Exemple #1
    def build_music_pages_ao1(self):
        self.music_pages_ao1 = []
        index = 0
        # add areas first
        for area in self.area_manager.areas:
            self.music_pages_ao1.append('{}#{}'.format(index, area.name))
            index += 1
        # then add music
            for item in self.music_list:
                self.music_pages_ao1.append('{}#{}'.format(index, item['category']))
                index += 1
                for song in item['songs']:
                    self.music_pages_ao1.append('{}#{}'.format(index, song['name']))
                    index += 1
        except KeyError as err:
            msg = ("The music list expected key '{}' for item {}, but could not find it."
                   .format(err.args[0], item))
            raise ServerError.MusicInvalid(msg)
        except TypeError:
            msg = ("The music list expected songs to be listed for item {}, but could not find any."
            raise ServerError.MusicInvalid(msg)

        self.music_pages_ao1 = [self.music_pages_ao1[x:x + 10] for x in range(0, len(self.music_pages_ao1), 10)]
Exemple #2
    def prepare_music_list(self, c=None, specific_music_list=None):
        If `specific_music_list` is not None, return a client-ready version of that music list.
        Else, if `c` is a client with a custom chosen music list, return their latest music list.
        Otherwise, return a client-ready version of the server music list.

        c: ClientManager.Client
            Client whose current music list if it exists will be considered if `specific_music_list`
            is None
        specific_music_list: list of dictionaries with key sets {'category', 'songs'}
            Music list to use if given

        list of str
            Music list ready to be sent to clients

        # If not provided a specific music list to overwrite
        if specific_music_list is None:
            specific_music_list = self.music_list  # Default value
            # But just in case, check if this came as a request of a client who had a
            # previous music list preference
            if c and c.music_list is not None:
                specific_music_list = c.music_list

        prepared_music_list = list()
            for item in specific_music_list:
                for song in item['songs']:
                    if 'length' not in song:
                        name, length = song['name'], -1
                        name, length = song['name'], song['length']

                    # Check that length is a number, and if not, abort.
                    if not isinstance(length, (int, float)):
                        msg = (
                            "The music list expected a numerical length for track '{}', but "
                            "found it had length '{}'.").format(
                                song['name'], song['length'])
                        raise ServerError.MusicInvalidError(msg)


        except KeyError as err:
            msg = (
                "The music list expected key '{}' for item {}, but could not find it."
                .format(err.args[0], item))
            raise ServerError.MusicInvalid(msg)
        except TypeError:
            msg = (
                "The music list expected songs to be listed for item {}, but could not find any."
            raise ServerError.MusicInvalid(msg)

        return prepared_music_list