def _pretrained_resnet_biases_initializer(name, data, info=DummyDict(), full_info=DummyDict(), pre_adjust_batch_norm=False, bn_name=None, scale_name=None): shape = None #callback = lambda x: x if name in data and '1' in data[name]: init_type = 'file' sc_sigma = data[name]['0'].copy() sc_bias = data[name]['1'].copy() #if pre_adjust_batch_norm and scale_name is not None and bn_name is not None and bn_name in data: if pre_adjust_batch_norm and bn_name is not None and bn_name in data: bn_data = data[bn_name] bn_sigma = np.sqrt(1e-5 + bn_data['1'] / bn_data['2']) mu = bn_data['0'] / bn_data['2'] #sc_bias = sc_bias - mu * sc_sigma / bn_sigma #callback = lambda x: x - mu * sc_sigma / bn_sigma #sc_bias = -mu / bn_sigma #sc_bias = -mu sc_bias = np.zeros_like(mu) init_type += ':batch-adjusted' #(b-={})'.format(mu*sc_sigma/bn_sigma) init = tf.constant_initializer(sc_bias) #if full_info['config']['return_weights']: #full_info['weights'][name+':biases'] = sc_bias shape = sc_bias.shape else: init_type = 'init' init = tf.constant_initializer(0.0) info[name + '/biases'] = init_type return init, shape #, callback
def add_info(name, z, pre=None, info=DummyDict()): info['activations'][name] = z if info['config'].get('save_pre'): info['activations']['pre:' + name] = pre if info.get('scale_summary'): with tf.name_scope('activation'): tf.summary.scalar('activation/' + name, tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(z**2)))
def _pretrained_alex_inner_weights_initializer(name, data, info=DummyDict(), pre_adjust_batch_norm=False, prefix=''): shape = None if name in data and '0' in data[name]: tr = {'fc6': (4096, 256, 6, 6)} W = caffe.from_caffe(data[name]['0'], name=name, conv_fc_transitionals=tr, color_layer='conv1') W = W.reshape((-1, W.shape[-1])) init_type = 'file' bn_name = 'batch_' + name if pre_adjust_batch_norm and bn_name in data: bn_data = data[bn_name] sigma = np.sqrt(1e-5 + bn_data['1'] / bn_data['2']) W /= sigma init_type += ':batch-adjusted' init = tf.constant_initializer(W.copy()) shape = W.shape else: init_type = 'init' init = tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer() info[prefix + ':' + name + '/weights'] = init_type return init, shape
def _pretrained_vgg_inner_weights_initializer(name, data, info=DummyDict(), pre_adjust_batch_norm=False, prefix=''): shape = None if name in data and '0' in data[name]: W = data[name]['0'] if name == 'fc6': W = W.reshape(W.shape[0], 512, 7, 7).transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(4096, -1).T else: W = W.T init_type = 'file' bn_name = 'batch_' + name if pre_adjust_batch_norm and bn_name in data: bn_data = data[bn_name] sigma = np.sqrt(1e-5 + bn_data['1'] / bn_data['2']) W /= sigma init_type += ':batch-adjusted' init = tf.constant_initializer(W.copy()) shape = W.shape else: init_type = 'init' init = tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer() info[prefix + ':' + name + '/weights'] = init_type return init, shape
def vgg_inner(x, channels, info=DummyDict(), stddev=None, activation=tf.nn.relu, name=None, parameters={}, parameter_name=None, prefix=''): if parameter_name is None: parameter_name = name with tf.name_scope(name): f = channels features =[1:]) xflat = tf.reshape(x, [-1, features]) shape = [features, channels] W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_vgg_inner_weights_initializer( parameter_name, parameters, info=info.get('init'), prefix=prefix) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_vgg_biases_initializer( parameter_name, parameters, info=info.get('init'), prefix=prefix) assert W_shape is None or tuple(W_shape) == tuple( shape), "Incorrect weights shape for %s" % name assert b_shape is None or tuple(b_shape) == ( f, ), "Incorrect bias shape for %s" % name with tf.variable_scope(name): W = tf.get_variable('weights', shape, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) b = tf.get_variable('biases', [f], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) z = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(xflat, W), b) if info['config'].get('save_pre'): info['activations']['pre:' + name] = z if activation is not None: z = activation(z) info['activations'][name] = z if info.get('scale_summary'): with tf.name_scope('activation'): tf.summary.scalar('activation/' + name, tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(z**2))) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = b return z
def _pretrained_resnet_inner_weights_initializer(name, data, info=DummyDict(), full_info=DummyDict(), pre_adjust_batch_norm=False, bn_name=None): shape = None mu = 0.0 sg = 1.0 if name in data and '0' in data[name]: W = data[name]['0'] W = W.T init_type = 'file' #if pre_adjust_batch_norm and bn_name is not None and bn_name in data: # bn_data = data[bn_name] # sigma = np.sqrt(1e-5 + bn_data['1'] / bn_data['2']) # W /= sigma # init_type += ':batch-adjusted' if pre_adjust_batch_norm and bn_name is not None and bn_name in data: bn_data = data[bn_name] bn_sigma = np.sqrt(1e-5 + bn_data['1'] / bn_data['2']) sc_sigma = data[scale_name]['0'] #W /= bn_sigma / sc_sigma #callback = lambda x: x * sc_sigma / bn_sigma #mu = -bn_data['0'] / bn_data['2'] * sc_sigma / bn_sigma mu = data[scale_name][ '1'] - bn_data['0'] / bn_data['2'] * sc_sigma / bn_sigma #mu = data[scale_name]['1'] sg = sc_sigma / bn_sigma init_type += ':batch-adjusted' #(W*={})'.format(sc_sigma / bn_sigma) init = tf.constant_initializer(W.copy()) #if full_info['config']['return_weights']: #full_info['weights'][name+':weights'] = W shape = W.shape else: init_type = 'init' init = tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer() info[name + '/weights'] = init_type return init, shape, mu, sg
def resnet_inner(x, channels, info=DummyDict(), stddev=None, activation=tf.nn.relu, name=None, parameters={}, parameter_name=None): if parameter_name is None: parameter_name = name with tf.name_scope(name): f = channels features =[1:]) xflat = tf.reshape(x, [-1, features]) shape = [features, channels] W_init, W_shape, mu, sg = _pretrained_resnet_inner_weights_initializer( parameter_name, parameters, info=info.get('init')) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_resnet_biases_initializer( parameter_name, parameters, info=info.get('init')) assert W_shape is None or tuple(W_shape) == tuple( shape ), "Incorrect weights shape for {} (file: {}, spec: {})".format( name, W_shape, shape) assert b_shape is None or tuple(b_shape) == ( f, ), "Incorrect bias shape for {} (file: {}, spec; {})".format( name, b_shape, (f, )) with tf.variable_scope(name): W = tf.get_variable('weights', shape, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) #b = tf.get_variable('biases', [f], dtype=tf.float32, #initializer=b_init) z = tf.matmul(xflat, W) z = z * sg + mu #z = tf.nn.bias_add(z, b) if activation is not None: z = activation(z) info['activations'][name] = z if info.get('scale_summary'): with tf.name_scope('activation'): tf.summary.scalar('activation/' + name, tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(z**2))) return z
def _pretrained_vgg_biases(name, data, info=DummyDict(), pre_adjust_batch_norm=False): shape = None if name in data and '1' in data[name]: init_type = 'file' bias = data[name]['1'].copy() bn_name = 'batch_' + name if pre_adjust_batch_norm and bn_name in data: bn_data = data[bn_name] sigma = np.sqrt(1e-5 + bn_data['1'] / bn_data['2']) mu = bn_data['0'] / bn_data['2'] bias = (bias - mu) / sigma init_type += ':batch-adjusted' shape = bias.shape else: init_type = 'init' bias = 0.0 return bias
def _pretrained_vgg_biases_initializer(name, data, info=DummyDict(), pre_adjust_batch_norm=False, prefix=''): shape = None if name in data and '1' in data[name]: init_type = 'file' bias = data[name]['1'].copy() bn_name = 'batch_' + name if pre_adjust_batch_norm and bn_name in data: bn_data = data[bn_name] sigma = np.sqrt(1e-5 + bn_data['1'] / bn_data['2']) mu = bn_data['0'] / bn_data['2'] bias = (bias - mu) / sigma init_type += ':batch-adjusted' init = tf.constant_initializer(bias) shape = bias.shape else: init_type = 'init' init = tf.constant_initializer(0.0) info[prefix + ':' + name + '/biases'] = init_type return init, shape
def build_network(x, info=DummyDict(), parameters={}, phase_test=None, convolutional=False, final_layer=True, activation=tf.nn.relu, well_behaved_size=False, global_step=None, use_lrn=True, prefix='', use_dropout=True): # Set up AlexNet #conv = functools.partial(alex_conv, size=3, parameters=parameters, #info=info, pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm) #pool = functools.partial(ops.max_pool, info=info) if use_dropout: dropout = functools.partial(ops.dropout, phase_test=phase_test, info=info) else: def dropout(x, *args, **kwargs): return x def add_info(name, z, pre=None, info=DummyDict()): info['activations'][name] = z if info['config'].get('save_pre'): info['activations']['pre:' + name] = pre if info.get('scale_summary'): with tf.name_scope('activation'): tf.summary.scalar('activation/' + name, tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(z**2))) if activation is None: activation = lambda x: x W_init = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer_conv2d() W_init_fc = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer() b_init = tf.constant_initializer(0.0) k_h = 11 k_w = 11 c_o = 96 s_h = 4 s_w = 4 padding = 'VALID' if convolutional or well_behaved_size: padding = 'SAME' name = prefix + 'conv1' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [k_h, k_w, x.get_shape().as_list()[3], c_o] conv1W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) conv1b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = conv1W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = conv1b info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = conv1W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = conv1b conv1 = conv(x, conv1W, conv1b, k_h, k_w, c_o, s_h, s_w, padding=padding, group=1) conv1 = batch_norm(conv1, global_step=global_step, phase_test=phase_test, name=name) pre = conv1 conv1 = activation(conv1) add_info(name, conv1, pre=pre, info=info) c_o_old = c_o #lrn1 #lrn(2, 2e-05, 0.75, name='norm1') radius = 2 alpha = 2e-05 beta = 0.75 bias = 1.0 if use_lrn: lrn1 = tf.nn.local_response_normalization(conv1, depth_radius=radius, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, bias=bias) info['activations']['lrn1'] = lrn1 else: lrn1 = conv1 #maxpool1 #max_pool(3, 3, 2, 2, padding='VALID', name='pool1') k_h = 3 k_w = 3 s_h = 2 s_w = 2 padding = 'VALID' if convolutional or well_behaved_size: padding = 'SAME' maxpool1 = tf.nn.max_pool(lrn1, ksize=[1, k_h, k_w, 1], strides=[1, s_h, s_w, 1], padding=padding) info['activations']['maxpool1'] = maxpool1 #conv2 #conv(5, 5, 256, 1, 1, group=2, name='conv2') k_h = 5 k_w = 5 c_o = 256 s_h = 1 s_w = 1 group = 2 #conv2W = tf.Variable(net_data["conv2"][0]) #conv2b = tf.Variable(net_data["conv2"][1]) name = prefix + 'conv2' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [k_h, k_w, c_o_old // group, c_o] conv2W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) conv2b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = conv2W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = conv2b conv2 = conv(maxpool1, conv2W, conv2b, k_h, k_w, c_o, s_h, s_w, padding="SAME", group=group) conv2 = batch_norm(conv2, global_step=global_step, phase_test=phase_test, name=name) pre = conv2 conv2 = activation(conv2) add_info(name, conv2, pre=pre, info=info) #lrn2 #lrn(2, 2e-05, 0.75, name='norm2') radius = 2 alpha = 2e-05 beta = 0.75 bias = 1.0 if use_lrn: lrn2 = tf.nn.local_response_normalization(conv2, depth_radius=radius, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, bias=bias) else: lrn2 = conv2 #maxpool2 #max_pool(3, 3, 2, 2, padding='VALID', name='pool2') k_h = 3 k_w = 3 s_h = 2 s_w = 2 padding = 'VALID' if convolutional or well_behaved_size: padding = 'SAME' maxpool2 = tf.nn.max_pool(lrn2, ksize=[1, k_h, k_w, 1], strides=[1, s_h, s_w, 1], padding=padding) info['activations'][prefix + 'pool2'] = maxpool2 c_o_old = c_o k_h = 3 k_w = 3 c_o = 384 s_h = 1 s_w = 1 group = 1 name = prefix + 'conv3' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [k_h, k_w, c_o_old // group, c_o] conv3W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) conv3b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = conv3W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = conv3b conv3 = conv(maxpool2, conv3W, conv3b, k_h, k_w, c_o, s_h, s_w, padding="SAME", group=group) conv3 = batch_norm(conv3, global_step=global_step, phase_test=phase_test, name=name) pre = conv3 conv3 = activation(conv3) add_info(name, conv3, pre=pre, info=info) c_o_old = c_o k_h = 3 k_w = 3 c_o = 384 s_h = 1 s_w = 1 group = 2 name = prefix + 'conv4' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [k_h, k_w, c_o_old // group, c_o] conv4W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) conv4b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = conv4W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = conv4b conv4 = conv(conv3, conv4W, conv4b, k_h, k_w, c_o, s_h, s_w, padding="SAME", group=group) conv4 = batch_norm(conv4, global_step=global_step, phase_test=phase_test, name=name) pre = conv4 conv4 = activation(conv4) add_info(name, conv4, pre=pre, info=info) c_o_old = c_o k_h = 3 k_w = 3 c_o = 256 s_h = 1 s_w = 1 group = 2 name = prefix + 'conv5' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [k_h, k_w, c_o_old // group, c_o] conv5W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) conv5b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = conv5W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = conv5b conv5 = conv(conv4, conv5W, conv5b, k_h, k_w, c_o, s_h, s_w, padding="SAME", group=group) conv5 = batch_norm(conv5, global_step=global_step, phase_test=phase_test, name=name) pre = conv5 conv5 = activation(conv5) add_info(name, conv5, pre=pre, info=info) #maxpool5 #max_pool(3, 3, 2, 2, padding='VALID', name='pool5') k_h = 3 k_w = 3 s_h = 2 s_w = 2 padding = 'VALID' if convolutional or well_behaved_size: padding = 'SAME' maxpool5 = tf.nn.max_pool(conv5, ksize=[1, k_h, k_w, 1], strides=[1, s_h, s_w, 1], padding=padding) info['activations']['pool5'] = maxpool5 c_o_old =[1:]) channels = maxpool5.get_shape().as_list()[-1] info['activations'][prefix + 'conv1'] = conv1 info['activations'][prefix + 'conv2'] = conv2 info['activations'][prefix + 'conv3'] = conv3 info['activations'][prefix + 'conv4'] = conv4 info['activations'][prefix + 'conv5'] = conv5 # Set up weights and biases for fc6/fc7, so that if they are not used, they # are still set up (otherwise reuse=True will fail) name = prefix + 'fc6' with tf.variable_scope(name): c_o = 4096 sh = [6, 6, channels, c_o] fc6W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init_fc) fc6b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) fc6_bn_mean, fc6_bn_var = init_batch_norm_vars(name, [c_o]) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = fc6W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = fc6b name = prefix + 'fc7' with tf.variable_scope(name): c_old_o = c_o c_o = 4096 sh = [1, 1, c_old_o, c_o] fc7W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init_fc) fc7b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) fc7_bn_mean, fc7_bn_var = init_batch_norm_vars(name, [c_o]) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = fc7W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = fc7b if maxpool5.get_shape().as_list()[1:3] != [6, 6] and not convolutional: print('RETURNING PRE-FULLY-CONNECTED') return maxpool5 if convolutional: name = prefix + 'fc6' #fc6 = tf.nn.relu_layer(tf.reshape(maxpool5, [-1, int([1:]))]), fc6W, fc6b) #fc6 = tf.nn.relu_layer(tf.reshape(maxpool5, [-1, int([1:]))]), fc6W, fc6b) conv6 = tf.nn.conv2d(maxpool5, fc6W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') fc6_in = tf.nn.bias_add(conv6, fc6b) fc6 = fc6_in fc6 = batch_norm(fc6, global_step=global_step, phase_test=phase_test, name=name, bn_mean=fc6_bn_mean, bn_var=fc6_bn_var) pre = fc6 fc6 = tf.nn.relu(fc6) add_info(name + ':nodropout', fc6, pre=fc6_in, info=info) fc6 = dropout(fc6, 0.5) add_info(name, fc6, pre=pre, info=info) c_o_old = c_o c_o = 4096 name = prefix + 'fc7' #fc7 = tf.nn.relu_layer(fc6, fc7W, fc7b) conv7 = tf.nn.conv2d(fc6, fc7W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') fc7_in = tf.nn.bias_add(conv7, fc7b) fc7 = fc7_in fc7 = batch_norm(fc7, global_step=global_step, phase_test=phase_test, name=name, bn_mean=fc7_bn_mean, bn_var=fc7_bn_var) pre = fc7 fc7 = tf.nn.relu(fc7) add_info(name + ':nodropout', fc7, pre=fc7_in, info=info) fc7 = dropout(fc7, 0.5) add_info(name, fc7, pre=pre, info=info) c_o_old = c_o if final_layer: c_o = 1000 name = prefix + 'fc8' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [1, 1, c_o_old, c_o] fc8W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init_fc) fc8b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = fc8W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = fc8b #fc8 = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(fc7, fc8W, fc8b) conv8 = tf.nn.conv2d(fc7, fc8W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') fc8 = tf.nn.bias_add(conv8, fc8b) info['activations'][name] = fc8 else: fc8 = fc7 else: sh_fc = [c_o_old, c_o] fc6W = tf.reshape(fc6W, sh_fc) name = prefix + 'fc6' maxpool5_flat = tf.reshape( maxpool5, [-1, int([1:]))]) #fc6 = tf.nn.relu_layer(maxpool5_flat, fc6W, fc6b, name=name) fc6_in = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(maxpool5_flat, fc6W), fc6b) fc6 = fc6_in fc6 = batch_norm(fc6, global_step=global_step, phase_test=phase_test, name=name, bn_mean=fc6_bn_mean, bn_var=fc6_bn_var) pre = fc6 fc6 = tf.nn.relu(fc6, name=name) add_info(name + ':nodropout', fc6, pre=fc6_in, info=info) fc6 = dropout(fc6, 0.5) add_info(name, fc6, pre=pre, info=info) c_o_old = c_o c_o = 4096 name = prefix + 'fc7' fc7W = tf.squeeze(fc7W, [0, 1]) #fc7 = tf.nn.relu_layer(fc6, fc7W, fc7b, name=name) fc7_in = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(fc6, fc7W), fc7b) fc7 = fc7_in fc7 = batch_norm(fc7, global_step=global_step, phase_test=phase_test, name=name, bn_mean=fc7_bn_mean, bn_var=fc7_bn_var) pre = fc7 fc7 = tf.nn.relu(fc7, name=name) add_info(name + ':nodropout', fc7, pre=fc7_in, info=info) fc7 = dropout(fc7, 0.5) add_info(name, fc7, pre=pre, info=info) c_o_old = c_o c_o = 1000 if final_layer: name = prefix + 'fc8' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [c_o_old, c_o] fc8W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init_fc) fc8b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = fc8W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = fc8b fc8 = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(fc7, fc8W, fc8b) info['activations'][name] = fc8 else: fc8 = fc7 info['activations'][prefix + 'fc6'] = fc6 info['activations'][prefix + 'fc7'] = fc7 return fc8
def decoder(self, z, channels=1, multiple=4, from_name=None, settings=DummyDict(), info=DummyDict()): raise NotImplemented()
def build_network(x, info=DummyDict(), parameters={}, hole=1, phase_test=None, convolutional=False, final_layer=True, activation=tf.nn.relu, pre_adjust_batch_norm=False, well_behaved_size=False, use_lrn=True, prefix='', use_dropout=True): # Set up AlexNet #conv = functools.partial(alex_conv, size=3, parameters=parameters, #info=info, pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm) #pool = functools.partial(ops.max_pool, info=info) if use_dropout: dropout = functools.partial(ops.dropout, phase_test=phase_test, info=info) else: def dropout(x, *args, **kwargs): return x def add_info(name, z, pre=None, info=DummyDict()): info['activations'][name] = z if info['config'].get('save_pre'): info['activations']['pre:' + name] = pre if info.get('scale_summary'): with tf.name_scope('activation'): tf.summary.scalar('activation/' + name, tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(z**2))) if activation is None: activation = lambda x: x W_init = tf.contrib.layers.variance_scaling_initializer() b_init = tf.constant_initializer(0.0) W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_alex_conv_weights_initializer( 'conv1', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_alex_biases_initializer( 'conv1', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) k_h = 11 k_w = 11 c_o = 96 s_h = 4 s_w = 4 padding = 'VALID' if convolutional or well_behaved_size: padding = 'SAME' #conv1W = tf.Variable(net_data["conv1"][0]) #conv1b = tf.Variable(net_data["conv1"][1]) name = prefix + 'conv1' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [k_h, k_w, x.get_shape().as_list()[3], c_o] assert W_shape is None or tuple(sh) == tuple(W_shape), (sh, W_shape) conv1W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) conv1b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = conv1W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = conv1b info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = conv1W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = conv1b conv1_in = conv(x, conv1W, conv1b, k_h, k_w, c_o, s_h, s_w, padding=padding, group=1) conv1 = activation(conv1_in) add_info(name, conv1, pre=conv1_in, info=info) c_o_old = c_o #lrn1 #lrn(2, 2e-05, 0.75, name='norm1') radius = 2 alpha = 2e-05 beta = 0.75 bias = 1.0 if use_lrn: lrn1 = tf.nn.local_response_normalization(conv1, depth_radius=radius, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, bias=bias) info['activations']['lrn1'] = lrn1 else: lrn1 = conv1 #maxpool1 #max_pool(3, 3, 2, 2, padding='VALID', name='pool1') k_h = 3 k_w = 3 s_h = 2 s_w = 2 padding = 'VALID' if convolutional or well_behaved_size: padding = 'SAME' maxpool1 = tf.nn.max_pool(lrn1, ksize=[1, k_h, k_w, 1], strides=[1, s_h, s_w, 1], padding=padding) info['activations']['maxpool1'] = maxpool1 W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_alex_conv_weights_initializer( 'conv2', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_alex_biases_initializer( 'conv2', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) #conv2 #conv(5, 5, 256, 1, 1, group=2, name='conv2') k_h = 5 k_w = 5 c_o = 256 s_h = 1 s_w = 1 group = 2 #conv2W = tf.Variable(net_data["conv2"][0]) #conv2b = tf.Variable(net_data["conv2"][1]) name = prefix + 'conv2' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [k_h, k_w, c_o_old // group, c_o] assert W_shape is None or tuple(sh) == tuple(W_shape), (sh, W_shape) conv2W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) conv2b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = conv2W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = conv2b conv2_in = conv(maxpool1, conv2W, conv2b, k_h, k_w, c_o, s_h, s_w, padding="SAME", group=group) conv2 = activation(conv2_in) add_info(name, conv2, pre=conv2_in, info=info) #lrn2 #lrn(2, 2e-05, 0.75, name='norm2') radius = 2 alpha = 2e-05 beta = 0.75 bias = 1.0 if use_lrn: lrn2 = tf.nn.local_response_normalization(conv2, depth_radius=radius, alpha=alpha, beta=beta, bias=bias) else: lrn2 = conv2 #maxpool2 #max_pool(3, 3, 2, 2, padding='VALID', name='pool2') k_h = 3 k_w = 3 s_h = 2 s_w = 2 padding = 'VALID' if convolutional or well_behaved_size: padding = 'SAME' maxpool2 = tf.nn.max_pool(lrn2, ksize=[1, k_h, k_w, 1], strides=[1, s_h, s_w, 1], padding=padding) info['activations'][prefix + 'pool2'] = maxpool2 c_o_old = c_o #conv3 #conv(3, 3, 384, 1, 1, name='conv3') k_h = 3 k_w = 3 c_o = 384 s_h = 1 s_w = 1 group = 1 #conv3W = tf.Variable(net_data["conv3"][0]) #conv3b = tf.Variable(net_data["conv3"][1]) W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_alex_conv_weights_initializer( 'conv3', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_alex_biases_initializer( 'conv3', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) name = prefix + 'conv3' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [k_h, k_w, c_o_old // group, c_o] assert W_shape is None or tuple(sh) == tuple(W_shape), (sh, W_shape) conv3W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) conv3b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = conv3W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = conv3b conv3_in = conv(maxpool2, conv3W, conv3b, k_h, k_w, c_o, s_h, s_w, padding="SAME", group=group) conv3 = activation(conv3_in) add_info(name, conv3, pre=conv3_in, info=info) c_o_old = c_o #conv4 #conv(3, 3, 384, 1, 1, group=2, name='conv4') k_h = 3 k_w = 3 c_o = 384 s_h = 1 s_w = 1 group = 2 #conv4W = tf.Variable(net_data["conv4"][0]) #conv4b = tf.Variable(net_data["conv4"][1]) W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_alex_conv_weights_initializer( 'conv4', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_alex_biases_initializer( 'conv4', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) name = prefix + 'conv4' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [k_h, k_w, c_o_old // group, c_o] assert W_shape is None or tuple(sh) == tuple(W_shape), (sh, W_shape) conv4W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) conv4b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = conv4W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = conv4b conv4_in = conv(conv3, conv4W, conv4b, k_h, k_w, c_o, s_h, s_w, padding="SAME", group=group) conv4 = activation(conv4_in) add_info(name, conv4, pre=conv4_in, info=info) c_o_old = c_o #conv5 #conv(3, 3, 256, 1, 1, group=2, name='conv5') k_h = 3 k_w = 3 c_o = 256 s_h = 1 s_w = 1 group = 2 #conv5W = tf.Variable(net_data["conv5"][0]) #conv5b = tf.Variable(net_data["conv5"][1]) W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_alex_conv_weights_initializer( 'conv5', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_alex_biases_initializer( 'conv5', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) name = prefix + 'conv5' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [k_h, k_w, c_o_old // group, c_o] assert W_shape is None or tuple(sh) == tuple(W_shape), (sh, W_shape) conv5W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) conv5b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = conv5W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = conv5b conv5_in = conv(conv4, conv5W, conv5b, k_h, k_w, c_o, s_h, s_w, padding="SAME", group=group) conv5 = activation(conv5_in) add_info(name, conv5, pre=conv5_in, info=info) #maxpool5 #max_pool(3, 3, 2, 2, padding='VALID', name='pool5') k_h = 3 k_w = 3 s_h = 2 s_w = 2 padding = 'VALID' if convolutional or well_behaved_size: padding = 'SAME' maxpool5 = tf.nn.max_pool(conv5, ksize=[1, k_h, k_w, 1], strides=[1, s_h, s_w, 1], padding=padding) info['activations']['pool5'] = maxpool5 c_o_old =[1:]) c_o = 4096 channels = maxpool5.get_shape().as_list()[-1] if convolutional: W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_alex_conv_weights_initializer( 'fc6', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_alex_biases_initializer( 'fc6', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) #fc6 #fc(4096, name='fc6') #fc6W = tf.Variable(net_data["fc6"][0]) #fc6b = tf.Variable(net_data["fc6"][1]) name = prefix + 'fc6' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [6, 6, channels, c_o] assert W_shape is None or tuple(sh) == tuple(W_shape), (sh, W_shape) fc6W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) fc6b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = fc6W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = fc6b #fc6 = tf.nn.relu_layer(tf.reshape(maxpool5, [-1, int([1:]))]), fc6W, fc6b) #fc6 = tf.nn.relu_layer(tf.reshape(maxpool5, [-1, int([1:]))]), fc6W, fc6b) conv6 = tf.nn.conv2d(maxpool5, fc6W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') fc6_in = tf.nn.bias_add(conv6, fc6b) fc6 = tf.nn.relu(fc6_in) add_info(name + ':nodropout', fc6, pre=fc6_in, info=info) fc6 = dropout(fc6, 0.5) add_info(name, fc6, pre=fc6_in, info=info) c_o_old = c_o c_o = 4096 W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_alex_conv_weights_initializer( 'fc7', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_alex_biases_initializer( 'fc7', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) #fc7 #fc(4096, name='fc7') #fc7W = tf.Variable(net_data["fc7"][0]) #fc7b = tf.Variable(net_data["fc7"][1]) name = prefix + 'fc7' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [1, 1, c_o_old, c_o] assert W_shape is None or tuple(sh) == tuple(W_shape), (sh, W_shape) fc7W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) fc7b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = fc7W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = fc7b #fc7 = tf.nn.relu_layer(fc6, fc7W, fc7b) conv7 = tf.nn.conv2d(fc6, fc7W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') fc7_in = tf.nn.bias_add(conv7, fc7b) fc7 = tf.nn.relu(fc7_in) add_info(name + ':nodropout', fc7, pre=fc7_in, info=info) fc7 = dropout(fc7, 0.5) add_info(name, fc7, pre=fc7_in, info=info) c_o_old = c_o if final_layer: c_o = 1000 W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_alex_conv_weights_initializer( 'fc8', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_alex_biases_initializer( 'fc8', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) name = prefix + 'fc8' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [1, 1, c_o_old, c_o] assert W_shape is None or tuple(sh) == tuple(W_shape), ( sh, W_shape) fc8W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) fc8b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = fc8W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = fc8b #fc8 = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(fc7, fc8W, fc8b) conv8 = tf.nn.conv2d(fc7, fc8W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') fc8 = tf.nn.bias_add(conv8, fc8b) info['activations'][name] = fc8 else: fc8 = fc7 else: #fc6 #fc(4096, name='fc6') #fc6W = tf.Variable(net_data["fc6"][0]) #fc6b = tf.Variable(net_data["fc6"][1]) W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_alex_inner_weights_initializer( 'fc6', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_alex_biases_initializer( 'fc6', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) name = prefix + 'fc6' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [6, 6, channels, c_o] sh_fc = [c_o_old, c_o] assert W_shape is None or (tuple(sh) == tuple(W_shape) or tuple(W_shape) == (256 * 6 * 6, 4096)), (sh, W_shape) fc6W_conv = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) fc6W = tf.reshape(fc6W_conv, sh_fc) fc6b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = fc6W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = fc6b maxpool5_flat = tf.reshape( maxpool5, [-1, int([1:]))]) #fc6 = tf.nn.relu_layer(maxpool5_flat, fc6W, fc6b, name=name) fc6_in = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(maxpool5_flat, fc6W), fc6b) fc6 = tf.nn.relu(fc6_in, name=name) add_info(name + ':nodropout', fc6, pre=fc6_in, info=info) fc6 = dropout(fc6, 0.5) add_info(name, fc6, pre=fc6_in, info=info) c_o_old = c_o c_o = 4096 W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_alex_inner_weights_initializer( 'fc7', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_alex_biases_initializer( 'fc7', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) #fc7 #fc(4096, name='fc7') #fc7W = tf.Variable(net_data["fc7"][0]) #fc7b = tf.Variable(net_data["fc7"][1]) name = prefix + 'fc7' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [1, 1, c_o_old, c_o] fc7W_conv = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) fc7W = tf.squeeze(fc7W_conv, [0, 1]) fc7b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = fc7W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = fc7b #fc7 = tf.nn.relu_layer(fc6, fc7W, fc7b, name=name) fc7_in = tf.nn.bias_add(tf.matmul(fc6, fc7W), fc7b) fc7 = tf.nn.relu(fc7_in, name=name) add_info(name + ':nodropout', fc7, pre=fc7_in, info=info) fc7 = dropout(fc7, 0.5) add_info(name, fc7, pre=fc7_in, info=info) c_o_old = c_o c_o = 1000 if final_layer: W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_alex_inner_weights_initializer( 'fc8', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_alex_biases_initializer( 'fc8', parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) #fc8 #fc(1000, relu=False, name='fc8') #fc8W = tf.Variable(net_data["fc8"][0]) #fc8b = tf.Variable(net_data["fc8"][1]) name = prefix + 'fc8' with tf.variable_scope(name): sh = [c_o_old, c_o] assert W_shape is None or tuple(sh) == tuple(W_shape), ( sh, W_shape) fc8W = tf.get_variable('weights', sh, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) fc8b = tf.get_variable('biases', [c_o], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = fc8W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = fc8b fc8 = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(fc7, fc8W, fc8b) info['activations'][name] = fc8 else: fc8 = fc7 info['activations'][prefix + 'conv1'] = conv1 info['activations'][prefix + 'conv2'] = conv2 info['activations'][prefix + 'conv3'] = conv3 info['activations'][prefix + 'conv4'] = conv4 info['activations'][prefix + 'conv5'] = conv5 info['activations'][prefix + 'fc6'] = fc6 info['activations'][prefix + 'fc7'] = fc7 return fc8
def build_network(x, info=DummyDict(), parameters={}, hole=1, phase_test=None, convolutional=False, final_layer=True, batch_norm=False, squeezed=False, pre_adjust_batch_norm=False, prefix='', num_features_mult=1.0, use_dropout=True, activation=tf.nn.relu, limit=np.inf, global_step=None): def num(f): return int(f * num_features_mult) def conv(z, ch, **kwargs): if 'parameter_name' not in kwargs: kwargs['parameter_name'] = kwargs['name'] kwargs['name'] = prefix + kwargs['name'] kwargs['size'] = kwargs.get('size', 3) kwargs['parameters'] = kwargs.get('parameters', parameters) kwargs['info'] = kwargs.get('info', info) kwargs['pre_adjust_batch_norm'] = kwargs.get('pre_adjust_batch_norm', pre_adjust_batch_norm) kwargs['activation'] = kwargs.get('activation', activation) kwargs['prefix'] = prefix kwargs['batch_norm'] = kwargs.get('batch_norm', batch_norm) kwargs['phase_test'] = kwargs.get('phase_test', phase_test) kwargs['global_step'] = kwargs.get('global_step', global_step) if 'previous' in kwargs: kwargs['previous'] = prefix + kwargs['previous'] return vgg_conv(z, num(ch), **kwargs) def inner(z, ch, **kwargs): if 'parameter_name' not in kwargs: kwargs['parameter_name'] = kwargs['name'] kwargs['name'] = prefix + kwargs['name'] kwargs['parameters'] = kwargs.get('parameters', parameters) kwargs['prefix'] = prefix if 'previous' in kwargs: kwargs['previous'] = prefix + kwargs['previous'] return vgg_inner(z, ch, **kwargs) #pool = functools.partial(ops.max_pool, info=info) def pool(*args, **kwargs): kwargs['name'] = prefix + kwargs['name'] kwargs['info'] = kwargs.get('info', info) return ops.max_pool(*args, **kwargs) def dropout(z, rate, **kwargs): kwargs['phase_test'] = kwargs.get('phase_test', phase_test) kwargs['info'] = kwargs.get('info', info) kwargs['name'] = prefix + kwargs['name'] if use_dropout: return ops.dropout(z, rate, **kwargs) else: return z #dropout = functools.partial(ops.dropout, phase_test=phase_test, info=info) z = x if hole == 4: apool = functools.partial(ops.atrous_avg_pool, info=info, padding='SAME') assert convolutional #aconv = functools.partial(_atrous_conv, size=3, parameters=parameters, #info=info, pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm) z = conv(z, 64, name='conv1_1') z = conv(z, 64, name='conv1_2', previous='conv1_1') z = pool(z, 2, name='pool1') z = conv(z, 128, name='conv2_1', previous='conv1_2') z = conv(z, 128, name='conv2_2', previous='conv2_1') z = pool(z, 2, name='pool2') z = conv(z, 256, name='conv3_1', previous='conv2_2') z = conv(z, 256, name='conv3_2', previous='conv3_1') z = conv(z, 256, name='conv3_3', previous='conv3_2') z = pool(z, 2, name='pool3') z = conv(z, 512, name='conv4_1', previous='conv3_3') z = conv(z, 512, name='conv4_2', previous='conv4_1') z = conv(z, 512, name='conv4_3', previous='conv4_2') z = pool(z, 2, stride=1, name='pool4') z = conv(z, 512, hole=2, name='conv5_1', previous='conv4_3') z = conv(z, 512, hole=2, name='conv5_2', previous='conv5_1') z = conv(z, 512, hole=2, name='conv5_3', previous='conv5_2') z = apool(z, 2, rate=2, name='pool5') z = conv(z, 4096, size=7, hole=4, padding='SAME', name='fc6_pre', parameter_name='fc6', previous='conv5_3') z = dropout(z, 0.5, name='fc6') z = conv(z, 4096, size=1, name='fc7_pre', parameter_name='fc7', previous='fc6') z = dropout(z, 0.5, name='fc7') else: z = conv(z, 64, name='conv1_1') if limit == 1: return z z = conv(z, 64, name='conv1_2', previous='conv1_1') z = pool(z, 2, name='pool1') if limit == 2: return z z = conv(z, 128, name='conv2_1', previous='conv1_2') if limit == 3: return z z = conv(z, 128, name='conv2_2', previous='conv2_1') z = pool(z, 2, name='pool2') if limit == 4: return z z = conv(z, 256, name='conv3_1', previous='conv2_2') if limit == 5: return z z = conv(z, 256, name='conv3_2', previous='conv3_1') if limit == 6: return z z = conv(z, 256, name='conv3_3', previous='conv3_2') z = pool(z, 2, name='pool3') if limit == 7: return z z = conv(z, 512, name='conv4_1', previous='conv3_3') if limit == 8: return z z = conv(z, 512, name='conv4_2', previous='conv4_1') if limit == 9: return z z = conv(z, 512, name='conv4_3', previous='conv4_2') z = pool(z, 2, name='pool4') if limit == 10: return z z = conv(z, 512, name='conv5_1', previous='conv4_3') if limit == 11: return z z = conv(z, 512, name='conv5_2', previous='conv5_1') if limit == 12: return z z = conv(z, 512, name='conv5_3', previous='conv5_2') z = pool(z, 2, name='pool5') if limit == 13: return z z = conv(z, 4096, size=7, padding='VALID' if not convolutional else 'SAME', name='fc6_pre', parameter_name='fc6', previous='conv5_3', squeeze=not convolutional) z = dropout(z, 0.5, name='fc6') info['activations'] if limit == 14: return z z = conv(z, 4096, size=1, name='fc7_pre', parameter_name='fc7', previous='fc6', squeeze=not convolutional) z = dropout(z, 0.5, name='fc7') if not convolutional and squeezed: # Make intermediate activations non-convolutional for l in ['fc6', 'fc7']: info['activations'][l] = tf.squeeze(info['activations'][l], [1, 2]) z = info['activations']['fc7'] if final_layer: if convolutional: z = conv(z, 1000, info=info, size=1, parameters=parameters, activation=None, name='fc8') else: z = inner(z, 1000, info=info, parameters=parameters, activation=None, name='fc8') return z
def vgg_conv(x, channels, size=3, padding='SAME', stride=1, hole=1, batch_norm=False, phase_test=None, activation=tf.nn.relu, name=None, parameter_name=None, summarize_scale=False, info=DummyDict(), parameters={}, pre_adjust_batch_norm=False, edge_bias_fix=False, previous=None, prefix='', use_bias=True, scope=None, global_step=None, squeeze=False): if parameter_name is None: parameter_name = name if scope is None: scope = name def maybe_squeeze(z): if squeeze: return tf.squeeze(z, [1, 2]) else: return z with tf.name_scope(name): features = int(x.get_shape()[3]) f = channels shape = [size, size, features, f] W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_vgg_conv_weights_initializer( parameter_name, parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_vgg_biases_initializer( parameter_name, parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, prefix=prefix) assert W_shape is None or tuple(W_shape) == tuple( shape ), "Incorrect weights shape for {} (file: {}, spec: {})".format( name, W_shape, shape) assert b_shape is None or tuple(b_shape) == ( f, ), "Incorrect bias shape for {} (file: {}, spec; {})".format( name, b_shape, (f, )) #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() with tf.variable_scope(scope): W = tf.get_variable('weights', shape, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) b = tf.get_variable('biases', [f], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if hole == 1: conv0 = tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], padding=padding) else: assert stride == 1 conv0 = tf.nn.atrous_conv2d(x, W, rate=hole, padding=padding) #h1 = tf.nn.bias_add(conv0, b) if use_bias: h1 = tf.nn.bias_add(conv0, b) else: h1 = conv0 if batch_norm: assert phase_test is not None, "phase_test required for batch norm" mm, vv = tf.nn.moments(h1, [0, 1, 2], name='mommy') beta = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.0, shape=[f]), name='beta', trainable=True) gamma = tf.Variable(tf.constant(1.0, shape=[f]), name='gamma', trainable=True) #ema = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(decay=0.999) ema = ExponentialMovingAverageExtended(decay=0.999, value=[0.0, 1.0], num_updates=global_step) def mean_var_train(): ema_apply_op = ema.apply([mm, vv]) with tf.control_dependencies([ema_apply_op]): return tf.identity(ema.average(mm)), tf.identity( ema.average(vv)) #return tf.identity(mm), tf.identity(vv) def mean_var_test(): return ema.average(mm), ema.average(vv) mean, var = tf.cond(~phase_test, mean_var_train, mean_var_test) h2 = tf.nn.batch_normalization(h1, mean, var, beta, gamma, 1e-3) z = h2 else: z = h1 if info['config'].get('save_pre'): info['activations']['pre:' + name] = maybe_squeeze(z) if activation is not None: z = activation(z) if info.get('scale_summary'): with tf.name_scope('activation'): tf.summary.scalar('activation/' + name, tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(z**2))) info['activations'][name] = maybe_squeeze(z) if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = W info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = b return z
def resnet_conv(x, channels, size=3, padding='SAME', stride=1, batch_norm=False, phase_test=None, activation=tf.nn.relu, name=None, parameter_name=None, bn_name=None, scale_name=None, summarize_scale=False, info=DummyDict(), parameters={}, pre_adjust_batch_norm=False, iteration=None): if parameter_name is None: parameter_name = name if scale_name is None: scale_name = parameter_name with tf.name_scope(name): features = int(x.get_shape()[3]) f = channels shape = [size, size, features, f] W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_resnet_conv_weights_initializer( parameter_name, parameters, info=info.get('init'), full_info=info) #b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_resnet_biases_initializer(scale_name, parameters, #info=info.get('init'), #full_info=info, #pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, #bn_name=bn_name) assert W_shape is None or tuple(W_shape) == tuple( shape ), "Incorrect weights shape for {} (file: {}, spec: {})".format( name, W_shape, shape) with tf.variable_scope(name): W = tf.get_variable('weights', shape, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) raw_conv0 = tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding=padding) #conv0 = tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], padding=padding) if stride > 1: conv0 = tf.strided_slice(raw_conv0, [0, 0, 0, 0], raw_conv0.get_shape(), [1, 2, 2, 1]) else: conv0 = raw_conv0 z = conv0 if True: assert phase_test is not None, "phase_test required for batch norm" if bn_name in parameters: bn_data = parameters[bn_name] bn_mean = bn_data['0'] / bn_data['2'] bn_var = bn_data['1'] / bn_data['2'] else: bn_mean = np.zeros(f, dtype=np.float32) bn_var = np.full( f, 0.5, dtype=np.float32) # a bit strange, but we don't know if scale_name in parameters: mu = parameters[scale_name]['1'] sg = parameters[scale_name]['0'] else: mu = np.zeros(f, dtype=np.float32) sg = np.ones(f, dtype=np.float32) mm, vv = tf.nn.moments(z, [0, 1, 2], name='mommy') assert mu.size == f assert sg.size == f beta = tf.Variable(tf.constant(mu, shape=[f]), name='beta', trainable=True) gamma = tf.Variable(tf.constant(sg, shape=[f]), name='gamma', trainable=True) ema = ExponentialMovingAverageExtended(decay=0.999, value=[bn_mean, bn_var], num_updates=iteration) def mean_var_train(): ema_apply_op = ema.apply([mm, vv]) with tf.control_dependencies([ema_apply_op]): return tf.identity(mm), tf.identity(vv) def mean_var_test(): return ema.average(mm), ema.average(vv) mean, var = tf.cond(~phase_test, mean_var_train, mean_var_test) info['activations']['last_mean'] = mean info['activations']['last_var'] = var z = tf.nn.batch_normalization(z, mean, var, beta, gamma, 1e-5) info['activations']['preact_' + name] = z if activation is not None: z = activation(z) if info.get('scale_summary'): with tf.name_scope('activation'): tf.summary.scalar('activation/' + name, tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(z**2))) info['activations'][name] = z if 'weights' in info: info['weights'][name + ':weights'] = W #info['weights'][name + ':biases'] = b return z
def decoder(y, from_name='fc7', to_name='conv0', info=DummyDict(), use_batch_norm=False, phase_test=None, global_step=None): BATCH_SIZE = y.get_shape().as_list()[0] if use_batch_norm: assert global_step is not None def bn(z, name): return batch_norm(z, global_step=global_step, phase_test=phase_test, name=name) else: def bn(z, name): return z if len(y.get_shape().as_list()) == 2: y = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(y, 1), 1) def check(name): return name in LAYERS[LAYERS.index(to_name):LAYERS.index(from_name)+1] if check('fc7'): sh = [BATCH_SIZE, 1, 1, 4096] y = ops.upconv(y, sh[-1], size=1, strides=1, info=info, activation=None, name='upfc7', output_shape=sh) y = bn(y, 'upfc7') info['activations']['pre:upfc7'] = y y = tf.nn.relu(y) info['activations']['upfc7'] = y if check('fc6'): sh = [BATCH_SIZE, 1, 1, 4096] y = ops.upconv(y, sh[-1], size=1, strides=1, info=info, activation=None, name='upfc6', output_shape=sh) y = bn(y, 'upfc6') info['activations']['pre:upfc6'] = y y = tf.nn.relu(y) info['activations']['upfc6'] = y if check('conv5'): sh = [BATCH_SIZE, 6, 6, 256] y = ops.upconv(y, sh[-1], size=6, strides=2, info=info, activation=None, name='upconv5_pre', output_shape=sh, padding='VALID') sh = [BATCH_SIZE, 13, 13, 256] y = ops.upconv(y, sh[-1], size=3, strides=2, info=info, activation=None, name='upconv5', output_shape=sh, padding='VALID') y = bn(y, 'upconv5') info['activations']['pre:upconv5'] = y y = tf.nn.relu(y) info['activations']['upconv5'] = y if check('conv4'): sh = [BATCH_SIZE, 13, 13, 384] y = ops.conv(y, sh[-1], size=3, strides=1, info=info, activation=None, name='upconv4', output_shape=sh, padding='SAME') y = bn(y, 'upconv4') info['activations']['pre:upconv4'] = y y = tf.nn.relu(y) info['activations']['upconv4'] = y if check('conv3'): sh = [BATCH_SIZE, 13, 13, 384] y = ops.conv(y, sh[-1], size=3, strides=1, info=info, activation=None, name='upconv3', output_shape=sh, padding='SAME') y = bn(y, 'upconv3') info['activations']['pre:upconv3'] = y y = tf.nn.relu(y) info['activations']['upconv3'] = y if check('conv2'): sh = [BATCH_SIZE, 27, 27, 256] y = ops.upconv(y, sh[-1], size=3, strides=2, info=info, activation=None, name='upconv2', output_shape=sh, padding='VALID') y = bn(y, 'upconv2') info['activations']['pre:upconv2'] = y y = tf.nn.relu(y) info['activations']['upconv2'] = y if check('conv1'): sh = [BATCH_SIZE, 57, 57, 96] y = ops.upconv(y, sh[-1], size=5, strides=2, info=info, activation=None, name='upconv1', output_shape=sh, padding='VALID') y = y[:, 1:-1, 1:-1] y = bn(y, 'upconv1') info['activations']['pre:upconv1'] = y y = tf.nn.relu(y) info['activations']['upconv1'] = y if check('conv0'): sh = [BATCH_SIZE, 227, 227, 3] y = ops.upconv(y, sh[-1], size=11, strides=4, info=info, activation=None, name='upconv0', output_shape=sh, padding='VALID') return y
def build_network_atrous4(x, info=DummyDict(), parameters={}, phase_test=None, convolutional=False, final_layer=True, pre_adjust_batch_norm=False): # Set up VGG-16 conv = functools.partial(resnet_conv, size=3, parameters=parameters, info=info, pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm) aconv = functools.partial(resnet_atrous_conv, size=3, parameters=parameters, info=info, pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm) pool = functools.partial(ops.max_pool, info=info) avg_pool = functools.partial(ops.avg_pool, info=info) dropout = functools.partial(ops.dropout, phase_test=phase_test, info=info) z = x conv1 = conv(z, 64, size=7, stride=2, name='conv1', bn_name='bn_conv1', scale_name='scale_conv1') pool1 = pool(conv1, 3, stride=2, name='pool1') res2a_branch1 = conv(pool1, 256, size=1, name='res2a_branch1', bn_name='bn2a_branch1', scale_name='scale2a_branch1', activation=None) res2a_branch2a = conv(pool1, 64, size=1, name='res2a_branch2a', bn_name='bn2a_branch2a', scale_name='scale2a_branch2a') res2a_branch2b = conv(res2a_branch2a, 64, size=3, name='res2a_branch2b', bn_name='bn2a_branch2b', scale_name='scale2a_branch2b') res2a_branch2c = conv(res2a_branch2b, 256, size=1, name='res2a_branch2c', bn_name='bn2a_branch2c', scale_name='scale2a_branch2c', activation=None) res2a = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(res2a_branch1, res2a_branch2c), name='res2a') info['activations']['res2a'] = res2a # --- """ :call nobias-conv 1 0 1 64 res2a res2b_branch2a :call batch-norm res2b_branch2a bn2b_branch2a :call bias res2b_branch2a scale2b_branch2a :call relu res2b_branch2a :# :call nobias-conv 3 1 1 64 res2b_branch2a res2b_branch2b :call batch-norm res2b_branch2b bn2b_branch2b :call bias res2b_branch2b scale2b_branch2b :call relu res2b_branch2b :# :call nobias-conv 1 0 1 256 res2b_branch2b res2b_branch2c :call batch-norm res2b_branch2c bn2b_branch2c :call bias res2b_branch2c scale2b_branch2c :call add res2a res2b_branch2c res2b :call relu res2b """ def block(x, ch1, ch2, b, hole=1): output = 'res{}'.format(b) branch2a = conv(x, ch1, size=1, name='res{}_branch2a'.format(b), bn_name='bn{}_branch2a'.format(b), scale_name='scale{}_branch2a'.format(b)) branch2b = aconv(branch2a, ch1, size=3, hole=hole, name='res{}_branch2b'.format(b), bn_name='bn{}_branch2b'.format(b), scale_name='scale{}_branch2b'.format(b)) branch2c = conv(branch2b, ch2, size=1, name='res{}_branch2c'.format(b), bn_name='bn{}_branch2c'.format(b), scale_name='scale{}_branch2c'.format(b), activation=None) z = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(x, branch2c), name=output) info['activations'][output] = z return z """ :call nobias-conv 1 0 2 ${ch2} res${a} res${b}_branch1 :call batch-norm res${b}_branch1 bn${b}_branch1 :call bias res${b}_branch1 scale${b}_branch1 :# :call nobias-conv 1 0 2 ${ch1} res${a} res${b}_branch2a :call batch-norm res${b}_branch2a bn${b}_branch2a :call bias res${b}_branch2a scale${b}_branch2a :call relu res${b}_branch2a :# :call nobias-conv 3 1 1 ${ch1} res${b}_branch2a res${b}_branch2b :call batch-norm res${b}_branch2b bn${b}_branch2b :call bias res${b}_branch2b scale${b}_branch2b :call relu res${b}_branch2b :# :call nobias-conv 1 0 1 ${ch2} res${b}_branch2b res${b}_branch2c :call batch-norm res${b}_branch2c bn${b}_branch2c :call bias res${b}_branch2c scale${b}_branch2c :call add res${b}_branch1 res${b}_branch2c res${b} :call relu res${b} """ def block_reduce(x, ch1, ch2, b, stride=2, hole=1): output = 'res{}'.format(b) branch1 = conv(x, ch2, size=1, stride=stride, name='res{}_branch1'.format(b), bn_name='bn{}_branch1'.format(b), scale_name='scale{}_branch1'.format(b), activation=None) branch2a = conv(x, ch1, size=1, stride=stride, name='res{}_branch2a'.format(b), bn_name='bn{}_branch2a'.format(b), scale_name='scale{}_branch2a'.format(b)) branch2b = aconv(branch2a, ch1, size=3, hole=hole, name='res{}_branch2b'.format(b), bn_name='bn{}_branch2b'.format(b), scale_name='scale{}_branch2b'.format(b)) branch2c = conv(branch2b, ch2, size=1, name='res{}_branch2c'.format(b), bn_name='bn{}_branch2c'.format(b), scale_name='scale{}_branch2c'.format(b), activation=None) z = tf.nn.relu(tf.add(branch1, branch2c), name=output) info['activations'][output] = z return z res2b = block(res2a, 64, 256, '2b') res2c = block(res2b, 64, 256, '2c') res3a = block_reduce(res2c, 128, 512, '3a') """ :call resnet 128 512 3a 3b1 :call resnet 128 512 3b1 3b2 :call resnet 128 512 3b2 3b3 :call resnet 128 512 3b3 3b4 :call resnet 128 512 3b4 3b5 :call resnet 128 512 3b5 3b6 :call resnet 128 512 3b6 3b7 """ res3b1 = block(res3a, 128, 512, '3b1') res3b2 = block(res3b1, 128, 512, '3b2') res3b3 = block(res3b2, 128, 512, '3b3') res3b4 = block(res3b3, 128, 512, '3b4') res3b5 = block(res3b4, 128, 512, '3b5') res3b6 = block(res3b5, 128, 512, '3b6') res3b7 = block(res3b6, 128, 512, '3b7') """ :call resnet-reduce 256 1024 3b7 4a """ res4a = block_reduce(res3b7, 256, 1024, '4a', stride=1, hole=2) """ :call resnet 256 1024 4a 4b1 :call resnet 256 1024 4b1 4b2 :call resnet 256 1024 4b2 4b3 :call resnet 256 1024 4b3 4b4 :call resnet 256 1024 4b4 4b5 :call resnet 256 1024 4b5 4b6 :call resnet 256 1024 4b6 4b7 :call resnet 256 1024 4b7 4b8 :call resnet 256 1024 4b8 4b9 :call resnet 256 1024 4b9 4b10 :call resnet 256 1024 4b10 4b11 :call resnet 256 1024 4b11 4b12 :call resnet 256 1024 4b12 4b13 :call resnet 256 1024 4b13 4b14 :call resnet 256 1024 4b14 4b15 :call resnet 256 1024 4b15 4b16 :call resnet 256 1024 4b16 4b17 :call resnet 256 1024 4b17 4b18 :call resnet 256 1024 4b18 4b19 :call resnet 256 1024 4b19 4b20 :call resnet 256 1024 4b20 4b21 :call resnet 256 1024 4b21 4b22 :call resnet 256 1024 4b22 4b23 :call resnet 256 1024 4b23 4b24 :call resnet 256 1024 4b24 4b25 :call resnet 256 1024 4b25 4b26 :call resnet 256 1024 4b26 4b27 :call resnet 256 1024 4b27 4b28 :call resnet 256 1024 4b28 4b29 :call resnet 256 1024 4b29 4b30 :call resnet 256 1024 4b30 4b31 :call resnet 256 1024 4b31 4b32 :call resnet 256 1024 4b32 4b33 :call resnet 256 1024 4b33 4b34 :call resnet 256 1024 4b34 4b35 """ res4b1 = block(res4a, 256, 1024, '4b1', hole=2) res4b2 = block(res4b1, 256, 1024, '4b2', hole=2) res4b3 = block(res4b2, 256, 1024, '4b3', hole=2) res4b4 = block(res4b3, 256, 1024, '4b4', hole=2) res4b5 = block(res4b4, 256, 1024, '4b5', hole=2) res4b6 = block(res4b5, 256, 1024, '4b6', hole=2) res4b7 = block(res4b6, 256, 1024, '4b7', hole=2) res4b8 = block(res4b7, 256, 1024, '4b8', hole=2) res4b9 = block(res4b8, 256, 1024, '4b9', hole=2) res4b10 = block(res4b9, 256, 1024, '4b10', hole=2) res4b11 = block(res4b10, 256, 1024, '4b11', hole=2) res4b12 = block(res4b11, 256, 1024, '4b12', hole=2) res4b13 = block(res4b12, 256, 1024, '4b13', hole=2) res4b14 = block(res4b13, 256, 1024, '4b14', hole=2) res4b15 = block(res4b14, 256, 1024, '4b15', hole=2) res4b16 = block(res4b15, 256, 1024, '4b16', hole=2) res4b17 = block(res4b16, 256, 1024, '4b17', hole=2) res4b18 = block(res4b17, 256, 1024, '4b18', hole=2) res4b19 = block(res4b18, 256, 1024, '4b19', hole=2) res4b20 = block(res4b19, 256, 1024, '4b20', hole=2) res4b21 = block(res4b20, 256, 1024, '4b21', hole=2) res4b22 = block(res4b21, 256, 1024, '4b22', hole=2) res4b23 = block(res4b22, 256, 1024, '4b23', hole=2) res4b24 = block(res4b23, 256, 1024, '4b24', hole=2) res4b25 = block(res4b24, 256, 1024, '4b25', hole=2) res4b26 = block(res4b25, 256, 1024, '4b26', hole=2) res4b27 = block(res4b26, 256, 1024, '4b27', hole=2) res4b28 = block(res4b27, 256, 1024, '4b28', hole=2) res4b29 = block(res4b28, 256, 1024, '4b29', hole=2) res4b30 = block(res4b29, 256, 1024, '4b30', hole=2) res4b31 = block(res4b30, 256, 1024, '4b31', hole=2) res4b32 = block(res4b31, 256, 1024, '4b32', hole=2) res4b33 = block(res4b32, 256, 1024, '4b33', hole=2) res4b34 = block(res4b33, 256, 1024, '4b34', hole=2) res4b35 = block(res4b34, 256, 1024, '4b35', hole=2) """ :call resnet-reduce 512 2048 4b35 5a """ res5a = block_reduce(res4b35, 512, 2048, '5a', stride=1, hole=4) """ :call resnet 512 2048 5a 5b :call resnet 512 2048 5b 5c """ res5b = block(res5a, 512, 2048, '5b', hole=4) res5c = block(res5b, 512, 2048, '5c', hole=4) """ layer { bottom: "res5c" top: "pool5" name: "pool5" type: "Pooling" pooling_param { kernel_size: 7 stride: 1 pool: AVE } } """ #res5c = #res5c = tf.strided_slice(res5c, [0, 0, 0, 0], res5c.get_shape(), [1, 4, 4, 1]) if final_layer: pool5 = ops.atrous_avg_pool( res5c, 7, rate=4, name='pool5', padding='SAME' if convolutional else 'VALID') info['activations']['pool5'] = pool5 ##pool5 = avg_pool(res5c, 7 * 4, stride=1, name='pool5', padding='SAME' if convolutional else 'VALID') #pool5 = res5c if convolutional: z = conv(pool5, 1000, size=1, name='fc1000', activation=None) else: z = resnet_inner(pool5, 1000, info=info, parameters=parameters, activation=None, name='fc1000') else: z = res5c return z
def resnet_atrous_conv(x, channels, size=3, padding='SAME', stride=1, hole=1, batch_norm=False, phase_test=None, activation=tf.nn.relu, name=None, parameter_name=None, bn_name=None, scale_name=None, summarize_scale=False, info=DummyDict(), parameters={}, pre_adjust_batch_norm=False): if parameter_name is None: parameter_name = name if scale_name is None: scale_name = parameter_name with tf.name_scope(name): features = int(x.get_shape()[3]) f = channels shape = [size, size, features, f] W_init, W_shape = _pretrained_resnet_conv_weights_initializer( parameter_name, parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, bn_name=bn_name, scale_name=scale_name) b_init, b_shape = _pretrained_resnet_biases_initializer( scale_name, parameters, info=info.get('init'), pre_adjust_batch_norm=pre_adjust_batch_norm, bn_name=bn_name) assert W_shape is None or tuple(W_shape) == tuple( shape ), "Incorrect weights shape for {} (file: {}, spec: {})".format( name, W_shape, shape) assert b_shape is None or tuple(b_shape) == ( f, ), "Incorrect bias shape for {} (file: {}, spec; {})".format( name, b_shape, (f, )) with tf.variable_scope(name): W = tf.get_variable('weights', shape, dtype=tf.float32, initializer=W_init) b = tf.get_variable('biases', [f], dtype=tf.float32, initializer=b_init) if hole == 1: raw_conv0 = tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding=padding) else: assert stride == 1 raw_conv0 = tf.nn.atrous_conv2d(x, W, rate=hole, padding=padding) #conv0 = tf.nn.conv2d(x, W, strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], padding=padding) if stride > 1: conv0 = tf.strided_slice(raw_conv0, [0, 0, 0, 0], raw_conv0.get_shape(), [1, stride, stride, 1]) else: conv0 = raw_conv0 h1 = tf.reshape(tf.nn.bias_add(conv0, b), conv0.get_shape()) z = h1 if activation is not None: z = activation(z) if info.get('scale_summary'): with tf.name_scope('activation'): tf.summary.scalar('activation/' + name, tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_mean(z**2))) info['activations'][name] = z return z