def default(cls): return cls( ROOT.joinpath(defaults.SASS_SRC_DIR, 'scss'), ROOT.joinpath(defaults.SASS_BUILD_DIR), cls.get_default_paths(), cls.get_default_functions(), )
def supervisordconf(): ctx = DeployContext() includes = [] daemons_conf_dir = ROOT.joinpath('etc/supervisord/daemons/') daemons_conf_dir.makedirs_p() for daemon in daemons: daemon_conf = daemons_conf_dir.joinpath( + '.conf') includes.append(daemon_conf) info('Writing daemon %s', daemon) write_config(daemon_conf, { 'program:{}'.format( { 'command': daemon.command, 'environment': ','.join('{}="{}"'.format(key, val) for key, val in daemon.environ.items()) }, }) groups_conf_dir = ROOT.joinpath('etc/supervisord/groups/') groups_conf_dir.makedirs_p() for group in daemons.groups(): group_conf = groups_conf_dir.joinpath( + '.conf') includes.append(group_conf) info('Writing group %s', group) write_config(group_conf, { 'group:{}'.format( { 'programs': ','.join( for d in group), } }) supervisorctl_conf = ROOT.joinpath('etc/supervisord/supervisorctl.conf') write_config(supervisorctl_conf, { 'supervisorctl': { 'serverurl': 'unix://' + SOCKET, }, }) supervisord_conf = ROOT.joinpath(defaults.SUPERVISORDCONF) write_config(supervisord_conf, { 'rpcinterface:supervisor': { 'supervisor.rpcinterface_factory': 'supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface', }, 'unix_http_server': { 'file': SOCKET, 'chown': '{UID}:{GID}'.format(**ctx), }, 'supervisord': { 'logfile': LOGS.joinpath('supervisord.log'), 'pidfile': PIDFILE, }, 'include': { 'files': ' '.join(includes), } })
def get_default_paths(self): sp = defaults.SASS_PATH if not sp: return [] if isinstance(sp, string_types): return sp.split(':') if isinstance(sp, collections.Iterable): return [ROOT.joinpath(d) for d in sp] bc = ROOT.joinpath('bower_components/'), if bc.isdir(): return [bc] return []
def uglify(args): for name in args: input = ROOT.joinpath('scripts/js/', name + '.js') output = ROOT.joinpath('static/js/', name + '.js') sh([ which.node, which.uglifyjs, input, '-o', output, '--source-map', output + '.map', '--source-map-url', name + '', '--compress', '--mangle', ])
def get_builds(self, source, args): """ Returns a list of ``RJSBuild`` instances for the given modules. """ params = dict(self.params) params.pop('appdir', None) for name in args: out = ROOT.joinpath(self.outdir, name + '.js') cache = FilesListComparator(out) yield self.build_class(name, source, out, params, cache)
def supervisord(): """Wrapper to control supervisord""" supervisord_conf = ROOT.joinpath(defaults.SUPERVISORDCONF) try: return Daemon( [which.supervisord, '-c', supervisord_conf], daemonize=lambda pidfile: ['--pidfile', pidfile], pid_file=PIDFILE, ) except which.NotInstalled: return
def virtual_static(args): """ Collect the static in the directory given in argument """ tempdir, = args args = ['collectstatic', '--verbosity', '0', '--noinput', '--link'] from django.conf import settings from django.test.utils import override_settings, modify_settings with override_settings(STATIC_ROOT=tempdir): with modify_settings(STATICFILES_DIRS={ 'append': getattr(settings, 'STATICFILES_DIRS_DEV', []), 'remove': [ # Remove with and without trailing / ROOT.joinpath(defaults.RJS_BUILD_DIR).normpath().parent, ROOT.joinpath(defaults.RJS_BUILD_DIR).normpath().parent.joinpath(''), ] }): call_task('django', args=args)
def make_jinja_instance(): debug('Creating jinja instance') location = path(__file__).dirname().joinpath('templates') debug('Loading builtin templates from %s', location) loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(location) # Built in templates if ROOT.joinpath(defaults.DEPLOY_TEMPLATES_DIR): location = ROOT.joinpath(defaults.DEPLOY_TEMPLATES_DIR) debug('Loading templates from %s', location) # Load users or builtin loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader([ jinja2.FileSystemLoader(location), loader, jinja2.PrefixLoader({ 'super': loader, }) ]) jinja = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader) jinja.filters['as_bool'] = lambda x: x if x != 'false' else False return jinja
def render_template(template, destination_path, context=tuple()): """ Render a jinja2 template into a file """ destination_path = ROOT.joinpath(destination_path) destination_path.dirname().makedirs() template = _get_template(template) rendered = template.render(DeployContext(context)) info('Writing %s', destination_path) with open(destination_path, 'w') as destination: destination.write(rendered)
def get_root(): root = ROOT while True: if root == '/': break node_modules = root.joinpath('node_modules') if node_modules.isdir(): break root = root.parent else: node_modules = ROOT.joinpath('node_modules') debug('Node modules is %s', node_modules) return node_modules
def pip_req(args): """Install a pip package and add it to the requirements.txt""" package = args[0] call_task("pip_install", [package]) requirements = ROOT.joinpath(defaults.REQUIREMENTS) with open(requirements, "r+") as req_txt: for line in req_txt: if line.strip() == package: info("%s already present in %s", package, requirements) break else: info("Adding %s to %s", package, requirements) req_txt.write("{}\n".format(package))
def link_latest(): dist = _get_distribution() name = dist.get_name() prefix = len(dist.get_fullname()) + 1 for cmd, x, file in dist.dist_files: file = path(file) ext = file.basename()[prefix:] link = ROOT.joinpath('dist/{}-latest.{}'.format(name, ext)) if link.islink(): os.unlink(link) info('Link %s to %s', link, file.basename()) file.basename().symlink(link)
def rjs(options): """Usage: rjs [-f|--force] [-B|--builder builder_class_path] [-p APP] [-p APP...] Build a requirejs app. Rjs will call the virtual_static class (the default implementation is sett.requirejs.virtual_static). This task should copy or link in the temp dir given as the first arg all the static files required for the compilation as if it was the static root. Rjs requires npm apps requirejs. It will instanciate a builder class from the class loaded from builder_class_path (sett.requirejs.RJSBuilder by default) and launch a build either only of the apps given by the -p flag in the command line or all autodiscovered apps when no -p is given. The built files will be created in default.RJS_BUILD_DIR (build/static/js). Default behavior of rjs is to build autonomous files that contains almond and all their namespace. This behavior can be configured in a new builder class. """ outdir = ROOT.joinpath(defaults.RJS_BUILD_DIR) outdir.makedirs() rjs_params = dict(defaults.RJS_PARAMS) command_params = getattr(options, 'rjs_params', {}) if not isinstance(command_params, dict): command_params = [x.split('=', 1) for x in command_params] rjs_params.update(command_params) Builder = _cls(options, 'builder', RJSBuilder) BuildClass = _cls(options, 'build_class', AlmondRJSBuild) debug('Launching %s (%s)', Builder.__name__, BuildClass.__name__) buidler = Builder( force=options.get('force', False), outdir=outdir, build_class=BuildClass, params=rjs_params, ) with Tempdir() as tempdir: call_task('virtual_static', args=[tempdir]) buidler(tempdir.joinpath('js'), options.get('paths', []))
def local_service_path(self): return self._local_service_path or ROOT.joinpath('etc/systemd.service')
def pip_setup(): """Install the requirements.txt""" requirements = ROOT.joinpath(defaults.REQUIREMENTS) call_task("pip_install", args=["-r", requirements])
def get_compass_dir(): return ROOT.joinpath(defaults.COMPASS_DIR)
setup( name='sett', version=find_version('sett/'), packages=setuptools.find_packages( include=[ 'sett', 'sett.*', ], exclude=[ ] ), url='', author=u'Grégoire ROCHER', author_email='*****@*****.**', install_requires=parse_requirements('requirements.txt'), include_package_data=True, ) @task @FileReplacer(ROOT.joinpath('requirements_minimal.txt'), ROOT.joinpath('requirements.txt')) def make_minimal(): call_task('') try: with open(ROOT.joinpath(''), 'r') as localpavement: exec_(, locals(), globals()) except (IOError, ImportError) as e: pass
def pid_file(self): return self._pid_file or ROOT.joinpath('var/pid/', + '.pid')
def supervisorctl(args): """Wrapper to launch supervisorctl""" sh([ which.supervisorctl, '-c', ROOT.joinpath('etc/supervisord/supervisorctl.conf'), ] + args)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import subprocess from paver.easy import task, consume_args, call_task, debug, sh, might_call, path, info from sett import defaults, which, ROOT from sett.bin import DirectorySearcher from sett.utils import BaseInstalledPackages gem_home = os.environ.get('GEM_HOME') if gem_home is None: GEM_HOME = ROOT.joinpath(defaults.GEM_HOME) else: GEM_HOME = ROOT.joinpath(gem_home) class InstalledGems(BaseInstalledPackages): def __contains__(self, gem): if ':' in gem: gem, version = gem.split(':', 1) return super(InstalledGems, self).__contains__(gem) def evaluate(self): if not GEM_HOME.exists(): return [] env = dict(os.environ)
import sys from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET from paver.easy import task, info, path, debug from paver.deps.six import text_type from sett import which, ROOT, defaults, optional_import from sett.daemon import Daemon, daemon_task from sett.paths import LOGS from sett.pip import VENV_DIR from sett.deploy_context import DeployContext yaml = optional_import('yaml') UWSGI_PATH = ROOT.joinpath('var') CONFIG_ROOT = ROOT.joinpath('parts/uwsgi/') @DeployContext.register_default def uwsgi_context(): return { 'uwsgi': { 'config': get_uwsgi_output().config_path, }, 'ctl': '{} daemon'.format(path(sys.argv[0]).abspath()), } @DeployContext.register_default
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import functools from sett import ROOT, DeployContext, which, defaults from paver.easy import task, debug, consume_args, sh, info from sett.daemon import daemon_task, Daemon from sett.paths import LOGS SOCKET = ROOT.joinpath('var/run/supervisor.sock') PIDFILE = ROOT.joinpath('var/run/') @task @consume_args def supervisorctl(args): """Wrapper to launch supervisorctl""" sh([ which.supervisorctl, '-c', ROOT.joinpath('etc/supervisord/supervisorctl.conf'), ] + args) @daemon_task def supervisord(): """Wrapper to control supervisord""" supervisord_conf = ROOT.joinpath(defaults.SUPERVISORDCONF) try: return Daemon(