def start_reg(msg): try: players_id[] except KeyError: try: bot.send_message(, 'You`re creator of game in chat ' + str( + '\n Only you can ' 'launch the game') except telebot.apihelper.ApiException: bot_send_message(, 'To be able to register in game, ' 'say /start to @Avalon117bot in private messages ' 'and push registration button again') return try: players_id[] = tools.GameInfo('reg',, dict(), msg) keyboard = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() add_button = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="Register", callback_data="register") keyboard.add(add_button) del_m = bot.reply_to(msg, 'Registration is on\nPlayers in game:', reply_markup=keyboard) players_id[].del_msg.append(del_m.message_id) return except: return bot.reply_to( msg, ('Game' if players_id[].state == 'game' else 'Registration') + ' is on!')
def add_roles(msg): try: if players_id[].state == 'game': bot.reply_to( msg, languages[]["The game has already started"]) else: if != players_id[].creator: bot_send_message(, languages[]["The game has already started"]) return bot.send_message(, languages[] ["Morgana, a minion of Mordred, deceives Percival. During the beginning round where " "Merlin puts his " "thumb in the air to reveal himself to Percival, Morgana also raises her own thumb, " "confusing Percival as to which 'Merlin' to trust."] + "\n\n" + languages[] ["Oberon despite being a servant of Mordred, is somewhat of " "a hindrance. Oberon does not reveal himself to evil players, and also they do not reveal " "themselves to him. Oberon still raises his thumb for Merlin to see, however."] + "\n\n" + languages[] ["Mordred helps the evil side because Merlin does not know his identity. As Mordred, " "it is imperative that you recognize your unique situation because you " "will be able to watch the votes to see how everyone votes for teams to which the other " "minions belong."]) keyboard = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() morgana_button = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton( text=languages[]["Morgana"], callback_data="Morgana") mordred_button = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton( text=languages[]["Mordred"], callback_data="Mordred") oberon_button = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton( text=languages[]["Oberon"], callback_data="Oberon") lady_button = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton( text=languages[]["Lady of the Lake"], callback_data="Lady of the Lake") keyboard.add(mordred_button, morgana_button, oberon_button, lady_button) msg = bot_send_message(, languages[]["What role do you want to add?"], reply_markup=keyboard) players_id[].del_msg.append(msg.message_id) players_id[].additional_id = msg.message_id except KeyError: try: bot.reply_to( msg, languages[]['No registration started!'] + '\n' + languages[]['Run /start_registration']) return except KeyError: bot.reply_to( msg, 'No registration started!' + '\n' + 'Run /start_registration') return
def send_voting(chat_id, game_info): msg = bot_send_message(chat_id, "Choose expeditors", reply_markup=vote_keyboard(chat_id, game_info)) game_info.vote_msg_id = msg.message_id keybord = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() btn = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton(text="Send", callback_data="send_expedition") keybord.add(btn) del_m = bot_send_message(chat_id, "Send expedition", reply_markup=keybord) try: bot.pin_chat_message(chat_id, msg.message_id) # Govno tut except: pass game_info.del_msg.append(msg.message_id) game_info.del_msg.append(del_m.message_id)
def start_reg(msg): try: players_id[] except KeyError: players_id[] = tools.GameInfo('reg',, dict(), msg) try: bot.send_message(, languages[]['You`re creator of game in chat '] + str( + '\n' + languages[]['Only you can launch the game']) except telebot.apihelper.ApiException: bot_send_message(, languages[][ 'To be able to register in game, ' 'say /start to @Avalon117bot in private messages ' 'and push registration button again']) return try: keyboard = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() add_button = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton( text=languages[]["Register"], callback_data="register") keyboard.add(add_button) del_m = bot.reply_to(msg, languages[]['Registration is on'] + '\n' + languages[]['Players in game:'], reply_markup=keyboard) players_id[].del_msg.append(del_m.message_id) return except: print("govna") return bot.reply_to( msg, (languages[]['Game'] if players_id[].state == 'game' else languages[]['Registration']) + languages[][' is on!'])
def lang(msg): try: languages[] except KeyError: languages[] = Language() keyboard = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() eng = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton( text=languages[]["English"] + "🇬🇧", callback_data="lang eng " + str( rus = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton( text=languages[]["Russian"] + '🇷🇺', callback_data="lang rus " + str( ukr = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton( text=languages[]["Ukrainian"] + "🇺🇦", callback_data="lang ukr " + str( keyboard.add(eng) keyboard.add(rus) keyboard.add(ukr) bot_send_message(, languages[]["Choose language"], reply_markup=keyboard)
def make_roles(roles, additional): roles_list = shuffle_roles(len(roles), additional) index = 0 roles_description = { 'Loyal Servant of Arthur': 'You are a loyal servant of King Arthur, so your main goal is complete the missions', 'Merlin': "Merlin learns Mordred's followers when the game begins. Merlin must steer the knights correctly " "without it being obvious they know who all the minions are, which means they must make deductions " "based on actions taken by players in the game.", 'Percival': "Percival, a loyal servant of Arthur, is able to learn Merlin's identity at the beginning of the " "game by having Merlin stick his thumb in the air. Merlin—and everyone else—does not learn " "Percival's identity. This character can help cover for Merlin and will balance the game towards " "the good team.", 'Minion of Mordred': 'Just an ordinary servants of Mordred who wants to fail missions', 'Morgana': "Morgana, a minion of Mordred, deceives Percival. During the beginning round where Merlin puts his " "thumb in the air to reveal himself to Percival, Morgana also raises her own thumb, " "confusing Percival as to which 'Merlin' to trust. Morgana balances the game in favor of evil, " "and her effect of course only works when Percival's ability is agreed to be used.", 'Oberon': "Unlucky you. You've drawn the Oberon card, who despite being a servant of Mordred, is somewhat of " "a hindrance. Oberon does not reveal himself to evil players, and also they do not reveal " "themselves to him. Oberon still raises his thumb for Merlin to see, however. Oberon makes the " "other evil players have to deduce one of their own's identity, while Oberon does the same with " "them.", 'Mordred': 'Mordred helps the evil side because Merlin does not know his identity, but hurts in their ability ' 'to detect Merlin because he can’t always vote correctly anymore. Basically, adding him helps ' 'them win more often by just causing 3 missions to fail, but makes it harder to assassinate Merlin ' 'in the end. As Mordred, it is imperative that you recognize your unique situation because you ' 'will be able to watch the votes to see how everyone votes for teams to which the other minions ' 'belong.', 'Assassin': 'Assassin is a minion of Mordred who wants to find Merlin. Merlin votes correctly pretty much ' 'always so the assassin’s most important task is watching the ' 'voting to see who is able to do that. When you know the players in the game, you can often tell ' 'who knows too much, but when you do not, you often have to look to the voting results to deduce ' 'who is Merlin. ' } for key in roles: roles[key] = roles_list[index] index = index + 1 for key in roles: send_text = "Your role is " + roles[key] bot_send_message(key, send_text) bot_send_message(key, roles_description[roles[key]]) teamlist = '' mordred = '' oberon = '' if (roles[key] not in tools.GameInfo.peaceful and roles[key] != 'Oberon') or roles[key] == 'Merlin': for teammate_key in roles.keys(): if roles[teammate_key] == 'Mordred': mordred = '\n@' + botbot.get_chat_member(teammate_key, teammate_key).user.username + \ ' is minion of Mordred' if roles[teammate_key] == 'Oberon': oberon = '\n@' + botbot.get_chat_member(teammate_key, teammate_key).user.username + \ ' is minion of Mordred' if roles[teammate_key] not in tools.GameInfo.peaceful and roles[teammate_key] != 'Oberon' \ and roles[teammate_key] != 'Mordred': teamlist += '\n@' + botbot.get_chat_member(teammate_key, teammate_key).user.username + \ ' is minion of Mordred' bot_send_message( key, ('Minions of Mordred are:' + oberon if roles[key] == 'Merlin' else 'Your teammates are:' + mordred) + teamlist) if roles[key] == 'Percival': for teammate_key in roles.keys(): if roles[teammate_key] == 'Merlin' or roles[ teammate_key] == 'Morgana': teamlist += '\n@' + botbot.get_chat_member( teammate_key, teammate_key).user.username bot_send_message(key, 'Merlin is one of them:' + teamlist) return roles
def get_exp_choice(msg): if != return try: chat_id = chat_of_player[] if players_id[chat_id].state != 'exp': return if players_id[chat_id].people_in_exp[] is None: if players_id[chat_id].players[] in tools.GameInfo.peaceful and \ msg.text.split()[1] == 'Reject': bot.reply_to(msg, 'You can`t do it due to your role') return players_id[chat_id].people_in_exp[] = 1 if msg.text.split( )[1] == 'Approve' else 0 sum = 0 for choice in players_id[chat_id].people_in_exp.values(): if choice is None: return sum += choice print(sum) num_of_exp = players_id[chat_id].successful_exp + players_id[ chat_id].failed_exp exp_res = gameplay.exp_successful( sum, len(players_id[chat_id].people_in_exp), num_of_exp, len(players_id[chat_id].order)) print(exp_res) if exp_res[0]: bot_send_message( chat_id, 'Expedition was successful\nNum of black cards is ' + str(exp_res[1]) + '\n\n' + str(players_id[chat_id].successful_exp + 1) + ' successful expeditions\n' + str(players_id[chat_id].failed_exp) + ' failed expeditions') players_id[chat_id].successful_exp += 1 else: bot_send_message( chat_id, 'Expedition was failed\nNum of black cards is ' + str(exp_res[1]) + '\n\n' + str(players_id[chat_id].successful_exp) + ' successful expeditions\n' + str(players_id[chat_id].failed_exp + 1) + ' failed expeditions') players_id[chat_id].failed_exp += 1 if players_id[chat_id].failed_exp == 3: bot_send_message(chat_id, 'RIP Avalon!') string = "" for item in players_id[chat_id].players.items(): string += '\n@' + bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, item[0]).user.username + ' was ' + \ ('❤️' if item[1] in tools.GameInfo.peaceful else '🖤') + item[1] bot_send_message(chat_id, 'Roles in this game:' + string) for id in players_id[chat_id].players: chat_of_player.pop(id) players_id.pop(chat_id) return elif players_id[chat_id].successful_exp == 3: keyboard = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() for id in players_id[chat_id].players: if players_id[chat_id].players[id] in tools.GameInfo.peaceful: nickname = '@' + str( bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, id).user.username) btn = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton( text=nickname, callback_data='a' + nickname + ' ' + str(chat_id)) keyboard.add(btn) bot_send_message(chat_id, 'Time to shot for Assassin') for i in players_id[chat_id].players: if players_id[chat_id].players[i] == "Assassin": bot_send_message(i, "Who do you want to kill?", reply_markup=keyboard) else: players_id[chat_id].state = 'game' players_id[chat_id].king_rotation() string = '' for i in range(0, len(players_id[chat_id].order)): string += '\n' + str(i + 1) + '. @' \ + str(bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, players_id[chat_id].order[i]).user.username) if i == players_id[chat_id].cur_king % len( players_id[chat_id].order): string += '👑' if players_id[chat_id].lady_lake and i == players_id[ chat_id].cur_lady % len(players_id[chat_id].order): string += '👸' bot_send_message(chat_id, 'Players order:' + string) bot_send_message( chat_id, 'New King is @' + str( bot.get_chat_member( chat_id, players_id[chat_id].order[ players_id[chat_id].cur_king]).user.username)) bot_send_message( chat_id, 'Next expedition is for ' + str(players_id[chat_id].exp_size[ players_id[chat_id].get_num_of_exp()]) + ' people') if players_id[chat_id].get_num_of_exp() > 1 and players_id[chat_id].lady_lake and \ len(players_id[chat_id].checked) < len(players_id[chat_id].order): gameplay.lady_check(chat_id, players_id[chat_id]) return players_id[chat_id].cur_exp = [] for player in players_id[chat_id].players.keys(): players_id[chat_id].cur_voting_for_exp[player] = None vote.send_voting(chat_id, players_id[chat_id]) except KeyError: print('bot durila x2')
def get_vote(msg): if != return try: chat_id = chat_of_player[] if players_id[chat_id].state == 'vote': print(msg.text) print(chat_id) if not players_id[chat_id].cur_voting_for_exp[]: players_id[chat_id].cur_voting_for_exp[] = ( 1 if msg.text.split()[1] == 'like' else -1) keyboard = telebot.types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup() bot_send_message(, "You voted for this expedition", reply_markup=None) sum = 0 people_votes = '' for vote_i in players_id[chat_id].cur_voting_for_exp.values(): if not vote_i: return sum += int(vote_i) for player in players_id[chat_id].cur_voting_for_exp.keys(): people_votes += '\n@' + str(bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, player).user.username) \ + ('👍' if players_id[chat_id].cur_voting_for_exp[player] == 1 else '👎🏿') bot_send_message(chat_id, ('there will be such expedition' if sum > 0 else 'There won`t be such expedition') + people_votes) if sum > 0: players_id[chat_id].state = 'exp' players_id[chat_id].people_in_exp = dict() players_id[chat_id].kings_in_row = 0 for id in players_id[chat_id].cur_exp: players_id[chat_id].people_in_exp[id] = None gameplay.start_exp(players_id[chat_id].cur_exp, chat_id) else: players_id[chat_id].state = 'game' players_id[chat_id].king_rotation() players_id[chat_id].kings_in_row += 1 if players_id[chat_id].kings_in_row == 5: bot_send_message(chat_id, 'RIP Avalon!!') string = "" for item in players_id[chat_id].players.items(): string += '\n@' + bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, item[0]).user.username + ' was ' + \ ('❤️' if item[1] in tools.GameInfo.peaceful else '🖤') + item[1] bot_send_message(chat_id, 'Roles in this game:' + string) for id in players_id[chat_id].players: chat_of_player.pop(id) players_id.pop(chat_id) return string = '' for i in range(0, len(players_id[chat_id].order)): string += '\n' + str(i + 1) + '. @' \ + str(bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, players_id[chat_id].order[i]).user.username) if i == players_id[chat_id].cur_king % len( players_id[chat_id].order): string += '👑' if players_id[chat_id].lady_lake and players_id[chat_id].lady_lake \ and i == players_id[chat_id].cur_lady % len(players_id[chat_id].order): string += '👸' bot_send_message(chat_id, 'Players order:' + string) bot_send_message( chat_id, 'New King is @' + str( bot.get_chat_member( chat_id, players_id[chat_id].order[ players_id[chat_id].cur_king]).user.username)) if players_id[chat_id].kings_in_row == 4: bot_send_message( chat_id, 'Next skipped expedition will result into Avalon collapse!!!' ) players_id[chat_id].cur_exp = [] for player in players_id[chat_id].players.keys(): players_id[chat_id].cur_voting_for_exp[player] = None vote.send_voting(chat_id, players_id[chat_id]) else: bot.reply_to(msg, 'No voting for expedition right now!') except KeyError: print('bot durila')
def callback_inline(call): chat_id = int( try: if call.message: if[0] == 'a' and[1] == '@': nickname =[0][1:len(] in_chat = int([1]) # players_nick_to_id = players_id[chat_id].players_nick_to_id role = players_id[in_chat].players[ players_id[in_chat].players_nick_to_id[nickname]] # bot_send_message(chat_id, nickname + " was " + role) gameplay.endgame( in_chat, players_id[in_chat], players_id[in_chat].players_nick_to_id[nickname]) if role == 'Merlin': bot_send_message(in_chat, "Mordred wins") else: bot_send_message(in_chat, 'Avalon wins') for key in players_id[in_chat].players.keys(): chat_of_player.pop(key) players_id.pop(in_chat) elif == "register": try: players_id[int(] except KeyError: bot.reply_to( call.message, 'No registration started!\nRun /start_registration') return if players_id[].state == 'reg': if not call.from_user.username: bot_send_message(, "Your telegram account has no username") return if int( not in players_id[int(].players: if int( in chat_of_player.keys(): bot_send_message(int(, 'You are in not ended game!') return try: bot.send_message(, 'You`re registered for the Avalon game in ' + str( except telebot.apihelper.ApiException: bot_send_message( chat_id, 'To be able to register in game, ' 'say /start to @Avalon117bot in private messages ' 'and push registration button again') return chat_of_player[int(] = int( players_id[int(].players[int(] = None players_id[int(].players_nick_to_id['@' + call.from_user.username] = \ int( keyboard = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() add_button = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="Register", callback_data="register") keyboard.add(add_button) text = call.message.text + ' @' + call.from_user.username bot.edit_message_text(, message_id=call.message.message_id, text=text, reply_markup=keyboard) players_id[].reg_btn = call.message # bot_send_message(, 'You`re registered for the Avalon game in ' + # # bot_send_message(chat_id, len(players_id[int(chat_id)])) else: bot.reply_to(call.message, 'Game is on!') elif == "Lady of the Lake": if players_id[chat_id].creator != int( return out = players_id[chat_id].change_lady() keyboard = vote.add_roles_btn(players_id[chat_id]) bot.edit_message_reply_markup( chat_id=chat_id, message_id=players_id[chat_id].additional_id, reply_markup=keyboard) elif == "Morgana" or == "Oberon" or == "Mordred": if players_id[chat_id].creator != int( return out = players_id[chat_id].change_roles( keyboard = vote.add_roles_btn(players_id[chat_id]) bot.edit_message_reply_markup( chat_id=chat_id, message_id=players_id[chat_id].additional_id, reply_markup=keyboard) elif[0] == 'v': if != players_id[chat_id].order[ players_id[chat_id].cur_king]: return arr = data = arr[1] if int(data) in players_id[chat_id].cur_exp: for i in range(0, len(players_id[chat_id].cur_exp)): if int(data) == players_id[chat_id].cur_exp[i]: players_id[chat_id].cur_exp.pop(i) break keyboard = vote.vote_keyboard(chat_id, players_id[chat_id]) bot.edit_message_reply_markup( chat_id=chat_id, message_id=players_id[chat_id].vote_msg_id, reply_markup=keyboard) else: players_id[chat_id].cur_exp.append(int(data)) keyboard = vote.vote_keyboard(chat_id, players_id[chat_id]) bot.edit_message_reply_markup( chat_id=chat_id, message_id=players_id[chat_id].vote_msg_id, reply_markup=keyboard) elif == 'send_expedition': if != players_id[chat_id].order[ players_id[chat_id].cur_king]: return if len(players_id[chat_id].cur_exp ) != players_id[chat_id].exp_size[ players_id[chat_id].get_num_of_exp()]: bot_send_message(chat_id, 'Wrong number of expeditors') return string = '' for i in players_id[chat_id].cur_exp: string += '\n@' + str( bot.get_chat_member(chat_id, i).user.username) bot_send_message(chat_id, "The expedition is:" + string) for i in players_id[chat_id].order: bot_send_message(i, "The expedition is:" + string) players_id[chat_id].state = 'vote' gameplay.vote_for_exp(players_id[chat_id].order, chat_id) for id in players_id[chat_id].del_msg: bot.delete_message(chat_id=chat_id, message_id=id) players_id[chat_id].del_msg = [] else: data = chat = int(data[1]) user = int(data[0]) nickname = str(bot.get_chat_member(chat, user).user.username) lady_id = players_id[chat].order[players_id[chat].cur_lady] bot_send_message(chat, "Lady of the Lake has checked @" + nickname) players_id[chat].pass_lady(user) players_id[chat].past_lady.append(user) check = '' if players_id[chat].players[user] in players_id[chat].peaceful: check = " is servant of Arthur" else: check = " is servant of Mordred" bot_send_message(lady_id, '@' + nickname + check) bot_send_message(chat, '@' + nickname + " is new Lady of the Lake") try: players_id[chat].cur_exp = [] for player in players_id[chat].players.keys(): players_id[chat].cur_voting_for_exp[player] = None vote.send_voting(chat, players_id[chat]) except KeyError: print(KeyError) except telebot.apihelper.ApiException: print("stop DDOSing buttons!") except KeyError: bot_send_message( chat_id, "Don`t touch old buttons, run /start_registration first!")
def leave(msg): if not in chat_of_player: bot_send_message(, "You don`t take part in any game") return if players_id[chat_of_player[]].state != 'reg': if not in chat_of_player.keys(): return bot.reply_to(msg, 'You have left the game') currChat = chat_of_player[] if players_id[currChat].players[] == "Merlin": bot_send_message(currChat, 'Merlin has left the game\n\nRIP Avalon!!') for id in players_id[currChat].del_msg: bot.delete_message(chat_id=currChat, message_id=id) string = "" for item in players_id[currChat].players.items(): string += '\n@' + bot.get_chat_member(currChat, item[0]).user.username + ' was ' + \ ('❤️' if item[1] in tools.GameInfo.peaceful else '🖤') + item[1] bot_send_message(currChat, 'Roles in this game:' + string) for id in players_id[currChat].players: chat_of_player.pop(id) players_id.pop(currChat) return if players_id[currChat].players[] == "Assassin": for item in players_id[currChat].players.keys(): if players_id[currChat].players[item] not in players_id[ currChat].peaceful: bot.send_message(item, "You are the new Assassin") players_id[currChat].players[item] = 'Assassin' break print(msg.from_user) #print(chat_of_player[currChat].order) #print(chat_of_player[currChat].cur_king) #print(msg.from_user.username) if players_id[currChat].order[ players_id[currChat].cur_king] == msg.from_user.username: players_id[currChat].cur_king = (players_id[currChat].cur_king + 1) % \ (len(players_id[currChat].order) - 1) if players_id[currChat].lady_lake and players_id[currChat].order[ players_id[currChat].cur_lady] == msg.from_user.username: players_id[currChat].cur_lady = (players_id[currChat].cur_lady + 1) % \ (len(players_id[currChat].order) - 1) if in players_id.keys(): players_id.pop( print(players_id[currChat].order) for i in range(len(players_id[currChat].order)): if players_id[currChat].order[i] == players_id[currChat].order.pop(i) break #players_id[currChat].order.pop( chat_of_player.pop( players_id[currChat].players.pop( if len(players_id[currChat].players) == 0: bot.send_message(currChat, "All players have left the game") for id in players_id[currChat].del_msg: bot.delete_message(chat_id=currChat, message_id=id) players_id[currChat].del_msg = [] for player in players_id[currChat].players.keys(): chat_of_player.pop(player) players_id.pop(currChat) bot.send_message(currChat, 'Game aborted') return if in chat_of_player.keys(): chat_of_player.pop( for chat in players_id: if in players_id[chat].players: del players_id[chat].players[] keyboard = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardMarkup() add_button = telebot.types.InlineKeyboardButton( text="Register", callback_data="register") keyboard.add(add_button) reg_msg = players_id[chat].reg_btn reg = 'Registration is on\nPlayers in game:' for user in players_id[chat].players: reg = reg + ' @' + str( bot.get_chat_member(chat, user).user.username) print(reg) try: bot.edit_message_text(chat_id=chat, message_id=reg_msg.message_id, text=reg, reply_markup=keyboard) except: return bot_send_message(, "You have left the game")
def end_reg(msg): try: players_id[] except KeyError: bot.reply_to(msg, 'No registration started!\nRun /start_registration') return try: if players_id[].state == 'game': bot.reply_to(msg, 'Game is on!') else: if == players_id[].creator: players_id[].exp_size = list.copy( tools.GameInfo.expedition_size[len( players_id[].players)]) for id in players_id[].del_msg: bot.delete_message(, message_id=id) players_id[].del_msg = [] # players_id[].players = role.make_roles(players_id[].players) players_id[].cur_voting_for_exp = dict.copy( players_id[].players) bot_send_message(, " You have launched the game in" + str( roles.make_roles(players_id[].players, players_id[].additional_roles) players_id[].order = list( players_id[].players.keys()) random.shuffle(players_id[].order) string = '' players_id[].cur_king = 0 players_id[].cur_lady = -1 for i in range(0, len(players_id[].order)): string += '\n' + str(i + 1) + '. @' \ + str(bot.get_chat_member(, players_id[].order[i]).user.username) if i == players_id[].cur_king % len( players_id[].order): string += '👑' if players_id[].lady_lake and i == players_id[].cur_lady % len( players_id[].order): string += '👸' bot_send_message(, 'Players order:' + string) players_id[].checked.append( players_id[].order[-1]) king_id = players_id[].order[players_id[].cur_king] bot_send_message(, "King is @" + str( bot.get_chat_member(, king_id).user.username)) if players_id[].lady_lake: lady_id = players_id[].order[players_id[].cur_lady] bot_send_message(, "Lady of the Lake is @" + str( bot.get_chat_member(, lady_id).user.username)) players_id[].past_lady.append(lady_id) vote.send_voting(, players_id[]) players_id[].state = 'game' else: bot.reply_to(msg, 'You`re not creator of this game!') print(players_id[].players) except KeyError: bot.reply_to(msg, 'too few players to start') except: return
def end_reg(msg): try: players_id[] except KeyError: try: bot.reply_to( msg, languages[]['No registration started!'] + '\n' + languages[]['Run /start_registration']) return except KeyError: bot.reply_to( msg, 'No registration started!' + '\n' + 'Run /start_registration') return try: if players_id[].state == 'game': bot.reply_to(msg, languages[]['Game is on!']) else: if == players_id[].creator: players_id[].exp_size = list.copy( tools.GameInfo.expedition_size[len( players_id[].players)]) for id in players_id[].del_msg: bot.delete_message(, message_id=id) players_id[].del_msg = [] # players_id[].players = role.make_roles(players_id[].players) players_id[].cur_voting_for_exp = dict.copy( players_id[].players) bot_send_message(, languages[]["You have launched the game in"] + str( roles.make_roles(players_id[].players, players_id[].additional_roles, players_id[].order = list( players_id[].players.keys()) random.shuffle(players_id[].order) string = '' players_id[].cur_king = 0 players_id[].cur_lady = -1 for i in range(0, len(players_id[].order)): string += '\n' + str(i + 1) + '. @' \ + str(bot.get_chat_member(, players_id[].order[i]).user.username) if i == players_id[].cur_king % len( players_id[].order): string += '👑' if players_id[].lady_lake and i == players_id[].cur_lady % len( players_id[].order): string += '👸' bot_send_message(, languages[]['Players order:'] + string) players_id[].checked.append( players_id[].order[-1]) king_id = players_id[].order[players_id[].cur_king] bot_send_message(, languages[]["King is"] + " @" + str( bot.get_chat_member(, king_id).user.username)) chat_id = bot_send_message( chat_id, languages[]['This expedition is for '] + str(players_id[chat_id].exp_size[ players_id[chat_id].get_num_of_exp()]) + languages[][' people']) if players_id[].lady_lake: lady_id = players_id[].order[players_id[].cur_lady] bot_send_message(, languages[]["Lady of the Lake is"] + " @" + str( bot.get_chat_member(, lady_id).user.username)) players_id[].past_lady.append(lady_id) vote.send_voting(, players_id[]) players_id[].state = 'game' else: bot.reply_to( msg, languages[]['You`re not creator of this game!']) print(players_id[].players) except KeyError: bot.reply_to( msg, languages[] ['Wrong number of players to start, this game is for 5 - 10 players'] ) except: print("govniashki")