Exemple #1
def checkin(request):
    data = request.POST

    # Take out some of the weird junk VMware puts in. Keep an eye out in case
    # Apple actually uses these:
    serial = data.get('serial', '').upper().translate(SERIAL_TRANSLATE)
    # Are we using Sal for some sort of inventory (like, I don't know, Puppet?)
    if utils.get_django_setting('ADD_NEW_MACHINES', True):
        if serial:
                machine = Machine.objects.get(serial=serial)
            except Machine.DoesNotExist:
                machine = Machine(serial=serial)
        machine = get_object_or_404(Machine, serial=serial)

    machine_group_key = data.get('key')
    if machine_group_key in (None, 'None'):
        machine_group_key = utils.get_django_setting('DEFAULT_MACHINE_GROUP_KEY')
    machine.machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, key=machine_group_key)

    machine.last_checkin = django.utils.timezone.now()
    machine.hostname = data.get('name', '<NO NAME>')
    machine.sal_version = data.get('sal_version')

    if utils.get_django_setting('DEPLOYED_ON_CHECKIN', True):
        machine.deployed = True

    if bool(data.get('broken_client', False)):
        machine.broken_client = True
        return HttpResponse("Broken Client report submmitted for %s" % data.get('serial'))

    report = None
    # Find the report in the submitted data. It could be encoded
    # and/or compressed with base64 and bz2.
    for key in ('bz2report', 'base64report', 'base64bz2report'):
        if key in data:
            encoded_report = data[key]
            report = text_utils.decode_to_string(encoded_report, compression=key)

    machine.report = report

    if not report:
        machine.activity = False
        machine.errors = machine.warnings = 0

    report_data = plistlib.readPlistFromString(report)

    if report_data.get('ConsoleUser') and report_data.get('ConsoleUser') != '_mbsetupuser':
        machine.console_user = report_data.get('ConsoleUser')
    elif data.get('username') and data.get('username') != '_mbsetupuser':
        machine.console_user = data.get('username')
        machine.console_user = None

    activity_keys = ('AppleUpdates', 'InstallResults', 'RemovalResults')
    machine.activity = any(report_data.get(s) for s in activity_keys)

    # Check errors and warnings.
    machine.errors = len(report_data.get("Errors", []))
    machine.warnings = len(report_data.get("Warnings", []))

    machine.puppet_version = report_data.get('Puppet_Version')
    machine.manifest = report_data.get('ManifestName')
    machine.munki_version = report_data.get('ManagedInstallVersion')

    puppet = report_data.get('Puppet', {})
    if 'time' in puppet:
        last_run_epoch = float(puppet['time']['last_run'])
        machine.last_puppet_run = datetime.fromtimestamp(last_run_epoch, tz=pytz.UTC)
    if 'events' in puppet:
        machine.puppet_errors = puppet['events']['failure']

    # Handle gosal submissions slightly differently from others.
    machine.os_family = (
        report_data['OSFamily'] if 'OSFamily' in report_data else report_data.get('os_family'))

    machine_info = report_data.get('MachineInfo', {})
    if 'os_vers' in machine_info:
        machine.operating_system = machine_info['os_vers']
        # macOS major OS updates don't have a minor version, so add one.
        if len(machine.operating_system) <= 4 and machine.os_family == 'Darwin':
            machine.operating_system = machine.operating_system + '.0'
        # Handle gosal and missing os_vers cases.
        machine.operating_system = machine_info.get('OSVers')

    # TODO: These should be a number type.
    # TODO: Cleanup all of the casting to str if we make a number.
    machine.hd_space = report_data.get('AvailableDiskSpace', '0')
    machine.hd_total = data.get('disk_size', '0')
    space = float(machine.hd_space)
    total = float(machine.hd_total)
    if space == float(0) or total == float(0):
        machine.hd_percent = '0'
            machine.hd_percent = str(int((total - space) / total * 100))
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            machine.hd_percent = '0'

    # Get macOS System Profiler hardware info.
    # Older versions use `HardwareInfo` key, so start there.
    hwinfo = machine_info.get('HardwareInfo', {})
    if not hwinfo:
        for profile in machine_info.get('SystemProfile', []):
            if profile['_dataType'] == 'SPHardwareDataType':
                hwinfo = profile._items[0]

    if hwinfo:
        key_style = 'old' if 'MachineModel' in hwinfo else 'new'
        machine.machine_model = hwinfo.get(MACHINE_KEYS['machine_model'][key_style])
        machine.machine_model_friendly = machine_info.get('machine_model_friendly', '')
        machine.cpu_type = hwinfo.get(MACHINE_KEYS['cpu_type'][key_style])
        machine.cpu_speed = hwinfo.get(MACHINE_KEYS['cpu_speed'][key_style])
        machine.memory = hwinfo.get(MACHINE_KEYS['memory'][key_style])
        machine.memory_kb = process_memory(machine)

    # if not machine.machine_model_friendly:
    #     try:
    #         machine.machine_model_friendly = utils.friendly_machine_model(machine)
    #     except Exception:
    #         machine.machine_model_friendly = machine.machine_model


    historical_days = utils.get_setting('historical_retention')
    now = django.utils.timezone.now()
    datelimit = now - timedelta(days=historical_days)

    # Process plugin scripts.
    # Clear out too-old plugin script submissions first.
    utils.process_plugin_script(report_data.get('Plugin_Results', []), machine)

    process_managed_items(machine, report_data, data.get('uuid'), now, datelimit)
    process_facts(machine, report_data, datelimit)
    process_conditions(machine, report_data)

    utils.run_plugin_processing(machine, report_data)

    if utils.get_setting('send_data') in (None, True):
        # If setting is None, it hasn't been configured yet; assume True

    return HttpResponse("Sal report submmitted for %s" % data.get('name'))
Exemple #2
def checkin(request):
    data = request.POST

    # Take out some of the weird junk VMware puts in. Keep an eye out in case
    # Apple actually uses these:
    serial = data.get('serial', '').upper().translate(SERIAL_TRANSLATE)
    # Are we using Sal for some sort of inventory (like, I don't know, Puppet?)
    if utils.get_django_setting('ADD_NEW_MACHINES', True):
        if serial:
                machine = Machine.objects.get(serial=serial)
            except Machine.DoesNotExist:
                machine = Machine(serial=serial)
        machine = get_object_or_404(Machine, serial=serial)

    machine_group_key = data.get('key')
    if machine_group_key in (None, 'None'):
        machine_group_key = utils.get_django_setting('DEFAULT_MACHINE_GROUP_KEY')
    machine.machine_group = get_object_or_404(MachineGroup, key=machine_group_key)

    machine.last_checkin = django.utils.timezone.now()
    machine.hostname = data.get('name', '<NO NAME>')
    machine.sal_version = data.get('sal_version')

    if utils.get_django_setting('DEPLOYED_ON_CHECKIN', True):
        machine.deployed = True

    if bool(data.get('broken_client', False)):
        machine.broken_client = True
        return HttpResponse("Broken Client report submmitted for %s" % data.get('serial'))

    report = None
    # Find the report in the submitted data. It could be encoded
    # and/or compressed with base64 and bz2.
    for key in ('bz2report', 'base64report', 'base64bz2report'):
        if key in data:
            encoded_report = data[key]
            report = text_utils.decode_to_string(encoded_report, compression=key)

    machine.report = report

    if not report:
        machine.activity = False
        machine.errors = machine.warnings = 0

    report_data = plistlib.readPlistFromString(report)

    if report_data.get('ConsoleUser') and report_data.get('ConsoleUser') != '_mbsetupuser':
        machine.console_user = report_data.get('ConsoleUser')
    elif data.get('username') and data.get('username') != '_mbsetupuser':
        machine.console_user = data.get('username')
        machine.console_user = None

    activity_keys = ('AppleUpdates', 'InstallResults', 'RemovalResults')
    machine.activity = any(report_data.get(s) for s in activity_keys)

    # Check errors and warnings.
    machine.errors = len(report_data.get("Errors", []))
    machine.warnings = len(report_data.get("Warnings", []))

    machine.puppet_version = report_data.get('Puppet_Version')
    machine.manifest = report_data.get('ManifestName')
    machine.munki_version = report_data.get('ManagedInstallVersion')

    puppet = report_data.get('Puppet', {})
    if 'time' in puppet:
        last_run_epoch = float(puppet['time']['last_run'])
        machine.last_puppet_run = datetime.fromtimestamp(last_run_epoch, tz=pytz.UTC)
    if 'events' in puppet:
        machine.puppet_errors = puppet['events']['failure']

    # Handle gosal submissions slightly differently from others.
    machine.os_family = (
        report_data['OSFamily'] if 'OSFamily' in report_data else report_data.get('os_family'))

    machine_info = report_data.get('MachineInfo', {})
    if 'os_vers' in machine_info:
        machine.operating_system = machine_info['os_vers']
        # macOS major OS updates don't have a minor version, so add one.
        if len(machine.operating_system) <= 4 and machine.os_family == 'Darwin':
            machine.operating_system = machine.operating_system + '.0'
        # Handle gosal and missing os_vers cases.
        machine.operating_system = machine_info.get('OSVers')

    # TODO: These should be a number type.
    # TODO: Cleanup all of the casting to str if we make a number.
    machine.hd_space = report_data.get('AvailableDiskSpace', '0')
    machine.hd_total = data.get('disk_size', '0')
    space = float(machine.hd_space)
    total = float(machine.hd_total)
    if space == float(0) or total == float(0):
        machine.hd_percent = '0'
            machine.hd_percent = str(int((total - space) / total * 100))
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            machine.hd_percent = '0'

    # Get macOS System Profiler hardware info.
    # Older versions use `HardwareInfo` key, so start there.
    hwinfo = machine_info.get('HardwareInfo', {})
    if not hwinfo:
        for profile in machine_info.get('SystemProfile', []):
            if profile['_dataType'] == 'SPHardwareDataType':
                hwinfo = profile._items[0]

    if hwinfo:
        key_style = 'old' if 'MachineModel' in hwinfo else 'new'
        machine.machine_model = hwinfo.get(MACHINE_KEYS['machine_model'][key_style])
        machine.machine_model_friendly = machine_info.get('machine_model_friendly', '')
        machine.cpu_type = hwinfo.get(MACHINE_KEYS['cpu_type'][key_style])
        machine.cpu_speed = hwinfo.get(MACHINE_KEYS['cpu_speed'][key_style])
        machine.memory = hwinfo.get(MACHINE_KEYS['memory'][key_style])
        machine.memory_kb = process_memory(machine)

    # if not machine.machine_model_friendly:
    #     try:
    #         machine.machine_model_friendly = utils.friendly_machine_model(machine)
    #     except Exception:
    #         machine.machine_model_friendly = machine.machine_model


    historical_days = utils.get_setting('historical_retention')
    now = django.utils.timezone.now()
    datelimit = now - timedelta(days=historical_days)

    # Process plugin scripts.
    # Clear out too-old plugin script submissions first.
    utils.process_plugin_script(report_data.get('Plugin_Results', []), machine)

    process_managed_items(machine, report_data, data.get('uuid'), now, datelimit)
    process_facts(machine, report_data, datelimit)
    process_conditions(machine, report_data)

    utils.run_plugin_processing(machine, report_data)

    if utils.get_setting('send_data') in (None, True):
        # If setting is None, it hasn't been configured yet; assume True

    return HttpResponse("Sal report submmitted for %s" % data.get('name'))
Exemple #3
from server import text_utils
from server import utils
from server.models import (Machine, Condition, Fact, HistoricalFact, MachineGroup, UpdateHistory,
                           UpdateHistoryItem, InstalledUpdate, PendingAppleUpdate,
                           PluginScriptSubmission, PendingUpdate, Plugin, Report,

if settings.DEBUG:
    import logging

# The database probably isn't going to change while this is loaded.
IS_POSTGRES = utils.is_postgres()
IGNORED_CSV_FIELDS = ('id', 'machine_group', 'report', 'os_family')
HISTORICAL_FACTS = utils.get_django_setting('HISTORICAL_FACTS', [])
IGNORE_PREFIXES = utils.get_django_setting('IGNORE_FACTS', [])
    'machine_model': {'old': 'MachineModel', 'new': 'machine_model'},
    'cpu_type': {'old': 'CPUType', 'new': 'cpu_type'},
    'cpu_speed': {'old': 'CurrentProcessorSpeed', 'new': 'current_processor_speed'},
    'memory': {'old': 'PhysicalMemory', 'new': 'physical_memory'}}
MEMORY_EXPONENTS = {'KB': 0, 'MB': 1, 'GB': 2, 'TB': 3}
# Build a translation table for serial numbers, to remove garbage
# VMware puts in.
SERIAL_TRANSLATE = {ord(c): None for c in '+/'}

def tableajax(request, plugin_name, data, group_type='all', group_id=None):
    """Table ajax for dataTables"""
Exemple #4
from server import text_utils
from server import utils
from server.models import (Machine, Condition, Fact, HistoricalFact, MachineGroup, UpdateHistory,
                           UpdateHistoryItem, InstalledUpdate, PendingAppleUpdate,
                           PluginScriptSubmission, PendingUpdate, Plugin, Report,

if settings.DEBUG:
    import logging

# The database probably isn't going to change while this is loaded.
IS_POSTGRES = utils.is_postgres()
IGNORED_CSV_FIELDS = ('id', 'machine_group', 'report', 'os_family')
HISTORICAL_FACTS = utils.get_django_setting('HISTORICAL_FACTS', [])
IGNORE_PREFIXES = utils.get_django_setting('IGNORE_FACTS', [])
    'machine_model': {'old': 'MachineModel', 'new': 'machine_model'},
    'cpu_type': {'old': 'CPUType', 'new': 'cpu_type'},
    'cpu_speed': {'old': 'CurrentProcessorSpeed', 'new': 'current_processor_speed'},
    'memory': {'old': 'PhysicalMemory', 'new': 'physical_memory'}}
MEMORY_EXPONENTS = {'KB': 0, 'MB': 1, 'GB': 2, 'TB': 3}
# Build a translation table for serial numbers, to remove garbage
# VMware puts in.
SERIAL_TRANSLATE = {ord(c): None for c in '+/'}

def tableajax(request, plugin_name, data, group_type='all', group_id=None):
    """Table ajax for dataTables"""