def main(): for station in loadStations('chmino'): # Get measures in HTML form tag = station['senal_id'] url = '' % tag print(url) r = requests.get(url, cookies={'lang': 'es'}) html = r.text.encode(r.encoding) # Find date / values table tree = etree.HTML(html) trs = tree.xpath('//th[.="Fecha"]/parent::tr/following::tr') # Parse each value of the table values = [] for tr in trs: fecha, valor = tr.xpath('td') d = datetime.datetime.strptime(fecha.text, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M') if valor.text.strip() == '': # ignore empty values continue v = float(valor.text.replace(',', '.')) values.append((d, v)) # Save data if we got something if len(values) > 0: values.sort( key=lambda dv: dv[0]) # Values must be sorted for saveValue() saveValues('chmino', '%s' % tag, values)
def main(): for station in loadStations('chguadiana'): values = list(getData(station)) if len(values) > 0: values.sort(key=lambda x: x[0] ) # values must be sorted for saveValues algorithm saveValues('chguadiana', '%(type)s_%(station_id)s' % station, values)
def main(): stations = loadStations('vigicrues') for station in stations: station_id = station['id'][:-2] print(station_id) lat, lon = getLatLonFromSandreId(station_id) if lat != None and lon != None: station['lat'] = lat station['lon'] = lon f = open('stations_vigicrues.json', 'w') json.dump(stations, f) f.close()
def main(): pat = re.compile(r"<tr><td class='_lineas' >([^<]*)<><td class=.._lineas.. style=..text-align:right;..>([^<]*)<><>") for station in loadStations('chebro'): if station['tag']=='': continue print(station['id']) date_start_s = datetime.datetime.strftime(,'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M') date_end_s = datetime.datetime.strftime(,'%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M') url = ''%(date_start_s,date_end_s,date_end_s,station['tag']) print(url) r = requests.get(url) points = pat.findall(r.text) values = list(map(lambda p: (datetime.datetime.strptime(p[0],'%d\\/%m\\/%Y %H:%M'),float(p[1].replace('.','').replace(',','.'))),filter(lambda p: p[1]!='',points))) values.sort(key=lambda x:x[0]) # values must be sorted for saveValues algorithm if len(values)>0: saveValues('chebro','%s'%station['id'],values)
def main(): for station in loadStations('chj'): print(station['id']) ps = 24 * 60 / 5 + 3 url = '' % ( station['var'], ps) print(url) r = requests.get(url) values = list( filter( lambda dv: dv[1] != None, map( lambda dv: (datetime.datetime.strptime( dv[0], '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'), dv[1]), r.json()[1]))) if len(values) > 0: values.sort(key=lambda x: x[0] ) # values must be sorted for saveValues algorithm saveValues('chj', station['id'], values)
def main(): flow4level_updated = False stations = loadStations('chcantabrico') for station in stations: url = '' % station['id'] print(url) r = requests.get(url) csv = r.text.encode(r.encoding) lines = csv.split('\n')[2:] values = map(parseLine,filter(lambda line: line.strip()!='',lines)) if len(values)>0: saveValues('chcantabrico','nivel_%s'%station['id'],values) flow4level = getFlow4Level(station['url']) len_bf = len(station['flow4level']) station['flow4level'].update(flow4level) #update `station` dict in place with new value(s) if len(station['flow4level'])>len_bf: flow4level_updated = True if flow4level_updated: print('New value got for flow4level') json.dump(stations,open('stations_chcantabrico.json','w'))
def main(): for station in loadStations('chtajo'): print('%s: %s %s' % (station['senal_id'], station['name'], station['desc'])).encode('utf8') process(station['senal_id'])
def main(): stations = loadStations('arpapiemonte') for station in stations: d = getData(station['url']) if len(d)>0: saveValues('arpapiemonte',station['station_id'],filter(lambda dv:dv[1]!=None,map(lambda dv: (datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(dv[0]/1000.0),dv[1]),d['data'])))
def main(): stations = loadStations('gencat') print('Loaded %d stations' % len(stations)) epoch = int(time.time()) for station in stations: process(station, epoch)
def main(): stations = loadStations('hidrosur') for station in stations: process(station)
else: print('%s: no previous values' % code_station) url = '' % code_station print(url) r = requests.get(url) t = r.text.encode(r.encoding) value_pluie = findValue(cumul_horare_re, t) value_cote = findValue(cotes_re, t) value_debit = findValue(debits_re, t) if value_pluie != None: saveValues('rdbrmc', 'pluie_%s' % code_station, [value_pluie]) if value_cote != None: saveValues('rdbrmc', 'cote_%s' % code_station, [value_cote]) if value_debit != None: saveValues('rdbrmc', 'debit_%s' % code_station, [value_debit]) if __name__ == '__main__': freq4id = {} for station in loadStations('rdbrmc'): station_id = station['id'] if station_id in stations_ids_to_ignore: continue if station_id not in freq4id: freq4id[station_id] = station['freq'] else: if station['freq'] < freq4id[station_id]: freq4id = station['freq'] for station_id, minfreq in freq4id.iteritems(): process(station_id, minfreq)
if len(values) > 0: saveValues('vigicrues', station_id, values) url = '' % { 'station_id': station_id } print(url) r = requests.get(url) t = r.text.encode(r.encoding) values = map( lambda timestampvalue: [ datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestampvalue[0] / 1000), timestampvalue[1] ], json.loads(t)['Serie']['ObssHydro']) print(station_id, 'Q', len(values)) if len(values) > 0: saveValues('vigicrues', '%s-q' % station_id, values) if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] in ('-h', '--help'): print('Usage: %s [station_id]' % sys.argv[0]) elif len(sys.argv) == 2: process(sys.argv[1]) else: for station in loadStations('vigicrues'): try: process(station['id']) except Exception, e: print('Error: %s' % str(e))
def main(): stations = loadStations('chduero') for station in stations: print('%s %s' % (station['name'].encode('utf8'), station['desc'].encode('utf8'))) process(station)
def main(): stations = loadStations('chguadalquivir') for station in stations: process(station)