Exemple #1
 def apy(self, samples: ApySamples):
     if curve and curve.get_pool(self.token.address):
         return apy.curve.simple(self, samples)
     elif Version(self.api_version) >= Version("0.3.2"):
         return apy.v2.average(self, samples)
         return apy.v2.simple(self, samples)
Exemple #2
 def __init__(self, driver):
     self.ocp_version = get_ocp_version()
     self.ocp_version_full = version.get_semantic_ocp_version_from_config()
     self.page_nav = locators[self.ocp_version]["page"]
     self.ocs_version_semantic = version.get_semantic_ocs_version_from_config()
     self.ocp_version_semantic = version.get_semantic_ocp_version_from_config()
     self.operator_name = (
         if self.ocs_version_semantic >= version.VERSION_4_9
         else OCS_OPERATOR
     if Version.coerce(self.ocp_version) >= Version.coerce("4.8"):
         self.generic_locators = locators[self.ocp_version]["generic"]
     if config.ENV_DATA["platform"].lower() == constants.VSPHERE_PLATFORM:
         self.storage_class = "thin_sc"
     elif config.ENV_DATA["platform"].lower() == constants.AWS_PLATFORM:
         aws_sc = config.DEPLOYMENT.get("customized_deployment_storage_class")
         if aws_sc == "gp3-csi":
             self.storage_class = "gp3-csi_sc"
         elif aws_sc == "gp2-csi":
             self.storage_class = "gp2-csi_sc"
             self.storage_class = "gp2_sc"
     elif config.ENV_DATA["platform"].lower() == constants.AZURE_PLATFORM:
         if self.ocp_version_semantic >= version.VERSION_4_11:
             self.storage_class = "managed-csi_sc"
             self.storage_class = "managed-premium_sc"
     elif config.ENV_DATA["platform"].lower() == constants.GCP_PLATFORM:
         self.storage_class = "standard_sc"
Exemple #3
    def navigate_overview_page(self):
        Navigate to Overview Page

        logger.info("Navigate to Overview Page")
        if Version.coerce(self.ocp_version) >= Version.coerce("4.8"):
            self.choose_expanded_mode(mode=False, locator=self.page_nav["Home"])
            self.choose_expanded_mode(mode=True, locator=self.page_nav["Storage"])
            self.choose_expanded_mode(mode=True, locator=self.page_nav["Home"])
Exemple #4
    def create_ocs_jenkins_template(self):

        Create OCS Jenkins Template
        log.info("Create Jenkins Template, jenkins-persistent-ocs")
        ocp_obj = OCP(namespace="openshift", kind="template")
        tmp_dict = ocp_obj.get(resource_name="jenkins-persistent",
        tmp_dict["labels"]["app"] = "jenkins-persistent-ocs"
        tmp_dict["labels"]["template"] = "jenkins-persistent-ocs-template"
        tmp_dict["metadata"]["name"] = "jenkins-persistent-ocs"
        # Find Kind: 'PersistentVolumeClaim' position in the objects list, differs in OCP 4.5 and OCP 4.6.
                   if storagecluster_independent_check() else
        for i in range(len(tmp_dict["objects"])):
            if tmp_dict["objects"][i]["kind"] == constants.PVC:
                tmp_dict["objects"][i]["metadata"]["annotations"] = {
                    "volume.beta.kubernetes.io/storage-class": sc_name

        tmp_dict["parameters"][4]["value"] = "10Gi"
            "Override jenkins options to speed up slave spawning",
            "Override jenkins options to speed up slave spawning",
            "-Dhudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner.initialDelay=0 "
            "-Dhudson.slaves.NodeProvisioner.MARGIN=50 -Dhudson."
        if Version.coerce(self.ocp_version) >= Version.coerce("4.8"):
            # Added "Pipeline Utility Steps" plugin via Jenkins Template
            # OCP team changed the default plugin list on OCP4.9
        ocs_jenkins_template_obj = OCS(**tmp_dict)
Exemple #5
 def __init__(self, driver):
     self.ocp_version = get_ocp_version()
     self.page_nav = locators[self.ocp_version]["page"]
     ocs_version = version.get_semantic_ocs_version_from_config()
     self.operator_name = (ODF_OPERATOR
                           if ocs_version >= version.VERSION_4_9 else
     if Version.coerce(self.ocp_version) >= Version.coerce("4.8"):
         self.generic_locators = locators[self.ocp_version]["generic"]
     if config.ENV_DATA["platform"].lower() == constants.VSPHERE_PLATFORM:
         self.storage_class = "thin_sc"
     elif config.ENV_DATA["platform"].lower() == constants.AWS_PLATFORM:
         self.storage_class = "gp2_sc"
     elif config.ENV_DATA["platform"].lower() == constants.AZURE_PLATFORM:
         self.storage_class = "managed-premium_sc"
def get_necessary_migrations():
    necessary_migrations = []
    for migration_name, definition in sorted(ALL_ASYNC_MIGRATIONS.items()):
        if is_async_migration_complete(migration_name):
        sm = AsyncMigration.objects.get_or_create(name=migration_name)[0]

        sm.description = definition.description
        sm.posthog_max_version = definition.posthog_max_version
        sm.posthog_min_version = definition.posthog_min_version


        is_migration_required = ALL_ASYNC_MIGRATIONS[

        if is_migration_required:
            if POSTHOG_VERSION > Version(sm.posthog_max_version):
            dependency_ok, _ = is_migration_dependency_fulfilled(
            if dependency_ok:

    return necessary_migrations
Exemple #7
def update_validated_data_from_url(validated_data: Dict[str, Any],
                                   url: str) -> Dict:
    """If remote plugin, download the archive and get up-to-date validated_data from there."""
    if url.startswith("file:"):
        plugin_path = url[5:]
        json_path = os.path.join(plugin_path, "plugin.json")
        json = load_json_file(json_path)
        if not json:
            raise ValidationError(
                "Could not load plugin.json from: {}".format(json_path))
        validated_data["plugin_type"] = "local"
        validated_data["url"] = url
        validated_data["tag"] = None
        validated_data["archive"] = None
        validated_data["name"] = json.get("name", json_path.split("/")[-2])
        validated_data["description"] = json.get("description", "")
        validated_data["config_schema"] = json.get("config", [])
        validated_data["source"] = None
        posthog_version = json.get("posthogVersion", None)
        parsed_url = parse_url(url, get_latest_if_none=True)
        if parsed_url:
            validated_data["url"] = parsed_url["root_url"]
            validated_data["tag"] = parsed_url.get("tag", None)
            validated_data["archive"] = download_plugin_archive(
                validated_data["url"], validated_data["tag"])
            plugin_json = get_json_from_archive(validated_data["archive"],
            if not plugin_json:
                raise ValidationError(
                    "Could not find plugin.json in the plugin")
            validated_data["name"] = plugin_json["name"]
            validated_data["description"] = plugin_json.get("description", "")
            validated_data["config_schema"] = plugin_json.get("config", [])
            validated_data["source"] = None
            posthog_version = plugin_json.get("posthogVersion", None)
            raise ValidationError(
                "Must be a GitHub/GitLab repository or a npm package URL!")

        # Keep plugin type as "repository" or reset to "custom" if it was something else.
        if (validated_data.get("plugin_type", None) != Plugin.PluginType.CUSTOM
                and validated_data.get("plugin_type",
                                       None) != Plugin.PluginType.REPOSITORY):
            validated_data["plugin_type"] = Plugin.PluginType.CUSTOM

    if posthog_version and not settings.MULTI_TENANCY:
            spec = SimpleSpec(posthog_version.replace(" ", ""))
        except ValueError:
            raise ValidationError(
                f'Invalid PostHog semantic version requirement "{posthog_version}"!'
        if not (Version(VERSION) in spec):
            raise ValidationError(
                f'Currently running PostHog version {VERSION} does not match this plugin\'s semantic version requirement "{posthog_version}".'

    return validated_data
def version_string_to_semver(version: str) -> Version:
    minor = 0
    patch = 0

    # remove e.g. `-alpha`, Postgres metadata (`11.13 (Ubuntu 11.13-2.heroku1+1)`), etc
    version_parts = version.split("(")[0].split("-")[0].split(".")

    major = int(version_parts[0])

    if len(version_parts) > 1:
        minor = int(version_parts[1])

    if len(version_parts) > 2:
        patch = int(version_parts[2])

    return Version(major=major, minor=minor, patch=patch)
Exemple #9
def setup_async_migrations(ignore_posthog_version: bool = False):
    Execute the necessary setup for async migrations to work:
    1. Import all the migration definitions
    2. Create a database record for each
    3. Check if all migrations necessary for this PostHog version have completed (else don't start)
    4. Populate a dependencies map and in-memory record of migration definitions

    applied_migrations = set(instance.name for instance in get_all_completed_async_migrations())
    unapplied_migrations = set(ALL_ASYNC_MIGRATIONS.keys()) - applied_migrations

    first_migration = None
    for migration_name, migration in ALL_ASYNC_MIGRATIONS.items():

        sm = AsyncMigration.objects.get_or_create(name=migration_name)[0]

        sm.description = migration.description
        sm.posthog_max_version = migration.posthog_max_version
        sm.posthog_min_version = migration.posthog_min_version


        dependency = migration.depends_on

        if not dependency:
            if first_migration:
                raise ImproperlyConfigured(
                    "Two or more async migrations have no dependency. Make sure only the first migration has no dependency."

            first_migration = migration_name

        ASYNC_MIGRATION_TO_DEPENDENCY[migration_name] = dependency

        if (
            (not ignore_posthog_version)
            and (migration_name in unapplied_migrations)
            and (POSTHOG_VERSION > Version(migration.posthog_max_version))
            raise ImproperlyConfigured(f"Migration {migration_name} is required for PostHog versions above {VERSION}.")

    for key, val in ASYNC_MIGRATION_TO_DEPENDENCY.items():

    if getattr(config, "AUTO_START_ASYNC_MIGRATIONS") and first_migration:
        kickstart_migration_if_possible(first_migration, applied_migrations)
Exemple #10
 def __init__(self, driver):
     ocp_version = get_ocp_version()
     self.page_nav = locators[ocp_version]["page"]
     if Version.coerce(ocp_version) >= Version.coerce("4.8"):
         self.generic_locators = locators[ocp_version]["generic"]
Exemple #11
def simple(vault, samples: ApySamples) -> Apy:
    harvests = sorted([harvest for strategy in vault.strategies for harvest in strategy.harvests])

    # we don't want to display APYs when vaults are ramping up
    if len(harvests) < 2:
        raise ApyError("v2:harvests", "harvests are < 2")
    # set our time values for simple calcs, closest to a harvest around that time period
    now = closest(harvests, samples.now)
    week_ago = closest(harvests, samples.week_ago)
    month_ago = closest(harvests, samples.month_ago)
    # set our parameters
    contract = vault.vault
    price_per_share = contract.pricePerShare
    # calculate our current price
    now_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=now)

    # get our inception data
    inception_price = 10 ** contract.decimals()
    inception_block = harvests[:2][-1]

    if now_price == inception_price:
        raise ApyError("v2:inception", "no change from inception price")
    # check our historical data
    if samples.week_ago > inception_block:
        week_ago_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=week_ago)
        week_ago_price = inception_price

    if samples.month_ago > inception_block:
        month_ago_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=month_ago)
        month_ago_price = inception_price

    now_point = SharePricePoint(samples.now, now_price)
    week_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.week_ago, week_ago_price)
    month_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.month_ago, month_ago_price)
    inception_point = SharePricePoint(inception_block, inception_price)

    week_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, week_ago_point)
    month_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, month_ago_point)
    inception_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, inception_point)

    # use the first non-zero apy, ordered by precedence
    apys = [month_ago_apy, week_ago_apy, inception_apy]
    net_apy = next((value for value in apys if value != 0), 0)

    # for performance fee, half comes from strategy (strategist share) and half from the vault (treasury share)
    strategy_fees = []
    for strategy in vault.strategies: # look at all of our strategies
        debt_ratio = contract.strategies(strategy.strategy)['debtRatio'] / 10000
        performance_fee = contract.strategies(strategy.strategy)['performanceFee']
        proportional_fee = debt_ratio * performance_fee
    strategy_performance = sum(strategy_fees)
    vault_performance = contract.performanceFee() if hasattr(contract, "performanceFee") else 0
    management = contract.managementFee() if hasattr(contract, "managementFee") else 0
    performance = vault_performance + strategy_performance

    performance /= 1e4
    management /= 1e4

    # assume we are compounding every week
    compounding = 52

    # calculate our APR after fees
    apr_after_fees = compounding * ((net_apy + 1) ** (1 / compounding)) - compounding

    # calculate our pre-fee APR
    gross_apr = apr_after_fees / (1 - performance) + management

    # 0.3.5+ should never be < 0% because of management
    if net_apy < 0 and Version(vault.api_version) >= Version("0.3.5"):
        net_apy = 0

    points = ApyPoints(week_ago_apy, month_ago_apy, inception_apy)
    fees = ApyFees(performance=performance, management=management)
    return Apy("v2:simple", gross_apr, net_apy, fees, points=points)
Exemple #12
def average(vault, samples: ApySamples) -> Apy:
    harvests = sorted([harvest for strategy in vault.strategies for harvest in strategy.harvests])

    # we don't want to display APYs when vaults are ramping up
    if len(harvests) < 2:
        raise ApyError("v2:harvests", "harvests are < 2")
    # set our parameters
    contract = vault.vault
    price_per_share = contract.pricePerShare
    # calculate our current price
    now_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=samples.now)

    # get our inception data
    inception_price = 10 ** contract.decimals()
    inception_block = harvests[:2][-1]

    if now_price == inception_price:
        raise ApyError("v2:inception", "no change from inception price")
    # check our historical data
    if samples.week_ago > inception_block:
        week_ago_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=samples.week_ago)
        week_ago_price = inception_price

    if samples.month_ago > inception_block:
        month_ago_price = price_per_share(block_identifier=samples.month_ago)
        month_ago_price = inception_price

    now_point = SharePricePoint(samples.now, now_price)
    week_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.week_ago, week_ago_price)
    month_ago_point = SharePricePoint(samples.month_ago, month_ago_price)
    inception_point = SharePricePoint(inception_block, inception_price)

    week_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, week_ago_point)
    month_ago_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, month_ago_point)
    inception_apy = calculate_roi(now_point, inception_point)
    # we should look at a vault's harvests, age, etc to determine whether to show new APY or not

    # use the first non-zero apy, ordered by precedence
    apys = [month_ago_apy, week_ago_apy]
    two_months_ago = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=60)
    if contract.activation() > two_months_ago.timestamp():
        # if the vault was activated less than two months ago then it's ok to use
        # the inception apy, otherwise using it isn't representative of the current apy

    net_apy = next((value for value in apys if value != 0), 0)

    # for performance fee, half comes from strategy (strategist share) and half from the vault (treasury share)
    strategy_fees = []
    for strategy in vault.strategies: # look at all of our strategies
        debt_ratio = contract.strategies(strategy.strategy)['debtRatio'] / 10000
        performance_fee = contract.strategies(strategy.strategy)['performanceFee']
        proportional_fee = debt_ratio * performance_fee
    strategy_performance = sum(strategy_fees)
    vault_performance = contract.performanceFee() if hasattr(contract, "performanceFee") else 0
    management = contract.managementFee() if hasattr(contract, "managementFee") else 0
    performance = vault_performance + strategy_performance

    performance /= 1e4
    management /= 1e4

    # assume we are compounding every week
    compounding = 52

    # calculate our APR after fees
    # if net_apy is negative no fees are charged
    apr_after_fees = compounding * ((net_apy + 1) ** (1 / compounding)) - compounding if net_apy > 0 else net_apy

    # calculate our pre-fee APR
    gross_apr = apr_after_fees / (1 - performance) + management

    # 0.3.5+ should never be < 0% because of management
    if net_apy < 0 and Version(vault.api_version) >= Version("0.3.5"):
        net_apy = 0

    points = ApyPoints(week_ago_apy, month_ago_apy, inception_apy)
    fees = ApyFees(performance=performance, management=management)
    return Apy("v2:averaged", gross_apr, net_apy, fees, points=points)
Exemple #13
class TestServiceVersionRequirement(TestCase):
    def test_accepted_services(self):
        v1 = ServiceVersionRequirement(service="postgresql",
        v2 = ServiceVersionRequirement(service="clickhouse",
        v3 = ServiceVersionRequirement(service="redis",

        self.assertEqual(v1.service, "postgresql")
        self.assertEqual(v2.service, "clickhouse")
        self.assertEqual(v3.service, "redis")

        self.assertEqual(type(v1.supported_version), SimpleSpec)
        self.assertEqual(type(v2.supported_version), SimpleSpec)
        self.assertEqual(type(v3.supported_version), SimpleSpec)

        self.assertEqual(str(v1.supported_version), "==14.0.0")
        self.assertEqual(str(v2.supported_version), "==21.6.0")
        self.assertEqual(str(v3.supported_version), "==6.2.6")

        except Exception as e:
                "service kea cannot be used to specify a version requirement. service should be one of clickhouse, postgresql, redis",

    def test_service_versions(self):

        version1 = version_requirement.version_string_to_semver("14")
        self.assertEqual(version1.major, 14)
        self.assertEqual(version1.minor, 0)
        self.assertEqual(version1.patch, 0)

        version2 = version_requirement.version_string_to_semver("14.1")
        self.assertEqual(version2.major, 14)
        self.assertEqual(version2.minor, 1)
        self.assertEqual(version2.patch, 0)

        version3 = version_requirement.version_string_to_semver("14.1.2")
        self.assertEqual(version3.major, 14)
        self.assertEqual(version3.minor, 1)
        self.assertEqual(version3.patch, 2)

        version4 = version_requirement.version_string_to_semver("")
        self.assertEqual(version4.major, 14)
        self.assertEqual(version4.minor, 1)
        self.assertEqual(version4.patch, 2)

        version5 = version_requirement.version_string_to_semver("15.0.0-alpha")
        self.assertEqual(version5.major, 15)
        self.assertEqual(version5.minor, 0)
        self.assertEqual(version5.patch, 0)

        version5 = version_requirement.version_string_to_semver(
        self.assertEqual(version5.major, 16)
        self.assertEqual(version5.minor, 0)
        self.assertEqual(version5.patch, 0)

        version6 = version_requirement.version_string_to_semver(
            "11.13 (Ubuntu 11.13-2.heroku1+1)")
        self.assertEqual(version6.major, 11)
        self.assertEqual(version6.minor, 13)
        self.assertEqual(version6.patch, 0)

        lambda x: Version("12.1.2"))
    def test_ranges(self):
        v1 = ServiceVersionRequirement(service="postgresql",
        in_range, service_version = v1.is_service_in_accepted_version()
        self.assertEqual(in_range, False)
        self.assertEqual(str(service_version), "12.1.2")

        v2 = ServiceVersionRequirement(service="postgresql",
        in_range, _ = v2.is_service_in_accepted_version()
        self.assertEqual(in_range, True)

        v3 = ServiceVersionRequirement(service="postgresql",
        in_range, _ = v3.is_service_in_accepted_version()
        self.assertEqual(in_range, False)

        v4 = ServiceVersionRequirement(service="postgresql",
        in_range, _ = v4.is_service_in_accepted_version()
        self.assertEqual(in_range, True)

        v5 = ServiceVersionRequirement(service="postgresql",
        in_range, _ = v5.is_service_in_accepted_version()
        self.assertEqual(in_range, True)
Exemple #14
from semantic_version.base import Version

from posthog.async_migrations.definition import AsyncMigrationDefinition
from posthog.models.async_migration import AsyncMigration, get_all_completed_async_migrations
from posthog.settings import TEST
from posthog.version import VERSION

ALL_ASYNC_MIGRATIONS: Dict[str, AsyncMigrationDefinition] = {}

ASYNC_MIGRATION_TO_DEPENDENCY: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {}

DEPENDENCY_TO_ASYNC_MIGRATION: Dict[Optional[str], str] = {}


ASYNC_MIGRATIONS_MODULE_PATH = "posthog.async_migrations.migrations"
ASYNC_MIGRATIONS_EXAMPLE_MODULE_PATH = "posthog.async_migrations.examples"

all_migrations = import_submodules(ASYNC_MIGRATIONS_MODULE_PATH)

for name, module in all_migrations.items():
    ALL_ASYNC_MIGRATIONS[name] = module.Migration()

def setup_async_migrations(ignore_posthog_version: bool = False):
    Execute the necessary setup for async migrations to work:
    1. Import all the migration definitions
    2. Create a database record for each