def make_signal_fits( sampMan, sel_base, eta_cuts, plot_var, xvar, binning, workspace, suffix ) : sampMan.clear_hists() for samp in sampMan.get_samples(isSignal=True ) : print 'Sample = ', res = re.match('(MadGraph|Pythia)ResonanceMass(\d+)_.*', ) if res is None : print 'Could not interpret path ', else : mass = float( if 'width0p01' ) : width = 0.0001 else : res2 = re.match('(MadGraph|Pythia)ResonanceMass(\d+)_width(\d)', ) width = float( if mass != 450 : continue ph_selection_sr = '%s==1' %defs.get_phid_selection('all') ph_idx_sr = defs.get_phid_idx( 'all' ) print binning[mass] addtl_cuts_sr = 'ph_pt[%s] > 50 && %s > %f && %s < %f ' %(ph_idx_sr, plot_var, binning[mass][1], plot_var, binning[mass][2] ) xvar.setBins(10000,'cache') xvar.setMin('cache',-100) xvar.setMax('cache',1500) for ieta in eta_cuts : full_suffix = '%s_%s_%s' %(, suffix, ieta) eta_str_sr = 'ph_Is%s[%s]' %( ieta, ph_idx_sr ) full_sel_sr = ' && '.join( [sel_base, ph_selection_sr, eta_str_sr, addtl_cuts_sr] ) #hist_sr = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sampname, plot_var, full_sel_sr, binning ) sampMan.create_hist( samp, plot_var, full_sel_sr, binning[mass] ) hist_sr = samp.hist integral = hist_sr.Integral() #hist_sr.Scale( 1.0/integral ) #datahist = ROOT.RooDataHist( 'srhist_%s' %full_suffix, 'srhist', ROOT.RooArgList(xvar), hist_sr) #histpdf = ROOT.RooHistPdf( 'srhistpdf_%s' %(full_suffix), 'srhistpdf' , ROOT.RooArgSet( xvar), datahist, 3 ) fit_max = mass*1.1 fit_min = mass/1.8 if mass >= 1000 : fit_max = mass*1.05 fit_min = mass*0.7 xvar.setMin( fit_min ) xvar.setMax( fit_max ) fitManager = FitManager( 'bwxcb', 0, hist_sr, plot_var, ieta, xvar, full_suffix, True, sample_params={'mass' : mass, 'width' : width}, ) fit_distribution( fitManager) #save_fit( fitManager, sampMan, workspace, stats_pos='left' ) iter_managers = [] iter_managers.append( fitManager ) saved_result = False for i in range( 0, 4 ) : #for i in [0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05] : print 'GOTHERE1' iter_managers.append(FitManager( 'bwxcb', 0, hist_sr, plot_var, ieta, xvar, full_suffix, True, sample_params={'mass' : mass, 'width' : width}, )) print 'GOTHERE2' cv_sigma = iter_managers[-2].cb_sigma.getValV() lo_sigma = iter_managers[-2].cb_sigma.getErrorLo() hi_sigma = iter_managers[-2].cb_sigma.getErrorHi() cv_power = iter_managers[-2].cb_power.getValV() lo_power = iter_managers[-2].cb_power.getErrorLo() hi_power = iter_managers[-2].cb_power.getErrorHi() cv_mass = iter_managers[-2].cb_mass.getValV() lo_mass = iter_managers[-2].cb_mass.getErrorLo() hi_mass = iter_managers[-2].cb_mass.getErrorHi() err_sigma = hi_sigma/cv_sigma err_power = hi_power/cv_power err_mass = hi_mass/cv_mass #new_lim_sigma = ( cv_sigma, cv_sigma*(1-i), cv_sigma*(1+i)) #new_lim_power = ( cv_power, cv_power*(1-i), cv_power*(1+i) ) #new_lim_mass = ( cv_mass, cv_mass*(1-i), cv_mass*(1+i) ) new_lim_sigma = ( cv_sigma, cv_sigma+lo_sigma, cv_sigma+hi_sigma) new_lim_power = ( cv_power, cv_power+lo_power, cv_power+hi_power ) new_lim_mass = ( cv_mass, cv_mass+lo_mass, cv_mass+hi_mass ) #if cv_sigma < 0 : # new_lim_sigma = ( new_lim_sigma[0], new_lim_sigma[2], new_lim_sigma[1]) #if cv_power < 0 : # new_lim_power = ( new_lim_power[0], new_lim_power[2], new_lim_power[1]) #if cv_mass < 0 : # new_lim_mass = ( new_lim_mass[0], new_lim_mass[2], new_lim_mass[1] ) print 'NEW DEFAULTS' print new_lim_sigma print new_lim_power print new_lim_mass iter_managers[-1].set_vals('cb_sigma', mass, new_lim_sigma ) iter_managers[-1].set_vals('cb_power', mass, new_lim_power ) iter_managers[-1].set_vals('cb_mass', mass, new_lim_mass ) print 'GOTHERE3' fit_distribution( iter_managers[-1] ) print 'GOTHERE4' cv_sigma_new = iter_managers[-1].cb_sigma.getValV() lo_sigma_new = iter_managers[-1].cb_sigma.getErrorLo() hi_sigma_new = iter_managers[-1].cb_sigma.getErrorHi() cv_power_new = iter_managers[-1].cb_power.getValV() lo_power_new = iter_managers[-1].cb_power.getErrorLo() hi_power_new = iter_managers[-1].cb_power.getErrorHi() cv_mass_new = iter_managers[-1].cb_mass.getValV() lo_mass_new = iter_managers[-1].cb_mass.getErrorLo() hi_mass_new = iter_managers[-1].cb_mass.getErrorHi() err_sigma_new = hi_sigma_new/cv_sigma_new err_power_new = hi_power_new/cv_power_new err_mass_new = hi_mass_new/cv_mass_new print 'Sigma : Previous error = %f, new error = %f' %( err_sigma, err_sigma_new ) print 'Power : Previous error = %f, new error = %f' %( err_power, err_power_new ) print 'Mass : Previous error = %f, new error = %f' %( err_mass, err_mass_new ) print 'GOTHERE5' # if we get worse results with the new fit, then use the previous one if math.fabs(err_sigma_new) > math.fabs(err_sigma) or math.fabs(err_power_new) > math.fabs(err_power) or math.fabs(err_mass_new) > math.fabs(err_mass) : print 'GOTHERE6' save_fit( iter_managers[-2], sampMan, workspace, stats_pos='left' ) print 'GOTHERE7' saved_result = True break # if we haven't saved the fit yet, then the best # version is the latest if not saved_result : print 'GOTHERE8' save_fit( iter_managers[-1], sampMan, workspace, stats_pos='left' ) print 'GOTHERE9'
def make_wjets_fit( sampMan, sample, sel_base, eta_cut, plot_var, shape_var, num_var, binning, xvar, suffix='', closure=False, workspace=None) : ph_selection_sr = '%s==1' %defs.get_phid_selection('medium') ph_selection_den = '%s==1'%defs.get_phid_selection( num_var, shape_var ) ph_selection_num = '%s==1' %defs.get_phid_selection( num_var ) ph_selection_shape = '%s==1' %defs.get_phid_selection( shape_var ) ph_idx_sr = defs.get_phid_idx( 'medium' ) ph_idx_den = defs.get_phid_idx( num_var, shape_var ) ph_idx_num = defs.get_phid_idx( num_var ) ph_idx_shape = defs.get_phid_idx( shape_var ) xmin = xvar.getMin() xmax = xvar.getMax() addtl_cuts_sr = 'ph_pt[%s] > 50 && %s > %d && %s < %d ' %( ph_idx_sr, plot_var, xmin, plot_var, xmax ) addtl_cuts_den = 'ph_pt[%s] > 50 && %s > %d && %s < %d ' %( ph_idx_den, plot_var, xmin, plot_var, xmax ) addtl_cuts_num = 'ph_pt[%s] > 50 && %s > %d && %s < %d ' %( ph_idx_num, plot_var, xmin, plot_var, xmax ) addtl_cuts_shape = 'ph_pt[%s] > 50 && %s > %d && %s < %d ' %( ph_idx_shape, plot_var, xmin, plot_var, xmax ) cut_var_shape = defs.get_phid_cut_var( shape_var ) cut_var_num = defs.get_phid_cut_var( num_var ) eta_str_shape = 'ph_Is%s[%s]' %( eta_cut, ph_idx_shape ) eta_str_den = 'ph_Is%s[%s]' %( eta_cut, ph_idx_den) eta_str_num = 'ph_Is%s[%s]' %( eta_cut, ph_idx_num ) eta_str_sr = 'ph_Is%s[%s]' %( eta_cut, ph_idx_sr ) cut_vals_shape = get_cut_defaults( shape_var, eta_cut ) cut_vals_num = get_cut_defaults( num_var, eta_cut ) cut_str_base = ' {var}[{idx}] > {val_low} && {var}[{idx}] < {val_high}' cut_str_shape = cut_str_base.format(var=cut_var_shape, idx=ph_idx_shape, val_low=cut_vals_shape[0], val_high=cut_vals_shape[1] ) cut_str_num = cut_str_base.format(var=cut_var_num, idx=ph_idx_num, val_low=cut_vals_num[0], val_high=cut_vals_num[1] ) cut_str_den_1 = cut_str_base.format(var=cut_var_shape, idx=ph_idx_den, val_low=cut_vals_shape[0], val_high=cut_vals_shape[1] ) cut_str_den_2 = cut_str_base.format(var=cut_var_num, idx=ph_idx_den, val_low=cut_vals_num[0], val_high=cut_vals_num[1] ) cut_str_den = cut_str_den_1 + ' && ' + cut_str_den_2 full_sel_shape = ' && '.join( [sel_base, ph_selection_shape, eta_str_shape, addtl_cuts_shape, cut_str_shape ] ) full_sel_num = ' && '.join( [sel_base, ph_selection_num, eta_str_num, addtl_cuts_num, cut_str_num] ) full_sel_den = ' && '.join( [sel_base, ph_selection_den, eta_str_den, addtl_cuts_den, cut_str_den] ) full_sel_sr = ' && '.join( [sel_base, ph_selection_sr, eta_str_sr, addtl_cuts_sr] ) label_shape = 'shape_%s' %suffix label_num = 'num_%s' %suffix label_den = 'den_%s' %suffix label_sr = 'sr_%s' %suffix if workspace is None : ws = ROOT.RooWorkspace( 'ws') else : ws = workspace hist_shape = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, plot_var, full_sel_shape, binning ) result_shape= fit_distribution( 'dijet', 2, hist_shape, xvar, label_shape , sampMan, ws ) hist_num = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, plot_var, full_sel_num , binning ) result_num = fit_distribution( 'dijet', 2, hist_num, xvar, label_num , sampMan, ws ) hist_den = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, plot_var, full_sel_den , binning ) result_den = fit_distribution( 'dijet', 2, hist_den, xvar, label_den , sampMan, ws ) _integral_num = ws.pdf( 'dijet_%s' %label_num ).getNormIntegral(ROOT.RooArgSet( xvar ) ) func_integral_num = _integral_num.getValV() _integral_den = ws.pdf( 'dijet_%s' %label_den).getNormIntegral(ROOT.RooArgSet( xvar ) ) func_integral_den = _integral_den.getValV() _integral_shape = ws.pdf( 'dijet_%s' %label_shape).getNormIntegral(ROOT.RooArgSet( xvar ) ) func_integral_shape = _integral_shape.getValV() hist_integral_num = result_num['integral'].n hist_integral_den = result_den['integral'].n hist_integral_shape = result_shape['integral'].n norm_num = hist_integral_num / func_integral_num norm_den = hist_integral_den / func_integral_den norm_shape = hist_integral_shape / func_integral_shape print 'func integral Num = ', func_integral_num print 'hist integral Num = ', hist_integral_num print 'normalization Num = ', norm_num print 'func integral Den = ', func_integral_den print 'hist integral Den = ', hist_integral_den print 'normalization Den = ', norm_den print 'func integral Shape = ', func_integral_shape print 'hist integral Shape = ', hist_integral_shape print 'normalization Shape = ', norm_shape power_pred_name = 'power_pred_%s' %suffix logcoef_pred_name = 'logcoef_pred_%s' %suffix #power_ratio_name = 'power_ratio_%s' %suffix #logcoef_ratio_name = 'logcoef_ratio_%s' %suffix val_power_num = ws.var( 'power_dijet_%s' %label_num ) val_power_den = ws.var( 'power_dijet_%s' %label_den ) val_power_shape = ws.var( 'power_dijet_%s' %label_shape ) val_logcoef_num = ws.var( 'logcoef_dijet_%s' %label_num ) val_logcoef_den = ws.var( 'logcoef_dijet_%s' %label_den ) val_logcoef_shape = ws.var( 'logcoef_dijet_%s' %label_shape ) power_pred = ROOT.RooRealVar( power_pred_name , 'power' , (val_power_num.getValV() + val_power_shape.getValV() - val_power_den.getValV()) , -100, 100) logcoef_pred = ROOT.RooRealVar( logcoef_pred_name , 'logcoef', (val_logcoef_num.getValV() + val_logcoef_shape.getValV() - val_logcoef_den.getValV()), -10, 10 ) #power_ratio = ROOT.RooRealVar( power_ratio_name , 'power' , val_power_num - val_power_den , -100, 100) #logcoef_ratio = ROOT.RooRealVar( logcoef_ratio_name, 'logcoef', val_logcoef_num - val_logcoef_den, -10, 10 ) can_ratio = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) func = 'TMath::Power(@0/13000, @1+@2*TMath::Log10(@0/13000))' prediction = ROOT.RooGenericPdf('dijet_prediction_%s' %suffix , 'prediction', func, ROOT.RooArgList(xvar,power_pred, logcoef_pred)) norm_pred = ROOT.RooRealVar( 'dijet_prediction_%s_norm' %(suffix), 'prediction normalization', (hist_integral_shape * hist_integral_num) / hist_integral_den ) getattr( ws , 'import' ) ( norm_pred ) getattr( ws , 'import' ) ( prediction ) ratio_func = ROOT.TF1( 'ratio_func', '( [2]*TMath::Power(x/13000, [0] + [1]*TMath::Log10(x/13000) ) ) ', xmin, xmax ) ratio_func.SetParameter(0, result_num['power'].n - result_den['power'].n) ratio_func.SetParameter(1, result_num['logcoef'].n - result_den['logcoef'].n ) ratio_func.SetParameter(2, norm_num / norm_den ) ratiohist = hist_num.Clone( 'closure_ratio_%s' %(suffix) ) ratiohist.Divide( hist_den ) ratiohist.SetMarkerStyle(20) ratiohist.SetMarkerSize(1) ratiohist.GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'Transverse Mass [GeV]' ) ratiohist.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'ratio of passing to failing %s' %shape_var ) ratiohist.Draw() ratiohist.SetStats(0) ratio_func.Draw('same') ratio_power_v = val_power_num.getValV() - val_power_den.getValV() ratio_power_e = math.sqrt(val_power_num.getErrorHi()*val_power_num.getErrorHi() + val_power_den.getErrorHi()*val_power_den.getErrorHi() ) ratio_logcoef_v = val_logcoef_num.getValV() - val_logcoef_den.getValV() ratio_logcoef_e = math.sqrt(val_logcoef_num.getErrorHi()*val_logcoef_num.getErrorHi() + val_logcoef_den.getErrorHi()*val_logcoef_den.getErrorHi() ) power_tex = ROOT.TLatex(0, 0, 'power = %.01f #pm %.02f' %( ratio_power_v, ratio_power_e )) logcoef_tex = ROOT.TLatex(0, 0, 'logcoef = %.01f #pm %.02f' %( ratio_logcoef_v, ratio_logcoef_e )) power_tex.SetNDC() logcoef_tex.SetNDC() power_tex .SetX( 0.6 ) power_tex .SetY( 0.84 ) logcoef_tex.SetX( 0.6 ) logcoef_tex.SetY( 0.78 ) power_tex.Draw() logcoef_tex.Draw() if closure : sampMan.outputs['wjetsclosure_ratio_%s' %suffix] = can_ratio else : sampMan.outputs['wjets_ratio_%s' %suffix] = can_ratio if closure : hist_sr = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, plot_var, full_sel_sr , binning ) result_sr = fit_distribution( 'dijet', 2, hist_sr, xvar, label_sr, sampMan, ws ) can_sr = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) pred_val = (hist_integral_shape * hist_integral_num) / hist_integral_den tot_sr = hist_sr.Integral( hist_sr.FindBin( xmin ), hist_sr.FindBin( xmax ) ) print 'SR integral = ', tot_sr sr_func = ROOT.TF1( 'sr_func', '( [2]*TMath::Power(x/13000, [0] + [1]*TMath::Log10(x/13000) ) ) ', xmin, xmax ) sr_func.SetParameter(0, result_num['power'].n + result_shape['power'].n - result_den['power'].n ) sr_func.SetParameter(1, result_num['logcoef'].n + result_shape['logcoef'].n - result_den['logcoef'].n ) sr_func.SetParameter(2, 1 ) sr_int = sr_func.Integral( xmin, xmax ) print 'Normalization = ',(norm_shape*norm_num) / norm_den print 'func Integral SR Before = ', sr_func.Integral( xmin, xmax ) sr_func.SetParameter(2, pred_val/sr_int ) hist_sr.Draw() sr_func.Draw('same') sampMan.outputs['wjetsclosure_pred_%s' %suffix] = can_sr tot_ratio = result_num['integral']/result_den['integral']
def make_wjets_fit( sampMan, sample, sel_base, eta_cut, plot_var, shape_var, num_var, binning, xvar, suffix='', closure=False, workspace=None) : #--------------------------------------- # Get the base selection for each region #--------------------------------------- ph_selection_sr = '%s==1' %defs.get_phid_selection('medium') ph_selection_den = '%s==1'%defs.get_phid_selection( num_var, shape_var ) ph_selection_num = '%s==1' %defs.get_phid_selection( num_var ) ph_selection_shape = '%s==1' %defs.get_phid_selection( shape_var ) #ph_selection_ABCD = '%s==1' %defs.get_phid_selection('all') ph_idx_sr = defs.get_phid_idx( 'medium' ) ph_idx_den = defs.get_phid_idx( num_var, shape_var ) ph_idx_num = defs.get_phid_idx( num_var ) ph_idx_shape = defs.get_phid_idx( shape_var ) #ph_idx_ABCD = defs.get_phid_idx('all') xmin = xvar.getMin() xmax = xvar.getMax() #--------------------------------------- # Add eta cuts, (IsEB, IsEE) #--------------------------------------- eta_str_shape = 'ph_Is%s[%s]' %( eta_cut, ph_idx_shape ) eta_str_den = 'ph_Is%s[%s]' %( eta_cut, ph_idx_den) eta_str_num = 'ph_Is%s[%s]' %( eta_cut, ph_idx_num ) eta_str_sr = 'ph_Is%s[%s]' %( eta_cut, ph_idx_sr ) #eta_str_ABCD = 'ph_Is%s[%s]' %( eta_cut, ph_idx_ABCD ) #--------------------------------------- # Add additional cuts, mainly restricting # the fitted variable to the plotting limits #--------------------------------------- addtl_cuts_sr = 'ph_pt[%s] > 50 && %s > %d && %s < %d ' %( ph_idx_sr, plot_var, xmin, plot_var, xmax ) addtl_cuts_den = 'ph_pt[%s] > 50 && %s > %d && %s < %d ' %( ph_idx_den, plot_var, xmin, plot_var, xmax ) addtl_cuts_num = 'ph_pt[%s] > 50 && %s > %d && %s < %d ' %( ph_idx_num, plot_var, xmin, plot_var, xmax ) addtl_cuts_shape = 'ph_pt[%s] > 50 && %s > %d && %s < %d ' %( ph_idx_shape, plot_var, xmin, plot_var, xmax ) #addtl_cuts_ABCD = 'ph_pt[%s] > 50 && %s > %d && %s < %d ' %( ph_idx_ABCD, plot_var, xmin, plot_var, xmax ) #--------------------------------------- # Get the cuts that define the photon # sideband regions #--------------------------------------- cut_str_base = ' {var}[{idx}] > {val_low} && {var}[{idx}] < {val_high}' cut_var_shape = defs.get_phid_cut_var( shape_var ) cut_var_num = defs.get_phid_cut_var( num_var ) cut_vals_shape = get_cut_defaults( shape_var, eta_cut ) cut_vals_num = get_cut_defaults( num_var, eta_cut ) cut_str_shape = cut_str_base.format(var=cut_var_shape, idx=ph_idx_shape, val_low=cut_vals_shape[0], val_high=cut_vals_shape[1] ) cut_str_num = cut_str_base.format(var=cut_var_num, idx=ph_idx_num, val_low=cut_vals_num[0], val_high=cut_vals_num[1] ) cut_str_den_1 = cut_str_base.format(var=cut_var_shape, idx=ph_idx_den, val_low=cut_vals_shape[0], val_high=cut_vals_shape[1] ) cut_str_den_2 = cut_str_base.format(var=cut_var_num, idx=ph_idx_den, val_low=cut_vals_num[0], val_high=cut_vals_num[1] ) cut_str_den = cut_str_den_1 + ' && ' + cut_str_den_2 #--------------------------------------- # put the cuts together #--------------------------------------- full_sel_shape = ' && '.join( [sel_base, ph_selection_shape, eta_str_shape, addtl_cuts_shape, cut_str_shape ] ) full_sel_num = ' && '.join( [sel_base, ph_selection_num, eta_str_num, addtl_cuts_num, cut_str_num] ) full_sel_den = ' && '.join( [sel_base, ph_selection_den, eta_str_den, addtl_cuts_den, cut_str_den] ) full_sel_sr = ' && '.join( [sel_base, ph_selection_sr, eta_str_sr, addtl_cuts_sr] ) #full_sel_ABCD = ' && '.join( [sel_base, ph_selection_ABCD, eta_str_ABCD, addtl_cuts_ABCD] ) label_shape = 'shape_%s_%s' %(sample,suffix) label_num = 'num_%s_%s' %(sample,suffix) label_den = 'den_%s_%s' %(sample,suffix) label_sr = 'sr_%s_%s' %(sample,suffix) if workspace is None : ws = ROOT.RooWorkspace( 'ws') else : ws = workspace jet_var = 'leadjet_pt' # 0 to 640 in bins of 5 jet_binning = (128,0.,640.) subjet_var = 'subljet_pt' # 0 to 380 in bins of 3.8 subjet_binning = (100,0.,380.) ht_var = 'trueht' # 0 to 7000 in bins of 50 ht_binning = (140,0.,7000.) ABCD_var = 'ph_sigmaIEIE:ph_chIsoCorr' ABCD_binning = (120,0.,12.,50,0.,0.05) #chIsovar = 'ph_chIso' #sigIEIEvar = 'ph_sigmaIEIE' chIso_B_var = 'ph_chIsoCorr[ptSorted_ph_mediumNoChIso_idx[0]]' sigIEIE_B_var = 'ph_sigmaIEIE[ptSorted_ph_mediumNoChIso_idx[0]]' chIso_C_var = 'ph_chIsoCorr[ptSorted_ph_mediumNoSIEIE_idx[0]]' sigIEIE_C_var = 'ph_sigmaIEIE[ptSorted_ph_mediumNoSIEIE_idx[0]]' chIso_D_var = 'ph_chIsoCorr[ptSorted_ph_mediumNoSIEIENoChIso_idx[0]]' sigIEIE_D_var = 'ph_sigmaIEIE[ptSorted_ph_mediumNoSIEIENoChIso_idx[0]]' twoD_B_var = 'ph_sigmaIEIE[ptSorted_ph_mediumNoChIso_idx[0]]:ph_chIsoCorr[ptSorted_ph_mediumNoChIso_idx[0]]' twoD_C_var = 'ph_sigmaIEIE[ptSorted_ph_mediumNoSIEIE_idx[0]]:ph_chIsoCorr[ptSorted_ph_mediumNoSIEIE_idx[0]]' twoD_D_var = 'ph_sigmaIEIE[ptSorted_ph_mediumNoSIEIENoChIso_idx[0]]:ph_chIsoCorr[ptSorted_ph_mediumNoSIEIENoChIso_idx[0]]' sigIEIE_binning = (50,0.,0.05) chIso_binning = (120,0.,12.) #--------------------------------------- # draw the histograms #--------------------------------------- hist_shape = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, plot_var, full_sel_shape, binning ) hist_num = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, plot_var, full_sel_num , binning ) hist_den = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, plot_var, full_sel_den , binning ) sampMan.outputs['%s_shapehist_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = hist_shape sampMan.outputs['%s_numhist_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = hist_num sampMan.outputs['%s_denhist_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = hist_den #hist_ABCD = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, ABCD_var, full_sel_ABCD, ABCD_binning ) hist_B = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, twoD_B_var, full_sel_shape, ABCD_binning ) hist_C = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, twoD_C_var, full_sel_num, ABCD_binning ) hist_D = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, twoD_D_var, full_sel_den, ABCD_binning ) hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_B = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, sigIEIE_B_var, full_sel_shape, sigIEIE_binning ) hist_1d_chIso_B = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, chIso_B_var, full_sel_shape, chIso_binning ) hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_C = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, sigIEIE_C_var, full_sel_num, sigIEIE_binning ) hist_1d_chIso_C = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, chIso_C_var, full_sel_num, chIso_binning ) hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_D = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, sigIEIE_D_var, full_sel_den, sigIEIE_binning ) hist_1d_chIso_D = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, chIso_D_var, full_sel_den, chIso_binning ) sampMan.outputs['%s_sigmaIEIE_B_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_B sampMan.outputs['%s_sigmaIEIE_C_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_C sampMan.outputs['%s_sigmaIEIE_D_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_D sampMan.outputs['%s_chIso_B_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = hist_1d_chIso_B sampMan.outputs['%s_chIso_C_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = hist_1d_chIso_C sampMan.outputs['%s_chIso_D_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = hist_1d_chIso_D #--------------------------------------- # make fit managers #--------------------------------------- fitMan_shape = FitManager( 'dijet', 3, '%s_shape' %sample, hist_shape, plot_var, eta_cut, xvar, label_shape, useRooFit=False ) fitMan_num = FitManager( 'dijet', 3, '%s_num' %sample, hist_num, plot_var, eta_cut, xvar, label_num, useRooFit=False ) fitMan_den = FitManager( 'dijet', 3, '%s_den' %sample, hist_den, plot_var, eta_cut, xvar, label_den, useRooFit=False ) #--------------------------------------- # Do the fits #--------------------------------------- result_shape= fitMan_shape.fit_histogram( ws ) result_num = fitMan_num.fit_histogram( ws ) result_den = fitMan_den.fit_histogram( ws ) print 'DEBUG: results of fit manager (shape, num, den): ',result_shape,result_num,result_den #--------------------------------------- # save the results #--------------------------------------- fitMan_den.save_fit( sampMan, ws, logy=True ) fitMan_shape.save_fit( sampMan, ws, logy=True ) fitMan_num.save_fit( sampMan, ws, logy=True ) #--------------------------------------- # calculate the function that describes # the ratio of num/den #--------------------------------------- _integral_num = ws.pdf( 'dijet_%s' %label_num ).getNormIntegral(ROOT.RooArgSet( xvar ) ) _integral_den = ws.pdf( 'dijet_%s' %label_den).getNormIntegral(ROOT.RooArgSet( xvar ) ) _integral_shape = ws.pdf( 'dijet_%s' %label_shape).getNormIntegral(ROOT.RooArgSet( xvar ) ) func_integral_num = _integral_num.getValV() func_integral_den = _integral_den.getValV() func_integral_shape = _integral_shape.getValV() hist_integral_num = result_num['integral'].n hist_integral_den = result_den['integral'].n hist_integral_shape = result_shape['integral'].n norm_num = hist_integral_num / func_integral_num norm_den = hist_integral_den / func_integral_den norm_shape = hist_integral_shape / func_integral_shape print 'func integral Num = ', func_integral_num print 'hist integral Num = ', hist_integral_num print 'normalization Num = ', norm_num print 'func integral Den = ', func_integral_den print 'hist integral Den = ', hist_integral_den print 'normalization Den = ', norm_den print 'func integral Shape = ', func_integral_shape print 'hist integral Shape = ', hist_integral_shape print 'normalization Shape = ', norm_shape power_pred_name = 'power_pred_%s' %suffix logcoef_pred_name = 'logcoef_pred_%s' %suffix log2coef_pred_name = 'log2coef_pred_%s' %suffix power_ratio_name = 'power_ratio_%s' %suffix logcoef_ratio_name = 'logcoef_ratio_%s' %suffix #name_power_num ='power' #name_power_den ='power' #name_power_shape ='power' #name_logcoef_num ='logcoef1' #name_logcoef_den ='logcoef1' #name_logcoef_shape ='logcoef1' name_power_num ='dijet_order1_%s' %label_num name_power_den ='dijet_order1_%s' %label_den name_power_shape ='dijet_order1_%s' %label_shape name_logcoef_num ='dijet_order2_%s' %label_num name_logcoef_den ='dijet_order2_%s' %label_den name_logcoef_shape ='dijet_order2_%s' %label_shape name_log2coef_num ='dijet_order3_%s' %label_num name_log2coef_den ='dijet_order3_%s' %label_den name_log2coef_shape ='dijet_order3_%s' %label_shape val_power_num = ws.var( name_power_num ) val_power_den = ws.var( name_power_den ) val_power_shape = ws.var( name_power_shape ) val_logcoef_num = ws.var( name_logcoef_num ) val_logcoef_den = ws.var( name_logcoef_den ) val_logcoef_shape = ws.var( name_logcoef_shape ) val_log2coef_num = ws.var( name_log2coef_num ) val_log2coef_den = ws.var( name_log2coef_den ) val_log2coef_shape = ws.var( name_log2coef_shape ) power_pred = ROOT.RooRealVar( power_pred_name , 'power' , (val_power_num.getValV() + val_power_shape.getValV() - val_power_den.getValV()) , -100, 100) logcoef_pred = ROOT.RooRealVar( logcoef_pred_name , 'logcoef', (val_logcoef_num.getValV() + val_logcoef_shape.getValV() - val_logcoef_den.getValV()), -10, 10 ) log2coef_pred = ROOT.RooRealVar( log2coef_pred_name , 'log2coef', (val_log2coef_num.getValV() + val_log2coef_shape.getValV() - val_log2coef_den.getValV()), -10, 10 ) #power_ratio = ROOT.RooRealVar( power_ratio_name , 'power' , val_power_num - val_power_den , -100, 100) #logcoef_ratio = ROOT.RooRealVar( logcoef_ratio_name, 'logcoef', val_logcoef_num - val_logcoef_den, -10, 10 ) #func = 'TMath::Power(@0/13000, @1+@2*TMath::Log10(@0/13000))' #prediction = ROOT.RooGenericPdf('dijet_prediction_%s' %suffix , 'prediction', func, ROOT.RooArgList(xvar,power_pred, logcoef_pred)) func = 'TMath::Power(@0/13000, @1+@2*TMath::Log10(@0/13000)+@3*TMath::Log10(@0/13000)*TMath::Log10(@0/13000))' prediction = ROOT.RooGenericPdf('dijet_prediction_%s' %suffix , 'prediction', func, ROOT.RooArgList(xvar,power_pred, logcoef_pred, log2coef_pred)) norm_pred = ROOT.RooRealVar( 'dijet_prediction_%s_norm' %(suffix), 'prediction normalization', (hist_integral_shape * hist_integral_num) / hist_integral_den ) getattr( ws , 'import' ) ( norm_pred ) getattr( ws , 'import' ) ( prediction ) #--------------------------------------- # Save the ABCD plots #--------------------------------------- #can_ABCD = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) #can_ABCD.SetLogz() #hist_ABCD.Scale(1./hist_ABCD.Integral()) #hist_ABCD.Draw("colz") #print "DEBUG: ABCD integral = ",hist_ABCD.Integral() can_B = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) can_B.SetLogz() hist_B.Scale(1./hist_B.Integral()) hist_B.Draw("colz") print "DEBUG: B integral = ",hist_B.Integral() can_C = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) hist_C.Scale(1./hist_C.Integral()) can_C.SetLogz() hist_C.Draw("colz") print "DEBUG: C integral = ",hist_C.Integral() can_D = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) hist_D.Scale(1./hist_D.Integral()) can_D.SetLogz() hist_D.Draw("colz") print "DEBUG: D integral = ",hist_D.Integral() can_1d_sig_B = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) can_1d_sig_B.SetLogy() hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_B.Draw('l') can_1d_iso_B = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) can_1d_iso_B.SetLogy() hist_1d_chIso_B.Draw('l') can_1d_sig_C = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) can_1d_sig_C.SetLogy() hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_C.Draw('l') can_1d_iso_C = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) can_1d_iso_C.SetLogy() hist_1d_chIso_C.Draw('l') can_1d_sig_D = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) can_1d_sig_D.SetLogy() hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_D.Draw('l') can_1d_iso_D = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) can_1d_iso_D.SetLogy() hist_1d_chIso_D.Draw('l') #plot sigmaIEIE in regions B, C, D can_1d_sig = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) can_1d_sig.SetLogy() hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_B = ROOT.TH1F(str(uuid.uuid4()) , str(uuid.uuid4()), hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_B.GetNbinsX(), hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_B.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_B.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_C = ROOT.TH1F(str(uuid.uuid4()) , str(uuid.uuid4()), hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_C.GetNbinsX(), hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_C.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_C.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_D = ROOT.TH1F(str(uuid.uuid4()) , str(uuid.uuid4()), hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_D.GetNbinsX(), hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_D.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_D.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_B.Copy(hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_B) hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_C.Copy(hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_C) hist_1d_sigmaIEIE_D.Copy(hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_D) ROOT.SetOwnership( hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_B, False ) ROOT.SetOwnership( hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_C, False ) ROOT.SetOwnership( hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_D, False ) hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_B.Scale(1./hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_B.Integral()) hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_C.Scale(1./hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_C.Integral()) hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_D.Scale(1./hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_D.Integral()) hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_B.SetLineColor(2) hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_C.SetLineColor(1) hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_D.SetLineColor(4) hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_B.SetMarkerColor(2) hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_C.SetMarkerColor(1) hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_D.SetMarkerColor(4) hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_B.Draw('l') hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_C.Draw('same') hist_norm_1d_sigmaIEIE_D.Draw('same') #plot chIso in regions B, C, D can_1d_iso = ROOT.TCanvas( str(uuid.uuid4()), '' ) can_1d_iso.SetLogy() hist_norm_1d_chIso_B = ROOT.TH1F(str(uuid.uuid4()) , str(uuid.uuid4()), hist_1d_chIso_B.GetNbinsX(), hist_1d_chIso_B.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), hist_1d_chIso_B.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) hist_norm_1d_chIso_C = ROOT.TH1F(str(uuid.uuid4()) , str(uuid.uuid4()), hist_1d_chIso_C.GetNbinsX(), hist_1d_chIso_C.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), hist_1d_chIso_C.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) hist_norm_1d_chIso_D = ROOT.TH1F(str(uuid.uuid4()) , str(uuid.uuid4()), hist_1d_chIso_D.GetNbinsX(), hist_1d_chIso_D.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), hist_1d_chIso_D.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) hist_1d_chIso_B.Copy(hist_norm_1d_chIso_B) hist_1d_chIso_C.Copy(hist_norm_1d_chIso_C) hist_1d_chIso_D.Copy(hist_norm_1d_chIso_D) ROOT.SetOwnership( hist_norm_1d_chIso_B, False ) ROOT.SetOwnership( hist_norm_1d_chIso_C, False ) ROOT.SetOwnership( hist_norm_1d_chIso_D, False ) hist_norm_1d_chIso_B.Scale(1./hist_norm_1d_chIso_B.Integral()) hist_norm_1d_chIso_C.Scale(1./hist_norm_1d_chIso_C.Integral()) hist_norm_1d_chIso_D.Scale(1./hist_norm_1d_chIso_D.Integral()) hist_norm_1d_chIso_B.SetLineColor(2) hist_norm_1d_chIso_C.SetLineColor(1) hist_norm_1d_chIso_D.SetLineColor(4) hist_norm_1d_chIso_B.SetMarkerColor(2) hist_norm_1d_chIso_C.SetMarkerColor(1) hist_norm_1d_chIso_D.SetMarkerColor(4) hist_norm_1d_chIso_C.Draw('l') hist_norm_1d_chIso_B.Draw('same') hist_norm_1d_chIso_D.Draw('same') #--------------------------------------- # Save the ratio histogram #--------------------------------------- # canvas for ratio histogram can_ratio = ROOT.TCanvas( 'canv_ratio_%s' %(plot_var), 'canv_ratio_%s' %(plot_var) ) #ROOT.SetOwnership( can_ratio, False ) # ratio histogram = numerator histogram/denominator histogram ratiohist = ROOT.TH1F( 'ratio_%s' %(plot_var), 'ratio_%s' %(plot_var), hist_num.GetNbinsX(), hist_num.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), hist_num.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) hist_num.Copy( ratiohist) ROOT.SetOwnership( ratiohist, False ) print "DEBUG: first bin of num before div = ",ratiohist.GetBinContent(1) print "DEBUG: first bin of den before div = ",hist_den.GetBinContent(1) ratiohist.Divide( hist_den ) print "DEBUG: first bin of ratio after div = ",ratiohist.GetBinContent(1) ratiohist.SetMarkerStyle(20) ratiohist.SetMarkerSize(1) ratiohist.GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'Transverse Mass [GeV]' ) ratiohist.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'ratio of passing to failing %s' %shape_var ) ratiohist.Draw() ratiohist.SetStats(0) ratiohist.SetMinimum( 0) ratiohist.SetMaximum( 5) #ratio_func = ROOT.TF1( 'ratio_func_%s'%(str(uuid.uuid4())), '( [2]*TMath::Power(x/13000, [0] + [1]*TMath::Log10(x/13000) ) ) ', xmin, xmax ) ratio_func = ROOT.TF1( 'ratio_func', '[0]', xmin, xmax ) print 'DEBUG: ratio function = ',ratio_func ROOT.SetOwnership( ratio_func, False ) print 'DEBUG: ratio function value at 200 GeV = ',ratio_func.Eval(200.) print 'DEBUG: ratio of integrals = ',hist_num.Integral()/hist_den.Integral() ratio_func.SetParameter(0, hist_num.Integral()/hist_den.Integral()) #ratio_func.SetParameter(0, result_num[name_power_num].n - result_den[name_power_den].n) #ratio_func.SetParameter(1, result_num[name_logcoef_num].n - result_den[name_logcoef_den].n ) #ratio_func.SetParameter(2, norm_num / norm_den ) ratiohist.Fit("ratio_func","RL","",xmin,xmax) print 'xmin and xmax are ',xmin,xmax f = ratiohist.GetFunction("ratio_func") fitvalue = ratio_func.GetParameter(0) print 'DEBUG: fitted straight line at ',fitvalue print 'DEBUG: chisquare of fit = ',f.GetChisquare() print 'DEBUG: ndof of fit = ',f.GetNDF() print 'DEBUG: testing f->GetParameter(0) = ',f.GetParameter(0) print 'DEBUG: testing f->GetParError(0) = ',f.GetParError(0) ratio_func.Draw('same') print 'DEBUG: prediction in A from B*C/D histograms = ',hist_shape.Integral(hist_shape.FindBin( xmin ), hist_shape.FindBin( xmax ))*hist_num.Integral(hist_num.FindBin( xmin ), hist_num.FindBin( xmax ))/hist_den.Integral(hist_den.FindBin( xmin ), hist_den.FindBin( xmax )) #ratio_power_v = val_power_num.getValV() - val_power_den.getValV() #ratio_power_e = math.sqrt(val_power_num.getErrorHi()*val_power_num.getErrorHi() + val_power_den.getErrorHi()*val_power_den.getErrorHi() ) #ratio_logcoef_v = val_logcoef_num.getValV() - val_logcoef_den.getValV() #ratio_logcoef_e = math.sqrt(val_logcoef_num.getErrorHi()*val_logcoef_num.getErrorHi() + val_logcoef_den.getErrorHi()*val_logcoef_den.getErrorHi() ) #power_tex = ROOT.TLatex(0, 0, 'power = %.01f #pm %.02f' %( ratio_power_v, ratio_power_e )) #ROOT.SetOwnership( power_tex, False ) #logcoef_tex = ROOT.TLatex(0, 0, 'logcoef = %.01f #pm %.02f' %( ratio_logcoef_v, ratio_logcoef_e )) #ROOT.SetOwnership( logcoef_tex, False ) #power_tex.SetNDC() #logcoef_tex.SetNDC() #power_tex .SetX( 0.6 ) #power_tex .SetY( 0.84 ) #logcoef_tex.SetX( 0.6 ) #logcoef_tex.SetY( 0.78 ) #power_tex.Draw('same') #logcoef_tex.Draw('same') #sampMan.outputs['wjets_ABCD_%s' %suffix] = can_ABCD sampMan.outputs['%s_B_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = can_B sampMan.outputs['%s_C_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = can_C sampMan.outputs['%s_D_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = can_D sampMan.outputs['%s_sigmaIEIE_B_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = can_1d_sig_B sampMan.outputs['%s_chIso_B_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = can_1d_iso_B sampMan.outputs['%s_sigmaIEIE_C_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = can_1d_sig_C sampMan.outputs['%s_chIso_C_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = can_1d_iso_C sampMan.outputs['%s_sigmaIEIE_D_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = can_1d_sig_D sampMan.outputs['%s_chIso_D_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = can_1d_iso_D sampMan.outputs['%s_sigmaIEIE_BCD_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = can_1d_sig sampMan.outputs['%s_chIso_BCD_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = can_1d_iso if closure : # sampMan.outputs['wjetsclosure_ratio_%s' %suffix] = can_ratio sampMan.outputs['%sclosure_ratio_hist_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = ratiohist sampMan.outputs['%sclosure_ratio_func_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = ratio_func #sampMan.outputs['wjetsclosure_ratio_power_%s' %suffix] = power_tex #sampMan.outputs['wjetsclosure_ratio_logcoef_%s' %suffix] = logcoef_tex else : # sampMan.outputs['wjets_ratio_%s' %suffix] = can_ratio sampMan.outputs['%s_ratio_hist_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = ratiohist sampMan.outputs['%s_ratio_func_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = ratio_func #sampMan.outputs['wjets_ratio_power_%s' %suffix] = power_tex #sampMan.outputs['wjets_ratio_logcoef_%s' %suffix] = logcoef_tex if closure : # canvas for signal region predictions can_sr = ROOT.TCanvas( 'canv_sig_%s_%s' %(sample,plot_var), 'canv_sig_%s_%s' %(sample,plot_var) ) ROOT.SetOwnership( can_sr, False ) hist_sr = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, plot_var, full_sel_sr , binning ) ROOT.SetOwnership( hist_sr, False ) hist_sr.GetXaxis().SetTitle( 'Transverse Mass [GeV]' ) #hist_sr.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'ratio of passing to failing %s' %shape_var ) ##really? hist_sr.GetYaxis().SetTitle( 'Events in signal region' ) # fit a dijet2 function to region A fitMan_sr = FitManager( 'dijet', 3, sample, hist_sr, plot_var, eta_cut, xvar, suffix, useRooFit=False ) result_sr = fitMan_sr.fit_histogram( ws ) # from histograms in MC regions B, C, and D # predicted number of sr events pred_val = (hist_integral_shape * hist_integral_num) / hist_integral_den # from histogram in MC region A # predicted number of sr events tot_sr = hist_sr.Integral( hist_sr.FindBin( xmin ), hist_sr.FindBin( xmax ) ) print 'DEBUG: SR prediction from BCD MC = ',pred_val print 'DEBUG: SR MC events from A = ',tot_sr print 'SR integral = ', tot_sr # from functions fitted to regions BCD # predicted number of sr events sr_func = ROOT.TF1( 'sr_func', '( [2]*TMath::Power(x/13000, [0] + [1]*TMath::Log10(x/13000) ) ) ', xmin, xmax ) #sr_func = ROOT.TF1( 'sr_func', '[3]*TMath::Power(x/13000, [0]+[1]*TMath::Log10(x/13000)+[2]*TMath::Log10(x/13000)*TMath::Log10(x/13000))', xmin, xmax ) ROOT.SetOwnership( sr_func, False ) sr_func.SetParameter(0, result_num[name_power_num].n + result_shape[name_power_shape].n - result_den[name_power_den].n ) sr_func.SetParameter(1, result_num[name_logcoef_num].n + result_shape[name_logcoef_shape].n - result_den[name_logcoef_den].n ) #sr_func.SetParameter(2, result_num[name_log2coef_num].n + result_shape[name_log2coef_shape].n - result_den[name_log2coef_den].n ) sr_func.SetParameter(2, 1) sr_int = sr_func.Integral( xmin, xmax ) print 'normalizations (shape, num, den) = ',norm_shape,norm_num,norm_den #print 'Normalization = ',(norm_shape*norm_num) / norm_den print 'func Integral SR Before = ', sr_func.Integral( xmin, xmax ) sr_func.SetParameter(2, pred_val/sr_int ) print 'func Integral SR After = ', sr_func.Integral( xmin, xmax ) print 'DEBUG: closure SR fit function value at 200 GeV = ',sr_func.Eval(200.) hist_sr.Draw() sr_func.Draw('same') sampMan.outputs['%sclosure_sr_pred_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = can_sr sampMan.outputs['%sclosure_srhist_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = hist_sr tot_ratio = result_num['integral']/result_den['integral'] print 'DEBUG: result_num[integral]/result_den[integral] = ',tot_ratio hist_jetpt = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, jet_var, sel_base, jet_binning ) hist_subjetpt = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, subjet_var, sel_base, subjet_binning ) hist_trueht = clone_sample_and_draw( sampMan, sample, ht_var, sel_base, ht_binning ) sampMan.outputs['%sclosure_jetpt_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = hist_jetpt sampMan.outputs['%sclosure_subjetpt_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = hist_subjetpt sampMan.outputs['%sclosure_trueht_%s' %(sample,suffix)] = hist_trueht