def generate_straight_lines_array(frames,
    print('\t generatin straight lines array:')
    file = open('points_data.txt', 'w')
    r_sq = sf.get_mahalanobis_distance_sq_by_probability(alpha)
    r = np.sqrt(r_sq)
    K_inv = np.linalg.inv(K)
    frame_nums = len(frames)
    status = np.zeros((frame_nums),
    times = collections.deque(maxlen=frame_nums)
    for i in range(1, frame_nums):
        t0 = time.time()
        area1 = sf.get_box(frames[i - 1], mask)
        area2 = sf.get_box(frames[i], mask)
        if v_speedomether is not None:
            if v_speedomether[i] < v_limit:
        pt, st = pai.find_OF_crossing_pt(area1, area2, method='lk')
        if not st:
            status[i] = status[i - 1]
        pt += mask[0]
        r_point_sq = sf.get_mahalanobis_distance_sq(pt, m, K_inv)
        r_point = np.sqrt(r_point_sq)
        #print('{:.2f} vs {:.2f}'.format(r_point, 3 * r))
        if r_point < 3 * r:
            status[i] = 1
        file.write('{}|{:.02f} vs {:.02f} ==> {}\n'.format(
            pt, r_point, 3 * r, status[i]))
        tk = time.time()
        T = tk - t0
        T = (sum(times) / len(times)) * (frame_nums - i)
        t_min = T // 60
        t_sec = T % 60
        print('\tTime left: {}min {:.02f}sec'.format(int(t_min), t_sec))
    return status
Exemple #2
def get_grid(frame, mask, m, k):
        Getting array of points, that have a coordinates of grid.
    area1 = sf.get_box(frame, mask)
    y, x, z = area1.shape
    N = m * k
    # greed points
    points = np.zeros((N, 1, 2), dtype=np.float32)
    Ax = mask[0][0]
    Ay = mask[0][1]
    Bx = mask[1][0]
    By = mask[1][1]
    y, x, z = frame.shape
    y0 = Ay + 0.02 * (By - Ay)
    x0 = Ax + 0.02 * (Bx - Ax)
    yk = By - 0.02 * (By - Ay)
    xk = Bx - 0.02 * (Bx - Ax)
    dy = (yk - y0) / m
    dx = (xk - x0) / k
    for i in range(m * k):
        points[i][0][0] = x0 + dx * (i % k)
        points[i][0][1] = y0 + dy * (i // k)
    return points
Exemple #3
def action(method):
    video = 'test1.mp4'
    cam = cv2.VideoCapture(video)
    lengh =
    _, frame1 =
    y, x, z = frame1.shape
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = x // 3, 3*y//5, 2*x//3, 0.94 * y // 1
    p1 = np.array([x1, y1])
    p2 = np.array([x2, y2])
    mask = [p1, p2]
    times = deque(maxlen=lengh)
    #times = deque(maxlen=lengh)
    for itt in range(lengh):
        t0 = time.time()
        _, frame2 =
        if not _:
        frame2 = draw.draw_rectangle(frame2, mask, color=draw.cyan)
        area1 = sf.get_box(frame1, mask)
        area2 = sf.get_box(frame2, mask)
        y_, x_, z_ = area1.shape
        print(y_, x_)
        points1 = np.zeros((100, 2), dtype = np.float)
        yy0 = 0.02 * y_ // 1
        dy = (y_ - 2 * yy0) // 10
        xx0 = 0.02 * x_ // 1
        dx = (x_ - 2*xx0) // 10
        for i in range(10):
            for j in range(10):
                points1[i][0] = xx0 + i * dx
                points1[i][1] = yy0 + j * dy
        points1, points2 = pai.find_opt_flow(area1, area2, method=method)
        N = len(points1)
        N_ = len(points2)
        print(' N is {} and {}'.format(N, N_))
        out = frame2.copy()
        norms = deque(maxlen=N)
        for i in range(N):
            norms.append(np.linalg.norm(points1[i] - points2[i]))
        mid_norm = sum(norms) / N
        for i in range(N):
            p1 = points1[i] + mask[0]
            p2 = points2[i] + mask[0]
            if np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2) < mid_norm:
                out = draw.draw_point(out, p1, radius=3)
                out = draw.draw_point(out, p2, radius=3)
                out = draw.draw_arrow(out, p1, p2)
        out = draw.draw_text(img=out, pt=(3*x//4, 80), text='points: {}'.format(N),, font_scale=1, line_type=2)
        out = draw.draw_text(img=out, pt=(0, 80), text='{}'.format(itt),, font_scale=1, line_type=2)
    #    out = draw.draw_text(out, (3*x//4, 80),  text_properties)
#        small = cv2.resize(out, (0,0), fx=0.7, fy=0.7) 
#        cv2.imshow('frame', small)
        cv2.imwrite('out/{}.jpg'.format(itt), out)
#        #cv2.imshow('area', area)
#        k = cv2.waitKey(20)
        frame1 = frame2
        tk = time.time()
        times.append(tk - t0)
        T = sum(times) / len(times)
        T = T * (lengh - itt)
        t_min = int(T // 60)
        t_sec = T % 60
        print('{} min {:.02f} sec'.format(t_min, t_sec))
    plt.plot(x[:1400], v_mtr[:1400], x[:1400], v_gps[:1400], x[:1400],
             y[:1400], x[:1400], v_new[:1400])

    video = cv2.VideoCapture(data)
    times = collections.deque(maxlen=lengh)
    for i in range(1, lengh):
        t0 = time.time()
        print('  saving: {} / {}'.format(i, lengh))
        out = frames[i].copy()
        out = draw.draw_point(out, m)
        out = draw.draw_mahalanobis_ellipse(out, r, m, K,
        out = draw.draw_mahalanobis_ellipse(out, 3 * r, m, K,
        area1 = sf.get_box(frames[i - 1], mask)
        area2 = sf.get_box(frames[i], mask)
        pt, st = pai.find_OF_crossing_pt(area1, area2, method='lk')
        r_p = None
        if st:
            if not mask is None:
                pt += mask[0]
                if np.linalg.norm(pt) > np.linalg.norm(
                    (img_dim[1], img_dim[0])):
                    pt = (max(img_dim) / 2) * pt / np.linalg.norm(pt)
            r_point_sq = sf.get_mahalanobis_distance_sq(pt, m, K_inv)
            r_p = np.sqrt(r_point_sq)
            out = cv2.line(out, (int(m[0]), int(m[1])),
                           (int(pt[0]), int(pt[1])),
            out = draw.draw_point(out, pt)
Exemple #5
m = 100
k = 100
N = m * k
video = 'C://Users//moshe.f//Desktop//TEST//calibration//23.mp4'
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(video)
_, frame1 =
y, x, z = frame1.shape

# рабочая область
x1, y1, x2, y2 = x // 5, y // 5, 4 * x // 5, 0.92 * y // 1
p1 = np.array([x1, y1])
p2 = np.array([x2, y2])
mask = [p1, p2]

# ___________________
area1 = sf.get_box(frame1, mask)
y_, x_, z_ = area1.shape

# greed points
points1 = np.zeros((m * k, 1, 2), dtype=np.float32)
yy0 = 0.02 * y_ // 1
dy = (y_ - 2 * yy0) // m
xx0 = 0.02 * x_ // 1
dx = (x_ - 2 * xx0) // k
for i in range(m * k):
    points1[i][0][0] = xx0 + dx * (i % k)
    points1[i][0][1] = yy0 + dy * (i // k)
source_data = 'data.txt'
out_img = 'out.jpg'
template_x, template_y, template_eps = read(source_data)
Exemple #6
def make(video='C://Users//moshe.f//Desktop//TEST//calibration//23.mp4',
         m=100, k=100, nf=50, min_number_of_points=5, 
         out_data=None, out_pic=None):
    cam = cv2.VideoCapture(video)
    lengh =
    lk_params = dict(winSize=(15, 15), maxLevel=2, criteria=(cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_EPS | cv2.TERM_CRITERIA_COUNT, 10, 0.3))
    _, frame1 =
    y, x, z = frame1.shape
    # рабочая область
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = x // 5, y // 5, 4 * x // 5, 0.92 * y // 1
    p1 = np.array([x1, y1])
    p2 = np.array([x2, y2])
    mask = [p1, p2]
    # ___________________
    times = deque(maxlen=lengh)
    area1 = sf.get_box(frame1, mask)
    y_, x_, z_ = area1.shape
    # greed points
    points1 = np.zeros((m * k, 1, 2), dtype = np.float32)
    yy0 = 0.02 * y_ // 1
    dy = (y_ - 2 * yy0) // m
    xx0 = 0.02 * x_ // 1
    dx = (x_ - 2 * xx0) // k
    for i in range(m*k):
        points1[i][0][0] = xx0 + dx * (i % k)
        points1[i][0][1] = yy0 + dy * (i // k)
    sumX = np.zeros(m*k, dtype=np.float32)
    sumY = np.zeros(m*k, dtype=np.float32)
    sumX2 = np.zeros(m*k, dtype=np.float32)
    sumY2 = np.zeros(m*k, dtype=np.float32)
    Num = np.zeros(m*k,
    avr_x = np.zeros(m*k, dtype=np.float32)
    avr_y = np.zeros(m*k, dtype=np.float32)
    std_x2 = np.zeros(m*k, dtype=np.float32)
    std_y2 = np.zeros(m*k, dtype=np.float32)
    eps = np.zeros(m*k, dtype=np.float32)
    avr_eps = 0
    counter = 0
    # data collection
    for itt in range(nf):
        t0 = time.time()
        _, frame2 =
        area1 = sf.get_box(frame1, mask)
        area2 = sf.get_box(frame2, mask)
        points2, st, err = cv2.calcOpticalFlowPyrLK(cv2.cvtColor(area1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), cv2.cvtColor(area2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY), points1, None, **lk_params)     
        for i in range(m*k):
            if st[i] == 1:
                addX = points2[i][0][0] - points1[i][0][0]
                addY = points2[i][0][1] - points1[i][0][1]
                Num[i] += 1
                sumX[i] += addX
                sumY[i] += addY
                sumX2[i] += addX ** 2
                sumY2[i] += addY ** 2
        frame1 = frame2
        tk = time.time()
        times.append(tk - t0)
        if itt % (nf // 10) == 0:
            T = (sum(times) / len(times)) * (nf - itt)
            t_min = int(T // 60)
            t_sec = T % 60
            print('{} | {} min {:.02f} sec'.format(itt, t_min, t_sec))        
    # data analysise
    for i in range(m*k):
        t0 = time.time()
        if Num[i] < min_number_of_points:
            eps[i] = -1
            avr_x[i] = sumX[i] / Num[i]
            avr_y[i] = sumY[i] / Num[i]
            std_x2[i] = sumX2[i] / Num[i] - avr_x[i] ** 2
            std_y2[i] = sumY2[i] / Num[i] - avr_y[i] ** 2
            eps[i] = np.sqrt(std_x2[i] + std_y2[i])
            if np.isnan(eps[i]):
                sys.exit('Arg sqrt in eps is bad in step {}!!! arg = {}'.format(i, std_x2[i] + std_y2[i]))
        tk = time.time()
        times.append(tk - t0)
        if i % 10 == 0:
            T = (sum(times) / len(times)) * (m*k - i)
            t_min = // 60)
            t_sec = T % 60
            print('calculate {} | {} min {} sec'.format(i, t_min, t_sec))
    with open('trace/eps.txt', 'w') as f:
        for i in range(m*k):
    # average eps
    avr_eps = avr(eps, -1)
    #        print(' >>> {} <<< '.format(i))
    print('avr_eps = {}'.format(avr_eps))
    color =
    frame2 = draw.draw_rectangle(frame2, mask, color=draw.cyan)
    #frame2 = sf.get_box(frame2, mask)
    if out_pic is not None:
        for i in range(m*k):
            #print(i, m*k)
            t0 = time.time()
            th = 2
            if eps[i] > avr_eps:
                color =
            elif eps[i] == -1:
                color = draw.purple
                color =
            if np.isnan(eps[i]):
                th = 3
                color =
            pt1 = points1[i][0] + mask[0]
            #dpt = np.array([0, 0])
            #if not np.isnan(avr_x[i]) and not np.isnan(avr_y[i]):
            dpt = np.array([avr_x[i], avr_y[i]])
            pt2 = pt1 + dpt
            frame2 = draw.draw_point(frame2, pt1, radius=1,
            frame2 = draw.draw_point(frame2, pt2, radius=1,
            frame2 = draw.draw_arrow(frame2, pt2, pt1, color, thickness=th)
            #frame2 = draw.draw_text(frame2, pt1, text='({}|{})'.format(i // k, i % k), font_scale=0.25, line_type=1)
            tk = time.time()
            times.append(tk - t0)
            if i % (m*k // 10) == 0:
                T = (sum(times) / len(times)) * (m*k - i)
                t_min = // 60)
                t_sec = T % 60
                print(' drawing: {} | {} min {} sec'.format(i, t_min, t_sec))        
        cv2.imwrite(out_pic, frame2)
    if out_data is not None:
        with open(out_data, 'w') as f:
            for i in range(m*k):
                line = '{}|{}|{}|{}|{}\n'.format(i // k, i % k, avr_x[i], avr_y[i], eps[i])
    #    out = frame2.copy()
    #    for i in range(N):
    #         pt1 = pts1[i] + mask[0]
    #         pt2 = pts2[i] + mask[0]
    #         out = draw.draw_point(out, pt1, radius=3)
    #         out = draw.draw_point(out, pt2, radius=3)
    #         out = draw.draw_arrow(out, pt1, pt2)
    #    cv2.imwrite('out/{}.jpg'.format(itt), out)
    return avr_x, avr_y, eps
def collect_OF_crossing_pts(
               cap, # Capture object
               threshold_value_of_speed = 20, 
               mask = None,
               method = 'lk', 
               trace = False, 
               save_points = False,
               output = 'out/calibration/',
               verbose = True
    This function collect the crossing point steming from the optical flow, 
    during a certain number of frames set by argument "analysed_frame_nb".
      * cap: an object with at least 3 properties cap.current_frame, 
        cap.current_time and cap.current_speed, and a method cap.capture()
        that updates these properties at each call;
      * analysed_frame_nb: the desired number of frame pair to be processed;
      * threshold_value_of_speed: the speed under which the optical flow 
        will not be taken into account;
      * mask: a 2-list the form [top_left, bottom_right], where top_left
        is the top_left vertex of the desired mask in the image, and 
        bottom_right is its bottom right vertex. If mask is None, then all
        the image is taken into account;
      * method = 'lk': optical flow finding method;
      * trace = False: boolean value trace, saving points in a file;
      * save_points = False : if it is desired to save the OF in a file
      * output = 'out/calibration/': a folder address to store the data
        in the case where save_points has been set to True;
      * verbose = True: be or don't be verbose  
      * A list of points representing the computed point at infinity 
       at each frame. The real point at infinity is then very close to be 
       the mean of these points.
    itt = 0
    frame_itt = 0
    file = -1
    n_frames = analysed_frame_nb
    if trace and not os.path.exists('out'):
    if trace and not os.path.exists('out/calibration/'):
    if save_points:
        out = os.path.join(output, 'points.txt')
        file = open(out, "w")

    pts_out = np.zeros([n_frames, 2])
    cap.capture() #capture current frame and related info    
    frame1 = cap.current_frame
    speed1 = cap.current_speed
    if save_points:
        file = open(os.path.join(output, 'points.txt'), "a")
    while frame_itt < n_frames:
        cap.capture() #capture current frame and related info
        frame2 = cap.current_frame
        if frame2 is None:
        speed2 = cap.current_speed
        if trace and not os.path.exists('out/calibration/' + str(itt) + '/'):
            os.mkdir('out/calibration/' + str(itt) + '/')
        if is_speed_ok(speed1, speed2, threshold_value_of_speed):
            area1 = sf.get_box(frame1, mask)
            area2 = sf.get_box(frame2, mask)
            pt, st = find_OF_crossing_pt(
                            path='out/calibration/' + str(itt) + '/') 
           pt, st = [np.NaN, np.NaN], False
           if verbose:
               print('bad speed', flush = True)

        if st:
            pt = pt + mask[0]
            print('CALIBRATION: {} %'.format(frame_itt / n_frames * 100))
            pts_out[frame_itt, :] = pt
            frame_itt += 1
            if save_points:
                file.write("{}|{}|{}\n".format(itt, pt[0], pt[1]))

        frame1 = frame2
        speed1 = speed2
        itt += 1
    if save_points:
    return pts_out
    r = np.sqrt(r_sq)
    path = 'out/'
    if not os.path.exists(path):

    inf_pt_list = deque(maxlen = 5000) 

    i = 0
    capture = cv2.VideoCapture(video)  
    is_captured1, f1 =
    is_captured2, f2 =    
    is_captured = is_captured1 and is_captured2
    while is_captured:        
        area1 = sf.get_box(f1, mask)
        area2 = sf.get_box(f2, mask)
        pt, st = find_OF_crossing_pt(area1, area2, method='lk')        
        print(i, flush = True)
        if st:
            pt = pt + mask[0]
            out = f2.copy()
            r_i_sq = sf.get_mahalanobis_distance_sq(pt, m, K_inv)
            r_i = np.sqrt(r_i_sq)
            # drawing point, arrow and text
            text = dict(text='r = ' + str(r_i), font_scale=1, line_type=2, 
            if r_i_sq > r_sq: