def oracleToFrontier(connectionString, offlineServlet=False):
    Transforms an Oracle connection string into a frontier one.
    connectionString: string for connecting to a condition Database account;
    offlineServlet: boolean, default False, if set to True the connection string will contain a frontier servlet in the offline network, even if the connection string point to an online service.
    @returns: frontier connection string, raises exception if parsing error or update not allowed.
    connectionDictionary = getValidConnectionDictionaryFromConnectionString(

    global onlineFrontierConnectionStringTemplate
    if connectionDictionary['service_type'] == 'OnlineProduction':
        if not offlineServlet:
            # we build the online connection string by hand, as there is no site configuration in that cluster
            onlineFrontierConnectionStringTemplate = "frontier://(proxyurl=http://localhost:3128)(serverurl=http://localhost:8000/%s)(serverurl=http://localhost:8000/%s)(retrieve-ziplevel=0)(failovertoserver=no)/%s"
            return onlineFrontierConnectionStringTemplate % (
                (onlineFrontierConnectionStringTemplate.count("%s") - 1) *
                (connectionDictionary['frontier_name'], ) +
                (connectionDictionary['account'], ))
        for serviceDict in serviceList:
            if serviceDict['service_type'] == 'OfflineProduction':
                connectionDictionary['service_type'] = 'OfflineProduction'
                connectionDictionary['db_name'] = serviceDict['oracle'][0]
                connectionDictionary['frontier_name'] = serviceDict[
    return service.getFrontierConnectionString(connectionDictionary)
def getFrontierConnectionString(account, level, short = False):
        '''Returns a connection string from the secrets given its account name
        and the production level.

        return service.getFrontierConnectionString({
            'account': account,
            'frontier_name': service.secrets['connections'][level]['frontier_name'],
        }, short = short)
def getFrontierConnectionString(account, level, short=False):
    '''Returns a connection string from the secrets given its account name
        and the production level.

    return service.getFrontierConnectionString(
def main():
    if service.isAnotherInstanceRunning():'Another instance is running, exiting...')

    connections = service.secrets['connections']

    i = 0
    for level in connections:
        i += 1

        connectionStrings = service.getFrontierConnectionStringList(

        j = 0
        for connectionString in connectionStrings:
            j += 1

            shortConnectionString = service.getFrontierConnectionString(
                    'account': connections[level]['accounts'][j - 1],
                    'frontier_name': connections[level]['frontier_name']

            loggingPrefix = '[%s/%s %s %s/%s] %s: ' % (
                i, len(connections), level, j, len(connectionStrings),
                connectionString.rsplit('/', 1)[1])

       + 'Building HTML...')
            except Exception as e:
                logging.error(loggingPrefix +
                              'Exception while building HTML: %s.' % str(e))

       + 'Building JSON...')
                condDB = EcalCondDB(dbName=connectionString)
            except Exception as e:
                logging.error(loggingPrefix +
                              'Exception while building JSON: %s.' % str(e))
def oracleToFrontier( connectionString, offlineServlet = False ):
    Transforms an Oracle connection string into a frontier one.
    connectionString: string for connecting to a condition Database account;
    offlineServlet: boolean, default False, if set to True the connection string will contain a frontier servlet in the offline network, even if the connection string point to an online service.
    @returns: frontier connection string, raises exception if parsing error or update not allowed.
    connectionDictionary = getValidConnectionDictionaryFromConnectionString( connectionString )

    global onlineFrontierConnectionStringTemplate
    if connectionDictionary[ 'service_type' ] == 'OnlineProduction':
        if not offlineServlet:
            # we build the online connection string by hand, as there is no site configuration in that cluster
            onlineFrontierConnectionStringTemplate = "frontier://(proxyurl=http://localhost:3128)(serverurl=http://localhost:8000/%s)(serverurl=http://localhost:8000/%s)(retrieve-ziplevel=0)(failovertoserver=no)/%s"
            return onlineFrontierConnectionStringTemplate %( ( onlineFrontierConnectionStringTemplate.count( "%s" ) - 1 ) * ( connectionDictionary[ 'frontier_name' ], ) + ( connectionDictionary[ 'account' ], ) )
        for serviceDict in serviceList:
            if serviceDict[ 'service_type' ] == 'OfflineProduction':
                connectionDictionary[ 'service_type' ] = 'OfflineProduction'
                connectionDictionary[ 'db_name' ] = serviceDict[ 'oracle' ][ 0 ]
                connectionDictionary[ 'frontier_name' ] = serviceDict[ 'frontier' ][ 0 ]
    return service.getFrontierConnectionString( connectionDictionary )
def main():
	if service.isAnotherInstanceRunning():'Another instance is running, exiting...')

	connections = service.secrets['connections']

	i = 0
	for level in connections:
		i += 1

		connectionStrings = service.getFrontierConnectionStringList(connections[level])

		j = 0
		for connectionString in connectionStrings:
			j += 1

			shortConnectionString = service.getFrontierConnectionString({
				'account': connections[level]['accounts'][j-1],
				'frontier_name': connections[level]['frontier_name']
			}, short = True)

			loggingPrefix = '[%s/%s %s %s/%s] %s: ' % (i, len(connections), level, j, len(connectionStrings), connectionString.rsplit('/', 1)[1])

			try: + 'Building HTML...')
				LastIOVSince(dbName = connectionString).writeTable(dbName = shortConnectionString)
			except Exception as e:
				logging.error(loggingPrefix + 'Exception while building HTML: %s.' % str(e))

			try: + 'Building JSON...')
				condDB = EcalCondDB(dbName = connectionString)
				condDB.listContainers_json_writer(content = condDB.listContainers(), dbName = shortConnectionString)
			except Exception as e:
				logging.error(loggingPrefix + 'Exception while building JSON: %s.' % str(e))
Exemple #7
import service
import os

class InfoContainer:
    def __init__(self):

baseDBUrl = 'oracle://cms_orcon_adg'
ecalCondDB = service.getFrontierConnectionString({
    'account': 'CMS_COND_31X_ECAL',
    'frontier_name': 'PromptProd',
stripCondDB = baseDBUrl + '/CMS_COND_31X_STRIP'
rpcCondDB = baseDBUrl + '/CMS_COND_31X_RPC'

folders = InfoContainer()
#Directory, where temporary files are stored
folders.tmp_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_tmp']
folders.plots_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_plot']
folders.histo_dir = '/home/ryzzyj/backend/static_files/histo'
folders.xml_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_xml']
folders.table_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_html']
folders.iov_table_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_html']
folders.iov_table_name = 'iovtable.html'
folders.tag_table_name = 'tagtable.html'
folders.trend_plots_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_plot_trend']
folders.json_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_json']

db_data = InfoContainer()
Exemple #8
def checkContents(fileHash, dataPath, metadata, backend):
    '''Checks whether the data and metadata are correct.

    data is the filename of the sqlite file.
    metadata is a string with the metadata file itself.

    Note: Update the wizard on the script if the structure changes.

    logging.debug('check::checkContents(%s, %s, %s)', fileHash, dataPath,
                  repr(metadata))'checkContents(): %s: Checking metadata structure...',

    workflows = (u'offline', u'hlt', u'express', u'prompt', u'pcl')

    structure = {
        u'destinationDatabase': (True, unicode),
        u'inputTag': (True, unicode),
        u'since': (True, (int, type(None))),
        u'emails': (False, [unicode]),
        u'userText': (True, unicode),
        u'destinationTags': (True, {
            unicode: {
                u'synchronizeTo': (True, workflows),
                u'dependencies': (False, {
                    unicode: workflows,

        typeMatch.match(structure, metadata)
    except typeMatch.MatchError as e:
        raise dropBox.DropBoxError('In the metadata, ' + str(e))
        'checkContents(): %s: Checking data with respect to metadata...',

    db = conditionDatabase.ConditionDBChecker('sqlite_file:%s' % dataPath, '')

        # Corrupted file
            tags = db.getAllTags()
        except conditionError.ConditionError as e:
            raise dropBox.DropBoxError(
                'The file is corrupted, as it was not possible to get the list of tags inside it.'

        # Empty file
        if not tags:
            raise dropBox.DropBoxError(
                'The file does not contain any tags, so it is likely not hosting any Condition payloads.'

        # Wrong input tag
        if metadata['inputTag'] not in tags:
            raise dropBox.DropBoxError(
                'The input tag "%s" is not in the input SQLite file.' %

        # Unsupported service
        destinationDatabase = metadata['destinationDatabase']
        if not destinationDatabase.startswith('oracle:'):
            raise dropBox.DropBoxError('Oracle is the only supported service.')

        # Invalid connection string
        connectionDictionary = service.getProtocolServiceAndAccountFromConnectionString(
        if connectionDictionary is None:
            raise dropBox.DropBoxError('The connection string is not correct.')

        # Destination database not supported
        allowedServices = config.allowedServices[backend]
        if allowedServices is not None:
            ok = False
            for allowedService in allowedServices:
                if connectionDictionary[
                        'service'] in[
                    ok = True

            if not ok:
                raise dropBox.DropBoxError(
                    'The destination database is not supported.')

        # Invalid since
        since = metadata['since']
        if since is not None:
            firstSince = db.iovSequence(metadata['inputTag']).firstSince()
            if since < firstSince:
                raise dropBox.DropBoxError(
                    'The since value "%d" specified in the metadata cannot be smaller than the first IOV since "%d"'
                    % (since, firstSince))

        # Invalid synchronizations
        gtHandle = globalTagHandler.GlobalTagHandler(

        productionGTsDict = config.productionGlobalTags

        for tag, synchronizationDict in metadata['destinationTags'].items():
                                 destinationDatabase, tag, gtHandle,

            for dependentTag, synchronizeTo in synchronizationDict.get(
                    'dependencies', {}).items():
                checkSynchronization(synchronizeTo, destinationDatabase,
                                     dependentTag, gtHandle, productionGTsDict)

        # firstConditionSafeRun from Tier-0 not available -- only checked
        # if it is going to be used, i.e. if there is any synchronization
        # to prompt or pcl.
        usingFcsr = False
        for tag, synchronizationDict in metadata['destinationTags'].items():
            if synchronizationDict['synchronizeTo'] in ('prompt', 'pcl'):
                usingFcsr = True

            for dependentTag, synchronizeTo in synchronizationDict.get(
                    'dependencies', {}).items():
                if synchronizeTo in ('prompt', 'pcl'):
                    usingFcsr = True

        if usingFcsr:
                tier0.Tier0Handler(config.tier0URL, 5, 2, 5, None,
            except ValueError:
                # We got an answer but it is invalid. So far this usually means
                # "None" which is not JSON, when the Tier0 is stopped.
                raise dropBox.DropBoxError(
                    'Impossible to upload to synchronize to prompt or pcl while Tier-0 is returning an invalid First Condition Safe Run. %s'
                    % config.fcsrProblemMessage)
            except tier0.Tier0Error:
                # Impossible to get anything from the server after retries,
                # i.e. unreachable, so no data.
                raise dropBox.DropBoxError(
                    'Impossible to upload to synchronize to prompt or pcl while Tier-0 is unreachable. Try again after a bit. If this does not help: %s'
                    % config.fcsrProblemMessage)

Exemple #9
def port(metadata, fileName):
    '''Ports metadata into the new format.

    # Defaults
    outputMetadata = {
        'userText': '',

    allowDependencies = False

    for line in metadata.splitlines():
        line = line.strip()

        # Ignore empty lines
        if line == '':

        # Ignore comment lines
        if line.startswith('#'):

        (key, x, value) = line.partition(' ')

        key = key.lower()
        value = value.strip()

        if key == 'destdb':
            outputMetadata['destinationDatabase'] = value

        elif key == 'tag':
            outputMetadata['destinationTags'] = {
                value: {}

        elif key == 'inputtag':
            if value == '':
                value = outputMetadata['destinationTags'].keys()[0]

            outputMetadata['inputTag'] = value

        elif key == 'since':
            if value != '':
                outputMetadata['since'] = int(value)
                outputMetadata['since'] = None

        elif key == 'iovcheck':
            # from dropBox/
            productionGTsDict = {
                'hlt': 'GR_H_V29',
                'express': 'GR_E_V31',
                'prompt': 'GR_P_V42'

            # from dropBox/
            globalTagConnectionString = service.getFrontierConnectionString( service.secrets[ 'connections' ][ 'dev' ][ 'global_tag' ] )
            runControlConnectionString = service.getCxOracleConnectionString( service.secrets[ 'connections' ][ 'dev' ][ 'run_control' ] )
            runInfoConnectionString = service.getFrontierConnectionString( service.secrets[ 'connections' ][ 'dev' ][ 'run_info' ] )
            runInfoStartTag = "runinfo_start_31X_hlt"
            runInfoStopTag = "runinfo_31X_hlt"
            authPath = ""
            tier0DataSvcURI = ''
            timeOut = 30
            retries = 3
            retryPeriod = 90
            gtHandle = globalTagHandler.GlobalTagHandler( globalTagConnectionString, runControlConnectionString, runInfoConnectionString, runInfoStartTag, runInfoStopTag, authPath, tier0DataSvcURI, timeOut, retries, retryPeriod )

            workflow = gtHandle.getWorkflowForTagAndDB( outputMetadata['destinationDatabase'], outputMetadata['destinationTags'].keys()[0], productionGTsDict )

            replaceValue = True
            if workflow is None:
                replaceValue = False #connection string and tag are not in any production Global Tags
            elif value == workflow:
                replaceValue = False #connection string and tag are in the production Global Tag for the same workflow specified
            elif value == 'pcl' and workflow == 'prompt':
                replaceValue = False #pcl is a particular case for prompt

            # If IOVCheck was 'All', and the tag is in a global tag
            # (e.g. workflow is not None, replaceValue == True),
            # we replace it with something else (e.g. 'hlt') and therefore
            # there will not allow dependencies since this is what the user
            # should have used in the first place.
            # If IOVCheck was 'All', and the tag is not in a global tag
            # (e.g. workflow is None, replaceValue == False),
            # we do not replace it, so it means it was offline + allow
            # dependencies, which we will reach since value still is 'All'.
            if replaceValue:
                value = workflow

            if value == 'All':
                allowDependencies = True
                value = 'offline'

            outputMetadata['destinationTags'][outputMetadata['destinationTags'].keys()[0]] = {
                'synchronizeTo': value,
                'dependencies': {},

        elif key in ['duplicatetaghlt', 'duplicatetagexpress', 'duplicatetagprompt', 'duplicatetagpcl']:
            if allowDependencies and value != '':
                outputMetadata['destinationTags'][outputMetadata['destinationTags'].keys()[0]]['dependencies'][value] = key.partition('duplicatetag')[2]

        elif key == 'usertext':
            outputMetadata['userText'] = value

        # Deprecated stuff
        elif key == 'timetype':

        # Tier0 stuff that we do not need
        elif key == 'source':

        elif key == 'fileclass':

        # Wrong stuff
        elif key == 'es':
            # Bad userText in ESRecHitRatioCuts_V03_offline@a57546b2-03d2-11e2-84ae-003048d2bf28.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'gains':
            # Bad userText in SiPixelGainCalibrationHLT_2009runs_hlt@429bd0b6-0b6a-11e2-893f-003048f0e2c4.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'pixel':
            # Bad userText in SiPixelQuality_v11_bugfix_mc@97ccde9c-1784-11e2-b160-001e4f3da51f.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'es-ee':
            # Bad userText in ESEEIntercalibConstants_LG_V03_mc@a7238182-1ad8-11e2-85cc-001e4f3da513.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'lorentz':
            # Bad userText in SiPixelLorentzAngle_r194912_v1@4c10ccb4-1ee8-11e2-be80-003048d2bc9a.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'produced':
            # Bad userText in SiPixelTemplateDBObject_38T_2012_for_alignment_v1_offline@db41edfc-1fae-11e2-9aab-003048d2bf8c.tar.bz2
            # Bad userText in SiPixelTemplateDBObject_38T_IOV1_r194912@efb22762-1fa3-11e2-9fdd-003048d2bf8c.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'fed':
            # Bad userText in [email protected]
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'bugfix':
            # Bad userText in SiPixelQuality_v04_offline@eff63846-247e-11e2-969c-001e4f3e5c33.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

            raise Exception('Invalid key: %s', key)

    # In the old dropBox we allowed either None or a since which was smaller
    # that the one in the data, which made the one in the data being used.
    # Since in the new dropBox we only allow None to mean 'take the one from
    # the data', we overwrite it here so that we do not discard the file.
    if fileName in set([
        '[email protected]',
        if outputMetadata['since'] != 1:
            raise Exception('%s: Expected since == 1 for the manual fix to None.' % fileName)

        outputMetadata['since'] = None

    return json.dumps(outputMetadata, sort_keys = True, indent = 4)
Exemple #10
def port(metadata, fileName):
    '''Ports metadata into the new format.

    # Defaults
    outputMetadata = {
        'userText': '',

    allowDependencies = False

    for line in metadata.splitlines():
        line = line.strip()

        # Ignore empty lines
        if line == '':

        # Ignore comment lines
        if line.startswith('#'):

        (key, x, value) = line.partition(' ')

        key = key.lower()
        value = value.strip()

        if key == 'destdb':
            outputMetadata['destinationDatabase'] = value

        elif key == 'tag':
            outputMetadata['destinationTags'] = {value: {}}

        elif key == 'inputtag':
            if value == '':
                value = outputMetadata['destinationTags'].keys()[0]

            outputMetadata['inputTag'] = value

        elif key == 'since':
            if value != '':
                outputMetadata['since'] = int(value)
                outputMetadata['since'] = None

        elif key == 'iovcheck':
            # from dropBox/
            productionGTsDict = {
                'hlt': 'GR_H_V29',
                'express': 'GR_E_V31',
                'prompt': 'GR_P_V42'

            # from dropBox/
            globalTagConnectionString = service.getFrontierConnectionString(
            runControlConnectionString = service.getCxOracleConnectionString(
            runInfoConnectionString = service.getFrontierConnectionString(
            runInfoStartTag = "runinfo_start_31X_hlt"
            runInfoStopTag = "runinfo_31X_hlt"
            authPath = ""
            tier0DataSvcURI = ''
            timeOut = 30
            retries = 3
            retryPeriod = 90
            gtHandle = globalTagHandler.GlobalTagHandler(
                globalTagConnectionString, runControlConnectionString,
                runInfoConnectionString, runInfoStartTag, runInfoStopTag,
                authPath, tier0DataSvcURI, timeOut, retries, retryPeriod)

            workflow = gtHandle.getWorkflowForTagAndDB(
                outputMetadata['destinationTags'].keys()[0], productionGTsDict)

            replaceValue = True
            if workflow is None:
                replaceValue = False  #connection string and tag are not in any production Global Tags
            elif value == workflow:
                replaceValue = False  #connection string and tag are in the production Global Tag for the same workflow specified
            elif value == 'pcl' and workflow == 'prompt':
                replaceValue = False  #pcl is a particular case for prompt

            # If IOVCheck was 'All', and the tag is in a global tag
            # (e.g. workflow is not None, replaceValue == True),
            # we replace it with something else (e.g. 'hlt') and therefore
            # there will not allow dependencies since this is what the user
            # should have used in the first place.
            # If IOVCheck was 'All', and the tag is not in a global tag
            # (e.g. workflow is None, replaceValue == False),
            # we do not replace it, so it means it was offline + allow
            # dependencies, which we will reach since value still is 'All'.
            if replaceValue:
                value = workflow

            if value == 'All':
                allowDependencies = True
                value = 'offline'

                outputMetadata['destinationTags'].keys()[0]] = {
                    'synchronizeTo': value,
                    'dependencies': {},

        elif key in [
                'duplicatetaghlt', 'duplicatetagexpress', 'duplicatetagprompt',
            if allowDependencies and value != '':
                    [0]]['dependencies'][value] = key.partition(

        elif key == 'usertext':
            outputMetadata['userText'] = value

        # Deprecated stuff
        elif key == 'timetype':

        # Tier0 stuff that we do not need
        elif key == 'source':

        elif key == 'fileclass':

        # Wrong stuff
        elif key == 'es':
            # Bad userText in ESRecHitRatioCuts_V03_offline@a57546b2-03d2-11e2-84ae-003048d2bf28.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'gains':
            # Bad userText in SiPixelGainCalibrationHLT_2009runs_hlt@429bd0b6-0b6a-11e2-893f-003048f0e2c4.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'pixel':
            # Bad userText in SiPixelQuality_v11_bugfix_mc@97ccde9c-1784-11e2-b160-001e4f3da51f.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'es-ee':
            # Bad userText in ESEEIntercalibConstants_LG_V03_mc@a7238182-1ad8-11e2-85cc-001e4f3da513.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'lorentz':
            # Bad userText in SiPixelLorentzAngle_r194912_v1@4c10ccb4-1ee8-11e2-be80-003048d2bc9a.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'produced':
            # Bad userText in SiPixelTemplateDBObject_38T_2012_for_alignment_v1_offline@db41edfc-1fae-11e2-9aab-003048d2bf8c.tar.bz2
            # Bad userText in SiPixelTemplateDBObject_38T_IOV1_r194912@efb22762-1fa3-11e2-9fdd-003048d2bf8c.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'fed':
            # Bad userText in [email protected]
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

        elif key == 'bugfix':
            # Bad userText in SiPixelQuality_v04_offline@eff63846-247e-11e2-969c-001e4f3e5c33.tar.bz2
            outputMetadata['userText'] = '%s %s' % (key, value)

            raise Exception('Invalid key: %s', key)

    # In the old dropBox we allowed either None or a since which was smaller
    # that the one in the data, which made the one in the data being used.
    # Since in the new dropBox we only allow None to mean 'take the one from
    # the data', we overwrite it here so that we do not discard the file.
    if fileName in set([
            '[email protected]',
        if outputMetadata['since'] != 1:
            raise Exception(
                '%s: Expected since == 1 for the manual fix to None.' %

        outputMetadata['since'] = None

    return json.dumps(outputMetadata, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
Exemple #11
def checkContents(fileHash, dataPath, metadata, backend):
    '''Checks whether the data and metadata are correct.

    data is the filename of the sqlite file.
    metadata is a string with the metadata file itself.

    Note: Update the wizard on the script if the structure changes.

    logging.debug('check::checkContents(%s, %s, %s)', fileHash, dataPath, repr(metadata))'checkContents(): %s: Checking metadata structure...', fileHash)

    workflows = (u'offline', u'hlt', u'express', u'prompt', u'pcl')

    structure = {
        u'destinationDatabase': (True, unicode),
        u'inputTag': (True, unicode),
        u'since': (True, (int, type(None))),
        u'emails': (False, [unicode]),
        u'userText': (True, unicode),
        u'destinationTags': (True, {
            unicode: {
                u'synchronizeTo': (True, workflows),
                u'dependencies': (False, {
                    unicode: workflows,

        typeMatch.match(structure, metadata)
    except typeMatch.MatchError as e:
        raise dropBox.DropBoxError('In the metadata, ' + str(e))'checkContents(): %s: Checking data with respect to metadata...', fileHash)

    db = conditionDatabase.ConditionDBChecker('sqlite_file:%s' % dataPath, '')

        # Corrupted file
            tags = db.getAllTags()
        except conditionError.ConditionError as e:
            raise dropBox.DropBoxError('The file is corrupted, as it was not possible to get the list of tags inside it.')

        # Empty file
        if not tags:
            raise dropBox.DropBoxError('The file does not contain any tags, so it is likely not hosting any Condition payloads.')

        # Wrong input tag
        if metadata['inputTag'] not in tags:
            raise dropBox.DropBoxError('The input tag "%s" is not in the input SQLite file.' % metadata['inputTag'])

        # Unsupported service
        destinationDatabase = metadata['destinationDatabase']
        if not destinationDatabase.startswith('oracle:'):
            raise dropBox.DropBoxError('Oracle is the only supported service.')

        # Invalid connection string
        connectionDictionary = service.getProtocolServiceAndAccountFromConnectionString(destinationDatabase)
        if connectionDictionary is None:
            raise dropBox.DropBoxError('The connection string is not correct.')

        # Destination database not supported
        allowedServices = config.allowedServices[backend]
        if allowedServices is not None:
            ok = False
            for allowedService in allowedServices:
                if connectionDictionary['service'] in[allowedService]['oracle']:
                    ok = True

            if not ok:
                raise dropBox.DropBoxError('The destination database is not supported.')

        # Invalid since
        since = metadata['since']
        if since is not None:
            firstSince = db.iovSequence(metadata['inputTag']).firstSince()
            if since < firstSince:
                raise dropBox.DropBoxError('The since value "%d" specified in the metadata cannot be smaller than the first IOV since "%d"' % (since, firstSince))

        # Invalid synchronizations
        gtHandle = globalTagHandler.GlobalTagHandler(

        productionGTsDict = config.productionGlobalTags

        for tag, synchronizationDict in metadata['destinationTags'].items():
            checkSynchronization(synchronizationDict['synchronizeTo'], destinationDatabase, tag, gtHandle, productionGTsDict)

            for dependentTag, synchronizeTo in synchronizationDict.get('dependencies', {}).items():
                checkSynchronization(synchronizeTo, destinationDatabase, dependentTag, gtHandle, productionGTsDict)

        # firstConditionSafeRun from Tier-0 not available -- only checked
        # if it is going to be used, i.e. if there is any synchronization
        # to prompt or pcl.
        usingFcsr = False
        for tag, synchronizationDict in metadata['destinationTags'].items():
            if synchronizationDict['synchronizeTo'] in ('prompt', 'pcl'):
                usingFcsr = True

            for dependentTag, synchronizeTo in synchronizationDict.get('dependencies', {}).items():
                if synchronizeTo in ('prompt', 'pcl'):
                    usingFcsr = True

        if usingFcsr:
                tier0.Tier0Handler(config.tier0URL, 5, 2, 5, None, False).getFirstSafeRun()
            except ValueError:
                # We got an answer but it is invalid. So far this usually means
                # "None" which is not JSON, when the Tier0 is stopped.
                raise dropBox.DropBoxError('Impossible to upload to synchronize to prompt or pcl while Tier-0 is returning an invalid First Condition Safe Run. %s' % config.fcsrProblemMessage)
            except tier0.Tier0Error:
                # Impossible to get anything from the server after retries,
                # i.e. unreachable, so no data.
                raise dropBox.DropBoxError('Impossible to upload to synchronize to prompt or pcl while Tier-0 is unreachable. Try again after a bit. If this does not help: %s' % config.fcsrProblemMessage)

Exemple #12
import service
import os
class InfoContainer:
    def __init__(self):

baseDBUrl = 'oracle://cms_orcon_adg'
ecalCondDB = service.getFrontierConnectionString({
	'account': 'CMS_COND_31X_ECAL',
	'frontier_name': 'PromptProd',
stripCondDB = baseDBUrl + '/CMS_COND_31X_STRIP'
rpcCondDB = baseDBUrl + '/CMS_COND_31X_RPC'

folders = InfoContainer()
#Directory, where temporary files are stored
folders.tmp_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_tmp']
folders.plots_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_plot'] 
folders.histo_dir = '/home/ryzzyj/backend/static_files/histo'
folders.xml_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_xml']
folders.table_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_html']
folders.iov_table_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_html']
folders.iov_table_name = 'iovtable.html'
folders.tag_table_name = 'tagtable.html'
folders.trend_plots_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_plot_trend']
folders.json_dir = os.environ['PI_file_dir_json']

db_data = InfoContainer()
db_data.users_db_conn_str = 'sqlite:///Users.db'
db_data.auth_path = ''