Exemple #1
    def stopscanmulti(self, ids):
        global globalScanStatus  # running scans
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        error = list()

        for id in ids.split(","):
            errState = False
            scaninfo = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)

            if globalScanStatus.getStatus(
                    id) == "FINISHED" or scaninfo[5] == "FINISHED":
                error.append("Scan '" + scaninfo[0] + "' is in a finished state. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \
                             id + "&confirm=1'>Maybe you want to delete it instead?</a>")
                errState = True

            if not errState and (globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "ABORTED"
                                 or scaninfo[5] == "ABORTED"):
                error.append("Scan '" + scaninfo[0] + "' is already aborted.")
                errState = True

            if not errState and globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) is None:
                error.append("Scan '" + scaninfo[0] + "' is not actually running. A data consistency " + \
                             "error for this scan probably exists. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \
                             id + "&confirm=1'>Click here to delete it.</a>")
                errState = True

            if not errState:
                globalScanStatus.setStatus(id, "ABORT-REQUESTED")

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST',
Exemple #2
    def stopscan(self, id):
        global globalScanStatus

        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        scaninfo = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        if scaninfo is None:
            return self.error("Invalid scan ID.")

        if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) is None:
            return self.error("That scan is not actually running. A data consistency " + \
                              "error for this scan probably exists. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \
                              id + "&confirm=1'>Click here to delete it.</a>")

        if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "ABORTED":
            return self.error("The scan is already aborted.")

        if not globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "RUNNING":
            return self.error("The running scan is currently in the state '" + \
                              globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) + "', please try again later or restart " + \
                              " SpiderFoot.")

        globalScanStatus.setStatus(id, "ABORT-REQUESTED")
        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST',
    def stopscanmulti(self, ids):
        global globalScanStatus # running scans
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        error = list()

        for id in ids.split(","):
            errState = False
            scaninfo = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)

            if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "FINISHED" or scaninfo[5] == "FINISHED":
                error.append("Scan '" + scaninfo[0] + "' is in a finished state. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \
                             id + "&confirm=1'>Maybe you want to delete it instead?</a>")
                errState = True

            if not errState and (globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "ABORTED" or scaninfo[5] == "ABORTED"):
                error.append("Scan '" + scaninfo[0] + "' is already aborted.")
                errState = True

            if not errState and globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) is None:
                error.append("Scan '" + scaninfo[0] + "' is not actually running. A data consistency " + \
                             "error for this scan probably exists. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \
                             id + "&confirm=1'>Click here to delete it.</a>")
                errState = True
            if not errState:
                globalScanStatus.setStatus(id, "ABORT-REQUESTED")

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST', stoppedscan=True, 
                            errors=error, docroot=self.docroot)
Exemple #4
    def rerunscan(self, id):
        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict()  # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)
        info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id)
        scanname = info[0]
        scantarget = info[1]
        targetType = None

        if len(scanconfig) == 0:
            return self.error("Something went wrong internally.")

        modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',')
        if "sfp__stor_stdout" in modlist:

        targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget)
        if targetType == None:
            # It must then be a name, as a re-run scan should always have a clean
            # target.
            targetType = "HUMAN_NAME"

        if targetType != "HUMAN_NAME":
            scantarget = scantarget.lower()

        # Start running a new scan
        newId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
        t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget, targetType, newId, modlist,
                              cfg, modopts)

        # Wait until the scan has initialized
        while globalScanStatus.getStatus(newId) == None:
            print("[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize...")

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=newId,
    def stopscan(self, id):
        global globalScanStatus

        if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) is None:
            return self.error("That scan is not actually running. A data consistency " + \
                              "error for this scan probably exists. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \
                              id + "&confirm=1'>Click here to delete it.</a>")

        if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "ABORTED":
            return self.error("The scan is already aborted.")

        if not globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "RUNNING":
            return self.error("The running scan is currently in the state '" + \
                              globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) + "', please try again later or restart " + \
                              " SpiderFoot.")

        globalScanStatus.setStatus(id, "ABORT-REQUESTED")
        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST', stoppedscan=True, docroot=self.docroot, errors=list())
Exemple #6
    def rerunscan(self, id):
        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict()  # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)
        info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id)
        scanname = info[0]
        scantarget = info[1]
        targetType = None

        if len(scanconfig) == 0:
            return self.error("Something went wrong internally.")

        modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',')

        targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget)
        if targetType == None:
            # Should never be triggered for a re-run scan..
            return self.error("Invalid target type. Could not recognize it as " + \
                "an IP address, IP subnet, domain name or host name.")

        # Start running a new scan
        newId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
        t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), targetType, newId,
                              modlist, cfg, modopts)

        # Wait until the scan has initialized
        while globalScanStatus.getStatus(newId) == None:
            print "[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize..."

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=newId,
Exemple #7
    def rerunscan(self, id):
        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)
        info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id)
        scanname = info[0]
        scantarget = info[1]
        targetType = None

        if len(scanconfig) == 0:
            return self.error("Something went wrong internally.")

        modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',')

        targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget)
        if targetType == None:
            # It must then be a name, as a re-run scan should always have a clean
            # target.
            targetType = "HUMAN_NAME"

        if targetType != "HUMAN_NAME":
            scantarget = scantarget.lower()

        # Start running a new scan
        newId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
        t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget, targetType, newId,
            modlist, cfg, modopts)

        # Wait until the scan has initialized
        while globalScanStatus.getStatus(newId) == None:
            print "[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize..."

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=newId, name=unicode(scanname, 'utf-8', errors='replace'), docroot=self.docroot,
            status=globalScanStatus.getStatus(newId), pageid="SCANLIST")
Exemple #8
    def stopscan(self, id, cli=None):
        global globalScanStatus

        dbh = SpiderFootDb(self.config)
        scaninfo = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        if scaninfo is None:
            if not cli:
                return self.error("Invalid scan ID.")
                return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Invalid scan ID."])

        if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) is None:
            if not cli:
                return self.error("That scan is not actually running. A data consistency " + \
                                  "error for this scan probably exists. <a href='/scandelete?id=" + \
                                  id + "&confirm=1'>Click here to delete it.</a>")
                return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Scan doesn't appear to be running."])

        if globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "ABORTED":
            if not cli:
                return self.error("The scan is already aborted.")
                return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Scan already aborted."])

        if not globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) == "RUNNING":
            if not cli:
                return self.error("The running scan is currently in the state '" + \
                                  globalScanStatus.getStatus(id) + "', please try again later or restart " + \
                                  " SpiderFoot.")
                return json.dumps(["ERROR", "Scan in an invalid state for stopping."])

        globalScanStatus.setStatus(id, "ABORT-REQUESTED")
        if not cli:
            templ = Template(filename='dyn/scanlist.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
            return templ.render(pageid='SCANLIST', stoppedscan=True, docroot=self.docroot, errors=list())
            return json.dumps(["SUCCESS", ""])
    def rerunscan(self, id):
        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)
        info = dbh.scanInstanceGet(id)
        scanconfig = dbh.scanConfigGet(id)
        scanname = info[0]
        scantarget = info[1]
        targetType = None

        if len(scanconfig) == 0:
            return self.error("Something went wrong internally.")

        modlist = scanconfig['_modulesenabled'].split(',')

        targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget)
        if targetType == None:
            # Should never be triggered for a re-run scan..
            return self.error("Invalid target type. Could not recognize it as " + \
                "an IP address, IP subnet, domain name or host name.")

        # Start running a new scan
        newId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
        t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), targetType, newId,
            modlist, cfg, modopts)

        # Wait until the scan has initialized
        while globalScanStatus.getStatus(newId) == None:
            print "[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize..."

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=newId, name=scanname, docroot=self.docroot,
            status=globalScanStatus.getStatus(newId), pageid="SCANLIST")
Exemple #10
    def startscan(self, scanname, scantarget, modulelist, typelist, usecase):
        global globalScanStatus

        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict()  # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)
        types = dbh.eventTypes()
        targetType = None
        [scanname, scantarget] = self.cleanUserInput([scanname, scantarget])

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if typelist == "" and modulelist == "" and usecase == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        # User selected modules
        if modulelist != "":
            modlist = modulelist.replace('module_', '').split(',')

        # User selected types
        if len(modlist) == 0 and typelist != "":
            typesx = typelist.replace('type_', '').split(',')
            # 1. Find all modules that produce the requested types
            modlist = sf.modulesProducing(typesx)
            newmods = deepcopy(modlist)
            newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
            # 2. For each type those modules consume, get modules producing
            while len(newmodcpy) > 0:
                for etype in sf.eventsToModules(newmodcpy):
                    xmods = sf.modulesProducing([etype])
                    for mod in xmods:
                        if mod not in modlist:
                newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
                newmods = list()

        # User selected a use case
        if len(modlist) == 0 and usecase != "":
            for mod in self.config['__modules__']:
                if usecase == 'all' or usecase in self.config['__modules__'][

        # Add our mandatory storage module..
        if "sfp__stor_db" not in modlist:

        targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget)
        if targetType is None:
            return self.error("Invalid target type. Could not recognize it as " + \
                              "an IP address, IP subnet, domain name or host name.")

        # Start running a new scan
        scanId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
        t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), targetType, scanId,
                              modlist, cfg, modopts)

        # Wait until the scan has initialized
        while globalScanStatus.getStatus(scanId) is None:
            print "[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize..."

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=scanId,
    def startscan(self, scanname, scantarget, modulelist, typelist):
        global globalScanStatus

        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict()  # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)
        types = dbh.eventTypes()
        targetType = None
        [scanname, scantarget] = self.cleanUserInput([scanname, scantarget])

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if typelist == "" and modulelist == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if modulelist != "":
            modlist = modulelist.replace('module_', '').split(',')
            typesx = typelist.replace('type_', '').split(',')
            # 1. Find all modules that produce the requested types
            modlist = sf.modulesProducing(typesx)
            newmods = deepcopy(modlist)
            newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
            # 2. For each type those modules consume, get modules producing
            while len(newmodcpy) > 0:
                for etype in sf.eventsToModules(newmodcpy):
                    xmods = sf.modulesProducing([etype])
                    for mod in xmods:
                        if mod not in modlist:
                newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
                newmods = list()

        # Add our mandatory storage module..
        if "sfp__stor_db" not in modlist:

        targetType = sf.targetType(scantarget)
        if targetType is None:
            return self.error("Invalid target type. Could not recognize it as " + \
                              "an IP address, IP subnet, domain name or host name.")

        # Start running a new scan
        scanId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
        t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), targetType, scanId,
                              modlist, cfg, modopts)

        # Wait until the scan has initialized
        while globalScanStatus.getStatus(scanId) is None:
            print "[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize..."

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=scanId, name=scanname, docroot=self.docroot,
                            status=globalScanStatus.getStatus(scanId), pageid="SCANLIST")
Exemple #12
    def startscan(self, scanname, scantarget, modulelist, typelist):
        global globalScanStatus

        # Snapshot the current configuration to be used by the scan
        cfg = deepcopy(self.config)
        modopts = dict() # Not used yet as module options are set globally
        modlist = list()
        sf = SpiderFoot(cfg)
        dbh = SpiderFootDb(cfg)
        types = dbh.eventTypes()
        targetType = None
        [scanname, scantarget] = self.cleanUserInput([scanname, scantarget])

        if scanname == "" or scantarget == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if typelist == "" and modulelist == "":
            return self.error("Form incomplete.")

        if modulelist != "":
            modlist = modulelist.replace('module_', '').split(',')
            typesx = typelist.replace('type_', '').split(',')
            # 1. Find all modules that produce the requested types
            modlist = sf.modulesProducing(typesx)
            newmods = deepcopy(modlist)
            newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
            # 2. For each type those modules consume, get modules producing
            while len(newmodcpy) > 0:
                for etype in sf.eventsToModules(newmodcpy):
                    xmods = sf.modulesProducing([etype])
                    for mod in xmods:
                        if mod not in modlist:
                newmodcpy = deepcopy(newmods)
                newmods = list()

        # Add our mandatory storage module..
        if "sfp__stor_db" not in modlist:

        regexToType = {
            "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$": "IP_ADDRESS",
            "^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+/\d+$": "NETBLOCK_OWNER",
            "^.[a-zA-Z\-0-9\.]+$": "INTERNET_NAME"

        # Parse the target and set the targetType
        for rx in regexToType.keys():
            if re.match(rx, scantarget, re.IGNORECASE):
                targetType = regexToType[rx]

        if targetType == None:
            return self.error("Invalid target type. Could not recognize it as " + \
                "an IP address, IP subnet, domain name or host name.")

        # Start running a new scan
        scanId = sf.genScanInstanceGUID(scanname)
        t = SpiderFootScanner(scanname, scantarget.lower(), targetType, scanId, 
            modlist, cfg, modopts)

        # Wait until the scan has initialized
        while globalScanStatus.getStatus(scanId) == None:
            print "[info] Waiting for the scan to initialize..."

        templ = Template(filename='dyn/scaninfo.tmpl', lookup=self.lookup)
        return templ.render(id=scanId, name=scanname, 
            status=globalScanStatus.getStatus(scanId), pageid="SCANLIST")