Exemple #1
import click
from services.requester import make_request
from services.logger import get_logger
import sys

logger = get_logger(loggername='spanglish')
api_name = 'spanglish'

# a dict to show all the options and their api functions.
funcs = {
    1: ('get all categories', 'get_categories'),
    2: ('get a category', 'get_category'),
    3: ('add a category', 'add_category'),
    4: ('update a category', 'update_category'),
    5: ('delete category', 'delete_category'),

              type=click.IntRange(1, len(funcs)),
              prompt='function option: ')
def run_function(function_id):
    """ based on the function number chosen by the user, it will execute the function """

    category = sys.modules[__name__]  # to be used by the getattr

    global funcs
    funcName = funcs[function_id][
        1]  # get the function name from the global dictionary funcs
Exemple #2
from configs import settings as conf, apis
import requests
import redis
from services.logger import get_logger
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

logger = get_logger(loggername='tokens')
cache = redis.Redis(host=conf.CACHE['REDIS']['URL'],
url = conf.API_URL

def get_token(user='******'):
    returns the token an active to to be used in the request header. It checks first for the
    token in the cache. If it's available, it will return it. If not not, it will call the token api
    to and get the access token and refreshed token. Both will be stored in the cache.  


    token = cache.get('token')

    # if the token is found in the cache, check the last_verified. if it's less then 10 min, return
    # the token. else verify it.

    if token:  # token in the cache. check verify timestamp
        token = token.decode('ASCII')
        logger.debug("token found in the cache")

        # if the token has been verified less than 10 minutes ago, return it
        if get_token_cached_times_diff(cached_key='last_verified',
Exemple #3
import click
from services.logger import get_logger
from services.requester import make_request
import sys

logger = get_logger(loggername='currency')
api_name = 'currency'

funcs = {
    1: ('currency code', 'get_code'),
    2: ('currency amount converter', 'convert_currency'),
    3: ('currency current rate', 'get_rate'),
    4: ('currency rate for all currencies', 'get_all_rates'),

              type=click.IntRange(1, len(funcs)),
              prompt='function option: ')
def run_function(function_id):
    """ based on the function number chosen by the user, it will execute the function """

    currency = sys.modules[__name__]  # to be used by the getattr

    global funcs
    funcName = funcs[function_id][
        1]  # get the function name from the global dictionary funcs
    getattr(currency, funcName)()  #execute the chosen function
Exemple #4
from configs import settings as conf, apis
import requests
from services.logger import get_logger
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from services.tokens import get_token

logger = get_logger(loggername='requester')

def make_request(*args, action='str', api=dict, **kwargs):
    makes the http request and returns a response. It takes the following args:
    1- *args: this is an optional args tuple used for the get parameters request. 
            values will be split by a / at the end of the api. all values have to be a string.
    2- action: this is mandatory str type value that determines the action used in the request.
               possible actions are GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. The value is case insensative.
    3- api: this is a mandatory dict type value that determines the api and it's path to be used.
    4- **kwargs: a key value pair of values used for the params arg in the request. 


    api = apis.API[api[0]][api[1]]  # get the api url from the config
    logger.debug("api: %s", api)
    api_request = conf.API_URL + api  # append the api path to the url
    token = 'Bearer '.__add__(
        get_token())  # get the token from the get_token method.

    # create a header object which can hold other values than the token
    header = {
        "Authorization": token,