def test_database(self): if find_cmd("sqlite3"): with make_workdir() as workdir: arg = namedtuple('args', 'debug print_debug json ') args = arg(True, True, "../../data/examples/seqcluster.json") initialize_logger(".", args.debug, args.print_debug) logger = mylog.getLogger(__name__)"Reading data") data = load_data(args.json)"Create database") make_database(data)
def test_databse(self): if find_cmd("sqlite3"): mod_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(seqcluster)).replace("seqcluster/", "") os.chdir(os.path.join(mod_dir, "data/examples")) arg = namedtuple('args', 'debug print_debug json ') args = arg(True, True, "seqcluster.json") initialize_logger(".", args.debug, args.print_debug) logger = mylog.getLogger(__name__)"Reading data") data = load_data(args.json)"Create databse") make_database(data)
def test_predict(self): if find_cmd("tRNAscan-SE"): mod_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(seqcluster)).replace("seqcluster/", "") os.chdir(os.path.join(mod_dir, "data/examples")) out_dir = os.path.join(mod_dir, "data/examples/predictions") arg = namedtuple('args', 'debug print_debug MIN_SEQ json reference') args = arg(True, True, 1, "seqcluster.json", "../genomes/genome.fa") initialize_logger(".", args.debug, args.print_debug) logger = mylog.getLogger(__name__)"Reading data") data = load_data(args.json)"Start prediction") make_predictions(data, out_dir, args)
def get_loci_fasta(loci, out_fa, ref): """get fasta from precursor""" if not find_cmd("bedtools"): raise ValueError("Not bedtools installed") with make_temp_directory() as temp: bed_file = os.path.join(temp, "file.bed") for nc, loci in loci.iteritems(): for l in loci: with open(bed_file, 'w') as bed_handle: logger.debug("get_fasta: loci %s" % l) nc, c, s, e, st = l print("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{3}\t{4}".format(c, s, e, nc, st), file=bed_handle) get_fasta(bed_file, ref, out_fa) return out_fa
def test_databse(self): if find_cmd("sqlite3"): mod_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(seqcluster)).replace( "seqcluster/", "") os.chdir(os.path.join(mod_dir, "data/examples")) arg = namedtuple('args', 'debug print_debug json ') args = arg(True, True, "seqcluster.json") initialize_logger(".", args.debug, args.print_debug) logger = mylog.getLogger(__name__)"Reading data") data = load_data(args.json)"Create databse") make_database(data)
def get_loci_fasta(loci, out_fa, ref): """get fasta from precursor""" if not find_cmd("bedtools"): raise ValueError("Not bedtools installed") with make_temp_directory() as temp: bed_file = os.path.join(temp, "file.bed") for nc, loci in loci.iteritems(): for l in loci: with open(bed_file, 'w') as bed_handle: logger.debug("get_fasta: loci %s" % l) nc, c, s, e, st = l print("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{3}\t{4}".format( c, s, e, nc, st), file=bed_handle) get_fasta(bed_file, ref, out_fa) return out_fa
def map_to_precursors(seqs, names, loci, out_file, args): """map sequences to precursors with razers3""" with make_temp_directory() as temp: pre_fasta = os.path.join(temp, "pre.fa") seqs_fasta = os.path.join(temp, "seqs.fa") out_sam = os.path.join(temp, "out.sam") pre_fasta = get_loci_fasta(loci, pre_fasta, args.ref) out_precursor_file = out_file.replace("tsv", "fa") seqs_fasta = get_seqs_fasta(seqs, names, seqs_fasta) # print(open(pre_fasta).read().split("\n")[1]) if find_cmd("razers3"): cmd = "razers3 -dr 2 -i 80 -rr 90 -f -o {out_sam} {temp}/pre.fa {seqs_fasta}" run(cmd.format(**locals())) out_file = read_alignment(out_sam, loci, seqs, out_file) shutil.copy(pre_fasta, out_precursor_file) return out_file
def deprecated_map_to_precursors(seqs, names, loci, out_file, args): """map sequences to precursors with bowtie""" with make_temp_directory() as temp: pre_fasta = os.path.join(temp, "pre.fa") seqs_fasta = os.path.join(temp, "seqs.fa") out_sam = os.path.join(temp, "out.sam") pre_fasta = get_loci_fasta(loci, pre_fasta, args.ref) out_precursor_file = out_file.replace("tsv", "fa") seqs_fasta = get_seqs_fasta(seqs, names, seqs_fasta) if find_cmd("bowtie2-build"): cmd = "bowtie2-build -f {pre_fasta} {temp}/pre" run(cmd.format(**locals())) cmd = "bowtie2 -a --rdg 7,3 --mp 4 --end-to-end -D 20 -R 3 -N 0 -i S,1,0.8 -L 3 -f -x {temp}/pre -U {seqs_fasta} -S {out_sam}" run(cmd.format(**locals())) out_file = read_alignment(out_sam, loci, seqs, out_file) shutil.copy(pre_fasta, out_precursor_file) return out_file
def test_predict(self): if find_cmd("tRNAscan-SE"): mod_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(seqcluster)).replace( "seqcluster/", "") os.chdir(os.path.join(mod_dir, "data/examples")) out_dir = os.path.join(mod_dir, "data/examples/test_out_predictions") arg = namedtuple('args', 'debug print_debug MIN_SEQ json reference') args = arg(True, True, 1, "seqcluster.json", "../genomes/genome.fa") initialize_logger(".", args.debug, args.print_debug) logger = mylog.getLogger(__name__)"Reading data") data = load_data(args.json)"Start prediction") is_tRNA(data, out_dir, args)