def on_button_FromData_clicked(self): try: dataService = DataService() expData = dataService.get_experimental_data() timepointSet = set() if expData: for dataSet in expData.values(): if not dataSet.isSelected(): continue if dataSet.dataDescriptors: for dataDescriptor in dataSet.dataDescriptors: timepointSet.add(float(dataDescriptor)) for entityData in dataSet.getData().values(): if not entityData.isSelected(): continue if entityData.dataDescriptors: for dataDescriptor in entityData.dataDescriptors: timepointSet.add(float(dataDescriptor)) self.timepoints = list(timepointSet) self.timepoints.sort() timepointsStr = str(self.timepoints).replace(",", " ").strip("[").strip("]") if not timepointsStr: timepointsStr = "No timepoint data." self.plainTextEdit_Timepoints.clear() self.plainTextEdit_Timepoints.insertPlainText(timepointsStr) except Exception, e: logging.error("Could not get timepoints from data. Error: %s" % e)
def on_actionAddToExperimentalData_triggered(self): """ Adds the currently displayed data and adds it to the experimental data. This is usually only useful if you want to want to use simulation results (which can then be perturbed) as input for other tools like parameter value estimation. """"Adding current data to Experimental Data...") dataService = DataService() expDataSet = DataSet(None) expDataSet.setId("Pseudo-Experimental Data") expDataSet.setType(services.dataservice.EXPERIMENTAL) expDataSet.setSelected(True) first = True for key, itemList in for oldItem in itemList: item = oldItem.copy() if type(item.getId()) != str: logging.debug( "TableWidgetController.on_actionAddToExperimentalData_triggered(): Encountered item with non-string as id: %s. Skipping." % str(item.getId()) ) continue # item.setId(item.getId() + "_syn") item.setType(datamanagement.entitydata.TYPE_EXPERIMENTAL) item.setAssociatedDataSet(expDataSet)[key] = item # TODO: Handle mutliple EntityData objects correctly if first: expDataSet.dataDescriptors = item.dataDescriptors[:] expDataSet.dataDescriptorUnit = item.dataDescriptorUnit first = False dataService.add_data(expDataSet)
def __init__(self, parent, parkinController): super(DataImportWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.currentExpDataFilename = None self.dataService = DataService() self.parkinController = parkinController
def on_button_FromData_clicked(self): try: dataService = DataService() expData = dataService.get_experimental_data() timepointSet = set() if expData: for dataSet in expData.values(): if not dataSet.isSelected(): continue if dataSet.dataDescriptors: for dataDescriptor in dataSet.dataDescriptors: timepointSet.add(float(dataDescriptor)) for entityData in dataSet.getData().values(): if not entityData.isSelected(): continue if entityData.dataDescriptors: for dataDescriptor in entityData.dataDescriptors: timepointSet.add(float(dataDescriptor)) self.timepoints = list(timepointSet) self.timepoints.sort() timepointsStr = str(self.timepoints).replace( ",", " ").strip("[").strip("]") if not timepointsStr: timepointsStr = "No timepoint data." self.plainTextEdit_Timepoints.clear() self.plainTextEdit_Timepoints.insertPlainText(timepointsStr) except Exception, e: logging.error("Could not get timepoints from data. Error: %s" % e)
def on_actionAddToExperimentalData_triggered(self): ''' Adds the currently displayed data and adds it to the experimental data. This is usually only useful if you want to want to use simulation results (which can then be perturbed) as input for other tools like parameter value estimation. '''"Adding current data to Experimental Data...") dataService = DataService() expDataSet = DataSet(None) expDataSet.setId("Pseudo-Experimental Data") expDataSet.setType(services.dataservice.EXPERIMENTAL) expDataSet.setSelected(True) first = True for key, list in for oldItem in list: item = oldItem.copy() if type(item.getId()) != str: logging.debug( "TableWidgetController.on_actionAddToExperimentalData_triggered(): Encountered item with non-string as id: %s. Skipping." % str(item.getId())) continue # item.setId(item.getId() + "_syn") item.setType(datamanagement.entitydata.TYPE_EXPERIMENTAL) item.setAssociatedDataSet(expDataSet)[ key] = item # TODO: Handle mutliple EntityData objects correctly if first: expDataSet.dataDescriptors = item.dataDescriptors[:] expDataSet.dataDescriptorUnit = item.dataDescriptorUnit first = False dataService.add_data(expDataSet)
def _initialize(self): self.dataService = DataService() self.experimentalData = None self.simulationData = None self.dataSourceTableModel = None self.dataSourceIDs = [] self.allData = None self.dataSources = None
def _initialize(self): self.dataService = DataService() self.experimentalData = None self.simulationData = None self.dataSourceTableModel = None # self.dataSourceTableView = QTableView(None) # self.DataIndexToDataID = {} self.dataSourceIDs = [] self.allData = None self.dataSources = None
def on_buttonSaveAs_clicked(self): logging.debug("Saving data. Displaying file chooser...") file_choices = "Tab-Delimited Text File *.txt (*.txt)" path = unicode( QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save file', '', file_choices)[0]) if not path.endswith(".txt"): path += ".txt" if path: if not self.dataService: self.dataService = DataService() id = self.dataService.save_data_as_csv(id, path)"Saved data to %s" % path)
def on_buttonSaveAs_clicked(self): logging.debug("Saving data. Displaying file chooser...") file_choices = "Tab-Delimited Text File *.txt (*.txt)" path = unicode(QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save file', '', file_choices)[0]) if not path.endswith(".txt"): path += ".txt" if path: if not self.dataService: self.dataService = DataService() id = self.dataService.save_data_as_csv(id, path)"Saved data to %s" % path)
class BioParkinController(QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): """ This is the heart of BioParkin. It sets up the general UI (MainWindow, some Views, ...), handles creation and management of individual network windows, and instantiates needed services (for easy access to data, status bar, ...). This class inherits from QMainWindow for its functionality and from the (automatically generated) Ui_MainWindow for the design of the UI (including the self.setupUi() method). @param parent: The standard Qt parent. @type parent: QWidget @organization: Zuse Insitute Berlin """ __version__ = "1.2.27" __author__ = "Moritz Wade & Thomas Dierkes" __contact__ = "[email protected] or [email protected]" __copyright__ = "Zuse Institute Berlin 2011" newNetworkWindowCreated = Signal() networkWindowRaised = Signal() activeModelChanged = Signal(ModelController) modelClosed = Signal(ModelController) def __init__(self, args, parent=None): """ This initialization does a lot of stuff. :) * State variables are set up * Views are created and tied to UI parts (e.g. Docks) * Logging is set up * Services (StatusBar, Data, ...) are started * Necessary slots are connected """ super(BioParkinController, self).__init__(parent) # for locale testing #locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'de_DE') # locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'deu_deu') self.startTime = time.localtime() # set file logger self.rotatingFileHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler( _LOG_FILENAME, maxBytes=1000000, backupCount=5) self.rotatingFileHandler.setFormatter( logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(message)s")) self.logger = logging.getLogger() #gets root logger self.logger.addHandler(self.rotatingFileHandler) # Status bar logger self.statusBarLoggingHandler = StatusBarLoggingHandler() self.statusBarLoggingHandler.setLevel( logging.INFO) # only log on info level self.logger.addHandler(self.statusBarLoggingHandler) # parse command line arguments parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest=OPTION_DEBUG, default=False, help="Include debugging information in console and file log") self.options, args = parser.parse_args() self.optionsService = OptionsService() self.optionsService.setDebug(self.options.debug) # set logging options if self.options.debug: self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.rotatingFileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)"Debug logging active.") else: self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.rotatingFileHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO)"Debug logging not active.")"Starting BioPARKIN... %s" % self.startTime) ##### LOGGING #####"BioPARKIN started (version %s)" % BioParkinController.__version__)"Command line arguments: %s" % args)"Python version: %s" % sys.version)"PySide version: %s" % PySide.__version__)"PARKINcpp version: %s" % PARKINCPP_DOTTED_VERSION)"libSBML version: %s" % LIBSBML_DOTTED_VERSION)"Matplotlib version: %s" % matplotlib.__version__) #"NetworkX version: %s" % networkx.__version__)"Python Image Library version: %s" % Image.VERSION) self.setupUi(self) self._mdiArea.hide() self.setWindowTitle("BioPARKIN v%s" % BioParkinController.__version__) # restore previous settings settings = QSettings() try: self.recentFiles = settings.value("RecentFiles", []) # handles the case if only one file is in the "list" in Linux (it's retrieved as unicode string in this case) if type(self.recentFiles) is str or type( self.recentFiles) is unicode: self.recentFiles = [self.recentFiles]"Recently opened files: %s" % self.recentFiles) except: logging.warning( "Can't access list of recently opened files. Resetting the list." ) self.recentFiles = [] self.updateFileMenu() self.aboutDialog = None geometry = settings.value("Geometry") if geometry: self.restoreGeometry(geometry) state = settings.value("MainWindow/State") if state: self.restoreState(state) self.ModelControllers = {} # self.SubWindowToModelControllers = {} # self.NetworkWindowCount = 0 # self.ActiveNetworkWindow = None self.ActiveModelController = None # self.networkSubWindows = {} self.integrator = None self.odeViewer = None self.ModelView = ModelView(self.masterDetailSplitter, self) self.ModelTreeView = SBMLEntityWidget(self.masterDetailSplitter) self.EntityTableView = EntityTableView(self.masterDetailSplitter) self.mainWindowViews = [self.ModelTreeView, self.EntityTableView ] #used to iterate over Views # set up Data Service and Data Viewer datahandling.parkinController = self self.dataService = DataService() # debugging############# BASE_PATH = reduce( lambda l, r: l + os.path.sep + r, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)).split( os.path.sep)[:-1]) # add ../../templates (relative to the file (!) and not to the CWD) dataPath = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "data") ####################### self.SimulationWorkbenchController = SimulationWorkbenchController( parent=None, parkinController=self) self.mainTabWidget.addTab(self.SimulationWorkbenchController, "Workbench") # hook up status bar with progress service (that threads can connect to) self.statusBarService = StatusBarService(self.statusBar( )) # first time, service is instantiated => give statusBar reference! self.progressBarService = ProgressBarService(self, self.statusBarService) self.statusBarLoggingHandler.setStatusBar(self.statusBarService) self.warningsService = WarningService.getInstance() self.warningsDialog = WarningsDialog(self, self.actionShow_Warnings, self.warningsService) # register signals self.activeModelChanged.connect(self.on_activeModelChanged) self.modelClosed.connect(self.on_modelClosed) self.menuFile.aboutToShow.connect(self.updateFileMenu) # for debugging self.dummyThread = None try: # try to set correct taskbar icon in Windows 7 myappid = 'ZIB.BioPARKIN' # arbitrary string ctypes.windll.shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID( myappid) except: pass def updateFileMenu(self): """ Updates the file menu dynamically, so that recent files can be shown. """ self.menuFile.clear() # self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionNew) # disable for now self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionOpen) self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionSave) self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionSave_as) self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionClose_Model) recentFiles = [] for filename in self.recentFiles: if QFile.exists(filename): recentFiles.append(filename) if len(self.recentFiles) > 0: self.menuFile.addSeparator() for i, filename in enumerate(recentFiles): action = QAction( "&%d %s" % (i + 1, QFileInfo(filename).fileName()), self) action.setData(filename) action.setStatusTip("Opens recent file %s" % QFileInfo(filename).fileName()) action.setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | (Qt.Key_1 + i))) action.triggered.connect(self.load_model) self.menuFile.addAction(action) self.menuFile.addSeparator() self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionQuit) def new_model(self): """ Not yet supported. """ pass def load_model(self, filename=None): """ Loads a given SBML file, thereby creating a new subwindow on the main MDI Area. If filename is None, it creates a new model. There are a lot of reference variables, so that the system knows the currently active subwindow, etc. @param filename: The filename of the model. If None, a new model is created. @type filename: str """ if not filename: action = self.sender() if type(action) == QAction: filename = else: return # note: this has been (temporarily added) to allow only one file to be open at the same time # We will probably change this behaviour again later, once we have decided how to handle # multiple-model results, etc. intelligently if len(self.ModelControllers) > 0: # show warning dialog msgBox = QMessageBox() infoText =\ """<b>Another model is currently loaded.</b><br> """ msgBox.setText(infoText) infoTextShort = "Do you want to save the current model (you will be prompted to enter a new filename)?" msgBox.setInformativeText(infoTextShort) msgBox.setWindowTitle(infoTextShort) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Discard) msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Save) msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) clickedButton = msgBox.exec_() if clickedButton == QMessageBox.Save: self.actionSave_as.trigger() for modelController in self.ModelControllers.values( ): # close all models (in theory, there should be only one :) self.modelClosed.emit(modelController) # self.NetworkWindowCount += 1 # self.setStatusTip("Opening file %s..." % filename) self.statusBar().showMessage("Opening file %s..." % filename, 2000) modelController = ModelController(filename=filename, views=self.mainWindowViews) # # create NetworkViewController # networkViewController = NetworkViewController(modelController=modelController) # networkView = networkViewController.createNetworkView(self) # sets networkController.networkView internally # networkView.setMinimumSize(400, 300) # modelController.setViews(networkViewController=networkViewController) # # Create Subwindow to hold the NetworkView # subWindow = QMdiSubWindow(parent=self._mdiArea) # networkViewController.subWindow = subWindow # subWindow.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) # subWindow.setWidget(networkView) # subWindow.setOption(QMdiSubWindow.RubberBandResize, True) # self._mdiArea.addSubWindow(subWindow) # subWindow.activateWindow() # # important! # # handle references filename = modelController.filename # self.SubWindowToModelControllers[subWindow] = modelController # self.networkSubWindows[modelController] = subWindow #networkView self.ModelControllers[filename] = modelController # self.ActiveNetworkWindow = networkWindow self.ActiveModelController = modelController # self.connectNetworkWindowSignals(networkView, subWindow) # emit custom Signal so that e.g. Simulationworkbench are notified of the new subwindow # self.newNetworkWindowCreated.emit() self.activeModelChanged.emit(modelController) # handle recent files list if filename in self.recentFiles: self.recentFiles.remove(filename) self.recentFiles.insert(0, filename) if len(self.recentFiles ) > NUM_RECENT_FILES: # cap list at length of NUM_RECENT_FILES self.recentFiles = self.recentFiles[:NUM_RECENT_FILES] # def getMdiArea(self): # return self._mdiArea # @Slot("QWidget") # def connectNetworkWindowSignals(self, networkWindow, subWindow): # """ # Connect the signals of network windows (e.g. network is about to be destroyed, etc.) # # @param networkWindow: A network view # @type networkWindow: NetworkView # # @param subWindow: A Qt QMdiArea sub window # @type subWindow: QMdiSubWindow # """ # #self.connect(button3, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda who="Three": self.anyButton(who)) # # self.connect(networkWindow, SIGNAL("destroyed()"), # lambda who=networkWindow: self.on_networkwindow_destroyed(who)) def dragEnterEvent(self, event): if event.mimeData().hasFormat('Filename'): event.accept() else: event.ignore() def dropEvent(self, event): """ Handles the drop event if the user "drops" a file somewhere within BioPARKIN's window. """ # get filename uris = event.mimeData().urls( ) # support opening several models at once # note: uncomment this, to enable drag'n'dropping of multiple models again # for uri in uris: # filename = uri.toLocalFile() # #open file # self.load_model(filename) filename = uris[0].toLocalFile() self.load_model(filename) if len(uris) > 1: "You dragged more than one model to BioPARKIN. Currently, only one model is supported to be opened at the same time. Only the first dragged model was loaded." ) def on_modelClosed(self, modelController): """ Whenever the Signal self.modelClosed is emitted, this method is called. It removes the modelController of the closed model from the management dictionary and updates all local Views. """ if not modelController:"Can't close the model. No model selected.") #### abusing this place for testing #### # self.dummyThread = DummyProgressThread() # self.progressBarService.connect_to_thread(self.dummyThread) # self.dummyThread.start() # self.dummyThread = DummyThrobberThread() # self.progressBarService.connect_to_thread(self.dummyThread) # self.dummyThread.start() ######################################## return if self.ModelControllers.has_key( modelController.filename ): # we do this to remove the model controller from the management dict self.ModelControllers.pop(modelController.filename) if len(self.ModelControllers) == 0: # 26.07.12 td: the next line has been commented out self.dataService.remove_all_simulated_data() self.ActiveModelController = None for view in self.mainWindowViews: view.setModel(None) # def on_networkwindow_destroyed(self, networkWindow): # """ # This is a slot. It's called to clean things up when a network # window is destroyed. Basically, it just gets the correct ModelController # and passes it on using the modelClosed signal of the BioPARKIN controller. # # @param networkWindow: A network view # @type networkWindow: NetworkView # """ # logging.debug("Destroying a NetworkWindow: %s" % networkWindow) # modelController = networkWindow.controller.modelController # self.modelClosed.emit(modelController) # # def closeNetworkWindow(self, modelController): # if self.networkSubWindows.has_key(modelController): # might have been removed already # self.networkSubWindows.pop(modelController).close() #removes window from dict and closes it def on_activeModelChanged(self, activeModelController): """ Whenever the active model changes, the appropriate Signal self.activeModelChanged should be emitted. When that is done, this method is called. """"Active Model: %s" % activeModelController.filename) if activeModelController is not None: self.ActiveModelController = activeModelController for view in self.mainWindowViews: view.setModel(self.ActiveModelController.proxyModel, mainModel=self.ActiveModelController.sbmlModel) view.setSelectionModel( self.ActiveModelController.selectionModel) # def selectNetworkView(self, modelController): # subwindow = self.networkSubWindows[modelController] ## # subwindow.raise_() # subwindow.activateWindow() ## subwindow.setFocus() # def on_networkwindow_raised(self, subWindow): # """ # This is a slot. It's called when a network window gets focus. # Some references have to be set, and most importantly, all the Views # have to be switched so that they use the data model behind the # newly focused network window. # # @param subWindow: A sub window # @type subWindow: QMdiSubWindow # """ # if subWindow is None: # return # if not self.SubWindowToModelControllers.has_key(subWindow): # return # # activeModelController = self.SubWindowToModelControllers[subWindow] ## self.ActiveNetworkWindow = self.ActiveModelController.getNetworkView() # ## self.on_activeModelChanged() # self.activeModelChanged.emit(activeModelController) ## self.networkWindowRaised.emit() # ## logging.debug("Leaving on_networkwindow_raised()") @Slot("") def on_actionNew_triggered(self): """ This is a slot. It's automatically connected to the actionNew created in the QtDesigner. """ self.new_model() @Slot("") def on_actionOpen_triggered(self): """ This is a slot. It's automatically connected to the actionOpen created in the QtDesigner. """ homeDir = filehelpers.getHomeDir() filenameTuple = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( parent=self, directory=homeDir, filter="SBML files (*.sbml *.xml)", caption="Open SBML file...") if filenameTuple and filenameTuple[ 0]: # if user presses cancel, the tuple exists but is two empty unicode strings. filename = filenameTuple[0] self.load_model(filename) else:"No file selected. Didn't load anything.") @Slot("") def on_actionClose_Model_triggered(self): # self.on_modelClosed(self.ActiveModelController) self.modelClosed.emit(self.ActiveModelController) @Slot("") def on_actionSave_triggered(self): """ This is a slot. It's automatically connected to the actionSave created in the QtDesigner. """ self.saveActiveNetwork(filename=None) @Slot("") def on_actionSave_as_triggered(self): """ This is a slot. It's automatically connected to the actionSaveAs created in the QtDesigner. """ if not self.ActiveModelController:"Can't save anything. No model loaded.") return filenameTuple = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( parent=self, dir=self.ActiveModelController.filename, caption="Save as...", filter="SBML file (*.sbml *.xml)") if filenameTuple: self.saveActiveNetwork(filenameTuple[0]) def saveActiveNetwork(self, filename=None): """ Tell the currently active network controller to save to a file. @param filename: Filename of the network. @type filename: str """ if self.ActiveModelController is None: logging.warning("No model loaded. Can't save anything.") return @Slot("") def on_actionShow_Data_Manager_triggered(self): """ This is a slot. It's automatically connected to the actionShowDataManager created in the QtDesigner. """ @Slot("") def on_actionODEGenerator_triggered(self): """ Open the ODE Generator information dialog. """ if self.ActiveModelController and self.ActiveModelController.sbmlModel: self.odeViewer = ODEViewer(self, self.ActiveModelController.sbmlModel) else:"ODEs can't be shown. No model selected.") def closeEvent(self, event): """ Override the close event to handle file saving. """ if self.okToContinue(): # files will be saved in self.okToContinue() settings = QSettings() settings.setValue("Geometry", self.saveGeometry()) settings.setValue("MainWindow/State", self.saveState()) settings.setValue("RecentFiles", self.recentFiles) event.accept() else: event.ignore() def okToContinue(self): """ Checks if it is ok to close the application. The user will be prompted to save files. @return: True, if it is ok to continue (e.g. close the app); False, otherwise @rtype: bool @todo: Make a smart save dialog to allow the user to save only certain files. """ dirtyFilenames = [] for filename, networkController in self.ModelControllers.items(): if networkController.Dirty: dirtyFilenames.append( networkController.filename ) # we don't use the filename key because it might be outdated if len(dirtyFilenames) == 0: #nothing to save return True reply = QMessageBox.question( self, "BioParkin - Unsaved Changes", "Unsaved changes in these files:\n\n%s\n\nDo you want to save them?" % "\n".join(dirtyFilenames), buttons=QMessageBox.SaveAll | QMessageBox.Discard | QMessageBox.Cancel) if reply == QMessageBox.Cancel: return False elif reply == QMessageBox.SaveAll: for networkController in self.ModelControllers: if networkController.Dirty: return True ############ SLOTS for SimulationWorkbenchWidget ############## @Slot("") def on_actionSimulate_triggered(self): self.SimulationWorkbenchController.actionSimulate.trigger() @Slot("") def on_actionComputeSensitivityOverview_triggered(self): self.SimulationWorkbenchController.actionComputeSensitivityOverview.trigger( ) @Slot("") def on_actionCompute_Detailed_Sensitivities_triggered(self): self.SimulationWorkbenchController.actionCompute_Detailed_Sensitivities.trigger( ) @Slot("") def on_actionEstimateParameterValues_triggered(self): self.SimulationWorkbenchController.actionEstimateParameterValues.trigger( ) @Slot("") def on_actionAbout_triggered(self): self.aboutDialog = AboutDialog(self) @Slot("") def on_actionShow_Results_Window_triggered(self): if self.SimulationWorkbenchController and self.SimulationWorkbenchController.resultsWindow: else: "Cannot show Results Window. Nothing has been simulated, yet.")
class AbstractViewController(QWidget): """ Provides a base class for the individual data views (plot/table/sensitiviy table). Each of the views can have its own UI. This class here is just a set of common methods. """ def __init__(self, parent): super(AbstractViewController, self).__init__(parent) def _initialize(self): self.dataService = DataService() self.experimentalData = None self.simulationData = None self.dataSourceTableModel = None self.dataSourceIDs = [] self.allData = None self.dataSources = None def updateDataSources(self, dataSources, dataID=None): """ Gets the data files that were produced by the last integration run and invokes updating the data source table and the data tabs (plot/table). The data structure for the data model is a dict: {'source ID': [list of data IDs, e.g. GnrH, ...]} """ self.dataSources = dataSources if not self.dataSources:"No data sources, nothing to be shown.") return"Updating data sources...") self.dataSourceIDs = [] if type(self.dataSources) is list: try: combinedDataSource = OrderedDict() for source in self.dataSources: for key, value in source.items(): if not value.isSelected(): continue origin = value.getId() if not origin in self.dataSourceIDs: self.dataSourceIDs.append(origin) if key in combinedDataSource: logging.debug("AbstractViewController: Duplicate key encountered while merging data sources for display.") combinedDataSource[key] = value self.dataSources = combinedDataSource except: logging.error("AbstractViewController: Could not combine several datasource dictionaries into one.") if dataID: singledataSource = OrderedDict() singledataSource[dataID] = self.dataSources[dataID] self.dataSources = singledataSource if self.dataSourceTableModel: self.dataSourceTableModel.dataChanged.disconnect(self.on_dataSourcesChanged) self.dataSourceTableModel = DataSourcesTableModel(self.dataSources) self.dataSourceTableView.setModel(self.dataSourceTableModel) # use header with checkboxes selectableTableHeaderHorizontal = SelectableTableHeader(Qt.Horizontal, self.dataSourceTableView) selectableTableHeaderHorizontal.setNonSelectableIndexes([0]) selectableTableHeaderHorizontal.sectionSelectionChanged.connect(self.on_columnSelectionChanged) # selectableTableHeaderHorizontal.connectSelectionModel(self.dataSourceTableModel) self.dataSourceTableView.setHorizontalHeader(selectableTableHeaderHorizontal) selectableTableHeaderVertical = SelectableTableHeader(Qt.Vertical, self.dataSourceTableView) selectableTableHeaderVertical.sectionSelectionChanged.connect(self.on_rowSelectionChanged) # selectableTableHeaderVertical.connectSelectionModel(self.dataSourceTableModel) self.dataSourceTableView.setVerticalHeader(selectableTableHeaderVertical) self.dataSourceTableView.resizeColumnsToContents() self.dataSourceTableModel.dataChanged.connect(self.on_dataSourcesChanged) self.on_dataSourcesChanged(None, None) def on_dataSourcesChanged(self, upperLeftIndex, lowerRightIndex): # for now, we disregard lowerRightIndex self._updateDataView() # update everything def getNumberOfDataItems(self): if self.dataSourceTableModel: return self.dataSourceTableModel.getNumberOfDataItems() def getEntityIDs(self): if self.dataSourceTableModel: return self.dataSourceTableModel.getEntityIDs() def getSourceIDs(self): if self.dataSourceTableModel: return self.dataSourceTableModel.getSourceIDs() def getSelectedCombinations(self): if self.dataSourceTableModel: return self.dataSourceTableModel.getSelectedCombinations() def hasData(self, dataSet): if not self.dataSources: return False return True if dataSet in self.dataSources.values() else False def _updateDataView(self): if not self.dataSourceTableModel: return selectedData = self._getSelectedData() if not selectedData:"No data, nothing to be shown.") self._clearView() return self._updateView(selectedData) def _getSelectedData(self): """ Returns an ordered dictionary view of the selected data items - the returned dictionary is a key-based sorted version of all data entries """ if not self.allData: # only get actual data the first time self.allData = OrderedDict() allData = self.dataService.get_all_data() # 23.07.12 td: # do a deep copy here; in order to get the different abstract views independent of each other! for key in allData.keys(): self.allData[key] = allData[key] selectedIDs = self.dataSourceTableModel.getSelectedIDs() # this returns a dict {ID: ("Simulation", "filename1", ...)} selectedData = {} for i, (selectedID, sources) in enumerate(selectedIDs.items()): for source in sources: if not self.allData.has_key(source): continue dataOfSource = self.allData[source] dataOfID = dataOfSource.getData(selectedID) if not dataOfID: continue if selectedID in selectedData: selectedData[selectedID].append(dataOfID) else: selectedData[selectedID] = [dataOfID] return selectedData#OrderedDict(sorted(selectedData.items(), key=lambda t:t[0])) def _updateView(self, data): """ Needs to be overridden. Should update the data view (plot, table, ...). """ logging.debug("The _updateView method has not been overridden.") def _clearView(self): """ Needs to be overridden. Should clear the data view (plot, table, ...). """ logging.debug("The _clearView method has not been overridden.") def _selectAllSources(self, doSelect, column=None, row=None): if self.dataSourceTableModel: self.dataSourceTableModel.selectAllSources(doSelect, column, row) def _invertSourceSelection(self): if self.dataSourceTableModel: self.dataSourceTableModel.invertSelection() @Slot("") def on_actionSave_triggered(self): """ Needs to be overriden. Should show a dialog to save the currently shown data (table, plot, ...). """ logging.debug("The on_actionSave_triggered method has not been overridden.") @Slot("") def on_actionSelectAll_triggered(self): """ Selects all sources. NOTE: Repeat this method in the actual class implementation! The self.setupUi() in the actual class doesn't seem to be able to wire the base classe (this class). This worked in PyQT but doesn't work in PySide. """ self._selectAllSources(True) @Slot("") def on_actionDeselectAll_triggered(self): """ Deselects all sources. NOTE: Repeat this method in the actual class implementation! The self.setupUi() in the actual class doesn't seem to be able to wire the base classe (this class). This worked in PyQT but doesn't work in PySide. """ self._selectAllSources(False) @Slot("") def on_actionInvertSelection_triggered(self): """ Inverts the current source selection. NOTE: Repeat this method in the actual class implementation! The self.setupUi() in the actual class doesn't seem to be able to wire the base classe (this class). This worked in PyQT but doesn't work in PySide. """ self._invertSourceSelection() def on_columnSelectionChanged(self, index, selectionState): if selectionState == Qt.Checked: selected = True elif selectionState == Qt.Unchecked: selected = False else: # selection is Qt.PartiallyChecked -> no update of selections here return self._selectAllSources(selected, column=index) def on_rowSelectionChanged(self, index, selectionState): if selectionState == Qt.Checked: selected = True elif selectionState == Qt.Unchecked: selected = False else: # selection is Qt.PartiallyChecked -> no update of selections here return self._selectAllSources(selected, row=index)
class DataImportWidget(QWidget, Ui_DataImportWidget): """ This is a very simple widget that provides some buttons to load experimental data. @since: 2011-08-24 """ __author__ = "Moritz Wade" __contact__ = "*****@*****.**" __copyright__ = "Zuse Institute Berlin 2011" updatedDataEvent = Signal(OrderedDict) def __init__(self, parent, parkinController): super(DataImportWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.currentExpDataFilename = None self.dataService = DataService() self.parkinController = parkinController def browseExpData(self): """ Shows a file open dialog. """ homeDir = filehelpers.getHomeDir() openDir = self.currentExpDataFilename if self.currentExpDataFilename else homeDir filenameTuple = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( parent=self, caption="Browse for data file...", directory=openDir, filter= "BioPARKIN CSV data file (*.csv *.txt);;Legacy PARKIN data file (*.dat);;All filetypes (*.*" ) self.setCurrentExpDataDirectory(filenameTuple[0]) def setCurrentExpDataDirectory(self, filename): self.currentExpDataFilename = filename self.lineEdit.setText(self.currentExpDataFilename) def updateExpData(self, readFile=False): if self.dataService.has_data( self.currentExpDataFilename ): # don't load the same data twice (remove the data first, if you want to reload)"This data file is already loaded: %s" % self.currentExpDataFilename) return if readFile: self.currentExpDataFilename = self.lineEdit.text() format = self.getExpDataFileFormat() self.dataService.load_data([self.currentExpDataFilename], type=services.dataservice.EXPERIMENTAL, parkinController=self.parkinController, format=format) expData = self.dataService.get_experimental_data() if expData: self.updatedDataEvent.emit(expData) def getExpDataFileFormat(self): filename = self.currentExpDataFilename if filename.endswith("csv") or filename.endswith("txt"): format = datamanagement.dataset.FORMAT_EXP_SIMPLE_CSV elif filename.endswith("dat"): format = datamanagement.dataset.FORMAT_EXP_PARKIN else: format = None return format ###### SLOTS ####### @Slot("") def on_buttonBrowse_clicked(self): #logging.debug("SimulationWorkbenchController: in on_buttonBrowseExpData_clicked()") self.browseExpData() if not self.currentExpDataFilename:"No file selected. Can't import data.") return self.updateExpData(readFile=True) self.lineEdit.clear() @Slot("") def on_buttonImport_clicked(self): if not self.currentExpDataFilename:"No filename given. Can't import data.") return #logging.debug("SimulationWorkbenchController: in on_buttonBrowseExpData_clicked()") self.updateExpData(readFile=True) self.lineEdit.clear()
class DataBrowser(QWidget, Ui_DataBrowser): """ @since: 2011-08-24 """ __author__ = "Moritz Wade" __contact__ = "*****@*****.**" __copyright__ = "Zuse Institute Berlin 2011" def __init__(self, parent, id, dataSet): super(DataBrowser, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self._simWorkbench = None self.dataService = None = id = dataSet self.optionsService = OptionsService() # create the custom selectable table header self.selectableHeader = SelectableTableHeader(Qt.Horizontal, self.tableView) self.selectableHeader.setNonSelectableIndexes([0]) self.selectableHeader.sectionSelectionChanged.connect( self.on_columnSelectionChanged) self.tableView.setHorizontalHeader(self.selectableHeader) # create the data model self.dataModel = DataBrowserModel(self,, self.tableView.setModel(self.dataModel) self._setUpSelectionCheckBox() self._updateInfoPane() if not self.optionsService.getDebug(): self.groupBoxPerturbation.setVisible(False) def getId(self): return def setSimulationWorkbench(self, simWorkbench): self._simWorkbench = simWorkbench def getSelectionCheckBox(self): return self._selectionCheckBox def isSelected(self): checkState = self._selectionCheckBox.checkState() return True if checkState == Qt.Checked else False def _setUpSelectionCheckBox(self): self._selectionCheckBox = QCheckBox() self._selectionCheckBox.setChecked(True) infoText = "Select or deselect this data (e.g. to be included in plots and computations)." self._selectionCheckBox.setStatusTip(infoText) self._selectionCheckBox.setToolTip(infoText) self._selectionCheckBox.stateChanged.connect(self._selectionChanged) def _updateInfoPane(self): """ Updates the info pane with basic info about the loaded data and the data file (if any). """ self.lineEditInfoSpecies.setText(str( self.lineEditInfoDataType.setText( # self.lineEditInfoFormat.setText( filepath = if filepath and os.path.exists(filepath): self.lineEditInfoPath.setText(filepath) filesize = os.path.getsize(filepath) filesize = filesize / 1024 # displaying kB self.lineEditInfoFilesize.setText("%s kB" % filesize) timeLastModifiedEpoch = os.path.getmtime(filepath) timeLastModified = time.strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(timeLastModifiedEpoch)) self.lineEditInfoLastModified.setText(str(timeLastModified)) else: noFileText = "No File" self.lineEditInfoPath.setText(noFileText) self.lineEditInfoFilesize.setText(noFileText) self.lineEditInfoLastModified.setText(noFileText) def remove(self): """ Cleans up stuff then destroys self. It's not sure whether this is really needed but it might serve to close some memory holes (e.g. dangling references somewhere). """ del self.dataModel del self @Slot() def on_actionPlot_triggered(self): dataDict = {} self._simWorkbench.plotExpData(dataDict) @Slot() def on_buttonPerturb_clicked(self): """ Perturbs the data by the % given in self.spinBoxPerturb. """ percentage = self.spinBoxPerturb.value() factor = percentage / 100.0 for entity, entityData in if not entityData.isSelected(): continue id = entity.getId() if type(entity) == EntityData else str(entity) logging.debug("Perturbing data of EntityData: %s" % id) for i in xrange(len(entityData.datapoints)): value = entityData.datapoints[i] if not value: # for None values continue fraction = value * factor # fraction of value that will be added or substracted #newValue = value + random.uniform(-1 * fraction, fraction) newValue = value + random.uniform(-1, 1) * fraction # newValue = value - fraction if random.random() < 0.5 else value + fraction entityData.setDatapoint(i, newValue) @Slot("") def on_buttonSaveAs_clicked(self): logging.debug("Saving data. Displaying file chooser...") file_choices = "Tab-Delimited Text File *.txt (*.txt)" path = unicode( QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save file', '', file_choices)[0]) if not path.endswith(".txt"): path += ".txt" if path: if not self.dataService: self.dataService = DataService() id = self.dataService.save_data_as_csv(id, path)"Saved data to %s" % path) @Slot() def on_buttonTimeshift_clicked(self): """ Timeshift data within this DataBrowser (i.e. DataSet). Not only shift the global timepoints but also the timepoint lists within the individiual EntityData objects. """ try: shiftValue = float(self.lineEditTimeshift.text()) self.dataModel.doTimeshift(shiftValue) except Exception, e: logging.error( "DataBrowser.on_buttonTimeshift_clicked(): Error while timeshifting the data: %s" % e)
class BioParkinController(QMainWindow, Ui_MainWindow): """ This is the heart of BioParkin. It sets up the general UI (MainWindow, some Views, ...), handles creation and management of individual network windows, and instantiates needed services (for easy access to data, status bar, ...). This class inherits from QMainWindow for its functionality and from the (automatically generated) Ui_MainWindow for the design of the UI (including the self.setupUi() method). @param parent: The standard Qt parent. @type parent: QWidget @organization: Zuse Insitute Berlin """ __version__ = "1.2.27" __author__ = "Moritz Wade & Thomas Dierkes" __contact__ = "[email protected] or [email protected]" __copyright__ = "Zuse Institute Berlin 2011" newNetworkWindowCreated = Signal() networkWindowRaised = Signal() activeModelChanged = Signal(ModelController) modelClosed = Signal(ModelController) def __init__(self, args, parent=None): """ This initialization does a lot of stuff. :) * State variables are set up * Views are created and tied to UI parts (e.g. Docks) * Logging is set up * Services (StatusBar, Data, ...) are started * Necessary slots are connected """ super(BioParkinController, self).__init__(parent) # for locale testing # locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'de_DE') # locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'deu_deu') self.startTime = time.localtime() # set file logger self.rotatingFileHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(_LOG_FILENAME, maxBytes=1000000, backupCount=5) self.rotatingFileHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(message)s")) self.logger = logging.getLogger() # gets root logger self.logger.addHandler(self.rotatingFileHandler) # Status bar logger self.statusBarLoggingHandler = StatusBarLoggingHandler() self.statusBarLoggingHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) # only log on info level self.logger.addHandler(self.statusBarLoggingHandler) # parse command line arguments parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest=OPTION_DEBUG, default=False, help="Include debugging information in console and file log", ) self.options, args = parser.parse_args() self.optionsService = OptionsService() self.optionsService.setDebug(self.options.debug) # set logging options if self.options.debug: self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.rotatingFileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)"Debug logging active.") else: self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.rotatingFileHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO)"Debug logging not active.")"Starting BioPARKIN... %s" % self.startTime) ##### LOGGING #####"BioPARKIN started (version %s)" % BioParkinController.__version__)"Command line arguments: %s" % args)"Python version: %s" % sys.version)"PySide version: %s" % PySide.__version__)"PARKINcpp version: %s" % PARKINCPP_DOTTED_VERSION)"libSBML version: %s" % LIBSBML_DOTTED_VERSION)"Matplotlib version: %s" % matplotlib.__version__) #"NetworkX version: %s" % networkx.__version__)"Python Image Library version: %s" % Image.VERSION) self.setupUi(self) self._mdiArea.hide() self.setWindowTitle("BioPARKIN v%s" % BioParkinController.__version__) # restore previous settings settings = QSettings() try: self.recentFiles = settings.value("RecentFiles", []) # handles the case if only one file is in the "list" in Linux (it's retrieved as unicode string in this case) if type(self.recentFiles) is str or type(self.recentFiles) is unicode: self.recentFiles = [self.recentFiles]"Recently opened files: %s" % self.recentFiles) except: logging.warning("Can't access list of recently opened files. Resetting the list.") self.recentFiles = [] self.updateFileMenu() self.aboutDialog = None geometry = settings.value("Geometry") if geometry: self.restoreGeometry(geometry) state = settings.value("MainWindow/State") if state: self.restoreState(state) self.ModelControllers = {} # self.SubWindowToModelControllers = {} # self.NetworkWindowCount = 0 # self.ActiveNetworkWindow = None self.ActiveModelController = None # self.networkSubWindows = {} self.integrator = None self.odeViewer = None self.ModelView = ModelView(self.masterDetailSplitter, self) self.ModelTreeView = SBMLEntityWidget(self.masterDetailSplitter) self.EntityTableView = EntityTableView(self.masterDetailSplitter) self.mainWindowViews = [self.ModelTreeView, self.EntityTableView] # used to iterate over Views # set up Data Service and Data Viewer datahandling.parkinController = self self.dataService = DataService() # debugging############# BASE_PATH = reduce( lambda l, r: l + os.path.sep + r, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)).split(os.path.sep)[:-1] ) # add ../../templates (relative to the file (!) and not to the CWD) dataPath = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "data") ####################### self.SimulationWorkbenchController = SimulationWorkbenchController(parent=None, parkinController=self) self.mainTabWidget.addTab(self.SimulationWorkbenchController, "Workbench") # hook up status bar with progress service (that threads can connect to) self.statusBarService = StatusBarService( self.statusBar() ) # first time, service is instantiated => give statusBar reference! self.progressBarService = ProgressBarService(self, self.statusBarService) self.statusBarLoggingHandler.setStatusBar(self.statusBarService) self.warningsService = WarningService.getInstance() self.warningsDialog = WarningsDialog(self, self.actionShow_Warnings, self.warningsService) # register signals self.activeModelChanged.connect(self.on_activeModelChanged) self.modelClosed.connect(self.on_modelClosed) self.menuFile.aboutToShow.connect(self.updateFileMenu) # for debugging self.dummyThread = None try: # try to set correct taskbar icon in Windows 7 myappid = "ZIB.BioPARKIN" # arbitrary string ctypes.windll.shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(myappid) except: pass def updateFileMenu(self): """ Updates the file menu dynamically, so that recent files can be shown. """ self.menuFile.clear() # self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionNew) # disable for now self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionOpen) self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionSave) self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionSave_as) self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionClose_Model) recentFiles = [] for filename in self.recentFiles: if QFile.exists(filename): recentFiles.append(filename) if len(self.recentFiles) > 0: self.menuFile.addSeparator() for i, filename in enumerate(recentFiles): action = QAction("&%d %s" % (i + 1, QFileInfo(filename).fileName()), self) action.setData(filename) action.setStatusTip("Opens recent file %s" % QFileInfo(filename).fileName()) action.setShortcut(QKeySequence(Qt.CTRL | (Qt.Key_1 + i))) action.triggered.connect(self.load_model) self.menuFile.addAction(action) self.menuFile.addSeparator() self.menuFile.addAction(self.actionQuit) def new_model(self): """ Not yet supported. """ pass def load_model(self, filename=None): """ Loads a given SBML file, thereby creating a new subwindow on the main MDI Area. If filename is None, it creates a new model. There are a lot of reference variables, so that the system knows the currently active subwindow, etc. @param filename: The filename of the model. If None, a new model is created. @type filename: str """ if not filename: action = self.sender() if type(action) == QAction: filename = else: return # note: this has been (temporarily added) to allow only one file to be open at the same time # We will probably change this behaviour again later, once we have decided how to handle # multiple-model results, etc. intelligently if len(self.ModelControllers) > 0: # show warning dialog msgBox = QMessageBox() infoText = """<b>Another model is currently loaded.</b><br> """ msgBox.setText(infoText) infoTextShort = "Do you want to save the current model (you will be prompted to enter a new filename)?" msgBox.setInformativeText(infoTextShort) msgBox.setWindowTitle(infoTextShort) msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Save | QMessageBox.Discard) msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox.Save) msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) clickedButton = msgBox.exec_() if clickedButton == QMessageBox.Save: self.actionSave_as.trigger() for ( modelController ) in self.ModelControllers.values(): # close all models (in theory, there should be only one :) self.modelClosed.emit(modelController) # self.NetworkWindowCount += 1 # self.setStatusTip("Opening file %s..." % filename) self.statusBar().showMessage("Opening file %s..." % filename, 2000) modelController = ModelController(filename=filename, views=self.mainWindowViews) # # create NetworkViewController # networkViewController = NetworkViewController(modelController=modelController) # networkView = networkViewController.createNetworkView(self) # sets networkController.networkView internally # networkView.setMinimumSize(400, 300) # modelController.setViews(networkViewController=networkViewController) # # Create Subwindow to hold the NetworkView # subWindow = QMdiSubWindow(parent=self._mdiArea) # networkViewController.subWindow = subWindow # subWindow.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) # subWindow.setWidget(networkView) # subWindow.setOption(QMdiSubWindow.RubberBandResize, True) # self._mdiArea.addSubWindow(subWindow) # subWindow.activateWindow() # # important! # # handle references filename = modelController.filename # self.SubWindowToModelControllers[subWindow] = modelController # self.networkSubWindows[modelController] = subWindow #networkView self.ModelControllers[filename] = modelController # self.ActiveNetworkWindow = networkWindow self.ActiveModelController = modelController # self.connectNetworkWindowSignals(networkView, subWindow) # emit custom Signal so that e.g. Simulationworkbench are notified of the new subwindow # self.newNetworkWindowCreated.emit() self.activeModelChanged.emit(modelController) # handle recent files list if filename in self.recentFiles: self.recentFiles.remove(filename) self.recentFiles.insert(0, filename) if len(self.recentFiles) > NUM_RECENT_FILES: # cap list at length of NUM_RECENT_FILES self.recentFiles = self.recentFiles[:NUM_RECENT_FILES] # def getMdiArea(self): # return self._mdiArea # @Slot("QWidget") # def connectNetworkWindowSignals(self, networkWindow, subWindow): # """ # Connect the signals of network windows (e.g. network is about to be destroyed, etc.) # # @param networkWindow: A network view # @type networkWindow: NetworkView # # @param subWindow: A Qt QMdiArea sub window # @type subWindow: QMdiSubWindow # """ # #self.connect(button3, SIGNAL("clicked()"), lambda who="Three": self.anyButton(who)) # # self.connect(networkWindow, SIGNAL("destroyed()"), # lambda who=networkWindow: self.on_networkwindow_destroyed(who)) def dragEnterEvent(self, event): if event.mimeData().hasFormat("Filename"): event.accept() else: event.ignore() def dropEvent(self, event): """ Handles the drop event if the user "drops" a file somewhere within BioPARKIN's window. """ # get filename uris = event.mimeData().urls() # support opening several models at once # note: uncomment this, to enable drag'n'dropping of multiple models again # for uri in uris: # filename = uri.toLocalFile() # #open file # self.load_model(filename) filename = uris[0].toLocalFile() self.load_model(filename) if len(uris) > 1: "You dragged more than one model to BioPARKIN. Currently, only one model is supported to be opened at the same time. Only the first dragged model was loaded." ) def on_modelClosed(self, modelController): """ Whenever the Signal self.modelClosed is emitted, this method is called. It removes the modelController of the closed model from the management dictionary and updates all local Views. """ if not modelController:"Can't close the model. No model selected.") #### abusing this place for testing #### # self.dummyThread = DummyProgressThread() # self.progressBarService.connect_to_thread(self.dummyThread) # self.dummyThread.start() # self.dummyThread = DummyThrobberThread() # self.progressBarService.connect_to_thread(self.dummyThread) # self.dummyThread.start() ######################################## return if self.ModelControllers.has_key( modelController.filename ): # we do this to remove the model controller from the management dict self.ModelControllers.pop(modelController.filename) if len(self.ModelControllers) == 0: # 26.07.12 td: the next line has been commented out self.dataService.remove_all_simulated_data() self.ActiveModelController = None for view in self.mainWindowViews: view.setModel(None) # def on_networkwindow_destroyed(self, networkWindow): # """ # This is a slot. It's called to clean things up when a network # window is destroyed. Basically, it just gets the correct ModelController # and passes it on using the modelClosed signal of the BioPARKIN controller. # # @param networkWindow: A network view # @type networkWindow: NetworkView # """ # logging.debug("Destroying a NetworkWindow: %s" % networkWindow) # modelController = networkWindow.controller.modelController # self.modelClosed.emit(modelController) # # def closeNetworkWindow(self, modelController): # if self.networkSubWindows.has_key(modelController): # might have been removed already # self.networkSubWindows.pop(modelController).close() #removes window from dict and closes it def on_activeModelChanged(self, activeModelController): """ Whenever the active model changes, the appropriate Signal self.activeModelChanged should be emitted. When that is done, this method is called. """"Active Model: %s" % activeModelController.filename) if activeModelController is not None: self.ActiveModelController = activeModelController for view in self.mainWindowViews: view.setModel(self.ActiveModelController.proxyModel, mainModel=self.ActiveModelController.sbmlModel) view.setSelectionModel(self.ActiveModelController.selectionModel) # def selectNetworkView(self, modelController): # subwindow = self.networkSubWindows[modelController] ## # subwindow.raise_() # subwindow.activateWindow() ## subwindow.setFocus() # def on_networkwindow_raised(self, subWindow): # """ # This is a slot. It's called when a network window gets focus. # Some references have to be set, and most importantly, all the Views # have to be switched so that they use the data model behind the # newly focused network window. # # @param subWindow: A sub window # @type subWindow: QMdiSubWindow # """ # if subWindow is None: # return # if not self.SubWindowToModelControllers.has_key(subWindow): # return # # activeModelController = self.SubWindowToModelControllers[subWindow] ## self.ActiveNetworkWindow = self.ActiveModelController.getNetworkView() # ## self.on_activeModelChanged() # self.activeModelChanged.emit(activeModelController) ## self.networkWindowRaised.emit() # ## logging.debug("Leaving on_networkwindow_raised()") @Slot("") def on_actionNew_triggered(self): """ This is a slot. It's automatically connected to the actionNew created in the QtDesigner. """ self.new_model() @Slot("") def on_actionOpen_triggered(self): """ This is a slot. It's automatically connected to the actionOpen created in the QtDesigner. """ homeDir = filehelpers.getHomeDir() filenameTuple = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( parent=self, directory=homeDir, filter="SBML files (*.sbml *.xml)", caption="Open SBML file..." ) if ( filenameTuple and filenameTuple[0] ): # if user presses cancel, the tuple exists but is two empty unicode strings. filename = filenameTuple[0] self.load_model(filename) else:"No file selected. Didn't load anything.") @Slot("") def on_actionClose_Model_triggered(self): # self.on_modelClosed(self.ActiveModelController) self.modelClosed.emit(self.ActiveModelController) @Slot("") def on_actionSave_triggered(self): """ This is a slot. It's automatically connected to the actionSave created in the QtDesigner. """ self.saveActiveNetwork(filename=None) @Slot("") def on_actionSave_as_triggered(self): """ This is a slot. It's automatically connected to the actionSaveAs created in the QtDesigner. """ if not self.ActiveModelController:"Can't save anything. No model loaded.") return filenameTuple = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( parent=self, dir=self.ActiveModelController.filename, caption="Save as...", filter="SBML file (*.sbml *.xml)", ) if filenameTuple: self.saveActiveNetwork(filenameTuple[0]) def saveActiveNetwork(self, filename=None): """ Tell the currently active network controller to save to a file. @param filename: Filename of the network. @type filename: str """ if self.ActiveModelController is None: logging.warning("No model loaded. Can't save anything.") return @Slot("") def on_actionShow_Data_Manager_triggered(self): """ This is a slot. It's automatically connected to the actionShowDataManager created in the QtDesigner. """ @Slot("") def on_actionODEGenerator_triggered(self): """ Open the ODE Generator information dialog. """ if self.ActiveModelController and self.ActiveModelController.sbmlModel: self.odeViewer = ODEViewer(self, self.ActiveModelController.sbmlModel) else:"ODEs can't be shown. No model selected.") def closeEvent(self, event): """ Override the close event to handle file saving. """ if self.okToContinue(): # files will be saved in self.okToContinue() settings = QSettings() settings.setValue("Geometry", self.saveGeometry()) settings.setValue("MainWindow/State", self.saveState()) settings.setValue("RecentFiles", self.recentFiles) event.accept() else: event.ignore() def okToContinue(self): """ Checks if it is ok to close the application. The user will be prompted to save files. @return: True, if it is ok to continue (e.g. close the app); False, otherwise @rtype: bool @todo: Make a smart save dialog to allow the user to save only certain files. """ dirtyFilenames = [] for filename, networkController in self.ModelControllers.items(): if networkController.Dirty: dirtyFilenames.append( networkController.filename ) # we don't use the filename key because it might be outdated if len(dirtyFilenames) == 0: # nothing to save return True reply = QMessageBox.question( self, "BioParkin - Unsaved Changes", "Unsaved changes in these files:\n\n%s\n\nDo you want to save them?" % "\n".join(dirtyFilenames), buttons=QMessageBox.SaveAll | QMessageBox.Discard | QMessageBox.Cancel, ) if reply == QMessageBox.Cancel: return False elif reply == QMessageBox.SaveAll: for networkController in self.ModelControllers: if networkController.Dirty: return True ############ SLOTS for SimulationWorkbenchWidget ############## @Slot("") def on_actionSimulate_triggered(self): self.SimulationWorkbenchController.actionSimulate.trigger() @Slot("") def on_actionComputeSensitivityOverview_triggered(self): self.SimulationWorkbenchController.actionComputeSensitivityOverview.trigger() @Slot("") def on_actionCompute_Detailed_Sensitivities_triggered(self): self.SimulationWorkbenchController.actionCompute_Detailed_Sensitivities.trigger() @Slot("") def on_actionEstimateParameterValues_triggered(self): self.SimulationWorkbenchController.actionEstimateParameterValues.trigger() @Slot("") def on_actionAbout_triggered(self): self.aboutDialog = AboutDialog(self) @Slot("") def on_actionShow_Results_Window_triggered(self): if self.SimulationWorkbenchController and self.SimulationWorkbenchController.resultsWindow: else:"Cannot show Results Window. Nothing has been simulated, yet.")
class DataImportWidget(QWidget, Ui_DataImportWidget): """ This is a very simple widget that provides some buttons to load experimental data. @since: 2011-08-24 """ __author__ = "Moritz Wade" __contact__ = "*****@*****.**" __copyright__ = "Zuse Institute Berlin 2011" updatedDataEvent = Signal(OrderedDict) def __init__(self, parent, parkinController): super(DataImportWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.currentExpDataFilename = None self.dataService = DataService() self.parkinController = parkinController def browseExpData(self): """ Shows a file open dialog. """ homeDir = filehelpers.getHomeDir() openDir = self.currentExpDataFilename if self.currentExpDataFilename else homeDir filenameTuple = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(parent=self, caption="Browse for data file...", directory=openDir, filter="BioPARKIN CSV data file (*.csv *.txt);;Legacy PARKIN data file (*.dat);;All filetypes (*.*") self.setCurrentExpDataDirectory(filenameTuple[0]) def setCurrentExpDataDirectory(self, filename): self.currentExpDataFilename = filename self.lineEdit.setText(self.currentExpDataFilename) def updateExpData(self, readFile=False): if self.dataService.has_data(self.currentExpDataFilename): # don't load the same data twice (remove the data first, if you want to reload)"This data file is already loaded: %s" % self.currentExpDataFilename) return if readFile: self.currentExpDataFilename = self.lineEdit.text() format = self.getExpDataFileFormat() self.dataService.load_data([self.currentExpDataFilename], type=services.dataservice.EXPERIMENTAL, parkinController=self.parkinController, format=format) expData = self.dataService.get_experimental_data() if expData: self.updatedDataEvent.emit(expData) def getExpDataFileFormat(self): filename = self.currentExpDataFilename if filename.endswith("csv") or filename.endswith("txt"): format = datamanagement.dataset.FORMAT_EXP_SIMPLE_CSV elif filename.endswith("dat"): format = datamanagement.dataset.FORMAT_EXP_PARKIN else: format = None return format ###### SLOTS ####### @Slot("") def on_buttonBrowse_clicked(self): #logging.debug("SimulationWorkbenchController: in on_buttonBrowseExpData_clicked()") self.browseExpData() if not self.currentExpDataFilename:"No file selected. Can't import data.") return self.updateExpData(readFile=True) self.lineEdit.clear() @Slot("") def on_buttonImport_clicked(self): if not self.currentExpDataFilename:"No filename given. Can't import data.") return #logging.debug("SimulationWorkbenchController: in on_buttonBrowseExpData_clicked()") self.updateExpData(readFile=True) self.lineEdit.clear()
def __init__(self, parent=None): ''' Creates a data model from the data (so that changes in the data are reflected in the View). ''' super(DataViewingController, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.dataService = DataService() experimentalData = self.dataService.get_experimental_data() simulationData = self.dataService.get_simulation_data() #data = ordereddict() = OrderedDict() if simulationData is not None and len(simulationData) > 0: self.simulationData = simulationData for (sbmlEntity, entityData) in self.simulationData.items(): #sbmlRef = entityData.sbmlEntity dataTuple = (entityData, None)[sbmlEntity] = dataTuple else: self.simulationData = None if experimentalData is not None: self.experimentalData = experimentalData for (sbmlEntity, entityData) in experimentalData.items(): #sbmlRef = entityData.sbmlEntity if sbmlEntity in dataTuple =[sbmlEntity] dataTuple = (dataTuple[0], entityData)[sbmlEntity] = dataTuple else: dataTuple = (entityData, None)[sbmlEntity] = dataTuple else: self.experimentalData = None if self.experimentalData or self.simulationData: self.dataModel = SourcesTableModel( #experimentalData = self.experimentalData, #simulationData = self.simulationData ) self.connect(self.dataModel, SIGNAL("dataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)"), self.update_plots) = [] # create single list with all data entities # for item in self.experimentalData: # # for item in self.simulationData: # if item in # continue # self.populate_sources_table() # self.plotWindows = {} # self.flatListOfPlotWidgets = [] self.existingPlotWindows = {} self.update_plots() # testing
def __init__(self, args, parent=None): """ This initialization does a lot of stuff. :) * State variables are set up * Views are created and tied to UI parts (e.g. Docks) * Logging is set up * Services (StatusBar, Data, ...) are started * Necessary slots are connected """ super(BioParkinController, self).__init__(parent) # for locale testing # locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'de_DE') # locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'deu_deu') self.startTime = time.localtime() # set file logger self.rotatingFileHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(_LOG_FILENAME, maxBytes=1000000, backupCount=5) self.rotatingFileHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(message)s")) self.logger = logging.getLogger() # gets root logger self.logger.addHandler(self.rotatingFileHandler) # Status bar logger self.statusBarLoggingHandler = StatusBarLoggingHandler() self.statusBarLoggingHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) # only log on info level self.logger.addHandler(self.statusBarLoggingHandler) # parse command line arguments parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest=OPTION_DEBUG, default=False, help="Include debugging information in console and file log", ) self.options, args = parser.parse_args() self.optionsService = OptionsService() self.optionsService.setDebug(self.options.debug) # set logging options if self.options.debug: self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.rotatingFileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)"Debug logging active.") else: self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.rotatingFileHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO)"Debug logging not active.")"Starting BioPARKIN... %s" % self.startTime) ##### LOGGING #####"BioPARKIN started (version %s)" % BioParkinController.__version__)"Command line arguments: %s" % args)"Python version: %s" % sys.version)"PySide version: %s" % PySide.__version__)"PARKINcpp version: %s" % PARKINCPP_DOTTED_VERSION)"libSBML version: %s" % LIBSBML_DOTTED_VERSION)"Matplotlib version: %s" % matplotlib.__version__) #"NetworkX version: %s" % networkx.__version__)"Python Image Library version: %s" % Image.VERSION) self.setupUi(self) self._mdiArea.hide() self.setWindowTitle("BioPARKIN v%s" % BioParkinController.__version__) # restore previous settings settings = QSettings() try: self.recentFiles = settings.value("RecentFiles", []) # handles the case if only one file is in the "list" in Linux (it's retrieved as unicode string in this case) if type(self.recentFiles) is str or type(self.recentFiles) is unicode: self.recentFiles = [self.recentFiles]"Recently opened files: %s" % self.recentFiles) except: logging.warning("Can't access list of recently opened files. Resetting the list.") self.recentFiles = [] self.updateFileMenu() self.aboutDialog = None geometry = settings.value("Geometry") if geometry: self.restoreGeometry(geometry) state = settings.value("MainWindow/State") if state: self.restoreState(state) self.ModelControllers = {} # self.SubWindowToModelControllers = {} # self.NetworkWindowCount = 0 # self.ActiveNetworkWindow = None self.ActiveModelController = None # self.networkSubWindows = {} self.integrator = None self.odeViewer = None self.ModelView = ModelView(self.masterDetailSplitter, self) self.ModelTreeView = SBMLEntityWidget(self.masterDetailSplitter) self.EntityTableView = EntityTableView(self.masterDetailSplitter) self.mainWindowViews = [self.ModelTreeView, self.EntityTableView] # used to iterate over Views # set up Data Service and Data Viewer datahandling.parkinController = self self.dataService = DataService() # debugging############# BASE_PATH = reduce( lambda l, r: l + os.path.sep + r, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)).split(os.path.sep)[:-1] ) # add ../../templates (relative to the file (!) and not to the CWD) dataPath = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "data") ####################### self.SimulationWorkbenchController = SimulationWorkbenchController(parent=None, parkinController=self) self.mainTabWidget.addTab(self.SimulationWorkbenchController, "Workbench") # hook up status bar with progress service (that threads can connect to) self.statusBarService = StatusBarService( self.statusBar() ) # first time, service is instantiated => give statusBar reference! self.progressBarService = ProgressBarService(self, self.statusBarService) self.statusBarLoggingHandler.setStatusBar(self.statusBarService) self.warningsService = WarningService.getInstance() self.warningsDialog = WarningsDialog(self, self.actionShow_Warnings, self.warningsService) # register signals self.activeModelChanged.connect(self.on_activeModelChanged) self.modelClosed.connect(self.on_modelClosed) self.menuFile.aboutToShow.connect(self.updateFileMenu) # for debugging self.dummyThread = None try: # try to set correct taskbar icon in Windows 7 myappid = "ZIB.BioPARKIN" # arbitrary string ctypes.windll.shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(myappid) except: pass
class DataBrowser(QWidget, Ui_DataBrowser): """ @since: 2011-08-24 """ __author__ = "Moritz Wade" __contact__ = "*****@*****.**" __copyright__ = "Zuse Institute Berlin 2011" def __init__(self, parent, id, dataSet): super(DataBrowser, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self._simWorkbench = None self.dataService = None = id = dataSet self.optionsService = OptionsService() # create the custom selectable table header self.selectableHeader = SelectableTableHeader(Qt.Horizontal, self.tableView) self.selectableHeader.setNonSelectableIndexes([0]) self.selectableHeader.sectionSelectionChanged.connect(self.on_columnSelectionChanged) self.tableView.setHorizontalHeader(self.selectableHeader) # create the data model self.dataModel = DataBrowserModel(self,, self.tableView.setModel(self.dataModel) self._setUpSelectionCheckBox() self._updateInfoPane() if not self.optionsService.getDebug(): self.groupBoxPerturbation.setVisible(False) def getId(self): return def setSimulationWorkbench(self, simWorkbench): self._simWorkbench = simWorkbench def getSelectionCheckBox(self): return self._selectionCheckBox def isSelected(self): checkState = self._selectionCheckBox.checkState() return True if checkState == Qt.Checked else False def _setUpSelectionCheckBox(self): self._selectionCheckBox = QCheckBox() self._selectionCheckBox.setChecked(True) infoText = "Select or deselect this data (e.g. to be included in plots and computations)." self._selectionCheckBox.setStatusTip(infoText) self._selectionCheckBox.setToolTip(infoText) self._selectionCheckBox.stateChanged.connect(self._selectionChanged) def _updateInfoPane(self): """ Updates the info pane with basic info about the loaded data and the data file (if any). """ self.lineEditInfoSpecies.setText(str( self.lineEditInfoDataType.setText( # self.lineEditInfoFormat.setText( filepath = if filepath and os.path.exists(filepath): self.lineEditInfoPath.setText(filepath) filesize = os.path.getsize(filepath) filesize = filesize / 1024 # displaying kB self.lineEditInfoFilesize.setText("%s kB" % filesize) timeLastModifiedEpoch = os.path.getmtime(filepath) timeLastModified = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(timeLastModifiedEpoch)) self.lineEditInfoLastModified.setText(str(timeLastModified)) else: noFileText = "No File" self.lineEditInfoPath.setText(noFileText) self.lineEditInfoFilesize.setText(noFileText) self.lineEditInfoLastModified.setText(noFileText) def remove(self): """ Cleans up stuff then destroys self. It's not sure whether this is really needed but it might serve to close some memory holes (e.g. dangling references somewhere). """ del self.dataModel del self @Slot() def on_actionPlot_triggered(self): dataDict = {} self._simWorkbench.plotExpData(dataDict) @Slot() def on_buttonPerturb_clicked(self): """ Perturbs the data by the % given in self.spinBoxPerturb. """ percentage = self.spinBoxPerturb.value() factor = percentage / 100.0 for entity, entityData in if not entityData.isSelected(): continue id = entity.getId() if type(entity) == EntityData else str(entity) logging.debug("Perturbing data of EntityData: %s" % id) for i in xrange(len(entityData.datapoints)): value = entityData.datapoints[i] if not value: # for None values continue fraction = value * factor # fraction of value that will be added or substracted #newValue = value + random.uniform(-1 * fraction, fraction) newValue = value + random.uniform(-1, 1) * fraction # newValue = value - fraction if random.random() < 0.5 else value + fraction entityData.setDatapoint(i, newValue) @Slot("") def on_buttonSaveAs_clicked(self): logging.debug("Saving data. Displaying file chooser...") file_choices = "Tab-Delimited Text File *.txt (*.txt)" path = unicode(QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save file', '', file_choices)[0]) if not path.endswith(".txt"): path += ".txt" if path: if not self.dataService: self.dataService = DataService() id = self.dataService.save_data_as_csv(id, path)"Saved data to %s" % path) @Slot() def on_buttonTimeshift_clicked(self): """ Timeshift data within this DataBrowser (i.e. DataSet). Not only shift the global timepoints but also the timepoint lists within the individiual EntityData objects. """ try: shiftValue = float(self.lineEditTimeshift.text()) self.dataModel.doTimeshift(shiftValue) except Exception, e: logging.error("DataBrowser.on_buttonTimeshift_clicked(): Error while timeshifting the data: %s" % e)
def __init__(self, args, parent=None): """ This initialization does a lot of stuff. :) * State variables are set up * Views are created and tied to UI parts (e.g. Docks) * Logging is set up * Services (StatusBar, Data, ...) are started * Necessary slots are connected """ super(BioParkinController, self).__init__(parent) #locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'de_DE') # locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'deu_deu') self.startTime = time.localtime() # set file logger self.rotatingFileHandler = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(_LOG_FILENAME, maxBytes=1000000, backupCount=5) self.rotatingFileHandler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s | %(levelname)s | %(message)s")) self.logger = logging.getLogger() #gets root logger self.logger.addHandler(self.rotatingFileHandler) # Status bar logger self.statusBarLoggingHandler = StatusBarLoggingHandler() self.statusBarLoggingHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) # only log on info level self.logger.addHandler(self.statusBarLoggingHandler) # set GUI logger # self.loggingView = QtLoggingView(self) # loggingHandler = QtLoggingHandler(self.loggingView) # loggingHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO) # self.logger.addHandler(loggingHandler) # filling log dock area (was set up in QtDesigner) # self._logDockWidget.setWidget(self.loggingView) # self._logDockWidget.hide() # parse command line arguments parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest=OPTION_DEBUG, default=False, help="Include debugging information in console and file log") self.options, args = parser.parse_args() self.optionsService = OptionsService() self.optionsService.setDebug(self.options.debug) # set logging options if self.options.debug: self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) self.rotatingFileHandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)"Debug logging active.") else: self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.rotatingFileHandler.setLevel(logging.INFO)"Debug logging not active.") logging.debug("Starting BioPARKIN... %s" % self.startTime) ##### LOGGING #####"BioPARKIN started (version %s)" % BioParkinController.__version__)"Command line arguments: %s" % args)"Python version: %s" % sys.version) #"SIP version: %s" % sip.SIP_VERSION_STR)"PyQt version: %s" % PYQT_VERSION_STR)"PySide version: %s" % PySide.__version__)"libSBML version: %s" % LIBSBML_VERSION_STRING)"Matplotlib version: %s" % matplotlib.__version__) #"NetworkX version: %s" % networkx.__version__)"Python Image Library version: %s" % Image.VERSION) self.setupUi(self) self._mdiArea.hide() self.setWindowTitle("BioPARKIN v%s" % BioParkinController.__version__) # restore previous settings settings = QSettings() try: self.recentFiles = settings.value("RecentFiles", []) # handles the case if only one file is in the "list" in Linux (it's retrieved as unicode string in this case) if type(self.recentFiles) is str or type(self.recentFiles) is unicode: self.recentFiles = [self.recentFiles]"Recently opened files: %s" % self.recentFiles) except: logging.warning("Can't access list of recently opened files. Resetting the list.") self.recentFiles = [] self.updateFileMenu() self.aboutDialog = None geometry = settings.value("Geometry") if geometry: self.restoreGeometry(geometry) state = settings.value("MainWindow/State") if state: self.restoreState(state) self.ModelControllers = {} # self.SubWindowToModelControllers = {} # self.NetworkWindowCount = 0 # self.ActiveNetworkWindow = None self.ActiveModelController = None # self.networkSubWindows = {} self.integrator = None self.odeViewer = None self.ModelView = ModelView(self.masterDetailSplitter, self) self.ModelTreeView = SBMLEntityWidget(self.masterDetailSplitter) self.EntityTableView = EntityTableView(self.masterDetailSplitter) # self.masterDetailSplitter.widget(0).destroy() # logging.debug("1st Child of Splitter: %s" % self.masterDetailSplitter.widget(0)) self.mainWindowViews = [self.ModelTreeView, self.EntityTableView] #used to iterate over Views # set up Data Service and Data Viewer datahandling.parkinController = self self.dataService = DataService() # debugging############# BASE_PATH = reduce(lambda l, r: l + os.path.sep + r, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)).split(os.path.sep)[:-1]) #BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # add ../../templates (relative to the file (!) and not to the CWD) dataPath = os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "data") ####################### self.SimulationWorkbenchController = SimulationWorkbenchController(parent=None, parkinController=self) self.mainTabWidget.addTab(self.SimulationWorkbenchController, "Workbench") # hook up status bar with progress service (that threads can connect to) self.statusBarService = StatusBarService(self.statusBar()) # first time, service is instantiated => give statusBar reference! # self.statusBarService.setStatusBar(self.statusBar()) self.progressBarService = ProgressBarService(self, self.statusBarService) self.statusBarLoggingHandler.setStatusBar(self.statusBarService) self.warningsService = WarningService.getInstance() self.warningsDialog = WarningsDialog(self, self.actionShow_Warnings, self.warningsService) # register signals # self.connect(self._mdiArea, SIGNAL("subWindowActivated(QMdiSubWindow*)"), self.on_networkwindow_raised) self.activeModelChanged.connect(self.on_activeModelChanged) # self.activeModelChanged.connect(self.selectNetworkView) # put into own method -> easier to put in own class later self.modelClosed.connect(self.on_modelClosed) # self.modelClosed.connect(self.closeNetworkWindow) # put into own method -> easier to put in own class later self.menuFile.aboutToShow.connect(self.updateFileMenu) # for debugging self.dummyThread = None try: # try to set correct taskbar icon in Windows 7 myappid = 'ZIB.BioPARKIN' # arbitrary string ctypes.windll.shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(myappid) except: pass
class DataViewingController(QDialog, Ui_DataViewWidget): ''' A experimentalData view window (implemented as DockWidget, so it can be docked inside the main application potentially) to display plots, etc. (Maybe more than just plots in a future release?) In MVC-naming this is the Controller. The View is in Ui_dataViewWidget. @param parent: Standard Qt UI parent @type parent: QWidget @since: 2010-03-10 ''' __author__ = "Moritz Wade" __contact__ = "*****@*****.**" __copyright__ = "Zuse Institute Berlin 2010" def __init__(self, parent=None): ''' Creates a data model from the data (so that changes in the data are reflected in the View). ''' super(DataViewingController, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.dataService = DataService() experimentalData = self.dataService.get_experimental_data() simulationData = self.dataService.get_simulation_data() #data = ordereddict() = OrderedDict() if simulationData is not None and len(simulationData) > 0: self.simulationData = simulationData for (sbmlEntity, entityData) in self.simulationData.items(): #sbmlRef = entityData.sbmlEntity dataTuple = (entityData, None)[sbmlEntity] = dataTuple else: self.simulationData = None if experimentalData is not None: self.experimentalData = experimentalData for (sbmlEntity, entityData) in experimentalData.items(): #sbmlRef = entityData.sbmlEntity if sbmlEntity in dataTuple =[sbmlEntity] dataTuple = (dataTuple[0], entityData)[sbmlEntity] = dataTuple else: dataTuple = (entityData, None)[sbmlEntity] = dataTuple else: self.experimentalData = None if self.experimentalData or self.simulationData: self.dataModel = SourcesTableModel( #experimentalData = self.experimentalData, #simulationData = self.simulationData ) self.connect(self.dataModel, SIGNAL("dataChanged(QModelIndex, QModelIndex)"), self.update_plots) = [] # create single list with all data entities # for item in self.experimentalData: # # for item in self.simulationData: # if item in # continue # self.populate_sources_table() # self.plotWindows = {} # self.flatListOfPlotWidgets = [] self.existingPlotWindows = {} self.update_plots() # testing #QTimer.singleShot(0, self.update_plots) def populate_sources_table(self): ''' Sets the "sources" data model to the source table view. ''' if self.dataModel is None: logging.error( "There is no model to populate with experimental Data.") return table = self.tableSources table.setModel(self.dataModel) def update_plots(self): ''' Create all the plots based on the selection in the list widget self.tableSources This is rather complicated and should be refactored + broken down. ''' # gather information about what to show windowTitlesToShow = {} #for (dataID, dataItem) in self.experimentalData.items(): for (entity, dataTuple) in dataID = if self.dataModel.does_show_experimental_data_of( dataID) and self.dataModel.does_show_simulation_data_of( dataID): windowTitle = "Experimental and simulation values of %s" % dataID elif self.dataModel.does_show_experimental_data_of(dataID): windowTitle = "Experimental values of %s" % dataID elif self.dataModel.does_show_simulation_data_of(dataID): windowTitle = "Simulation values of %s" % dataID else: windowTitle = None if windowTitle is not None: windowTitlesToShow[windowTitle] = (entity, dataTuple) # close previous windows that show information we don't want now for existingWindowTitle in self.existingPlotWindows.keys(): if not windowTitlesToShow.has_key(existingWindowTitle): self.existingPlotWindows.pop(existingWindowTitle).close() # create missing windows #for (dataID, dataItem) in self.experimentalData.items(): for (windowTitle, (entity, dataTuple)) in windowTitlesToShow.items(): dataID = if self.existingPlotWindows.has_key( windowTitle ): # dont' create windows that are already there continue labelExperimental = "Experimental values of %s" % dataID labelSimulation = "Simulation values of %s" % dataID subWindow = QMdiSubWindow(parent=self.plotWindowsArea) subWindow.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) subWindow.setOption(QMdiSubWindow.RubberBandResize, True) self.existingPlotWindows[windowTitle] = subWindow # if self.dataModel.does_show_experimental_data_of(dataID): # if self.simulationData.has_key(dataID): # experimentalData = {dataID:dataItem} # else: # experimentalData = None # else: # experimentalData = None # # if self.dataModel.does_show_simulation_data_of(dataID): # if self.simulationData.has_key(dataID): # simulationData = {dataID + "_sim" : self.simulationData[dataID]} # else: # simulationData = None # else: # simulationData = None if self.dataModel.does_show_experimental_data_of(dataID): experimentalData = dataTuple[1] else: experimentalData = None if self.dataModel.does_show_simulation_data_of(dataID): simulationData = dataTuple[0] else: simulationData = None plotWidget = PlotWidget( parent=subWindow, experimentalData=experimentalData, simulationData=simulationData, labelExperimental=labelExperimental, labelSimulation=labelSimulation, showLegend=self.checkBoxShowLegend.isChecked(), logYAxis=self.checkBoxLogYAxis.isChecked()) subWindow.setWindowTitle(windowTitle) subWindow.setWidget(plotWidget) # important! @Slot("bool") def on_checkBoxPlotGroupsAsTabs_toggled(self, isChecked): ''' This is a slot for toggling a tab UI for the plots, '''"Plot Groups are shown as Tabs: %s" % isChecked) if isChecked: self.plotGroupsArea.setViewMode(QMdiArea.TabbedView) else: self.plotGroupsArea.setViewMode(QMdiArea.SubWindowView) @Slot("QTableWidgetItem") def on_tableSources_itemChanged(self, item): ''' This is a slot. Whenever some item changes in the list view (e.g. some data gets checked/unchecked), the plots are updated. ''' self.update_plots() @Slot("") def on_pushButtonReplot_clicked(self): ''' This is a slot. It causes the plots to be replotted. ''' for existingWindowTitle in self.existingPlotWindows.keys(): self.existingPlotWindows.pop(existingWindowTitle).close() self.update_plots()