Exemple #1
def admin_userpermission_change(token, u_id, permission_id):
    """Given a User by their user ID, set their permissions to new permissions
    described by permission_id"""
    permission_id = int(permission_id)
    # Check validity
    if not validator.is_valid_token(token):
        raise AccessError(INVALID_TOKEN)
    if not validator.is_valid_user(u_id):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_USER)
    if permission_id not in [OWNER, ADMIN, MEMBER]:
        raise ValueError(INVALID_PERM_ID)

    # Get users
    user_acting = database.get_user_by_id(jwt_handler.decode_token(token))
    user_target = database.get_user_by_id(u_id)

    # Check that token has valid permissions for this permission id, then make
    # the change
    if user_acting["permission"] == OWNER:
        # Owners can do anything
        database.update_user_by_id(u_id, {"permission": permission_id})
    elif user_acting["permission"] == ADMIN and\
            user_target["permission"] != OWNER and\
            permission_id != OWNER:
        database.update_user_by_id(u_id, {"permission": permission_id})
        raise AccessError(NO_PERMISSION)

    return {}
def standup_collect(token, channel_id):
    """Collect and collate standup messages, returns collated message"""
    if not is_standup_running(channel_id):
        u_id = jwt_handler.decode_token(token)
        starter = database.get_user_by_id(u_id)
        standup_info = database.get_standup_channel_info(channel_id)
        output_msg = f"STANDUP SUMMARY. Started By: {starter['handle']}. " +\
                     f"Length: {standup_info['length']}seconds\n\n" +\
        for message in standup_info["messages"]:
            user = database.get_user_by_id(message["u_id"])
            output_msg = output_msg + f"{user['handle']}: "
            output_msg = output_msg + f"{message['message']}\n"
        return output_msg
    return None
def message_unpin(token, message_id):
    """Given a message within a channel, remove it's mark as unpinned"""
    # Validate token
    if not validator.is_valid_token(token):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_TOKEN)

    # Decode token
    u_id = jwt_handler.decode_token(token)

    user = database.get_user_by_id(u_id)
    message = database.get_message_by_id(message_id)
    if message is None:
        raise ValueError(MESSAGE_UNPIN_NOT_EXIST)
    channel = database.get_channel_by_id(message["channel_id"])

    if user["permission"] not in [OWNER, ADMIN] \
            and u_id not in channel["owner_ids"]:
        raise AccessError(MESSAGE_UNPIN_NO_AUTH)

    # Checking data
    if u_id not in channel["auth_ids"]:
        raise AccessError(CHANNEL_CANT_VIEW_DETAIL)

    if message["is_pinned"] is False:
        raise ValueError(MESSAGE_NOT_PINNED)

    # Unpinning message
    database.update_message_by_id(message_id, {"is_pinned": False})
    return {}
def message_edit(token, message_id, message):
    """Given a message, update it's text with new text"""
    # Validate token
    if not validator.is_valid_token(token):
        raise AccessError(INVALID_TOKEN)

    # If the message is empty, perform deletion instead
    if message == "":
        return message_remove(token, message_id)

    if not validator.is_valid_message(message):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_MESSAGE)

    # Convert token to u_id
    u_id = jwt_handler.decode_token(token)

    user = database.get_user_by_id(u_id)
    message_dict = database.get_message_by_id(message_id)
    if message_dict is None:
        raise ValueError(MESSAGE_EDIT_NOT_EXIST)

    channel_id = message_dict["channel_id"]
    channel = database.get_channel_by_id(channel_id)

    # Check if user can edit this message
    if u_id == message_dict["u_id"] or user["permission"] in [OWNER, ADMIN] \
            or u_id in channel["owner_ids"]:
        database.update_message_by_id(message_id, {"message": message})
        return {}
    raise AccessError(MESSAGE_EDIT_NO_AUTH)
def message_pin(token, message_id):
    Given a message within a channel, mark it as "pinned" to be given special
    display treatment by the frontend
    # Validate token
    if not validator.is_valid_token(token):
        raise AccessError(INVALID_TOKEN)

    # Decode token
    u_id = jwt_handler.decode_token(token)

    user = database.get_user_by_id(u_id)
    message = database.get_message_by_id(message_id)
    if message is None:
        raise ValueError(MESSAGE_PIN_NOT_EXIST)
    channel = database.get_channel_by_id(message["channel_id"])

    if user["permission"] not in [OWNER, ADMIN] \
            and u_id not in channel["owner_ids"]:
        raise ValueError(MESSAGE_PIN_NO_AUTH)

    # Checking data
    if u_id not in channel["auth_ids"]:
        raise AccessError(CHANNEL_CANT_VIEW_DETAIL)

    if message["is_pinned"] is True:
        raise ValueError(MESSAGE_ALREADY_PINNED)

    # Pinning message
    database.update_message_by_id(message_id, {"is_pinned": True})
    return {}
def channel_removeowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    """Remove user with user id u_id an owner of this channel"""
    # Convert channel_id and u_id to integer
    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    u_id = int(u_id)

    # Validate token, channel and user
    if not validator.is_valid_token(token):
        raise AccessError(INVALID_TOKEN)
    if not validator.is_valid_channel(channel_id):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_CHANNEL)
    if not validator.is_valid_user(u_id):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_USER)

    # Locate channel and user in database
    channel = database.get_channel_by_id(channel_id)
    auth_user_id = jwt_handler.decode_token(token)
    auth_user = database.get_user_by_id(auth_user_id)
    owner_list = channel["owner_ids"]

    if auth_user["permission"] not in [OWNER, ADMIN] or\
            auth_user_id not in channel["owner_ids"]:
        raise AccessError(CHANNEL_DEL_OWNER_NO_AUTH)

    # Check that the added_user is currently an owner
    if u_id not in owner_list:
        raise ValueError(CHANNEL_NOT_OWNER)

    # Remove user from owner_ids
    database.update_channel_by_id(channel_id, {
        "owner_ids": owner_list

    return {}
def message_remove(token, message_id):
    Given a message_id for a message, this message is removed from the chxnel
    # Validate token
    if not validator.is_valid_token(token):
        raise AccessError(INVALID_TOKEN)

    if not isinstance(message_id, int):
        message_id = int(message_id)

    # Convert token to u_id
    u_id = jwt_handler.decode_token(token)

    # Check u_id is authorised
    user = database.get_user_by_id(u_id)
    message = database.get_message_by_id(message_id)
    if message is None:
        raise ValueError(MESSAGE_REMOVE_NOT_EXIST)

    channel_id = message["channel_id"]
    channel = database.get_channel_by_id(channel_id)
    # if sender of message
    if u_id == message["u_id"] or\
            user["permission"] in [OWNER, ADMIN] or\
            u_id in channel["owner_ids"]:
        # Delete message from database
        # Delete message from channel
        database.update_channel_by_id(channel_id, channel)
        return {}
    raise AccessError(MESSAGE_EDIT_NO_AUTH)
def channel_join(token, channel_id):
    """Given a channel_id of a channel that the authorised user can join, adds
    them to that channel"""
    # Validate token and channel ID
    if not validator.is_valid_token(token):
        raise AccessError(INVALID_TOKEN)
    if not validator.is_valid_channel(channel_id):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_CHANNEL)

    # Convert token to u_id
    u_id = jwt_handler.decode_token(token)
    user = database.get_user_by_id(u_id)

    # Locate channel in database
    channel = database.get_channel_by_id(channel_id)

    # If channel is private
    if not channel["is_public"] and user["permission"] == MEMBER:
        # If the user is not an admin/owner
        raise AccessError(CHANNEL_CANT_VIEW_DETAIL)

    # Add user to authorised users in channel
    auth_list = channel["auth_ids"]
    if u_id not in auth_list:
        database.update_channel_by_id(channel_id, {
            "auth_ids": auth_list
        raise ValueError(CHANNEL_ALREADY_JOINED)

    return {}
def channel_details(token, channel_id):
    """Given a Channel with ID channel_id that the authorised user is part of,
    provide basic details about the channel"""
    # Validate token and channel
    if not validator.is_valid_token(token):
        raise AccessError(INVALID_TOKEN)
    if not validator.is_valid_channel(channel_id):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_CHANNEL)

    # Find user in database
    u_id = jwt_handler.decode_token(token)

    # Locate in database
    channel = database.get_channel_by_id(channel_id)
    user = database.get_user_by_id(u_id)

    # Check user is authorised
    if u_id not in channel["auth_ids"] and user["permission"] == MEMBER:
        raise AccessError(CHANNEL_CANT_VIEW_DETAIL)

    # Compile channel details
    owner_list = channel["owner_ids"]
    auth_list = channel["auth_ids"]
    owner_list_with_details = []
    auth_list_with_details = []
    for owner_id in owner_list:
        owner = database.get_user_by_id(owner_id)
            "u_id": owner_id,
            "name_first": owner["name_first"],
            "name_last": owner["name_last"],
            "profile_img_url": owner["profile_img_url"]})
    for auth_id in auth_list:
        auth = database.get_user_by_id(auth_id)
            "u_id": auth_id,
            "name_first": auth["name_first"],
            "name_last": auth["name_last"],
            "profile_img_url": auth["profile_img_url"]})
    return {
        "name": channel["name"],
        "owner_members": owner_list_with_details,
        "all_members": auth_list_with_details
Exemple #10
def is_valid_token(token):
    """Returns whether or not a token is valid: that the signature is valid and that
    it is an actively listed token under the user's data file"""
    u_id = jwt_handler.decode_token(token)
    if u_id is None:
        return False
    user = database.get_user_by_id(u_id)
    if user is None:
        return False
    for active_token in user["tokens"]:
        if active_token == token:
            return True
    return False
Exemple #11
def auth_logout(token):
    """Given an active token, invalidates the taken to log the user out. If a
    valid token is given, and the user is successfully logged out, it returns
    true, otherwise false."""
    # Validate data
    if not validator.is_valid_token(token):
        return {"is_success": False}

    # Converts token to u_id
    u_id = jwt_handler.decode_token(token)
    # Searches for the user by u_id
    user = database.get_user_by_id(u_id)

    # Searches for and removes the token from the user's active tokens
    token_list = user["tokens"]
    database.update_user_by_id(user["u_id"], {"tokens": token_list})
    return {"is_success": True}
def channel_addowner(token, channel_id, u_id):
    """Make user with user id u_id an owner of this channel"""
    # Convert channel_id and u_id to integer
    channel_id = int(channel_id)
    u_id = int(u_id)

    # Validate token, channel and user
    if not validator.is_valid_token(token):
        raise AccessError(INVALID_TOKEN)
    if not validator.is_valid_channel(channel_id):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_CHANNEL)
    if not validator.is_valid_user(u_id):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_USER)

    # Locate channel and user in database
    channel = database.get_channel_by_id(channel_id)
    auth_user_id = jwt_handler.decode_token(token)
    auth_user = database.get_user_by_id(auth_user_id)

    # Check auth_user permissions
    if auth_user["permission"] not in [OWNER, ADMIN] or\
            auth_user_id not in channel["owner_ids"]:
        raise AccessError(CHANNEL_ADD_OWNER_NO_AUTH)

    # Add user to auth_ids
    auth_list = channel["auth_ids"]
    if u_id not in auth_list:
        database.update_channel_by_id(channel_id, {
            "auth_ids": auth_list

    # Add user to owner_ids
    owner_list = channel["owner_ids"]
    if u_id in owner_list:
        raise ValueError(CHANNEL_ALREADY_OWNER)
    database.update_channel_by_id(channel_id, {
        "owner_ids": owner_list

    return {}
Exemple #13
def user_profile(token, u_id):
    """For a valid user, returns information about their email, first name,
    last name, and handle"""

    # Check valid token
    if not validator.is_valid_token(token):
        raise AccessError(INVALID_TOKEN)

    # Check u_id is valid
    if not validator.is_valid_user(u_id):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_USER)

    # Return user profile
    user = database.get_user_by_id(u_id)
    return {
        "email": user["email"],
        "name_first": user["name_first"],
        "name_last": user["name_last"],
        "handle_str": user["handle"],
        "profile_img_url": user["profile_img_url"]
Exemple #14
def auth_register(email, password, name_first, name_last):
    """Given a user's first and last name, email address, and password,
    create a new account for them and return a new token for authentication
    in their session. A handle is generated that is the concatentation of a
    lowercase-only first name and last name. If the concatenation is longer
    than 20 characters, it is cutoff at 20 characters. If the handle is
    already taken, you may modify the handle in any way you see fit to
    make it unique."""
    # Validate data
    if not validator.is_valid_name(name_first):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_NAME_FIRST)
    if not validator.is_valid_name(name_last):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_NAME_LAST)
    if not validator.is_valid_email(email):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_EMAIL)
    if not validator.is_unique_email(email):
        raise ValueError(NOT_UNIQUE_EMAIL)
    if not validator.is_valid_password(password):
        raise ValueError(INVALID_PASS)

    # Set permission to MEMBER
    perm = constants.MEMBER
    # If no members, permission is OWNER
    if len(database.get_all_users()) == 0:
        perm = constants.OWNER

    # user["handle"] handling
    if len(name_first + name_last) > 20:
        handle = []
        temp = (name_first + name_last).lower()

        for x in range(0, 20):
        handle_str = "".join(handle)
        handle_str = (name_first + name_last).lower()

    users = database.get_all_users()
    index = 0
    for user in users:
        if user["handle"][0:len(handle_str)] == handle_str:
            index += 1

    if index > 0:
        handle_str = handle_str + str(index)

    u_id = database.add_user({
        "tokens": [],

    token = jwt_handler.encode_u_id(u_id)
    user = database.get_user_by_id(u_id)
    token_list = user["tokens"]
    database.update_user_by_id(u_id, {"tokens": token_list})
    return {"token": token}
Exemple #15
def is_valid_user(u_id):
    """Returns whether or not a user id id valid"""
    if database.get_user_by_id(u_id) is None:
        return False
    return True