Exemple #1
def decrypt_message(k, encrypted_key, encrypted_message):
    Decrypts a message encrypted by the encrypt_message function
    First decrypts the AES key and IV using ECC
    Then decrypts the data using the AES key and IV

    :param k: Private key k
    :param encrypted_key: ECC encrypted key (list of of ints)
    :param encrypted_message: AES encrypted data (bytes
    :return: Decrypted data (bytes)

    ecies = ecc.ECEIS(ecc.CURVE)

    r = ecc.AffineCurvePoint(encrypted_key[0], encrypted_key[1], ecc.CURVE)

    s = ecies.recover(r, ecc.ECPrivateKey(k, ecc.CURVE))

    s = str(s).encode('utf-8')

    key = sha.SHA3_512(s).digest()

    message_decryptor = Decrypter(
        mode=AESModeOfOperationCBC(key[:32], iv=key[32:48]))

    decrypted_message = message_decryptor.feed(encrypted_message)
    decrypted_message += message_decryptor.feed()

    return oaep.oaep_unpad(decrypted_message)
Exemple #2
def sign_message(k, message):
    Signs a message using an ECDSA signature private key and a message,

    Computes SHA512 hash of plaintext and then performs ECDSA signature upon it

    :param k: ECC key k
    :param message: Message to sign (bytes)
    :return: Signature (list of ints)

    message_hash = sha.SHA3_512(message).digest()

    block = get_blocks(message_hash, 1024)

    return sign_number(k, block[0])
Exemple #3
def authenticate_message(kx, ky, plaintext, signature):
    Authenticates a message when given a plaintext and signature

    Verifies hash with ECDSA public key

    :param kx: ECC Public key kx
    :param ky: ECC Public key ky
    :param plaintext: Decrypted plaintext to verify (bytes)
    :param signature: The signature (list of ints)
    :return: Whether the message signature is valid (boolean)

    message_hash = sha.SHA3_512(plaintext).digest()

    block = get_blocks(message_hash, 1024)

    return validate_number(kx, ky, signature[0], signature[1], block[0])
Exemple #4
def enum_keys(arguments):
    Enumerates all keys residing in the public_keys directory.
    Prints to stdout a formatted explanation of the key, with:
    User Name

    :param arguments: Argparser arguments object
    :return: None

    key_enum = ''
    for key_file in os.listdir(PUBLIC_PATH):
        with open(os.path.join(PUBLIC_PATH, key_file)) as f:
            key_text = f.read()

        key = read_public_key(key_text)

        key_hash = sha.SHA3_512(key_text.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()

        key_hash_formatted = ':'.join([
            key_hash[:64][i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(key_hash[:64]), 2)

        # Only use the first 64 characters of the hash so it fills up less of the board.
        key_randomart = randomart.RandomArt(hashalg='FinCrypt',
                                            room_size=(31, 15))

        key_randomart = key_randomart(key_hash)

        formatted_key = f"{key_file}:\nName: {key['name'].decode('utf-8')}\nEmail: {key['email'].decode('utf-8')}" \
                        f"\nHash: {key_hash_formatted}\nKeyArt:\n{key_randomart}"

        key_enum += formatted_key + '\n\n'

Exemple #5
def encrypt_message(kx, ky, message):
    Encrypts a message using ECC and AES-256
    First generates a random AES key and IV with os.urandom()
    Then encrypts the original message with that key
    Then encrypts the AES key with the ECC key

    This means that plaintext will not have the same ciphertext
    when encrypted twice. Keep this in mind if you require reproducibility behavior

    :param kx: Public key kx (int)
    :param ky: Public key ky (int)
    :param message: Message (bytes)
    :return: Tuple (encrypted key (list of ints), encrypted IV (list of ints),
    and encrypted message (bytes))

    ecies = ecc.ECEIS(ecc.CURVE)

    r, s = ecies.exchange(
        ecc.ECPublicKey(ecc.AffineCurvePoint(kx, ky, ecc.CURVE)))

    s = str(s).encode('utf-8')

    key = sha.SHA3_512(s).digest()

    message_encryptor = Encrypter(
        mode=AESModeOfOperationCBC(key[:32], iv=key[32:48]))

    encrypted_blocks = message_encryptor.feed(oaep.oaep_pad(message))

    encrypted_blocks += message_encryptor.feed()

    encrypted_key = r.x, r.y

    return encrypted_key, encrypted_blocks