded_lines = (pad_and_terminate_header_line(
            original_line[i:i + width], width)
                        for i in range(0, len(original_line), width))

    pages = list(batched(lines, 40, pad_and_terminate_header_line('', width)))

    if include_text_stop:
        stop_page = format_extended_textual_header(END_TEXT_STANZA,

    return pages
Exemple #8
def format_extended_textual_header(text, encoding, include_text_stop=False):
    """Format a string into pages and line suitable for an extended textual header.

        text: An arbitrary text string.  Any universal newlines will be preserved.

        encoding: Either ASCII ('ascii') or EBCDIC ('cp037')

        include_text_stop: If True, a text stop stanza header will be appended, otherwise not.

    if not is_supported_encoding(encoding):
        raise UnsupportedEncodingError("Extended textual header", encoding)

    # According to the standard: "The Extended Textual File Header consists of one or more 3200-byte records, each
    # record containing 40 lines of textual card-image text." It goes on "... Each line in an Extended Textual File
    # Header ends in carriage return and linefeed (EBCDIC 0D25 or ASCII 0D0A)."  Given that we're dealing with fixed-
    # length (80 byte) lines, this implies that we have 78 bytes of space into which we can encode the content of each
    # line, which must be left-justified and padded with spaces.

    original_lines = text.splitlines()

    # Split overly long lines (i.e. > 78) and pad too-short lines with spaces
    lines = []
    for original_line in original_lines:
        padded_lines = (pad_and_terminate_header_line(original_line[i:i+width], width)
                        for i in range(0, len(original_line), width))

    pages = list(batched(lines, 40, pad_and_terminate_header_line('', width)))

    if include_text_stop:
        stop_page = format_extended_textual_header(END_TEXT_STANZA, encoding)[0]

    return pages
Exemple #9
 def test_batch_size_less_than_one_raises_value_error(self):
     with raises(ValueError):
         batched([1, 2, 3], 0)
Exemple #10
 def test_pad(self):
     batches = list(batched([0, 0], 3, 42))
     assert batches[-1] == [0, 0, 42]
Exemple #11
 def test_batch_sizes_unpadded(self, items, batch_size):
     assume(batch_size > 0)
     batches = list(batched(items, batch_size))
     self.assertTrue(all(len(batch) == batch_size for batch in batches[:-1]))
Exemple #12
 def test_pad(self):
     batches = list(batched([0, 0], 3, 42))
     self.assertEqual(batches[-1], [0, 0, 42])
Exemple #13
 def test_final_batch_sizes(self, items, batch_size):
     assume(len(items) > 0)
     assume(batch_size > 0)
     batches = list(batched(items, batch_size))
     self.assertTrue(len(batches[-1]) <= batch_size)
Exemple #14
 def test_batch_sizes_padded(self, items, batch_size, pad):
     assume(batch_size > 0)
     batches = list(batched(items, batch_size, padding=pad))
     self.assertTrue(all(len(batch) == batch_size for batch in batches))
Exemple #15
 def test_batch_size_less_than_one_raises_value_error(self):
     with raises(ValueError):
         batched([1, 2, 3], 0)
Exemple #16
def format_standard_textual_header(revision, **kwargs):
    """Produce a standard SEG Y textual header.

        revision: The SEG Y revision.

        **kwargs: Named arguments corresponding to the values in the
            textual_reel_header.TEMPLATE_FIELD_NAMES dictionary,
            which in turn correspond to the placeholders in the
            textual_reel_header.TEMPLATE string.  Any omitted
            arguments will result in placeholders being replaced by spaces.
            If the end_marker argument is not supplied, an appropriate end
            marker will be selected based on the SEG Y revision. For standard
            end markers consider using textual_reel_header.END_TEXTUAL_HEADER
            or textual_reel_header.END_EBCDIC.  Any values which are longer
            than their placeholder will be truncated to the placeholder length.

        A list of forty Unicode strings.

        header = format_standard_textual_header(1,
                                            company="Western Geco",
                                            processing1="Sixty North AS",

    # Consider making the template module an argument with a default.
    kwargs.setdefault('end_marker', textual_reel_header.END_MARKERS[revision])

    template = textual_reel_header.TEMPLATE

    placeholder_slices = parse_template(template)
    background_slices = complementary_intervals(list(placeholder_slices.values()), 0, len(template))

    chunks = []
    for bg_slice, placeholder in zip_longest(background_slices,
        if bg_slice is not None:

        if placeholder is not None:
            ph_name, ph_slice = placeholder
            ph_arg_name = textual_reel_header.TEMPLATE_FIELD_NAMES[ph_name]
            ph_value = kwargs.pop(ph_arg_name, '')
            ph_len = ph_slice.stop - ph_slice.start
            substitute = str(ph_value)[:ph_len].ljust(ph_len, ' ')

    if len(kwargs) > 0:
        raise TypeError("The following keyword arguments did not correspond to template placeholders: {!r}"

    concatenation = ''.join(chunks)
    lines = list(''.join(s) for s in batched(concatenation, CARD_LENGTH))

    return lines
Exemple #17
 def test_pad(self):
     batches = list(batched([0, 0], 3, 42))
     self.assertEqual(batches[-1], [0, 0, 42])
Exemple #18
 def test_final_batch_sizes(self, items, batch_size):
     assume(len(items) > 0)
     assume(batch_size > 0)
     batches = list(batched(items, batch_size))
     self.assertTrue(len(batches[-1]) <= batch_size)
Exemple #19
 def test_batch_sizes_padded(self, items, batch_size, pad):
     assume(batch_size > 0)
     batches = list(batched(items, batch_size, padding=pad))
     self.assertTrue(all(len(batch) == batch_size for batch in batches))
Exemple #20
 def test_batch_sizes_unpadded(self, items, batch_size):
     assume(batch_size > 0)
     batches = list(batched(items, batch_size))
     self.assertTrue(all(len(batch) == batch_size for batch in batches[:-1]))
Exemple #21
 def test_pad(self):
     batches = list(batched([0, 0], 3, 42))
     assert batches[-1] == [0, 0, 42]