Exemple #1
    async def left(self, ctx):
        """Lists coaches left to finish current tournament phase"""
        room = ctx.channel.name

        coaches = TournamentService.left_phase(room)
        phase = TournamentService.get_phase(room)
        msg = f"**Phase:** {phase}\n**Left:**\n"
        for coach in coaches:
            msg += f"{coach.short_name()}\n"
        await ctx.send(msg)
Exemple #2
    async def done(self, ctx):
        """Confirms Special Play, Inducement and Blood Bowl phase"""
        coach = CoachService.discord_user_to_coach(ctx.author)
        room = ctx.channel.name

        if coach is None:
            await ctx.send(
                f"Coach {ctx.author.mention} does not exist. Use !newcoach to create coach first."

        if TournamentService.get_phase(room) in [
                Tourn.DB_PHASE, Tourn.LOCKED_PHASE
            msg = "This command has no effect in this phase. Go and commit your deck!"
        elif TournamentService.confirm_phase(coach, room):
            msg = f"Phase confirmed for {coach.short_name()}"
            msg = "No deck found!"
        await ctx.send(msg)