def test_episodes_for_series_happy_path():
    datasource = TheTvDb()
    series = {'name': 'Breaking Bad', 'imdb': 'tt0903747',
              'tvdb': '81189', 'start_from': {'season': 1, 'episode': 2}}
    result = datasource.episodes_for_series(series)

    assert len(result) == 62
def test_episodes_for_series_with_None():
    datasource = TheTvDb()

    # Ensure an exception is thrown
    with pytest.raises(DataSourceException) as exceptionInfo:
        result = datasource.episodes_for_series(None)
    # Assert exception message
    assert str(exceptionInfo.value) == 'No Series configuration provided'
def test_episodes_for_series_skip_specials():

    datasource = TheTvDb()
    series = {'name': 'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver', 'tvdb': '278518',
              'imdb': 'tt3530232', 'start_from': {'season': 1, 'episode': 1}}
    result = datasource.episodes_for_series(series)

    assert len(result) > 45
def test_episodes_for_series_no_aired_date():
    datasource = TheTvDb()
    series = {'name': 'Person of interest', 'imdb': 'tt1839578',
              'tvdb': '248742', 'start_from': {'season': 1, 'episode': 1}}
    result = datasource.episodes_for_series(series)

    # There are 94 episodes listed - but only 90 have a date when they
    # were aired for the first time
    assert len(result) == 90
def test_episodes_for_series_without_tvdbid_invalid_imdb_id():
    datasource = TheTvDb()
    series = {'name': '?', 'imdb': 'tt3530002',
              'start_from': {'season': 1, 'episode': 1}}

    # Ensure an exception is thrown
    with pytest.raises(DataSourceException) as exceptionInfo:
        result = datasource.episodes_for_series(series)

    # Assert exception message
    assert str(exceptionInfo.value) == ('Failed to recieve tvdb id: '
                                        'No unique match!')
def test_episodes_for_series_server_error():
    # Prepare a fake server error response
    responses.add(responses.GET, ''
                  'GetSeriesByRemoteID.php', status=404)

    datasource = TheTvDb()
    series = {'name': 'Last Week Tonight with John Oliver',
              'imdb': 'tt3530232', 'start_from': {'season': 1, 'episode': 1}}

    # Ensure an exception is thrown
    with pytest.raises(DataSourceException) as exceptionInfo:
        result = datasource.episodes_for_series(series)

    # Assert exception message
    assert str(exceptionInfo.value) == 'Failed to fetch tvdb id (server error)'
def test_episodes_for_series_not_aired_yet(monkeyplus):

    datetime_patcher = mock.patch.object(
        datasources, 'datetime',
    mocked_datetime = datetime_patcher.start() = datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 6)
    datasource = TheTvDb()
    series = {'name': 'Person of interest', 'imdb': 'tt1839578',
              'tvdb': '248742', 'start_from': {'season': 1, 'episode': 1}}
    result = datasource.episodes_for_series(series)

    # There are 94 episodes listed - but only 86 of these episodes were
    # aired before 2015-04-06
    assert len(result) == 86