def _set(self, instance, value, **kw):
        """Set the value of the field
        logger.debug("ATFieldManager::set: value=%r" % value)

        # check field permission
        if not self.field.checkPermission("write", instance):
            raise Unauthorized(
                "You are not allowed to write the field {}".format(

        # check if field is writable
        if not self.field.writeable(instance):
            raise Unauthorized("Field {} is read only.".format(

        # id fields take only strings
        if == "id":
            value = str(value)

        # get the field mutator
        mutator = self.field.getMutator(instance)

        # Inspect function and apply *args and **kwargs if possible.
        mapply(mutator, value, **kw)

        return True
Exemple #2
    def extract_fields(self):
        """Extract the given fieldnames from the object

        :returns: Schema name/value mapping
        :rtype: dict

        # get the proper data manager for the object
        dm = IDataManager(self.context)

        # filter out ignored fields
        fieldnames = filter(lambda name: name not in self.ignore, self.keys)

        # schema mapping
        out = dict()

        for fieldname in fieldnames:
                # get the field value with the data manager
                fieldvalue = dm.json_data(fieldname)
            # -> skip restricted fields
            except Unauthorized:
                logger.debug("Skipping restricted field '%s'" % fieldname)
            except ValueError:
                logger.debug("Skipping invalid field '%s'" % fieldname)

            out[fieldname] = api.to_json_value(self.context, fieldname,

        return out
Exemple #3
    def get_keyword_query(self, **kw):
        """Generates a query from the given keywords.
        Only known indexes make it into the generated query.

        :returns: Catalog query
        :rtype: dict
        query = dict()

        # Only known indexes get observed
        indexes = self.catalog.get_indexes()

        # Handle additional keyword parameters
        for k, v in kw.iteritems():
            # handle uid in keywords
            if k.lower() == "uid":
                k = "UID"
            # handle portal_type in keywords
            if k.lower() == "portal_type":
                if v:
                    v = _.to_list(v)
            if k not in indexes:
                logger.warn("Skipping unknown keyword parameter '%s=%s'" % (k, v))
            if v is None:
                logger.warn("Skip None value in kw parameter '%s=%s'" % (k, v))
            logger.debug("Adding '%s=%s' to query" % (k, v))
            query[k] = v

        return query
    def _get(self, instance, **kw):
        """Get the value of the field
        logger.debug("DexterityFieldManager::get: instance={} field={}".format(
            instance, self.field))

        # TODO: Check security on the field level
        return self.field.get(instance)
Exemple #5
    def get_index(self, name):
        """get an index by name

        TODO: Combine indexes of relevant catalogs depending on the portal_type
        which is searched for.
        catalog = self.get_catalog()
        index = catalog._catalog.getIndex(name)
        logger.debug("get_index={} of catalog '{}' --> {}".format(
            name, catalog.__name__, index))
        return index
Exemple #6
def icon_cache_key(method, self, brain_or_object):
    """Generates a cache key for the icon lookup

    Includes the virtual URL to handle multiple HTTP/HTTPS domains
    Example: http://senaite.local/clients?modified=1512033263370
    url = api.get_url(brain_or_object)
    modified = api.get_modification_date(brain_or_object).millis()
    key = "{}?modified={}".format(url, modified)
    logger.debug("Generated Cache Key: {}".format(key))
    return key
    def set(self, instance, value, **kw):
        """Decodes base64 value and set the file object
        value = str(value).decode("base64")

        # handle the filename
        if "filename" not in kw:
            logger.debug("FielFieldManager::set: No Filename detected "
                         "-> using title or id")
            kw["filename"] = kw.get("id") or kw.get("title")

        self._set(instance, value, **kw)
    def _get(self, instance, **kw):
        """Get the value of the field
        logger.debug("ATFieldManager::get: instance={} field={}".format(
            instance, self.field))

        # check the field permission
        if not self.field.checkPermission("read", instance):
            raise Unauthorized(
                "You are not allowed to read the field {}".format(

        # return the field value
        return self.field.get(instance)
    def _set(self, instance, value, **kw):
        """Set the value of the field
        logger.debug("DexterityFieldManager::set: value=%r" % value)

        # Check if the field is read only
        if self.field.readonly:
            raise Unauthorized("Field is read only")

        # Validate

        # TODO: Check security on the field level
        return self.field.set(instance, value)
Exemple #10
def url_for(endpoint, default="senaite.lims.jsonapi.get", **values):
    """Looks up the API URL for the given endpoint

    :param endpoint: The name of the registered route (aka endpoint)
    :type endpoint: string
    :returns: External URL for this endpoint
    :rtype: string/None

        return router.url_for(endpoint, force_external=True, values=values)
    except Exception:
        # XXX plone.jsonapi.core should catch the BuildError of Werkzeug and
        #     throw another error which can be handled here.
        logger.debug("Could not build API URL for endpoint '%s'. "
                     "No route provider registered?" % endpoint)

        # build generic API URL
        return router.url_for(default, force_external=True, values=values)
    def set(self, instance, value, **kw):
            "NamedFileFieldManager::set:File field"
            "detected ('%r'), base64 decoding value", self.field)

        data = str(value).decode("base64")
        filename = kw.get("filename") or kw.get("id") or kw.get("title")
        contentType = kw.get("mimetype") or kw.get("content_type")

        if contentType:
            # create NamedFile with content type information
            value = self.field._type(data=data,
            # create NamedFile w/o content type information
            # -> will be guessed by the extension of the filename
            value = self.field._type(data=data, filename=filename)

        return self.field.set(instance, value)
Exemple #12
    def get_icon_for(self, brain_or_object):
        """Get the navigation portlet icon for the brain or object

        The cache key ensures that the lookup is done only once per domain name
        portal_types = api.get_tool("portal_types")
        fti = portal_types.getTypeInfo(api.get_portal_type(brain_or_object))
        icon = fti.getIcon()
        if not icon:
            return ""
        # Always try to get the big icon for high-res displays
        icon_big = icon.replace(".png", "_big.png")
        # fall back to a default icon if the looked up icon does not exist
        if self.context.restrictedTraverse(icon_big, None) is None:
            icon_big = None
        portal_url = api.get_url(api.get_portal())
        title = api.get_title(brain_or_object)
        html_tag = "<img title='{}' src='{}/{}' width='16' />".format(
            title, portal_url, icon_big or icon)
        logger.debug("Generated Icon Tag for {}: {}".format(
            api.get_path(brain_or_object), html_tag))
        return html_tag
Exemple #13
def update_object_with_data(content, record):
    """Update the content with the record data

    :param content: A single folderish catalog brain or content object
    :type content: ATContentType/DexterityContentType/CatalogBrain
    :param record: The data to update
    :type record: dict
    :returns: The updated content object
    :rtype: object

    # ensure we have a full content object
    content = get_object(content)

    # get the proper data manager
    dm = IDataManager(content)

    if dm is None:
        fail(400, "Update for this object is not allowed")

    # Iterate through record items
    for k, v in record.items():
            success = dm.set(k, v, **record)
        except Unauthorized:
            fail(401, "Not allowed to set the field '%s'" % k)
        except ValueError, exc:
            fail(400, str(exc))

        if not success:
            logger.warn("update_object_with_data::skipping key=%r", k)

        logger.debug("update_object_with_data::field %r updated", k)
Exemple #14
        if not success:
            logger.warn("update_object_with_data::skipping key=%r", k)

        logger.debug("update_object_with_data::field %r updated", k)

    # Validate the entire content object
    invalid = validate_object(content, record)
    if invalid:
        fail(400, u.to_json(invalid))

    # do a wf transition
    if record.get("transition", None):
        t = record.get("transition")
        logger.debug(">>> Do Transition '%s' for Object %s", t, content.getId())
        do_transition_for(content, t)

    # reindex the object
    return content

def validate_object(brain_or_object, data):
    """Validate the entire object

    :param brain_or_object: A single catalog brain or content object
    :type brain_or_object: ATContentType/DexterityContentType/CatalogBrain
    :param data: The sharing dictionary as returned from the API
    :type data: dict
    :returns: invalidity status