def get_or_attach_response(self, trace, dataless_inventories=(), xml_inventories=()): """ Returns or attach instrumental response, from dataless seed inventories (as returned by psstation.get_dataless_inventories()) and/or StationXML inventories (as returned by psstation.get_stationxml_inventories()). If a response if found in a dataless inventory, then a dict of poles and zeros is returned. If a response is found in a StationXML inventory, then it is directly attached to the trace and nothing is returned. Raises CannotPreprocess exception if no instrumental response is found. @type trace: L{Trace} @param dataless_inventories: inventories from dataless seed files (as returned by psstation.get_dataless_inventories()) @type dataless_inventories: list of L{obspy.xseed.parser.Parser} @param xml_inventories: inventories from StationXML files (as returned by psstation.get_stationxml_inventories()) @type xml_inventories: list of L{obspy.station.inventory.Inventory} """ t1 = # looking for instrument response... try: # ...first in dataless seed inventories paz = psstation.get_paz(, t=trace.stats.starttime, inventories=dataless_inventories) return paz except pserrors.NoPAZFound: # ... then in dataless seed inventories, replacing 'BHZ' with 'HHZ' # in trace's id (trick to make code work with Diogo's data) try: paz = psstation.get_paz( 'BHZ', 'HHZ'), t=trace.stats.starttime, inventories=dataless_inventories) return paz except pserrors.NoPAZFound: # ...finally in StationXML inventories try: trace.attach_response(inventories=xml_inventories) except: # no response found! raise pserrors.CannotPreprocess("No response found") delta = ( - t1).total_seconds() print "\nProcessed response attachment in {:.1f} seconds".format(delta)
def time_norm(self, trace, trcopy): if self.onebit_norm: # one-bit normalization = np.sign( else: # normalization of the signal by the running mean # in the earthquake frequency band trcopy.filter(type="bandpass", freqmin=self.freqmin_earthquake, freqmax=self.freqmax_earthquake, corners=self.corners, zerophase=self.zerophase) # decimating trace psutils.resample(trcopy, self.period_resample) # Time-normalization weights from smoothed abs(data) # Note that trace's data can be a masked array halfwindow = int( round(self.window_time * trcopy.stats.sampling_rate / 2)) mask = if else None tnorm_w = psutils.moving_avg(np.abs(, halfwindow=halfwindow, mask=mask) if # turning time-normalization weights into a masked array s = "[warning: {}.{} trace's data is a masked array]" print s.format(, trace.stats.station), tnorm_w =, if np.any((tnorm_w == 0.0) | np.isnan(tnorm_w)): # illegal normalizing value -> skipping trace raise pserrors.CannotPreprocess("Zero or NaN normalization weight") # time-normalization /= tnorm_w return trace
def get_merged_trace(self, station, date, xcorr_interval, skiplocs=CROSSCORR_SKIPLOCS, minfill=MINFILL, verbose=False): """ Returns one trace extracted from selected station, at selected date (+/- 1 hour on each side to avoid edge effects during subsequent processing). for 45 minute xcorr interval, change edge effects by 1 minute! Traces whose location belongs to *skiplocs* are discarded, then if several locations remain, only the first is kept. Finally, if several traces (with the same location) remain, they are merged, WITH GAPS FILLED USING LINEAR INTERPOLATION. Raises CannotPreprocess exception if: - no trace remain after discarded the unwanted locations - data fill is < *minfill* @type station: L{psstation.Station} @type date: L{} @param skiplocs: list of locations to discard in station's data @type skiplocs: iterable @param minfill: minimum data fill to keep trace @rtype: L{Trace} """ #calculate edge addition and subtraction as 1/24th of the overall time interval # startminutes = (xcorr_interval / 24.0) endminutes = xcorr_interval + startminutes # getting station's stream at selected date # (+/- one hour to avoid edge effects when removing response) t0 = UTCDateTime(date) # date at time 00h00m00s path_start = t0 - dt.timedelta(minutes=startminutes) path_end = t0 + dt.timedelta(minutes=endminutes) #station_path_old = station.getpath(date, MSEED_DIR) station_path_SQL = station.getpath(t0, t0+dt.timedelta\ (minutes=xcorr_interval)) #print "station old path: ", station_path_old #print "station SQl path: ", station_path_SQL #print #print "SQL path: ", station_path_SQL try: st = read(pathname_or_url=station_path_SQL, starttime=path_start, endtime=path_end) except: st = read_ref(station_path_SQL) st = st.trim(starttime=path_start, endtime=path_end) # check traces for tr in st: path_info = station_path_SQL.split('/') alt_station = path_info[-3] stats = tr.stats network = station = stats.station channel = if station == '' and len(alt_station) == 4: station = path_info[-3] if network == '': network = 'XX' if len(channel) == 1: channel = 'DH' + channel = channel tr.stats.station = station = network # MAKE THIS AN OPTION IN THE CONFIGURATION FILES! st ='Z') #print "st: ", st #st = read(pathname_or_url=station.getpath(date), # starttime=t0 - dt.timedelta(hours=1), # endtime=t0 + dt.timedelta(days=1, hours=1)) # removing traces of stream from locations to skip for tr in [tr for tr in st if tr.stats.location in skiplocs]: st.remove(tr) if not st.traces: # no remaining trace! raise pserrors.CannotPreprocess("No trace") # if more than one location, we retain only the first one if len(set( for tr in st)) > 1: select_loc = sorted(set(tr.stats.location for tr in st))[0] for tr in [tr for tr in st if tr.stats.location != select_loc]: st.remove(tr) # Data fill for current TIME INTERVAL! fill = psutils.get_fill(st, starttime=t0, endtime=t0 + dt.timedelta(minutes=endminutes)) if fill < minfill: # not enough data raise pserrors.CannotPreprocess("{:.0f}% fill".format(fill * 100)) # Merging traces, FILLING GAPS WITH LINEAR INTERP if len(st) > 1: st.split() st.merge(fill_value='interpolate') # st.merge() # if such and such about splitting occurs, then inact the split() fn #st.plot() #st.split() trace = st[0] return trace
def preprocess_trace(self, trace, paz=None, verbose=False): """ Preprocesses a trace (so that it is ready to be cross-correlated), by applying the following steps: - removal of instrument response, mean and trend - band-pass filtering between *freqmin*-*freqmax* - downsampling to *period_resample* secs - time-normalization (one-bit normalization or normalization by the running mean in the earthquake frequency band) - spectral whitening (if running mean normalization) Raises CannotPreprocess exception if: - trace only contains 0 (happens sometimes...) - a normalization weight is 0 or NaN - a Nan appeared in trace data Note that the processing steps are performed in-place. @type trace: L{Trace} @param paz: poles and zeros of instrumental response (set None if response is directly attached to trace) """ # ======================================= # Check if any data to work with to begin # ======================================= #print type(trace) #print "trace: ", trace if np.all( == 0.0): # no data -> skipping trace raise pserrors.CannotPreprocess("Only zeros") # ========================== # Remove instrument response # ========================== if RESP_REMOVE: t1 = trace = self.remove_resp(trace, paz=paz) delta = ( - t1).total_seconds() if verbose: print "\nRemoved response in {:.1f} seconds".format(delta) #Initialise the AutoTrigger class for the current trace if HIGHAMP_REMOVE: # this check finds high amplitude noise creates a list of where it is located in the signal TRIGGER = AutoTrigger(trace, freqmin=FREQMIN, freqmax=FREQMAX) UTC_events = TRIGGER.trigger_times(check=True) if UTC_events is not None: # set the application to remove these parts from the trace! trace_new = None for event in UTC_events: # event is a list of length 2, start and end times # use trace.trim(starttime=x, endtime=y) # trace 1 is from trace start until the event starttime trace1 = trace.trim(starttime=trace.stats.starttime, endtime=event[0]) trace2 = trace.trim(starttime=event[1], endtime=trace.stats.endtime) if trace_new is None: trace_new = trace1 + trace2 else: trace_new += (trace1 + trace2) # trace_new has removed all high amp. noise from trace original trace = trace_new print # ============================================== # Check trace data completeness is above MINFILL # ============================================== if COMPLETENESS: # Data fill for current TIME INTERVAL! # CHECK THAT THE get_fill_trace function works! fill = psutils.get_fill_trace(trace) if fill < MINFILL: # not enough data raise pserrors.CannotPreprocess("{:.0f}% fill"\ .format(fill*100)) # ======================== # Trim, demean and detrend # ======================== if TDD: t1 = midt = trace.stats.starttime + (trace.stats.endtime - trace.stats.starttime) / 2.0 t0 = UTCDateTime( # date of trace, at time 00h00m00s trace.trim(starttime=t0, endtime=t0 + dt.timedelta(days=1)) trace.detrend(type='constant') trace.detrend(type='linear') delta = ( - t1).total_seconds() if verbose: print "Processed trim in {:.1f} seconds".format(delta) #plt.figure() #plt.title("TDD") #plt.plot( #plt.clf() # ========= # Band-pass # ========= if BANDPASS: t0 = trace.filter(type="bandpass", freqmin=self.freqmin, freqmax=self.freqmax, corners=self.corners, zerophase=self.zerophase) delta = ( - t0).total_seconds() if verbose: print "Processed filters in {:.1f} seconds".format(delta) #plt.figure() #plt.title("Bandpass") #plt.plot( #plt.clf() # ============ # Downsampling # ============ if DOWNSAMPLE: if abs(1.0 / trace.stats.sampling_rate - self.period_resample) > EPS: psutils.resample(trace, dt_resample=self.period_resample) #plt.figure() #plt.title("DOWNSAMPLE") #plt.plot( #plt.clf() # ================== # Time normalization # ================== if TIME_NOMALISATION: t0 = # keeping a copy of the trace for weights of time-normalization trcopy = trace.copy() trace = self.time_norm(trace, trcopy) delta = ( - t0).total_seconds() if verbose: print "Processed time-normalisation in {:.1f} seconds"\ .format(delta) #plt.figure() #plt.title("NORMALISATION") #plt.plot( #plt.clf() # ================== # Spectral whitening # ================== if SPEC_WHITENING: t0 = trace = self.spectral_whitening(trace) delta = ( - t0).total_seconds() if verbose: print "Processed spectral whitening in {:.1f} seconds".\ format(delta) #plt.figure() #plt.title("SPECTRAL WHITENING") #plt.plot( #plt.clf() # ============================================== # Verifying that we don't have nan in trace data # ============================================== if np.any(np.isnan( raise pserrors.CannotPreprocess("Got NaN in trace data")