Exemple #1
class ContentTypes(TestCase):
    """ A set of unit tests that check the usage of content types. """

    def setUp(self):
        self.page1 = Page.objects.create(title=u"MD Page One Title", type=u"page-one-type", content=u"Page one content.")
        self.page2 = Page.objects.create(type=u"page-two-type", content=u"Page two content.")

        content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Page)

        self.meta_data1 = MetaData.objects.get(content_type=content_type, object_id=self.page1.id)
        self.meta_data1.keywords = "MD Keywords"
        self.meta_data2 = MetaData.objects.get(content_type=content_type, object_id=self.page2.id)

        self.category_meta_data = MetaData(content_type=content_type, object_id=None)
        self.category_meta_data.title = u"CMD { Title"
        self.category_meta_data.keywords = u"CMD Keywords, {{ page.type }}, more keywords"
        self.category_meta_data.description = u"CMD Description for {{ page }} and {{ page }}"

        self.context1 = self.meta_data1.formatted
        self.context2 = self.meta_data2.formatted

    def test_direct_data(self):
        """ Check data is used directly when it is given. """
        self.assertEqual(self.context1.title, u'MD Page One Title')
        self.assertEqual(self.context1.keywords, u'MD Keywords')

    def test_category_data(self):
        """ Check that the category data is used when it is missing from the relevant meta data. 
        # The brace is included to check that no error is thrown by an attempted substitution
        self.assertEqual(self.context2.title, u'CMD { Title')

    def test_category_substitution(self):
        """ Check that category data is substituted correctly """
        self.assertEqual(self.context2.keywords, u'CMD Keywords, page-two-type, more keywords')
        self.assertEqual(self.context1.description, u'CMD Description for MD Page One Title and MD Page One Title')
        self.assertEqual(self.context2.description, u'CMD Description for Page two content. and Page two content.')
Exemple #2
class Formatting(TestCase):
    """ A set of simple unit tests that check formatting. """
    def setUp(self):
        self.meta_data = MetaData(
                path        = "/",
                title       = "The <strong>Title</strong>",
                heading     = "The <em>Heading</em>",
                keywords    = 'Some, keywords", with\n other, chars\'',
                description = "A \n description with \" interesting\' chars.",
                extra       = '<meta name="author" content="seo" /><hr /> ' 
                              'No text outside tags please.')

        self.context = self.meta_data.formatted
    def test_html(self):
        """ Tests html generation is performed correctly.
            Thorough cleaning is done when BeautifulSoup is available.
        if BeautifulSoup:
            assert self.meta_data.formatted.html == """<title>The <strong>Title</strong></title>
<meta name="keywords" content="Some, keywords&#34;, with,  other, chars'" />
<meta name="description" content="A   description with &#34; interesting' chars." />
<meta name="author" content="seo" />
""", "Incorrect html:\n" + self.meta_data.html
            assert self.meta_data.formatted.html == """<title>The <strong>Title</strong></title>
<meta name="keywords" content="Some, keywords&#34;, with,  other, chars'" />
<meta name="description" content="A   description with &#34; interesting' chars." />
<meta name="author" content="seo" /><hr /> No text outside tags please.
""", "Incorrect html:\n" + self.meta_data.html

    def test_description(self):
        """ Tests the description is cleaned correctly. """
        exp = "A   description with &#34; interesting' chars."
        self.assertEqual(self.context.description, exp)

    def test_keywords(self):
        """ Tests keywords are cleaned correctly. """
        exp = "Some, keywords&#34;, with,  other, chars'"
        self.assertEqual(self.context.keywords, exp)

    def test_title(self):
        """ Tests the title is cleaned correctly. """
        exp = 'The <strong>Title</strong>'
        self.assertEqual(self.context.title, exp)

    def test_heading(self):
        """ Tests the heading is cleaned correctly. """
        exp = 'The <em>Heading</em>'
        self.assertEqual(self.context.heading, exp)

    def test_extra(self):
        """ Tests the extras attribute is cleaned correctly. 
            Thorough cleaning is done when BeautifulSoup is available.
        if BeautifulSoup:
            exp = '<meta name="author" content="seo" />'
            exp = ('<meta name="author" content="seo" /><hr />'
                  ' No text outside tags please.')
        self.assertEqual(self.context.extra, exp)