def __init__(self, screen, font, player): = False self.player = player self.screen = screen self.font = font big_image = pg.transform.rotozoom(player.image, 0, 3) self.char_img = sgc.Simple(surf=big_image, pos=(self.screen.rect.centerx-160,25)) self.title = sgc.Label(text="Stats", font=self.font) = (self.screen.rect.centerx, 40) self.name_label = sgc.Label(text="Name: " +, font=pg.font.SysFont("Arial", 20)) = (self.screen.rect.centerx, 80) self.health_label = sgc.Label(text="Current Health: " + str(player.player_model.current_health) + " / " + str(player.player_model.health_capacity), font=pg.font.SysFont("Arial", 20)) = (self.screen.rect.centerx, 120) self.strength_label = sgc.Label(text="Strength: " + str(player.player_model.strength), font=pg.font.SysFont("Arial", 20)) = (self.screen.rect.centerx, 160) self.money_label = sgc.Label(text="Money: " + str(, font=pg.font.SysFont("Arial", 20)) = (self.screen.rect.centerx, 200) self.stats_box = sgc.VBox(widgets =[self.name_label, self.health_label, self.strength_label, self.money_label], pos=(self.screen.rect.centerx-120, 80))
def __init__(self,screen,font, player, trader): = False self.player = player self.trader = trader self.screen = screen self.font = font self.playerTitle = sgc.Label(text="Player Inventory", font=self.font) = (self.screen.rect.centerx-100, 40) self.traderTitle = sgc.Label(text="Trader Inventory", font=self.font) = (self.screen.rect.centerx+100, 40) self.sell_button = sgc.Button(label="Sell\nItem", pos=(self.screen.rect.centerx-160,300)) self.buy_button = sgc.Button(label="Buy\nItem", pos=(self.screen.rect.centerx,300)) self.money_label = sgc.Label(text="Money: " + str(, font=self.font) = (self.screen.rect.centerx-30, 275) self.stats = sgc.Label(text="", font=pg.font.SysFont("Arial", 15)) = (self.screen.rect.centerx-160, 375) self.stats.config(text="") self.stats.add() self.player_radio_box = None self.player_radios = [] self.trader_radio_box = None self.trader_radios = []
def interactive_mouse_callback(self): # note: no collide check is applied at present # it is possible that a new vehicle is chosen to be spawned at a # place where a previous vehicle has been spawned while True: event = pygame.event.wait() if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: mouse = event.pos if mouse[0] > self.left_width and self.map_height > mouse[ 1] > 0: spawn_point_world_pos = self.local_pixel_to_world( (mouse[0], mouse[1])) self.spawn_x_text.text = str(spawn_point_world_pos[0]) self.spawn_y_text.text = str(spawn_point_world_pos[1]) # show the position on the map if self.spawn_label != None: self.spawn_label.remove(fade=False) self.spawn_label = sgc.Label( pos=(mouse[0], mouse[1]), text="x: " + str(spawn_point_world_pos[0]) + " y: " + str(spawn_point_world_pos[1])) break
def __init__(self, screen, font, player): = False self.player = player self.screen = screen self.font = font self.radio_box = None self.radios = [] self.title = sgc.Label(text="Inventory", font=self.font) = (self.screen.rect.centerx, 40) self.drop_button = sgc.Button(label="Drop\nItem", pos=(self.screen.rect.centerx-160,300)) self.quit_button = sgc.Button(label="Quit", pos=(self.screen.rect.centerx,300)) self.stats = sgc.Label(text="", font=pg.font.SysFont("Arial", 15)) = (self.screen.rect.centerx-160, 375) self.stats.config(text="")
def create_vehicle_panel(self): self.vehicle_name_text = sgc.Label(pos=(int(self.left_width / 2), 100)) self.vehicle_position_x_text = sgc.InputBox(label="x: ", pos=(50, 200), label_side="left") self.vehicle_position_y_text = sgc.InputBox(label="y: ", pos=(50, 300), label_side="left") self.vehicle_to_intersection_button = sgc.Button(label="Back", pos=(0, 0)) self.vehicle_to_intersection_button.on_click = self.vehicle_to_intersection_callback
def __init__(self, theme): self.tags = [] self.theme = theme self.description = sgc.Label(font=sgc.Font["title"]) self.tag_list = sgc.HBox(theme.footer_size, border=theme.tag_border, spacing=theme.tag_padding) sgc.VBox.__init__(self, theme.footer_size, pos=theme.footer_pos, col=theme.footer_colour, border=theme.footer_border, widgets=[self.description, self.tag_list])
def __init__(self, screen, font, player, enemy): = False self.player = player self.enemy = enemy self.screen = screen self.font = font self.title = sgc.Label(text="Battle", font=self.font) = (self.screen.rect.centerx, 40) player_image_zoomed = pg.transform.rotozoom(player.image, 0, 3) self.player_img = sgc.Simple(surf=player_image_zoomed, pos=(self.screen.rect.centerx-160,75)) enemy_image_zoomed = pg.transform.rotozoom(enemy.image, 0, 3) self.enemy_img = sgc.Simple(surf=enemy_image_zoomed, pos=(self.screen.rect.centerx+120,75)) self.player_hp_label = sgc.Label(text="HP: " + str(self.player.player_model.current_health) + " / " + str(self.player.player_model.health_capacity), font=pg.font.SysFont("Arial", 15), pos=(35,130)) self.enemy_hp_label = sgc.Label(text="HP: " + str(self.enemy.enemy_model.current_health) + " / " + str(self.enemy.enemy_model.health_capacity), font=pg.font.SysFont("Arial", 15), pos=(300,130)) self.attack_option = sgc.Button(label="Attack") self.item_option = sgc.Button(label="Item") self.retreat_option = sgc.Button(label="Retreat") self.attack_options_box = sgc.VBox(widgets =[self.attack_option, self.item_option, self.retreat_option], pos=(10, 180))
def __init__(self, text, theme): self.label = sgc.Label(text=text, col=theme.tag_text_colour) height = self.label.rect.h surf = pygame.Surface((height / 2, height), flags=pygame.SRCALPHA), theme.tag_colour, (height / 2, height / 2), height / 2) left = sgc.Simple(surf) surf = pygame.Surface((height / 2, height), flags=pygame.SRCALPHA), theme.tag_colour, (0, height / 2), height / 2) right = sgc.Simple(surf) coloured_label = sgc.HBox(widgets=[self.label], col=theme.tag_colour, border=0, spacing=0) sgc.HBox.__init__(self, widgets=[left, coloured_label, right], border=0, spacing=0)
def update_stats(self): self.money_label.remove() self.money_label = sgc.Label(text="Money: " + str(, font=self.font) = (self.screen.rect.centerx-30, 275) self.money_label.add()
screen = sgc.surface.Screen((WINDOWWIDTH, WINDOWHEIGHT), pygame.DOUBLEBUF|0, 32) pygame.display.set_caption((u"植物大战僵尸学习版").encode('utf-8')) pygame.display.set_icon(pygame.image.load("images/interface/icon.png")) background = pygame.image.load(background_image_filename[0]).convert() yardBackground = pygame.image.load(background_image_filename[1]).convert_alpha() welcome = pygame.image.load(welcome_image_filename).convert_alpha() font = pygame.font.Font("other/simsun.ttc",16) gameOverFont = pygame.font.Font("other/simsun.ttc",60) text_userName = font.render(u"游客", True, WHITE) #循环播放背景音乐 loseSound = pygame.mixer.Sound(music_filenames[1]) evillaughSound = pygame.mixer.Sound(music_filenames[2]) # 以下是自定义对话框中label和button设置 label = sgc.Label(text="unlock!",pos=(160,120),col=WHITE,font=font) def print_pass(): dialogs[-1].remove() btn_ok = sgc.Button("images/interface/LongButton.png",label="ok", pos=(80,210)) btn_ok.on_click = print_pass dialog_container = sgc.Container(widgets=(label,btn_ok), border=10) dialogs = [] #开始标志 startflag = False #添加对话框 startGameButton = sgc.Button(startGame_image_filename,label="", pos=(startGameX,startGameY)) startGameButton.add()
pygame.display.init() pygame.font.init() sys.path.insert(0, "..") import sgc from sgc.locals import * from sgc.__init__ import __version__ as ver_no ###################################################### #screen size, creating clock screen = sgc.surface.Screen((1280, 720)) clock = pygame.time.Clock() #elements # Title title = sgc.Label(text="Sistema Restaurante ", font=sgc.Font["title"], col=sgc.Font.col) = (screen.rect.centerx, 40) title.add() #buttons button = sgc.Button(label="Video", pos=(360, 100)) button.add(order=1) button2 = sgc.Button(label="Cliente", pos=(40, 100)) button2.add(order=1) button3 = sgc.Button(label="Admin", pos=(200, 100)) button3.add(order=1) #main
fontOhio = pygame.font.Font("fnt/ohio.ttf", 30) fontAbove = pygame.font.Font("fnt/above.ttf", 20) fontLarge = pygame.font.Font("fnt/ohio.ttf", 52) fontTitle = pygame.font.Font("fnt/painter.ttf", 84) btn = RestaurantButton(label="Capitola", label_font=fontAbove, label_col=MINT, col=PURPLE, pos=(100, 150)) btn.gameInit() label = sgc.Label(pos=(20, 240), col=(255, 255, 255), text="", font=fontLarge) mealChooser = sgc.Combo( pos=(400, 150), label="Meal", label_side="top", values=("breakfast", "lunch", "dinner", "snack"), selection=1) titleSurface = fontTitle.render("Caitlyn's> Restaurants", True, PURPLE) btn.add(0) label.add(1) mealChooser.add(2)
"""Create a subclass for custom functions.""" func_dict = lambda self: { "print_input": self.print_input, "remove": self.remove } def print_input(self): print self["input"].text sgc.Font.col = (150, 150, 150) # TODO Button font colour # Title title = sgc.Label(text="Simple Game Code " + ver_no, font=sgc.Font["title"], col=sgc.Font.col) = (screen.rect.centerx, 40) title.add() # Create input_box input_box = sgc.InputBox(label="Input Box", default="default text...") input_box.config(pos=(30, 120)) input_box.add() # Change colour button, on_click event caught in event loop button = sgc.Button(label="Change\ncolour", pos=(40, 200)) # Create FPS counter fps = sgc.FPSCounter(clock=clock) fps.rect.midbottom = (screen.rect.w / 2, screen.rect.h) fps.add() # Pass config file as argument, to have Menu parse file
group = "weapon") radio_box = sgc.VBox(widgets = (radio_1, radio_2, radio_3), pos = (50, 50)) ### switch switch = sgc.Switch(label = "Limit Bullets", pos = (300, 200), label_side = "top") ## slider slider = sgc.Scale(label = "Number of Monsters", pos = (10, 200), label_side = "top", label_col = (255, 255, 0)) label = sgc.Label(text = "This is a zombie shooter game \n" + "in which you journey through eight \n" + "levels to save a girl from \n" + "monsters. Good Luck!", pos = (10, 10), font = bloody, col = (255, 0, 0)) btn.add(0) btn2.add(1) combo.add(2) radio_box.add(3) switch.add(4) slider.add(5) while True: time = clock.tick(30) for event in pygame.event.get(): sgc.event(event)