def _reproject(self, eopatch, src_raster): """ Reprojects the raster data from Geopedia's CRS (POP_WEB) to EOPatch's CRS. """ height, width = src_raster.shape dst_raster = np.ones((height, width), dtype=self.raster_dtype) src_bbox = transform_bbox(eopatch.bbox, CRS.POP_WEB) src_transform = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(*src_bbox, width=width, height=height) dst_bbox = eopatch.bbox dst_transform = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(*dst_bbox, width=width, height=height) rasterio.warp.reproject( src_raster, dst_raster, src_transform=src_transform, src_crs={'init': CRS.ogc_string(CRS.POP_WEB)}, src_nodata=0, dst_transform=dst_transform, dst_crs={'init': CRS.ogc_string(}, dst_nodata=self.no_data_val) return dst_raster
def execute(self, eopatch): # convert to 3857 CRS bbox_3857 = transform_bbox(eopatch.bbox, CRS.POP_WEB) # get iterator over features gpd_iter = GeopediaFeatureIterator(layer=self.layer, bbox=bbox_3857) features = list(gpd_iter) if len(features): gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(features) = {'init': 'epsg:4326'} # convert back to EOPatch CRS gdf = gdf.to_crs({'init': f'epsg:{}'}) if self.year: # Filter by years gdf = gdf.loc[gdf[self.year_col_name].isin([self.year])] if self.drop_duplicates: sel = gdf.drop('geometry', axis=1) sel = sel.drop_duplicates() gdf = gdf.loc[sel.index] eopatch[self.feature_type][self.feature_name] = gdf return eopatch
def _get_wms_request(self, bbox, size_x, size_y): """ Returns WMS request. """ bbox_3857 = transform_bbox(bbox, CRS.POP_WEB) return GeopediaWmsRequest(layer=self.layer, theme=self.theme, bbox=bbox_3857, width=size_x, height=size_y, image_format=self.image_format, custom_url_params={CustomUrlParam.TRANSPARENT: True})
def show_splitter(splitter, alpha=0.2, area_buffer=0.2, show_legend=False): area_bbox = splitter.get_area_bbox() minx, miny, maxx, maxy = area_bbox lng, lat = area_bbox.get_middle() w, h = maxx - minx, maxy - miny minx = minx - area_buffer * w miny = miny - area_buffer * h maxx = maxx + area_buffer * w maxy = maxy + area_buffer * h fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) base_map = Basemap(projection='mill', lat_0=lat, lon_0=lng, llcrnrlon=minx, llcrnrlat=miny, urcrnrlon=maxx, urcrnrlat=maxy, resolution='l', epsg=4326) base_map.drawcoastlines(color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) area_shape = splitter.get_area_shape() if isinstance(area_shape, Polygon): area_shape = [area_shape] for polygon in area_shape: if isinstance(polygon.boundary, MultiLineString): for linestring in polygon.boundary: ax.add_patch( plt_polygon(np.array(linestring), closed=True, facecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0), edgecolor='red')) else: ax.add_patch( plt_polygon(np.array(polygon.boundary), closed=True, facecolor=(0, 0, 0, 0), edgecolor='red')) bbox_list = splitter.get_bbox_list() info_list = splitter.get_info_list() cm = plt.get_cmap('jet', len(bbox_list)) legend_shapes = [] for i, (bbox, info) in enumerate(zip(bbox_list, info_list)): wgs84_bbox = transform_bbox(bbox, CRS.WGS84).get_polygon() tile_color = tuple(list(cm(i))[:3] + [alpha]) ax.add_patch( plt_polygon(np.array(wgs84_bbox), closed=True, facecolor=tile_color, edgecolor='green')) if show_legend: legend_shapes.append(plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=cm(i))) if show_legend: plt.legend(legend_shapes, [ '{},{}'.format(info['index_x'], info['index_y']) for info in info_list ]) plt.tight_layout()