def proj_S(D_c): # columns of D_c are general configurations in C^N '''converts non-zero columns of D_c to preshapes, by projecting them on the subspace rthogonal to u {d | u.T.conj() Phi d = 0)} and then normalizing them. Those which are zero are left as they are. ''' from settings import uu J = D_c.shape[1] for j in range(J): d = D_c[:, j] no = norm(d) if no > 1e-8: orth_d = her(uu, d) * uu d = d - orth_d d = d / norm(d) D_c[:, j] = d return D_c
def normalize(D_c): # columns of D_c are centered configurations ''' Same as proj_S(), but we know that all the columns are already centered. ''' J = D_c.shape[1] for j in range(J): d = D_c[:, j] no = norm(d) if no > 1e-8: D_c[:, j] = d / no return D_c
def display_res(dataset, DA, k, save=False, directory=None): '''Auxiliary function of display. display_res() show the reconstruction for data z_k''' print('k = ', k) z = dataset[k] w = DA[:, k] # not necessarily normalized ta = theta(z, z0) z = np.exp(1j * ta) * z w = np.exp(1j * ta) * w norm_error = np.round(norm(z - w).real, 4) draw(z, i=7, comparing=True) # i = 7 for gray draw(w, i=0) plt.axis('equal') plt.axis('off') title_text = '$ |z_k - D \\alpha_k|_\\Phi : {} \% $'.format( np.round(100 * norm_error, 4)) plt.title(title_text, fontsize=20, y=1) if save: plt.savefig(directory + '/rec_' + str(k) + '.png', dpi=200)
def expo(z, v): # z preshape, v in C^n referring to a tangent vector '''Computes the exponential of v at z, that corresponds to a preshape''' t = norm(v) if t < 1e-16: return z return cos(t) * z + sin(t) / t * v
if learn_dico: if SAVE: directory = 'RESULTS/' + database[choice] + '/N0_' + str( N0) + '_J_' + str(J) if not os.path.exists(directory): print('CREATING THE FOLDER') os.makedirs(directory) else: if os.path.exists(directory + '/dico_alignfirst.png'): SAVE = False print('WILL NOT OVERWRITE PREVIOUS SAVED RESULTS') D, A, E_AF = alignfirst_dico(shapes, N0, J, save=SAVE, directory=directory, verbose=True) for j in range( J ): # normalize to obtain preshaped atoms (the atoms are already centered) no = norm(D[:, j]) if no > 1e-3: D[:, j] /= no A[:, ] *= no else: print('did not normalize because small norm for j = ', j)
def KSD_optimal_directions_multiproc_ORMP(dataset, N0, J, init=None, Ntimes=100, batch_size=1024, verbose=False, save=False, directory=None): '''See KSD_optimal_directions(). THIS FUNCTION IS INTERESTING ONLY FOR LARGE DATASETS (K > 4000 for instance). In this function, the ORMP sparse coding step in computed in parallel and independently on the different z_k, by randomly chosen batches of size given in batch_size, thanks to the multiprocessing library run with the function OMRP_multiproc_helper(). ''' K = len(dataset) if type(init) == np.ndarray: D_c = init else: D_c = initializeD_c(J, dataset) if verbose: print('Initializing the dictionary.') drawMany(D_c.T, force=True) lossCurve = np.array([]) A_c = np.zeros((J, K), dtype=complex) print("Let's wait for {} iterations...".format(Ntimes)) start = time.time() for t in range(Ntimes): if t % 5 == 0: print('t =', t) indices = np.arange(K) random.shuffle(indices) indices = indices[:batch_size] 'parallel ORMP used, avoids distorted atoms but increases run-time' G = D_c.T.conj() @ Phi @ D_c pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) results = pool.starmap( OMRP_multiproc_helper, zip(indices, repeat(D_c), repeat(dataset), repeat(G), repeat(N0))) pool.close() A_c[:, indices] = np.array(results).T if verbose: diffs = dataset.T - D_c @ A_c if K < 10000: E = np.diag(diffs.T.conj() @ Phi @ diffs).sum().real else: E = 0 for k in range(K): E += (diffs[:, k].conj() @ Phi @ diffs[:, k]).real lossCurve = np.append(lossCurve, E) try: Mat = np.linalg.inv(A_c @ A_c.T.conj()) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: global A_error A_error = A_c print('A @ A^H not invertible, using SVD') U, sigmas, VH = np.linalg.svd(A_c) sigmas_rec = reciprocal(sigmas) Sigma_rec = fill_diagonal(sigmas_rec, J, K) D_c = dataset.T @ VH.T.conj() @ Sigma_rec @ U.T.conj() else: D_c = dataset.T @ A_c.T.conj() @ Mat D_c = normalize(D_c) # the new atoms are preshaped purge_j = np.where((np.abs(A_c) > 1e-3).sum(axis=1) / K < N0 / (5 * J))[0] purged_list = [] for j in range(J): if norm(D_c[:, j]) < 1e-8 or j in purge_j: purged_list += [j] #print('purged ',j,'at iteration',t) D_c[:, j] = shapes[np.random.randint(K)] if len(purged_list) > 0: print('purged atoms ', purged_list, 'at iteration', t) print('using parallel ORMP to compute the final weights...') 'parallel ORMP used for the final computation' G = D_c.T.conj() @ Phi @ D_c pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) results = pool.starmap( OMRP_multiproc_helper, zip(range(K), repeat(D_c), repeat(dataset), repeat(G), repeat(N0))) pool.close() A_c = np.array(results).T elapsed = (time.time() - start) print('duration of the algorithm: ', np.round(elapsed, 2), 'seconds') diffs = dataset.T - D_c @ A_c if K < 10000: E = np.diag(diffs.T.conj() @ Phi @ diffs).sum().real else: E = 0 for k in range(K): E += (diffs[:, k].conj() @ Phi @ diffs[:, k]).real print('FINAL RESULTS') display(D_c, A_c, dataset, save=save, directory=directory) if verbose: lossCurve = np.append(lossCurve, E) plt.figure() plt.plot(np.arange(len(lossCurve)), lossCurve) plt.title('Loss curve for the KSD algorithm') if save: plt.savefig(directory + '/losscurve.png', dpi=100) drawMany(D_c.T, force=False, show=False) plt.title('KSD dictionary N0 = {} J = {}'.format(N0, J)) if save: plt.savefig(directory + '/dico_KSD.png', dpi=200) D_al = align_rot(D_c.T).T drawMany(D_al.T, force=False, show=False) plt.title('KSD rotated dictionary N0 = {} J = {}'.format(N0, J)) if save: plt.savefig(directory + '/dico_KSD_rotated.png', dpi=200) print('Final loss : ', E) print('RMSE :', np.sqrt(E / K)) if save: text_file = open(directory + '/readme.txt', 'a') text_file.write('\nduration of the algorithm: {} s \n \n'.format( np.round(elapsed, 2))) text_file.write('Final loss: {}\n'.format(E)) text_file.write('Final RMSE: {}\n'.format(np.sqrt(E / K))) text_file.close() return D_c, A_c, E
def KSD_optimal_directions(dataset, N0, J, init=None, Ntimes=100, verbose=False, save=False, directory=None): ''' The 2D Kendall Shape Dictionary classically alternates between: - a sparse coding step : the weights A are updated using a Cholesky-based Order Recursive Matching Pursuit (ORMP), as a direct adaptation to the complex setting of Mairal's implementation for the real setting in the SPAMS toolbox. - a dictionary update : following the Method of Optimal Directions (MOD), we update D as D <- [z_1,...,z_K] @ A^H @ (A @ A^H)^{-1} D <- Pi_S(D) (center and normalize all the non-null atoms d_j) and then replace under-utilized or null atoms by randomly picked data. An atom d_j is arbitrarily said to be under-utilized if (nb of data using d_j) / (K*N0) < 1 / (50*J) Parameters: - dataset in C^{(K,n)} is a complex array containing the horizontally stacked dataset [z_1,...,z_K]^T - N0 determines the L0 sparsity of the weights a_k - J fixes the number of atoms that we want to learn - init = None initializes the dictionary with randomly picked data shapes. if init is a given (n,J) complex array, then the initialization starts with init. - Ntimes is the number of iterations - if verbose == True, the algorithm keeps track of the loss function E to be minimized at each iteration. It saves time to set verbose = False. ''' K = len(dataset) if type(init) == np.ndarray: D_c = init else: D_c = initializeD_c(J, dataset) if verbose: print('Initializing the dictionary.') drawMany(D_c.T, force=True) lossCurve = np.array([]) print("Let's wait for {} iterations...".format(Ntimes)) start = time.time() for t in range(Ntimes): if t % 5 == 0: print('t =', t) A_c = ORMP_cholesky(D_c, dataset, N0) if verbose: diffs = dataset.T - D_c @ A_c if K < 10000: E = np.diag(diffs.T.conj() @ Phi @ diffs).sum().real else: E = 0 for k in range(K): E += (diffs[:, k].conj() @ Phi @ diffs[:, k]).real lossCurve = np.append(lossCurve, E) try: Mat = np.linalg.inv(A_c @ A_c.T.conj()) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: global A_error A_error = A_c print('A @ A^H not invertible, using SVD') U, sigmas, VH = np.linalg.svd(A_c) sigmas_rec = reciprocal(sigmas) Sigma_rec = fill_diagonal(sigmas_rec, J, K) D_c = dataset.T @ VH.T.conj() @ Sigma_rec @ U.T.conj() else: D_c = dataset.T @ A_c.T.conj() @ Mat D_c = normalize(D_c) # the new atoms are preshaped purge_j = np.where((np.abs(A_c) > 1e-3).sum(axis=1) / K < N0 / (5 * J))[0] for j in range(J): if norm(D_c[:, j]) < 1e-8 or j in purge_j: print('purged ', j, 'at iteration', t) D_c[:, j] = shapes[np.random.randint(K)] print('computing the final weights...') A_c = ORMP_cholesky(D_c, dataset, N0) elapsed = (time.time() - start) print('duration of the algorithm: ', np.round(elapsed, 2), 'seconds') diffs = dataset.T - D_c @ A_c if K < 10000: E = np.diag(diffs.T.conj() @ Phi @ diffs).sum().real else: E = 0 for k in range(K): E += (diffs[:, k].conj() @ Phi @ diffs[:, k]).real print('FINAL RESULTS') if verbose: display(D_c, A_c, dataset, save=save, directory=directory) lossCurve = np.append(lossCurve, E) plt.figure() plt.plot(np.arange(len(lossCurve)), lossCurve) plt.title('Loss curve for the KSD algorithm') if save: plt.savefig(directory + '/losscurve.png', dpi=100) drawMany(D_c.T, force=True, show=False) plt.title('KSD dictionary N0 = {} J = {}'.format(N0, J)) if save: plt.savefig(directory + '/dico_KSD.png', dpi=200) D_al = align_rot(D_c.T).T drawMany(D_al.T, force=True, show=False) plt.title('KSD rotated dictionary N0 = {} J = {}'.format(N0, J)) if save: plt.savefig(directory + '/dico_KSD_rotated.png', dpi=200) print('Final loss : ', E) print('RMSE :', np.sqrt(E / K)) if save: text_file = open(directory + '/readme.txt', 'a') text_file.write('\nduration of the algorithm: {} s \n \n'.format( np.round(elapsed, 2))) text_file.write('Final loss: {}\n'.format(E)) text_file.close() return D_c, A_c, E