Exemple #1
def before_all(context):
    """Setup static test data before any tests run.

    This is data that does not change from test to test so it only needs to be setup
    and torn down once.
    use_fixture(acct_api_client, context)
    context.db = connect_to_db(context.client_config["DB_CONNECTION_CONFIG"])
Exemple #2
def before_all(context):
    """Setup static test data before any tests run.

    This is data that does not change from test to test so it only needs to be setup
    and torn down once.
    _log.info("setting up test suite...")
    use_fixture(public_api_client, context)
    context.cache = SeleneCache()
    context.db = connect_to_db(context.client_config["DB_CONNECTION_CONFIG"])
    context.wake_words = {"hey selene": add_wake_word(context.db)}
    data_dir = mkdtemp()
    context.wake_word_dir = Path(data_dir).joinpath("wake-word")
    os.environ["SELENE_DATA_DIR"] = data_dir
def before_all(context):
    use_fixture(acct_api_client, context)
    context.db = connect_to_db(context.client_config['DB_CONNECTION_CONFIG'])
    agreements = add_agreements(context.db)
    context.terms_of_use = agreements[0]
    context.privacy_policy = agreements[1]
    context.open_dataset = agreements[2]
def before_all(context):
    """Global setup to run before any tests."""
    use_fixture(sso_client, context)
    os.environ["SALT"] = "testsalt"
    context.db = connect_to_db(context.client_config["DB_CONNECTION_CONFIG"])