def main(): #----------------------- # Date Range of interest #----------------------- iyear = 2017 imnth = 6 iday = 1 fyear = 2017 fmnth = 8 fday = 31 #----------------------- # File name for log file #----------------------- logFname = '/data1/ancillary_data/ERAdata/ncLog4.log' #--------------------- # Establish date range #--------------------- dRange = sc.DateRange(iyear,imnth,iday,fyear,fmnth,fday) #------------------------------ # ERA Reanalysis data directory #------------------------------ ERAdir = '/data1/ancillary_data/ERAdata/' #ERAdir = '/data1/ancillary_data/ERAdata/wind/' ->Use for Wind in TAB #---------------------------- # File and directory checking #---------------------------- ckDir(ERAdir,exitFlg=True) #-------------------- # Initialize log file #-------------------- lFile = logging.getLogger('1') lFile.setLevel(logging.INFO) hdlr1 = logging.FileHandler(logFname,mode='w') fmt1 = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s','%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S') hdlr1.setFormatter(fmt1) lFile.addHandler(hdlr1) #------------------------------------ # Loop through all days in date range #------------------------------------ for sngDay in dRange.dateList: YYYY = "{0:04d}".format(sngDay.year) MM = "{0:02d}".format(sngDay.month) DD = "{0:02d}".format( #------------------------------ # Name of ERA Interim GRIB file #------------------------------ fName1 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM +'/'+''+YYYY+MM+DD+'00' fName2 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM +'/'+''+YYYY+MM+DD+'06' fName3 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM +'/'+''+YYYY+MM+DD+'12' fName4 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM +'/'+''+YYYY+MM+DD+'18' #------------------------------------ #Use for Wind in TAB #------------------------------------ #fName1 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM +'/'+''+YYYY+MM+DD+'00' #fName2 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM +'/'+''+YYYY+MM+DD+'06' #fName3 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM +'/'+''+YYYY+MM+DD+'12' #fName4 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM +'/'+''+YYYY+MM+DD+'18' ckFile(fName1, exitFlg=True) ckFile(fName2, exitFlg=True) ckFile(fName3, exitFlg=True) ckFile(fName4, exitFlg=True) #------------------------------------------ # Rename ERA Interim file (add .grb at end) # so ncl_convert2nc recognizes file #------------------------------------------ shutil.move(fName1,fName1+'.grb') shutil.move(fName2,fName2+'.grb') shutil.move(fName3,fName3+'.grb') shutil.move(fName4,fName4+'.grb') #------------------------------------- # Run NCL program to convert to netCDF #------------------------------------- subProcRun(fName1+'.grb',ERAdir + YYYY + MM +'/',logFlg=lFile) subProcRun(fName2+'.grb',ERAdir + YYYY + MM +'/',logFlg=lFile) subProcRun(fName3+'.grb',ERAdir + YYYY + MM +'/',logFlg=lFile) subProcRun(fName4+'.grb',ERAdir + YYYY + MM +'/',logFlg=lFile) #----------------- # Remove grib file #----------------- #os.remove(fName1+'.grb') #os.remove(fName2+'.grb') #os.remove(fName3+'.grb') #os.remove(fName4+'.grb') print 'Finished processing day: {}'.format(sngDay)
def main(): #--------- # Location #--------- loc = 'nya' #----------------------------------------- # Interpolation flag for NCEP re-analysis: # False = Nearest point. True = linear #----------------------------------------- interpFlg = False #--------------------- # Interpolation things #--------------------- nSkip = 3 # Number of points to skip when merging WACCM and NCEP profiles intrpOrder = 1 # Order of interpolation logFlg = True # Flag to do interpolation of log of water #----------------------- # Date Range of interest #----------------------- yyyy = 2015 iyear = yyyy imnth = 1 iday = 1 fyear = yyyy fmnth = 12 fday = 31 #------------------------------- # NCEP Reanalysis data directory #------------------------------- #NCEPTrppdir = '/Volumes/data1/ebaumer/NCEP_trpp/' #NCEPhgtDir = '/Volumes/data1/ebaumer/NCEP_hgt/' NCEPTrppdir = '/data1/ancillary_data/NCEPdata/NCEP_trpp/' NCEPhgtDir = '/data1/ancillary_data/NCEPdata/NCEP_hgt/' #--------------------- # Establish date range #--------------------- dRange = sc.DateRange(iyear,imnth,iday,fyear,fmnth,fday) yrList = dRange.yearList() #--------------------------------------- # Altitude levels for different stations #--------------------------------------- if loc.lower() == 'tab': sLat = 76.52 sLon = 291.23 # 68.77 W = (360.0 - 68.77) = 291.23 E elif loc.lower() == 'mlo': sLat = 19.4 sLon = 204.43 # 155.57 W = (360 - 155.57) = 204.43 E elif loc.lower() == 'fl0': sLat = 40.4 sLon = 254.76 # 105.24 W = (360 - 105.24) = 254.76 E elif loc.lower() == 'nya': sLat = 78.92 sLon = 11.93 # 11.93 E #---------------------------- # File and directory checking #---------------------------- ckDir(NCEPTrppdir,exitFlg=True) ckDir(NCEPhgtDir,exitFlg=True) #------------------- # Loop through years #------------------- for year in yrList: #------------------- # Yearly Output File #------------------- outFile = '/data1/ancillary_data/NCEPdata/NCEP_trpp/TropHght_'+loc.lower()+'_'+str(iyear)+'.dat' #------------------------------- # Open and read year NetCDF file #------------------------------- trppFile = NCEPTrppdir + 'pres.tropp.'+str(year)+'.nc' ghghtFile = NCEPhgtDir + 'hgt.' +str(year)+'.nc' #------------------------- # Tropopause Pressure File #------------------------- #TrppObj = netcdf.netcdf_file(trppFile,'r',mmap=False) TrppObj = nc.Dataset(trppFile,'r') Trpp = TrppObj.variables['pres'] # Mean daily Pressure at Tropopause (Pascals) timeTrpp = TrppObj.variables['time'] # hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0 latTrpp = TrppObj.variables['lat'] # degrees_north lonTrpp = TrppObj.variables['lon'] # degrees_east #----------------------------------------------------------- # 'Unpack' the data => (data[int])*scale_factor + add_offset #----------------------------------------------------------- #TrppData = Trpp[:,:,:] * Trpp.scale_factor + Trpp.add_offset TrppData = Trpp[:] # New files seem to automatically apply scale factor and offset TrppData *= 0.01 # Convert [Pascals] => [mbars] #----------------------------------------------- # If not interpolating point in NCEP re-analysis # find closes lat lon indicies #----------------------------------------------- if not interpFlg: latind = findCls(latTrpp[:],sLat) lonind = findCls(lonTrpp[:],sLon) #------------------------------------------------------ # Convert hours since 1-1-1 00:00:00 to datetime object # NCEP reanalysis uses udunits for encoding times, # meaning they don't follow standard leap year # convention (whatever this means?). Must follow some # leap year convention, but not clear. Therefore, take # the first time in file as 1-1-YEAR. #------------------------------------------------------ timeHrs = timeTrpp[:] - timeTrpp[0] timeAll = np.array([dt.datetime(year,1,1)+dt.timedelta(hours=int(h)) for h in timeHrs]) # This is a datetime object dateAll = np.array([,d.month, for d in timeAll]) # Convert datetime to strictly date #------------------------- # Geopotential Height file #------------------------- ##with netcdf.netcdf_file(ghghtFile,'r',mmap=False) as gHghtF: # Can only be done with scipy Ver > 0.12.0 ##gHghtF = netcdf.netcdf_file(ghghtFile,'r',mmap=False) gHghtF = nc.Dataset(ghghtFile,'r') hgt = gHghtF.variables['hgt'][:] # Height in [meters]. Dimensions: [time][vert][lat][lon] PlvlHghtData = gHghtF.variables['level'][:] gHghtF.close() PlvlHghtData.astype(float) #------------------------------------- # Create empty Tropopause height array #------------------------------------- Trph = np.zeros(len(dateAll)) TrppSite = np.zeros(len(dateAll)) #------------------------------------------ # Loop through all folders in specific year #------------------------------------------ for day in dRange.dateList: #------------------------------ # Find corresponding date index #------------------------------ i = np.where(dateAll == day)[0] #------------------------- # Get hgt for specific day #------------------------- dayHghtMat = np.squeeze(hgt[i,:,:,:]) #----------------------------------------------------------- # 'Unpack' the data => (data[int])*scale_factor + add_offset #----------------------------------------------------------- #dayHghtMat = dayHghtMat * hgt.scale_factor + hgt.add_offset #------------------------------------------- # For each level interpolate height based on # latitude and longitude of site #------------------------------------------- dayHgt = np.zeros(np.shape(dayHghtMat)[0]) for lvl in range(0,np.shape(dayHghtMat)[0]): dayHgtLvl = np.squeeze(dayHghtMat[lvl,:,:]) if interpFlg: dayHgt[lvl] = interp2d(lonTrpp[:],latTrpp[:],dayHgtLvl,kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon,sLat) else: dayHgt[lvl] = dayHgtLvl[latind,lonind] dayHgt.astype(float) dayHgt = dayHgt / 1000.0 # Convert height units [m] => [km] #------------------------------------------------------------- # Interpolate Tropopause pressure based on lat and lon of site #------------------------------------------------------------- TrppDay = np.squeeze(TrppData[i,:,:]) if interpFlg: TrppSite[i] = interp2d(lonTrpp[:],latTrpp[:],TrppDay,kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon,sLat) else: TrppSite[i] = TrppDay[latind,lonind] #------------------------------------ # Interpolate Tropopause pressure on # height to find height of tropopuase #------------------------------------ #Trph[i] = interp1d(PlvlHghtData,dayHgt, kind='linear')(TrppSite[i]) ###Combine lists into list of tuples points = zip(PlvlHghtData, dayHgt) ### Sort list of tuples by x-value points = sorted(points, key=lambda point: point[0]) ###Split list of tuples into two list of x values any y values PlvlHghtData_sort, dayHgt_sort = zip(*points) PlvlHghtData_sort = np.asarray(PlvlHghtData_sort) dayHgt_sort = np.asarray(dayHgt_sort) Trph[i] = interp1d(PlvlHghtData_sort,dayHgt_sort, kind='linear')(TrppSite[i]) #---------------------------------------- # Write Tropopause heights to yearly file #---------------------------------------- with open(outFile,'w') as fopen: hdr = 'Date Tropopause Height [km] Tropopause Pressure [mbars]\n' fopen.write(hdr) strformat = ['{'+str(i)+':<25}' for i in range(0,3)] strformat = ''.join(strformat).lstrip() + '\n' for i,indDay in enumerate(timeAll): daystr = "{0:04d}{1:02d}{2:02d}".format(indDay.year,indDay.month, temp = [daystr,Trph[i],TrppSite[i]] fopen.write(strformat.format(*temp)) TrppObj.close()
def main(): #--------- # Location #--------- loc = 'tab' #loc = 'mlo' #------------------------------------ # Version number to append water file #------------------------------------ verW = 'v3' #----------------------------------------- # Interpolation flag for NCEP re-analysis: # False = Nearest point. True = linear #----------------------------------------- interpFlg = True #--------------------- # Interpolation things #--------------------- nSkip = 3 # Number of points to skip when merging WACCM and NCEP profiles intrpOrder = 1 # Order of interpolation logFlg = True # Flag to do interpolation of log of water #----------------------- # Date Range of interest #----------------------- iyear = 2017 imnth = 9 iday = 1 fyear = 2017 fmnth = 12 fday = 31 #------------------------------- # NCEP Reanalysis data directory #------------------------------- NCEPdirShum = '/data1/ancillary_data/NCEPdata/NCEP_Shum/' NCEPdirHgt = '/data1/ancillary_data/NCEPdata/NCEP_hgt/' #--------------- # Data Directory #--------------- dataDir = '/data1/' + loc.lower() + '/' #dataDir = '/data1/iortega/WYO/' #------------------------- # WACCM monthly means file #------------------------- WACCMfile = '/data/Campaign/' + loc.upper( ) + '/waccm/WACCM_pTW-meanV6.' + loc.upper() #--------------------- # Establish date range #--------------------- dRange = sc.DateRange(iyear, imnth, iday, fyear, fmnth, fday) #--------------------------------------- # Altitude levels for different stations #--------------------------------------- if loc.lower() == 'tab': Z = np.array([ 120.0000, 110.0000, 100.0000, 95.0000, 90.0000, 85.0000, 80.0000, 75.0000, 70.0000, 65.0000, 60.0000, 55.0000, 50.0000, 48.0000, 46.0000, 44.0000, 42.0000, 40.0000, 38.0000, 36.0000, 34.0000, 32.0000, 30.0000, 28.0000, 26.0000, 24.0000, 22.0000, 20.0000, 18.0000, 16.0000, 14.0000, 12.0000, 10.0000, 9.0000, 8.0000, 7.0000, 6.0000, 5.0000, 4.0000, 3.0000, 2.0000, 1.0000, 0.2250 ]) sLat = 76.52 sLon = 291.23 # 68.77 W = (360.0 - 68.77) = 291.23 E elif loc.lower() == 'mlo': Z = np.array([ 120.0000, 110.0000, 100.0000, 95.0000, 90.0000, 85.0000, 80.0000, 75.0000, 70.0000, 65.0000, 60.0000, 55.0000, 50.0000, 48.0000, 46.0000, 44.0000, 42.0000, 40.0000, 38.0000, 36.0000, 34.0000, 32.0000, 30.0000, 28.0000, 26.0000, 24.0000, 22.0000, 20.0000, 18.0000, 16.0000, 14.0000, 12.0000, 10.0000, 9.0000, 8.0000, 7.0000, 6.0000, 5.0000, 4.0000, 3.3960 ]) sLat = 19.4 sLon = 204.43 # 155.57 W = (360 - 155.57) = 204.43 E elif loc.lower() == 'fl0': Z = np.array([ 120.0000, 110.0000, 100.0000, 94.0000, 90.0000, 85.0000, 80.0000, 75.0000, 70.0000, 65.0000, 60.0000, 55.0000, 50.0000, 48.0000, 46.0000, 44.0000, 42.0000, 40.0000, 38.0000, 36.0000, 34.0000, 32.0000, 30.0000, 28.0000, 26.0000, 24.0000, 22.0000, 20.0000, 18.0000, 16.0000, 14.0000, 12.0000, 10.0000, 9.0000, 8.0000, 7.0000, 6.0000, 5.0000, 4.0000, 3.0000, 2.0000, 1.6120 ]) sLat = 40.4 sLon = 254.76 # 105.24 W = (360 - 105.24) = 254.76 E ###sLat = 42.73 ###sLon = 253.68 #WYOBA #---------------------------- # File and directory checking #---------------------------- ckDir(NCEPdirShum, exitFlg=True) ckDir(NCEPdirHgt, exitFlg=True) ckDir(dataDir, exitFlg=True) ckFile(WACCMfile, exitFlg=True) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read WACCM monthly mean data. WACCM monthly mean file is ascending, # adjust so that it is descending. Also units are in km. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- with open(WACCMfile, 'r') as fopen: lines = fopen.readlines() nlyrs = int(lines[0].strip().split()[0]) s_ind = 3 Z = np.flipud( np.array([ float(row.strip().split()[0]) for row in lines[s_ind:nlyrs + s_ind] ])) waccmT = np.flipud( np.array([[float(x) for x in line.strip().split()[1:]] for line in lines[s_ind:nlyrs + s_ind]])) s_ind = 3 + nlyrs + 2 waccmP = np.flipud( np.array([[float(x) for x in line.strip().split()[1:]] for line in lines[s_ind:nlyrs + s_ind]])) s_ind = 3 + nlyrs + 2 + nlyrs + 2 waccmW = np.flipud( np.array([[float(x) for x in line.strip().split()[1:]] for line in lines[s_ind:nlyrs + s_ind]])) #-------------------------------------------- # Walk through first level of directories in # data directory and collect directory names #-------------------------------------------- dirLst = [] for drs in os.walk(dataDir).next()[1]: #------------------------------------------- # Test directory to make sure it is a number #------------------------------------------- try: int(drs[0:4]) except: continue if dRange.inRange(int(drs[0:4]), int(drs[4:6]), int(drs[6:8])): dirLst.append(dataDir + drs + '/') dirLst.sort() #-------------------------------------------------------- # Loop through folders for individual years. This is done # because NCEP NetCDF files are by year. Therefore only # have to open and read yearly NCEP file once #-------------------------------------------------------- yrList = dRange.yearList() for year in yrList: #----------------------------- # Find all folders within year #----------------------------- dirListYr = np.array( [d for d in dirLst if int(os.path.basename(d[:-1])[0:4]) == year]) #------------------------------- # Open and read year NetCDF file #------------------------------- shumFile = NCEPdirShum + 'shum.' + str(year) + '.nc' ghghtFile = NCEPdirHgt + 'hgt.' + str(year) + '.nc' #----------------------- # Specific humidity file #----------------------- #with netcdf.netcdf_file(shumFile,'r',mmap=False) as shumF: # Can only be done with scipy Ver > 0.12.0 #shumF = netcdf.netcdf_file(shumFile,'r',mmap=False) shumObj = nc.Dataset(shumFile, 'r') PlvlShum = shumObj.variables['level'] # Starts at the surface timeShum = shumObj.variables['time'] # hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0 latShum = shumObj.variables['lat'] # degrees_north lonShum = shumObj.variables['lon'] # degrees_east shum = shumObj.variables[ 'shum'] # Units: [kg/kg]. Dimensions: [time][vert][lat][lon] Only goes to 300mb!! PlvlShum = PlvlShum[:] timeShum = timeShum[:] latShum = latShum[:] lonShum = lonShum[:] shum = shum[:] shumObj.close() #---------------------------------------- # Convert Specific humidity from kg/kg to # molecules/molecules #---------------------------------------- shum = shum * 1.608 #----------------------------------------------- # If not interpolating point in NCEP re-analysis # find closes lat lon indicies #----------------------------------------------- if not interpFlg: latind = findCls(latShum, sLat) lonind = findCls(lonShum, sLon) #------------------------------------------------------ # Convert hours since 1-1-1 00:00:00 to datetime object # NCEP reanalysis uses udunits for encoding times, # meaning they don't follow standard leap year # convention (whatever this means?). Must follow some # leap year convention, but not clear. Therefore, take # the first time in file as 1-1-YEAR. #------------------------------------------------------ timeHrs = timeShum - timeShum[0] timeAll = np.array([ dt.datetime(year, 1, 1) + dt.timedelta(hours=int(h)) for h in timeHrs ]) #------------------------- # Geopotential Height file #------------------------- #with netcdf.netcdf_file(ghghtFile,'r',mmap=False) as gHghtF: # Can only be done with scipy Ver > 0.12.0 #gHghtF = netcdf.netcdf_file(ghghtFile,'r',mmap=False) gHghtF = nc.Dataset(ghghtFile, 'r') hgt = gHghtF.variables[ 'hgt'] # Height in [meters]. Dimensions: [time][vert][lat][lon] PlvlHght = gHghtF.variables['level'] hgt = hgt[:] PlvlHght = PlvlHght[:] gHghtF.close() #------------------------------------------ # Loop through all folders in specific year #------------------------------------------ for sngDir in dirListYr: #---------------------------- # Get date in datetime format #---------------------------- oneDay = dt.datetime(int(os.path.basename(sngDir[:-1])[0:4]), int(os.path.basename(sngDir[:-1])[4:6]), int(os.path.basename(sngDir[:-1])[6:8])) #-------------------------------------------------- # Find month index for monthly WACCM water profiles #-------------------------------------------------- mnthInd = oneDay.month - 1 # -1 because January is in the 0th column #-------------------------------------- # Get hgt and specific humidity for day #-------------------------------------- ind = np.where(timeAll == oneDay)[0] dayHghtMat = np.squeeze(hgt[ind, :, :, :]) dayShumMat = np.squeeze(shum[ind, :, :, :]) #----------------------------------------------------------- # 'Unpack' the data => (data[int])*scale_factor + add_offset #----------------------------------------------------------- #dayHghtMat = dayHghtMat * hgt.scale_factor + hgt.add_offset #dayShumMat = dayShumMat * shum.scale_factor + shum.add_offset #----------------------------------------------------- # For each level interpolate hgt and specific humidity # based on latitude and longitude of site #----------------------------------------------------- dayHgt = np.zeros(np.shape(dayShumMat)[0]) dayShum = np.zeros(np.shape(dayShumMat)[0]) for lvl in range(0, np.shape(dayShumMat)[0]): dayHgtLvl = np.squeeze(dayHghtMat[lvl, :, :]) if interpFlg: dayHgt[lvl] = interp2d(lonShum, latShum, dayHgtLvl, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) else: dayHgt[lvl] = dayHgtLvl[latind, lonind] dayShumLvl = np.squeeze(dayShumMat[lvl, :, :]) if interpFlg: dayShum[lvl] = interp2d(lonShum, latShum, dayShumLvl, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) else: dayShum[lvl] = dayShumLvl[latind, lonind] dayHgt.astype(float) dayShum.astype(float) dayHgt = dayHgt / 1000.0 # Convert height units [m] => [km] #--------------------------------------------------------- # Construct specific humidity and height profiles for # interpolation on to the sfit input grid which is the # same as the WACCM height in monthly profile file. # NCEP reanalysis data only goes to 300mb therefore, # merge with monthly averaged WACCM water profiles > 300mb #--------------------------------------------------------- NCEPtop = dayHgt[-1] topInd = np.argmin( abs(Z - NCEPtop) ) # Where top of NCEP reanalysis fits in WACCM grid height #Zin = np.concatenate( ( Z[0:(topInd-nSkip)] , np.flipud(dayHgt)) , axis=1 ) #SHin = np.concatenate( ( waccmW[0:(topInd-nSkip),mnthInd], np.flipud(dayShum)), axis=1 ) #Remove axis=1 Zin = np.concatenate((Z[0:(topInd - nSkip)], np.flipud(dayHgt))) SHin = np.concatenate((waccmW[0:(topInd - nSkip), mnthInd], np.flipud(dayShum))) #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Interpolate to specific humidity on WACCM grid. X data must # be increasing => flip dimensions and then flip back #-------------------------------------------------------------- if logFlg: SHout = np.exp( np.flipud( intrpUniSpl(np.flipud(Zin), np.log(np.flipud(SHin)), k=intrpOrder)(np.flipud(Z)))) else: SHout = np.flipud( intrpUniSpl(np.flipud(Zin), np.flipud(SHin), k=intrpOrder)(np.flipud(Z))) #--------------------- # Write out water file #--------------------- with open(sngDir + 'w-120.' + verW, 'w') as fopen: fopen.write( ' 1 H2O from NCEP reanalysis and WACCM V6 monthly mean \n' ) for row in segmnt(SHout, 5): strformat = ','.join('{:>12.4E}' for i in row) + ', \n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*row)) #-------------------- # Create plots to pdf #COMMENTED BELOW BY IVAN: CHECK MATPLOT PLT ERROR #-------------------- pdfsav = PdfPages(sngDir + 'WaterProfile.pdf') fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.plot(SHout, Z, 'rx-', label='Interpolated SH') ax1.plot(waccmW[:, mnthInd], Z, 'bx-', label='WACCM V6 SH') ax1.plot(dayShum, dayHgt, 'kx-', label='NCEP Reanalysis SH') ax1.grid(True, which='both') ax1.legend(prop={'size': 9}) ax1.set_ylabel('Altitude [km]') ax1.set_xlabel('VMR [ppv]') ax1.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', labelsize=8) ax1.set_ylim((Z[-1], 60)) ax1.set_xlim((0, np.max((waccmW[-1, mnthInd], dayShum[-1])))) ax1.set_title(oneDay) pdfsav.savefig(fig1, dpi=250) fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots() ax2.plot(SHout, Z, 'rx-', label='Interpolated SH') ax2.plot(waccmW[:, mnthInd], Z, 'bx-', label='WACCM V6 SH') ax2.plot(dayShum, dayHgt, 'kx-', label='NCEP Reanalysis SH') ax2.grid(True, which='both') ax2.legend(prop={'size': 9}) ax2.set_ylabel('Altitude [km]') ax2.set_xlabel('log VMR [ppv]') ax2.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', labelsize=8) ax2.set_xscale('log') ax2.set_ylim((Z[-1], 60)) ax2.set_xlim((0, np.max((waccmW[-1, mnthInd], dayShum[-1])))) ax2.set_title(oneDay) pdfsav.savefig(fig2, dpi=250) pdfsav.close() print 'Finished processing folder: {}'.format(sngDir)
def main(argv): #------------------ # Set default flags #------------------ logFile = False lstFlg = False pauseFlg = False #-------------------------------- # Retrieve command line arguments #-------------------------------- try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'i:P:L:l?') except getopt.GetoptError as err: print str(err) usage() sys.exit() #----------------------------- # Parse command line arguments #----------------------------- for opt, arg in opts: # Check input file flag and path if opt == '-i': # Input file instance mainInF = sc.Layer1InputFile(arg) # Pause after skip option elif opt == '-P': if not arg or arg.startswith('-'): usage() sys.exit() pauseFlg = True try: nskips = int(arg) - 1 if nskips < 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: print 'Argument for -P flag: %s, needs to be an integer > 0' % arg sys.exit() # Show all command line flags elif opt == '-?': usage() sys.exit() # Option for Log File elif opt == '-l': logFile = True # Option for List file elif opt == '-L': if not arg or arg.startswith('-'): usage() sys.exit() lstFlg = True lstFnameFlg = int(arg) else: print 'Unhandled option: ' + opt sys.exit() #---------------------------------------------- # Initialize main input variables as dicitonary #---------------------------------------------- mainInF.getInputs() #-------------------- # Initialize log file #-------------------- # Write initial log data if logFile: log_fpath = mainInF.inputs['logDirOutput'] # check if '/' is included at end of path if not (log_fpath.endswith('/')): log_fpath = log_fpath + '/' # check if path is valide ckDir(log_fpath) logFile = logging.getLogger('1') logFile.setLevel(logging.INFO) hdlr1 = logging.FileHandler(log_fpath + mainInF.inputs['ctlList'][0][2] + '.log', mode='w') fmt1 = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S') hdlr1.setFormatter(fmt1) logFile.addHandler(hdlr1) '**************** Starting Logging ***********************')'Input data file: ' + mainInF.fname)'Log file path: ' + log_fpath)'Station location: ' + mainInF.inputs['loc']) #--------------------- # Initialize list file #--------------------- if lstFlg: lst_fpath = mainInF.inputs['logDirOutput'] # check if '/' is included at end of path if not (lst_fpath.endswith('/')): lst_fpath = lst_fpath + '/' # check if path is valide ckDir(lst_fpath) lstFile = logging.getLogger('2') lstFile.setLevel(logging.INFO) if lstFnameFlg: hdlr2 = logging.FileHandler( lst_fpath + mainInF.inputs['ctlList'][0][2] + '.lst', mode='w') else: hdlr2 = logging.FileHandler(lst_fpath + 'testing.lst', mode='w') fmt2 = logging.Formatter('') hdlr2.setFormatter(fmt2) lstFile.addHandler(hdlr2) #----------------------------- # Check the existance of files #----------------------------- # Spectral Database file ckFile(mainInF.inputs['spcdbFile'], logFlg=logFile, exit=True) # WACCM profile file #ckFile(mainInF.inputs['WACCMfile'],logFlg=logFile,exit=True) # ctl files for ctlFile in mainInF.inputs['ctlList']: ckFile(ctlFile[0], logFlg=logFile, exit=True) #-------------------------------------------- # Program Looping structure. See Notes # Level1 - LOC (Input/Output) # Level2 - ctl file (Output) # Level3 - Spectral db (Output) # --Check I/O directory structure #-------------------------------------------- # Establish Date Range inDateRange = sc.DateRange(mainInF.inputs['iyear'], mainInF.inputs['imnth'], mainInF.inputs['iday'], mainInF.inputs['fyear'], mainInF.inputs['fmnth'], mainInF.inputs['fday']) #-------------------- # Level 1 -- LOC #-------------------- if not (isinstance(mainInF.inputs['loc'], list)): mainInF.inputs['loc'] = [mainInF.inputs['loc']] for loc in mainInF.inputs['loc']: #------------------------------------------- # Check for existance of Input folder. Also, # check if '/' is included at end of path #------------------------------------------- if not (mainInF.inputs['BaseDirInput'].endswith('/')): wrkInputDir1 = mainInF.inputs['BaseDirInput'] + '/' + loc + '/' else: wrkInputDir1 = mainInF.inputs['BaseDirInput'] + loc + '/' ckDir(wrkInputDir1, logFlg=logFile, exit=True) #----------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the existance of Output folder and create if DNE # Also, check if '/' is included at end of path #----------------------------------------------------------- if not (mainInF.inputs['BaseDirOutput'].endswith('/')): wrkOutputDir1 = mainInF.inputs['BaseDirOutput'] + '/' else: wrkOutputDir1 = mainInF.inputs['BaseDirOutput'] ckDirMk(wrkOutputDir1, logFile) #-------------------------------------- # Find spectral db file and initialize # instance and get inputs #-------------------------------------- dbData = sc.DbInputFile(mainInF.inputs['spcdbFile'], logFile) dbData.getInputs() #----------------------------- # Initial filter of data based # on input date range #----------------------------- dbFltData_1 = dbData.dbFilterDate(inDateRange) #--------------------------------- # Initialize error control file # instance and get inputs (sb.ctl) #--------------------------------- if mainInF.inputs['errFlg']: ckFile(mainInF.inputs['sbCtlFile'], logFlg=logFile, exit=True) SbctlFileVars = sc.CtlInputFile(mainInF.inputs['sbCtlFile']) SbctlFileVars.getInputs() #-------------------------------------- # Level 2 -- Loop through control files #-------------------------------------- for ctl_ind, ctlFileList in enumerate(mainInF.inputs['ctlList']): #----------------------------- # Initialize ctl file instance # and get inputs #----------------------------- ctlFile = ctlFileList[0] ctlFileGlb = sc.CtlInputFile(ctlFile, logFile) ctlFileGlb.getInputs() #----------------------------- # Write Meta-data to list file #----------------------------- if lstFlg:'# Begin List File Meta-Data')'Start Date = ' + str(inDateRange.dateList[0]))'End Date = ' + str(inDateRange.dateList[-1]))'WACCM_File = ' + mainInF.inputs['WACCMfile'])'ctl_File = ' + mainInF.inputs['ctlList'][ctl_ind][0])'FilterID = ' + mainInF.inputs['ctlList'][ctl_ind][1])'VersionName = ' + mainInF.inputs['ctlList'][ctl_ind][2])'Site = ' + mainInF.inputs['loc'][0])'statnLyrs_file = ' + ctlFileGlb.inputs[''][0])'primGas = ' + ctlFileGlb.primGas)'specDBfile = ' + mainInF.inputs['spcdbFile'])'Coadd flag = ' + str(mainInF.inputs['coaddFlg']))'nBNRfiles = ' + str(mainInF.inputs['nBNRfiles']))'ilsFlg = ' + str(mainInF.inputs['ilsFlg']))'pspecFlg = ' + str(mainInF.inputs['pspecFlg']))'refmkrFlg = ' + str(mainInF.inputs['refmkrFlg']))'sfitFlg = ' + str(mainInF.inputs['sfitFlg']))'lstFlg = ' + str(mainInF.inputs['lstFlg']))'errFlg = ' + str(mainInF.inputs['errFlg']))'zptFlg = ' + str(mainInF.inputs['zptFlg']))'refMkrLvl = ' + str(mainInF.inputs['refMkrLvl']))'wVer = ' + str(mainInF.inputs['wVer']))'# End List File Meta-Data')'')'Date TimeStamp Directory ') #------------------------- # Filter spectral db based # on wavenumber bounds in # ctl file #------------------------- # Find the upper and lower bands from the ctl file nu = [] for band in ctlFileGlb.inputs['band']: bandstr = str(int(band)) nu.append(ctlFileGlb.inputs['band.' + bandstr + '.nu_start'][0]) nu.append(ctlFileGlb.inputs['band.' + bandstr + '.nu_stop'][0]) nu.sort() # Sort wavenumbers nuUpper = nu[-1] # Get upper wavenumber nuLower = nu[0] # Get lower wavenumber # Filter spectral DB based on wave number dbFltData_2 = dbData.dbFilterNu(nuUpper, nuLower, dbFltData_1) if not (dbFltData_2): continue # Test for empty dicitonary (i.e. no data) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # In addition to filtering db based on wavenumbers in ctl file one can filter spectral db based # on filter ID. Using this can help avoid the bug when pspec tries to apply a filter band outside # spectral region of a bnr file. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if mainInF.inputs['ctlList'][ctl_ind][1]: dbFltData_2 = dbData.dbFilterFltrID( mainInF.inputs['ctlList'][ctl_ind][1], dbFltData_2) if not (dbFltData_2): continue # Test for empty dicitonary (i.e. no data) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for the existance of Output folder <Version> and create if DNE #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if mainInF.inputs['ctlList'][ctl_ind][2]: wrkOutputDir2 = wrkOutputDir1 + mainInF.inputs['ctlList'][ ctl_ind][2] + '/' ckDirMk(wrkOutputDir2, logFile) else: wrkOutputDir2 = wrkOutputDir1 #----------------------------------------------- # Create a folder within the output directory to # store various input files: ctl, hbin, isotope #----------------------------------------------- ctlPath, ctlFname = os.path.split( mainInF.inputs['ctlList'][ctl_ind][0]) archDir = wrkOutputDir2 + 'inputFiles' + '/' if ckDirMk(archDir, logFile): for f in glob.glob(archDir + '*'): os.remove(f) shutil.copy(mainInF.inputs['ctlList'][ctl_ind][0], archDir) # Copy ctl file for file in glob.glob(ctlPath + '/*hbin*'): # Copy hbin files shutil.copy(file, archDir) for file in glob.glob(ctlPath + '/isotope*'): # Copy isotope file shutil.copy(file, archDir) #------------------------------------------ # Level 3 -- Loop through spectral db lines #------------------------------------------ nobs = len(dbFltData_2['Date']) for spcDBind in range(0, nobs): #----------------------------------------------------------- # Grab spectral data base information for specific retrieval #----------------------------------------------------------- # Get current date and time of spectral database entry currntDayStr = str(int(dbFltData_2['Date'][spcDBind])) currntDay = dt.datetime( int(currntDayStr[0:4]), int(currntDayStr[4:6]), int(currntDayStr[6:]), int(dbFltData_2['Time'][spcDBind][0:2]), int(dbFltData_2['Time'][spcDBind][3:5]), int(dbFltData_2['Time'][spcDBind][6:])) # Get dictionary with specific date specDBone = dbData.dbFindDate(currntDay, fltDict=dbFltData_2) brkFlg = True # Flag to break out of while statement while True: # While statement is for the repeat function #------------------------------------------------------------- # If pause after skip flag is initialized, do several things: # 1) Check if number of skips exceeds total number of filtered # observations # 2) Skip to specified starting point # 3) Pause after first run #------------------------------------------------------------- if pauseFlg and (nskips > len(dbFltData_2['Date'])): print 'Specified starting point in -P option (%d) is greater than number of observations in filtered database (%d)' % ( nskips, nobs) if logFile: logFile.critical( 'Specified starting point in -P option (%d) is greater than number of observations in filtered database (%d)' % (nskips, nobs)) sys.exit() if pauseFlg and (spcDBind < nskips): break # Get date of observations daystr = str(int(dbFltData_2['Date'][spcDBind])) obsDay = dt.datetime(int(daystr[0:4]), int(daystr[4:6]), int(daystr[6:])) #---------------------------------------- # Check the existance of input and output # directory structure #---------------------------------------- # Find year month and day strings yrstr = "{0:02d}".format(obsDay.year) mnthstr = "{0:02d}".format(obsDay.month) daystr = "{0:02d}".format( datestr = yrstr + mnthstr + daystr # Check for existance of YYYYMMDD Input folder # If this folder does not exist => there is no # Data for this day wrkInputDir2 = wrkInputDir1 + yrstr + mnthstr + daystr + '/' ckDir(wrkInputDir2, logFlg=logFile, exit=True) #----------------------------------------- # Check for the existance of Output folder # <Date>.<TimeStamp> and create if DNE #----------------------------------------- wrkOutputDir3 = wrkOutputDir2 + datestr + '.' + "{0:06}".format( int(dbFltData_2['TStamp'][spcDBind])) + '/' if ckDirMk(wrkOutputDir3, logFile): # Remove all files in Output directory if previously exists!! for f in glob.glob(wrkOutputDir3 + '*'): os.remove(f) #------------------------------- # Copy relavent files from input # directory to output directoy #------------------------------- #----------------------------------- # Copy control file to Output folder # First check if location to copy ctl is # the same location as original ctl file #----------------------------------- try: shutil.copyfile(mainInF.inputs['ctlList'][ctl_ind][0], wrkOutputDir3 + 'sfit4.ctl') except IOError: print 'Unable to copy template ctl file to working directory: %s' % wrkOutputDir3 if logFile: logFile.critical( 'Unable to copy template ctl file to working directory: %s' % wrkOutputDir3) sys.exit() #------------------------------------- # Copy sb.ctl file to output directory # if error analysis is chosen #------------------------------------- if mainInF.inputs['errFlg']: try: shutil.copyfile(mainInF.inputs['sbCtlFile'], wrkOutputDir3 + 'sb.ctl') except IOError: print 'Unable to copy template sb.ctl file to working directory: %s' % wrkOutputDir3 if logFile: logFile.critical( 'Unable to copy template sb.ctl file to working directory: %s' % wrkOutputDir3) sys.exit() #---------------------------------- # Copy hbin details to output folder # ** Assuming that the hbin.dtl and # hbin.input files are in the same # location as the global ctl file #---------------------------------- try: shutil.copyfile(ctlPath + '/hbin.dtl', wrkOutputDir3 + '/hbin.dtl') # Copy hbin.dtl file except IOError: print 'Unable to copy file: %s' % (ctlPath + '/hbin.dtl') if logFile: logFile.error(IOError) try: shutil.copyfile(ctlPath + '/hbin.input', wrkOutputDir3 + '/hbin.input') # Copy hbin.input file except IOError: print 'Unable to copy file: %s' % (ctlPath + '/hbin.input') if logFile: logFile.error(IOError) # Create instance of local control file (ctl file in working directory) ctlFileLcl = sc.CtlInputFile(wrkOutputDir3 + 'sfit4.ctl', logFile) #------------------------------------------------- # Determine whether to use ILS file. Empty string # '' => no ILS file. #------------------------------------------------- if mainInF.inputs['ilsDir'] and mainInF.inputs['ilsFlg']: #------------------------------------------- # Determine if ilsDir is a file or directory #------------------------------------------- # If directory..... if os.path.isdir(mainInF.inputs['ilsDir']): # Determine which ILS file to use ilsFileList = glob.glob(mainInF.inputs['ilsDir'] + 'ils*') # Create a date list of ils files present ilsYYYYMMDD = [] for ilsFile in ilsFileList: ilsFileNpath = os.path.basename(ilsFile) match = re.match( r'\s*ils(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d).*', ilsFileNpath) ilsYYYYMMDD.append([ int(, int(, int( ]) ilsDateList = [, ilsmonth, ilsday) for ilsyear, ilsmonth, ilsday in ilsYYYYMMDD ] # Find the ils date nearest to the current day nearstDay = sc.nearestDate(ilsDateList, obsDay.year, obsDay.month, nearstDayMnth = "{0:02d}".format(nearstDay.month) nearstDayYr = "{0:02d}".format(nearstDay.year) nearstDayDay = "{0:02d}".format( nearstDaystr = nearstDayYr + nearstDayMnth + nearstDayDay # Get File path and name for nearest ils file for ilsFile in ilsFileList: if nearstDaystr in os.path.basename(ilsFile): ilsFname = ilsFile # If file..... elif os.path.isfile(mainInF.inputs['ilsDir']): ilsFname = mainInF.inputs['ilsDir'] if logFile:'Using ils file: ' + ilsFname) # Replace ils file name in local ctl file (within working directory) teststr = [ r'', r'' ] repVal = [ilsFname, ilsFname] ctlFileLcl.replVar(teststr, repVal) # Write FOV from spectral database file to ctl file (within working directory) ctlFileLcl.replVar([r'band\.\d+\.omega'], [str(specDBone['FOV'])]) #--------------------------- # Message strings for output #--------------------------- msgstr1 = mainInF.inputs['ctlList'][ctl_ind][0] msgstr2 = datestr + '.' + "{0:06}".format( int(dbFltData_2['TStamp'][spcDBind])) #----------------------------# # # # --- Run pspec--- # # # #----------------------------# if mainInF.inputs['pspecFlg']: print '*****************************************************' print 'Running PSPEC for ctl file: %s' % msgstr1 print 'Processing spectral observation date: %s' % msgstr2 print '*****************************************************' rtn = t15ascPrep(dbFltData_2, wrkInputDir2, wrkOutputDir3, mainInF, spcDBind, ctl_ind, logFile) if logFile:'Ran PSPEC for ctl file: %s' % msgstr1) 'Processed spectral observation date: %s' % msgstr2) #----------------------------# # # # --- Run Refmaker--- # # # #----------------------------# if mainInF.inputs['refmkrFlg']: #------------- # Run Refmaker #------------- print '*****************************************************' print 'Running REFMKRNCAR for ctl file: %s' % msgstr1 print 'Processing spectral observation date: %s' % msgstr2 print '*****************************************************' rtn = refMkrNCAR(wrkInputDir2, mainInF.inputs['WACCMfile'], wrkOutputDir3, \ mainInF.inputs['refMkrLvl'], mainInF.inputs['wVer'], mainInF.inputs['zptFlg'],\ dbFltData_2, spcDBind, logFile) if logFile:'Ran REFMKRNCAR for ctl file: %s' % msgstr1) 'Processed spectral observation date: %s' % msgstr2) #----------------------------# # # # --- Run sfit4--- # # # #----------------------------# #-------------- # Call to sfit4 #-------------- if mainInF.inputs['sfitFlg']: print '*****************************************************' print 'Running SFIT4 for ctl file: %s' % msgstr1 print 'Processing spectral observation date: %s' % msgstr2 print 'Ouput Directory: %s' % wrkOutputDir3 print '*****************************************************' if logFile:'Ran SFIT4 for ctl file: %s' % msgstr1) 'Processed spectral observation date: %s' % msgstr2) #------------------------------ # Change working directory to # output directory to run pspec #------------------------------ try: os.chdir(wrkOutputDir3) except OSError as errmsg: if logFile: logFile.error(errmsg) sys.exit() #--------------------- # Run sfit4 executable #--------------------- sc.subProcRun([mainInF.inputs['binDir'] + 'sfit4'], logFile) #if ( stderr is None or not stderr): #if log_flg:'Finished running sfit4\n' + stdout) #else: #print 'Error running sfit4!!!' #if log_flg: #logFile.error('Error running sfit4 \n' + stdout) #sys.exit() #----------------------------------- # Change permissions of all files in # working directory #----------------------------------- for f in glob.glob(wrkOutputDir3 + '*'): os.chmod(f, 0777) #---------------------------------------------- # If succesfull run, write details to list file #---------------------------------------------- if lstFlg: fname = wrkOutputDir3 + 'sfit4.dtl' cmpltFlg = False with open(fname, 'r') as fopen: for ind, line in enumerate( reversed(fopen.readlines())): if ind < 10: if r'RDRV: DONE.' in line: cmpltFlg = True else: break if cmpltFlg and lstFile: "{0:<13}".format( int(dbFltData_2['Date'][spcDBind])) + "{0:06}".format( int(dbFltData_2['TStamp'][spcDBind])) + ' ' + wrkOutputDir3) #----------------------------# # # # --- Error Analysis --- # # # #----------------------------# if mainInF.inputs['errFlg']: if logFile:'Ran SFIT4 for ctl file: %s' % msgstr1) #----------------------------------- # Enter into Error Analysis function #----------------------------------- rtn = errAnalysis(ctlFileGlb, SbctlFileVars, wrkOutputDir3, logFile) #--------------------------- # Continuation for Pause flg #--------------------------- if pauseFlg: while True: user_input = raw_input( 'Paused processing....\n Enter: 0 to exit, -1 to repeat, 1 to continue to next, 2 to continue all\n >>> ' ) try: user_input = int(user_input) if not any(user_input == val for val in [-1, 0, 1, 2]): raise ValueError break except ValueError: print 'Please enter -1, 0, 1, or 2' if user_input == 0: sys.exit() # Exit program elif user_input == 1: brkFlg = True # Exit while loop (Do not repeat) elif user_input == 2: # Stop pause and exit while loop pauseFlg = False brkFlg = True elif user_input == -1: # Repeat loop brkFlg = False # Need to implement functionality to recopy ctl file, bnr file, etc #----------------------- # Exit out of while loop #----------------------- if brkFlg: break
def main(): #--------- # Location #--------- loc = 'tab' #----------------------------------------- # Interpolation flag for NCEP re-analysis: # False = Nearest point. True = linear #----------------------------------------- interpFlg = False #--------------------- # Interpolation things #--------------------- nSkip = 3 # Number of points to skip when merging WACCM and NCEP profiles intrpOrder = 1 # Order of interpolation logFlg = True # Flag to do interpolation of log of water #----------------------- # Date Range of interest #----------------------- year = 2014 iyear = year imnth = 1 iday = 1 fyear = year fmnth = 10 fday = 1 #------------------------------------- # Parameters for potential temperature #------------------------------------- thetaTrgt = 380.0 # Potential Temperature [K] P0 = 1000.0 # Referenc Pressure [mbars] R_Cp = 0.286 # R/Cp for air #------------------------------- # NCEP Reanalysis data directory #------------------------------- NCEPTempdir = '/Volumes/data1/ebaumer/NCEP_Temp/' NCEPhgtDir = '/Volumes/data1/ebaumer/NCEP_hgt/' #-------------- # Out directory #-------------- outDir = '/Volumes/data1/ebaumer/NCEP_Temp/' #--------------------- # Establish date range #--------------------- dRange = sc.DateRange(iyear, imnth, iday, fyear, fmnth, fday) yrList = dRange.yearList() #--------------------------------------- # Altitude levels for different stations #--------------------------------------- if loc.lower() == 'tab': sLat = 76.52 sLon = 291.23 # 68.77 W = (360.0 - 68.77) = 291.23 E elif loc.lower() == 'mlo': sLat = 19.4 sLon = 204.43 # 155.57 W = (360 - 155.57) = 204.43 E elif loc.lower() == 'fl0': sLat = 40.4 sLon = 254.76 # 105.24 W = (360 - 105.24) = 254.76 E #---------------------------- # File and directory checking #---------------------------- ckDir(NCEPTempdir, exitFlg=True) ckDir(NCEPhgtDir, exitFlg=True) #------------------- # Loop through years #------------------- for year in yrList: #------------------- # Yearly Output File #------------------- outFile = outDir + '380K_theta_' + loc.lower() + '_' + str( iyear) + '.dat' #------------------------------- # Open and read year NetCDF file #------------------------------- trppFile = NCEPTempdir + 'air.' + str(year) + '.nc' ghghtFile = NCEPhgtDir + 'hgt.' + str(year) + '.nc' #------------------------- # Tropopause Pressure File #------------------------- #with netcdf.netcdf_file(shumFile,'r',mmap=False) as shumF: # Can only be done with scipy Ver > 0.12.0 TempObj = nc.Dataset(trppFile, 'r') Temp = TempObj.variables[ 'air'][:] # Mean daily Pressure at Tropopause (Pascals) timeTrpp = TempObj.variables['time'][:] # hours since 1-1-1 00:00:0.0 latTrpp = TempObj.variables['lat'][:] # degrees_north lonTrpp = TempObj.variables['lon'][:] # degrees_east TempObj.close() #----------------------------------------------------------- # 'Unpack' the data => (data[int])*scale_factor + add_offset #----------------------------------------------------------- #TempData = Temp[:,:,:] * Temp.scale_factor + Temp.add_offset #----------------------------------------------- # If not interpolating point in NCEP re-analysis # find closes lat lon indicies #----------------------------------------------- if not interpFlg: latind = findCls(latTrpp, sLat) lonind = findCls(lonTrpp, sLon) #------------------------------------------------------ # Convert hours since 1-1-1 00:00:00 to datetime object # NCEP reanalysis uses udunits for encoding times, # meaning they don't follow standard leap year # convention (whatever this means?). Must follow some # leap year convention, but not clear. Therefore, take # the first time in file as 1-1-YEAR. #------------------------------------------------------ timeHrs = timeTrpp - timeTrpp[0] timeAll = np.array([ dt.datetime(year, 1, 1) + dt.timedelta(hours=int(h)) for h in timeHrs ]) # This is a datetime object dateAll = np.array([, d.month, for d in timeAll ]) # Convert datetime to strictly date #------------------------- # Geopotential Height file #------------------------- #with netcdf.netcdf_file(ghghtFile,'r',mmap=False) as gHghtF: # Can only be done with scipy Ver > 0.12.0 gHghtF = nc.Dataset(ghghtFile, 'r') hgt = gHghtF.variables[ 'hgt'][:] # Height in [meters]. Dimensions: [time][vert][lat][lon] PlvlHghtData = gHghtF.variables['level'][:] gHghtF.close() PlvlHghtData.astype(float) #------------------------------------------------- # Calculate coefficient for potential temperature: # Po (R/Cp) # Theta = T *(-----) # P #------------------------------------------------- theta_coef = (P0 / PlvlHghtData)**(R_Cp) #??????????????? #------------------------------------- # Create empty Tropopause height array #------------------------------------- theta_hgt = np.zeros(len(dateAll)) #------------------------------------------ # Loop through all folders in specific year #------------------------------------------ for day in dRange.dateList: #------------------------------ # Find corresponding date index #------------------------------ i = np.where(dateAll == day)[0] #------------------------- # Get hgt for specific day #------------------------- dayHghtMat = np.squeeze(hgt[i, :, :, :]) #----------------------------- # Get Theta for a specific day #----------------------------- dayTempMat = np.squeeze(Temp[i, :, :, :]) #------------------------------------------- # For each level interpolate height and Theta # based on latitude and longitude of site #------------------------------------------- dayHgt = np.zeros(np.shape(dayHghtMat)[0]) thetaLvl = np.zeros(np.shape(dayHghtMat)[0]) for lvl in range(0, np.shape(dayHghtMat)[0]): #------- # Height #------- dayHgtLvl = np.squeeze(dayHghtMat[lvl, :, :]) if interpFlg: dayHgt[lvl] = interp2d(lonTrpp[:], latTrpp[:], dayHgtLvl, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) else: dayHgt[lvl] = dayHgtLvl[latind, lonind] #------ # Theta #------ TempDayLvl = np.squeeze(dayTempMat[lvl, :, :]) if interpFlg: thetaLvl[lvl] = interp2d(lonTrpp[:], latTrpp[:], TempDayLvl, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) else: thetaLvl[lvl] = TempDayLvl[latind, lonind] dayHgt.astype(float) dayHgt = dayHgt / 1000.0 # Convert height units [m] => [km] thetaLvl.astype(float) thetaLvl *= theta_coef # Apply theta coefficient Temperature => Theta #------------------------------------ # Interpolate Tropopause pressure on # height to find height of tropopuase #------------------------------------ theta_hgt[i] = interp1d(thetaLvl, dayHgt, kind='linear')(thetaTrgt) #---------------------------------------- # Write Tropopause heights to yearly file #---------------------------------------- with open(outFile, 'w') as fopen: hdr = 'Date 380K Potential Temperature Height [km]\n' fopen.write(hdr) strformat = '{0:15}{1:<38}\n' for i, indDay in enumerate(timeAll): daystr = "{0:04d}{1:02d}{2:02d}".format( indDay.year, indDay.month, temp = [daystr, theta_hgt[i]] fopen.write(strformat.format(*temp))
def main(): #--------- # Location #--------- loc = 'tab' #----------------------- # Date Range of interest #----------------------- iyear = 2013 imnth = 1 iday = 1 fyear = 2013 fmnth = 12 fday = 31 #--------------- # Data Directory #--------------- dataDir = '/Volumes/data1/'+loc.lower()+'/' #----------------------------- # Names of output figure files #----------------------------- figFnameQ = '/Users/ebaumer/Data/Q_'+loc.lower()+'.pdf' figFnameT = '/Users/ebaumer/Data/T_'+loc.lower()+'.pdf' figFnameQcor = '/Users/ebaumer/Data/Qcorr_'+loc.lower()+'.pdf' figFnameTcor = '/Users/ebaumer/Data/Tcorr_'+loc.lower()+'.pdf' figFnameSTD = '/Users/ebaumer/Data/STD_'+loc.lower()+'.pdf' fdataSTD = '/Users/ebaumer/Data/STD_'+loc.lower()+'.dat' #--------------------- # Establish date range #--------------------- dRange = sc.DateRange(iyear,imnth,iday,fyear,fmnth,fday) #---------------------------- # File and directory checking #---------------------------- ckDir(dataDir,exitFlg=True) #--------------------- # Interpolation things #--------------------- intrpOrder = 1 # Order of interpolation logFlg = False # Flag to do interpolation of log of water #--------------------------------------- # Altitude levels for different stations #--------------------------------------- if loc.lower() == 'tab': Z = np.array([ 44.0000, 42.0000, 40.0000, 38.0000, 36.0000, 34.0000, 32.0000, 30.0000, 28.0000, 26.0000, 24.0000, 22.0000, 20.0000, 18.0000, 16.0000, 14.0000, 12.0000, 10.0000, 9.0000, 8.0000, 7.0000, 6.0000, 5.0000, 4.0000, 3.0000, 2.0000, 1.0000, 0.2250 ]) sLat = 76.52 sLon = 291.23 # 68.77 W = (360.0 - 68.77) = 291.23 E elif loc.lower() == 'mlo': Z = np.array([ 44.0000, 42.0000, 40.0000, 38.0000, 36.0000, 34.0000, 32.0000, 30.0000, 28.0000, 26.0000, 24.0000, 22.0000, 20.0000, 18.0000, 16.0000, 14.0000, 12.0000, 10.0000, 9.0000, 8.0000, 7.0000, 6.0000, 5.0000, 4.0000, 3.3960]) sLat = 19.4 sLon = 204.43 # 155.57 W = (360 - 155.57) = 204.43 E elif loc.lower() == 'fl0': Z = np.array([ 120.0000, 110.0000, 100.0000, 94.0000, 90.0000, 85.0000, 80.0000, 75.0000, 70.0000, 65.0000, 60.0000, 55.0000, 50.0000, 48.0000, 46.0000, 44.0000, 42.0000, 40.0000, 38.0000, 36.0000, 34.0000, 32.0000, 30.0000, 28.0000, 26.0000, 24.0000, 22.0000, 20.0000, 18.0000, 16.0000, 14.0000, 12.0000, 10.0000, 9.0000, 8.0000, 7.0000, 6.0000, 5.0000, 4.0000, 3.0000, 2.0000, 1.6120]) sLat = 40.4 sLon = 254.76 # 105.24 W = (360 - 105.24) = 254.76 E #-------------------------------------------- # Walk through first level of directories in # data directory and collect directory names #-------------------------------------------- dirLst = [] for drs in os.walk(dataDir).next()[1]: #------------------------------------------- # Test directory to make sure it is a number #------------------------------------------- try: int(drs[0:4]) except: continue if dRange.inRange( int(drs[0:4]), int(drs[4:6]), int(drs[6:8]) ): dirLst.append(dataDir+drs+'/') dirLst.sort() #------------------------------------------ # Loop through all folders in specific year #------------------------------------------ firstFlg = True for sngDir in dirLst: #---------------------------- # Get date in datetime format #---------------------------- yrstr = os.path.basename(sngDir[:-1])[0:4] mnthstr = os.path.basename(sngDir[:-1])[4:6] daystr = os.path.basename(sngDir[:-1])[6:8] oneDay = dt.datetime(int(yrstr),int(mnthstr),int(daystr)) #---------------------------------------------------------------- # Open and read ERA Interim Q and T values for 6 hourly time step #---------------------------------------------------------------- Q_file = sngDir + 'ERA_Interm_Q.' + yrstr + mnthstr + daystr T_file = sngDir + 'ERA_Interm_T.' + yrstr + mnthstr + daystr ckFile(Q_file,exitFlg=True) ckFile(T_file,exitFlg=True) with open(Q_file,'r') as fopen: lines = fopen.readlines() alt_temp = np.array([ float(x.strip().split(',')[0]) for x in lines[2:] ]) Q_daily_temp = np.array([ float(x.strip().split(',')[1]) for x in lines[2:] ]) Q_00_temp = np.array([ float(x.strip().split(',')[2]) for x in lines[2:] ]) Q_06_temp = np.array([ float(x.strip().split(',')[3]) for x in lines[2:] ]) Q_12_temp = np.array([ float(x.strip().split(',')[4]) for x in lines[2:] ]) Q_18_temp = np.array([ float(x.strip().split(',')[5]) for x in lines[2:] ]) with open(T_file,'r') as fopen: lines = fopen.readlines() T_daily_temp = np.array([ float(x.strip().split(',')[1]) for x in lines[2:] ]) T_00_temp = np.array([ float(x.strip().split(',')[2]) for x in lines[2:] ]) T_06_temp = np.array([ float(x.strip().split(',')[3]) for x in lines[2:] ]) T_12_temp = np.array([ float(x.strip().split(',')[4]) for x in lines[2:] ]) T_18_temp = np.array([ float(x.strip().split(',')[5]) for x in lines[2:] ]) #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Interpolate to specific humidity on WACCM grid. X data must # be increasing => flip dimensions and then flip back #-------------------------------------------------------------- Q_daily_temp = interpAlt(alt_temp, Z, Q_daily_temp, intrpOrder, logFlg) Q_00_temp = interpAlt(alt_temp, Z, Q_00_temp, intrpOrder, logFlg) Q_06_temp = interpAlt(alt_temp, Z, Q_06_temp, intrpOrder, logFlg) Q_12_temp = interpAlt(alt_temp, Z, Q_12_temp, intrpOrder, logFlg) Q_18_temp = interpAlt(alt_temp, Z, Q_18_temp, intrpOrder, logFlg) T_daily_temp = interpAlt(alt_temp, Z, T_daily_temp, intrpOrder, logFlg) T_00_temp = interpAlt(alt_temp, Z, T_00_temp, intrpOrder, logFlg) T_06_temp = interpAlt(alt_temp, Z, T_06_temp, intrpOrder, logFlg) T_12_temp = interpAlt(alt_temp, Z, T_12_temp, intrpOrder, logFlg) T_18_temp = interpAlt(alt_temp, Z, T_18_temp, intrpOrder, logFlg) if firstFlg: firstFlg = False Q_daily = Q_daily_temp Q_00 = Q_00_temp Q_06 = Q_06_temp Q_12 = Q_12_temp Q_18 = Q_18_temp T_daily = T_daily_temp T_00 = T_00_temp T_06 = T_06_temp T_12 = T_12_temp T_18 = T_18_temp else: Q_daily = np.vstack((Q_daily,Q_daily_temp)) Q_00 = np.vstack((Q_00,Q_00_temp)) Q_06 = np.vstack((Q_06,Q_06_temp)) Q_12 = np.vstack((Q_12,Q_12_temp)) Q_18 = np.vstack((Q_18,Q_18_temp)) T_daily = np.vstack((T_daily,T_daily_temp)) T_00 = np.vstack((T_00,T_00_temp)) T_06 = np.vstack((T_06,T_06_temp)) T_12 = np.vstack((T_12,T_12_temp)) T_18 = np.vstack((T_18,T_18_temp)) #---------------- # Find Statistics #---------------- Q_daily_mean = np.mean(Q_daily,axis=0) Q_daily_std = np.std(Q_daily,axis=0) Q_00_mean = np.mean(Q_00,axis=0) Q_00_std = np.std(Q_00,axis=0) Q_06_mean = np.mean(Q_06,axis=0) Q_06_std = np.std(Q_06,axis=0) Q_12_mean = np.mean(Q_12,axis=0) Q_12_std = np.std(Q_12,axis=0) Q_18_mean = np.mean(Q_18,axis=0) Q_18_std = np.std(Q_18,axis=0) T_daily_mean = np.mean(T_daily,axis=0) T_daily_std = np.std(T_daily,axis=0) T_00_mean = np.mean(T_00,axis=0) T_00_std = np.std(T_00,axis=0) T_06_mean = np.mean(T_06,axis=0) T_06_std = np.std(T_06,axis=0) T_12_mean = np.mean(T_12,axis=0) T_12_std = np.std(T_12,axis=0) T_18_mean = np.mean(T_18,axis=0) T_18_std = np.std(T_18,axis=0) T_diff00 = abs(T_daily - T_00) T_diff06 = abs(T_daily - T_06) T_diff12 = abs(T_daily - T_12) T_diff18 = abs(T_daily - T_18) T_diffAll= np.vstack((T_diff00,T_diff06,T_diff12,T_diff18)) T_diffSTD= np.std(T_diffAll,axis=0) Q_diff00 = abs(Q_daily - Q_00) Q_diff06 = abs(Q_daily - Q_06) Q_diff12 = abs(Q_daily - Q_12) Q_diff18 = abs(Q_daily - Q_18) Q_diffAll= np.vstack((Q_diff00,Q_diff06,Q_diff12,Q_diff18)) Q_diffSTD= np.std(Q_diffAll,axis=0) #---------------------------- # Flatten arrays to correlate #---------------------------- Q_daily_flat = Q_daily.flatten() Q_00_flat = Q_00.flatten() Q_06_flat = Q_06.flatten() Q_12_flat = Q_12.flatten() Q_18_flat = Q_18.flatten() T_daily_flat = T_daily.flatten() T_00_flat = T_00.flatten() T_06_flat = T_06.flatten() T_12_flat = T_12.flatten() T_18_flat = T_18.flatten() alt_mat = np.array([Z]*np.shape(Q_00)[0]) alt_flat = alt_mat.flatten() #------------------------------------------- # Calculate Pearsons correlation coefficient #------------------------------------------- (R_Q00,_) = pearsonr(Q_00_flat, Q_daily_flat) (R_Q06,_) = pearsonr(Q_06_flat, Q_daily_flat) (R_Q12,_) = pearsonr(Q_12_flat, Q_daily_flat) (R_Q18,_) = pearsonr(Q_18_flat, Q_daily_flat) (R_T00,_) = pearsonr(T_00_flat, T_daily_flat) (R_T06,_) = pearsonr(T_06_flat, T_daily_flat) (R_T12,_) = pearsonr(T_12_flat, T_daily_flat) (R_T18,_) = pearsonr(T_18_flat, T_daily_flat) #------------------------ # Calculate RMSE and bias #------------------------ RMSE_Q00 = rmse(Q_00_flat, Q_daily_flat) RMSE_Q06 = rmse(Q_06_flat, Q_daily_flat) RMSE_Q12 = rmse(Q_12_flat, Q_daily_flat) RMSE_Q18 = rmse(Q_18_flat, Q_daily_flat) RMSE_T00 = rmse(T_00_flat, T_daily_flat) RMSE_T06 = rmse(T_06_flat, T_daily_flat) RMSE_T12 = rmse(T_12_flat, T_daily_flat) RMSE_T18 = rmse(T_18_flat, T_daily_flat) bias_Q00 = bias(Q_00_flat, Q_daily_flat) bias_Q06 = bias(Q_06_flat, Q_daily_flat) bias_Q12 = bias(Q_12_flat, Q_daily_flat) bias_Q18 = bias(Q_18_flat, Q_daily_flat) bias_T00 = bias(T_00_flat, T_daily_flat) bias_T06 = bias(T_06_flat, T_daily_flat) bias_T12 = bias(T_12_flat, T_daily_flat) bias_T18 = bias(T_18_flat, T_daily_flat) print 'R_Q00 = {}'.format(R_Q00) print 'R_Q06 = {}'.format(R_Q06) print 'R_Q12 = {}'.format(R_Q12) print 'R_Q18 = {}'.format(R_Q18) print 'R_T00 = {}'.format(R_T00) print 'R_T06 = {}'.format(R_T06) print 'R_T12 = {}'.format(R_T12) print 'R_T18 = {}'.format(R_T18) print 'RMSE_Q00 = {}'.format(RMSE_Q00) print 'RMSE_Q06 = {}'.format(RMSE_Q06) print 'RMSE_Q12 = {}'.format(RMSE_Q12) print 'RMSE_Q18 = {}'.format(RMSE_Q18) print 'RMSE_T00 = {}'.format(RMSE_T00) print 'RMSE_T06 = {}'.format(RMSE_T06) print 'RMSE_T12 = {}'.format(RMSE_T12) print 'RMSE_T18 = {}'.format(RMSE_T18) print 'bias_Q00 = {}'.format(bias_Q00) print 'bias_Q06 = {}'.format(bias_Q06) print 'bias_Q12 = {}'.format(bias_Q12) print 'bias_Q18 = {}'.format(bias_Q18) print 'bias_T00 = {}'.format(bias_T00) print 'bias_T06 = {}'.format(bias_T06) print 'bias_T12 = {}'.format(bias_T12) print 'bias_T18 = {}'.format(bias_T18) #----------- # Write data #----------- with open(fdataSTD,'w') as fopen: fopen.write('Standard Deviation of the absolute value of the Temperature and water profile diurnal cycle\n') fopen.write('{0:>20s}{1:>20s}{2:>20s}\n'.format('Height [km]','Temperature [km]','Water [VMR]')) for row in zip(*(Z,T_diffSTD,Q_diffSTD)): strformat = ','.join('{:>20.7E}' for i in row) + ', \n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*row)) #---------- # Plot data #---------- pdfsav = PdfPages(figFnameSTD) fig,(ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2,sharey=True) ax1.plot(T_diffSTD/T_daily_mean*100.0,Z) ax2.plot(Q_diffSTD/Q_daily_mean*100.0,Z) ax1.grid(True,which='both') ax2.grid(True,which='both') ax1.set_ylabel('Altitude [km]') ax1.set_xlabel('Temperature [% of Daily Mean]') ax2.set_xlabel('Water [% of Daily Mean]') #plt.suptitle('Standard Deviation of Diurnal Cycle for Temperature and Water Profiles \n Mauna Loa, 2013 ',multialignment='center') ax1.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=8) ax2.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=7) pdfsav.savefig(fig,dpi=350) pdfsav.close() # Q Corr pdfsav = PdfPages(figFnameQcor) fig,((ax1,ax2),(ax3,ax4)) = plt.subplots(2,2) cbar = ax1.scatter(Q_00_flat,Q_daily_flat,c=alt_flat,edgecolors='none',vmin=np.min(Z),vmax=np.max(Z)) ax1.plot(ax1.get_xlim(), ax1.get_ylim(), ls="--", c=".3") ax2.scatter(Q_06_flat,Q_daily_flat,c=alt_flat,edgecolors='none',vmin=np.min(Z),vmax=np.max(Z)) ax2.plot(ax2.get_xlim(), ax2.get_ylim(), ls="--", c=".3") ax3.scatter(Q_12_flat,Q_daily_flat,c=alt_flat,edgecolors='none',vmin=np.min(Z),vmax=np.max(Z)) ax3.plot(ax3.get_xlim(), ax3.get_ylim(), ls="--", c=".3") ax4.scatter(Q_18_flat,Q_daily_flat,c=alt_flat,edgecolors='none',vmin=np.min(Z),vmax=np.max(Z)) ax4.plot(ax4.get_xlim(), ax4.get_ylim(), ls="--", c=".3") ax1.set_ylabel('Q at 00 UTC',fontsize=8) ax1.set_xlabel('Q Daily Avg',fontsize=8) ax2.set_ylabel('Q at 06 UTC',fontsize=8) ax2.set_xlabel('Q Daily Avg',fontsize=8) ax3.set_ylabel('Q at 12 UTC',fontsize=8) ax3.set_xlabel('Q Daily Avg',fontsize=8) ax4.set_ylabel('Q at 18 UTC',fontsize=8) ax4.set_xlabel('Q Daily Avg',fontsize=8) ax1.text(0.05,0.95,'R = {:4.3f}'.format(R_Q00),fontsize=8,transform=ax1.transAxes) ax2.text(0.05,0.95,'R = {:4.3f}'.format(R_Q06),fontsize=8,transform=ax2.transAxes) ax3.text(0.05,0.95,'R = {:4.3f}'.format(R_Q12),fontsize=8,transform=ax3.transAxes) ax4.text(0.05,0.95,'R = {:4.3f}'.format(R_Q18),fontsize=8,transform=ax4.transAxes) ax1.text(0.05,0.87,'RMSE = {0:3.2e} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(RMSE_Q00,RMSE_Q00/np.mean(Q_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax1.transAxes) ax2.text(0.05,0.87,'RMSE = {0:3.2e} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(RMSE_Q06,RMSE_Q06/np.mean(Q_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax2.transAxes) ax3.text(0.05,0.87,'RMSE = {0:3.2e} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(RMSE_Q12,RMSE_Q12/np.mean(Q_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax3.transAxes) ax4.text(0.05,0.87,'RMSE = {0:3.2e} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(RMSE_Q18,RMSE_Q18/np.mean(Q_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax4.transAxes) ax1.text(0.05,0.79,'Bias = {0:3.2e} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(bias_Q00,bias_Q00/np.mean(Q_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax1.transAxes) ax2.text(0.05,0.79,'Bias = {0:3.2e} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(bias_Q06,bias_Q06/np.mean(Q_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax2.transAxes) ax3.text(0.05,0.79,'Bias = {0:3.2e} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(bias_Q12,bias_Q12/np.mean(Q_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax3.transAxes) ax4.text(0.05,0.79,'Bias = {0:3.2e} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(bias_Q18,bias_Q18/np.mean(Q_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax4.transAxes) ax1.grid(True,which='both') ax2.grid(True,which='both') ax3.grid(True,which='both') ax4.grid(True,which='both') ax1.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=6) ax1.tick_params(axis='y',which='both',labelsize=6) ax2.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=6) ax2.tick_params(axis='y',which='both',labelsize=6) ax3.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=6) ax3.tick_params(axis='y',which='both',labelsize=6) ax4.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=6) ax4.tick_params(axis='y',which='both',labelsize=6) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.85) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.03, 0.8]) cbarObj = fig.colorbar(cbar,cax=cbar_ax) cbarObj.solids.set_rasterized(True) cbarObj.set_label('Altitude [km]',fontsize=8) pdfsav.savefig(fig,dpi=350) pdfsav.close() # T Corr pdfsav = PdfPages(figFnameTcor) fig,((ax1,ax2),(ax3,ax4)) = plt.subplots(2,2) cbar = ax1.scatter(T_00_flat,T_daily_flat,c=alt_flat,edgecolors='none',vmin=np.min(Z),vmax=np.max(Z)) ax1.plot(ax1.get_xlim(), ax1.get_ylim(), ls="--", c=".3") ax2.scatter(T_06_flat,T_daily_flat,c=alt_flat,edgecolors='none',vmin=np.min(Z),vmax=np.max(Z)) ax2.plot(ax2.get_xlim(), ax2.get_ylim(), ls="--", c=".3") ax3.scatter(T_12_flat,T_daily_flat,c=alt_flat,edgecolors='none',vmin=np.min(Z),vmax=np.max(Z)) ax3.plot(ax3.get_xlim(), ax3.get_ylim(), ls="--", c=".3") ax4.scatter(T_18_flat,T_daily_flat,c=alt_flat,edgecolors='none',vmin=np.min(Z),vmax=np.max(Z)) ax4.plot(ax4.get_xlim(), ax4.get_ylim(), ls="--", c=".3") ax1.set_ylabel('T at 00 UTC',fontsize=8) ax1.set_xlabel('T Daily Avg',fontsize=8) ax2.set_ylabel('T at 06 UTC',fontsize=8) ax2.set_xlabel('T Daily Avg',fontsize=8) ax3.set_ylabel('T at 12 UTC',fontsize=8) ax3.set_xlabel('T Daily Avg',fontsize=8) ax4.set_ylabel('T at 18 UTC',fontsize=8) ax4.set_xlabel('T Daily Avg',fontsize=8) ax1.text(0.05,0.95,'R = {:4.3f}'.format(R_T00),fontsize=8,transform=ax1.transAxes) ax2.text(0.05,0.95,'R = {:4.3f}'.format(R_T06),fontsize=8,transform=ax2.transAxes) ax3.text(0.05,0.95,'R = {:4.3f}'.format(R_T12),fontsize=8,transform=ax3.transAxes) ax4.text(0.05,0.95,'R = {:4.3f}'.format(R_T18),fontsize=8,transform=ax4.transAxes) ax1.text(0.05,0.87,'RMSE = {0:5.3f} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(RMSE_T00,RMSE_T00/np.mean(T_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax1.transAxes) ax2.text(0.05,0.87,'RMSE = {0:5.3f} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(RMSE_T06,RMSE_T06/np.mean(T_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax2.transAxes) ax3.text(0.05,0.87,'RMSE = {0:5.3f} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(RMSE_T12,RMSE_T12/np.mean(T_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax3.transAxes) ax4.text(0.05,0.87,'RMSE = {0:5.3f} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(RMSE_T18,RMSE_T18/np.mean(T_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax4.transAxes) ax1.text(0.05,0.79,'Bias = {0:5.3f} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(bias_T00,bias_T00/np.mean(T_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax1.transAxes) ax2.text(0.05,0.79,'Bias = {0:5.3f} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(bias_T06,bias_T06/np.mean(T_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax2.transAxes) ax3.text(0.05,0.79,'Bias = {0:5.3f} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(bias_T12,bias_T12/np.mean(T_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax3.transAxes) ax4.text(0.05,0.79,'Bias = {0:5.3f} ({1:5.2f}%)'.format(bias_T18,bias_T18/np.mean(T_daily_flat)*100.),fontsize=8,transform=ax4.transAxes) ax1.grid(True,which='both') ax2.grid(True,which='both') ax3.grid(True,which='both') ax4.grid(True,which='both') ax1.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=7) ax1.tick_params(axis='y',which='both',labelsize=7) ax2.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=7) ax2.tick_params(axis='y',which='both',labelsize=7) ax3.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=7) ax3.tick_params(axis='y',which='both',labelsize=7) ax4.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=7) ax4.tick_params(axis='y',which='both',labelsize=7) fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.85) cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.9, 0.1, 0.03, 0.8]) cbarObj = fig.colorbar(cbar,cax=cbar_ax) cbarObj.solids.set_rasterized(True) cbarObj.set_label('Altitude [km]',fontsize=8) pdfsav.savefig(fig,dpi=350) pdfsav.close() # Q pdfsav = PdfPages(figFnameQ) fig,(ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2) ax1.plot(Q_daily_mean,Z,label='Daily') ax2.plot(Q_daily_mean,Z,label='Daily') #ax1.fill_betweenx(Z,Q_daily_mean-Q_daily_std,Q_daily_mean+Q_daily_std,alpha=0.5,color='0.75') ax1.plot(Q_00_mean,Z,label='00 UTC') ax2.plot(Q_00_mean,Z,label='00 UTC') #ax1.fill_betweenx(Z,Q_00_mean-Q_00_std,Q_00_mean+Q_00_std,alpha=0.5,color='0.75') ax1.plot(Q_06_mean,Z,label='06 UTC') ax2.plot(Q_06_mean,Z,label='06 UTC') #ax1.fill_betweenx(Z,Q_06_mean-Q_06_std,Q_06_mean+Q_06_std,alpha=0.5,color='0.75') ax1.plot(Q_12_mean,Z,label='12 UTC') ax2.plot(Q_12_mean,Z,label='12 UTC') #ax1.fill_betweenx(Z,Q_12_mean-Q_12_std,Q_12_mean+Q_12_std,alpha=0.5,color='0.75') ax1.plot(Q_18_mean,Z,label='18 UTC') ax2.plot(Q_18_mean,Z,label='18 UTC') #ax1.fill_betweenx(Z,Q_18_mean-Q_18_std,Q_18_mean+Q_18_std,alpha=0.5,color='0.75') ax1.grid(True,which='both') ax1.legend(prop={'size':9}) ax2.grid(True,which='both') ax2.legend(prop={'size':9}) ax1.set_ylabel('Altitude [km]') ax1.set_xlabel('Log VMR') ax1.set_xscale('log') ax2.set_xlabel('Log VMR') ax2.set_xscale('log') ax2.set_ylim([0,10]) ax1.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=8) ax2.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=8) #plt.suptitle('Mean and Standard Deviation of Water Profiles Derived from ERA Interim \n Mauna Loa 2013',multialignment='center') pdfsav.savefig(fig,dpi=350) pdfsav.close() # T pdfsav = PdfPages(figFnameT) fig,(ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2) ax1.plot(T_daily_mean,Z,label='Daily') ax2.plot(T_daily_mean,Z,label='Daily') #ax1.fill_betweenx(Z,T_daily_mean-T_daily_std,T_daily_mean+T_daily_std,alpha=0.5,color='0.75') ax1.plot(T_00_mean,Z,label='00 UTC') ax2.plot(T_00_mean,Z,label='00 UTC') #ax1.fill_betweenx(Z,T_00_mean-T_00_std,T_00_mean+T_00_std,alpha=0.5,color='0.75') ax1.plot(T_06_mean,Z,label='06 UTC') ax2.plot(T_06_mean,Z,label='06 UTC') #ax1.fill_betweenx(Z,T_06_mean-T_06_std,T_06_mean+T_06_std,alpha=0.5,color='0.75') ax1.plot(T_12_mean,Z,label='12 UTC') ax2.plot(T_12_mean,Z,label='12 UTC') #ax1.fill_betweenx(Z,T_12_mean-T_12_std,T_12_mean+T_12_std,alpha=0.5,color='0.75') ax1.plot(T_18_mean,Z,label='18 UTC') ax2.plot(T_18_mean,Z,label='18 UTC') #ax1.fill_betweenx(Z,T_18_mean-T_18_std,T_18_mean+T_18_std,alpha=0.5,color='0.75') ax1.grid(True,which='both') ax1.legend(prop={'size':9}) ax2.grid(True,which='both') ax2.legend(prop={'size':9}) ax1.set_ylabel('Altitude [km]') ax1.set_xlabel('Temperature [K]') ax2.set_xlabel('Temperature [K]') ax2.set_ylim([0,10]) ax1.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=8) ax2.tick_params(axis='x',which='both',labelsize=8) #plt.suptitle('Mean and Standard Deviation of Temperature Profiles Derived from ERA Interim \n Mauna Loa 2013',multialignment='center') pdfsav.savefig(fig,dpi=350) pdfsav.close()
def main(): #--------- # Location #--------- loc = 'tab' #------------------------------------ # Version number to append water file #------------------------------------ verW = 'v4' #version for daily Profile verW_t = 'v66' #version for 6-hourly profiles #----------------------------------------- # Interpolation flag for NCEP re-analysis: # False = Nearest point. True = linear #----------------------------------------- interpFlg = False #--------------------- # Interpolation things #--------------------- nSkip = 3 # Number of points to skip when merging WACCM and NCEP profiles intrpOrder = 1 # Order of interpolation logFlg = False # Flag to do interpolation of log of water #----------------------- # Date Range of interest #----------------------- iyear = 2017 imnth = 6 iday = 1 fyear = 2017 fmnth = 12 fday = 31 #------------------------------ # ERA Reanalysis data directory #------------------------------ ERAdir = '/data1/ancillary_data/ERAdata/' #--------------- # Data Directory #--------------- dataDir = '/data1/' + loc.lower() + '/' #------------------------- # WACCM monthly means file #------------------------- WACCMfile = '/data/Campaign/' + loc.upper( ) + '/waccm/WACCM_pTW-meanV6.' + loc.upper() #--------------------- # Establish date range #--------------------- dRange = sc.DateRange(iyear, imnth, iday, fyear, fmnth, fday) #--------------------------------------- # Altitude levels for different stations #--------------------------------------- if loc.lower() == 'tab': Z = np.array([ 120.0000, 110.0000, 100.0000, 95.0000, 90.0000, 85.0000, 80.0000, 75.0000, 70.0000, 65.0000, 60.0000, 55.0000, 50.0000, 48.0000, 46.0000, 44.0000, 42.0000, 40.0000, 38.0000, 36.0000, 34.0000, 32.0000, 30.0000, 28.0000, 26.0000, 24.0000, 22.0000, 20.0000, 18.0000, 16.0000, 14.0000, 12.0000, 10.0000, 9.0000, 8.0000, 7.0000, 6.0000, 5.0000, 4.0000, 3.0000, 2.0000, 1.0000, 0.2250 ]) sLat = 76.52 sLon = 291.23 # 68.77 W = (360.0 - 68.77) = 291.23 E elif loc.lower() == 'mlo': Z = np.array([ 120.0000, 110.0000, 100.0000, 95.0000, 90.0000, 85.0000, 80.0000, 75.0000, 70.0000, 65.0000, 60.0000, 55.0000, 50.0000, 48.0000, 46.0000, 44.0000, 42.0000, 40.0000, 38.0000, 36.0000, 34.0000, 32.0000, 30.0000, 28.0000, 26.0000, 24.0000, 22.0000, 20.0000, 18.0000, 16.0000, 14.0000, 12.0000, 10.0000, 9.0000, 8.0000, 7.0000, 6.0000, 5.0000, 4.0000, 3.3960 ]) sLat = 19.4 sLon = 204.43 # 155.57 W = (360 - 155.57) = 204.43 E elif loc.lower() == 'fl0': Z = np.array([ 120.0000, 110.0000, 100.0000, 94.0000, 90.0000, 85.0000, 80.0000, 75.0000, 70.0000, 65.0000, 60.0000, 55.0000, 50.0000, 48.0000, 46.0000, 44.0000, 42.0000, 40.0000, 38.0000, 36.0000, 34.0000, 32.0000, 30.0000, 28.0000, 26.0000, 24.0000, 22.0000, 20.0000, 18.0000, 16.0000, 14.0000, 12.0000, 10.0000, 9.0000, 8.0000, 7.0000, 6.0000, 5.0000, 4.0000, 3.0000, 2.0000, 1.6120 ]) sLat = 40.4 sLon = 254.76 # 105.24 W = (360 - 105.24) = 254.76 E #---------------------------- # File and directory checking #---------------------------- ckDir(ERAdir, exitFlg=True) ckDir(dataDir, exitFlg=True) ckFile(WACCMfile, exitFlg=True) #-------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read WACCM monthly mean data. WACCM monthly mean file is ascending, # adjust so that it is descending. Also units are in km. #-------------------------------------------------------------------- with open(WACCMfile, 'r') as fopen: lines = fopen.readlines() nlyrs = int(lines[0].strip().split()[0]) s_ind = 3 Z = np.flipud( np.array([ float(row.strip().split()[0]) for row in lines[s_ind:nlyrs + s_ind] ])) waccmT = np.flipud( np.array([[float(x) for x in line.strip().split()[1:]] for line in lines[s_ind:nlyrs + s_ind]])) s_ind = 3 + nlyrs + 2 waccmP = np.flipud( np.array([[float(x) for x in line.strip().split()[1:]] for line in lines[s_ind:nlyrs + s_ind]])) s_ind = 3 + nlyrs + 2 + nlyrs + 2 waccmW = np.flipud( np.array([[float(x) for x in line.strip().split()[1:]] for line in lines[s_ind:nlyrs + s_ind]])) #-------------------------------------------- # Walk through first level of directories in # data directory and collect directory names #-------------------------------------------- dirLst = [] for drs in os.walk(dataDir).next()[1]: #------------------------------------------- # Test directory to make sure it is a number #------------------------------------------- try: int(drs[0:4]) except: continue if dRange.inRange(int(drs[0:4]), int(drs[4:6]), int(drs[6:8])): dirLst.append(dataDir + drs + '/') dirLst.sort() #------------------------------------------ # Loop through all folders in specific year #------------------------------------------ for sngDir in dirLst: #---------------------------- # Get date in datetime format #---------------------------- oneDay = dt.datetime(int(os.path.basename(sngDir[:-1])[0:4]), int(os.path.basename(sngDir[:-1])[4:6]), int(os.path.basename(sngDir[:-1])[6:8])) #-------------------------------------------------- # Find month index for monthly WACCM water profiles #-------------------------------------------------- mnthInd = oneDay.month - 1 # -1 because January is in the 0th column #------------------------------------------- # Open daily ERA interm files 00, 06, 12, 18 #------------------------------------------- YYYY = "{0:04d}".format(oneDay.year) MM = "{0:02d}".format(oneDay.month) DD = "{0:02d}".format( ERA_F1 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM + '/' + '' + YYYY + MM + DD + '' ERA_F2 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM + '/' + '' + YYYY + MM + DD + '' ERA_F3 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM + '/' + '' + YYYY + MM + DD + '' ERA_F4 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM + '/' + '' + YYYY + MM + DD + '' f1 = netcdf.netcdf_file(ERA_F1, 'r', mmap=False) f2 = netcdf.netcdf_file(ERA_F2, 'r', mmap=False) f3 = netcdf.netcdf_file(ERA_F3, 'r', mmap=False) f4 = netcdf.netcdf_file(ERA_F4, 'r', mmap=False) #----------------------------------- # Lat and lon should be the same for # all files. Just grab once #----------------------------------- lat = f1.variables['g4_lat_1'] lon = f1.variables['g4_lon_2'] Plvl = f1.variables['lv_ISBL0'] nlvls = np.shape(Plvl[:])[0] Q_00 = f1.variables['Q_GDS4_ISBL'] Q_06 = f2.variables['Q_GDS4_ISBL'] Q_12 = f3.variables['Q_GDS4_ISBL'] Q_18 = f4.variables['Q_GDS4_ISBL'] Z_00 = f1.variables['Z_GDS4_ISBL'] Z_06 = f2.variables['Z_GDS4_ISBL'] Z_12 = f3.variables['Z_GDS4_ISBL'] Z_18 = f4.variables['Z_GDS4_ISBL'] PV_00 = f1.variables['PV_GDS4_ISBL'] PV_06 = f2.variables['PV_GDS4_ISBL'] PV_12 = f3.variables['PV_GDS4_ISBL'] PV_18 = f4.variables['PV_GDS4_ISBL'] T_00 = f1.variables['T_GDS4_ISBL'] T_06 = f2.variables['T_GDS4_ISBL'] T_12 = f3.variables['T_GDS4_ISBL'] T_18 = f4.variables['T_GDS4_ISBL'] f1.close() f2.close() f3.close() f4.close() #----------------------------------------------- # If not interpolating point in NCEP re-analysis # find closes lat lon indicies #----------------------------------------------- if not interpFlg: latind = findCls(lat[:], sLat) lonind = findCls(lon[:], sLon) #----------------------------------------------------- # For each level interpolate hgt and specific humidity # based on latitude and longitude of site #----------------------------------------------------- Hgt_00 = np.zeros(nlvls) Hgt_06 = np.zeros(nlvls) Hgt_12 = np.zeros(nlvls) Hgt_18 = np.zeros(nlvls) Qint_00 = np.zeros(nlvls) Qint_06 = np.zeros(nlvls) Qint_12 = np.zeros(nlvls) Qint_18 = np.zeros(nlvls) Tint_00 = np.zeros(nlvls) Tint_06 = np.zeros(nlvls) Tint_12 = np.zeros(nlvls) Tint_18 = np.zeros(nlvls) PVint_00 = np.zeros(nlvls) PVint_06 = np.zeros(nlvls) PVint_12 = np.zeros(nlvls) PVint_18 = np.zeros(nlvls) for lvl in range(0, nlvls): HgtOneLvl_00 = np.squeeze(Z_00[lvl, :, :]) HgtOneLvl_06 = np.squeeze(Z_06[lvl, :, :]) HgtOneLvl_12 = np.squeeze(Z_12[lvl, :, :]) HgtOneLvl_18 = np.squeeze(Z_18[lvl, :, :]) Q_OneLvl_00 = np.squeeze(Q_00[lvl, :, :]) Q_OneLvl_06 = np.squeeze(Q_06[lvl, :, :]) Q_OneLvl_12 = np.squeeze(Q_12[lvl, :, :]) Q_OneLvl_18 = np.squeeze(Q_18[lvl, :, :]) T_OneLvl_00 = np.squeeze(T_00[lvl, :, :]) T_OneLvl_06 = np.squeeze(T_06[lvl, :, :]) T_OneLvl_12 = np.squeeze(T_12[lvl, :, :]) T_OneLvl_18 = np.squeeze(T_18[lvl, :, :]) PV_OneLvl_00 = np.squeeze(PV_00[lvl, :, :]) PV_OneLvl_06 = np.squeeze(PV_06[lvl, :, :]) PV_OneLvl_12 = np.squeeze(PV_12[lvl, :, :]) PV_OneLvl_18 = np.squeeze(PV_18[lvl, :, :]) if interpFlg: Hgt_00[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], HgtOneLvl_00, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Hgt_06[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], HgtOneLvl_06, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Hgt_12[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], HgtOneLvl_12, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Hgt_18[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], HgtOneLvl_18, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Qint_00[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], Q_OneLvl_00, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Qint_06[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], Q_OneLvl_06, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Qint_12[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], Q_OneLvl_12, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Qint_18[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], Q_OneLvl_18, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Tint_00[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], T_OneLvl_00, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Tint_06[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], T_OneLvl_06, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Tint_12[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], T_OneLvl_12, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Tint_18[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], T_OneLvl_18, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) PVint_00[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], PV_OneLvl_00, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) PVint_06[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], PV_OneLvl_06, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) PVint_12[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], PV_OneLvl_12, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) PVint_18[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], PV_OneLvl_18, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) else: Hgt_00[lvl] = HgtOneLvl_00[latind, lonind] Hgt_06[lvl] = HgtOneLvl_06[latind, lonind] Hgt_12[lvl] = HgtOneLvl_12[latind, lonind] Hgt_18[lvl] = HgtOneLvl_18[latind, lonind] Qint_00[lvl] = Q_OneLvl_00[latind, lonind] Qint_06[lvl] = Q_OneLvl_06[latind, lonind] Qint_12[lvl] = Q_OneLvl_12[latind, lonind] Qint_18[lvl] = Q_OneLvl_18[latind, lonind] Tint_00[lvl] = T_OneLvl_00[latind, lonind] Tint_06[lvl] = T_OneLvl_06[latind, lonind] Tint_12[lvl] = T_OneLvl_12[latind, lonind] Tint_18[lvl] = T_OneLvl_18[latind, lonind] PVint_00[lvl] = PV_OneLvl_00[latind, lonind] PVint_06[lvl] = PV_OneLvl_06[latind, lonind] PVint_12[lvl] = PV_OneLvl_12[latind, lonind] PVint_18[lvl] = PV_OneLvl_18[latind, lonind] #---------------------------------------- # Convert Specific humidity from kg/kg to # molecules/molecules #---------------------------------------- Qint_00 = Qint_00 * 1.608 Qint_06 = Qint_06 * 1.608 Qint_12 = Qint_12 * 1.608 Qint_18 = Qint_18 * 1.608 #------------------------------------- # Create daily averages of 00,06,12,18 #------------------------------------- Q_day = np.mean(np.vstack((Qint_00, Qint_06, Qint_12, Qint_18)), axis=0) Z_day = np.mean(np.vstack((Hgt_00, Hgt_06, Hgt_12, Hgt_18)), axis=0) T_day = np.mean(np.vstack((Tint_00, Tint_06, Tint_12, Tint_18)), axis=0) PV_day = np.mean(np.vstack((PVint_00, PVint_06, PVint_12, PVint_18)), axis=0) #-------------------------------- # Convert Height [m^2 s^-2] => km #-------------------------------- Z_day = Z_day / 9.81 / 1000.0 #--------------------------------------------------------- # Construct specific humidity and height profiles for # interpolation on to the sfit input grid which is the # same as the WACCM height in monthly profile file. # NCEP reanalysis data only goes to 300mb therefore, # merge with monthly averaged WACCM water profiles > 300mb #--------------------------------------------------------- ERAtop = Z_day[0] topInd = np.argmin(abs( Z - ERAtop)) # Where top of NCEP reanalysis fits in WACCM grid height #Zin = np.concatenate( ( Z[0:(topInd-nSkip)] , Z_day), axis=1 ) #SHin = np.concatenate( ( waccmW[0:(topInd-nSkip),mnthInd], Q_day), axis=1 ) #Remove axis=0 Zin = np.concatenate((Z[0:(topInd - nSkip)], Z_day)) SHin = np.concatenate((waccmW[0:(topInd - nSkip), mnthInd], Q_day)) SHin_00 = np.concatenate((waccmW[0:(topInd - nSkip), mnthInd], Qint_00)) SHin_06 = np.concatenate((waccmW[0:(topInd - nSkip), mnthInd], Qint_06)) SHin_12 = np.concatenate((waccmW[0:(topInd - nSkip), mnthInd], Qint_12)) SHin_18 = np.concatenate((waccmW[0:(topInd - nSkip), mnthInd], Qint_18)) #-------------------------------------------------------------- # Interpolate to specific humidity on WACCM grid. X data must # be increasing => flip dimensions and then flip back #-------------------------------------------------------------- if logFlg: SHout = np.exp( np.flipud( intrpUniSpl(np.flipud(Zin), np.log(np.flipud(SHin)), k=intrpOrder)(np.flipud(Z)))) SHout_00 = np.exp( np.flipud( intrpUniSpl(np.flipud(Zin), np.log(np.flipud(SHin_00)), k=intrpOrder)(np.flipud(Z)))) SHout_06 = np.exp( np.flipud( intrpUniSpl(np.flipud(Zin), np.log(np.flipud(SHin_06)), k=intrpOrder)(np.flipud(Z)))) SHout_12 = np.exp( np.flipud( intrpUniSpl(np.flipud(Zin), np.log(np.flipud(SHin_12)), k=intrpOrder)(np.flipud(Z)))) SHout_18 = np.exp( np.flipud( intrpUniSpl(np.flipud(Zin), np.log(np.flipud(SHin_18)), k=intrpOrder)(np.flipud(Z)))) else: SHout = np.flipud( intrpUniSpl(np.flipud(Zin), np.flipud(SHin), k=intrpOrder)(np.flipud(Z))) SHout_00 = np.flipud( intrpUniSpl(np.flipud(Zin), np.flipud(SHin_00), k=intrpOrder)(np.flipud(Z))) SHout_06 = np.flipud( intrpUniSpl(np.flipud(Zin), np.flipud(SHin_06), k=intrpOrder)(np.flipud(Z))) SHout_12 = np.flipud( intrpUniSpl(np.flipud(Zin), np.flipud(SHin_12), k=intrpOrder)(np.flipud(Z))) SHout_18 = np.flipud( intrpUniSpl(np.flipud(Zin), np.flipud(SHin_18), k=intrpOrder)(np.flipud(Z))) #------------------------ # remove v4 for 6-hourly files #------------------------ waterFiles_test = glob.glob(sngDir + 'w-120*' + verW) waterFiles_test = [ i for i in waterFiles_test if len(os.path.basename(i)) > 10 ] if len(waterFiles_test) >= 1: for f in waterFiles_test: os.remove(f) #--------------------- # Write out water file at 00 #--------------------- with open(sngDir + 'w-120.' + YYYY + MM + DD + '.000000.' + verW_t, 'w') as fopen: fopen.write( ' 1 H2O from ERA reanalysis and WACCM V6 monthly mean \n' ) for row in segmnt(SHout_00, 5): strformat = ','.join('{:>12.4E}' for i in row) + ', \n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*row)) #--------------------- # Write out water file at 06 #--------------------- with open(sngDir + 'w-120.' + YYYY + MM + DD + '.060000.' + verW_t, 'w') as fopen: fopen.write( ' 1 H2O from ERA reanalysis and WACCM V6 monthly mean \n' ) for row in segmnt(SHout_06, 5): strformat = ','.join('{:>12.4E}' for i in row) + ', \n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*row)) #--------------------- # Write out water file at 12 #--------------------- with open(sngDir + 'w-120.' + YYYY + MM + DD + '.120000.' + verW_t, 'w') as fopen: fopen.write( ' 1 H2O from ERA reanalysis and WACCM V6 monthly mean \n' ) for row in segmnt(SHout_12, 5): strformat = ','.join('{:>12.4E}' for i in row) + ', \n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*row)) #--------------------- # Write out water file at 18 #--------------------- with open(sngDir + 'w-120.' + YYYY + MM + DD + '.180000.' + verW_t, 'w') as fopen: fopen.write( ' 1 H2O from ERA reanalysis and WACCM V6 monthly mean \n' ) for row in segmnt(SHout_18, 5): strformat = ','.join('{:>12.4E}' for i in row) + ', \n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*row)) #--------------------- # Write out water file Daily #--------------------- with open(sngDir + 'w-120.' + verW, 'w') as fopen: fopen.write( ' 1 H2O from ERA reanalysis and WACCM V6 monthly mean \n' ) for row in segmnt(SHout, 5): strformat = ','.join('{:>12.4E}' for i in row) + ', \n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*row)) #------------------------------ # Write out Temperature, water, # and PV every 6 hours #------------------------------ with open(sngDir + 'ERA_Interm_PV.' + YYYY + MM + DD, 'w') as fopen: fopen.write( 'Daily Averaged and 6 hourly PV from ERA Interim [K m^2 kg^-1 s^-1] \n' ) fopen.write( '{0:>20s}{1:>20s}{2:>20s}{3:>20s}{4:>20s}{5:>20s}\n'.format( 'Height [km]', 'PV[K m^2 kg^-1 s^-1]', 'PV at 00', 'PV at 06', 'PV at 12', 'PV at 18')) for row in zip(*(Z_day, PV_day, PVint_00, PVint_06, PVint_12, PVint_18)): strformat = ','.join('{:>20.7E}' for i in row) + ', \n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*row)) with open(sngDir + 'ERA_Interm_T.' + YYYY + MM + DD, 'w') as fopen: fopen.write( 'Daily averaged and 6 Hourly Temperature from ERA Interim [K] \n' ) fopen.write( '{0:>15s}{1:>15s}{2:>15s}{3:>15s}{4:>15s}{5:>15s}\n'.format( 'Height [km]', 'T [K]', 'T at 00', 'T at 06', 'T at 12', 'T at 18')) for row in zip(*(Z_day, T_day, Tint_00, Tint_06, Tint_12, Tint_18)): strformat = ','.join('{:>15.7E}' for i in row) + ', \n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*row)) with open(sngDir + 'ERA_Interm_Q.' + YYYY + MM + DD, 'w') as fopen: fopen.write( 'Daily averaged and 6 hourly specific humidity Q from ERA Interim [VMR] \n' ) fopen.write( '{0:>15s}{1:>15s}{2:>15s}{3:>15s}{4:>15s}{5:>15s}\n'.format( 'Height [km]', 'Q [VMR]', 'Q at 00', 'Q at 06', 'Q at 12', 'Q at 18')) for row in zip(*(Z_day, Q_day, Qint_00, Qint_06, Qint_12, Qint_18)): strformat = ','.join('{:>15.7E}' for i in row) + ', \n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*row)) #-------------------- # Create plots to pdf #-------------------- pdfsav = PdfPages(sngDir + 'WaterProfile_ERA.pdf') fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.plot(SHout_00, Z, color='green', label='Interpolated SH-00') ax1.plot(SHout_06, Z, color='gold', label='Interpolated SH-06') ax1.plot(SHout_12, Z, color='cyan', label='Interpolated SH-12') ax1.plot(SHout_18, Z, color='gray', label='Interpolated SH-18') ax1.plot(SHout, Z, 'rx-', label='Interpolated SH-Mean') ax1.plot(Q_day, Z_day, 'kx-', label='ERA Reanalysis SH-Mean') ax1.plot(waccmW[:, mnthInd], Z, 'bx-', label='WACCM V6 SH') ax1.grid(True, which='both') ax1.legend(prop={'size': 9}) ax1.set_ylabel('Altitude [km]') ax1.set_xlabel('VMR [ppv]') ax1.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', labelsize=8) ax1.set_ylim((Z[-1], 80)) #ax1.set_xlim((0,np.max((waccmW[-1,mnthInd],Q_day[-1])))) ax1.set_title(YYYY + '-' + MM + '-' + DD) pdfsav.savefig(fig1, dpi=250) fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots() ax2.plot(SHout_00, Z, color='green', label='Interpolated SH-00') ax2.plot(SHout_06, Z, color='gold', label='Interpolated SH-06') ax2.plot(SHout_12, Z, color='cyan', label='Interpolated SH-12') ax2.plot(SHout_18, Z, color='gray', label='Interpolated SH-18') ax2.plot(SHout, Z, 'rx-', label='Interpolated SH-Mean') ax2.plot(Q_day, Z_day, 'kx-', label='ERA Reanalysis SH-Mean') ax2.plot(waccmW[:, mnthInd], Z, 'bx-', label='WACCM V6 SH') ax2.grid(True, which='both') ax2.legend(prop={'size': 9}) ax2.set_ylabel('Altitude [km]') ax2.set_xlabel('log VMR [ppv]') ax2.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', labelsize=8) ax2.set_xscale('log') ax2.set_ylim((Z[-1], 80)) #ax2.set_xlim((0,np.max((waccmW[-1,mnthInd],Q_day[-1])))) ax2.set_title(YYYY + '-' + MM + '-' + DD) pdfsav.savefig(fig2, dpi=250) pdfsav.close() print 'Finished processing folder: {}'.format(sngDir)
def main(argv): #----------------------------- # Initializations and defaults #----------------------------- ckopus = '/data/bin/ckopus' # Default path for ckopus executable. This is used for commandline option to # just create a list of folders with OPUS data in them datapath = False #---------------------------------# # Retrieve command line arguments # #---------------------------------# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'i:D:') except getopt.GetoptError as err: print str(err) usage() sys.exit() #----------------------------- # Parse command line arguments #----------------------------- for opt, arg in opts: #----------- # Input file #----------- if opt == '-i': inputFile = arg # Check if file exists ckFile(inputFile) #------------------------------- # Option to just create a list # of folders that have OPUS files #------------------------------- elif opt == '-D': datapath = arg # check if '/' is included at end of path if not( datapath.endswith('/') ): datapath += '/' # Check if directory exists ckDir(datapath) print 'Searching for ckopus executable file specified in' print 'If not found, please change path under Initializations and defaults in python program' ckFile(ckopus) # Check if ckopus executable file given above under Initializations and defaults # exists print 'ckopus executable found' #------------------ # Unhandled options #------------------ else: print 'Unhandled option: ' + opt usage() sys.exit() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #------------------------------------ # If the option to just create a list # of folders with data then execute # the following #------------------------------------ if datapath: fname = datapath + 'Fldrs_with_OPUS_' +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') + '.list' with open(fname,'w') as fopen: for dirs in os.walk(datapath).next()[1]: #-------------------------------------------------------- # Test if file is opus type. If the file in not opus type # a return code of 1 or 3 is kicked back when the -C # option is used #-------------------------------------------------------- # Gather all files within the day directory # to test if these are OPUS files #------------------------------------------ fnames = findFiles(datapath+dirs) for indvfile in fnames: if checkOPUS(ckopus,indvfile): fopen.write('%s\n' % dirs) break print 'Finished creating processed folder list....' sys.exit() #---------------- # Read input file #---------------- DBinputs = {} execfile(inputFile, DBinputs) if '__builtins__' in DBinputs: del DBinputs['__builtins__'] #----------------------------------- # Check the existance of directories # and files given in input file #----------------------------------- # Directory for days processed file if DBinputs['DaysProcFlg']: if not ckDir(DBinputs['DaysProcDir']): sys.exit() # check if '/' is included at end of path if not( DBinputs['DaysProcDir'].endswith('/') ): DBinputs['DaysProcDir'] = DBinputs['DaysProcDir'] + '/' # Base directory for data if not ckDir(DBinputs['dataBaseDir']): sys.exit() # check if '/' is included at end of path if not( DBinputs['dataBaseDir'].endswith('/') ): DBinputs['dataBaseDir'] = DBinputs['dataBaseDir'] + '/' # ckopus executable file ckFile(DBinputs['Fckopus']) # Directory of output spectral database file if not ckDir(os.path.dirname(DBinputs['outputDBfile'])): sys.exit() #------------------- # Call to date class #------------------- DOI = sc.DateRange(DBinputs['iyear'],DBinputs['imnth'],DBinputs['iday'], # Create a dateRange instance object DBinputs['fyear'],DBinputs['fmnth'],DBinputs['fday']) daysList = DOI.dateList # Create a list of days within date range #--------------------------------------------- # Determine if spectral DB file already exists #--------------------------------------------- if os.path.isfile(DBinputs['outputDBfile']): wmode = 'a' else: wmode = 'w' #-------------------------------- # Open Spectral DB file for write #-------------------------------- with open(DBinputs['outputDBfile'],wmode) as fopen: #------------------------------------------- # If spectral DB does not exist write header #------------------------------------------- rtn = sp.Popen( [DBinputs['Fckopus'],'-H'], stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE ) stdoutHeader, stderr = rtn.communicate() outstrHdr = stdoutHeader.strip().split() if (wmode == 'w'): strformat = ['{0:<15}'] + [' {'+str(i)+':<12}' for i in range(1,len(outstrHdr))] strformat = ''.join(strformat).lstrip().rstrip() + '\n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*outstrHdr)) #----------------------------------------- # Search each day directory for data files #----------------------------------------- # Initialize process list procList = [] for indvday in daysList: # Find year month and day strings yrstr = "{0:02d}".format(indvday.year) mnthstr = "{0:02d}".format(indvday.month) daystr = "{0:02d}".format( yyyymmddstr = yrstr + mnthstr + daystr dayDir = DBinputs['dataBaseDir'] + yyyymmddstr + '/' if not ckDir(dayDir): continue #------------------------------------------ # Gather all files within the day directory # to test if these are OPUS files #------------------------------------------ fnames = findFiles(dayDir) #----------------------------- # Loop through all files found #----------------------------- for indvfile in fnames: #-------------------------------------------------------- # Test if file is opus type. If the file in not opus type # a return code of 1 or 3 is kicked back when the -C # option is used #-------------------------------------------------------- if not checkOPUS(DBinputs['Fckopus'],indvfile): continue procList.extend([os.path.dirname(indvfile)]) #-------------------------------------- # For found spectral data files run # ckopus with -D option to get one line # parameter list for database #-------------------------------------- if ( DBinputs['SBlockType'] and isinstance(DBinputs['SBlockType'],str) ): SBlockTemp = DBinputs['SBlockType'] else: SBlockTemp = 'NONE' paramList = [DBinputs['Fckopus'],'-S'+DBinputs['loc'],'-D'+SBlockTemp] # Build initial parameter list for ckopus call paramList.extend(DBinputs['ckopusFlgs']) # Add flags from input file to parameter list paramList.append(indvfile) # Add OPUS filename to parameter list #if (DBinputs['loc'].lower() == 'mlo') and (indvday <,01,01)): #paramList = [DBinputs['Fckopus'],'-S'+DBinputs['loc'],'-U','-t-150',indvfile] #else: #paramList = [DBinputs['Fckopus'],'-S'+DBinputs['loc'],'-D',indvfile] rtn = sp.Popen( paramList, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE ) stdoutParam, stderr = rtn.communicate() # Some OPUS files may not contain any data and therefore # pass back an error if 'error' in stdoutParam or not(stdoutParam): continue #----------------------------------------------------- # Determine if OPUS file is in correct date folder. If # not move to correct folder. This does not guarantee # that the file in the wrong directory will be processed # if the code has already processed the correct directory # the file will not process (Need to fix!!!!!!!!!) #----------------------------------------------------- # Date from ckopus opusFileDate = stdoutParam.strip().split()[5] # Compare with current directory date if opusFileDate == yyyymmddstr: #--------------------------------------------------- # Parse output from ckopus to write to database file # and remove path from filename/path #--------------------------------------------------- outstr = stdoutParam.strip().split() outstr[0] = os.path.split(outstr[0])[1] strformat = ['{0:<15}'] + [' {'+str(i)+':<12}' for i in range(1,len(outstr))] strformat = ''.join(strformat).lstrip().rstrip() + '\n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*outstr)) #fopen.write( stdoutParam ) else: newDayDir = DBinputs['dataBaseDir'] + opusFileDate + '/' print 'File: ' + dayDir + os.path.basename(indvfile) + ' In wrong directory. Moving to: ' + newDayDir + os.path.basename(indvfile) if ckDir(newDayDir): shutil.move(dayDir + os.path.basename(indvfile), newDayDir + os.path.basename(indvfile)) else: print 'Creating directory: ' + newDayDir os.mkdir(newDayDir) shutil.move(dayDir + os.path.basename(indvfile), newDayDir + os.path.basename(indvfile)) continue #----------------------------------- # Run ckopus to create bnr file type # Grab SBlock and TStamp to convert # to bnr type #----------------------------------- if DBinputs['bnrWriteFlg']: # Get SBlock and TStamp from ckopus -D <file> if not ('SBlock' in locals()): stdoutHeader = stdoutHeader.strip().split() indSBlock = stdoutHeader.index('SBlock') indTStamp = stdoutHeader.index('TStamp') singleDBline = stdoutParam.strip().split() TStamp = singleDBline[indTStamp] if ( DBinputs['SBlockType'] and isinstance(DBinputs['SBlockType'],str) ): SBlock = DBinputs['SBlockType'] else: SBlock = singleDBline[indSBlock] #---------------------------------- # Run ckopus to convert to bnr type #---------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------- # Make sure cwd is same location as OPUS file #-------------------------------------------- fpath,_ = os.path.split(indvfile) if not fpath == os.getcwd(): os.chdir(fpath) #------------------------------------------- # For mlo prior to 1995 a utc offset must be # applied through ckopus flags #------------------------------------------- paramList = [DBinputs['Fckopus'],'-S'+DBinputs['loc']] # Build initial parameter list for ckopus call paramList.append('-' + DBinputs['bnrType'] + SBlock) # Add bnr and spectral block type paramList.extend(DBinputs['ckopusFlgs']) # Add flags from input file to parameter list paramList.append(indvfile) # Add OPUS filename to parameter list #if (DBinputs['loc'].lower() == 'mlo') and (indvday <,01,01)): #paramList = [DBinputs['Fckopus'],'-S'+DBinputs['loc'],'-U','-t-150','-'+DBinputs['bnrType']+SBlock,indvfile] #else: #paramList = [DBinputs['Fckopus'],'-S'+DBinputs['loc'],'-'+DBinputs['bnrType']+SBlock,indvfile] rtn = sp.Popen( paramList, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE ) stdoutParam, stderr = rtn.communicate() #----------------------------------------------------- # Find name of file. This may not correspond to SBlock # name if SBlock name is set to NONE. Name of file # is printed in stderr of subprocess #----------------------------------------------------- ind = stderr.find('Closed bnr file:') bnrFname = stderr[ind:].strip().split()[-1] #------------------------------------------------ # Change name of file to correspond to time stamp #------------------------------------------------ if os.path.isfile('/'.join([fpath,bnrFname])): shutil.move(fpath+'/'+bnrFname, fpath+'/'+TStamp+'.bnr') else: print 'Unable to move file: %s to %s' %(indvfile,fpath+'/'+TStamp+'.bnr') #------------------------------------------- # Write list of folders that where processed #------------------------------------------- if DBinputs['DaysProcFlg']: #------------------------------ # Create a unique ordered set #------------------------------ procList = list(set(procList)) procList.sort() fProcname = DBinputs['DaysProcDir'] + 'FldrsProc_' +'%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')+'.list' with open(fProcname,'w') as fopen: for item in procList: fopen.write('%s\n' % item)
def main(argv): #---------------------------------# # Retrieve command line arguments # #---------------------------------# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'i:D:') except getopt.GetoptError as err: print str(err) usage() sys.exit() #----------------------------- # Parse command line arguments #----------------------------- for opt, arg in opts: #----------- # Input file #----------- if opt == '-i': inputFile = arg #------------------ # Unhandled options #------------------ else: print 'Unhandled option: ' + opt usage() sys.exit() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #---------------- # Read input file #---------------- # Input file instance DBinputs = sc.Layer1InputFile(inputFile) DBinputs.getInputs() #----------------------------------- # Check the existance of directories # and files given in input file #----------------------------------- # Directory for days processed file if DBinputs.inputs['DaysProcFlg']: ckDir(DBinputs.inputs['DaysProcDir'], exit=True) # check if '/' is included at end of path if not (DBinputs.inputs['DaysProcDir'].endswith('/')): DBinputs.inputs[ 'DaysProcDir'] = DBinputs.inputs['DaysProcDir'] + '/' # Base directory for data ckDir(DBinputs.inputs['dataBaseDir'], exit=True) # check if '/' is included at end of path if not (DBinputs.inputs['dataBaseDir'].endswith('/')): DBinputs.inputs['dataBaseDir'] = DBinputs.inputs['dataBaseDir'] + '/' # Check Coadd executable file ckFile(DBinputs.inputs['coaddex'], exit=True) # Check input spectral database file ckFile(DBinputs.inputs['inputDBfile'], exit=True) # Directory of output spectral database file ckDir(os.path.dirname(DBinputs.inputs['outputDBfile']), exit=True) #------------------------------------- # Read original spectral database file #------------------------------------- OrgSpecDB = sc.DbInputFile(DBinputs.inputs['inputDBfile']) OrgSpecDB.getInputs() #------------------------------------ # Initialize processed directory list #------------------------------------ procList = [] #-------------------------------------- # Open Coadd Spectral DB file for write #-------------------------------------- with open(DBinputs.inputs['outputDBfile'], 'w') as fopen: #---------------------------------------- # Write header to Coadd Spectral DataBase # This should be the same as the Original # spectral database #---------------------------------------- with open(DBinputs.inputs['inputDBfile'], 'r') as fopen2: firstLn = fopen2.readline() #----------------------------------------------- # Now that we have two files for coadded we need # to add another column for Filename1 #----------------------------------------------- firstLn = 'Filename1 ' + firstLn.replace( 'Filename', 'Filename2') fopen.write(firstLn) #---------------------------------------------- # Loop through entries in the original spectral # database to find coadded files #---------------------------------------------- for ind, fName in enumerate(OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Filename']): #------------------------------------------------ # Check if this is a potential file for coadding: # -- The number of FLSCN must be half of EXSCN #------------------------------------------------ flscn = int(OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['FLSCN'][ind]) exscn = int(OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['EXSCN'][ind]) gfw = int(OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['GFW'][ind]) gbw = int(OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['GBW'][ind]) #if (exscn/flscn != 2 ): continue if (np.true_divide(exscn, flscn) != 2): continue #------------------------------------------------------ # Extract the base file name and the date for filtering #------------------------------------------------------ baseName = OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Filename'][ind].strip().split( '.')[0] extName = OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Filename'][ind].strip().split('.')[1] yyyymmdd = str(int(OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Date'][ind])) yearstr = yyyymmdd[0:4] monthstr = yyyymmdd[4:6] daystr = yyyymmdd[6:] curDate =, int(monthstr), int(daystr)) #print ind, baseName, extName, yyyymmdd #------------------------------------------------------- # Construct the bnr file name of the first file to coadd #------------------------------------------------------- hh1 = OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Time'][ind][0:2] mm1 = OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Time'][ind][3:5] ss1 = OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Time'][ind][6:] bnrFname1 = hh1 + mm1 + ss1 + '.bnr' #----------------------------------------------- # Construct directory location of bnr files from # date and input file information #----------------------------------------------- dayDir = DBinputs.inputs[ 'dataBaseDir'] + yearstr + monthstr + daystr + '/' ckDir(dayDir, exit=True) procList.append(dayDir) #---------------------------------------------------- # Filter original specDB based on current day of file #---------------------------------------------------- inDateRange = sc.DateRange(int(yearstr), int(monthstr), int(daystr), int(yearstr), int(monthstr), int(daystr)) flt1_OrgSpecDB = OrgSpecDB.dbFilterDate(inDateRange) #--------------------------------------------- # Find filenames that match base and have the # extension of (n+1), where n is the extension # of the original filename #--------------------------------------------- # Construct file name of coadded partner newFname = baseName + '.' + str(int(extName) + 1) indFind = [ i for i, dum in enumerate(flt1_OrgSpecDB['Filename']) if dum.endswith(newFname) ] if not indFind: continue if len(indFind) > 1: print 'More than one match found for: ' + newFname + ' Date: ' + yearstr + monthstr + daystr + ' ERROR!!' sys.exit() indFind = indFind[0] #----------------------------------------- # Check if this a valid coadded file pair: # Number of GFW in first file must equal # the number of GBW in second file #----------------------------------------- if (OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['GFW'][ind] != flt1_OrgSpecDB['GBW'][indFind]): continue #-------------------------------------------------------- # Construct the bnr file name of the second file to coadd #-------------------------------------------------------- hh2 = flt1_OrgSpecDB['Time'][indFind][0:2] mm2 = flt1_OrgSpecDB['Time'][indFind][3:5] ss2 = flt1_OrgSpecDB['Time'][indFind][6:] bnrFname2 = hh2 + mm2 + ss2 + '.bnr' #--------------------------------------------------------- # Check if the second coadded file is within 10 minutes of # the first. This will ensure that the files are pairs #--------------------------------------------------------- time1 = float(hh1) * 60.0 + float(mm1) + float(ss2) / 60.0 time2 = float(hh2) * 60.0 + float(mm2) + float(ss2) / 60.0 if abs(time2 - time1) > 10: continue #------------------------------------------------------------ # Construct the coadd input file in the appropriate directory #------------------------------------------------------------ with open(dayDir + 'coad.i', 'w') as coaddInput: coaddInput.write('2\n') coaddInput.write(dayDir + bnrFname1 + '\n') coaddInput.write(dayDir + bnrFname2 + '\n') #-------------------------------------------------- # Call coadd executable, rename bnr file, and read # coadd output file for coadd spectral database # Make sure cwd is same location as OPUS file #-------------------------------------------------- if not dayDir == os.getcwd(): os.chdir(dayDir) paramList = [ DBinputs.inputs['coaddex'], '-S' + DBinputs.inputs['loc'], '-TOPU', '-c' ] rtn = sp.Popen(paramList, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE) stdoutCom, stderrCom = rtn.communicate() #---------------------------- # Read output file from coadd #---------------------------- with open(dayDir + 'coad.out', 'r') as fopen3: coadOut = fopen3.readlines() #-------------------------------------- # Check if coad successfully ran. A # sucessful run happens when at the # end of coad.err the following line # is present: Closed bnr file: temp.bnr #-------------------------------------- with open(dayDir + 'coad.err', 'r') as fopenCerr: coadErr = fopenCerr.readlines() if (not coadErr) or (not 'Closed bnr file: temp.bnr' in coadErr[-1]): print 'Error processing coad files for {}'.format(dayDir) print coadErr continue szaOut = coadOut[0].strip() opdOut = coadOut[1].strip() fovOut = coadOut[2].strip() apdOut = coadOut[3].strip() lwavOut = coadOut[4].strip() uwavOut = coadOut[5].strip() TstampOut = coadOut[6].strip() hdrStrOut = coadOut[7].strip() azmOut = coadOut[8].strip() durOut = coadOut[9].strip() roeOut = coadOut[10].strip() maxYout = coadOut[11].strip() minYout = coadOut[12].strip() yearNew = TstampOut.split()[0] monthNew = TstampOut.split()[1] dayNew = TstampOut.split()[2] hhNew = TstampOut.split()[3] mmNew = TstampOut.split()[4] ssNew = TstampOut.split()[5].split('.')[0] dateNew = yearNew + monthNew + dayNew TstampNew = hhNew + mmNew + ssNew TstampNewf = hhNew + ':' + mmNew + ':' + ssNew #----------------------------------------------- # Change name of new bnr file based on timestamp #----------------------------------------------- if os.path.isfile(dayDir + 'temp.bnr'): shutil.move(dayDir + 'temp.bnr', dayDir + TstampNew + '.bnrc') else: print 'Unable to move file: %s to %s' % (dayDir + TstampNew + '.bnrc') #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Find the averages for surface temperature, pressure and RH measurements #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Check if any measurements are missing HouseTemp1 = OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['HouseTemp'][ind] HouseTemp2 = flt1_OrgSpecDB['HouseTemp'][indFind] HousePres1 = OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['HousePres'][ind] HousePres2 = flt1_OrgSpecDB['HousePres'][indFind] HouseRH1 = OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['HouseRH'][ind] HouseRH2 = flt1_OrgSpecDB['HouseRH'][indFind] ExtStatTemp1 = OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['ExtStatTemp'][ind] ExtStatTemp2 = flt1_OrgSpecDB['ExtStatTemp'][indFind] ExtStatPres1 = OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['ExtStatPres'][ind] ExtStatPres2 = flt1_OrgSpecDB['ExtStatPres'][indFind] ExtStatRH1 = OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['ExtStatRH'][ind] ExtStatRH2 = flt1_OrgSpecDB['ExtStatRH'][indFind] HouseTempNew = findAvgTPRH(HouseTemp1, HouseTemp2, -9999) HousePresNew = findAvgTPRH(HousePres1, HousePres2, -9999) HouseRHNew = findAvgTPRH(HouseRH1, HouseRH2, -99) ExtStatTempNew = findAvgTPRH(ExtStatTemp1, ExtStatTemp2, -9999) ExtStatPresNew = findAvgTPRH(ExtStatPres1, ExtStatPres2, -9999) ExtStatRHNew = findAvgTPRH(ExtStatRH1, ExtStatRH2, -99) #-------------------------------------------- # Write new line to coadded spectral database #-------------------------------------------- # [ OPUS_filename1, OPUS_filename2, Site, SBlock, TOffs, TStamp, Date, Time, SNR, N_Lat, W_Lon, Alt, SAzm, # SZen, ROE, Dur, Reso, Apd, FOV, LWN, HWN, Flt, MaxY, MinY, FLSCN, EXSCN, GFW, GBW, HouseTemp, HousePres, # HouseRH, ExtStatTemp, ExtStatPres, ExtStatRH, Ext_Solar_Sens, Quad_Sens, Det_Intern_T_Swtch ] try: Flt = int(OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Flt'][ind]) except ValueError: Flt = OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Flt'][ind] coaddLine = [ OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Filename'][ind], newFname, OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Site'][ind], OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['SBlock'][ind], '-999', TstampNew, dateNew, TstampNewf, '-999', OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['N_Lat'][ind], OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['W_Lon'][ind], OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Alt'][ind], azmOut, szaOut, roeOut, durOut, OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Reso'][ind], apdOut, fovOut, lwavOut, uwavOut, Flt, maxYout, minYout, '-999', int(OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['EXSCN'][ind]), int(OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['GFW'][ind]), int(flt1_OrgSpecDB['GBW'][indFind]), HouseTempNew, HousePresNew, HouseRHNew, ExtStatTempNew, ExtStatPresNew, ExtStatRHNew, '-9999', '-9999', '-9999' ] strformat = ['{0:<17}', '{1:<15}'] + [ ' {' + str(i) + ':<12}' for i in range(2, len(coaddLine)) ] strformat = ''.join(strformat).lstrip().rstrip() + '\n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*coaddLine)) #---------------------------------------------- # Remove the second coadded file in the orginal # spectral database dictionary so we do loop # on this file. First find where second file # maps to in original spectral DB dictionary #---------------------------------------------- # Loop through origin dictionary indMap = [i for i,(Tstamp,date) in enumerate(itertools.izip(OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['TStamp'],OrgSpecDB.dbInputs['Date'])) \ if (flt1_OrgSpecDB['TStamp'][indFind] == Tstamp and flt1_OrgSpecDB['Date'][indFind] == date)] indMap = indMap[0] # Remove index from original DB dictionary for k in OrgSpecDB.dbInputs: del OrgSpecDB.dbInputs[k][indMap] #------------------------------------------- # Write list of folders that where processed #------------------------------------------- if DBinputs.inputs['DaysProcFlg']: #------------------------------ # Create a unique ordered set #------------------------------ procList = list(set(procList)) procList.sort() fProcname = DBinputs.inputs[ 'DaysProcDir'] + 'FldrsProc_' + '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S') + '.list' with open(fProcname, 'w') as fopen: for item in procList: fopen.write('%s\n' % item)
def main(): #--------- # Location #--------- loc = 'tab' #----------------------------------------- # Interpolation flag for NCEP re-analysis: # False = Nearest point. True = linear #----------------------------------------- interpFlg = False #--------------------- # Interpolation things #--------------------- nSkip = 3 # Number of points to skip when merging WACCM and NCEP profiles intrpOrder = 1 # Order of interpolation logFlg = True # Flag to do interpolation of log of water #----------------------- # Date Range of interest #----------------------- year = 2014 iyear = year imnth = 1 iday = 1 fyear = year fmnth = 12 fday = 31 #------------------------------------- # Parameters for potential temperature #------------------------------------- thetaTrgt = 380.0 # Potential Temperature [K] P0 = 1000.0 # Referenc Pressure [mbars] R_Cp = 0.286 # R/Cp for air #--------------------------- # ERA Interim data directory #--------------------------- ERAdir = '/Volumes/data1/ebaumer/ERAdata/' #-------------- # Out directory #-------------- outDir = '/Volumes/data1/ebaumer/ERAdata/' #--------------------- # Establish date range #--------------------- dRange = sc.DateRange(iyear, imnth, iday, fyear, fmnth, fday) dayLst = dRange.dateList #--------------------------------------- # Altitude levels for different stations #--------------------------------------- if loc.lower() == 'tab': sLat = 76.52 sLon = 291.23 # 68.77 W = (360.0 - 68.77) = 291.23 E elif loc.lower() == 'mlo': sLat = 19.4 sLon = 204.43 # 155.57 W = (360 - 155.57) = 204.43 E elif loc.lower() == 'fl0': sLat = 40.4 sLon = 254.76 # 105.24 W = (360 - 105.24) = 254.76 E #---------------------------- # File and directory checking #---------------------------- ckDir(ERAdir, exitFlg=True) ckDir(outDir, exitFlg=True) #------------------- # Yearly Output File #------------------- outFile = outDir + 'ERA_380K_theta_' + loc.lower() + '_' + str( year) + '.dat' #------------------------------------- # Create empty Tropopause height array #------------------------------------- theta_hgt = np.zeros(len(dayLst)) #------------------ # Loop through days #------------------ for sngDay in dayLst: #------------------------------------------- # Open daily ERA interm files 00, 06, 12, 18 #------------------------------------------- YYYY = "{0:04d}".format(sngDay.year) MM = "{0:02d}".format(sngDay.month) DD = "{0:02d}".format( ERA_F1 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM + '/' + '' + YYYY + MM + DD + '' ERA_F2 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM + '/' + '' + YYYY + MM + DD + '' ERA_F3 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM + '/' + '' + YYYY + MM + DD + '' ERA_F4 = ERAdir + YYYY + MM + '/' + '' + YYYY + MM + DD + '' f1 = netcdf.netcdf_file(ERA_F1, 'r', mmap=False) f2 = netcdf.netcdf_file(ERA_F2, 'r', mmap=False) f3 = netcdf.netcdf_file(ERA_F3, 'r', mmap=False) f4 = netcdf.netcdf_file(ERA_F4, 'r', mmap=False) #----------------------------------- # Lat and lon should be the same for # all files. Just grab once #----------------------------------- lat = f1.variables['g4_lat_1'] lon = f1.variables['g4_lon_2'] Plvl = f1.variables['lv_ISBL0'] nlvls = np.shape(Plvl[:])[0] Z_00 = f1.variables['Z_GDS4_ISBL'] Z_06 = f2.variables['Z_GDS4_ISBL'] Z_12 = f3.variables['Z_GDS4_ISBL'] Z_18 = f4.variables['Z_GDS4_ISBL'] T_00 = f1.variables['T_GDS4_ISBL'] T_06 = f1.variables['T_GDS4_ISBL'] T_12 = f1.variables['T_GDS4_ISBL'] T_18 = f1.variables['T_GDS4_ISBL'] f1.close() f2.close() f3.close() f4.close() #----------------------------------------------- # If not interpolating point in NCEP re-analysis # find closes lat lon indicies #----------------------------------------------- if not interpFlg: latind = findCls(lat[:], sLat) lonind = findCls(lon[:], sLon) #----------------------------------------------------- # For each level interpolate hgt and specific humidity # based on latitude and longitude of site #----------------------------------------------------- Hgt_00 = np.zeros(nlvls) Hgt_06 = np.zeros(nlvls) Hgt_12 = np.zeros(nlvls) Hgt_18 = np.zeros(nlvls) Tint_00 = np.zeros(nlvls) Tint_06 = np.zeros(nlvls) Tint_12 = np.zeros(nlvls) Tint_18 = np.zeros(nlvls) for lvl in range(0, nlvls): HgtOneLvl_00 = np.squeeze(Z_00[lvl, :, :]) HgtOneLvl_06 = np.squeeze(Z_06[lvl, :, :]) HgtOneLvl_12 = np.squeeze(Z_12[lvl, :, :]) HgtOneLvl_18 = np.squeeze(Z_18[lvl, :, :]) T_OneLvl_00 = np.squeeze(T_00[lvl, :, :]) T_OneLvl_06 = np.squeeze(T_06[lvl, :, :]) T_OneLvl_12 = np.squeeze(T_12[lvl, :, :]) T_OneLvl_18 = np.squeeze(T_18[lvl, :, :]) if interpFlg: Hgt_00[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], HgtOneLvl_00, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Hgt_06[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], HgtOneLvl_06, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Hgt_12[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], HgtOneLvl_12, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Hgt_18[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], HgtOneLvl_18, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Tint_00[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], T_OneLvl_00, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Tint_06[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], T_OneLvl_06, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Tint_12[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], T_OneLvl_12, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) Tint_18[lvl] = interp2d(lon[:], lat[:], T_OneLvl_18, kind='linear', bounds_error=True)(sLon, sLat) else: Hgt_00[lvl] = HgtOneLvl_00[latind, lonind] Hgt_06[lvl] = HgtOneLvl_06[latind, lonind] Hgt_12[lvl] = HgtOneLvl_12[latind, lonind] Hgt_18[lvl] = HgtOneLvl_18[latind, lonind] Tint_00[lvl] = T_OneLvl_00[latind, lonind] Tint_06[lvl] = T_OneLvl_06[latind, lonind] Tint_12[lvl] = T_OneLvl_12[latind, lonind] Tint_18[lvl] = T_OneLvl_18[latind, lonind] #------------------------------------- # Create daily averages of 00,06,12,18 #------------------------------------- Z_day = np.mean(np.vstack((Hgt_00, Hgt_06, Hgt_12, Hgt_18)), axis=0) T_day = np.mean(np.vstack((Tint_00, Tint_06, Tint_12, Tint_18)), axis=0) #-------------------------------- # Convert Height [m^2 s^-2] => km #-------------------------------- Z_day = Z_day / 9.81 / 1000.0 #--------------------------------------------------------- # Calculate potential temperature for each pressure level: # Po (R/Cp) # Theta = T *(-----) # P #--------------------------------------------------------- thetaLvl = T_day * (P0 / Plvl[:])**(R_Cp) #------------------------------------ # Interpolate Tropopause pressure on # height to find height of tropopuase #------------------------------------ theta_hgt[i] = interp1d(thetaLvl, Z_day, kind='linear')(thetaTrgt) #---------------------------------------- # Write Tropopause heights to yearly file #---------------------------------------- with open(outFile, 'w') as fopen: hdr = 'Date 380K Potential Temperature Height [km]\n' fopen.write(hdr) strformat = '{0:15}{1:<38}\n' for i, indDay in enumerate(timeAll): daystr = "{0:04d}{1:02d}{2:02d}".format(indDay.year, indDay.month, temp = [daystr, theta_hgt[i]] fopen.write(strformat.format(*temp))
def main(): #--------- # Location #--------- loc = 'tab' #------------------------------------ # Version number to append water file #------------------------------------ verW = 'v5' #------ # Flags #------ pltFlg = True #----------------------- # Date Range of interest #----------------------- iyear = 2017 imnth = 1 iday = 1 fyear = 2017 fmnth = 12 fday = 31 #--------------------------------------- # Size of altitude grid for each station #--------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------- # Altitude levels for different stations #--------------------------------------- if loc.lower() == 'tab': Z = np.array([ 120.0000, 110.0000, 100.0000, 95.0000, 90.0000, 85.0000, 80.0000, 75.0000, 70.0000, 65.0000, 60.0000, 55.0000, 50.0000, 48.0000, 46.0000, 44.0000, 42.0000, 40.0000, 38.0000, 36.0000, 34.0000, 32.0000, 30.0000, 28.0000, 26.0000, 24.0000, 22.0000, 20.0000, 18.0000, 16.0000, 14.0000, 12.0000, 10.0000, 9.0000, 8.0000, 7.0000, 6.0000, 5.0000, 4.0000, 3.0000, 2.0000, 1.0000, 0.2250 ]) elif loc.lower() == 'mlo': Z = np.array([ 120.0000, 110.0000, 100.0000, 95.0000, 90.0000, 85.0000, 80.0000, 75.0000, 70.0000, 65.0000, 60.0000, 55.0000, 50.0000, 48.0000, 46.0000, 44.0000, 42.0000, 40.0000, 38.0000, 36.0000, 34.0000, 32.0000, 30.0000, 28.0000, 26.0000, 24.0000, 22.0000, 20.0000, 18.0000, 16.0000, 14.0000, 12.0000, 10.0000, 9.0000, 8.0000, 7.0000, 6.0000, 5.0000, 4.0000, 3.3960 ]) elif loc.lower() == 'fl0': Z = np.array([ 120.0000, 110.0000, 100.0000, 94.0000, 90.0000, 85.0000, 80.0000, 75.0000, 70.0000, 65.0000, 60.0000, 55.0000, 50.0000, 48.0000, 46.0000, 44.0000, 42.0000, 40.0000, 38.0000, 36.0000, 34.0000, 32.0000, 30.0000, 28.0000, 26.0000, 24.0000, 22.0000, 20.0000, 18.0000, 16.0000, 14.0000, 12.0000, 10.0000, 9.0000, 8.0000, 7.0000, 6.0000, 5.0000, 4.0000, 3.0000, 2.0000, 1.6120 ]) nlvls = len(Z) #--------------- # Data Directory #--------------- dataDir = '/data1/' + loc.lower() + '/' #--------------------- # Establish date range #--------------------- dRange = sc.DateRange(iyear, imnth, iday, fyear, fmnth, fday) #---------------------------- # File and directory checking #---------------------------- ckDir(dataDir, exitFlg=True) #-------------------------------------------- # Walk through first level of directories in # data directory and collect directory names #-------------------------------------------- dirLst = [] for drs in os.walk(dataDir).next()[1]: #------------------------------------------- # Test directory to make sure it is a number #------------------------------------------- try: int(drs[0:4]) except: continue if dRange.inRange(int(drs[0:4]), int(drs[4:6]), int(drs[6:8])): dirLst.append(dataDir + drs + '/') dirLst.sort() #----------------------------------------------- # Loop through all directories within time frame #----------------------------------------------- for sngDir in dirLst: #---------------------------- # Get date in datetime format #---------------------------- oneDay = dt.datetime(int(os.path.basename(sngDir[:-1])[0:4]), int(os.path.basename(sngDir[:-1])[4:6]), int(os.path.basename(sngDir[:-1])[6:8])) #--------------------------------------------- # Search for all individual retrieval profiles #--------------------------------------------- zptFiles = glob.glob(sngDir + 'w-120.*.v99') nfiles = len(zptFiles) if nfiles == 0: continue sngH2O = np.zeros((nfiles, nlvls)) for i, sngFile in enumerate(zptFiles): with open(sngFile, 'r') as fopen: lines = fopen.readlines() sngH2O[i, :] = np.array([ float(x) for line in lines[1:] for x in line.strip().split(',')[:-1] ]) dailyH2O = np.mean(sngH2O, axis=0) #--------------------- # Write out water file #--------------------- with open(sngDir + 'w-120.' + verW, 'w') as fopen: #fopen.write(' 1 Daily H2O profile from individual retrievals \n') fopen.write( ' 1 H2O Daily profile from individual retrievals \n') for row in segmnt(dailyH2O, 5): strformat = ','.join('{:>12.4E}' for i in row) + ', \n' fopen.write(strformat.format(*row)) #-------------------- # Create plots to pdf #-------------------- if pltFlg: pdfsav = PdfPages(sngDir + 'DailyH2Oprf_v5.pdf') fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.plot(dailyH2O, Z, label='Daily Averaged Retrieved H2O') for i, sngFile in enumerate(zptFiles): ax1.plot(sngH2O[i, :], Z, label=os.path.basename(sngFile)) ax1.grid(True, which='both') ax1.legend(prop={'size': 9}) ax1.set_ylabel('Altitude [km]') ax1.set_xlabel('VMR [ppv]') ax1.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', labelsize=8) ax1.set_ylim((Z[-1], 60)) ax1.set_title(oneDay) pdfsav.savefig(fig1, dpi=250) pdfsav.close() print 'Finished processing folder: {}'.format(sngDir)