def executeImport(cls, conn, importFile, **params): tokenValue = conn.authorization workspaceId = conn.workspaceGuid modelId = conn.modelGuid # Get the list of imports and choose one with the importId and the datasourceId print('IMPORT001 - %s - Retrieving the list of imports' % (importFile)) importInfos = cls.getImportInfo(tokenValue, workspaceId, modelId, importFile) print("IMPORT002 - %s - Import ID retrieved" % (importFile)) importId = importInfos[0] # # Trigger the import print("IMPORT005 - %s - Executing the Import" % (importFile)) executeImport = cls.importTrigger(tokenValue, workspaceId, modelId, importId, **params) print("IMPORT006 - %s - Import Triggered" % (importFile)) # # Get the status of the import print("IMPORT007 - %s - Checking status of import" % (importFile)) url = urlStem + "/workspaces/" + workspaceId + "/models/" + modelId + "/imports/" + importId + "/tasks" post_header = { 'Authorization': 'AnaplanAuthToken %s' % tokenValue, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } checkStatusImport = check_status(url, executeImport, post_header) print("IMPORT008 - %s - Status Retrieved" % (importFile)) emailSubject = "Anaplan Execution - " + importFile emailText = checkStatusImport sendemail.sendEmail(emailSubject, emailText)
def SendEmail(): while True: item = emailque.get() tousrs = ['*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**',\ '*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**',\ '*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**','*****@*****.**'] sendEmail(item.emailtitle,tousrs,'web API errors',item.errmsg)
def shutdownPi(why): """Shutdown Pi.""" pclogging.log(pclogging.INFO, __name__, "Pi Shutting Down: %s" % why) sendemail.sendEmail("test", "WeatherPi Shutting down:" + why, "The WeatherPi Raspberry Pi shutting down.", conf.notifyAddress, conf.fromAddress, "") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(10.0) os.system("sudo shutdown -h now")
def reboot_and_wdcp(comm='reboot'): print("尝试重启服务器....") save_log("尝试重启服务器....") check_service(comm=comm) time.sleep(30) print("正在开启wdcp服务....") save_log("正在开启wdcp服务....") check_service(comm="sh /www/wdlinux/wdcp/ start") time.sleep(30) result, result_msg = check_mysql() if not result: print("重启服务器都不行,再次check mysql") save_log(link + "重启服务器都不行,再次check mysql" + result_msg) sendemail.title = link + ",重启服务器都不行,再次check mysql" sendemail.content = result_msg sendemail.sendEmail() time.sleep(50) result, result_msg = check_mysql() if result: return True else: return reboot_and_wdcp() else: print(link + "重启服务器成功") save_log(link + ",重启服务器成功" + result_msg) sendemail.title = link + "重启服务器成功" sendemail.content = result_msg sendemail.sendEmail() return True
def shutdownPi(why): pclogging.log(pclogging.INFO, __name__, "Pi Shutting Down: %s" % why) sendemail.sendEmail("test", "WeatherPi Shutting down:"+ why, "The WeatherPi Raspberry Pi shutting down.", conf.notifyAddress, conf.fromAddress, ""); sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(10.0) os.system("sudo shutdown -h now")
def shutdownPi(why): pclogging.systemlog(config.INFO, "Pi Shutting Down: %s" % why) sendemail.sendEmail("test", "SkyWeather2 Shutting down:" + why, "The SkyWeather2 Raspberry Pi shutting down.", config.notifyAddress, config.fromAddress, "") sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(10.0) os.system("sudo shutdown -h now")
def takeAndSendPicture(source, pwm, pan, tilt ): #try: exposure = takeRaspiStill(source,pwm, pan, tilt) bodyText = "\n" + "BV=%0.2fV/BC=%0.2fmA/SV=%0.2fV/SC=%0.2fmA/%s" % (batteryVoltage, batteryCurrent, solarVoltage, solarCurrent,exposure) sendemail.sendEmail("TestPicture", bodyText, "Project Curacao2 Picture \n", config.notifyAddress, config.fromAddress, "static/picamera.jpg") #except: #print "Camera Failed" return
def executeRemoteCommand(command): result = True if command == REMOTE_LOCK: if hardwareconfig.checkLock() == False: AFroutines.lockScreen() result = sendemail.sendEmail("Command successful","Screen locked") eventQueue.put(("Log",'Screen locked due to remote command')) else: eventQueue.put(("Log",'Lock screen failed - command received while locked')) result = sendemail.sendEmail("Command failed","Screen already locked") elif command == REMOTE_STARTMONITOR: #cant check ispy camera status, just have to assume it was not monitoring iSpyPath = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS','ispy_path') roomCamID = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS','room_cam_id') if os.path.exists(iSpyPath): eventQueue.put(("Log","Starting room camera due to remote command")) else: eventQueue.put(("Log","iSpy executable not found - cannot fulfill remote command")) return[iSpyPath,'commands bringonline,2,%s'%roomCamID]) result = sendemail.sendEmail("Command successful","Movement monitoring initiated. Have a nice day.") elif command == REMOTE_STOPMONITOR: #cant check ispy camera status, just have to assume it was already monitoring iSpyPath = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS','ispy_path') roomCamID = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS','room_cam_id') if os.path.exists(iSpyPath): eventQueue.put(("Log","Stopping room camera due to remote command")) else: eventQueue.put(("Log","iSpy executable not found - cannot fulfill remote command")) return[iSpyPath,'commands takeoffline,2,%s'%roomCamID]) result = sendemail.sendEmail("Command successful","Movement monitoring disabled. Welcome home!") elif command == REMOTE_SHUTDOWN: result = sendemail.sendEmail("Command successful","Shutting down...") eventQueue.put(("Log","Initiating standard shutdown due to remote command")) AFroutines.standardShutdown() elif command == REMOTE_KILLSWITCH: eventQueue.put(("Log","Initiating emergency shutdown due to remote command")) AFroutines.emergency() if result != True: eventQueue.put(('Log','Mail send failed: %s'%result))
def init_sys(): #declare the sensor, mail system and reference value global ths global p global se global sendflag global temp_max_ref global temp_min_ref global humid_max_ref global humid_min_ref #initialize the detect value global pir_detect pir_detect = False global temp temp = -300 global humid humid = -1 #initialize the whole system, including the sensor, mail system and reference value ths = temp_detect.temp_hum_sensor(13) p = pir.pir(19) se = sendemail.sendEmail('*****@*****.**') temp_max_ref = config.max_temp temp_min_ref = config.min_temp humid_max_ref = config.max_humid humid_min_ref = config.min_humid print(str(humid_min_ref)) sendflag = False
def executeProcess(cls, conn, processName, **params): tokenValue = conn.authorization workspaceId = conn.workspaceGuid modelId = conn.modelGuid # Get the list of imports and choose one with the importId and the datasourceId print("PROC001 - %s - Retrieving the list of imports" %(processName)) processInfos = cls.getProcessInfo(tokenValue, workspaceId, modelId, processName) processId = processInfos print("PROC002 - %s - Import ID retrieved. See below:" %(processName)) # # Trigger the import print("PROC003 - %s - Executing the Process" %(processName)) print(params) executeImport = cls.execute_action_with_parameters(conn, processId, 3, **params) print("PROC004 - %s - Process Executed" %(processName)) # # Get the status of the import emailSubject = "Anaplan Execution - " + processName emailText = executeImport sendemail.sendEmail(emailSubject, emailText)
def process_as3935_interrupt(): global as3935Interrupt global as3935, as3935LastInterrupt, as3935LastDistance, as3935LastStatus as3935Interrupt = False print "processing Interrupt from as3935" # turn I2CBus 0 on #tca9545.write_control_register(TCA9545_CONFIG_BUS0) # turn I2CBus 2 on tca9545.write_control_register(TCA9545_CONFIG_BUS2) time.sleep(0.003) reason = as3935.get_interrupt() as3935LastInterrupt = reason if reason == 0x00: as3935LastStatus = "Spurious Interrupt" elif reason == 0x01: as3935LastStatus = "Noise Floor too low. Adjusting" as3935.raise_noise_floor() elif reason == 0x04: as3935LastStatus = "Disturber detected - masking" as3935.set_mask_disturber(True) elif reason == 0x08: now ='%H:%M:%S - %Y/%m/%d') distance = as3935.get_distance() as3935LastDistance = distance as3935LastStatus = "Lightning Detected " + str( distance) + "km away. (%s)" % now pclogging.log( pclogging.INFO, __name__, "Lightning Detected " + str(distance) + "km away. (%s)" % now) sendemail.sendEmail("test", "WeatherPi Lightning Detected\n", as3935LastStatus, conf.textnotifyAddress, conf.textfromAddress, "") print "Last Interrupt = 0x%x: %s" % (as3935LastInterrupt, as3935LastStatus) tca9545.write_control_register(TCA9545_CONFIG_BUS0) time.sleep(0.003)
def restart_mysql(comm='systemctl restart mysqld.service'): print("mysql服务挂了,正在重试....") save_log("mysql服务挂了,正在重试....") check_service(comm=comm) service_result, service_log = check_mysql() if service_result: print("mysql重启成功,正在正常运行") save_log("mysql重启成功,正在正常运行") sendemail.title = link + "," + "mysql重启成功,正在正常运行" sendemail.content = service_log sendemail.sendEmail() return True else: print("mysql重启失败") save_log("mysql重启失败") # sendemail.title = link + "," + "mysql重启失败" # sendemail.content = service_log # sendemail.sendEmail() return False
def notify(course): open('log.txt', 'w').close() course_open = 0 f = open('log.txt', 'r+') logtext = '' while 1: print 'RUNNNING ' + str(course['number']) prelog = timezone('US/Central')).strftime("%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p: ") if check_open(course): if course_open == 0: logtext = "{}Opened\n".format(prelog) sendEmail("Your class has opened.") sleep(5) sendEmail(str(course['crn'])) course_open = 1 else: logtext = "{}Closed\n".format(prelog) if course_open == 1: sendEmail("Your class has closed") course_open = 0 f.write(logtext) f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) sleep(300) f.close()
def process_as3935_interrupt(): global as3935Interrupt global as3935, as3935LastInterrupt, as3935LastDistance, as3935LastStatus as3935Interrupt = False print "processing Interrupt from as3935" # turn I2CBus 0 on #tca9545.write_control_register(TCA9545_CONFIG_BUS0) # turn I2CBus 2 on tca9545.write_control_register(TCA9545_CONFIG_BUS2) time.sleep(0.003) reason = as3935.get_interrupt() as3935LastInterrupt = reason if reason == 0x00: as3935LastStatus = "Spurious Interrupt" elif reason == 0x01: as3935LastStatus = "Noise Floor too low. Adjusting" as3935.raise_noise_floor() elif reason == 0x04: as3935LastStatus = "Disturber detected - masking" as3935.set_mask_disturber(True) elif reason == 0x08: now ='%H:%M:%S - %Y/%m/%d') distance = as3935.get_distance() as3935LastDistance = distance as3935LastStatus = "Lightning Detected " + str(distance) + "km away. (%s)" % now pclogging.log(pclogging.INFO, __name__, "Lightning Detected " + str(distance) + "km away. (%s)" % now) sendemail.sendEmail("test", "WeatherPi Lightning Detected\n", as3935LastStatus, conf.textnotifyAddress, conf.textfromAddress, ""); print "Last Interrupt = 0x%x: %s" % (as3935LastInterrupt, as3935LastStatus) tca9545.write_control_register(TCA9545_CONFIG_BUS0) time.sleep(0.003)
def check_website(l): try: res = requests.get(l, timeout=4) url = tldextract.extract(l) if res.status_code != 200: sendemail.content = "{}.{}发现以下问题:{}".format( url.domain, url.suffix, res.text) sendemail.title = "{}.{}访问异常了".format(url.domain, url.suffix) if not restart_mysql(): reboot_and_wdcp() elif res.status_code == 200: sendemail.content = "{}.{}目前运行正常:{}".format( url.domain, url.suffix, html.fromstring(res.content).xpath("//title/text()")[0]) sendemail.title = "{}.{}目前运行正常".format(url.domain, url.suffix) print(sendemail.content) save_log(sendemail.content) sendemail.sendEmail() except Exception as e: print("check_website发生异常:{}".format(e)) save_log("check_website发生异常:{}".format(e)) time.sleep(10) check_website(l)
def process_as3935_interrupt(): """Process the AS3935 Interrupt to determine type.""" global as3935Interrupt global as3935, as3935LastInterrupt, as3935LastDistance, as3935LastStatus as3935Interrupt = False print "processing Interrupt from as3935" reason = as3935.get_interrupt() as3935LastInterrupt = reason if reason == 0x00: as3935LastStatus = "Spurious Interrupt" if reason == 0x01: as3935LastStatus = "Noise Floor too low. Adjusting" as3935.raise_noise_floor() if reason == 0x04: as3935LastStatus = "Disturber detected - masking" as3935.set_mask_disturber(True) if reason == 0x08: now ='%H:%M:%S - %Y/%m/%d') distance = as3935.get_distance() as3935LastDistance = distance as3935LastStatus = "Lightning Detected " + str(distance) + "km away. (%s)" % now pclogging.log(pclogging.INFO, __name__, "Lightning Detected " + str(distance) + "km away. (%s)" % now) sendemail.sendEmail("test", "WeatherPi Lightning Detected\n", as3935LastStatus, conf.textnotifyAddress, conf.textfromAddress, "") print "Last Interrupt = 0x%x: %s" % (as3935LastInterrupt, as3935LastStatus)
def __init__(self): global hs_exit self.text = 'Home Security' self.pos = [160, 120] self.exit = hs_exit; self.temp_flag = config.TempFlag self.hum_flag = config.HumFlag self.mot_flag = config.MotFlag self.run_flag = config.TempFlag or config.HumFlag or config.MotFlag self.max_temp = config.max_temp self.min_temp = config.min_temp self.max_humid = config.max_humid self.min_humid = config.min_humid self.ths = temp_detect.temp_hum_sensor(13) self.p = pir.pir(19) = sendemail.sendEmail('*****@*****.**')
def getclassmsg(): try: html1 = urllib.request.urlopen( "").read() html1 = html1.decode('utf-8') part_title = r"<title>(.+?)</title>" title = re.compile(part_title).findall(html1) # print(title) part_table = r"""<table style="width: 707px; height: 302px;">((.|\r\n)+)</table> """ table = re.compile(part_table).findall(html1) html = """<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>%s</title> <p><h2>%s</h2></p> <table> """ % (title[0], title[0]) for x in table: for i in x: html += i html += """ </table> </body> </html> """ # 创建sendEmail类 se = sendemail.sendEmail(html, "*****@*****.**", "html") # 格式化发送的表头 se.set_msg("王晓东", "[%s]sendEmail about UCAS class" % title[0]) # 进行发送 se.send() # 发送完成退出 se.close() return True except Exception as e: log.error(e) return False'search JOB msg from mysql ---- END ----') except Exception as e: log.error("unable to fetch data") log.error(e) import sendemail #拼装msg_str'Assembling msg_str ---- START ----') msg_str = """""" msg_str += """***Positionname***\t***Companyname***\t***Workplace***\t***Salary***\t***Posttime***\t***Experience***\n""" count = 0 for row in results: msg_str += """%20s\t%20s\t%10s\t%20s\t%10s\t%10s\n""" % (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5]) # (Positionname, Companyname, Workplace, Salary, Posttime, Experience) count += 1 msg_conut = """总计岗位:%d\n""" % count'Assembling msg_str ---- SUCCESS ----') # 创建sendEmail类 se = sendemail.sendEmail( msg_conut + msg_str, config.mail['qq_email_wxd']['email'], config.mail['qq_email_wxd']['password'], config.sendlist['51job_list']['userlist'].split(',')) # 格式化发送的表头 se.set_msg("王晓东", "[sendEmail]sendEmail V1.0 Test 1st") # 进行发送 # se.login() se.send() # 发送完成退出 se.close()
root = ET.fromstring(xml) except ET.ParseError: print("Class doesn't exist :(") return avail = root.find('enrollmentStatus').text if avail == "Closed" or avail == "UNKNOWN": return 0 else: return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': while 1: print('RUNNNING') for course in courses: ## book keeping the open status for each course if 'open_status' not in course: course['open_status'] = False if check_open(course['department'], course['number'], course['crn']): if course['open_status'] == 0: sendEmail("Your class {}-{} has opened.".format( course['department'], course['number'])) course['open_status'] = 1 else: if course['open_status'] == 1: sendEmail("Your class has closed") course['open_status'] = 0 sleep(600)
<meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>table test</title> </head> <body> <div> <table border="1"> <tr> <td><a href="">This is a link</a></td> <tr> <td>row 1, cell 1</td> <td>row 1, cell 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>row 2, cell 1</td> <td>row 2, cell 2</td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> </html> """ # 创建sendEmail类 se = sendemail.sendEmail(html, "*****@*****.**", "html") # 格式化发送的表头 se.set_msg("王晓东", "[sendEmail]sendEmail about html table V1.1 Test 2nd") # 进行发送 se.send() # 发送完成退出 se.close()
"SkyWeather2 Startup Version " + config.SWVERSION) if (config.USEBLYNK): updateBlynk.blynkEventUpdate("SW Startup Version " + config.SWVERSION) updateBlynk.blynkTerminalUpdate("SW Startup Version " + config.SWVERSION) subjectText = "The " + config.STATIONKEY + " SkyWeather2 Raspberry Pi has #rebooted." ipAddress = subprocess.check_output(['hostname', '-I']) bodyText = "SkyWeather2 Version " + config.SWVERSION + " Startup \n" + ipAddress.decode( ) + "\n" if (config.SunAirPlus_Present): sampleSunAirPlus() bodyText = bodyText + "\n" + "BV=%0.2fV/BC=%0.2fmA/SV=%0.2fV/SC=%0.2fmA" % ( batteryVoltage, batteryCurrent, solarVoltage, solarCurrent) sendemail.sendEmail("test", bodyText, subjectText, config.notifyAddress, config.fromAddress, "") if (config.USEBLYNK): updateBlynk.blynkInit() import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt # set up MQTT if (config.MQTT_Enable): state.mqtt_client = mqtt.Client(client_id="SkyWeather2") state.mqtt_client.connect(config.MQTT_Server_URL, port=config.MQTT_Port_Number) import publishMQTT # Set up scheduler
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- # !/usr/bin/python3 # @version: V # @author: 飞翔的卡夫卡 # @contact: [email protected] # @site: # @software: PyCharm # @file: # @time: 2018/5/16 15:59 # @python:python3.6 import sendemail # 创建sendEmail类 se = sendemail.sendEmail('hello World!', '*****@*****.**') # 格式化发送的表头 se.set_msg("见你就上", "[sendEmail]sendEmail V1.0 Test 1st") se.send() # 发送完成退出 se.close()
def emailSender(): sendemail.sendEmail( user_settings) #figure out the arguments because settings
pclogging.log(pclogging.WARNING, __name__, "WLAN Down, Pi is resetting WLAN connection") WLAN_check_flg = WLAN_check_flg + 1 # try to recover['sudo /sbin/ifdown wlan0 && sleep 10 && sudo /sbin/ifup --force wlan0'], shell=True) else: WLAN_check_flg = 0 print "WLAN is OK" print "" print "WeatherPi Solar Powered Weather Station Version 2.0" print "Updated by Cameron Rex (camrex) - Original code by SwitchDoc Labs" print "" print "Program Started at:" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") print "" pclogging.log(pclogging.INFO, __name__, "WeatherPi Startup Version 2.0") sendemail.sendEmail("test", "WeatherPi Startup \n", "The WeatherPi Raspberry Pi has rebooted.", conf.notifyAddress, conf.fromAddress, "") secondCount = 1 while True: # process Interrupts from Lightning if (as3935Interrupt is True): try: process_as3935_interrupt() except: print "exception - as3935 I2C did not work" # print every 10 seconds if ((secondCount % 10) == 0): sampleWeather() sampleSunAirPlus() writeWeatherRecord()
def executeRemoteCommand(command): result = True if command == REMOTE_LOCK: if hardwareconfig.checkLock() == False: AFroutines.lockScreen() result = sendemail.sendEmail("Command successful", "Screen locked") eventQueue.put(("Log", 'Screen locked due to remote command')) else: eventQueue.put( ("Log", 'Lock screen failed - command received while locked')) result = sendemail.sendEmail("Command failed", "Screen already locked") elif command == REMOTE_STARTMONITOR: #cant check ispy camera status, just have to assume it was not monitoring iSpyPath = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS', 'ispy_path') roomCamID = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS', 'room_cam_id') if os.path.exists(iSpyPath): eventQueue.put( ("Log", "Starting room camera due to remote command")) else: eventQueue.put( ("Log", "iSpy executable not found - cannot fulfill remote command")) return[iSpyPath, 'commands bringonline,2,%s' % roomCamID]) result = sendemail.sendEmail( "Command successful", "Movement monitoring initiated. Have a nice day.") elif command == REMOTE_STOPMONITOR: #cant check ispy camera status, just have to assume it was already monitoring iSpyPath = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS', 'ispy_path') roomCamID = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS', 'room_cam_id') if os.path.exists(iSpyPath): eventQueue.put( ("Log", "Stopping room camera due to remote command")) else: eventQueue.put( ("Log", "iSpy executable not found - cannot fulfill remote command")) return[iSpyPath, 'commands takeoffline,2,%s' % roomCamID]) result = sendemail.sendEmail( "Command successful", "Movement monitoring disabled. Welcome home!") elif command == REMOTE_SHUTDOWN: result = sendemail.sendEmail("Command successful", "Shutting down...") eventQueue.put( ("Log", "Initiating standard shutdown due to remote command")) AFroutines.standardShutdown() elif command == REMOTE_KILLSWITCH: eventQueue.put( ("Log", "Initiating emergency shutdown due to remote command")) AFroutines.emergency() if result != True: eventQueue.put(('Log', 'Mail send failed: %s' % result))
all_course = '' for course in courses: s = course['课程名'] + ' ' + course['学分'] + ' ' + course[ '课程属性'] + ' ' + course['成绩'] + '\n' all_course = all_course + s return all_course if __name__ == "__main__": # 登录 while True: f = open("student.json", encoding='utf-8') global data data = json.load(f) print(u'学号: ' + data['zjh'] + ' ' + u'密码: ' + data['mm']) if login(True) == 1: break firsttime = True # 第一次的话,就选快点,后面有个间隔就好 initial_courses = grade() initial = len(initial_courses) sendEmail('初始成绩', normlize(initial_courses)) while True: courses = grade() course_sum = len(courses) if course_sum > initial: # 发送短信 initial = course_sum sendEmail('出成绩了', normlize(courses - initial_courses)) initial_courses = courses
def run(self): if fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS','debuglog') == 'True': global VERBOSELOGS VERBOSELOGS = True debugLog('Lockwatcher Started') global startupTime startupTime = time.time() #send log/status updates to connections in here - for config programs listeners = [] confMonThread = configMonitor() confMonThread.start() LOCKED = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS','lockedtriggers').split(',') ALWAYS = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS','alwaystriggers').split(',') ACTIVE = LOCKED+ALWAYS global eventQueue eventQueue = Queue.Queue() threadStatuses = {} threadDict = {} for trigger in ACTIVE: if trigger != '': startMonitor(threadDict,trigger) if fileconfig.config.get('EMAIL','ENABLE_REMOTE') == 'True': startMonitor(threadDict,'email') #new month, new log logPath = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS','logfile') if os.path.exists(logPath): creationTime = time.ctime(os.path.getctime(logPath)) creationMonth = datetime.datetime.strptime(creationTime, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") monthNow = time.strftime('%m %Y') if creationMonth != monthNow: try: open(logPath, 'w').close() except: pass eventQueue.put(('Log','Lockwatcher monitoring started')) badCommands = 0 shutdownActivated = False while True: event = eventQueue.get(block=True, timeout=None) debugLog('Event in queue: '+str(event)) eventType = event[0] #--------------trigger activated under shutdown conditions if eventType == 'Kill': eventReason = event[1] #don't trigger multiple shutdowns but keep logging while we can if shutdownActivated == False: shutdownActivated = True if fileconfig.config.get('EMAIL','email_alert') == 'True' and \ 'Kill switch' not in eventReason: try: #has a 4 second timeout for blocking operations result = sendemail.sendEmail('Emergency shutdown triggered',eventReason) if result != True: eventQueue.put(('Log','Mail send failed: %s'%result)) except: pass #email failed, oh well. AFroutines.emergency() #--------------thread status changed, inform any listeners elif eventType == 'Status': #if self.statuses != None: self.statuses[event[1]].set(event[2]) threadStatuses[event[1]] = event[2] msg = 'Status::%s::%s'%(event[1],event[2]) broadcast(listeners,msg) #-----------config programs can request all the current statuses elif eventType == 'getStatuses': msg = 'AllStatuses::' for name,value in threadStatuses.items(): msg = msg+ '%s::%s|'%(name,value) msg = msg[:-1] broadcast(listeners,msg) #--------------add to log file + listener log window if they exist elif eventType == 'Log': addLogEntry(str(event[1]),listeners) elif eventType == 'stop': broadcast(listeners,'Shutdown') for threadname in threadDict.keys(): if isRunning(threadname,threadDict): threadDict[threadname].terminate() confMonThread.terminate() time.sleep(1) #give threads time to shutdown return elif eventType == 'startMonitor': monitor=event[1] if monitor in trigMonitorMap.keys(): thread = trigMonitorMap[monitor] else: continue if not isRunning(thread,threadDict): startMonitor(threadDict,trigEventMap[monitor]) elif eventType == 'stopMonitor': monitor = event[1] if monitor == 'devices': threadnames = ['deviceMonitor','volumeMonitor', 'logicalDiskRemoveMonitor','logicalDiskCreateMonitor'] else: threadnames = [trigMonitorMap[monitor]] for threadname in threadnames: if isRunning(threadname,threadDict): threadDict[threadname].terminate() threadDict[threadname] = None elif eventType == 'Mail': #malformed emails would be a good way of crashing lockwatcher #be careful to valididate mail here validMail = True try: command, code = event[1].split(' ') eventQueue.put(('Log','Received mail "%s %s"'%(command,code))) except: validMail = False #forgive bad command codes - crappy attack and causes #loop if we look at our returned emails with same sender/recv addresss if validMail == True: try: command = int(command) if command not in commandList: continue except: continue if validMail == True and sendemail.validHMAC(code,command) == True: executeRemoteCommand(command) badCommands = 0 #good command resets limit else: badCommands += 1 result = sendemail.sendEmail("Command failed","Bad command or authentication code received: %s"%str(event[1])) if result != True: eventQueue.put(('Log','Mail send failed: %s'%result)) eventQueue.put(('Log','Mail not authenticated or bad command: "%s". Ensure clocks are synchronised.'%str(event[1]))) badCommandLimit = int(fileconfig.config.get('EMAIL','BAD_COMMAND_LIMIT')) if badCommandLimit > 0 and badCommands >= badCommandLimit: addLogEntry(str(event[1]),listeners) if shutdownActivated == False: shutdownActivated = True AFroutines.emergency() continue elif eventType == 'reloadConfig': fileconfig.reloadConfig() if isRunning('keyboardMonitor',threadDict): threadDict['keyboardMonitor'].reloadConfig() #eventQueue.put(('Log','Config reload forced')) #debugmode elif eventType == 'newListener': port = int(event[1]) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM) eventQueue.put(('Log','Lockwatcher connected to new configuration client')) try: s.connect( ('', port) ) except: eventQueue.put(('Log','Error: Failed to connect to client port: '+str(port))) continue s.send(b'True@@') listeners.append(s) else: eventQueue.put(('Log','Error: Unknown event in queue: '+str(event)))
def run(self): if fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS', 'debuglog') == 'True': global VERBOSELOGS VERBOSELOGS = True debugLog('Lockwatcher Started') global startupTime startupTime = time.time() #send log/status updates to connections in here - for config programs listeners = [] confMonThread = configMonitor() confMonThread.start() LOCKED = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS', 'lockedtriggers').split(',') ALWAYS = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS', 'alwaystriggers').split(',') ACTIVE = LOCKED + ALWAYS global eventQueue eventQueue = Queue.Queue() threadStatuses = {} threadDict = {} for trigger in ACTIVE: if trigger != '': startMonitor(threadDict, trigger) if fileconfig.config.get('EMAIL', 'ENABLE_REMOTE') == 'True': startMonitor(threadDict, 'email') #new month, new log logPath = fileconfig.config.get('TRIGGERS', 'logfile') if os.path.exists(logPath): creationTime = time.ctime(os.path.getctime(logPath)) creationMonth = datetime.datetime.strptime(creationTime, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y") monthNow = time.strftime('%m %Y') if creationMonth != monthNow: try: open(logPath, 'w').close() except: pass eventQueue.put(('Log', 'Lockwatcher monitoring started')) badCommands = 0 shutdownActivated = False while True: event = eventQueue.get(block=True, timeout=None) debugLog('Event in queue: ' + str(event)) eventType = event[0] #--------------trigger activated under shutdown conditions if eventType == 'Kill': eventReason = event[1] #don't trigger multiple shutdowns but keep logging while we can if shutdownActivated == False: shutdownActivated = True if fileconfig.config.get('EMAIL','email_alert') == 'True' and \ 'Kill switch' not in eventReason: try: #has a 4 second timeout for blocking operations result = sendemail.sendEmail( 'Emergency shutdown triggered', eventReason) if result != True: eventQueue.put( ('Log', 'Mail send failed: %s' % result)) except: pass #email failed, oh well. AFroutines.emergency() #--------------thread status changed, inform any listeners elif eventType == 'Status': #if self.statuses != None: self.statuses[event[1]].set(event[2]) threadStatuses[event[1]] = event[2] msg = 'Status::%s::%s' % (event[1], event[2]) broadcast(listeners, msg) #-----------config programs can request all the current statuses elif eventType == 'getStatuses': msg = 'AllStatuses::' for name, value in threadStatuses.items(): msg = msg + '%s::%s|' % (name, value) msg = msg[:-1] broadcast(listeners, msg) #--------------add to log file + listener log window if they exist elif eventType == 'Log': addLogEntry(str(event[1]), listeners) elif eventType == 'stop': broadcast(listeners, 'Shutdown') for threadname in threadDict.keys(): if isRunning(threadname, threadDict): threadDict[threadname].terminate() confMonThread.terminate() time.sleep(1) #give threads time to shutdown return elif eventType == 'startMonitor': monitor = event[1] if monitor in trigMonitorMap.keys(): thread = trigMonitorMap[monitor] else: continue if not isRunning(thread, threadDict): startMonitor(threadDict, trigEventMap[monitor]) elif eventType == 'stopMonitor': monitor = event[1] if monitor == 'devices': threadnames = [ 'deviceMonitor', 'volumeMonitor', 'logicalDiskRemoveMonitor', 'logicalDiskCreateMonitor' ] else: threadnames = [trigMonitorMap[monitor]] for threadname in threadnames: if isRunning(threadname, threadDict): threadDict[threadname].terminate() threadDict[threadname] = None elif eventType == 'Mail': #malformed emails would be a good way of crashing lockwatcher #be careful to valididate mail here validMail = True try: command, code = event[1].split(' ') eventQueue.put( ('Log', 'Received mail "%s %s"' % (command, code))) except: validMail = False #forgive bad command codes - crappy attack and causes #loop if we look at our returned emails with same sender/recv addresss if validMail == True: try: command = int(command) if command not in commandList: continue except: continue if validMail == True and sendemail.validHMAC(code, command) == True: executeRemoteCommand(command) badCommands = 0 #good command resets limit else: badCommands += 1 result = sendemail.sendEmail( "Command failed", "Bad command or authentication code received: %s" % str(event[1])) if result != True: eventQueue.put( ('Log', 'Mail send failed: %s' % result)) eventQueue.put(( 'Log', 'Mail not authenticated or bad command: "%s". Ensure clocks are synchronised.' % str(event[1]))) badCommandLimit = int( fileconfig.config.get('EMAIL', 'BAD_COMMAND_LIMIT')) if badCommandLimit > 0 and badCommands >= badCommandLimit: addLogEntry(str(event[1]), listeners) if shutdownActivated == False: shutdownActivated = True AFroutines.emergency() continue elif eventType == 'reloadConfig': fileconfig.reloadConfig() if isRunning('keyboardMonitor', threadDict): threadDict['keyboardMonitor'].reloadConfig() #eventQueue.put(('Log','Config reload forced')) #debugmode elif eventType == 'newListener': port = int(event[1]) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) eventQueue.put( ('Log', 'Lockwatcher connected to new configuration client')) try: s.connect(('', port)) except: eventQueue.put( ('Log', 'Error: Failed to connect to client port: ' + str(port))) continue s.send(b'True@@') listeners.append(s) else: eventQueue.put( ('Log', 'Error: Unknown event in queue: ' + str(event)))
template = env.get_template('serverusage.html') html_content = template.render(memory_status=memory_status, mem_percent=str(mem_percent), swap_status=swap_status, swap_percent=str(swap_percent), disk_status=disk_status, disk_status_path=disk_status_path, mem_total=round(mem_total), mem_use=round(mem_use), swap_total=round(swap_total), swap_used=round(swap_used), device_used=device_used) import sendemail # 创建sendEmail类 se = sendemail.sendEmail(html_content, "*****@*****.**", "html") # 格式化发送的表头 label = "" if memory_status == "red" or disk_status == "red" or swap_status == "red": # 包含19种情况 label = "Red" elif (memory_status != "red" and disk_status != "red" and swap_status != "red") and (memory_status == "yellow" or disk_status == "yellow" or swap_status == "yellow"): # label = "Yellow" elif memory_status == "green" and disk_status == "green" and swap_status == "green": label = "Green" se.set_msg( "东助", "[%s-%s]PI server status is %s !" % (label, str(, label.upper())) # 登录邮件
listings[search] = None driver = webdriver.Firefox() count = 0 while(count < 50): next_listings = {} for search, old_results in listings.items(): new_results = getListings(driver, search) # check for new listings if old results exist if old_results != None: time.sleep(10) for result in new_results: if result not in old_results: count += 1 print(result) sendEmail(EMAIL_SUBJECT, result) else: old_results = [] if new_results: next_listings[search] = new_results else: # avoid feeding nothing when getListings incorrectly returns nothing next_listings[search] = old_results listings = next_listings time.sleep(5 * 60)
<td>%s MB</td> <td bgcolor="%s">%s</td> </tr> """ % (device, round(device_used[device][0]), round( device_used[device][1]), device_used[device][3], str(device_used[device][2]) + "%") msg_str += """ </table> </div> </body> </html> """ import sendemail # 创建sendEmail类 se = sendemail.sendEmail(msg_str, "*****@*****.**", "html") # 格式化发送的表头 label = "" if memory_status == "red" or disk_status == "red" or swap_status == "red": # 包含19种情况 label = "Red" elif (memory_status != "red" and disk_status != "red" and swap_status != "red") and (memory_status == "yellow" or disk_status == "yellow" or swap_status == "yellow"): # label = "Yellow" elif memory_status == "green" and disk_status == "green" and swap_status == "green": label = "Green" se.set_msg( "王晓东", "[%s-%s]PI server status is %s !" % (label, str(, label.upper())) # 登录邮件
WLAN_check_flg = 0 print "WLAN is OK" print "" print "WeatherPi Solar Powered Weather Station Version 1.9 - SwitchDoc Labs" print "" print "" print "Program Started at:" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") print "" DATABASEPASSWORD = "******" pclogging.log(pclogging.INFO, __name__, "WeatherPi Startup Version 1.9") sendemail.sendEmail("test", "WeatherPi Startup \n", "The WeatherPi Raspberry Pi has rebooted.", conf.notifyAddress, conf.fromAddress, "") secondCount = 1 while True: # process Interrupts from Lightning if (as3935Interrupt == True): try: process_as3935_interrupt() except: print "exception - as3935 I2C did not work"
if avail == "Closed" or avail == "UNKNOWN": return 0 else: return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': open('log.txt', 'w').close() course_open = 0 f = open('log.txt', 'r+') logtext = '' while 1: print 'RUNNNING' prelog ='US/Central')).strftime("%m/%d %I:%M:%S %p: ") if check_open(): if course_open == 0: logtext = "{}Opened\n".format(prelog) sendEmail("Your class has opened.") sleep(5) sendEmail(str(course['crn'])) course_open = 1 else: logtext = "{}Closed\n".format(prelog) if course_open == 1: sendEmail("Your class has closed") course_open = 0 f.write(logtext) f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) sleep(1260) f.close()
<td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> <td>%s</td> </tr> """ % (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7]) count += 1 msg_str += """ </table> </div> </body> </html> """'Assembling msg_str ---- SUCCESS ----') # 创建sendEmail类 se = sendemail.sendEmail(msg_str, config.mail['qq_email_wxd']['email'], config.mail['qq_email_wxd']['password'], config.sendlist['51job_list']['userlist'].split(','), config.mail['qq_email_wxd']['smtp'], 465, 'html') # 格式化发送的表头 se.set_msg("王晓东", "[51JOB msg count: %d]sendEmail V1.0 Test 4st" % count) # 进行发送 # se.login() se.send() # 发送完成退出 se.close()
print returnStatusLine("WXLink", config.WXLink_Present) print print returnStatusLine("UseMySQL", config.enable_MySQL_Logging) print returnStatusLine("Check WLAN", config.enable_WLAN_Detection) print returnStatusLine("WeatherUnderground", config.WeatherUnderground_Present) print "----------------------" # initialize appropriate weather variables currentWindDirection = 0 currentWindDirectionVoltage = 0.0 rain60Minutes = 0.0 pclogging.log(pclogging.INFO, __name__, "GroveWeatherPi Startup Version 2.0") sendemail.sendEmail("test", "GroveWeatherPi Startup \n", "The GroveWeatherPi Raspberry Pi has #rebooted.", config.notifyAddress, config.fromAddress, "") if (config.SunAirPlus_Present == False): batteryCurrent = 0.0 batteryVoltage = 4.00 batteryPower = batteryVoltage * (batteryCurrent / 1000) solarCurrent = 0.0 solarVoltage = 0.0 solarPower = solarVoltage * (solarCurrent / 1000) loadCurrent = 0.0 loadVoltage = 0.0 loadPower = loadVoltage * (loadCurrent / 1000)