Exemple #1
def extract_game_data(gcs_path, root_node):
    props = root_node.properties
    komi = float(sgf_wrapper.sgf_prop(props.get('KM')))
    result = sgf_wrapper.sgf_prop(props.get('RE', ''))
    board_size = int(sgf_wrapper.sgf_prop(props.get('SZ')))
    value = utils.parse_game_result(result)
    was_resign = '+R' in result

    filename = os.path.basename(gcs_path)
    filename_no_ext, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
    # BigQuery's TIMESTAMP() takes in unix millis.
    completion_millis = 1000 * int(filename_no_ext.split('-')[0])
    worker_id = filename_no_ext.split('-')[-1]
    model_num = shipname.detect_model_num(props.get('PW')[0])
    sgf_url = gcs_path
    first_comment_node_lines = root_node.next.properties['C'][0].split('\n')
    # in-place edit to comment node so that first move's comment looks
    # the same as all the other moves.
    root_node.next.properties['C'][0] = '\n'.join(first_comment_node_lines[1:])
    resign_threshold = float(first_comment_node_lines[0].split()[-1])

    return {
        'worker_id': worker_id,
        'completed_time': completion_millis,
        'board_size': board_size,
        'model_num': model_num,
        'result_str': result,
        'value': value,
        'was_resign': was_resign,
        'sgf_url': sgf_url,
        'resign_threshold': resign_threshold,
Exemple #2
def parse_sgf(sgf_path):
  with open(sgf_path) as f:
    sgf_contents = f.read()

  collection = sgf.parse(sgf_contents)
  game = collection.children[0]
  props = game.root.properties
  assert int(sgf_prop(props.get('GM', ['1']))) == 1, "Not a Go SGF!"

  result = utils.parse_game_result(sgf_prop(props.get('RE')))

  positions, moves = zip(*[(p.position, p.next_move) for p in sgf_wrapper.replay_sgf(sgf_contents)])
  return positions, moves, result, props