def get_payment_responsable_data(family_id): url, db, username, password, version = get_odoo_settings() if not version or not services._validate_version(version): return get_payment_responsable_data_legacy(family_id) uid = services.authenticate_user(url, db, username, password) models = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(url)) result = models.execute_kw( db, uid, password, 'edoo.api.integration', 'get_payment_responsable_data', [{ 'parent_id': family_id, 'company_id': Odoo.CUSTOM_SETTINGS['company_pk'] }] ) role = result.get('errors') and 'Sin Cliente' or 'Cliente registrado' result.update({ 'display_as': 'user', 'role': role, 'profile_picture': Odoo.DEFAULT_AVATAR }) return result
def search_clients_legacy(query): url, db, username, password, version = get_odoo_settings() uid = services.authenticate_user(url, db, username, password) models = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(url)) partners = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_read', [[ '|', ['ref', 'ilike', query], ['name', 'ilike', query], ['child_ids', '!=', False] ]] ) partner_ids = list(map(lambda x: int(x['id']), partners)) comercial_partners = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_read', [[['parent_id', 'in', partner_ids], ['type', '=', 'invoice']]] ) result = [] for partner in partners: # Look for comercial partner # Logic 1 cm = next((x for x in comercial_partners if x['parent_id'][0] == partner['id']), None) # Logic 2 # cm = None # for comercial_partner in comercial_partners: # if comercial_partner['parent_id'][0] == partner['id']: # cm = comercial_partner # break addresses = [cm['street'], cm['street2'], cm['city']] if cm else [] client_object = { 'display_as': 'user', 'client_id': partner['id'], 'client_name': partner['name'], 'client_ref': partner['ref'], 'comercial_id': cm['id'] if cm else None, 'comercial_name': cm['name'] if cm else None, 'comercial_number': cm['vat'] if (cm and cm['vat']) else None, 'comercial_address': " ".join(address for address in addresses if address), 'comercial_email': cm['email'] if (cm and cm['email']) else None, 'profile_picture': Odoo.DEFAULT_AVATAR, 'first_name': partner['name'], 'role': "Cliente registrado" } result.append(client_object) return result
def get_payment_responsable_data_legacy(client_id): url, db, username, password, version = get_odoo_settings() uid = services.authenticate_user(url, db, username, password) models = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(url)) partner = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_read', [[['id', '=', client_id]]], {'limit': 1} ) if len(partner) != 1: raise Exception('No client found for id ' + str(client_id)) partner = partner[0] comercial_partners = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_read', [[['parent_id', '=', partner['id']], ['type', '=', 'invoice']]] ) # A client must have one comercial partner if len(comercial_partners) == 0: raise Exception('No comercial partner found for client ' + str(client_id)) elif len(comercial_partners) > 1: raise Exception('More than one comercial partner found for client ' + str(client_id)) comercial_partner = comercial_partners[0] addresses = [ comercial_partner['street'], comercial_partner['street2'], comercial_partner['city'] ] payment_responsable_client_id = client_id payment_responsable_comercial_id = comercial_partner['id'] payment_responsable_comercial_name = comercial_partner['name'] payment_responsable_comercial_number = comercial_partner['vat'] or '' payment_responsable_comercial_address = " ".join(address for address in addresses if address) payment_responsable_comercial_email = comercial_partner['email'] or '' return { 'display_as': 'user', 'client_id': payment_responsable_client_id, 'client_name': partner['name'], 'client_ref': partner['ref'], 'comercial_id': payment_responsable_comercial_id, 'comercial_name': payment_responsable_comercial_name, 'comercial_number': payment_responsable_comercial_number, 'comercial_address': payment_responsable_comercial_address, 'comercial_email': payment_responsable_comercial_email, 'profile_picture': Odoo.DEFAULT_AVATAR, 'first_name': partner['name'], 'role': "Cliente registrado" }
def get_data_clients(client_ids, fields): url, db, username, password, version = get_odoo_settings() uid = services.authenticate_user(url, db, username, password) models = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(url)) fields.append('parent_id') comercial_clients = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_read', [[['parent_id', 'in', client_ids], ['type', '=', 'invoice']]], {'fields': fields} ) return comercial_clients
def post_client(data): url, db, username, password, version = get_odoo_settings() if not version or not services._validate_version(version): return post_client_legacy(data) uid = services.authenticate_user(url, db, username, password) models = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(url)) partner = models.execute_kw( db, uid, password, 'edoo.api.integration', 'post_client', [{ 'name': data.get('name') }] ) return partner
def get_client(client_id): url, db, username, password, version = get_odoo_settings() uid = services.authenticate_user(url, db, username, password) models = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(url)) client = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_read', [[['id', '=', client_id]]] ) if not len(client): return None return client[0]
def post_client_legacy(data): url, db, username, password, version = get_odoo_settings() uid = services.authenticate_user(url, db, username, password) models = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(url)) odoo_client_id = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'create', [{ 'name': data['name'], }] ) odoo_client = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_read', [[['id', '=', odoo_client_id]]] ) return odoo_client[0]
def get_account_statement(clients, filters): url, db, username, password, version = get_odoo_settings() uid = services.authenticate_user(url, db, username, password) models = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(url)) transactions_by_client = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'edoo.api.integration', 'get_account_statement', [{ 'clients': clients, 'allowed_invoice_journals': get_allowed_invoice_journals(), 'allowed_payment_journals': get_allowed_payment_journals(), 'filters': filters }] ) return transactions_by_client
def search_clients(query): url, db, username, password, version = get_odoo_settings() if not version or not services._validate_version(version): return search_clients_legacy(query) uid = services.authenticate_user(url, db, username, password) models = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(url)) partners = models.execute_kw( db, uid, password, 'edoo.api.integration', 'search_clients', [{ 'word': query }] ) for partner in partners: partner.update({ 'display_as': 'user', 'role': 'Cliente registrado', 'profile_picture': Odoo.DEFAULT_AVATAR, }) return partners
def register_client_legacy( student_client_id='', student_profile=None, student_tutors=[], client_id='', client_name='', client_ref='', comercial_id='', comercial_address='', comercial_number='', comercial_name='', comercial_email=''): """ client_id: family id, odoo contact top level student_client_id: student id, odoo contact child level comercial_id: family comercial id, odoo contact child level """ url, db, username, password, version = get_odoo_settings() uid = services.authenticate_user(url, db, username, password) models = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(url)) # Setup codes instance_prefix = Odoo.CUSTOM_SETTINGS['instance_prefix'] family_code_prefix = Odoo.CUSTOM_SETTINGS['family_code_prefix'] comercial_code_sufix = Odoo.CUSTOM_SETTINGS['comercial_code_sufix'] family_code = instance_prefix + family_code_prefix + client_ref family_name = client_name comercial_code = instance_prefix + family_code_prefix + client_ref + comercial_code_sufix tutors_emails = map(lambda x:, student_tutors) if student_tutors else [] # Fallback for None type student_profile.user.first_name = student_profile.user.first_name or '' student_profile.user.last_name = student_profile.user.last_name or '' # -------- Family contact -------- # Update family contact if client_id: family_id = client_id models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'write', [ [family_id], { 'email': ",".join(tutors_emails) } ]) # Create family contact else: family_id = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'create', [{ 'ref': family_code.encode('utf-8'), 'name': family_name.encode('utf-8'), 'email': ",".join(tutors_emails), 'company_id': Odoo.CUSTOM_SETTINGS['company_pk'] }]) # -------- Family comercial contact -------- # Update family comercial contact if comercial_id: family_comercial_id = comercial_id models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'write', [ [family_comercial_id], { 'street': comercial_address.encode('utf-8'), 'vat': comercial_number, 'name': comercial_name.encode('utf-8'), 'email': comercial_email, 'parent_id': family_id, 'type': 'invoice' } ]) # Create family comercial contact else: family_comercial_id = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'create', [{ 'ref': comercial_code, 'street': comercial_address.encode('utf-8'), 'vat': comercial_number, 'name': comercial_name.encode('utf-8'), 'email': comercial_email, 'parent_id': family_id, 'type': 'invoice', 'company_id': Odoo.CUSTOM_SETTINGS['company_pk'] }]) # Update 'vat' separately because it is not set during creation. # TODO: Fix this issue in Odoo. models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'write', [ [family_comercial_id], { 'vat': comercial_number } ]) # -------- Student contact -------- # Reasign family if student_client_id exists if student_client_id: student_id = student_client_id student = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_read', [[['id', '=', student_id]]], {'limit': 1} ) if len(student) != 1: raise Exception('No client found for id ' + str(student_id)) student = student[0] # Check if family has changed for the student if student['parent_id'] and student['parent_id'][0] != family_id: # Get family partner because we need its current 'ref'. old_family = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_read', [[['id', '=', student['parent_id'][0]]]], {'limit': 1, 'fields': ['ref']} ) old_family = old_family[0] # Get family comercial partner because we need its current 'ref'. old_comercial_partner = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_read', [[['parent_id', '=', old_family['id']], ['type', '=', 'invoice']]], {'limit': 1, 'fields': ['ref']} ) if len(old_comercial_partner) != 1: raise Exception('No comercial partner found for client ' + str(old_family['id'])) old_comercial_partner = old_comercial_partner[0] # If student_id was used, it will have associated invoices invoice_count = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'account.invoice', 'search_count', [[['partner_shipping_id', '=', student_id], ['state', 'in', ['open','paid']]]] ) # Archive student if invoice_count: models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'write', [ [student_id], { 'ref': (student['ref'] or '') + 'INACTIVE', 'active': False } ]) # Unlink student else: models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'unlink', [ [student_id] ]) family_students_count = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'search_count', [[['parent_id', '=', old_family['id']], ['type', '=', 'contact']]] ) # Family doesn't have more students if not family_students_count: account_move_lines_count = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'account.move.line', 'search_count', [[['partner_id', '=', old_family['id']]]] ) # Archive family and comercial partner if account_move_lines_count: # Disable family partner models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'write', [ [old_family['id']], { 'ref': (old_family['ref'] or '') + 'INACTIVE', 'active': False } ]) # Disable family comercial partner models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'write', [ [old_comercial_partner['id']], { 'ref': (old_comercial_partner['ref'] or '') + 'INACTIVE', 'active': False } ]) # Unlink family and comercial partner else: models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'unlink', [ [old_family['id'], old_comercial_partner['id']] ]) # Create new student with new family student_id = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'create', [{ 'ref': instance_prefix + student_profile.code, 'name': '{0}, {1}'.format( student_profile.user.first_name.encode('utf-8'), student_profile.user.last_name.encode('utf-8') ), 'email':, 'parent_id': family_id, 'company_id': Odoo.CUSTOM_SETTINGS['company_pk'] }]) # Update student contact else: models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'write', [ [student_id], { 'ref': '{}{}'.format(instance_prefix, student_profile.code), 'name': '{0}, {1}'.format( student_profile.user.first_name.encode('utf-8'), student_profile.user.last_name.encode('utf-8') ), 'email': } ]) # Create student contact else: student_id = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'res.partner', 'create', [{ 'ref': instance_prefix + student_profile.code, 'name': '{0}, {1}'.format( student_profile.user.first_name.encode('utf-8'), student_profile.user.last_name.encode('utf-8') ), 'email':, 'parent_id': family_id, 'company_id': Odoo.CUSTOM_SETTINGS['company_pk'] }]) # Response client_id = student_id payment_responsable_client_id = family_id payment_responsable_comercial_id = family_comercial_id return ( client_id, payment_responsable_client_id, payment_responsable_comercial_id, None, None )
def register_client( student_client_id=False, student_profile=None, student_tutors=[], client_id=False, client_name='', client_ref=False, comercial_id=False, comercial_address='', comercial_number='', comercial_name='', comercial_email=''): """ client_id: family id, odoo contact top level student_client_id: student id, odoo contact child level comercial_id: family comercial id, odoo contact child level """ url, db, username, password, version = get_odoo_settings() print version, type(version) if not version or not services._validate_version(version): return register_client_legacy( student_client_id, student_profile, student_tutors, client_id, client_name, client_ref, comercial_id, comercial_address, comercial_number, comercial_name, comercial_email ) student_client_id = student_client_id or False client_id = client_id or False comercial_id = comercial_id or False uid = services.authenticate_user(url, db, username, password) models = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(url)) company_id = Odoo.CUSTOM_SETTINGS['company_pk'] family_code = client_ref or False data = { 'company_id': company_id, 'family': { 'id': client_id, 'emails': [ for tutor in student_tutors], 'company_id': company_id, 'name': client_name.encode('utf-8'), 'ref': family_code }, 'commercial_contact': { 'id': comercial_id, 'address': comercial_address.encode('utf-8'), 'vat': comercial_number, 'name': comercial_name.encode('utf-8'), 'email': comercial_email, 'parent_id': client_id, 'type': 'invoice', 'company_id': company_id }, 'student': { 'id': student_client_id, 'ref': student_profile.code, 'name': student_profile.user.formal_name.encode('utf-8'), 'email':, 'parent_id': client_id, 'company_id': company_id, 'level_id': if student_profile.level else False } } res = models.execute_kw( db, uid, password, 'edoo.api.integration', 'register_client', [data] ) if 'errors' in res: return ( None, None, None, None, res.get('errors') ) return ( res.get('client_id'), res.get('payment_responsable_client_id'), res.get('payment_responsable_comercial_id'), res.get('student_ref'), None )
def get_account_statement_legacy(client_id, comercial_id, filters): url, db, username, password, version = get_odoo_settings() comercial_id = int(comercial_id) client_id = int(client_id) allowed_invoice_journals = get_allowed_invoice_journals() allowed_payment_journals = get_allowed_payment_journals() uid = services.authenticate_user(url, db, username, password) models = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('{}/xmlrpc/2/object'.format(url)) query_filters = [ '|', ['partner_id', '=', comercial_id], ['commercial_partner_id', '=', comercial_id], ['journal_id', 'in', allowed_invoice_journals], ['state', 'in', ['open','paid']] ] if ('date_start' in filters): # Throw error if date_start does not match format '%Y-%m-%d' time.strptime(filters['date_start'], '%Y-%m-%d') query_filters.append(['date', '>=', filters['date_start']]) if ('date_end' in filters): # Throw error if date_end does not match format '%Y-%m-%d' time.strptime(filters['date_end'], '%Y-%m-%d') query_filters.append(['date', '<=', filters['date_end']]) """ -------------------------------------------- Invoices -------------------------------------------- """ # Get client invoices. account_invoices = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'account.invoice', 'search_read', [query_filters], {'order': 'company_id, date_invoice'} ) account_invoice_line_ids = [] transactions_by_company = [] company_invoices = [] prev_company_id = None prev_company_name = None # Get the information that interests us, grouping by company. for account_invoice in account_invoices: company_id = account_invoice['company_id'][0] company_name = account_invoice['company_id'][1] if (prev_company_id and prev_company_id != company_id): transactions_by_company.append({ 'company_id': prev_company_id, 'company_name': prev_company_name, 'invoices': company_invoices, 'payments': [], 'balance': 0 }) company_invoices = [] invoice = { 'id': account_invoice['id'], 'number': account_invoice['number'], 'date_invoice': account_invoice['date_invoice'], 'date_due': account_invoice['date_due'], 'amount_total_signed': account_invoice['amount_total_signed'], 'invoice_line_ids': account_invoice['invoice_line_ids'], 'reconciled': account_invoice['reconciled'], 'journal_id': account_invoice['journal_id'], 'type': account_invoice['type'] } account_invoice_line_ids.extend(account_invoice['invoice_line_ids']) company_invoices.append(invoice) prev_company_id = company_id prev_company_name = company_name # The algorithm of the previous loop does not add the last company_invoices. # Add it if the loop was entered. if prev_company_id: transactions_by_company.append({ 'company_id': prev_company_id, 'company_name': prev_company_name, 'invoices': company_invoices, 'payments': [], 'balance': 0 }) # Get the details of the invoices to get the descriptions. account_invoice_lines = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'account.invoice.line', 'search_read', [[['id', 'in', account_invoice_line_ids]]] ) invoice_line_indexed = {} for account_invoice_line in account_invoice_lines: invoice_line_indexed[account_invoice_line['id']] = { 'display_name': account_invoice_line['display_name'], 'x_price_included': account_invoice_line['x_price_included'] } # Include descriptions. for company_data in transactions_by_company: for invoice in company_data['invoices']: invoice['invoice_lines'] = map( lambda x: { 'id': x, 'display_name': invoice_line_indexed[x]['display_name'], 'x_price_included': invoice_line_indexed[x]['x_price_included'] }, invoice['invoice_line_ids'] ) # This key will no longer serve us. invoice.pop('invoice_line_ids') query_filters = [ ['partner_id', '=', client_id], ['journal_id', 'in', allowed_payment_journals] ] if ('date_start' in filters): # Throw error if date_start does not match format '%Y-%m-%d' time.strptime(filters['date_start'], '%Y-%m-%d') query_filters.append(['payment_date', '>=', filters['date_start']]) if ('date_end' in filters): # Throw error if date_end does not match format '%Y-%m-%d' time.strptime(filters['date_end'], '%Y-%m-%d') query_filters.append(['payment_date', '<=', filters['date_end']]) """ -------------------------------------------- Payments -------------------------------------------- """ # Get client payments. account_payments = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'account.payment', 'search_read', [query_filters], {'order': 'company_id, payment_date'} ) company_payments = []; prev_company_id = None prev_company_name = None # Get the information that interests us, grouping by company. for account_payment in account_payments: company_id = account_payment['company_id'][0] company_name = account_payment['company_id'][1] if (prev_company_id and prev_company_id != company_id): # Add payment info to the respective company. for company_data in transactions_by_company: if (company_data['company_id'] == company_id): company_data['payments'] = company_payments break company_payments = [] payment = { 'id': account_payment['id'], 'display_name': account_payment['display_name'], 'payment_date': account_payment['payment_date'], 'amount': account_payment['amount'], 'state': account_payment['state'], 'journal_id': account_payment['journal_id'], 'payment_type': account_payment['payment_type'] } company_payments.append(payment) prev_company_id = company_id prev_company_name = company_name # The algorithm of the previous loop does not add the last company_payments. # Add it if the loop was entered. if prev_company_id: # Add payment info to the respective company. for company_data in transactions_by_company: if (company_data['company_id'] == prev_company_id): company_data['payments'] = company_payments break """ -------------------------------------------- Balance calc for each company -------------------------------------------- """ account_acount_ids = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'account.account', 'search', [[['internal_type', '=', 'receivable']]] ) # Get invoice lines. account_move_lines = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password, 'account.move.line', 'search_read', [[ ['partner_id', '=', client_id], ['date', '<', filters['date_start']], ['account_id', 'in', account_acount_ids] ]], {'order': 'company_id'} ) prev_company_id = None current_balance = 0 for account_move_line in account_move_lines: company_id = account_move_line['company_id'][0] if (prev_company_id and prev_company_id != company_id): # Add balance to the respective company. for company_data in transactions_by_company: if (company_data['company_id'] == company_id): company_data['balance'] = current_balance break current_balance = 0 current_balance += account_move_line['balance'] prev_company_id = company_id if prev_company_id: # Add balance to the respective company. for company_data in transactions_by_company: if (company_data['company_id'] == prev_company_id): company_data['balance'] = current_balance break return transactions_by_company