def callback(data): global left global right #global frame img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(data) image = process_image(img) image = bridge.cv2_to_imgmsg(image) pub_image.publish(image) left_points, right_points = pub_scatter(left, right) left_msg = PointCloud() left_msg.header.stamp = left_msg.header.frame_id = "footprint" left_msg.points = left_points left_msg_chan = ChannelFloat32() = 'value' left_msg_chan.values = [float(3)] left_msg.channels = [left_msg_chan] right_msg = PointCloud() right_msg.header.stamp = right_msg.header.frame_id = "footprint" right_msg.points = right_points right_msg_chan = ChannelFloat32() = 'value' right_msg_chan.values = [float(3)] right_msg.channels = [right_msg_chan] pub_point_cloud_right.publish(right_msg) pub_point_cloud_left.publish(left_msg)
def periodic(self): clouds = self.get_clouds() points = clouds[0].points + clouds[1].points frame_id = clouds[0].header.frame_id def norm(p): return np.hypot(np.hypot(p.x, p.y), p.z) p_safe = filter(lambda p: norm(p) > self.warn_distance, points) p_unsafe = filter(lambda p: (norm(p) > self.ignore_closer) and (norm(p) < self.warn_distance), points) if self.publish_clouds: pc_safe = PointCloud() pc_safe.header.frame_id = frame_id pc_safe.points = p_safe self.pub_safe.publish(pc_safe) pc_unsafe = PointCloud() pc_unsafe.header.frame_id = frame_id pc_unsafe.points = p_unsafe self.pub_unsafe.publish(pc_unsafe) if len(p_unsafe) > 0: # find the closest unsafe point norms = map(norm, p_unsafe) closest = np.argmin(norms) closest_dist = norms[closest] assert closest_dist > self.ignore_closer assert closest_dist < self.warn_distance p0 = p_unsafe[closest] angle = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(p0.y, p0.x)) desc = ('Point at distance %.2fm angle %.1fdeg (x:%.2f, y:%.2f) ign: %s warn: %s' % (norms[closest], angle, p0.x, p0.y, self.ignore_closer, self.warn_distance)) plane=[p0.x, p0.y] constraints = [constraint_plane(desc=desc, plane=plane)] else: constraints = [] msg_safety = Safety() msg_safety.id_check = 'hokuyo_safety' msg_safety.header.stamp = msg_safety.constraints = yaml.dump(constraints) if p_unsafe: = False msg_safety.desc = '%d unsafe points' % len(p_unsafe) else: = True msg_safety.desc = 'OK' self.pub_safety.publish(msg_safety)
def get_point_cloud_as_msg(self): """Return a ROS point cloud sensor message with the points representing the plume's particles and one channel containing the time of creation for each particle. > **Returns** The plume particles as a `sensor_msgs/PointCloud` message or `None` if no particles are found. """ if self._pnts is None or self._time_creation is None: return None pc = PointCloud() pc.header.stamp = pc.header.frame_id = 'world' if self._pnts is None: return None pc.points = [ Point32(x, y, z) for x, y, z in zip(self.x, self.y, self.z) ] channel = ChannelFloat32() = 'time_creation' if self._time_creation is None: return None channel.values = self._time_creation.tolist() pc.channels.append(channel) return pc
def to_pointcloud(self, frame): """Returns a PointCloud message corresponding to slice. Args: frame: Frame ID. Returns: A sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud. """ # Construct PointCloud message. cloud = PointCloud() cloud.header.frame_id = frame cloud.header.stamp = self.timestamp # Convert bins to list of Point32 messages. nbins = self.config["nbins"] r_step = self.range / nbins x_unit = math.cos(self.heading) * r_step y_unit = math.sin(self.heading) * r_step cloud.points = [ Point32(x=x_unit * r, y=y_unit * r, z=0.00) for r in range(1, nbins + 1) ] # Set intensity channel. channel = ChannelFloat32() = "intensity" channel.values = self.bins cloud.channels = [channel] return cloud
def sonarLaserCallback(data): global collision currSpeed = rosAriaPose.twist.twist if not collision and (abs(currSpeed.linear.x) >= 0.02): pose = amclPose.pose.pose points = polar_to_euclidean([ data.angle_min + (i * data.angle_increment) for i in range(len(data.ranges)) ], data.ranges) pc = PointCloud() pc.header.frame_id = "map" pc.points = [0] * len(points) counter = 0 for point in points: tfq = transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, 3.14) q = Quaternion(tfq[0], tfq[1], tfq[2], tfq[3]) p = Point32(point[0], point[1], 0) rotatePose(p, q) p.x = sonarOffset + p.x rotatePose(p, pose.orientation) p.x = pose.position.x + p.x p.y = pose.position.y + p.y pc.points[counter] = p counter = counter + 1 if not collision: evaluateReadings(pc)
def lidarCallback(data): global angle global ekf global p_acc p = PointCloud() p.points = [] p.header = data.header p.header.frame_id = "map" p_acc.header.stamp = data.header.stamp p_acc.header.seq = data.header.seq current_angle = data.angle_min pitch = + ekf.pitch roll = ekf.roll for i in data.ranges: if i < MAX_DISTANCE: point = Point32() yaw = current_angle+ekf.yaw point.x = i * math.cos(yaw) * math.cos(pitch) point.y = i * math.sin(yaw) * math.cos(pitch) current_angle += data.angle_increment point.z = i * math.sin(pitch) p.points += [point] p_acc.points += p.points pub.publish(p) pub_acc.publish(p_acc)
def callback(self, data): #rospy.loginfo(rospy.get_caller_id() + "-Received %s,%s,%s,%s", data.num1, data.num2, data.num3, data.num4) #convert data uints into 3D points points = PointCloud() points.header = Header() points.header.frame_id = 'map' point1 = Point() point2 = Point() point3 = Point() point4 = Point() point1.x = self.sensor1_x_from_origin point1.y = self.sensor1_y_from_origin point1.z = (self.sensor1_z_from_origin - data.num1) point2.x = self.sensor2_x_from_origin point2.y = self.sensor2_y_from_origin point2.z = self.sensor2_z_from_origin - data.num2 point3.x = self.sensor3_x_from_origin point3.y = self.sensor3_y_from_origin point3.z = self.sensor3_z_from_origin - data.num3 point4.x = self.sensor4_x_from_origin point4.y = self.sensor4_y_from_origin point4.z = self.sensor4_z_from_origin - data.num4 point_list = [point1, point2, point3, point4] points.points = point_list self.sonar_pts.publish(points)
def convert_pointcloud_to_ROS(pts3d, intensities = None, labels = None, colors=None, bgr=True): ROS_pointcloud = PointCloud() ROS_pointcloud.points = [] ROS_pointcloud.channels = [] (x,y,z) = (0,1,2) for pt in np.asarray(pts3d.T): ROS_pointcloud.points += [Point32(pt[x], pt[y], pt[z])] intensity_channel = ChannelFloat32(name = 'intensities') if intensities != None: for value in intensities: intensity_channel.values += [value] ROS_pointcloud.channels += [intensity_channel] label_channel = ChannelFloat32(name = 'labels') if labels != None: for value in labels: label_channel.values += [value] ROS_pointcloud.channels += [label_channel] if colors != None: r_ch = ChannelFloat32(name='r') g_ch = ChannelFloat32(name='g') b_ch = ChannelFloat32(name='b') rgb_ch = ChannelFloat32(name='rgb') for (r,g,b) in np.asarray(colors.T): #NOTE: CV image is in bgr order. Ros expects rgb order r_ch.values += [b/256] g_ch.values += [g/256] b_ch.values += [r/256] rgb_color = int(b*0xFF*0xFF+ g*0xFF+r) #incorrect rgb_ch.values += [rgb_color] ROS_pointcloud.channels += [r_ch, g_ch, b_ch] return ROS_pointcloud
def create_point_cloud(self, sortedRewards, min_len): c = PointCloud() c.header.seq = 1 c.header.stamp = c.header.frame_id = '/map' c.points = [] channel = ChannelFloat32() = "Values" channel.values = [] c.channels = [channel] for element in sortedRewards[0:min_len]: p = Point() x = y = z = w = roll, pitch, yaw = euler_from_quaternion((x, y, z, w)) offset_x = offset_y = p.y = (element[0] * np.cos(yaw) + element[1] * np.sin(yaw)) * + offset_y p.x = (element[1] * np.cos(yaw) - element[0] * np.sin(yaw)) * + offset_x c.points.append(p) channel.values.append(element[2]) return c
def getmapMsg(self, msg): # if self.first_flag is True: # = msg temp = point_cloud2.read_points(msg, skip_nans=True) path_list = PointCloud() path_list.points = [] for p in temp: get_point = Point32() get_point.x = p[2] get_point.y = p[0] get_point.z = p[1] path_list.points.append(get_point) print(len(path_list.points)) print(path_list.points[-1]) # print(self.cur_position) if len(path_list.points) > 10: for i in range(0, len(path_list.points) - 10): # print(i) if self.calc_distance( path_list.points[-1], path_list.points[i]) <= 1 and self.first_do is False: self.first_do = True = 'map' = = path_list.points[i:] continue self.pub_map.publish(
def to_pointcloud(self, frame): """Returns a PointCloud message corresponding to slice. Args: frame: Frame ID. Returns: A sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud. """ # Construct PointCloud message. cloud = PointCloud() cloud.header.frame_id = frame cloud.header.stamp = self.timestamp # Convert bins to list of Point32 messages. nbins = self.config["nbins"] r_step = self.config["step"] x_unit = math.cos(self.heading) * r_step y_unit = math.sin(self.heading) * r_step cloud.points = [ Point32(x=self.bins[r] * math.cos(r * self.step), y=self.bins[r] * math.sin(r * self.step), z=0.00) for r in range(0, nbins) ] return cloud
def setup_cloud(): cloud = PointCloud() cloud.header.stamp = cloud.header.frame_id = "odom" # Add points to cloud. points = [] for shelf in [0, 1, 2, 3]: # Shelf 1 add_point(points, 2, 0, shelf) # Shelf 2 add_point(points, 2, -1.5, shelf) # Shelf 3 add_point(points, 2, -3, shelf) # Shelf 4 add_point(points, 1, -4, shelf) # Shelf 5 add_point(points, -0.5, -4, shelf) # Shelf 6 add_point(points, -2, -4, shelf) # Shelf 7 add_point(points, -3, -3, shelf) # Shelf 8 add_point(points, -2, -1, shelf) cloud.points = points return cloud
def pt_cloud_setup(self, nx, ny, gx, gy): pt_cloud = PointCloud() pt_cloud.header = std_msgs.msg.Header() pt_cloud.header.stamp = pt_cloud.header.frame_id = self.frameid pt_cloud.points = [None] * (nx * ny) colors = ['r', 'g', 'b'] for color in colors: ch = Channel() = color ch.values = [] pt_cloud.channels.append(ch) cnt = 0 for i1 in range(0, nx): for i2 in range(0, ny): pt_cloud.points[cnt] = Point(i1 * gx, i2 * gy, 0) pt_cloud.channels[0].values.append(0.0) pt_cloud.channels[1].values.append(0.0) pt_cloud.channels[2].values.append(0.0) cnt = cnt + 1 return pt_cloud
def get_data(self, var): PC = PointCloud( ) # create the new object PointCloud to be published later PC.header = var.header # copy the content of topic to another PointCloud in order to manipulate it PC.channels = var.channels PC.points = var.points """ Function to get the "3D" map """ for i in range((len(PC.points))): PC.points[i].z = PC.channels[0].values[ i] / 100 # write in the z axis of the points the values of the "intensity" divided by 100 to make it readable on rviz self.pub2.publish(PC) # publish it into the new topic """ Function to filtter the map and get only one point by degree """ index_max = PC.channels[0].values.index(max(PC.channels[0].values)) for i in range(len(PC.points)): #396 if i != index_max: PC.points[i].x = PC.points[i].y = PC.points[i].z = 0 else: PC.points[i].z = 0 self.pub1.publish(PC) # publish it into the new topic
def broadcaster_particles(self): # Part for export point clound message = PointCloud() message.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() message.header.frame_id = self.parent_frame message.channels = [] message.channels.append(ChannelFloat32()) message.channels[0].name = "intensities" if self.direct_to_parent: message.points = array_to_point32(self.filter.particles) else: message.points = array_to_point32(self.filter.particles + self.state) message.channels[0].values = tuple(self.filter.weights) self.pub_particle.publish(message)
def create_point_cloud(self, xs, ys, vals): c = PointCloud() c.header.seq = 1 c.header.stamp = c.header.frame_id = '/map' c.points = [] channel = ChannelFloat32() = "Values" channel.values = [] c.channels = [channel] for i in range(len(xs)): p = Point() x = y = z = w = roll, pitch, yaw = euler_from_quaternion((x, y, z, w)) offset_x = offset_y = p.y = (xs[i] * np.cos(yaw) + ys[i] * np.sin(yaw)) * + offset_y p.x = (ys[i] * np.cos(yaw) - xs[i] * np.sin(yaw)) * + offset_x c.points.append(p) channel.values.append(vals[i]) return c
def getFrontiers(self): if self.gmap is not None: self.lookingForFrontiers = True rospy.loginfo("[frontier_search] Looking for frontiers") #First check to see if the cells are free and if we already decided they are not a frontier cells = [x for x in range(0, len( if[x] == 0] # and x not in self.notFrontier removed from previous line waay too slow! #The check to see if the remaining are frontiers frontiers = [cell for cell in cells if -1 in [[val] for val in self.getNeighbors(cell)]] #Add all cells that are not frontiers to our list of not frontiers waay too slow! #self.notFrontier.extend([cell for cell in cells if cell not in frontiers]) #Check to see if the area around them is clear of obstacles freeFrontiers = [frontier for frontier in frontiers if self.validFrontier(frontier)] rospy.loginfo("[frontier_search] Found %s frontiers", len(freeFrontiers)) points = self.getPoints(freeFrontiers) cloud = PointCloud() h = std_msgs.msg.Header() h.stamp = h.frame_id = 'map' cloud.header = h cloud.points = points rospy.loginfo("[frontier_search] Publishing frontiers") # Publish a point cloud for your viewing pleasure self.publishFrontiers.publish(cloud) self.lookingForFrontiers = False return cloud else: rospy.loginfo("[frontier_search] No map available") return None
def publish(self, yellow_points, white_points, target_path, obstacle_path): lane_line_yellow_points = PointCloud() lane_line_yellow_points.header.frame_id = self.frame_id lane_line_yellow_points.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) lane_line_yellow_points.points = yellow_points self.lane_line_yellow_points_pub.publish(lane_line_yellow_points) lane_line_white_points = PointCloud() lane_line_white_points.header.frame_id = self.frame_id lane_line_white_points.header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) lane_line_white_points.points = white_points self.lane_line_white_points_pub.publish(lane_line_white_points) self.path_pub.publish(target_path) self.obstacle_path_pub.publish(obstacle_path)
def detected_robots_callback(self, data): robots = np.array([[robot.x, robot.y] for robot in data.points]) if robots.shape[0] != 0: # exclude our robots ind = np.where( np.logical_and( np.linalg.norm(robots - self.coords_main[:2], axis=1) > self.SEPARATE_ROBOT_DISTANCE, np.linalg.norm(robots - self.coords_secondary[:2], axis=1) > self.SEPARATE_ROBOT_DISTANCE)) robots = robots[ind] # exclude objects outside the field (beacons, ets.) ind = np.where( np.logical_and( np.logical_and( robots[:, 0] > self.WALL_DIST_X, robots[:, 0] < self.size_in_meters[0] - self.WALL_DIST_X), np.logical_and(robots[:, 1] > 0, robots[:, 1] < self.size_in_meters[1]))) robots = robots[ind] self.robots = robots self.robots_upd_time = data.header.stamp # pub opponent robots array = PointCloud() array.header.frame_id = "map" array.header.stamp = array.points = [Point(x=robot[0], y=robot[1]) for robot in robots] self.pub_opponent_robots.publish(array)
def points3d_to_pcl(self, points3d): pcl = PointCloud() #transforms the points3d list into a pointcloud pcl.header = self.recognition_header pcl.points = points3d return pcl
def PointCloud2_to_PointCloud(pc): assert isinstance(pc, PointCloud2) xyz = pc2xyz(pc) msg = PointCloud() msg.header = pc.header msg.points = [Point32(x,y,z) for (x,y,z) in xyz[0,:,:]] return msg
def __publish_point_cloud_data(self, stamp): points = self._wb_device.getPointCloud() if points: msg = PointCloud() msg.header.stamp = stamp msg.header.frame_id = self._frame_id msg.points = [Point32(x=point.x, y=point.y, z=point.z) for point in points] self.__publisher.publish(msg)
def handle_contact_points(contact_points): global br t = PointCloud() t.header.stamp = t.header.frame_id = rospy.get_param( '/extract_point_cloud_of_contacts/world_frame', "world") t.points = contact_points br.publish(t)
def transform_polygon(self, polygon, frame_target): """ Use TF Listener to transform the points in a PolygonStamped into a different TF frame...via a PointCloud msg, which is the output data type. """ cloud = PointCloud() cloud.header = polygon.header cloud.points = polygon.polygon.points self.listener.waitForTransform(frame_target, cloud.header.frame_id, cloud.header.stamp, rospy.Duration(1.0)) return self.listener.transformPointCloud(frame_target, cloud)
def publish_weeds(self): """ Publish the weeds ont the map. """ cloud = PointCloud() cloud.header.stamp = rospy.Time() cloud.header.frame_id = "map" cloud.points = self.weed_map self.weedmap_pub.publish(cloud) #Publish the weeds
def publish(self): polygon_msg = PolygonStamped() pointcloud_msg = PointCloud() pointcloud_msg.header.frame_id = self.publish_frame pointcloud_msg.header.stamp = pointcloud_msg.points = self.corner_points_transformed self.corner_points_pub.publish(pointcloud_msg) polygon_msg.header = pointcloud_msg.header polygon_msg.polygon.points = self.corner_points_transformed self.foot_state_msg.foot_state.polygon.points = self.corner_points_transformed self.polygon_pub.publish(polygon_msg) self.foot_state_pub.publish(self.foot_state_msg)
def publish_tracking(points, odom_tracker_key): msg = PointCloud() msg.points = [] msg.header = Header() msg.header.stamp = msg.header.frame_id = 'odom' for p in points: msg.points.append(Point(p.x, p.y, 0)) odom_out_publishers[odom_tracker_key].publish(msg)
def _callback(self, data): self.transformer.waitForTransform('odom_combined', 'map',, rospy.Duration(2)) new_data = PointCloud() new_data.header.stamp = new_data.header.frame_id = 'odom_combined' new_data.points = [ self._map_to_odom_combined(p, data.header.stamp) for p in data.points ] new_data.channels = data.channels self.publisher.publish(new_data)
def publish_point_cloud_messages(data_publishers, measured_distances): point_32_msg = Point32() point_cloud_msg = PointCloud() for index, measured_distance in enumerate(measured_distances): point_32_msg.x = measured_distance point_cloud_msg.points = [point_32_msg] point_cloud_msg.header.frame_id = range_sensors_frame_ids[index] point_cloud_msg.header.stamp = data_publishers[index].publish(point_cloud_msg)
def GetUnifiedPointcloud(self, pointcloud_list): pointcloudUnified = PointCloud() pointcloudUnified.points = [] pointcloudUnified.channels = [] if len(pointcloud_list) > 0: pointcloudUnified.header = pointcloud_list[0].header # They all have different headers, but just use the first one. for pointcloud in pointcloud_list: pointcloudUnified.points.extend(pointcloud.points) pointcloudUnified.channels.extend(pointcloud.channels) return pointcloudUnified
def getMsg_dynamic(lidar_data): gen = point_cloud2.read_points(lidar_data, skip_nans=True) points_list = [] for p in gen: if p[4] == 7: points_list.append([p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]]) pcl_data = pcl.PointCloud_PointXYZRGB() pcl_data.from_list(points_list) # downsampling 실행 코드 부분 print("Input :", pcl_data) LEAF_SIZE = 0.1 cloud = do_voxel_grid_downssampling(pcl_data, LEAF_SIZE) print("Output :", cloud) # ROI 실행 코드 부분 filter_axis = 'x' axis_min = 0.1 axis_max = 7.0 cloud = do_passthrough(cloud, filter_axis, axis_min, axis_max) filter_axis = 'y' axis_min = -4.0 axis_max = 4.0 cloud = do_passthrough(cloud, filter_axis, axis_min, axis_max) filter_axis = 'z' axis_min = 0.0 axis_max = 2.0 cloud = do_passthrough(cloud, filter_axis, axis_min, axis_max) test = PointCloud() get_in = ChannelFloat32() = 'VLP_intensity' test.points = [] for p in cloud: # if p[1] > 0: park = Point32() park.x = p[0] park.y = p[1] park.z = 0 get_in.values.append(p[3]) test.points.append(park) #print("Input :", cnt) test.channels.append(get_in) test.header.frame_id = 'world' test.header.stamp = pub.publish(test)
def pubsub(): poindcloud_pub = rospy.Publisher('weed_pointcloud', PointCloud, queue_size=5) rospy.init_node('pointcloud', anonymous=True) rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): ptcloud = PointCloud() time = rospy.Time(0) ptcloud.header.stamp = time ptcloud.header.frame_id = 'map' ptcloud.points = pts rospy.loginfo(ptcloud) poindcloud_pub.publish(ptcloud) rate.sleep()
def lidarinfo(data): p = PointCloud() p.points = [] p.header = data.header current_angle = data.angle_min for i in data.ranges: point = Point32() point.x = i * math.cos(current_angle) point.y = i * math.sin(current_angle) current_angle += data.angle_increment point.z = 0 p.points += [point] pub.publish(p)
def publish_frontiers(self): point_cloud = PointCloud() point_cloud.header = std_msgs.msg.Header() point_cloud.header.stamp = point_cloud.header.frame_id = '/orb_slam/map' off_x, off_y =, point_cloud.points = [Point32( (x+.5) * + off_x, (y+.5) * + off_y, 0.0 ) for (y, x) in self.frontiers ] publisher = OneTimePublisher("exploration_frontiers", PointCloud, point_cloud) publisher.start()
def determinarDerivada(scan): derivada = PointCloud() derivada.header = scan.header derivada.points = [Point(0,0,0)]*(len(scan.points)-1) for i in range(0,len(derivada.points)): ponto_x = scan.points[i].x ponto_y = 0 if math.fabs(scan.points[i+1].x-scan.points[i].x) > 0.000001: ponto_z = (scan.points[i+1].z-scan.points[i].z)/(scan.points[i+1].x-scan.points[i].x) else: ponto_z = 0 derivada.points[i] = Point(ponto_x,ponto_y,ponto_z) return derivada
def GenerateIdealDock(points_count): global ideal_dock_pointcloud # rospy.loginfo("GenerateIdealDock with %d points" % points_count) base_length = 0.2475 # 247.50mm hypotenuse_length = 0.1985 # 198.50mm base_angle = 142.5 / 180.0 * math.pi # 142.5 degrees base_points_count = points_count / 4 * 2 + points_count % 4 hypotenuse_points_count = points_count / 4 base_step_delta = base_length / base_points_count hypotenuse_delta_x = math.sin( base_angle) * hypotenuse_length / hypotenuse_points_count hypotenuse_delta_y = math.cos( base_angle) * hypotenuse_length / hypotenuse_points_count ideal_dock_cloud = [] # right hypotenuse points for i in range(hypotenuse_points_count): point = Point32() point.x = hypotenuse_delta_x * (hypotenuse_points_count - i) * (-1) point.y = -(base_length / 2.0) + hypotenuse_delta_y * (hypotenuse_points_count - i) point.z = 0.0 # i * 0.01 ideal_dock_cloud.append(point) # base points for i in range(base_points_count): point = Point32(0.0, base_length / 2.0 - i * base_step_delta, 0.0) ideal_dock_cloud.append(point) # left hypotenuse points for i in range(hypotenuse_points_count): point = Point32() point.x = hypotenuse_delta_x * (hypotenuse_points_count - i) * (-1) point.y = (base_length / 2.0) - hypotenuse_delta_y * (hypotenuse_points_count - i) point.z = 0.0 # i * 0.01 ideal_dock_cloud.append(point) # ideal dock pointcloud ideal_dock_pointcloud = PointCloud() ideal_dock_pointcloud.header.frame_id = "dock" ideal_dock_pointcloud.header.stamp = ideal_dock_pointcloud.points = ideal_dock_cloud return ideal_dock_cloud
def get_data(self, var): PC = PointCloud( ) # create the new object PointCloud to be published later PC.header = var.header # copy the content of topic to another PointCloud in order to manipulate it PC.channels = var.channels PC.points = var.points for i in range((len(PC.points))): PC.points[i].z = PC.channels[0].values[ i] / 100 # write in the z axis of the points the values of the "intensity" divided by 100 to make it readable on rviz # publish it into the new topic
def GetUnifiedPointcloud(self, pointcloud_list): pointcloudUnified = PointCloud() pointcloudUnified.points = [] pointcloudUnified.channels = [] if len(pointcloud_list) > 0: pointcloudUnified.header = pointcloud_list[0].header # They all have different headers, but just use the first one. pointcloudUnified.channels.append(ChannelFloat32(name='intensity', values=[])) for pointcloud in pointcloud_list: pointcloudUnified.points.extend(pointcloud.points) pointcloudUnified.channels[0].values.extend(pointcloud.channels[0].values) return pointcloudUnified
def np_points_to_ros(pts): p_list = [] chlist = [] # p_list = [Point32(p[0,0], p[0,1], p[0,2]) for p in pts.T] # chlist = np.zeros(pts.shape[1]).tolist() for p in pts.T: p_list.append(Point32(p[0,0],p[0,1],p[0,2])) chlist.append(0.) ch = ChannelFloat32('t',chlist) pc = PointCloud() pc.points = p_list pc.channels = [ch] return pc
def gmm_cloud_publish(self, data): h = std_msgs.msg.Header() h.stamp = h.frame_id = "map" pcl = PointCloud() pcl.header = h pcl.points = [] pcl.channels = [] for i in range(0, data.shape[1]): point = Point32() point.x = data[0,i] point.y = data[1,i] point.z = data[2,i] pcl.points.append(point) self.gmmPub.publish(pcl)
def transformLines(self, lines, stamp): points = [] for l in lines: p1 = Point32() p1.x = -((self.imgWidth / 2) - l[0]) / self.fx p1.y = -((self.imgHeight / 2) - l[1]) / self.fy p1.z = 1 points.append(p1) p1 = Point32() p1.x = -((self.imgWidth / 2) - l[2]) / self.fx p1.y = -((self.imgHeight / 2) - l[3]) / self.fy p1.z = 1 points.append(p1) pcl = PointCloud() pcl.points = points pcl.header.stamp = stamp pcl.header.frame_id = self.camFrame self.tfListener.waitForTransform(self.camFrame, self.floorFrame, stamp,Duration(5.0) ) transfPcl = self.tfListener.transformPointCloud(self.floorFrame,pcl) self.orig.header.stamp = stamp origWorld = self.tfListener.transformPoint(self.floorFrame,self.orig).point groundPoints = [] for z1World in transfPcl.points: # print "z1World", z1World paramLambda = origWorld.z / (origWorld.z - z1World.z) pos = Point() pos.x = -self.scale * (origWorld.x + paramLambda * (origWorld.x - z1World.x)) pos.y = -self.scale * (origWorld.y + paramLambda * (origWorld.y - z1World.y)) pos.z = 0 groundPoints.append(pos) tLines = [] for i in range(0,len(groundPoints)/2, 2): tLines.append([groundPoints[i],groundPoints[i+1]]) return tLines
def image_callback(self,image): try: # if there is an image # Acquire the image, and convert to single channel gray image curr_image = self.bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(image, "mono8") if len(curr_image.shape) > 2: if curr_image.shape[2] > 1: # color image, convert it to gray curr_image = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # shape should now be (rows, columns) elif curr_image.shape[2] == 1: # mono image, with wrong formatting curr_image = curr_image[:,:,0] # shape should now be (rows, columns) if self.prev_image is None: self.prev_image = curr_image return # optional: resize the image # curr_image = cv2.resize(curr_image, (0,0), fx=0.8, fy=0.8) # Get time stamp secs = image.header.stamp.secs nsecs = image.header.stamp.nsecs curr_time = float(secs) + float(nsecs)*1e-9 ######################################################################### # Image processing stuff happens here. Image is acccessed at curr_image # Should end up with a list of 3D points, e.g. # [[x1,y1,0], [x2,y2,0], [x3,y3,0]] tracked_points = get_random_tracked_points() # for example - these should be based on the actual tracked points in the image ######################################################################### # draw the image, and tracking points draw_optic_flow_field(curr_image, tracked_points) # publish optic flow data to rostopic msg = PointCloud() msg.header.stamp.secs = secs msg.header.stamp.nsecs = nsecs msg.points = [Point( tracked_point[0], tracked_point[1], tracked_point[2] ) for tracked_point in tracked_points] self.tracked_points_pub.publish(msg) self.prev_image = curr_image except CvBridgeError, e: print e
#!/usr/bin/env python import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('lidar_proc') import rospy import math from std_msgs.msg import Float64 from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan, PointCloud from geometry_msgs.msg import Point32 from filters.msg import EKFData pub = rospy.Publisher('point_cloud_raw', PointCloud) pub_acc = rospy.Publisher('point_cloud_raw_acc', PointCloud) angle = Float64() ekf = EKFData() MAX_DISTANCE = 4 p_acc = PointCloud() p_acc.points = [] p.header.frame_id = "map" def angleCallback(data): global angle angle = data def ekfCallback(data): global ekf ekf = data def lidarCallback(data): global angle global ekf global p_acc p = PointCloud() p.points = []
def bblos_main(address): rospy.loginfo ('bblos_main') """Read scans from the platform.""" global getIntensities global getMeasuredSpeed global testPlatform global timeout global lastreqtime global velreq global omegareq global pubodo global publaser # pre-initialise the constant part of the messages odomsg = Odometry() odomsg.header.frame_id = globalFrameName odomsg.child_frame_id = "biba_base"; odomsg.pose.pose.position.z = 0 for i in range(0,36): odomsg.pose.covariance[i] = 0 for i in range(0,36): odomsg.twist.covariance[i] = 0 odomsg.twist.twist.linear.y = 0 odomsg.twist.twist.linear.z = 0 odomsg.twist.twist.angular.x = 0 odomsg.twist.twist.angular.y = 0 laser = PointCloud() laser.header.frame_id = "laser" laser.channels.append(ChannelFloat32()) laser.points = [] if getIntensities: laser.channels[0].name = "intensities" laser.channels[0].values = [] # Use a Rate object to try to have a constant sampling time (which LOS # cannnot provide anyway) rate = rospy.Rate(10) proxy = Connection(address) proxy.login("User", "none") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # First acquire all the data tstamp = rospy.rostime.get_rostime() try: proxy.Watchdog.reset(3.0) # We can de-activate intensities if requested if getIntensities: (tlaser, pose, maxAge, indices, coordinates, intensities) = proxy.Scan.get(Int32(gfCoordinates | gfSync | gfIntensities)) else: (tlaser, pose, maxAge, indices, coordinates) = proxy.Scan.get(Int32(gfCoordinates | gfSync )) #rospy.logdebug("info") #rospy.logdebug(tlaser) #rospy.logdebug(pose) #rospy.logdebug(maxAge) #rospy.logdebug(indices) #rospy.logdebug("coordinates ") #rospy.logdebug(coordinates) #if getIntensities: # rospy.logdebug(intensities) (todo, lospose) = proxy.Odometry.getPose() if getMeasuredSpeed: # Activate this part if you really need the robot speed speeds = proxy.Motion.getSpeed() else: speeds = [0, velreq, omegareq] # Implement a timeout if the last requested control message is too # old if (rospy.rostime.get_time() - lastreqtime) > timeout: velreq = 0.0 omerareq = 0.0 # And finally send the latest command if testPlatform: proxy.Motion.setSpeed(0.1*math.sin(rospy.rostime.get_time()), 0.1*math.cos(rospy.rostime.get_time())) else: proxy.Motion.setSpeed(velreq,omegareq) # rospy.loginfo("Speed sent %f and %f" % (velreq,omegareq)) except SyntaxError: traceback.print_exc() print "Exception while accessing los proxy" break except: print "Interrupted" break # Now convert the LOS type to ROS messages n = len(coordinates)/2 laser.header.stamp = tstamp if not (n == len(laser.points)): laser.points = [Point32()]*n if getIntensities: laser.channels[0].values = [0]*n for i in range(0,n): laser.points[i] = Point32(coordinates[2*i+0], coordinates[2*i+1], 0) #laser.points[i].x = Point32(coordinates[2*i+0], coordinates[2*i+1], 0) #laser.points[i].y = Point32(coordinates[2*i+1]) #laser.points[i].z = 0 #rospy.logdebug("points: %f, %f", laser.points[i].x, laser.points[i].y) if getIntensities: laser.channels[0].values[i] = intensities[i] publaser.publish(laser) # Directly send requested values odomsg.header.stamp = tstamp odomsg.twist.twist.linear.x = speeds[1] odomsg.twist.twist.angular.z = speeds[2] odomsg.pose.pose.position.x = lospose[0]; odomsg.pose.pose.position.y = lospose[1]; odomsg.pose.pose.position.z = wheelRadius; q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,lospose[2]) odomsg.pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0] odomsg.pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1] odomsg.pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2] odomsg.pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] # Assuming the covariance is Cov[x y 0 . . theta] odomsg.pose.covariance[6*0+0] = lospose[3]; # x * x odomsg.pose.covariance[6*0+1] = lospose[6]; # x * y odomsg.pose.covariance[6*1+0] = lospose[6]; # y * x odomsg.pose.covariance[6*1+1] = lospose[4]; # y * y odomsg.pose.covariance[6*0+5] = lospose[7]; # x * theta odomsg.pose.covariance[6*5+0] = lospose[7]; # theta * x odomsg.pose.covariance[6*1+5] = lospose[8]; # y * theta odomsg.pose.covariance[6*5+1] = lospose[8]; # theta * y odomsg.pose.covariance[6*5+5] = lospose[5]; # theta * theta pubodo.publish(odomsg) # Publish transformation frame br = tf.TransformBroadcaster() br.sendTransform( (odomsg.pose.pose.position.x, odomsg.pose.pose.position.y, odomsg.pose.pose.position.z), (odomsg.pose.pose.orientation.x, odomsg.pose.pose.orientation.y, odomsg.pose.pose.orientation.z, odomsg.pose.pose.orientation.w),, odomsg.child_frame_id, globalFrameName ) #rospy.loginfo("published laser and odo") rate.sleep()
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import numpy as np import tf import mil_ros_tools from sensor_msgs.msg import PointCloud rospy.init_node("ground_finder") pub = rospy.Publisher("ground_est", PointCloud, queue_size=1) listener = tf.TransformListener() pc = PointCloud() pc.header = mil_ros_tools.make_header(frame="map") pc.points = [] rate = rospy.Rate(1.0) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: t = listener.waitForTransform('/map', '/ground',, rospy.Duration(1)) (trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/ground', rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.Exception, tf.LookupException, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.ExtrapolationException): rospy.logwarn("TF waitForTransform timeout") continue pc.points.append(mil_ros_tools.numpy_to_point(np.array(trans))) pub.publish(pc) rate.sleep()
def callback(data): ma = MarkerArray() pcl = PointCloud() pcl.header.frame_id = "world" pcl.header.stamp = rospy.Time() pcl.points = static_map_borders # this is obviously a cludge, the static map should be generated elsewhere for i, name in enumerate( marker = Marker() marker.header.frame_id = "world" = 0 marker.ns = name marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time() marker.lifetime = rospy.Time(0.3) marker.action = Marker.ADD marker.pose = data.pose[i] text_marker = Marker() text_marker.header.frame_id = "world" = 1 text_marker.ns = name text_marker.header.stamp = rospy.Time() text_marker.type = Marker.TEXT_VIEW_FACING text_marker.lifetime = rospy.Time(0.3) text_marker.action = Marker.ADD text_marker.pose = data.pose[i] text_marker.text = name text_marker.scale.x = 0.1 text_marker.scale.y = 0.1 text_marker.scale.z = 0.05 text_marker.color.a = 0.9 text_marker.color.r = 1.0 text_marker.color.g = 1.0 text_marker.color.b = 1.0 if 'cylinder' in name: marker.type = Marker.CYLINDER marker.scale.x = 0.060 marker.scale.y = 0.060 marker.scale.z = 0.070 marker.color.a = 0.5 marker.color.r = 0.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 marker.color.b = 0.0 ma.markers.append(marker) ma.markers.append(text_marker) pcl.points += gen_flatcircle(marker.scale.x / 2.0, marker.pose.position.x, marker.pose.position.y) if 'tennis' in name: marker.type = Marker.SPHERE marker.scale.x = 0.064 marker.scale.y = 0.064 marker.scale.z = 0.064 marker.color.a = 0.5 marker.color.r = 0.0 marker.color.g = 0.0 marker.color.b = 1.0 ma.markers.append(marker) ma.markers.append(text_marker) pcl.points += gen_flatcircle(marker.scale.x / 2.0, marker.pose.position.x, marker.pose.position.y) if 'pop_corn' in name: marker.type = Marker.SPHERE marker.scale.x = 0.040 marker.scale.y = 0.040 marker.scale.z = 0.040 marker.color.a = 0.5 marker.color.r = 1.0 marker.color.g = 0.0 marker.color.b = 1.0 ma.markers.append(marker) ma.markers.append(text_marker) pcl.points += gen_flatcircle(marker.scale.x / 2.0, marker.pose.position.x, marker.pose.position.y) if 'cup' in name: marker.type = Marker.CYLINDER marker.pose.position.z += 0.075 marker.scale.x = 0.095 marker.scale.y = 0.095 marker.scale.z = 0.150 marker.color.a = 0.5 marker.color.r = 0.0 marker.color.g = 1.0 marker.color.b = 1.0 ma.markers.append(marker) ma.markers.append(text_marker) pcl.points += gen_flatcircle(marker.scale.x / 2.0, marker.pose.position.x, marker.pose.position.y) # if 'nucobot' in name: # br.sendTransform((data.pose[i].position.x, data.pose[i].position.y, data.pose[i].position.z), # (data.pose[i].orientation.x, data.pose[i].orientation.y, data.pose[i].orientation.z, data.pose[i].orientation.w), #, # "base_footprint", # "world") pub_pcl.publish(pcl) pub.publish(ma)
from geometry_msgs.msg import Point32 pub1 = rospy.Publisher("cloud1", PointCloud) pub2 = rospy.Publisher("cloud2", PointCloud) rospy.init_node('send_two_clouds') cloud = PointCloud() while not rospy.is_shutdown(): cloud.header.frame_id = "/base_link" cloud.header.stamp = cloud.points = [ Point32( 0, 0, 0 ), Point32( .1, 0, 0 ), Point32( 0, .1, 0 ), Point32( .1, .1, 0 ) ] pub1.publish( cloud ) cloud.points = [ Point32( .5, 0, 0 ), Point32( .6, 0, 0 ), Point32( .5, .1, 0 ), Point32( .6, .1, 0 ) ] pub2.publish( cloud ) rospy.sleep(.5)