def remove_files( download, torrent_file, video_file, ses, h, ren_video_file="", item={} ): dialog_view = False torrent = False if os.path.isfile( torrent_file ): dialog_view = True torrent = True if download > 0: dialog_view = True if bkg_user and not extracted_rar: dialog_view = False if erase_file_path and erase_file_path != \ os.path.join( DOWNLOAD_PATH , "MCT-torrent-videos" ): ren_video_file = erase_file_path if filetools.isfile(ren_video_file) and filetools.split(ren_video_file)[0] != \ os.path.join( DOWNLOAD_PATH , "MCT-torrent-videos" ): ren_video_file = filetools.split(ren_video_file)[0] elif filetools.isdir(ren_video_file) and ren_video_file == \ os.path.join( DOWNLOAD_PATH , "MCT-torrent-videos" ): ren_video_file = '' # Actualizado .json de control de descargas if not torrent_file or item.downloadProgress == 0: item.downloadProgress = 0 #log("##### .torrent borrado: %s" % erase_file_path) else: item.downloadProgress = 100 torr.update_control(item, function='mct_remove_files') if item.downloadStatus in [2, 4] and item.downloadProgress in [100]: dialog_view = False if dialog_view and ren_video_file: if h.status().num_pieces >= tot_piece_set: d = xbmcgui.Dialog() ok = d.yesno(msg_header, '¿Borrarmos los archivos descargados? (completos)' + '\n' + video_file) else: ok = True # -- SI ------------------------------------------------- if ok: # -- Borrar archivo - torrent ----------------------- if torrent: try: os.remove( torrent_file ) except: pass # -- Borrar carpeta/archivos y sesión - vídeo ------- try: ses.remove_torrent( h, 1 ) ses_lt = False except: ses_lt = False try: if os.path.isdir(ren_video_file): filetools.rmdirtree(ren_video_file, silent=True) elif os.path.exists(ren_video_file) and os.path.isfile(ren_video_file): os.remove(ren_video_file) log("##### erase_file_path: %s" % ren_video_file) except: log("##### erase_file_path: %s" % ren_video_file) log("### End session #########") else: # -- Borrar sesión ---------------------------------- try: ses.remove_torrent( h ) ses_lt = False except: ses_lt = False log("### End session #########") else: # -- Borrar sesión -------------------------------------- try: ses.remove_torrent( h ) ses_lt = False except: ses_lt = False # -- Borrar archivo - torrent ----------------------- if torrent: try: os.remove( torrent_file ) except: pass log("### End session #########") filetools.remove(filetools.join( DOWNLOAD_PATH , "MCT-torrent-videos", '.' + \ os.path.splitext(filetools.basename(torrent_file))[0].lower() + '.parts'), silent=True) return
def play(url, xlistitem={}, is_view=None, subtitle="", password="", item=None): allocate = True try: log("XXX KODI XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX") log("OS platform: %s %s" % (platform.system(),platform.release())) log("xbmc/kodi version: %s" % xbmc.getInfoLabel( "System.BuildVersion" )) xbmc_version = int(xbmc.getInfoLabel( "System.BuildVersion" )[:2]) log("Architecture: %s %s" % (str(platform.machine()), \ str(sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32 and "64-bit" or "32-bit"))) log("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX KODI & platform XXXX") except: log(traceback.format_exc()) # -- adfly: ------------------------------------ if url.startswith(""): try: data = httptools.downloadpage(url).data url = decode_adfly(data) except: ddd = xbmcgui.Dialog() ddd.ok( msg_header + ": Sin soporte", "El script no tiene soporte para el acortador de urls" + '\n' + " " + '\n' + "url: " + url ) return """ # -- Necesario para algunas webs ---------------------------- if not url.endswith(".torrent") and not url.startswith("magnet"): #t_file = httptools.downloadpage(url, follow_redirects=False).headers["location"] t_file = scrapertools.get_header_from_response(url, header_to_get="location") if t_file: if len(t_file) > 0: url = t_file t_file = httptools.downloadpage(url, follow_redirects=False).headers["location"] if len(t_file) > 0: url = t_file """ # -- Crear dos carpetas en descargas para los archivos ------ save_path_videos = os.path.join( DOWNLOAD_PATH , "MCT-torrent-videos" ) save_path_torrents = os.path.join( DOWNLOAD_PATH , "MCT-torrents" ) if not os.path.exists( save_path_torrents ): os.mkdir(save_path_torrents) video_path = '' global bkg_user bkg_user = False dp_BG = False DOWNGROUND = False torrent_stop = False BACKGROUND = config.get_setting("mct_background_download", server="torrent", default=True) if item.downloadFilename and item.downloadStatus in [2, 4]: # Descargas AUTO BACKGROUND = True DOWNGROUND = True bkg_user = True global ses_lt ses_lt = False if item: if item.contentType == 'movie': video_path = '%s-%s' % (item.contentTitle, item.infoLabels['tmdb_id']) else: video_path = '%s-%sx%s-%s' % (item.contentSerieName, item.contentSeason, \ item.contentEpisodeNumber, item.infoLabels['tmdb_id']) item.rar_path = video_path # -- Usar - archivo torrent desde web, magnet o HD --------- if not os.path.isfile(url) and not url.startswith("magnet"): # -- http - crear archivo torrent ----------------------- data = url_get(url) # -- El nombre del torrent será el que contiene en los -- # -- datos. - re_name = urllib.unquote( scrapertools.find_single_match(data,':name\d+:(.*?)\d+:') ) import bencode, hashlib decodedDict = bencode.bdecode(data) if not PY3: re_name = hashlib.sha1(bencode.bencode(decodedDict[b"info"])).hexdigest() else: re_name = hashlib.sha1(bencode.bencode(decodedDict["info"])).hexdigest() torrent_file = os.path.join(save_path_torrents, encode(re_name.upper() + '.torrent')) f = open(torrent_file,'wb') f.write(data) f.close() elif os.path.isfile(url): # -- file - para usar torrens desde el HD --------------- torrent_file = filetools.join(save_path_torrents, filetools.basename(url).upper()).replace('.TORRENT', '.torrent') filetools.copy(url, torrent_file, silent=True) else: # -- magnet --------------------------------------------- torrent_file = url torrent_file = torrent_file.replace('.TORRENT', '.torrent') # ----------------------------------------------------------- # -- MCT - MiniClienteTorrent ------------------------------- try: log("XXX libtorrent pathname: %s" % str(LIBTORRENT_PATH)) ses = lt.session() except Exception as e: do = xbmcgui.Dialog() e = e1 or e2 do.ok('ERROR en el cliente MCT Libtorrent', 'Módulo no encontrado o imcompatible con el dispositivo.' + '\n' + 'Reporte el fallo adjuntando un "log".' + '\n' + str(e)) return log("XXX libtorrent version: %s" % lt.version) log("##### Torrent file: %s ##" % torrent_file) ses.add_dht_router("",6881) ses.add_dht_router("",6881) ses.add_dht_router("",6881) trackers = [ "udp://", "", "", "udp://", "udp://", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "udp://", "udp://", "udp://", "", "", ] video_file = "" # -- magnet2torrent ----------------------------------------- if torrent_file.startswith("magnet"): try: import zlib btih = hex(zlib.crc32(scrapertools.find_single_match(torrent_file, 'magnet:\?xt=urn:(?:[A-z0-9:]+|)([A-z0-9]{32})')) & 0xffffffff) t_hash = scrapertools.find_single_match(torrent_file, 'xt=urn:btih:([^\&]+)\&') files = [f for f in os.listdir(save_path_torrents) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(save_path_torrents, f))] for file in files: if btih in os.path.basename(file): torrent_file = os.path.join(save_path_torrents, file) except: pass if torrent_file.startswith("magnet"): try: tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() except IOError: tempdir = os.path.join(save_path_torrents , "temp") if not os.path.exists(tempdir): os.mkdir(tempdir) params = { 'save_path': tempdir, 'trackers': trackers, 'storage_mode': lt.storage_mode_t.storage_mode_allocate } """ , 'paused': False, 'auto_managed': True, 'duplicate_is_error': True """ h = lt.add_magnet_uri(ses, torrent_file, params) dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() dp.create(msg_header) while not h.has_metadata(): message, porcent, msg_file, s, download = getProgress(h, "Creando torrent desde magnet") dp.update(porcent, message + '\n' + msg_file + '\n' + ' ') if s.state == 1: download = 1 if dp.iscanceled(): dp.close() remove_files( download, torrent_file, video_file, ses, h, '', item ) return h.force_dht_announce() xbmc.sleep(1000) dp.close() info = h.get_torrent_info() data = lt.bencode( lt.create_torrent(info).generate() ) #torrent_file = os.path.join(save_path_torrents, unicode("-"+btih, "'utf-8'", errors="replace") + ".torrent") torrent_file = os.path.join(save_path_torrents, t_hash.upper()+".torrent") f = open(torrent_file,'wb') f.write(data) f.close() ses.remove_torrent(h) filetools.rmdirtree(tempdir) # ----------------------------------------------------------- # -- Archivos torrent --------------------------------------- e = lt.bdecode(open(torrent_file, 'rb').read()) info = lt.torrent_info(e) # -- El más gordo o uno de los más gordo se entiende que es - # -- el vídeo o es el vídeo que se usará como referencia - # -- para el tipo de archivo - log("##### Archivos ## %s ##" % len(info.files())) _index_file, _video_file, _size_file = get_video_file(info) # -- Prioritarizar/Seleccionar archivo----------------------- _index, video_file, video_size, len_files = get_video_files_sizes( info ) if len_files == 0: dp = xbmcgui.Dialog().ok("No se puede reproducir", "El torrent no contiene ningún archivo de vídeo") if _index < 0: log("##### parts = %s #########" % str(video_file)) log("##### video_size = %s #########" % str(video_size)) log("##### _index = %s #########" % str(_index)) #if _index == -1: # _index = _index_file # video_size = _size_file video_file = _video_file else: log("##### video_size = %s #########" % str(video_size)) log("##### _index = %s #########" % str(_index)) _video_file_ext = os.path.splitext( _video_file )[1] log("##### _video_file ## %s ##" % str(_video_file)) log("##### _video_file_ext ## %s ##" % _video_file_ext) if url.startswith('magnet:') or _index > 0: item.downloadFilename = ':%s: %s' % ('MCT', video_file) item.downloadQueued = 0 time.sleep(1) torr.update_control(item, function='mct_start') dp_cerrado = True rar = False global extracted_rar extracted_rar = False global erase_file_path erase_file_path = '' if _video_file_ext == ".rar": rar = True filename = video_file if "/" in filename: filename = filename.split("/")[1] if (RAR and BACKGROUND): xbmcgui.Dialog().notification("Encontrado archivo .RAR de %.2f MB" % (video_size / 1048576.0), "Puedes realizar otras tareas en Kodi mientrastanto. " + \ "Te informaremos...", time=10000) dialog = True else: dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno("Encontrado archivo .RAR...", "Nombre: %s" % filename + '\n' + "Tamaño: %.2f MB" % (video_size / 1048576.0) + '\n' + "¿Descargar en segundo plano? Cancelar en menú Descargas") if dialog: dp_cerrado = False dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() dp.create(msg_header) dp_BG = True if (_video_file_ext == ".avi" or _video_file_ext == ".mp4" or _video_file_ext == ".mkv") and allocate: log("##### storage_mode_t.storage_mode_allocate ("+_video_file_ext+") #####") h = ses.add_torrent( { 'ti':info, 'save_path': save_path_videos, 'trackers':trackers, 'storage_mode':lt.storage_mode_t.storage_mode_allocate } ) else: log("##### storage_mode_t.storage_mode_sparse ("+_video_file_ext+") #####") h = ses.add_torrent( { 'ti':info, 'save_path': save_path_videos, 'trackers':trackers, 'storage_mode':lt.storage_mode_t.storage_mode_sparse } ) allocate = True ses_lt = True # ----------------------------------------------------------- # -- Descarga secuencial - trozo 1, trozo 2, ... ------------ h.set_sequential_download(True) h.force_reannounce() h.force_dht_announce() # -- Inicio de variables para 'pause' automático cuando el - # -- el vídeo se acerca a una pieza sin completar - is_greater_num_pieces = False is_greater_num_pieces_plus = False is_greater_num_pieces_pause = False porcent4first_pieces = int( video_size * 0.000000005 ) porcent4first_pieces = BUFFER if porcent4first_pieces < BUFFER: porcent4first_pieces = BUFFER if porcent4first_pieces > 100: porcent4first_pieces = 100 porcent4last_pieces = int(old_div(porcent4first_pieces,2)) num_pieces_to_resume = int( video_size * 0.0000000025 ) if num_pieces_to_resume < 10: num_pieces_to_resume = 10 if num_pieces_to_resume > 25: num_pieces_to_resume = 25 log("##### porcent4first_pieces ## %s ##" % porcent4first_pieces) log("##### porcent4last_pieces ## %s ##" % porcent4last_pieces) log("##### num_pieces_to_resume ## %s ##" % num_pieces_to_resume) # -- Prioritarizar o seleccionar las piezas del archivo que - # -- se desea reproducir con 'file_priorities' - piece_set = set_priority_pieces(h, _index, video_file, video_size, porcent4first_pieces, porcent4last_pieces, allocate) global tot_piece_set tot_piece_set = len(piece_set) log("##### total piece_set ## %s ##" % len(piece_set)) if dp_cerrado: if bkg_user: dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() dp.create(msg_header) dp_BG = True else: # -- Crear diálogo de progreso para el primer bucle --------- dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() dp.create(msg_header) _pieces_info = {} ren_video_file = os.path.join( save_path_videos, video_file ) # -- Doble bucle anidado ------------------------------------ # -- Descarga - Primer bucle x = 1 while not h.is_seed(): x += 1 s = h.status() xbmc.sleep(1000) if not dp_cerrado and not BACKGROUND: dp.close() dp_cerrado = True dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() dp.create(msg_header) # -- Recuperar los datos del progreso ------------------- message, porcent, msg_file, s, download = getProgress(h, video_file, _pf=_pieces_info) # Si se ha borrado el .torrent es porque se quiere cancelar la sesión #log("##### x: %s" % str(x)) #log("##### exists: %s" % str(filetools.exists(torrent_file))) if ((download > 1 and (str(x).endswith('0') or str(x).endswith('5'))) \ or (download == 0 and x > 30)) and not filetools.exists(torrent_file): log('LISTADO de .torrent %s' % (filetools.listdir(filetools.dirname(torrent_file)))) if filetools.exists(torrent_file.replace('.torrent', '.pause')) or filetools.exists(torrent_file.replace('.TORRENT', '.pause')): torrent_paused = True torrent_stop = True action = 'pause' item.downloadProgress = -1 res = filetools.remove(torrent_file.replace('.torrent', '.pause').replace('.TORRENT', '.pause'), silent=True) #res = filetools.rename(torrent_file.replace('.torrent', '.pause').replace('.TORRENT', '.pause'), \ # filetools.basename(torrent_file), strict=True, silent=True) log("##### Progreso: %s, .torrent pausado: %s" % (str(porcent), video_file)) elif filetools.exists(torrent_file.replace('.torrent', '.reset')) or filetools.exists(torrent_file.replace('.TORRENT', '.reset')): torrent_reseted = True torrent_stop = True action = 'reset' item.downloadProgress = 0 res = filetools.remove(torrent_file.replace('.torrent', '.reset').replace('.TORRENT', '.reset'), silent=True) #res = filetools.rename(torrent_file.replace('.torrent', '.reset').replace('.TORRENT', '.reset'), \ # filetools.basename(torrent_file), strict=True, silent=True) log("##### Progreso: %s, .torrent reseteado: %s" % (str(porcent), video_file)) else: torrent_deleted = True torrent_stop = True action = 'delete' item.downloadProgress = 0 res = True log("##### Progreso: %s, .torrent borrado: %s" % (str(porcent), video_file)) if not res: log('ERROR borrando por -%s- el .torrent %s' % (action, filetools.listdir(filetools.dirname(torrent_file)))) if item.downloadProgress == 0 or torrent_stop: remove_files( 1, torrent_file, video_file, ses, h, ren_video_file, item ) bkg_user = False dp.close() return # -- Si hace 'checking' existe descarga ----------------- # -- 'download' Se usará para saber si hay datos - # -- descargados para el diálogo de 'remove_files' - if s.state == 1: download = 1 if (s.state == 5 or s.state == 4) and rar: # -- Borrar sesión para que libere los archivos y se pueda renombrar la carpeta ------- ses.pause() #video_file, rar, play_file = extract_files(video_file, save_path_videos, password, dp, item=item) video_file, rar, play_file, erase_path = torr.extract_files(video_file, \ save_path_videos, password, dp, item=item, torr_client='MCT') # ... extraemos el vídeo del RAR item.downloadFilename = play_file.replace(save_path_videos, '') item.downloadFilename = filetools.join(item.downloadFilename, video_file) item.downloadFilename = ':%s: %s' % ('MCT', item.downloadFilename) dp.close() erase_file_path = erase_path ren_video_file = erase_file_path extracted_rar = rar if not play_file: remove_files( download, torrent_file, erase_file_path, ses, h, ren_video_file, item ) return is_view = "Ok" save_path_videos = play_file xbmc.sleep(3000) # -- Player - play -------------------------------------- # -- Comprobar si se han completado las piezas para el - # -- inicio del vídeo - first_pieces = True #if not extracted_rar: _c = 0 for i in range( piece_set[0], piece_set[porcent4first_pieces] ): first_pieces &= h.have_piece(i) if h.have_piece(i): _c+= 1 _pieces_info = {'current': 0, 'continuous': "%s/%s" % (_c, porcent4first_pieces), \ 'continuous2': "", 'have': h.status().num_pieces, 'len': len(piece_set)} last_pieces = True if not allocate: _c = len(piece_set)-1; _cc = 0 for i in range(len(piece_set)-porcent4last_pieces, len(piece_set)): last_pieces &= h.have_piece(i) if h.have_piece(i): _c-= 1; _cc+=1 _pieces_info['continuous2'] = "[%s/%s] " % (_cc, porcent4last_pieces) if is_view != "Ok" and h.status().num_pieces >= BUFFER and not rar and not bkg_user \ or ((s.state == 5 or s.state == 4) and bkg_user): _pieces_info['continuous2'] = "" log("##### porcent [%.2f%%]" % (s.progress * 100)) dp.close() dp_cerrado = True if not bkg_user: is_view = "Ok" else: remove_files( download, torrent_file, video_file, ses, h, ren_video_file, item ) return if is_view == "Ok": # -- Esperando a que termine otra reproducción -------------------------- while xbmc.Player().isPlaying(): xbmc.sleep(3000) # -- Player - Ver el vídeo -------------------------- playlist = xbmc.PlayList( xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO ) playlist.clear() ren_video_file = os.path.join( save_path_videos, video_file ) try: playlist.add( ren_video_file, xlistitem ) except: playlist.add( ren_video_file ) if xbmc_version < 17: player = play_video( xbmc.PLAYER_CORE_AUTO ) else: player = play_video() if subtitle: time.sleep(0.5) player.setSubtitles(item.subtitle) # Activamos los subtítulos # -- Contador de cancelaciones para la ventana de - # -- 'pause' automático - is_greater_num_pieces_canceled = 0 continuous_pieces = 0 porcent_time = 0.00 current_piece = 0 set_next_continuous_pieces = porcent4first_pieces # -- Impedir que kodi haga 'resume' a un archivo ---- # -- que se reprodujo con anterioridad y que se - # -- eliminó para impedir que intente la reprucción - # -- en una pieza que aún no se ha completado y se - # -- active 'pause' automático - not_resume = True # -- Bandera subTítulos _sub = False # -- Segundo bucle - Player - Control de eventos ---- bkg_auto = True log("##### PLAY %s" % (h.status().num_pieces)) if item: torr.mark_auto_as_watched(item) if ses_lt: h.set_download_limit(DOWNLOAD_LIMIT) h.set_upload_limit(UPLOAD_LIMIT) while player.isPlaying(): # -- Impedir que kodi haga 'resume' al inicio --- # -- de la descarga de un archivo conocido - if not_resume: player.seekTime(0) not_resume = False # -- Control 'pause' automático - continuous_pieces = count_completed_continuous_pieces(h, piece_set) if xbmc.Player().isPlaying() and not rar: # -- Porcentage del progreso del vídeo ------ # -- En kodi 18.x se debe controlar - # -- ZeroDivisionError: float division by - # -- zero - player_getTime = player.getTime() player_getTotalTime = player.getTotalTime() try: porcent_time = old_div(player_getTime, player_getTotalTime) * 100 except: porcent_time = 0 # -- Pieza que se está reproduciendo -------- # -- En kodi 18.x se debe controlar - # -- ZeroDivisionError: float division by - # -- zero - try: current_piece = int( old_div(porcent_time, 100) * len(piece_set) ) except: current_piece = 0 # -- Banderas de control -------------------- is_greater_num_pieces = (current_piece > continuous_pieces - num_pieces_to_resume) #is_greater_num_pieces_plus = (current_piece + porcent4first_pieces > continuous_pieces) is_greater_num_pieces_plus = (current_piece + BUFFER > continuous_pieces) #is_greater_num_pieces_finished = (current_piece + porcent4first_pieces >= len(piece_set)) is_greater_num_pieces_finished = (current_piece + BUFFER >= len(piece_set)) # -- Activa 'pause' automático -------------- if is_greater_num_pieces and not player.paused and not is_greater_num_pieces_finished: is_greater_num_pieces_pause = True player.pause() if continuous_pieces >= set_next_continuous_pieces: set_next_continuous_pieces = continuous_pieces + num_pieces_to_resume next_continuous_pieces = str(continuous_pieces - current_piece) + "/" + str(set_next_continuous_pieces - current_piece) _pieces_info = {'current': current_piece, 'continuous': next_continuous_pieces , 'continuous2': _pieces_info['continuous2'], 'have': h.status().num_pieces, 'len': len(piece_set)} # -- Cerrar el diálogo de progreso -------------- if player.resumed: dp.close() # -- Mostrar el diálogo de progreso ------------- if player.paused and dp_cerrado and not rar: # -- Crear diálogo si no existe ------------- log("##### PAUSED %s" % (h.status().num_pieces)) if not player.statusDialogoProgress: dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() dp.create(msg_header) dp_BG = True player.setDialogoProgress() # -- Diálogos de estado en el visionado ----- if not h.is_seed(): # -- Recuperar los datos del progreso --- message, porcent, msg_file, s, download = getProgress(h, video_file, _pf=_pieces_info) if dp_BG: dp.update(porcent, message, msg_file) else: dp.update(porcent, message + '\n' + msg_file + '\n' + ' ') else: if dp_BG: dp.update(100, "Descarga completa: ", video_file) else: dp.update(100, "Descarga completa: " + '\n' + video_file + '\n' + ' ') # -- Se canceló el progreso en el visionado - # -- Continuar - if not bkg_auto and dp.iscanceled(): dp.close() player.pause() # -- Se canceló el progreso en el visionado - # -- en la ventana de 'pause' automático. - # -- Parar si el contador llega a 3 - if not bkg_auto and dp.iscanceled() and is_greater_num_pieces_pause: is_greater_num_pieces_canceled+= 1 if is_greater_num_pieces_canceled == 3: player.stop() # -- Desactiva 'pause' automático y --------- # -- reinicia el contador de cancelaciones - if not is_greater_num_pieces_plus and is_greater_num_pieces_pause: dp.close() player.pause() is_greater_num_pieces_pause = False is_greater_num_pieces_canceled = 0 # -- El usuario cancelo el visionado -------- # -- Terminar - if player.ended: # -- Diálogo eliminar archivos ---------- remove_files( download, torrent_file, video_file, ses, h, ren_video_file, item ) return xbmc.sleep(1000) # -- Kodi - Se cerró el visionado ----------------------- # -- Continuar | Terminar - if is_view == "Ok" and not xbmc.Player().isPlaying(): dp.close() if h.status().num_pieces < tot_piece_set: # -- Diálogo continuar o terminar --------------- # Preguntamos si el usuario quiere pasar a backgroung ok = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(msg_header, "¿Borramos los archivo descargados? (incompletos)" + '\n' + "Selecciona NO para seguir descargando en segundo plano") else: ok = True # -- NO --------------------------------------------- if not ok: is_view=None bkg_user = True dp_cerrado = False dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() dp.create(msg_header) dp_BG = True else: # -- Terminar: ---------------------------------- # -- Comprobar si el vídeo pertenece a una ------ # -- lista de archivos - remove_files( download, torrent_file, video_file, ses, h, ren_video_file, item ) if item.path.endswith('.json'): log("##### BORRANDO Archivo de CONTROL %s" % item.path) filetools.remove(filetools.join(config.get_setting("downloadlistpath"), item.path)) dp.close() return """ #_index, video_file, video_size, len_files = get_video_files_sizes( info ) if _index < 0 or len_files == 1: # -- Diálogo eliminar archivos -------------- #video_file = _video_file remove_files( download, torrent_file, video_file, ses, h, ren_video_file ) dp.close() return else: # -- Lista de archivos. Diálogo de opciones - piece_set = set_priority_pieces(h, _index, video_file, video_size, porcent4first_pieces, porcent4last_pieces, allocate) is_view=None dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() dp.create(msg_header) """ # -- Mostar progeso antes del visionado ----------------- if is_view != "Ok" : if dp_BG: dp.update(porcent, message, msg_file) else: dp.update(porcent, message + '\n' + msg_file + '\n' + ' ') # -- Se canceló el progreso antes del visionado --------- # -- Dar otra oportunidad en background o Terminar - if not bkg_user and dp_cerrado and dp.iscanceled(): dp.close() # Preguntamos si el usuario quiere pasar a backgroung dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno(msg_header, "¿Borramos los archivo descargados? (incompletos)", "Seleccione NO para seguir descargando en segundo plano") if not dialog: bkg_user = True dp_cerrado = False dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgressBG() dp.create(msg_header) dp_BG = True if ses_lt: h.set_download_limit(DOWNLOAD_LIMIT) else: remove_files( download, torrent_file, video_file, ses, h, ren_video_file, item ) if item.path.endswith('.json'): log("##### BORRANDO Archivo de CONTROL %s" % item.path) filetools.remove(filetools.join(config.get_setting("downloadlistpath"), item.path)) return # -- Comprobar si el vídeo pertenece a una lista de - # -- archivos - #_index, video_file, video_size, len_files = get_video_files_sizes( info ) if _index < 0 or len_files == 1: # -- Diálogo eliminar archivos ------------------ #video_file = _video_file remove_files( download, torrent_file, video_file, ses, h, ren_video_file, item ) return else: # -- Lista de archivos. Diálogo de opciones ----- piece_set = set_priority_pieces(h, _index, video_file, video_size, porcent4first_pieces, porcent4last_pieces, allocate) is_view=None dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() dp.create(msg_header) # -- Kodi - Error? - No debería llegar aquí ----------------- if is_view == "Ok" and not xbmc.Player().isPlaying(): dp.close() # -- Diálogo eliminar archivos -------------------------- remove_files( download, torrent_file, video_file, ses, h, ren_video_file, item ) return