Exemple #1
def _create_view(view_xml_name):
    "Creates and returns a 3D render view."
    view = servermanager._create_view(view_xml_name)
    servermanager.ProxyManager().RegisterProxy("views", \
      "my_view%d" % _funcs_internals.view_counter, view)
    active_objects.view = view
    _funcs_internals.view_counter += 1

    tk = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup(
    views = tk.Views
    if not view in views:

    return view
Exemple #2
def _disconnect():
    active_objects.view = None
    active_objects.source = None
    import gc
Exemple #3
def ReverseConnect(port=11111):
    """Create a reverse connection to a server.  Listens on port and waits for
    an incoming connection from the server."""
    cid = servermanager.ReverseConnect(port)
    servermanager.ProxyManager().RegisterProxy("timekeeper", "tk",
    return cid
Exemple #4
def get_animation_cue_proxy_registration_name(proxy):
    """Assuming the give proxy is registered in the group "animation",
    lookup the proxy's registration name with the servermanager"""
    if proxy.GetXMLName() == "KeyFrameAnimationCue" or \
       proxy.GetXMLName() == "CameraAnimationCue" or \
       proxy.GetXMLName() == "TimeAnimationCue":
        return servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxyName("animation", proxy)
    return None
Exemple #5
 def __get_selection_model(self, name):
     "Internal method."
     pxm = servermanager.ProxyManager()
     model = pxm.GetSelectionModel(name)
     if not model:
         model = servermanager.vtkSMProxySelectionModel()
         pxm.RegisterSelectionModel(name, model)
     return model
Exemple #6
def _GetRepresentationAnimationHelper(sourceproxy):
    """Internal method that returns the representation animation helper for a
       source proxy. It creates a new one if none exists."""
    # ascertain that proxy is a source proxy
    if not sourceproxy in GetSources().values():
        return None
    for proxy in servermanager.ProxyManager():
        if proxy.GetXMLName() == "RepresentationAnimationHelper" and\
            return proxy
    # create a new helper
    proxy = servermanager.misc.RepresentationAnimationHelper(
        "pq_helper_proxies.%s" % sourceproxy.GetGlobalIDAsString(),
        "RepresentationAnimationHelper", proxy)
    return proxy
Exemple #7
def Connect(ds_host=None, ds_port=11111, rs_host=None, rs_port=11111):
    """Creates a connection to a server. Example usage:
    > Connect("amber") # Connect to a single server at default port
    > Connect("amber", 12345) # Connect to a single server at port 12345
    > Connect("amber", 11111, "vis_cluster", 11111) # connect to data server, render server pair"""
    cid = servermanager.Connect(ds_host, ds_port, rs_host, rs_port)
    servermanager.ProxyManager().RegisterProxy("timekeeper", "tk",
    return cid
Exemple #8
 def __init__(self, proxy):
     # Store the proxy, name, and group
     if isinstance(proxy, servermanager.Proxy):
         proxy = proxy.SMProxy
     for proxy_group in _proxy_groups:
         proxy_name = servermanager.ProxyManager().IsProxyInGroup(proxy, proxy_group)
         if proxy_name:
             self.proxy_name = proxy_name
             self.proxy_group = proxy_group
             self.proxy = proxy
Exemple #9
def _create_view(view_xml_name):
    "Creates and returns a 3D render view."
    view = servermanager._create_view(view_xml_name)
    servermanager.ProxyManager().RegisterProxy("views", \
      "my_view%d" % _funcs_internals.view_counter, view)
    active_objects.view = view
    _funcs_internals.view_counter += 1

    tk = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup(
    views = tk.Views
    if not view in views:
        scene = GetAnimationScene()
        if not view in scene.ViewModules:
    except servermanager.MissingProxy:
    return view
Exemple #10
def RenameSource(newName, proxy=None):
    """Renames the given source.  If the given proxy is not registered
    in the sources group this method will have no effect.  If no source is
    provided, the active source is used."""
    if not proxy:
        proxy = active_objects.source
    pxm = servermanager.ProxyManager()
    oldName = pxm.GetProxyName("sources", proxy)
    if oldName:
        pxm.RegisterProxy("sources", newName, proxy)
        pxm.UnRegisterProxy("sources", oldName, proxy)
Exemple #11
def get_sorted_proxies_in_group(group_name):
    """Returns the list of proxies registered in the given group name.
    The returned list of proxies will be sorted by the proxy's id."""

    # GetProxiesInGroup returns a dictionary of the form:
    #     { ('proxy_name', 'proxy_id') : proxy }
    # We want to return the dictionary values (list of proxies) sorted by proxy_id.
    dict_items = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup(group_name).items()
    dict_items.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(int(a[0][1]), int(b[0][1])))
    sorted_proxy_list = [pair[1] for pair in dict_items]
    return sorted_proxy_list
Exemple #12
def ReverseConnect(port=11111):
    """Create a reverse connection to a server.  Listens on port and waits for
    an incoming connection from the server."""
    session = servermanager.ReverseConnect(port)
    tk = servermanager.misc.TimeKeeper()
    servermanager.ProxyManager().RegisterProxy("timekeeper", "tk", tk)
    scene = AnimationScene()
    scene.TimeKeeper = tk
    return session
Exemple #13
def AddCameraLink(viewProxy, viewProxyOther, linkName):
    """Create a camera link between two view proxies.  A name must be given
    so that the link can be referred to by name.  If a link with the given
    name already exists it will be removed first."""
    if not viewProxyOther: viewProxyOther = GetActiveView()
    link = servermanager.vtkSMCameraLink()
    link.AddLinkedProxy(viewProxy.SMProxy, 1)
    link.AddLinkedProxy(viewProxyOther.SMProxy, 2)
    link.AddLinkedProxy(viewProxyOther.SMProxy, 1)
    link.AddLinkedProxy(viewProxy.SMProxy, 2)
    servermanager.ProxyManager().RegisterLink(linkName, link)
Exemple #14
def LoadDistributedPlugin(pluginname, remote=True, ns=None):
    """Loads a plugin that's distributed with the executable. This uses the
    information known about plugins distributed with ParaView to locate the
    shared library for the plugin to load. Raises a RuntimeError if the plugin
    was not found."""
    plm = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetSession().GetPluginManager()
    if remote:
        info = plm.GetRemoteInformation()
        info = plm.GetLocalInformation()
    for cc in range(0, info.GetNumberOfPlugins()):
        if info.GetPluginName(cc) == pluginname:
            return LoadPlugin(info.GetPluginFileName(cc), remote, ns)
    raise RuntimeError, "Plugin '%s' not found" % pluginname
Exemple #15
def Connect(ds_host=None, ds_port=11111, rs_host=None, rs_port=11111):
    """Creates a connection to a server. Example usage:
    > Connect("amber") # Connect to a single server at default port
    > Connect("amber", 12345) # Connect to a single server at port 12345
    > Connect("amber", 11111, "vis_cluster", 11111) # connect to data server, render server pair"""
    session = servermanager.Connect(ds_host, ds_port, rs_host, rs_port)

    tk = servermanager.misc.TimeKeeper()
    servermanager.ProxyManager().RegisterProxy("timekeeper", "tk", tk)
    scene = AnimationScene()
    scene.TimeKeeper = tk
    return session
Exemple #16
def GetRepresentation(proxy=None, view=None):
    """"Given a pipeline object and view, returns the corresponding representation object.
    If pipeline object and view are not specified, active objects are used."""
    if not view:
        view = active_objects.view
    if not proxy:
        proxy = active_objects.source
    rep = servermanager.GetRepresentation(proxy, view)
    if not rep:
        rep = servermanager.CreateRepresentation(proxy, view)
        servermanager.ProxyManager().RegisterProxy("representations", \
          "my_representation%d" % _funcs_internals.rep_counter, rep)
        _funcs_internals.rep_counter += 1
    return rep
Exemple #17
def OpenDataFile(filename, **extraArgs):
    """Creates a reader to read the give file, if possible.
       This uses extension matching to determine the best reader possible.
       If a reader cannot be identified, then this returns None."""
    reader_factor = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetReaderFactory()
    if reader_factor.GetNumberOfRegisteredPrototypes() == 0:
    session = servermanager.ActiveConnection.Session
    first_file = filename
    if type(filename) == list:
        first_file = filename[0]
    if not reader_factor.TestFileReadability(first_file, session):
        raise RuntimeError, "File not readable: %s " % first_file
    if not reader_factor.CanReadFile(first_file, session):
        raise RuntimeError, "File not readable. No reader found for '%s' " % first_file
    prototype = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetPrototypeProxy(
        reader_factor.GetReaderGroup(), reader_factor.GetReaderName())
    xml_name = paraview.make_name_valid(prototype.GetXMLLabel())
    reader_func = _create_func(xml_name, servermanager.sources)
    if prototype.GetProperty("FileNames"):
        reader = reader_func(FileNames=filename, **extraArgs)
        reader = reader_func(FileName=filename, **extraArgs)
    return reader
Exemple #18
def GetAnimationScene():
    """Returns the application-wide animation scene. ParaView has only one
    global animation scene. This method provides access to that. Users are
    free to create additional animation scenes directly, but those scenes
    won't be shown in the ParaView GUI."""
    animation_proxies = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup(
    scene = None
    for aProxy in animation_proxies.values():
        if aProxy.GetXMLName() == "AnimationScene":
            scene = aProxy
    if not scene:
        raise servermanager.MissingProxy, "Could not locate global AnimationScene."
    return scene
Exemple #19
def CreateWriter(filename, proxy=None, **extraArgs):
    """Creates a writer that can write the data produced by the source proxy in
       the given file format (identified by the extension). If no source is
       provided, then the active source is used. This doesn't actually write the
       data, it simply creates the writer and returns it."""
    if not filename:
        raise RuntimeError, "filename must be specified"
    writer_factory = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetWriterFactory()
    if writer_factory.GetNumberOfRegisteredPrototypes() == 0:
    if not proxy:
        proxy = GetActiveSource()
    if not proxy:
        raise RuntimeError, "Could not locate source to write"
    writer_proxy = writer_factory.CreateWriter(filename, proxy.SMProxy,
    return servermanager._getPyProxy(writer_proxy)
Exemple #20
def GetLookupTableForArray(arrayname, num_components, **params):
    """Used to get an existing lookuptable for a array or to create one if none
    exists. Keyword arguments can be passed in to initialize the LUT if a new
    one is created."""
    proxyName = "%d.%s.PVLookupTable" % (int(num_components), arrayname)
    lut = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxy("lookup_tables", proxyName)
    if lut:
        return lut
    # No LUT exists for this array, create a new one.
    # TODO: Change this to go a LookupTableManager that is shared with the GUI,
    # so that the GUI and python end up create same type of LUTs. For now,
    # python will create a Blue-Red LUT, unless overridden by params.
    lut = servermanager.rendering.PVLookupTable(
        ColorSpace="HSV", RGBPoints=[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0])
    SetProperties(lut, **params)
    servermanager.Register(lut, registrationName=proxyName)
    return lut
Exemple #21
 def __GetLookupTableForArray(self, aArray, **kwargs):
 Set the lookup table for the given array and assign
 the named properties.
     proxyName = '%d.%s.PVLookupTable' % (aArray.GetNumberOfComponents(),
     lut = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxy('lookup_tables', proxyName)
     if not lut:
         lut = servermanager.rendering.PVLookupTable(
             ColorSpace="HSV", RGBPoints=[0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0])
         servermanager.Register(lut, registrationName=proxyName)
     for arg in kwargs.keys():
         if not hasattr(lut, arg):
             raise AttributeError("LUT has no property %s" % (arg))
         setattr(lut, arg, kwargs[arg])
     return lut
Exemple #22
def _trace_state():
    """This method using the smtrace module to trace each registered proxy and
    generate a python trace script.  The proxies must be traced in the correct
    order so that no traced proxy refers to a proxy that is yet to be traced."""

    # Start trace
    smtrace.start_trace(CaptureAllProperties=True, UseGuiName=True)

    # Get proxy lists by group.  Order is very important here.  The idea is that
    # we want to register groups of proxies such that when a proxy is registered
    # none of its properties refer to proxies that have not yet been registered.
    # rules:
    # scalar_bars refer to lookup_tables.
    # representations refer to sources and piecewise_functions
    # views refer to representations and scalar_bars

    proxy_groups = [
        "implicit_functions", "piecewise_functions", "lookup_tables",
        "scalar_bars", "sources", "representations", "views"

    # Collect the proxies using a list comprehension
    get_func = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup
    proxy_lists = [
        get_func(proxy_group).values() for proxy_group in proxy_groups

    # Now register the proxies with the smtrace module
    for proxy_list in proxy_lists:

    # Calling append_trace causes the smtrace module to sort out all the
    # registered proxies and their properties and write them as executable
    # python.

    # Stop trace and print it to the console
Exemple #23
def Delete(proxy=None):
    """Deletes the given pipeline object or the active source if no argument
    is specified."""
    if not proxy:
        proxy = active_objects.source
    # Unregister any helper proxies stored by a vtkSMProxyListDomain
    for prop in proxy:
        listdomain = prop.GetDomain('proxy_list')
        if listdomain:
            if listdomain.GetClassName() != 'vtkSMProxyListDomain':
            group = "pq_helper_proxies." + proxy.GetSelfIDAsString()
            for i in xrange(listdomain.GetNumberOfProxies()):
                pm = servermanager.ProxyManager()
                iproxy = listdomain.GetProxy(i)
                name = pm.GetProxyName(group, iproxy)
                if iproxy and name:
                    pm.UnRegisterProxy(group, name, iproxy)

    # Remove source/view from time keeper
    tk = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup(
    if isinstance(proxy, servermanager.SourceProxy):
            idx = tk.TimeSources.index(proxy)
            del tk.TimeSources[idx]
        except ValueError:
            idx = tk.Views.index(proxy)
            del tk.Views[idx]
        except ValueError:

    # If this is a representation, remove it from all views.
    if proxy.SMProxy.IsA("vtkSMRepresentationProxy"):
        for view in GetRenderViews():
    # If this is a source, remove the representation iff it has no consumers
    # Also change the active source if necessary
    elif proxy.SMProxy.IsA("vtkSMSourceProxy"):
        sources = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup("sources")
        for i in range(proxy.GetNumberOfConsumers()):
            if proxy.GetConsumerProxy(i) in sources:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Source has consumers. It cannot be deleted " +
                    "until all consumers are deleted.")
        if proxy == GetActiveSource():
            if hasattr(proxy, "Input") and proxy.Input:
                if isinstance(proxy.Input, servermanager.Proxy):
        for rep in GetRepresentations().values():
            if rep.Input == proxy:
    # Change the active view if necessary
    elif proxy.SMProxy.IsA("vtkSMRenderViewProxy"):
        if proxy == GetActiveView():
            if len(GetRenderViews()) > 0:
Exemple #24
def get_lookuptable_proxy_registration_name(proxy):
    """Assuming the give proxy is registered in the group "lookup_tables",
    lookup the proxy's registration name with the servermanager"""
    return servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxyName("lookup_tables", proxy)
Exemple #25
def get_animation_scene_proxy_registration_name(proxy):
    """Assuming the give proxy is registered in the group "animation",
    lookup the proxy's registration name with the servermanager"""
    if proxy.GetXMLName() == "AnimationScene":
        return servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxyName("animation", proxy)
    return None
Exemple #26
def get_representation_proxy_registration_name(proxy):
    """Assuming the given proxy is registered in the group 'representations',
    lookup the proxy's registration name with the servermanager"""
    return servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxyName("representations", proxy)
Exemple #27
def GetSources():
    """Given the name of a source, return its Python object."""
    return servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup("sources")
Exemple #28
def GetRepresentations():
    """Returns all representations (display properties)."""
    return servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup("representations")
Exemple #29
def RemoveCameraLink(linkName):
    """Remove a camera link with the given name."""
Exemple #30
    def CreateObject(*input, **params):
        """This function creates a new proxy. For pipeline objects that accept inputs,
        all non-keyword arguments are assumed to be inputs. All keyword arguments are
        assumed to be property,value pairs and are passed to the new proxy."""

        # Instantiate the actual object from the given module.
        px = module.__dict__[key]()

        # Make sure non-keyword arguments are valid
        for inp in input:
            if inp != None and not isinstance(inp, servermanager.Proxy):
                if px.GetProperty("Input") != None:
                    raise RuntimeError, "Expecting a proxy as input."
                    raise RuntimeError, "This function does not accept non-keyword arguments."

        # Assign inputs
        if px.GetProperty("Input") != None:
            if len(input) > 0:
                px.Input = input
                # If no input is specified, try the active pipeline object
                if px.GetProperty("Input").GetRepeatable(
                ) and active_objects.get_selected_sources():
                    px.Input = active_objects.get_selected_sources()
                elif active_objects.source:
                    px.Input = active_objects.source
            if len(input) > 0:
                raise RuntimeError, "This function does not expect an input."

        registrationName = None
        for nameParam in ['registrationName', 'guiName']:
            if nameParam in params:
                registrationName = params[nameParam]
                del params[nameParam]

        # Pass all the named arguments as property,value pairs
        for param in params.keys():
            setattr(px, param, params[param])

            # Register the proxy with the proxy manager.
            if registrationName:
                group, name = servermanager.Register(
                    px, registrationName=registrationName)
                group, name = servermanager.Register(px)

            # Register pipeline objects with the time keeper. This is used to extract time values
            # from sources. NOTE: This should really be in the servermanager controller layer.
            if group == "sources":
                tk = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup(
                sources = tk.TimeSources
                if not px in sources:

                active_objects.source = px
        except servermanager.MissingRegistrationInformation:

        return px