
# Set up level/class/race
test_level = 90
test_race = race.Race('pandaren')
test_class = 'rogue'

# Set up buffs.
test_buffs = buffs.Buffs('short_term_haste_buff', 'stat_multiplier_buff',
                         'crit_chance_buff', 'mastery_buff',
                         'melee_haste_buff', 'attack_power_buff',
                         'armor_debuff', 'physical_vulnerability_debuff',
                         'spell_damage_debuff', 'agi_flask', 'guild_feast')

# Set up weapons.
test_mh = stats.Weapon(9725.5, 2.6, 'axe', 'dancing_steel')
test_oh = stats.Weapon(9725.5, 2.6, 'axe', 'dancing_steel')

# Set up procs.
test_procs = procs.ProcsList('heroic_vial_of_shadows',

# Set up gear buffs.
test_gear_buffs = stats.GearBuffs('rogue_t14_2pc', 'rogue_t14_4pc',
                                  'leather_specialization', 'vermins_bite',

# Set up a calcs object..
#                       str,   agi, ap,  crit,  hit, exp, haste, mast,      mh,      oh,      procs,      gear_buffs
test_stats = stats.Stats(80, 18000, 250, 2000, 2550, 2550, 4000, 4800, test_mh,
                         test_oh, test_procs, test_gear_buffs)
# Set up level/class/race
test_level = 90
test_race = race.Race(character_data.get_race())
test_class = 'rogue'

# Set up buffs.
test_buffs = buffs.Buffs('short_term_haste_buff', 'stat_multiplier_buff',
                         'crit_chance_buff', 'mastery_buff',
                         'melee_haste_buff', 'attack_power_buff',
                         'armor_debuff', 'physical_vulnerability_debuff',
                         'spell_damage_debuff', 'agi_flask_mop',

# Set up weapons.
test_mh = stats.Weapon(*character_data.get_mh())
test_oh = stats.Weapon(*character_data.get_oh())

# Set up procs.
character_procs = character_data.get_procs()
character_procs_allowed = filter(lambda p: p in proc_data.allowed_procs,

#not_allowed_procs = set(character_procs) - set(character_procs_allowed)
#print not_allowed_procs

test_procs = procs.ProcsList(*character_procs_allowed)

# Set up gear buffs.
character_gear_buffs = character_data.get_gear_buffs() + [
    'leather_specialization', 'virmens_bite', 'virmens_bite_prepot',
Exemple #3

# Set up level/class/race
test_level = 90
test_race = race.Race('night_elf')
test_class = 'rogue'

# Set up buffs.
test_buffs = buffs.Buffs('short_term_haste_buff', 'stat_multiplier_buff',
                         'crit_chance_buff', 'mastery_buff',
                         'melee_haste_buff', 'attack_power_buff',
                         'armor_debuff', 'physical_vulnerability_debuff',
                         'spell_damage_debuff', 'agi_flask', 'guild_feast')

# Set up weapons.
test_mh = stats.Weapon(6733, 1.8, 'dagger', 'dancing_steel')
test_oh = stats.Weapon(6733, 1.8, 'dagger', 'dancing_steel')

# Set up procs.
test_procs = procs.ProcsList('heroic_terror_in_the_mists',

# Set up gear buffs.
test_gear_buffs = stats.GearBuffs('rogue_t14_2pc', 'rogue_t14_4pc',
                                  'leather_specialization', 'virmens_bite',
                                  'virmens_bite_prepot', 'chaotic_metagem')

# Set up a calcs object..
#                       str,   agi,  ap, crit,  hit, exp, haste, mast,      mh,      oh,      procs,      gear_buffs
test_stats = stats.Stats(80,
# Set up language. Use 'en_US', 'es_ES', 'fr' for specific languages.
test_language = 'local'

# Set up buffs.
test_buffs = buffs.Buffs('short_term_haste_buff', 'stat_multiplier_buff',
                         'crit_chance_buff', 'all_damage_buff',
                         'melee_haste_buff', 'attack_power_buff',
                         'str_and_agi_buff', 'armor_debuff',
                         'spell_damage_debuff', 'spell_crit_debuff',
                         'bleed_damage_debuff', 'agi_flask', 'guild_feast')

# Set up weapons.
test_mh = stats.Weapon(1121, 1.8, 'dagger', 'landslide')
test_oh = stats.Weapon(872, 1.4, 'dagger', 'landslide')
test_ranged = stats.Weapon(1679.5, 2.0, 'thrown')

# Set up procs.
test_procs = procs.ProcsList('heroic_the_hungerer',

# Set up gear buffs.
test_gear_buffs = stats.GearBuffs('rogue_t12_2pc', 'rogue_t12_4pc',
                                  'potion_of_the_tolvir', 'chaotic_metagem')

# Set up a calcs object..
test_stats = stats.Stats(20, 6248, 190, 624, 1331, 297, 1719, 2032, test_mh,
                         test_oh, test_ranged, test_procs, test_gear_buffs)
Exemple #5
# Set up level/class/race
test_level = 100
test_race = race.Race('troll')
test_class = 'rogue'

# Set up buffs.
test_buffs = buffs.Buffs('short_term_haste_buff', 'stat_multiplier_buff',
                         'crit_chance_buff', 'mastery_buff', 'haste_buff',
                         'multistrike_buff', 'versatility_buff',
                         'attack_power_buff', 'physical_vulnerability_debuff',
                         'spell_damage_debuff', 'flask_wod_agi',

# Set up weapons: dancing_steel mark_of_the_shattered_hand mark_of_warsong
test_mh = stats.Weapon(410., 2.6, 'sword', 'dancing_steel')
#test_mh = stats.Weapon(420.5, 1.8, 'dagger', 'mark_of_the_shattered_hand')
test_oh = stats.Weapon(410., 2.6, 'sword', 'dancing_steel')

# Set up procs.
test_procs = procs.ProcsList(
    ('assurance_of_consequence', 588), ('draenic_philosophers_stone', 620),
    'virmens_bite', 'virmens_bite_prepot',
    'archmages_incandescence')  #trinkets, other things (legendary procs)

# Set up gear buffs.
test_gear_buffs = stats.GearBuffs('gear_specialization', 'rogue_t17_2pc',
                                  'rogue_t17_4pc')  #tier buffs located here

# Set up a calcs object..
test_stats = stats.Stats(
Exemple #6
 def setUp(self):
     self.mh = stats.Weapon(1000, 2.0, 'dagger', 'hurricane')
     self.ranged = stats.Weapon(1104, 2.0, 'thrown')
# Set up buffs.
test_buffs = buffs.Buffs(

# Set up weapons.
test_mh = stats.Weapon(571.0, 2.6, 'axe', 'dancing_steel')
test_oh = stats.Weapon(571.0, 2.6, 'axe', 'dancing_steel')

# Set up procs.
test_procs = procs.ProcsList(('assurance_of_consequence', 580),
                             ('haromms_talisman', 580),
                             'legendary_capacitive_meta', 'fury_of_xuen')

# Set up gear buffs.
test_gear_buffs = stats.GearBuffs('rogue_t16_2pc', 'rogue_t16_4pc',

# Set up a calcs object..
test_stats = stats.Stats(
Exemple #8

# Set up weapons.
test_mh = stats.Weapon(812.0, 1.8, 'dagger', 'mark_of_the_shattered_hand')
test_oh = stats.Weapon(812.0, 1.8, 'dagger', 'mark_of_the_frostwolf')

# Set up procs.
test_procs = procs.ProcsList(('scales_of_doom', 691), ('beating_heart_of_the_mountain', 701),
                             'draenic_agi_pot', 'draenic_agi_prepot', 'archmages_greater_incandescence')

# Set up gear buffs.
test_gear_buffs = stats.GearBuffs('gear_specialization')

# Set up a calcs object..
test_stats = stats.Stats(test_mh, test_oh, test_procs, test_gear_buffs,
Exemple #9
# Set up language. Use 'en_US', 'es_ES', 'fr' for specific languages.
test_language = 'local'

# Set up buffs.
test_buffs = buffs.Buffs('short_term_haste_buff', 'stat_multiplier_buff',
                         'crit_chance_buff', 'all_damage_buff',
                         'melee_haste_buff', 'attack_power_buff',
                         'str_and_agi_buff', 'armor_debuff',
                         'spell_damage_debuff', 'spell_crit_debuff',
                         'bleed_damage_debuff', 'agi_flask', 'guild_feast')

# Set up weapons.
test_mh = stats.Weapon(939.5, 1.8, 'dagger', 'landslide')
test_oh = stats.Weapon(730.5, 1.4, 'dagger', 'landslide')
test_ranged = stats.Weapon(1371.5, 2.2, 'thrown')

# Set up procs.
test_procs = procs.ProcsList('heroic_prestors_talisman_of_machination',

# Set up gear buffs.
test_gear_buffs = stats.GearBuffs('rogue_t11_2pc', 'leather_specialization',

# Set up a calcs object..
test_stats = stats.Stats(20, 4788, 190, 1399, 752, 574, 1705, 964, test_mh,
                         test_oh, test_ranged, test_procs, test_gear_buffs)
Exemple #10
    def get_stats(self):
        current_stats = {
            'str': 0,
            'agi': 0,
            'ap': 0,
            'crit': 0,
            'hit': 0,
            'exp': 0,
            'haste': 0,
            'mastery': 0,
            'procs': [],
            'gear_buffs': []
        current_stats['procs'] = []
        current_stats['gear_buffs'] = [
        ]  #Assuming this rather than give equipment an armor type
        enchant_slots = self.enchants.keys()

        tier11_count = 0
        tier12_count = 0
        tier14_count = 0
        for slot in self.gear_slots:
            for stat in self.stats:
                current_stats[stat] += getattr(self.current_gear[slot], stat)
            gear_buff = self.current_gear[slot].gear_buff
            if 'tier_11' == gear_buff:
                tier11_count += 1
            elif 'tier_12' == gear_buff:
                tier12_count += 1
            elif 'tier_14' == gear_buff:
                tier14_count += 1
            elif len(gear_buff) > 0:
            if len(self.current_gear[slot].proc) > 0:
            get_bonus = True
            for slot_color in self.current_gear[slot].sockets:
                gem_name = self.gems[slot][slot_color].GetValue()
                if len(gem_name) > 0:
                    gem = ui_data.gems[gem_name]
                    for stat in gem[1]:
                        if stat == 'proc':
                            current_stats['procs'] += gem[1][stat]
                        elif stat == 'gear_buff':
                            current_stats['gear_buffs'] += gem[1][stat]
                            current_stats[stat] += gem[1][stat]
                    if not slot_color in gem[0] and slot_color != 'prismatic':
                        get_bonus = False
            if get_bonus and len(self.current_gear[slot].bonus_stat) > 0:
                    slot].bonus_stat] += self.current_gear[slot].bonus_value
            if slot in enchant_slots and slot not in ('mainhand', 'offhand'):
                enchant_name = self.enchants[slot].GetValue()
                if len(enchant_name) > 0:
                    enchant_data = ui_data.enchants[slot][enchant_name]
                    for stat in enchant_data.keys():
                        current_stats[stat] += enchant_data[stat]
        if tier11_count >= 2:
            if tier11_count >= 4:
        if tier12_count >= 2:
            if tier12_count >= 4:
        if tier14_count >= 2:
            if tier14_count >= 4:

        mh = self.current_gear['mainhand']
        enchant = None
        if len(self.enchants['mainhand'].GetValue()) > 0:
            enchant = ui_data.enchants['melee_weapons'][
        mainhand = stats.Weapon(mh.damage, mh.speed, mh.type, enchant)
        current_stats['mh'] = mainhand

        oh = self.current_gear['offhand']
        enchant = None
        if len(self.enchants['offhand'].GetValue()) > 0:
            enchant = ui_data.enchants['melee_weapons'][
        offhand = stats.Weapon(oh.damage, oh.speed, oh.type, enchant)
        current_stats['oh'] = offhand

        current_stats['procs'] = procs.ProcsList(*set(current_stats['procs']))

        current_stats['gear_buffs'] = stats.GearBuffs(

        return current_stats
def from_json(json_string, character_class='rogue'):
    j = json.loads(json_string)
        race_object = race.Race(str(j['race']),
        level = int(j['level'])

        s = j['settings']
        settings_type = s['type']
        if settings_type == 'assassination':
            # AssassinationCycle(self, min_envenom_size_mutilate=4, min_envenom_size_backstab=5, prioritize_rupture_uptime_mutilate=True, prioritize_rupture_uptime_backstab=True)
            c = s.get('cycle', {})
            cycle = settings.AssassinationCycle(
                c.get('min_envenom_size_mutilate', 4),
                c.get('min_envenom_size_backstab', 5),
                c.get('prioritize_rupture_uptime_mutilate', True),
                c.get('prioritize_rupture_uptime_backstab', True))
        elif settings_type == 'combat':
            # CombatCycle(self, use_rupture=True, use_revealing_strike='sometimes', ksp_immediately=False)
            c = s.get('cycle', {})
            cycle = settings.CombatCycle(
                c.get('use_rupture', True),
                c.get('use_revealing_strike', 'sometimes'),
                c.get('ksp_immediately', False))
        elif settings_type == 'subtlety':
            # SubletySycle(raid_crits_per_second, clip_recuperate=False)
            c = s['cycle']
            cycle = settings.SubtletyCycle(c['raid_crits_per_second'],
                                           c.get('clip_recuperate', False))
            raise InvalidJSONException(_("Missing settings"))

        # Settings(cycle, time_in_execute_range=.35, tricks_on_cooldown=True, response_time=.5, mh_poison='ip', oh_poison='dp', duration=300):
        settings_object = settings.Settings(
            cycle, s.get('time_in_execute_range', .35),
            s.get('tricks_on_cooldown', True), s.get('response_time', .5),
            s.get('mh_poison', 'ip'), s.get('oh_poison', 'dp'),
            s.get('duration', 300))

        stats_dict = j['stats']
        # Weapon(damage, speed, weapon_type, enchant=None):
        mh_dict = stats_dict['mh']
        mh = stats.Weapon(mh_dict['damage'], mh_dict['speed'], mh_dict['type'],
        oh_dict = stats_dict['oh']
        oh = stats.Weapon(oh_dict['damage'], oh_dict['speed'], oh_dict['type'],
        ranged_dict = stats_dict['ranged']
        ranged = stats.Weapon(ranged_dict['damage'], ranged_dict['speed'],
                              ranged_dict['type'], ranged_dict.get('enchant'))
        procs_list = procs.ProcsList(*stats_dict['procs'])
        gear_buffs = stats.GearBuffs(*stats_dict['gear_buffs'])

        # Stats(str, agi, ap, crit, hit, exp, haste, mastery, mh, oh, ranged, procs, gear_buffs, level=85):
        def s(stat):
            return int(stats_dict[stat])

        stats_object = stats.Stats(s('str'), s('agi'), s('ap'), s('crit'),
                                   s('hit'), s('exp'), s('haste'),
                                   s('mastery'), mh, oh, ranged, procs_list,
                                   gear_buffs, level)
        glyphs = rogue_glyphs.RogueGlyphs(*j['glyphs'])
        talents = rogue_talents.RogueTalents(*j['talents'])
        buffs_object = buffs.Buffs(*j['buffs'])
    except KeyError as e:
        raise InvalidJSONException(
            _("Missing required input {key}").format(key=str(e)))
    # Calculator(stats, talents, glyphs, buffs, race, settings=None, level=85):
    return AldrianasRogueDamageCalculator(stats_object,

# Set up weapons.
test_mh = stats.Weapon(1356.5, 2.6, '1h_axe', 'landslide')
test_oh = stats.Weapon(730.5, 1.4, 'dagger', 'landslide')
test_ranged = stats.Weapon(1371.5, 2.2, 'thrown')

# Set up procs.
test_procs = procs.ProcsList('heroic_prestors_talisman_of_machination', 'fluid_death', 'rogue_t11_4pc')

# Set up gear buffs.
test_gear_buffs = stats.GearBuffs('rogue_t11_2pc', 'leather_specialization', 'potion_of_the_tolvir', 'chaotic_metagem')

# Set up a calcs object..
test_stats = stats.Stats(20, 4746, 190, 1290, 716, 779, 1761, 963, test_mh, test_oh, test_ranged, test_procs, test_gear_buffs)

# Initialize talents..
test_talents = rogue_talents.RogueTalents('0232000000000000000', '0332230310032012321', '0030000000000000000')