def play_music_album(artist, album):
    Shuffle the album.
    :param artist: String of artist name
    :param album: String of album name
    :return: Not important
    artist = artist.replace("_", " ")
    album = album.replace("_", " ")

    album_object = library.get_album(artist, album)
    songs = album_object.get_songs()

    # Set playlist
    playlist = []
    for song in songs:
        artist_name = song.get_artist().get_name()
        album_title = song.get_album().get_title()
        song_name = song.get_title()
        playlist.append([artist_name, album_title, song_name])

    variables.put("queue", playlist)

    # Play first song
    song = songs[0]
    return "Playing %s by %s : %s" % (song.get_title(),
def register_token():
    if not valid_ip():
    data =
    log("Token: " + str(data))
    tokens = variables.get("gmc_tokens", [])
    if data not in tokens:
        variables.put("gcm_tokens", tokens)
    return "Successfully registered token: %s" % data
def post_queue():
    if not valid_ip():
    data =
    song_strings = data.split(";")
    playlist = []
    for song_str in song_strings:
        artist_name, album_title, song_name = song_str.split(":")
        playlist.append([artist_name, album_title, song_name])
    variables.put("queue", playlist)
    return "Queue received succesfully"
def set_volume(vol, fade=False):
    # Set volume in percentage. Volume has to be between 0 and 100
    if 0 <= vol <= 100:
        # Don't set new volume if this function is called for fading in or out
        if not fade:
            variables.put("volume", vol)
        if vol == 0:
            os.system("amixer -q sset PCM 0%")
            return True
        # Map 0-100% to 50-100% through a function
        percentage = 5 * vol**0.5 + 50
        command = "amixer -q sset PCM " + str(percentage) + "%"
        return True
    return False
def resume():
    status = variables.get("status", variables.STOPPED)

    if status == variables.PLAYING:
    elif status == variables.STOPPED:
        # Music is stopped, play song from beginning
        playing = variables.get("playing", None)
        if playing is None:
        song_obj = library.get_song(playing[0], playing[1], playing[2])
    elif status == variables.PAUSED:
        os.system("pkill -CONT mpg123")

    variables.put("status", variables.PLAYING)
def start_timer():
    if variables.get("stop_timer", False):
        # A timer is already waiting to start

    variables.put("stop_timer", True, False)
    variables.put("elapsed", 0, False)
    time.sleep(0.5)  # Wait to give the other timer time to stop
    variables.put("stop_timer", False, False)  # The timer starts

    playing = variables.get("playing", None)
    if playing is None:
        log(" playing == None!")

    song = library.get_song(playing[0], playing[1], playing[2])

    start_time = variables.get("song_start", None)
    if start_time is None:
        log(" song_start = None!")

    # Start counting
    while True:
        time_elapsed = time.time() - start_time

        if time_elapsed >= float(song.get_duration()):
            # Song is done playing, play next song
            queue = variables.get("queue", None)
            if queue is None:
                log(" queue = None!")
            # Play new song
            queue_nr = queue.index(playing)
            queue_nr += 1
            song = queue[queue_nr % len(queue)]  # Make dat shit loop

            song_obj = library.get_song(song[0], song[1], song[2])
            return  # Stop this timer

        if variables.get("stop_timer", False):
            # A new timer is ready to go, stop this one

        # If the music is paused
        if variables.get("status", -1) == variables.PAUSED:
            start_pause_time = time.time()
            while variables.get("status", -1) == variables.PAUSED:
                time.sleep(0.1)  # Wait for the music to be continued
            start_time += time.time() - start_pause_time

        variables.put("elapsed", int(time_elapsed*1000)/1000., False)
        time.sleep(0.1)  # Sleep for a bit
def register_ip():
    ip = request.remote_addr
    key = request.args.get("key")
    if key is None:
        log("Registery denied")
        return "Register failed"
    if hashlib.sha224(key).hexdigest() != \
        bannedlist = variables.get("banned", [])
        variables.put("banned", bannedlist)
        log("IP banned")
        return "IP banned"
    ips = variables.get("ip", [])
    if ip in ips:
        log("IP already registered")
        return "IP already registered"
    variables.put("ip", ips)
    log("Registered succesfully")
    return "Registered succesfully"
def play(song):
    log("Playing song: %s by %s" %(song.get_title(), song.get_artist().get_name()))
    variables.put("status", variables.PLAYING)
                  [song.get_artist().get_name(), song.get_album().get_title(),
    variables.put("song_duration", song.get_duration())
    variables.put("song_start", time.time(), False)
    os.system("pkill mpg123")  # Kill everything that might be playing
    os.system('mpg123 -q "%s" &' % song.get_path())  # Play the song
    push()  # Notify the users

    # Start counting in new thread
    thread = Thread(target=start_timer)
def pause():
    os.system("pkill -STOP mpg123")
    variables.put("status", variables.PAUSED)
Exemple #10
def stop():
    variables.put("status", variables.STOPPED)
    variables.put("stop_timer", True, False)
    os.system("pkill mpg123")
import hashlib
import flask
import lib.string
from ast import literal_eval
from flask import abort
from flask import send_file
from flask import request
from flask import render_template
from server import app
from server import library
from server import variables
from lib.log import log

# Set stop_timer on False on server boot
variables.put("stop_timer", False, False)
variables.put("status", variables.STOPPED)

def valid_ip():
    :return: True when the user is permitted to call the function with it's ip,
    False if the user is not permitted.
    ip = request.remote_addr
    return ip in variables.get("ip", []) or str(request.path) == "/register_ip"

def block_user():