Exemple #1
def send_mail(to, subject, msg, frm, reply_to=None):
    args = ['-a', "From: {}".format(frm), '-s', subject, to]
    if reply_to:
        args = ['-a', 'Reply-To: {}'.format(reply_to)] + args
    mail(*args, _in=msg)
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os.path
from sh import curl, cli53, mail

TMPFILE = os.path.expanduser('~/.r53dyndns.txt')

last_ip = None
if os.path.exists(TMPFILE):
    last_ip = open(TMPFILE).read()

current_ip = str(curl('http://canihazip.com/s')).strip()

if current_ip != last_ip:
    output = cli53('rrcreate', '-x', 600, 'nixer.info', "", 'A', current_ip,
                   '--replace', '--wait')
    with open(TMPFILE, 'w') as fp:

    mailtext = 'La nueva ip de nixer.info es %(current_ip)s. \n\n%(output)s' % locals(
         'nixer.info - notification de cambio de ip',
Exemple #3
def send_mail(to, subject, msg, frm, reply_to=None):
    args = ['-a', "From: {}".format(frm), '-s', subject, to]
    if reply_to:
        args = ['-a', 'Reply-To: {}'.format(reply_to)] + args
    mail(*args, _in=msg)
  if not os.path.exists(fname):
    raise ValueError ('El archivo %s no existe' % fname)

if os.path.exists(args.output):
  if not args.force:
    raise ValueError ('El archivo de salida %s ya existe (use -f para sobreescribirlo)' % args.output)

assert(os.path.splitext(args.output)[-1].lower() == '.avi')

tmp = mktemp().strip()
tmp_avi = mktemp('--tmpdir=/var/tmp').strip()
  for line in nice.mencoder(args.video, '-oac', 'mp3lame', '-ovc', 'xvid', '-vf', 'scale', '-zoom', '-xy', 720, '-xvidencopts', 'bitrate=1500:me_quality=6:threads=2:pass=1', '-sub', args.subtitulos.decode('latin1'), '-subfont-text-scale', 2.8, '-subcp', args.encoding, '-subpos', 85, '-passlogfile', tmp, '-o', '/dev/null', '-quiet', _iter=True):
    print line.strip()

  for line in nice.mencoder(args.video, '-oac', 'mp3lame', '-ovc', 'xvid', '-vf', 'scale', '-zoom', '-xy', 720, '-xvidencopts', 'bitrate=1500:me_quality=6:threads=2:pass=2', '-sub', args.subtitulos.decode('latin1'), '-subfont-text-scale', 2.8, '-subcp', args.encoding, '-subpos', 85, '-passlogfile', tmp, '-o', tmp_avi, '-quiet', _iter=True):
    print line.strip()
  shutil.move (tmp_avi, args.output)

  mail ('-s', "encode de %s terminado" % os.path.basename(args.output), '*****@*****.**', _in='Proceso terminado')
  if os.path.exists(tmp):
    os.remove (tmp)
  if os.path.exists(tmp_avi):
    os.remove (tmp_avi)

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os.path
from sh import curl, cli53, mail


last_ip = None
if os.path.exists(TMPFILE):
  last_ip = open(TMPFILE).read()

current_ip = str(curl ('http://canihazip.com/s')).strip()

if current_ip != last_ip:
  output = cli53 ('rrcreate', '-x', 600, 'nixer.info', "", 'A', current_ip, '--replace', '--wait')
  with open(TMPFILE, 'w') as fp:

  mailtext = 'La nueva ip de nixer.info es %(current_ip)s. \n\n%(output)s' % locals()
  mail ('-s', 'nixer.info - notification de cambio de ip', 'ricardo', _in=mailtext)