def geojson_to_mongodb(import_file: str, target_db: str, target_col: str, osm=True): # Based on: | MIT License client = MongoClient(uri) db = client[target_db] collection = db[target_col] import_file_path = Path(import_file) if not import_file_path.is_file(): logging.error(f"Finish: Import file {import_file} does not exist.") return None with open(import_file_path, "r") as f:"Start: Opening GeoJSON file {import_file}.") try: geojson_file = json.loads( except ValueError as e: logging.error(f"JSON file {import_file} is invalid. Reason: {e}") return None if target_col in db.list_collection_names():"Start: Dropping existing collection {target_col}.") collection.drop() # create 2dsphere index and text indexes collection.create_index([("geometry", GEOSPHERE)]) if osm: collection.create_index([("properties.type", TEXT), ("", TEXT)]) bulk = collection.initialize_unordered_bulk_op() for feature in geojson_file["features"]: bulk.insert(feature)"Finish: Features loaded to object.") try:"Start: Loading features to collection {target_col}.") result = bulk.execute() f'Finish: Number of Features successully inserted: {result["nInserted"]} ' ) except BulkWriteError as bwe: n_inserted = bwe.details["nInserted"] err_msg = bwe.details["writeErrors"]"Errors encountered inserting features")"Number of Features successully inserted: {n_inserted} ")"The following errors were found:") for item in err_msg: print(f'Index of feature: {item["index"]}') print(f'Error code: {item["code"]}') f'Message(truncated due to data length): {item["errmsg"][0:120]}' )
def compare_osm_wikidata(file: str) -> str: file_path = Path(file) with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: try: data = json.load(json_file) wikidata_items = get_wikidata() for feature in data["features"]: osm_coords = feature["geometry"]["coordinates"] prop = feature["properties"] for key, value in wikidata_items.items(): wikidata_item = value["coordinates"] distance = round( geopy.distance.great_circle(osm_coords, wikidata_item).meters, 2) if distance < 10: keys = [key] names = [value["name"]] prop["wid"] = keys prop["wn"] = names except ValueError as e: logging.error(f"Value Error: {e}") return None with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: json.dump(data, json_file) print(file) return file
def filter_osm_geojson(file: str, tags: bool = True, coords: bool = True) -> str: file_path = Path(file) with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: try: data = json.load(json_file) for feature in data["features"]: if coords: feature["geometry"]["coordinates"] = format_coordinates( feature["geometry"]["coordinates"][0], feature["geometry"]["coordinates"][1], ) if tags: # Format other values for key, value in list( feature["properties"]["tags"].items()): prop = feature["properties"] if key == "name": if (validate_input(value, pow_filter_values, ["kościoła"]) or value.isupper()): prop["n"] = 1 if validate_input(value, pow_filter_short_values, ["kościoła"]): prop["s"] = 1 if key == "religion": prop["r"] = religion_mapping[value] if key == "building" and value == "yes": prop["b"] = 1 if key in ["opening_hours", "service_times" ] and validate_input( value, hours_filter_values): prop["o"] = 1 if "religion" not in prop["tags"]: prop["r"] = 1 if "denomination" not in prop["tags"]: prop["d"] = 1 if "diocese" not in prop["tags"]: prop["i"] = 1 if "deanery" not in prop["tags"]: prop["e"] = 1 except ValueError as e: logging.error(f"Value Error: {e}") return None with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: json.dump(data, json_file) return file
def export_date_to_html_file(import_date: datetime, export_html: str): export_folder = Path(export_html) paragraph = f"🗓️ Ostatnia aktualizacja danych: {import_date}" with open(export_folder, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(paragraph)"Finish: Statistics saved to .html file: {export_folder}.")
def filter_osm_geojson(file: str) -> str: file_path = Path(file) with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: try: data = json.load(json_file) for feature in data["features"]: # Format other values for key, value in list(feature["properties"]["tags"].items()): prop = feature["properties"] if key == "name": if (validate_input( value, pow_filter_values, ("kościoła", "Kościoła", "Apostolat", "świetlica"), ) or value.isupper()): prop["n"] = 1 if validate_input(value, pow_filter_short_values, ("kościoła")): prop["s"] = 1 if key == "religion": try: prop["r"] = religion_mapping[value] except KeyError: prop["r"] = 'other' if key == "building" and value == "yes": prop["b"] = 1 if key in ["opening_hours", "service_times"] and validate_input( value, hours_filter_values): prop["o"] = 1 if "religion" not in prop["tags"]: prop["r"] = 1 if "denomination" not in prop["tags"]: prop["d"] = 1 if "diocese" not in prop["tags"]: prop["i"] = 1 if "deanery" not in prop["tags"]: prop["e"] = 1 except ValueError as e: logging.error(f"Value Error: {e}") return None with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: json.dump(data, json_file) return file
def statistics_to_html_file(tag_label: str, query_result: list, export_stats: str): export_folder = Path(export_stats) body = "" header = f'<h2 class="is-4 is-5-touch has-text-brown has-text-weight-semibold">Tag <strong>{tag_label}</strong></h2><div class="table-container"><table class="table">' table_header = ( f"<thead><tr><th>{tag_label}</th><th>wystąpienia</th></tr></thead><thbody>" ) elems = [ f"<tr><td>{elem['_id']}</td><td>{elem['count']}</td></tr>" for elem in query_result ] elems_str = "".join(elems) footer = "</tbody></table></div>" body = header + table_header + elems_str + footer with open(export_folder, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(body)"Finish: Statistics saved to .html file: {export_folder}.")
def simplify_geojson(file: str, simplify_ratio=0.3): file_path = Path(file) with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: try: data = json.load(json_file) for feature in data["features"]: geo = feature["geometry"] feature["geometry"] = vw.simplify_geometry( geo, ratio=simplify_ratio) except ValueError as e: logging.error(f"Value Error: {e}") return None with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: json.dump(data, json_file) return file
def simplify_geojson_geometry(file: str, fp: int = 5): file_path = Path(file) with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: try: data = json.load(json_file) for feature in data["features"]: feature["geometry"]["coordinates"] = format_coordinates( feature["geometry"]["coordinates"][0], feature["geometry"]["coordinates"][1], fp, ) except ValueError as e: logging.error(f"Value Error: {e}") return None with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as json_file: json.dump(data, json_file) return file
def overpass_to_geojson( output_file: str, area_id: int, out: str = "center", # center, body, geom response_type: str = "json", overpass_endpoint: list[str] = OVERPASS_ENDPOINTS[0], force_download=False, **kwargs, ): today = output_file_path = Path(output_file) tags_to_download = "".join(f'["{key}"="{value}"]' for key, value in kwargs.items()) if response_type not in ["json", "xml"]: return None try: file_last_mod_date = datetime.fromtimestamp( output_file_path.stat().st_mtime).date() except FileNotFoundError: file_last_mod_date = date(1900, 1, 1) if (output_file_path.is_file() and file_last_mod_date == today and force_download is False): f"Finish: File is up to date. (generated: {file_last_mod_date})") return None # 2. Step 2 - connecting and getting data from Overpass else: f"Info: Export .geojson file last modification date: {file_last_mod_date}" ) # Overpass Query compact_query = f"[out:{response_type}][timeout:20005];area({area_id})->.searchArea;(node{tags_to_download}(area.searchArea);way{tags_to_download}(area.searchArea);relation{tags_to_download}(area.searchArea););out {out};" query = overpass_endpoint + "?data=" + compact_query f"Start: Connecting to Overpass server: {overpass_endpoint}") try: response = requests.get(query) response.raise_for_status() pass except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: raise SystemExit(err) if response.status_code != 200: logging.error("End: Server response other than 200") return None try: "Start: Getting data and extracting to .geojson object..") if response_type == "json": geojson_response = json2geojson(response.text, log_level="ERROR") else: geojson_response = xml2geojson(response.text, log_level="ERROR") except: logging.error( "Finish: Error when converting response .json to .geojson") return None with open(output_file_path, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as f: geojson.dump(geojson_response, f) "Finish: GeoJSON object successfully dumped to .geojson file") return True