def load_remote_groups(self): """ Load security groups from EC2 Convert boto.ec2.securitygroup objects into unified structure :rtype : list """ lg.debug("Loading remote groups") groups = ec2.get_all_security_groups() for group in groups: # Initialize SGroup object sgroup = SGroup(str(, str(group.description), sgroup_object=group) # For each rule in group for rule in group.rules: rule_info = { 'protocol': str(rule.ip_protocol), 'srule_object': rule, } if rule.from_port != rule.to_port: # We have port range, use port_from and port_to parameters rule_info['port_from'] = int(rule.from_port) rule_info['port_to'] = int(rule.to_port) else: # We have single port, use port parameter rule_info['port'] = int(rule.to_port) if rule.grants: for grant in rule.grants: # For each granted permission, add new SRule try: srule = SRule( groups={ 'name': str(grant.groupName), 'owner': str(grant.owner_id), # OpenStack doesn't support group IDs, use None if this attr isn't present 'id': None if getattr(grant, 'groupId', None) is None else str(getattr(grant, 'groupId')) }, **rule_info) except AttributeError: srule = SRule(cidr=[str(grant.cidr_ip)], **rule_info) sgroup.add_rule(srule) self.groups[] = sgroup return self.groups
def load_local_groups(self, config): """ Load local groups from config file Save and return SecurityGroups object :param config: :rtype : object """ self.config = config yaml.add_constructor('!include', self._yaml_include) try: with open(config, 'r') as fp: conf = yaml.load(fp) except IOError as e: # Error while loading file raise InvalidConfiguration("Can't read config file %s: %s" % (config, e)) except yaml.YAMLError as e: # Error while parsing YAML if hasattr(e, 'problem_mark'): mark = e.problem_mark raise InvalidConfiguration("Can't parse config file %s: error at line %s, column %s" % (config, mark.line+1, mark.column+1)) else: raise InvalidConfiguration("Can't parse config file %s: %s" % (config, e)) lg.debug("Loading local groups") for name, group in conf.iteritems(): # Initialize SGroup object sgroup = SGroup(name, None if not group.has_key('description') else group['description']) if group.has_key('rules'): for rule in group['rules']: if rule.has_key('groups'): # For each group, create separate rule # multiple groups are used only to simplify configuration for group in rule['groups']: rule['groups'] = [ group ] srule = SRule(**rule) sgroup.add_rule(srule) else: # No groups, initialize SRule object srule = SRule(**rule) # Add it into group sgroup.add_rule(srule) self.groups[name] = sgroup return self.groups
def load_remote_groups(self): """ Load security groups from EC2 Convert boto.ec2.securitygroup objects into unified structure :rtype : list """ lg.debug("Loading remote groups") groups = ec2.get_all_security_groups(self.only_groups) for group in groups: if not self.vpc and group.vpc_id: lg.debug("Skipping VPC group %s" % continue elif self.vpc and not group.vpc_id: lg.debug("Skipping non-VPC group %s" % continue # Initialize SGroup object sgroup = SGroup(sgroup_object=group) # For each egress rule in group for rule in group.rules_egress: self._load_remote_rule(rule, sgroup, egress=True) # For each ingress rule in group for rule in group.rules: self._load_remote_rule(rule, sgroup) self.groups[] = sgroup return self.groups
def load_remote_groups(self): """ Load security groups from EC2 Convert boto.ec2.securitygroup objects into unified structure :rtype : list """ lg.debug("Loading remote groups") groups = ec2.get_all_security_groups() for group in groups: # Initialize SGroup object sgroup = SGroup(str(, str(group.description), sgroup_object=group) # For each rule in group for rule in group.rules: rule_info = { 'protocol' : str(rule.ip_protocol), 'srule_object' : rule, } if rule.from_port != rule.to_port: # We have port range, use port_from and port_to parameters rule_info['port_from'] = int(rule.from_port) rule_info['port_to'] = int(rule.to_port) else: # We have single port, use port parameter rule_info['port'] = int(rule.to_port) if rule.grants: for grant in rule.grants: # For each granted permission, add new SRule try: srule = SRule(groups={ 'name' : str(grant.groupName), 'owner' : str(grant.owner_id), # OpenStack doesn't support group IDs, use None if this attr isn't present 'id' : None if getattr(grant, 'groupId', None) is None else str(getattr(grant, 'groupId')) }, **rule_info) except AttributeError: srule = SRule(cidr=[ str(grant.cidr_ip) ], **rule_info) sgroup.add_rule(srule) self.groups[] = sgroup return self.groups
def load_local_groups(self, config): """ Load local groups from config file Save and return SecurityGroups object :param config: :rtype : object """ lg.debug("Loading local configuragion") self.config = config yaml.add_constructor('!include', self._yaml_include) try: with open(config, 'r') as fp: conf = yaml.load(fp) except IOError as e: # Error while loading file raise InvalidConfiguration("Can't read config file %s: %s" % (config, e)) except yaml.YAMLError as e: # Error while parsing YAML if hasattr(e, 'problem_mark'): mark = e.problem_mark raise InvalidConfiguration( "Can't parse config file %s: error at line %s, column %s" % (config, mark.line + 1, mark.column + 1)) else: raise InvalidConfiguration("Can't parse config file %s: %s" % (config, e)) # Remove include keys conf = self._fix_include(conf) lg.debug("Loading local groups") for name, group in conf.iteritems(): # Initialize SGroup object sgroup = SGroup( name, None if not group.has_key('description') else group['description']) if group.has_key('rules'): for rule in group['rules']: if rule.has_key('groups'): # For each group, create separate rule # multiple groups are used only to simplify configuration for group in rule['groups']: rule['groups'] = [group] srule = SRule(owner_id=self.owner_id, **rule) sgroup.add_rule(srule) else: # No groups, initialize SRule object srule = SRule(**rule) # Add it into group sgroup.add_rule(srule) self.groups[name] = sgroup return self.groups
def _load_sgroup(self, name, group, check_mode='strict'): """ Return SGroup object with assigned rules """ # Test len of name and description if len(name) > 255: raise InvalidConfiguration( "Name of group '%s' is longer than 255 chars" % (name)) if group.has_key('description') and len(group['description']) > 255: raise InvalidConfiguration( "Description of group '%s' is longer than 255 chars" % (name)) # Test name and description according to spec if check_mode == 'strict': allowed = '^[a-zA-Z0-9_\- ]+$' if check_mode == 'ascii': allowed = '^[\x20-\x7E]+$' if check_mode == 'vpc': allowed = '^[a-zA-Z0-9 ._\-:/()#,@[\]+=&;{}!$*]+$' if group.has_key('description') and not re.match( allowed, group['description']): raise InvalidConfiguration( "Description of group '%s' is not valid in %s check_mode" % (name, check_mode)) if not re.match(allowed, name): raise InvalidConfiguration( "Name of group '%s' is not valid in %s check_mode" % (name, check_mode)) sgroup = SGroup( name, description=None if 'description' not in group.keys() else group['description'], vpc_id=None if 'vpc_id' not in group.keys() else group['vpc_id']) # Dive into group's rules and create srule objects if group.has_key('rules'): for rule in group['rules']: self._validate(rule, self._load_rule(sgroup, rule) return sgroup