Exemple #1
def get_last_book_of_series(series_name, series_id, date, timeframe):
    """ Given a series name, date of search, and timeframe, returns a dictionary containing the info of the
    last book published in that series in the timeframe provided. If API error, returns
    a dictionary with key 'status' and value 'error'."""
    payload = {"key": goodreads_key, "id": series_id}
    response = requests.get("https://www.goodreads.com/series/show/",

    if response.status_code == 200:
        tree = ET.fromstring(response.content)
        series_length = tree.find("series").find("primary_work_count").text
        series_works = list(tree.find("series").find("series_works"))
        by_user_position = {}

        for work in series_works:
            user_position = work.find("user_position").text
            by_user_position[user_position] = work

        title = 'untitled'
        published = None

        while ('untitled' in title.lower()
               and published is None) and series_length >= "1":
            work = by_user_position.get(series_length)

            if work is None:
                last_position = max(by_user_position.keys())
                work = by_user_position[last_position]

            work_info = get_info_for_work(work)
            title = work_info["title"]
            published = work_info["published"]
            cover = work_info["cover"]

            series_length = str(int(series_length) - 1)

        if published is None:
            published = get_pub_date_with_title(title)

        if published == "error":
            return {"status": "error"}

        result = ("Title: <i>{}</i>".format(title),
                  "Publication date: {}".format(published), cover)

        pdate = convert_string_to_datetime(published)

        if (not timeframe) and not (pdate <= date):
            while series_length >= "1":
                work = by_user_position[series_length]
                work = by_user_position[series_length]
                work_info = get_info_for_work(work)
                title2 = work_info["title"]
                published2 = work_info["published"]
                cover = work_info["cover"]

                if published2 is None:
                    published2 = get_pub_date_with_title(title)

                pdate2 = convert_string_to_datetime(published2)

                if pdate2 <= date:
                    result = ("Title: <i>{}</i>".format(title2),
                              "Publication date: {}".format(published2), cover)

                series_length = str(int(series_length) - 1)

        if timeframe and not (date <= pdate <= date + timeframe):
            if pdate < date:
                result = (None, None, "http://sendmeglobal.net/images/404.png")

                while series_length >= "1":
                    work = by_user_position[series_length]
                    work_info = get_info_for_work(work)
                    title2 = work_info["title"]
                    published2 = work_info["published"]
                    cover = work_info["cover"]

                    if published2 is None:
                        published2 = get_pub_date_with_title(title)

                    pdate2 = convert_string_to_datetime(published2)

                    if pdate2 < date:
                        result = (None, None,

                    elif pdate <= pdate2 <= date + timeframe:
                        result = ("Title: <i>{}</i>".format(title2),
                                  "Publication date: {}".format(published2),

                    series_length = str(int(series_length) - 1)

            if series_length == "0":
                result = (None, None, "http://sendmeglobal.net/images/404.png")

        return {'status': 'ok', 'results': result}

        return {'status': 'error'}
Exemple #2
 def test_convert_datetime_year_mon_day(self):
     """Tests to see if function converts string of format year-month-day properly"""
     self.assertEqual(convert_string_to_datetime("2016-02-02"), datetime(year=2016, month=2, day=2))
Exemple #3
def search_json():
    """ Returns search results based off author or series inputted"""
    author = request.form.get("author")
    series_id = request.form.get("series")
    timeframe = int(request.form.get("timeframe"))
    tf_str = timeframes[timeframe]

    date = request.form.get("date")
    date_str = " ".join(date.split()[1:])
    py_date = datetime.strptime(date_str, "%b %d %Y")
    td = timedelta(days=timeframe)

    if author:
        payload = {
            "q": "inauthor:" + author,
            "langRestrict": "en",
            "orderBy": "newest",
            "printType": "books",
            "key": google_books_key

        response = requests.get("https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes",

        if response.status_code == 200:
            results = response.json()
            next_book = results["items"][0]["volumeInfo"]
            next_book_cover = no_cover_img

            if results["items"][0]["volumeInfo"].get("imageLinks"):
                next_book_cover = results["items"][0]["volumeInfo"][

            next_book_id = results["items"][0]["id"]

            published_date = get_pub_date_with_book_id(next_book_id)

            if published_date == "error":
                return jsonify({"status": "error"})

            pdate = convert_string_to_datetime(published_date)

            result = ("Title: <i>{}</i>".format(next_book["title"]),
                      "Publication date: {}".format(published_date),

            if (not td) and not (pdate <= py_date):
                for work in results["items"][1:]:
                    date2 = get_pub_date_with_book_id(work["id"])
                    pdate2 = convert_string_to_datetime(date2)
                    next_book_cover2 = no_cover_img

                    if work["volumeInfo"].get("imageLinks"):
                        next_book_cover2 = work["volumeInfo"]["imageLinks"][

                    if (pdate2 <= py_date):
                        result = ("Title: <i>{}</i>".format(
                                  "Publication date: {}".format(date2),

            if td and not (py_date <= pdate <= py_date + td):
                if pdate < py_date:
                    result = (None, None, no_results_img)
                    for work in results["items"][1:]:
                        date2 = get_pub_date_with_book_id(work["id"])
                        pdate2 = convert_string_to_datetime(date2)
                        next_book_cover2 = no_cover_img

                        if work["volumeInfo"].get("imageLinks"):
                            next_book_cover2 = work["volumeInfo"][

                        if pdate2 < py_date:
                            result = (None, None, no_results_img)

                        elif py_date <= pdate2 <= py_date + td:
                            result = ("Title: <i>{}</i>".format(
                                      "Publication date: {}".format(date2),

            if "search_history" in session:
                search = (date, tf_str, author, result)
                # this looks redundant, but if I try to modify the session value directly
                # it doesn't update, so it has to be like this
                s_history = session["search_history"]
                session["search_history"] = s_history

            return jsonify({"status": "ok", "results": result})

        return jsonify({"status": "error"})

    else:  # if series is being searched
        series = Series.query.get(series_id)
        results = get_last_book_of_series(series.series_name,
                                          series.goodreads_id, py_date, td)

        if "search_history" in session:
            search = (date, tf_str, series.series_name, results["results"])
            # this looks redundant, but if I try to modify the session value directly
            # it doesn't update, so it has to be like this
            s_history = session["search_history"]
            session["search_history"] = s_history

        return jsonify(results)
Exemple #4
 def test_convert_datetime_year(self):
     """ Makes sure function turns a string with year-only into a datetime object"""
     self.assertEqual(convert_string_to_datetime("2016"), datetime(year=2016, month=1, day=1))