Exemple #1
    def get_cur_dataset(self, dataset_idx):
        dataset_name = self.dataset_list[dataset_idx]
        config_content = self.config_content

        fea_seperator = FeaSeperator(dataset_name)
        # set feature seperator
        seperator_type = config_content['feature_seperator']
        if seperator_type == 'slice_window':
            window_size = config_content['window_size']
            step = config_content['step']
            n_level = config_content['n_level']
                window_size, step, n_level)
        elif seperator_type == 'stride_window':
            stride_len = config_content['stride_len']
            n_level = config_content['n_level']
            fea_seperator.set_seperator_by_stride_window(stride_len, n_level)
        elif seperator_type == 'random_pick':
            window_size = config_content['window_size']
            n_repeat = config_content['n_repeat_select']
            n_level = config_content['n_level']
            fea_seperator.set_seperator_by_random_pick(window_size, n_repeat,
        elif seperator_type == 'no_seperate':

        # generate tree of rule numbers according to the seperator
        # set rule number
        tree_rule_spesify = config_content['tree_rule_spesify']
        if tree_rule_spesify == 'true':
            n_rule_pos = config_content['n_rule_pos']
            n_rule_spesify = config_content['n_rule_spesify']
            fea_seperator.set_n_rule_tree(n_rule_pos[0], n_rule_pos[1],
        self.fea_seperator = fea_seperator
        return dataset_name
Exemple #2
    def forward(self, **kwargs):
        train_data: Dataset = kwargs['train_data']
        test_data: Dataset = kwargs['test_data']
        if 'seperator' not in kwargs:
            seperator = FeaSeperator(train_data.name).get_seperator()
            seperator: FeaSeperator = kwargs['seperator']

        para_mu = kwargs['para_mu']
        para_mu1 = kwargs['para_mu1']

        fea_seperator = seperator.get_seperator()
        n_rules_tree = seperator.get_n_rule_tree()
        neuron_seed = self.get_neuron_seed()

        sub_seperator = fea_seperator[int(0)]
        sub_dataset_list = train_data.get_subset_fea(sub_seperator)

        sub_dataset_tmp = sub_dataset_list[0]
        n_rule_tmp = int(n_rules_tree[0][0])

        n_smpl = sub_dataset_tmp.X.shape[0]
        n_fea_tmp = sub_dataset_tmp.X.shape[1] + 1
        n_h = n_rule_tmp * n_fea_tmp

        h_all = torch.empty(0, n_smpl, n_h).double()
        n_branch = len(sub_seperator)

        # get neuron tree
        rules_tree: List[List[type(neuron_seed)]] = []
        rules_sub: List[type(neuron_seed)] = []

        # get output of every branches of upper dfnn layer
        for i in torch.arange(n_branch):
            neuron_c = neuron_seed.clone()
            sub_dataset_i = sub_dataset_list[i]
            kwargs['data'] = sub_dataset_i
            kwargs['n_rules'] = int(n_rules_tree[0][i])
            # get rules in neuron and update centers and bias
            rule_ao = neuron_c.get_rules()

            # get h computer in neuron
            h_computer_ao = neuron_c.get_h_computer()
            h_tmp, _ = h_computer_ao.comute_h(sub_dataset_i.X, rule_ao)

            h_cal_tmp = h_tmp.permute((1, 0, 2))  # N * n_rules * (d + 1)

            h_cal_tmp: torch.Tensor = h_cal_tmp.reshape(n_smpl, n_h)
            h_all = torch.cat((h_all, h_cal_tmp.unsqueeze(0)), 0)


        # set bottom level AO
        n_midle_output = kwargs['n_hidden_output']
        w_x = torch.rand(n_branch, n_midle_output, n_h).double()
        w_y = torch.rand(n_branch * n_midle_output, 1).double()

        # start AO optimization
        diff = 1
        loss = 100
        train_loss_list = []
        run_th = 0.00001
        n_epoch = 20
        run_epoch = 1

        loss_test_old = 100

        # get h_all
        h_brunch_all = torch.empty(n_smpl, 0).double()
        for i in torch.arange(n_branch):
            h_brunch = h_all[i, :, :].repeat(1, n_midle_output)
            h_brunch_all = torch.cat((h_brunch_all, h_brunch), 1)

        # load better parameters
        data_save_dir = f"./para_file/{kwargs['dataset_name']}"

        if not os.path.exists(data_save_dir):
        para_file = f"{data_save_dir}/ao_{kwargs['n_rules']}_{kwargs['n_hidden_output']}.pt"
        # if os.path.exists(para_fi."]

        g_w_x_best = None
        g_w_y_best = None
        # while diff > run_th and run_epoch < n_epoch:
        while run_epoch < n_epoch:
            # fix  w_y update w_x
            w_y_brunch_all = w_y.repeat(1, n_h)
            w_y_brunch_all = w_y_brunch_all.reshape(1, -1)

            w_x_h_brunch = torch.mul(h_brunch_all, w_y_brunch_all)
            w_x_brunch = torch.inverse(
                w_x_h_brunch.t().mm(w_x_h_brunch) +
                para_mu * torch.eye(w_x_h_brunch.shape[1]).double()).mm(
            w_x_cal = w_x_brunch.squeeze().reshape(n_branch,
                                                   n_midle_output * n_h)

            w_x = w_x_cal.reshape(n_branch, n_midle_output, n_h)

            # fix  w_x update w_y
            w_y_h_cal = torch.empty(n_smpl, 0).double()
            for i in torch.arange(n_branch):
                w_y_h_brunch = h_all[i, :, :].mm(w_x[i, :, :].t()).squeeze()
                if n_midle_output == 1:
                    w_y_h_cal = torch.cat(
                        (w_y_h_cal, w_y_h_brunch.unsqueeze(1)), 1)
                    w_y_h_cal = torch.cat((w_y_h_cal, w_y_h_brunch), 1)

            w_y = torch.inverse(w_y_h_cal.t().mm(w_y_h_cal) + para_mu1 *

            # compute loss
            y_tmp = train_data.Y

            y_hap_tmp = w_y_h_cal.mm(w_y)

            # loss_tmp = torch.norm(y_tmp - y_hap_tmp)
            loss_tmp = mean_squared_error(y_tmp, y_hap_tmp)
            diff = abs(loss_tmp - loss)
            loss = loss_tmp

            self.__w_x = w_x
            self.__w_y = w_y
            # snoop the test data performance
            test_y = self.predict(test_data, kwargs['seperator'])
            loss_train = mean_squared_error(y_tmp, y_hap_tmp)
            loss_test = mean_squared_error(test_y, test_data.Y)
            # print(f"Loss of test: {loss_test}")

            if loss_test < loss_test_old and loss_test >= loss_train:
                g_w_x_best = w_x
                g_w_y_best = w_y

            run_epoch = run_epoch + 1
            # print(f"Loss of AO: {loss}  w_y: {w_y.squeeze()[1:5]}")

        # x = torch.linspace(1, len(train_loss_list) + 1, len(train_loss_list)).numpy()
        # y = train_loss_list
        # plt.title('Result Analysis')
        # plt.plot(x, y, color='green', label='loss value')
        # # plt.plot(x, test_acys, color='red', label='training accuracy')
        # plt.legend()  # 显示图例
        # plt.xlabel('iteration epochs')
        # plt.ylabel('loss value')
        # plt.show()

        self.__w_x = w_x
        self.__w_y = w_y
        if g_w_x_best is not None:
            self.__w_x = g_w_x_best
            self.__w_y = g_w_y_best
            para_dict = dict()
            para_dict["w_x"] = w_x
            para_dict["w_y"] = w_y
            torch.save(para_dict, para_file)