def ooc_cmd_kick(client, arg: str) -> None: """ Kick a player. Usage: /kick <ipid|*|**> [reason] Special cases: - "*" kicks everyone in the current area. - "**" kicks everyone in the server. """ w = Webhooks(client.server) if len(arg) == 0: raise ArgumentError( 'You must specify a target. Use /kick <ipid> [reason]') elif arg[0] == '*': targets = [c for c in client.area.clients if c != client] elif arg[0] == '**': targets = [ c for c in client.server.client_manager.clients if c != client ] else: targets = None args = list(arg.split(' ')) if targets is None: raw_ipid = args[0] try: ipid = int(raw_ipid) except: raise ClientError(f'{raw_ipid} does not look like a valid IPID.') targets = client.server.client_manager.get_targets( client, TargetType.IPID, ipid, False) if targets: reason = ' '.join(args[1:]) if reason == '': reason = 'N/A' for c in targets: if c.is_admin: client.send_ooc(f'{c.charname} is an admin, cannot kick them.') continue database.log_misc('kick', client, target=c, data={'reason': reason}) w.kick(char=c.char_name, ipid=c.ipid, reason=reason) client.send_ooc("{} was kicked.".format(c.char_name)) c.send_command('KK', f'Kicked: "{reason}"') c.disconnect() else: client.send_ooc(f'No targets with the IPID {ipid} were found.')
def ooc_cmd_unmod(client, arg): """ Log out as a moderator. Usage: /unmod """ w = Webhooks(client.server) client.is_mod = False client.is_admin = False login_name = client.mod_profile_name client.mod_profile_name = None if client.area.evidence_mod == 'HiddenCM': client.area.broadcast_evidence_list() client.send_ooc('You\'re not a mod anymore.') client.send_command('AUTH', '-1') w.unmod(login_name=login_name)
def ooc_cmd_unwarn(client, arg: str) -> None: """ Remove a list of warn entries from the database. Usage: /unwarn <warn_id ...> """ w = Webhooks(client.server) if len(arg) == 0: raise ArgumentError( 'You must specify a target. Use /unwarn <warn_id...>') args = list(arg.split(' ')) client.send_ooc(f'Attempting to revoke {len(args)} warn(s)...') for warn_id in args: if database.unwarn(warn_id): client.send_ooc(f'Removed warn entry with ID {warn_id}.') w.unwarn(client=client, warn_id=warn_id) else: client.send_ooc(f'No entry exists for warn ID {warn_id}.') database.log_misc('unwarn', client, data={'id': warn_id})
def ooc_cmd_unban(client, arg: str) -> None: """ Unban a list of users. Usage: /unban <ban_id...> """ w = Webhooks(client.server) if len(arg) == 0: raise ArgumentError( 'You must specify a target. Use /unban <ban_id...>') args = list(arg.split(' ')) client.send_ooc(f'Attempting to lift {len(args)} ban(s)...') for ban_id in args: if database.unban(ban_id): client.send_ooc(f'Removed ban ID {ban_id}.') w.unban(client=client, ban_id=ban_id) else: client.send_ooc(f'{ban_id} is not on the ban list.') database.log_misc('unban', client, data={'id': ban_id})
def ooc_cmd_warn(client, arg: str) -> None: """ Warn the given user. Usage: /warn <ipid> [reason] """ w = Webhooks(client.server) if len(arg) == 0: raise ArgumentError( 'You must specify a target. Use /warn <ipid> [reason]') elif len(arg) == 1: raise ArgumentError( 'You must specify a reason. Use /warn <ipid> [reason]') else: targets = None args = list(arg.split(' ')) if targets is None: raw_ipid = args[0] try: ipid = int(raw_ipid) except: raise ClientError(f'{raw_ipid} does not look like a valid IPID.') targets = client.server.client_manager.get_targets( client, TargetType.IPID, ipid, False) warn_id = None if targets: reason = ' '.join(args[1:]) if reason == '': reason = 'N/A' for c in targets: warn_id = database.warn(target=c, reason=reason, warned_by=client) w.warn(char=c.char_name, ipid=c.ipid, warn_id=warn_id, reason=reason) client.send_ooc("{} was warned. Warn ID: {}".format( c.char_name, warn_id)) c.send_ooc( f"You were warned by a moderator. (ID: {warn_id}) Reason: {reason}" ) c.send_command('WARN', f'"{reason}" (ID: {warn_id})') c.send_command('BEEP') else: client.send_ooc(f'No targets with the IPID {ipid} were found.')
def ooc_cmd_login(client, arg: str) -> None: """ Logs the user in as a moderator. Calls auth_mod to check whether or not the user's login attempt is valid. Should return a message in-client confirming login and log profile in the server's internal log. Will throw an error and log it if not and send an OOC message in-client stating that the user's login attempt was invalid. Usage: /login <password> (The user might not require using a mod pass if their profile already exists in the moderation.yaml) Parameters: client = An instance of the class Client. arg = The mod pass used in order to log in. Precondition: arg is a valid mod pass. Otherwise, throws login_invalid error. """ w = Webhooks(client.server) login_name = None try: login_name = client.auth_mod(arg) except ClientError: client.send_command('AUTH', '0') database.log_misc('login.invalid', client) raise client.send_ooc('Logged in as a moderator.') client.send_command('AUTH', '1') w.login(client=client) database.log_misc('login', client, data={'profile': login_name})
def net_cmd_zz(self, args): """Sent on mod call. """ from server.webhooks import Webhooks if not self.client.is_checked: return if not self.client.permission: self.client.send_ooc('You need permission to use a web client, please ask staff via our discord.') return if self.client.is_muted: # Checks to see if the client has been muted by a mod self.client.send_ooc('You are muted by a moderator.') return if self.client.char_id == -1: self.client.send_ooc( "You cannot call a moderator while spectating.") return if not self.client.can_call_mod(): self.client.send_ooc( "You must wait 30 seconds between mod calls.") return current_time = strftime("%H:%M", localtime()) w = Webhooks(self.server) if len(args) < 1: self.server.send_all_cmd_pred( 'ZZ', '[{}] {} ({}) in [{}]{} without reason (not using 2.6?)'.format( current_time, self.client.char_name, self.client.ip, self.client.area.abbreviation,, pred=lambda c: c.is_mod) self.client.set_mod_call_delay() database.log_room('modcall', self.client, self.client.area) w.modcall(char=self.client.char_name, ipid=self.client.ip, area=self.client.area) else: self.server.send_all_cmd_pred( 'ZZ', '[{}] {} ({}) in [{}]{} with reason: {}'.format( current_time, self.client.char_name, self.client.ip, self.client.area.abbreviation,, args[0][:100]), pred=lambda c: c.is_mod) self.client.set_mod_call_delay() database.log_room('modcall', self.client, self.client.area, message=args[0]) w.modcall(char=self.client.char_name, ipid=self.client.ip, area=self.client.area, reason=args[0][:100])
def kickban(client, arg, ban_hdid): args = shlex.split(arg) w = Webhooks(client.server) if len(args) < 2: raise ArgumentError('Not enough arguments.') elif len(args) == 2: reason = None ban_id = None try: ban_id = int(args[1]) unban_date = None except ValueError: reason = args[1] unban_date = arrow.get().shift(hours=6).datetime elif len(args) == 3: ban_id = None reason = args[1] if 'perma' in args[2]: unban_date = None else: duration = pytimeparse.parse(args[2], granularity='hours') if duration is None: raise ArgumentError('Invalid ban duration.') unban_date = arrow.get().shift(seconds=duration).datetime else: raise ArgumentError( f'Ambiguous input: {arg}\nPlease wrap your arguments ' 'in quotes.') try: raw_ipid = args[0] ipid = int(raw_ipid) except ValueError: raise ClientError(f'{raw_ipid} does not look like a valid IPID.') modfile = 'config/moderation.yaml' new = not os.path.exists(modfile) if not new: with open(modfile, 'r') as chars: mods = yaml.safe_load(chars) for item in mods: ipids = [] try: ipids = item['ipid'].split() except: ipids.append(item['ipid']) if ipid in ipids: if item['status'] == 'admin': return client.send_ooc('Can\'t ban an admin.') ban_id = database.ban(ipid, reason, ban_type='ipid', banned_by=client, ban_id=ban_id, unban_date=unban_date) if ipid != None: targets = client.server.client_manager.get_targets( client, TargetType.IPID, ipid, False) if targets: for c in targets: if ban_hdid: database.ban(c.hdid, reason, ban_type='hdid', ban_id=ban_id) w.ban(char=c.char_name, ipid=c.ipid, ban_id=ban_id, reason=reason, hdid=c.hdid) else: w.ban(char=c.char_name, ipid=c.ipid, ban_id=ban_id, reason=reason) c.send_command('KB', f'Banned: "{reason}"') c.disconnect() database.log_misc('ban', client, target=c, data={'reason': reason}) client.send_ooc(f'{len(targets)} clients were kicked.') client.send_ooc(f'{ipid} was banned. Ban ID: {ban_id}')