Exemple #1
    def generate_externs(self, name):
        """Generates externs for the files in |self.include|.

      name: The name of the build.

      True on success; False on failure.
        # Update node modules if needed.
        if not shakaBuildHelpers.update_node_modules():
            return False

        files = [shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(f) for f in self.include]

        extern_generator = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(
            os.path.join(shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(), 'build',

        output = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(
            os.path.join(shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(), 'dist',
                         'shaka-player.' + name + '.externs.js'))

        # TODO: support Windows builds
        cmd_line = ['node', extern_generator, '--output', output] + files
        if shakaBuildHelpers.execute_get_code(cmd_line) != 0:
            print >> sys.stderr, 'Externs generation failed'
            return False

        return True
    def generate_externs(self, name):
        """Generates externs for the files in |self.include|.

      name: The name of the build.

      True on success; False on failure.
        files = [shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(f) for f in self.include]

        extern_generator = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(
            os.path.join(shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(), 'build',

        output = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(
            os.path.join(shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(), 'dist',
                         'shaka-player.' + name + '.externs.js'))

        cmd_line = ['node', extern_generator, '--output', output] + files
        if shakaBuildHelpers.execute_get_code(cmd_line) != 0:
            logging.error('Externs generation failed')
            return False

        return True
Exemple #3
def compile_demo(rebuild):
    """Compile the demo application.

    rebuild: True to rebuild, False to ignore if no changes are detected.

    True on success, False on failure.
    logging.info('Compiling the demo app...')

    match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()

    def get(*args):
        return shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(base, *args),

    files = set(get('demo') + get('externs')) - set(get('demo/cast_receiver'))
    # Make sure we don't compile in load.js, which will be used to bootstrap
    # everything else.  If we build that into the output, we will get an infinite
    # loop of scripts adding themselves.
    files.remove(os.path.join(base, 'demo', 'load.js'))
    # Remove service_worker.js as well.  This executes in a different context.
    files.remove(os.path.join(base, 'demo', 'service_worker.js'))
    # Add in the generated externs, so that the demo compilation knows the
    # definitions of the library APIs.
    files.add(os.path.join(base, 'dist', 'shaka-player.compiled.externs.js'))

    demo_build = Build(files)

    result_file, result_map = compute_output_files('demo.compiled')

    # Don't build if we don't have to.
    if not rebuild and not demo_build.should_build(result_file):
        return True

    source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base().replace('\\', '/')
    closure_opts = common_closure_opts + debug_closure_opts
    closure_opts += [
        # Ignore missing goog.require since we assume the whole library is
        # already included.
        source_base + '|..',

    if not demo_build.build_raw(closure_opts):
        return False

    demo_build.add_source_map(result_file, result_map)
    return True
def compile_receiver(rebuild, is_debug):
    """Compile the cast receiver application.

    rebuild: True to rebuild, False to ignore if no changes are detected.
    is_debug: True to compile for debugging, false for release.

    True on success, False on failure.
    logging.info('Compiling the receiver app (%s)...',
                 'debug' if is_debug else 'release')

    match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()

    def get(*args):
        return shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(base, *args),

    files = set(
        get('demo/common') + get('demo/cast_receiver') + get('externs'))
    # Add in the generated externs, so that the receiver compilation knows the
    # definitions of the library APIs.
    extern_name = ('shaka-player.compiled.debug.externs.js'
                   if is_debug else 'shaka-player.compiled.externs.js')
    files.add(os.path.join(base, 'dist', extern_name))

    receiver_build = Build(files)

    name = 'receiver.compiled' + ('.debug' if is_debug else '')
    result_file, result_map = compute_output_files(name)

    # Don't build if we don't have to.
    if not rebuild and not receiver_build.should_build(result_file):
        return True

    source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base().replace('\\', '/')
    closure_opts = common_closure_opts + debug_closure_opts
    closure_opts += [
        # Ignore missing goog.require since we assume the whole library is
        # already included.
        source_base + '|..',

    if not receiver_build.build_raw(closure_opts):
        return False

    receiver_build.add_source_map(result_file, result_map)
    return True
Exemple #5
def compile_demo(rebuild, is_debug):
  """Compile the demo application.

    rebuild: True to rebuild, False to ignore if no changes are detected.
    is_debug: True to compile for debugging, false for release.

    True on success, False on failure.
  logging.info('Compiling the demo app (%s)...',
               'debug' if is_debug else 'release')

  match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  def get(*args):
    return shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(base, *args), match)

  files = set(get('demo') + get('externs')) - set(get('demo/cast_receiver'))
  # Make sure we don't compile in load.js, which will be used to bootstrap
  # everything else.  If we build that into the output, we will get an infinite
  # loop of scripts adding themselves.
  files.remove(os.path.join(base, 'demo', 'load.js'))
  # Remove service_worker.js as well.  This executes in a different context.
  files.remove(os.path.join(base, 'demo', 'service_worker.js'))
  # Add in the generated externs, so that the demo compilation knows the
  # definitions of the library APIs.
  extern_name = ('shaka-player.compiled.debug.externs.js' if is_debug
                 else 'shaka-player.compiled.externs.js')
  files.add(os.path.join(base, 'dist', extern_name))

  demo_build = Build(files)

  name = 'demo.compiled' + ('.debug' if is_debug else '')
  result_file, result_map = compute_output_files(name)

  # Don't build if we don't have to.
  if not rebuild and not demo_build.should_build(result_file):
    return True

  source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base().replace('\\', '/')
  closure_opts = common_closure_opts + debug_closure_opts
  closure_opts += [
      # Ignore missing goog.require since we assume the whole library is
      # already included.
      '--jscomp_off=missingRequire', '--jscomp_off=strictMissingRequire',
      '--create_source_map', result_map, '--js_output_file', result_file,
      '--source_map_location_mapping', source_base + '|..',
      '-D', 'COMPILED=true',

  if not demo_build.build_raw(closure_opts):
    return False

  demo_build.add_source_map(result_file, result_map)
  return True
Exemple #6
def compile_receiver(rebuild, is_debug):
  """Compile the cast receiver application.

    rebuild: True to rebuild, False to ignore if no changes are detected.
    is_debug: True to compile for debugging, false for release.

    True on success, False on failure.
  logging.info('Compiling the receiver app (%s)...',
               'debug' if is_debug else 'release')

  match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  def get(*args):
    return shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(base, *args), match)

  files = set(get('demo/common') + get('demo/cast_receiver') + get('externs'))
  # Add in the generated externs, so that the receiver compilation knows the
  # definitions of the library APIs.
  extern_name = ('shaka-player.compiled.debug.externs.js' if is_debug
                 else 'shaka-player.compiled.externs.js')
  files.add(os.path.join(base, 'dist', extern_name))

  receiver_build = Build(files)

  name = 'receiver.compiled' + ('.debug' if is_debug else '')
  result_file, result_map = compute_output_files(name)

  # Don't build if we don't have to.
  if not rebuild and not receiver_build.should_build(result_file):
    return True

  source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base().replace('\\', '/')
  closure_opts = common_closure_opts + debug_closure_opts
  closure_opts += [
      # Ignore missing goog.require since we assume the whole library is
      # already included.
      '--jscomp_off=missingRequire', '--jscomp_off=strictMissingRequire',
      '--create_source_map', result_map, '--js_output_file', result_file,
      '--source_map_location_mapping', source_base + '|..',
      '-D', 'COMPILED=true',

  if not receiver_build.build_raw(closure_opts):
    return False

  receiver_build.add_source_map(result_file, result_map)
  return True
Exemple #7
def check_tests():
    """Runs an extra compile pass over the test code to check for type errors.

    True on success, False on failure.
    print 'Checking the tests for type errors...'

    match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()

    def get(*args):
        return shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(base, *args),

    files = (get('lib') + get('externs') + get('test') + get('demo') +
             get('third_party', 'closure'))
    test_build = build.Build(set(files))

    # Ignore missing goog.require since we assume the whole library is
    # already included.
    opts = [
        '--jscomp_off=missingRequire', '--jscomp_off=strictMissingRequire',
        '--checks-only', '-O', 'SIMPLE'
    return test_build.build_raw(opts, is_debug=True)
Exemple #8
def process(text, options):
  """Decodes a JSON string containing source map data.

    text: A JSON string containing source map data.
    options: An object containing the command-line options.

  # The spec allows a map file to start with )]} to prevent javascript from
  # including it.
  if text.startswith(')]}\'\n') or text.startswith(')]}\n'):
    _, text = text.split('\n', 1)

  # Decode the JSON data and get the parts we need.
  data = json.loads(text)
  # Paths are relative to the output directory.
  base = os.path.join(shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(), 'dist')
  with open(os.path.join(base, data['file']), 'r') as f:
    file_lines = f.readlines()
  names = data['names']
  mappings = data['mappings']
  tokens = decode_mappings(mappings, names)
  sizes = process_sizes(tokens, file_lines)

  # Print out one of the results.
  if options.all_tokens:
    print_tokens(tokens, file_lines, sizes)
  elif options.function_sizes:
  elif options.function_deps or options.class_deps:
    temp = process_deps(tokens, file_lines, options.class_deps)
    print_deps(temp, options.dot_format)
Exemple #9
def main(args):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

        help='Force building the library even if no files have changed.',

    parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args)

    # Make the dist/ folder, ignore errors.
    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(base, 'dist'))
    except OSError:

    force = parsed_args.force

    # Update node modules if needed.
    if not shakaBuildHelpers.update_node_modules():
        return 1

    for is_debug in [True, False]:
        if not build_all(force, is_debug):
            return 1

    return 0
Exemple #10
def compile_demo(force, is_debug):
    """Compile the demo application.

    force: True to rebuild, False to ignore if no changes are detected.
    is_debug: True to compile for debugging, false for release.

    True on success, False on failure.
    logging.info('Compiling the demo app (%s)...',
                 'debug' if is_debug else 'release')

    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
    closure_base_js = shakaBuildHelpers.get_closure_base_js_path()
    get = shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_js_files
    cast_receiver = set(get('demo', 'cast_receiver'))
    files = set(
        get('demo') + get('externs') + get('ui', 'externs') +
        [closure_base_js]) - cast_receiver

    # Make sure we don't compile in load.js, which will be used to bootstrap
    # everything else.  If we build that into the output, we will get an
    # infinite loop of scripts adding themselves.
    files.remove(os.path.join(base, 'demo', 'load.js'))
    # Remove service_worker.js as well.  This executes in a different context.
    files.remove(os.path.join(base, 'demo', 'service_worker.js'))
    # Don't compile in the uncompiled require file.
    files.remove(os.path.join(base, 'demo', 'demo_uncompiled.js'))
    # Add lib/debug/asserts.js, which is required for goog.assert.
    files.add(os.path.join(base, 'lib', 'debug', 'asserts.js'))

    # Add in the generated externs, so that the demo compilation knows the
    # definitions of the library APIs.
    externs = ('shaka-player.ui.debug.externs.js'
               if is_debug else 'shaka-player.ui.externs.js')

    files.add(os.path.join(base, 'dist', externs))

    name = 'demo.compiled' + ('.debug' if is_debug else '')

    # TODO: Why do we always use debug_closure_opts?  Nobody remembers.
    closure_opts = build.common_closure_opts + build.debug_closure_opts
    closure_opts += [
        # Ignore missing goog.require since we assume the whole library is
        # already included.

    closure = compiler.ClosureCompiler(files, name)
    # The output wrapper is only designed for the library.  It can't be used
    # for apps.  TODO: Should we add a simple function wrapper for apps?
    closure.add_wrapper = False
    if not closure.compile(closure_opts, force):
        return False

    return True
Exemple #11
def check_tests(_):
  """Runs an extra compile pass over the test code to check for type errors.

    True on success, False on failure.
  logging.info('Checking the tests for type errors...')

  match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  def get(*args):
    return shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(base, *args), match)
  files = set(get('lib') + get('externs') + get('test') +
              get('third_party', 'closure'))
  files.add(os.path.join(base, 'demo', 'common', 'assets.js'))
  test_build = build.Build(files)

  closure_opts = build.common_closure_opts + build.common_closure_defines
  closure_opts += build.debug_closure_opts + build.debug_closure_defines

  # Ignore missing goog.require since we assume the whole library is
  # already included.
  closure_opts += [
      '--jscomp_off=missingRequire', '--jscomp_off=strictMissingRequire',
      '--checks-only', '-O', 'SIMPLE'
  return test_build.build_raw(closure_opts)
    def add_wrapper(self):
        """Prepares an output wrapper and returns a list of command line arguments
       for Closure Compiler to use it."""

        # Load the wrapper and use Closure to strip whitespace and comments.
        # This requires %output% in the template to be protected, so Closure doesn't
        # fail to parse it.
        base = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(
        wrapper_input_path = '%s/build/wrapper.template.js' % base
        wrapper_output_path = '%s/dist/wrapper.js' % base

        with open(wrapper_input_path, 'rb') as f:
            wrapper_code = f.read().decode('utf8').replace(
                '%output%', '"%output%"')

        jar = self._get_closure_jar_path()
        cmd_line = ['java', '-jar', jar, '-O', 'WHITESPACE_ONLY']
        proc = shakaBuildHelpers.execute_subprocess(cmd_line,
        stripped_wrapper_code = proc.communicate(

        if proc.returncode != 0:
            raise RuntimeError('Failed to strip whitespace from wrapper!')

        with open(wrapper_output_path, 'wb') as f:
            code = stripped_wrapper_code.decode('utf8')
            f.write(code.replace('"%output%"', '%output%').encode('utf8'))

        return ['--output_wrapper_file=%s' % wrapper_output_path]
Exemple #13
def check_tests():
    """Runs an extra compile pass over the test code to check for type errors.

    True on success, False on failure.
    logging.info('Checking the tests for type errors...')

    match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()

    def get(*args):
        return shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(base, *args),

    files = set(
        get('lib') + get('externs') + get('test') +
        get('third_party', 'closure'))
    files.add(os.path.join(base, 'demo', 'common', 'assets.js'))
    test_build = build.Build(files)

    closure_opts = build.common_closure_opts + build.common_closure_defines
    closure_opts += build.debug_closure_opts + build.debug_closure_defines

    # Ignore missing goog.require since we assume the whole library is
    # already included.
    closure_opts += [
        '--jscomp_off=missingRequire', '--jscomp_off=strictMissingRequire',
        '--checks-only', '-O', 'SIMPLE'
    return test_build.build_raw(closure_opts)
Exemple #14
    def build_raw(self, extra_opts, is_debug):
        """Builds the files in |self.include| using the given extra Closure options.

      extra_opts: An array of extra options to give to Closure.
      is_debug: True to compile for debugging, false for release.

      True on success; False on failure.
        jar = os.path.join(shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(), 'third_party',
                           'closure', 'compiler.jar')
        jar = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(jar)
        files = [shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(f) for f in self.include]

        if is_debug:
            closure_opts = common_closure_opts + debug_closure_opts
            closure_opts = common_closure_opts + release_closure_opts

        cmd_line = ['java', '-jar', jar] + closure_opts + extra_opts + files
        if shakaBuildHelpers.execute_get_code(cmd_line) != 0:
            logging.error('Build failed')
            return False

        return True
Exemple #15
def check_complete(_):
  """Checks whether the 'complete' build references every file.

  This is used by the build script to ensure that every file is included in at
  least one build type.

    True on success, False on failure.
  logging.info('Checking that the build files are complete...')

  complete = build.Build()
  # Normally we don't need to include @core, but because we look at the build
  # object directly, we need to include it here.  When using main(), it will
  # call addCore which will ensure core is included.
  if not complete.parse_build(['+@complete', '+@core'], os.getcwd()):
    logging.error('Error parsing complete build')
    return False

  match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  all_files = shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(base, 'lib'), match)
  missing_files = set(all_files) - complete.include

  if missing_files:
    logging.error('There are files missing from the complete build:')
    for missing in missing_files:
      # Convert to a path relative to source base.
      logging.error('  ' + os.path.relpath(missing, base))
    return False
  return True
def check_complete(_):
    """Checks whether the 'complete' build references every file.

  This is used by the build script to ensure that every file is included in at
  least one build type.

    True on success, False on failure.
    logging.info('Checking that the build files are complete...')

    complete_build = complete_build_files()
    if not complete_build:
        return False

    match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
    all_files = set()
        shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(base, 'lib'), match))
        shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(base, 'ui'), match))
    missing_files = all_files - complete_build

    if missing_files:
        logging.error('There are files missing from the complete build:')
        for missing in missing_files:
            # Convert to a path relative to source base.
            logging.error('  ' + os.path.relpath(missing, base))
        return False
    return True
Exemple #17
def compute_output_files(base_name):
  source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base().replace('\\', '/')
  prefix = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(
      os.path.join(source_base, 'dist', base_name))
  js_path = prefix + '.js'
  map_path = prefix + '.map'
  return js_path, map_path
def compute_output_files(base_name):
    source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base().replace('\\', '/')
    prefix = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(
        os.path.join(source_base, 'dist', base_name))
    js_path = prefix + '.js'
    map_path = prefix + '.map'
    return js_path, map_path
Exemple #19
def main(_):
    """Generates the uncompiled dependencies files."""
    # Update node modules if needed.
    if not shakaBuildHelpers.update_node_modules():
        return 1

    logging.info('Generating Closure dependencies...')

    # Make the dist/ folder, ignore errors.
    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(base, 'dist'))
    except OSError:
    deps_writer = os.path.join('node_modules', 'google-closure-library',
                               'closure', 'bin', 'build', 'depswriter.py')

        cmd_line = [sys.executable or 'python', deps_writer] + deps_args
        deps = shakaBuildHelpers.execute_get_output(cmd_line)
        with open(os.path.join(base, 'dist', 'deps.js'), 'wb') as f:
        return 0
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
        return e.returncode
def player_version():
    """Gets the version of the library from player.js."""
    path = os.path.join(shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(), 'lib',
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        match = re.search(r'shaka\.Player\.version = \'(.*)\'', f.read())
        return match.group(1) if match else ''
def CreateParser():
  """Create the argument parser for this application."""
  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()

  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

      help='The list of locales to compile in (default %(default)r)')

      default=os.path.join(base, 'ui', 'locales'),
      help='The folder path for JSON inputs')

      default=os.path.join(base, 'dist', 'locales.js'),
      help='The file path for JavaScript output')

      help='The fully qualified class name for the JavaScript output')

  return parser
Exemple #22
  def build_raw(self, extra_opts, is_debug):
    """Builds the files in |self.include| using the given extra Closure options.

      extra_opts: An array of extra options to give to Closure.
      is_debug: True to compile for debugging, false for release.

      True on success; False on failure.
    jar = os.path.join(shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(),
                       'third_party', 'closure', 'compiler.jar')
    jar = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(jar)
    files = [shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(f) for f in self.include]

    if is_debug:
      closure_opts = common_closure_opts + debug_closure_opts
      closure_opts = common_closure_opts + release_closure_opts

    cmd_line = ['java', '-jar', jar] + closure_opts + extra_opts + files
    if shakaBuildHelpers.execute_get_code(cmd_line) != 0:
      logging.error('Build failed')
      return False

    return True
Exemple #23
def process(text, options):
    """Decodes a JSON string containing source map data.

    text: A JSON string containing source map data.
    options: An object containing the command-line options.

    # The spec allows a map file to start with )]} to prevent javascript from
    # including it.
    if text.startswith(')]}\'\n') or text.startswith(')]}\n'):
        _, text = text.split('\n', 1)

    # Decode the JSON data and get the parts we need.
    data = json.loads(text)
    # Paths are relative to the output directory.
    base = os.path.join(shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(), 'dist')
    with shakaBuildHelpers.open_file(os.path.join(base, data['file']),
                                     'r') as f:
        file_lines = f.readlines()
    names = data['names']
    mappings = data['mappings']
    tokens = decode_mappings(mappings, names)
    sizes = process_sizes(tokens, file_lines)

    # Print out one of the results.
    if options.all_tokens:
        print_tokens(tokens, file_lines, sizes)
    elif options.function_sizes:
    elif options.function_deps or options.class_deps:
        temp = process_deps(tokens, file_lines, options.class_deps)
        print_deps(temp, options.dot_format)
Exemple #24
  def build_raw(self, extra_opts, is_debug):
    """Builds the files in |self.include| using the given extra Closure options.

      extra_opts: An array of extra options to give to Closure.
      is_debug: True to compile for debugging, false for release.

      True on success; False on failure.
    jar = os.path.join(shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(),
                       'third_party', 'closure', 'compiler.jar')
    jar = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(jar)
    files = [shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(f) for f in self.include]

      if is_debug:
        closure_opts = common_closure_opts + debug_closure_opts
        closure_opts = common_closure_opts + release_closure_opts

      cmd_line = ['java', '-jar', jar] + closure_opts + extra_opts + files
      return True
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
      print >> sys.stderr, 'Build failed'
      return False
Exemple #25
def check_complete():
    """Checks whether the 'complete' build references every file.

  This is used by the build script to ensure that every file is included in at
  least one build type.

    True on success, False on failure.
    logging.info('Checking that the build files are complete...')

    complete = build.Build()
    # Normally we don't need to include @core, but because we look at the build
    # object directly, we need to include it here.  When using main(), it will
    # call addCore which will ensure core is included.
    if not complete.parse_build(['+@complete', '+@core'], os.getcwd()):
        logging.error('Error parsing complete build')
        return False

    match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
    all_files = shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(base, 'lib'),
    missing_files = set(all_files) - complete.include

    if missing_files:
        logging.error('There are files missing from the complete build:')
        for missing in missing_files:
            # Convert to a path relative to source base.
            logging.error('  ' + os.path.relpath(missing, base))
        return False
    return True
Exemple #26
def get_lint_files():
  """Returns the absolute paths to all the files to run the linter over."""
  match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  def get(arg):
    return shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(base, arg), match)
  return get('test') + get('lib') + get('externs') + get('demo')
def CreateParser():
  """Create the argument parser for this application."""
  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()

  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

      help='The list of locales to compile in (default %(default)r)')

      default=os.path.join(base, 'ui', 'locales'),
      help='The folder path for JSON inputs')

      default=os.path.join(base, 'dist', 'locales.js'),
      help='The file path for JavaScript output')

      help='The fully qualified class name for the JavaScript output')

  return parser
Exemple #28
    def build_library(self, name, rebuild, is_debug):
        """Builds Shaka Player using the files in |self.include|.

      name: The name of the build.
      rebuild: True to rebuild, False to ignore if no changes are detected.
      is_debug: True to compile for debugging, false for release.

      True on success; False on failure.

        # In the build files, we use '/' in the paths, however Windows uses '\'.
        # Although Windows supports both, the source mapping will not work.  So
        # use Linux-style paths for arguments.
        source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base().replace('\\', '/')
        if is_debug:
            name += '.debug'

        result_prefix = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(
            os.path.join(source_base, 'dist', 'shaka-player.' + name))
        result_file = result_prefix + '.js'
        result_map = result_prefix + '.map'

        # Detect changes to the library and only build if changes have been made.
        if not rebuild and os.path.isfile(result_file):
            build_time = os.path.getmtime(result_file)
            complete_build = Build()
            if complete_build.parse_build(['+@complete'], os.getcwd()):
                # Get a list of files modified since the build file was.
                edited_files = [
                    f for f in complete_build.include
                    if os.path.getmtime(f) > build_time
                if not edited_files:
                        'No changes detected, not building.  Use --force '
                        'to override.')
                    return True

        opts = [
            '--create_source_map', result_map, '--js_output_file', result_file,
            '--source_map_location_mapping', source_base + '|..'
        if not self.build_raw(opts, is_debug):
            return False

        # Add a special source-mapping comment so that Chrome and Firefox can map
        # line and character numbers from the compiled library back to the original
        # source locations.
        with open(result_file, 'a') as f:
            f.write('//# sourceMappingURL=shaka-player.' + name + '.map')

        if not self.generate_externs(name):
            return False

        return True
Exemple #29
def player_version():
    """Gets the version of the library from player.js."""
    path = os.path.join(shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(), 'lib',
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        match = re.search(r'goog\.define\(\'GIT_VERSION\', \'(.*)\'\)',
        return match.group(1) if match else ''
Exemple #30
def main(args):
    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()

    screenshotsFolder = os.path.join(base, 'test', 'test', 'assets',
    pixelsChangedTool = os.path.join(base, 'build', 'pixelsChanged.js')

    for platform in os.listdir(screenshotsFolder):
        # This is a subfolder with actual screenshots.
        platformFolder = os.path.join(screenshotsFolder, platform)

        if not os.path.isdir(platformFolder):
            # Skip hidden files like .gitignore and non-folders

        for child in os.listdir(platformFolder):
            # If any args were specified, use them to filter.  Either the platform or
            # base of the filename must match the filter.
            if args and not platform in args and not child.split(
                    '.')[0] in args:

            fullPath = os.path.join(platformFolder, child)
            # If this has the "-new" suffix, it was just written by the layout tests.
            # Rename it to overwrite the "official" version, which is stored in
            # git-lfs.
            if fullPath.endswith('-new'):
                officialPath = fullPath[:-4]

                # Finally, check to see if the pixels have changed before updating it.
                # The png file itself can be slightly different byte-for-byte even when
                # the image is visibly the same, and the git repo history will carry
                # every revision forever, getting larger with each change.  So we only
                # want to update the image if the new one is _visibly_ different.  For
                # this, we use the same tools we use to measure screenshot differences
                # in Karma.
                if os.path.exists(officialPath):
                    output = shakaBuildHelpers.execute_get_output([
                    pixelsChanged = float(output)
                    # No original?  Then everything has changed!
                    pixelsChanged = 1e6

                if pixelsChanged == 0:
                    # Nothing changed, so don't update the image.  This will keep the git
                    # history from getting bigger for no reason.

                shutil.move(fullPath, officialPath)
                print('Updated: ' + officialPath)

    return 0
Exemple #31
def main(args):
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

  parser.add_argument('-d', '--dot-format', action='store_true',
                      help='Prints in DOT format.')
  parser.add_argument('source_map', nargs='?',
                      help='The source map or the name of the build to use.')

  print_types = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
  print_types.add_argument('-c', '--class-deps', action='store_true',
                           help='Prints the class dependencies.')
  print_types.add_argument('-f', '--function-deps', action='store_true',
                           help='Prints the function dependencies.')
      '-s', '--function-sizes', action='store_true',
      help='Prints the function sizes (in number of characters).')
      '-t', '--all-tokens', action='store_true',
      help='Prints all tokens in the source map.')

  options = parser.parse_args(args)

  # Verify arguments are correct.
  if (options.dot_format and not options.function_deps
      and not options.class_deps):
    parser.error('--dot-format only valid with --function-deps or '

  # Try to find the file
  name = options.source_map
  if not os.path.isfile(name):
    # Get the source code base directory
    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()

    # Supports the following searches:
    # * File name given, map in dist/
    # * Type given, map in working directory
    # * Type given, map in dist/
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base, 'dist', name)):
      name = os.path.join(base, 'dist', name)
    elif os.path.isfile(
        os.path.join('shaka-player.' + name + '.debug.map')):
      name = os.path.join('shaka-player.' + name + '.debug.map')
    elif os.path.isfile(
        os.path.join(base, 'dist', 'shaka-player.' + name + '.debug.map')):
      name = os.path.join(base, 'dist', 'shaka-player.' + name + '.debug.map')
      logging.error('"%s" not found; build Shaka first.', name)
      return 1

  with open(name, 'r') as f:
    process(f.read(), options)
  return 0
Exemple #32
    def build_library(self, name, rebuild):
        """Builds Shaka Player using the files in |self.include|.

      name: The name of the build.
      rebuild: True to rebuild, False to ignore if no changes are detected.

      True on success; False on failure.

        # In the build files, we use '/' in the paths, however Windows uses '\'.
        # Although Windows supports both, the source mapping will not work.  So
        # use Linux-style paths for arguments.
        source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base().replace("\\", "/")

        result_prefix = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(os.path.join(source_base, "dist", "shaka-player." + name))
        result_file = result_prefix + ".js"
        result_debug = result_prefix + ".debug.js"
        result_map = result_prefix + ".debug.map"

        # Detect changes to the library and only build if changes have been made.
        if not rebuild and os.path.isfile(result_file):
            build_time = os.path.getmtime(result_file)
            complete_build = Build()
            if complete_build.parse_build(["+@complete"], os.getcwd()):
                # Get a list of files modified since the build file was.
                edited_files = [f for f in complete_build.include if os.path.getmtime(f) > build_time]
                if not edited_files:
                    print "No changes detected, not building.  Use --force to override."
                    return True

        opts = [
            source_base + "|..",
        if not self.build_raw(opts):
            return False

        shutil.copyfile(result_debug, result_file)

        # Add a special source-mapping comment so that Chrome and Firefox can map
        # line and character numbers from the compiled library back to the original
        # source locations.
        with open(result_debug, "a") as f:
            f.write("//# sourceMappingURL=shaka-player." + name + ".debug.map")

        return True
Exemple #33
    def build_library(self, name, locales, force, is_debug):
        """Builds Shaka Player using the files in |self.include|.

      name: The name of the build.
      locales: A list of strings of locale identifiers.
      force: True to rebuild, False to ignore if no changes are detected.
      is_debug: True to compile for debugging, false for release.

      True on success; False on failure.
        if not self.add_core():
            return False
        if self.has_ui():
            self.generate_localizations(locales, force)

        if is_debug:
            name += '.debug'

        build_name = 'shaka-player.' + name
        closure = compiler.ClosureCompiler(self.include, build_name)

        closure_opts = common_closure_opts + common_closure_defines
        if is_debug:
            closure_opts += debug_closure_opts + debug_closure_defines
            closure_opts += release_closure_opts + release_closure_defines

        if not closure.compile(closure_opts, force):
            return False

        # Don't pass local node modules to the extern generator.  But don't simply
        # exclude the string 'node_modules', either, since Shaka Player could be
        # rebuilt after installing it as a node module.
        node_modules_path = os.path.join(shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(),
        local_include = set(
            [f for f in self.include if node_modules_path not in f])
        extern_generator = compiler.ExternGenerator(local_include, build_name)

        if not extern_generator.generate(force):
            return False

        generated_externs = [extern_generator.output]
        shaka_externs = shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_js_files('externs')
        if self.has_ui():
            shaka_externs += shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_js_files('ui/externs')
        ts_def_generator = compiler.TsDefGenerator(
            generated_externs + shaka_externs, build_name)

        if not ts_def_generator.generate(force):
            return False

        return True
Exemple #34
def main(args):
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(

  parser.add_argument('-d', '--dot-format', action='store_true',
                      help='Prints in DOT format.')
  parser.add_argument('source_map', nargs='?',
                      help='The source map or the name of the build to use.')

  print_types = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
  print_types.add_argument('-c', '--class-deps', action='store_true',
                           help='Prints the class dependencies.')
  print_types.add_argument('-f', '--function-deps', action='store_true',
                           help='Prints the function dependencies.')
      '-s', '--function-sizes', action='store_true',
      help='Prints the function sizes (in number of characters).')
      '-t', '--all-tokens', action='store_true',
      help='Prints all tokens in the source map.')

  options = parser.parse_args(args)

  # Verify arguments are correct.
  if (options.dot_format and not options.function_deps
      and not options.class_deps):
    parser.error('--dot-format only valid with --function-deps or '

  # Try to find the file
  name = options.source_map
  if not os.path.isfile(name):
    # Get the source code base directory
    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()

    # Supports the following searches:
    # * File name given, map in dist/
    # * Type given, map in working directory
    # * Type given, map in dist/
    if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base, 'dist', name)):
      name = os.path.join(base, 'dist', name)
    elif os.path.isfile(
        os.path.join('shaka-player.' + name + '.debug.map')):
      name = os.path.join('shaka-player.' + name + '.debug.map')
    elif os.path.isfile(
        os.path.join(base, 'dist', 'shaka-player.' + name + '.debug.map')):
      name = os.path.join(base, 'dist', 'shaka-player.' + name + '.debug.map')
      logging.error('"%s" not found; build Shaka first.', name)
      return 1

  with open(name, 'r') as f:
    process(f.read(), options)
  return 0
Exemple #35
 def add_closure(self):
   """Adds the closure library and externs."""
   # Add externs and closure dependencies.
   source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
   match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
   self.include |= set(
           os.path.join(source_base, 'externs'), match) +
           os.path.join(source_base, 'third_party', 'closure'), match))
Exemple #36
def compile_less(path_name, main_file_name, parsed_args):
  match = re.compile(r'.*\.less$')
  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  main_less_src = os.path.join(base, path_name, main_file_name + '.less')
  all_less_srcs = shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(
      os.path.join(base, path_name), match)
  output = os.path.join(base, 'dist', main_file_name + '.css')

  less = compiler.Less(main_less_src, all_less_srcs, output)
  return less.compile(parsed_args.force)
Exemple #37
def compile_less(path_name, main_file_name, parsed_args):
  match = re.compile(r'.*\.less$')
  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  main_less_src = os.path.join(base, path_name, main_file_name + '.less')
  all_less_srcs = shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(
      os.path.join(base, path_name), match)
  output = os.path.join(base, 'dist', main_file_name + '.css')

  less = compiler.Less(main_less_src, all_less_srcs, output)
  return less.compile(parsed_args.force)
Exemple #38
 def add_closure(self):
   """Adds the closure library and externs."""
   # Add externs and closure dependencies.
   source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
   match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
   self.include |= set(
           os.path.join(source_base, 'externs'), match) +
           os.path.join(source_base, 'third_party', 'closure'), match))
Exemple #39
def check_js_lint(args):
    """Runs the JavaScript linter."""
    # TODO: things not enforced: property doc requirements
    logging.info('Linting JavaScript...')

    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
    config_path = os.path.join(base, '.eslintrc.js')

    linter = compiler.Linter(get_lint_files(), config_path)
    return linter.lint(fix=args.fix, force=args.force)
Exemple #40
def check_js_lint(args):
  """Runs the JavaScript linter."""
  # TODO: things not enforced: property doc requirements
  logging.info('Linting JavaScript...')

  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  config_path = os.path.join(base, '.eslintrc.js')

  linter = compiler.Linter(get_lint_files(), config_path)
  return linter.lint(fix=args.fix, force=args.force)
Exemple #41
def check_html_lint(args):
    """Runs the HTML linter."""
    logging.info('Linting HTML...')

    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
    files = ['index.html', os.path.join('demo', 'index.html'), 'support.html']
    file_paths = [os.path.join(base, x) for x in files]
    config_path = os.path.join(base, '.htmlhintrc')

    htmllinter = compiler.HtmlLinter(file_paths, config_path)
    return htmllinter.lint(force=args.force)
Exemple #42
  def build_library(self, name, rebuild, is_debug):
    """Builds Shaka Player using the files in |self.include|.

      name: The name of the build.
      rebuild: True to rebuild, False to ignore if no changes are detected.
      is_debug: True to compile for debugging, false for release.

      True on success; False on failure.

    # In the build files, we use '/' in the paths, however Windows uses '\'.
    # Although Windows supports both, the source mapping will not work.  So
    # use Linux-style paths for arguments.
    source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base().replace('\\', '/')
    if is_debug:
      name += '.debug'

    result_prefix = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(
        os.path.join(source_base, 'dist', 'shaka-player.' + name))
    result_file = result_prefix + '.js'
    result_map = result_prefix + '.map'

    # Detect changes to the library and only build if changes have been made.
    if not rebuild and os.path.isfile(result_file):
      build_time = os.path.getmtime(result_file)
      complete_build = Build()
      if complete_build.parse_build(['+@complete'], os.getcwd()):
        # Get a list of files modified since the build file was.
        edited_files = [f for f in complete_build.include
                        if os.path.getmtime(f) > build_time]
        if not edited_files:
          logging.warning('No changes detected, not building.  Use --force '
                          'to override.')
          return True

    opts = ['--create_source_map', result_map, '--js_output_file', result_file,
            '--source_map_location_mapping', source_base + '|..']
    if not self.build_raw(opts, is_debug):
      return False

    # Add a special source-mapping comment so that Chrome and Firefox can map
    # line and character numbers from the compiled library back to the original
    # source locations.
    with open(result_file, 'a') as f:
      f.write('//# sourceMappingURL=shaka-player.' + name + '.map')

    if not self.generate_externs(name):
      return False

    return True
Exemple #43
def build_docs(_):
  """Builds the source code documentation."""
  logging.info('Building the docs...')

  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(base, 'docs', 'api'), ignore_errors=True)

  jsdoc = shakaBuildHelpers.get_node_binary('jsdoc')
  cmd_line = jsdoc + ['-c', 'docs/jsdoc.conf.json']
  return shakaBuildHelpers.execute_get_code(cmd_line)
Exemple #44
def check_html_lint(args):
  """Runs the HTML linter."""
  logging.info('Linting HTML...')

  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  files = ['index.html', os.path.join('demo', 'index.html'), 'support.html']
  file_paths = [os.path.join(base, x) for x in files]
  config_path = os.path.join(base, '.htmlhintrc')

  htmllinter = compiler.HtmlLinter(file_paths, config_path)
  return htmllinter.lint(force=args.force)
Exemple #45
def compile_receiver(force, is_debug):
    """Compile the cast receiver application.

    force: True to rebuild, False to ignore if no changes are detected.
    is_debug: True to compile for debugging, false for release.

    True on success, False on failure.
    logging.info('Compiling the receiver app (%s)...',
                 'debug' if is_debug else 'release')

    match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
    base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()

    def get(*path_components):
        return shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(
            os.path.join(base, *path_components), match)

    files = set(
        get('demo', 'common') + get('demo', 'cast_receiver') + get('externs') +
        get('ui', 'externs') + get('lib', 'debug') +
        get('third_party', 'closure'))

    # Add in the generated externs, so that the receiver compilation knows the
    # definitions of the library APIs.
    externs = ('shaka-player.ui.debug.externs.js'
               if is_debug else 'shaka-player.ui.externs.js')

    files.add(os.path.join(base, 'dist', externs))

    name = 'receiver.compiled' + ('.debug' if is_debug else '')

    # TODO: Why do we always use debug_closure_opts?  Nobody remembers.
    closure_opts = build.common_closure_opts + build.debug_closure_opts
    closure_opts += [
        # Ignore missing goog.require since we assume the whole library is
        # already included.

    closure = compiler.ClosureCompiler(files, name)
    # The output wrapper is only designed for the library.  It can't be used
    # for apps.  TODO: Should we add a simple function wrapper for apps?
    closure.add_wrapper = False
    if not closure.compile(closure_opts, force):
        return False

    return True
Exemple #46
def check_html_lint(_):
  """Runs the HTML linter over the HTML files.

    True on success, False on failure.
  logging.info('Running htmlhint...')
  htmlhint = shakaBuildHelpers.get_node_binary('htmlhint')
  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  files = ['index.html', 'demo/index.html', 'support.html']
  file_paths = [os.path.join(base, x) for x in files]
  config_path = os.path.join(base, '.htmlhintrc')
  cmd_line = htmlhint + ['--config=' + config_path] + file_paths
  return shakaBuildHelpers.execute_get_code(cmd_line) == 0
Exemple #47
def check_closure_compiler_linter(_):
  """Runs the Closure Compiler linter."""
  logging.info('Running Closure Compiler linter...')

  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  closure_linter_path = os.path.join(base, 'third_party', 'closure', 'linter.jar')
  cmd_line = ['java', '-jar', closure_linter_path] + get_lint_files()

  # The compiler's linter tool doesn't return a status code (as of v20171203)
  # and has no options.  Instead of checking status, success is no output.
  output = shakaBuildHelpers.execute_get_output(cmd_line)
  if output != '':
    print output
    return False
  return True
Exemple #48
  def generate_externs(self, name):
    """Generates externs for the files in |self.include|.

      name: The name of the build.

      True on success; False on failure.
    files = [shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(f) for f in self.include]

    extern_generator = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(os.path.join(
        shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(), 'build', 'generateExterns.js'))

    output = shakaBuildHelpers.cygwin_safe_path(os.path.join(
        shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base(), 'dist',
        'shaka-player.' + name + '.externs.js'))

    cmd_line = ['node', extern_generator, '--output', output] + files
    if shakaBuildHelpers.execute_get_code(cmd_line) != 0:
      logging.error('Externs generation failed')
      return False

    return True
Exemple #49
def build_docs(_):
  """Builds the source code documentation."""
  print 'Building the docs...'

  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(base, 'docs', 'api'), ignore_errors=True)

  if shakaBuildHelpers.is_windows() or shakaBuildHelpers.is_cygwin():
    # Windows has a different command name.  The Unix version does not seem to
    # work on Cygwin, but the windows one does.
    jsdoc = os.path.join('third_party', 'jsdoc', 'jsdoc.cmd')
    jsdoc = os.path.join('third_party', 'jsdoc', 'jsdoc')

  cmd_line = [jsdoc, '-c', 'docs/jsdoc.conf.json', '-R', 'docs/api-mainpage.md']
  return shakaBuildHelpers.execute_get_code(cmd_line)
Exemple #50
def check_lint():
  """Runs the linter over the library files."""
  print 'Running Closure linter...'

  jsdoc3_tags = ','.join([
      'static', 'summary', 'namespace', 'event', 'description', 'property',
      'fires', 'listens', 'example', 'exportDoc'])
  args = ['--nobeep', '--custom_jsdoc_tags', jsdoc3_tags, '--strict']
  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  cmd = os.path.join(base, 'third_party', 'gjslint', 'gjslint')

  # Even though this is python, don't import and execute since gjslint expects
  # command-line arguments using argv.  Have to explicitly execute python so
  # it works on Windows.
  cmd_line = ['python', cmd] + args + get_lint_files()
  return subprocess.call(cmd_line) == 0
Exemple #51
    def add_core(self):
        """Adds the core library."""
        # Add externs and closure dependencies.
        source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
        match = re.compile(r".*\.js$")
        self.include |= set(
            shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(source_base, "externs"), match)
            + shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(source_base, "third_party", "closure"), match)

        # Check that there are no files in 'core' that are removed
        core_build = Build()
        core_build.parse_build(["+@core"], os.getcwd())
        core_files = core_build.include
        if self.exclude & core_files:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Cannot exclude files from core"
        self.include |= core_files
Exemple #52
def check_externs(_):
  """Runs an extra compile pass over the generated externs to ensure that they
  are usable.

    True on success, False on failure.
  logging.info('Checking the usability of generated externs...')

  # Create a complete "build" object.
  externs_build = build.Build()
  if not externs_build.parse_build(['+@complete'], os.getcwd()):
    return False

  # Use it to generate externs for the next check.
  if not externs_build.generate_externs('check'):
    return False

  # Create a custom "build" object, add all manually-written externs, then add
  # the generated externs we just generated.
  source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  manual_externs = shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(
      os.path.join(source_base, 'externs'), re.compile(r'.*\.js$'))
  generated_externs = os.path.join(
      source_base, 'dist', 'shaka-player.check.externs.js')

  check_build = build.Build()
  check_build.include = set(manual_externs)

  # Build with the complete set of externs, but without any application code.
  # This will help find issues in the generated externs, independent of the app.
  # Since we have no app, don't use the defines.  Unused defines cause a
  # compilation error.
  closure_opts = build.common_closure_opts + build.debug_closure_opts + [
      '--checks-only', '-O', 'SIMPLE'
  ok = check_build.build_raw(closure_opts)

  # Clean up the temporary externs we just generated.

  # Return the success/failure of the build above.
  return ok
Exemple #53
  def build_library(self, name, rebuild, is_debug):
    """Builds Shaka Player using the files in |self.include|.

      name: The name of the build.
      rebuild: True to rebuild, False to ignore if no changes are detected.
      is_debug: True to compile for debugging, false for release.

      True on success; False on failure.

    # In the build files, we use '/' in the paths, however Windows uses '\'.
    # Although Windows supports both, the source mapping will not work.  So
    # use Linux-style paths for arguments.
    source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base().replace('\\', '/')
    if is_debug:
      name += '.debug'

    result_file, result_map = compute_output_files('shaka-player.' + name)

    # Don't build if we don't have to.
    if not rebuild and not self.should_build(result_file):
      return True

    closure_opts = common_closure_opts + common_closure_defines
    if is_debug:
      closure_opts += debug_closure_opts + debug_closure_defines
      closure_opts += release_closure_opts + release_closure_defines

    closure_opts += [
        '--create_source_map', result_map, '--js_output_file', result_file,
        '--source_map_location_mapping', source_base + '|..'
    if not self.build_raw(closure_opts):
      return False

    self.add_source_map(result_file, result_map)

    if not self.generate_externs(name):
      return False

    return True
Exemple #54
  def add_core(self):
    """Adds the core library."""
    # Add externs and closure dependencies.
    source_base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
    match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
    self.include |= set(
            os.path.join(source_base, 'externs'), match) +
            os.path.join(source_base, 'third_party', 'closure'), match))

    # Check that there are no files in 'core' that are removed
    core_build = Build()
    core_build.parse_build(['+@core'], os.getcwd())
    core_files = core_build.include
    if self.exclude & core_files:
      logging.error('Cannot exclude files from core')
    self.include |= core_files
Exemple #55
def check_html_lint():
  """Runs the HTML linter over the HTML files.

  Skipped if htmlhint is not available.

    True on success, False on failure.
  htmlhint_path = shakaBuildHelpers.get_node_binary_path('htmlhint')
  if not os.path.exists(htmlhint_path):
    return True
  print 'Running htmlhint...'

  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  files = ['index.html', 'demo/index.html', 'support.html']
  file_paths = [os.path.join(base, x) for x in files]
  cmd_line = [htmlhint_path] + file_paths
  return subprocess.call(cmd_line) == 0
Exemple #56
def check_tests(args):
  """Runs an extra compile pass over the test code to check for type errors.

    True on success, False on failure.
  logging.info('Checking the tests for type errors...')

  match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  def get(*path_components):
    return shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(
        os.path.join(base, *path_components), match)
  files = set(get('lib') + get('externs') + get('test') + get('ui') +
              get('third_party', 'closure') +
              get('third_party', 'language-mapping-list'))
  files.add(os.path.join(base, 'demo', 'common', 'asset.js'))
  files.add(os.path.join(base, 'demo', 'common', 'assets.js'))

  localizations = compiler.GenerateLocalizations(None)

  closure_opts = build.common_closure_opts + build.common_closure_defines
  closure_opts += build.debug_closure_opts + build.debug_closure_defines

  # Ignore missing goog.require since we assume the whole library is
  # already included.
  closure_opts += [
      '--jscomp_off=missingRequire', '--jscomp_off=strictMissingRequire',
      '--checks-only', '-O', 'SIMPLE'

  # Set up a build with the build name of "dummy".  With output_compiled_bundle
  # set to False, the build name is irrelevant, since we won't generate any
  # compiled output.
  closure = compiler.ClosureCompiler(files, 'dummy')
  closure.output_compiled_bundle = False
  # Instead of creating a compiled bundle, we will touch a timestamp file to
  # keep track of how recently we've run this check.
  closure.timestamp_file = os.path.join(base, 'dist', '.testcheckstamp')
  return closure.compile(closure_opts, args.force)
Exemple #57
def check_tests():
  """Runs an extra compile pass over the test code to check for type errors.

    True on success, False on failure.
  print 'Checking the tests for type errors...'

  match = re.compile(r'.*\.js$')
  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  def get(*args):
    return shakaBuildHelpers.get_all_files(os.path.join(base, *args), match)
  files = (get('lib') + get('externs') + get('test') + get('demo') +
           get('third_party', 'closure'))
  test_build = build.Build(set(files))

  # Ignore missing goog.require since we assume the whole library is
  # already included.
  opts = ['--jscomp_off=missingRequire', '--checks-only', '-O', 'SIMPLE']
  return test_build.build_raw(opts)
Exemple #58
def main(args):
  """Builds the source code documentation."""
  logging.info('Building the docs...')

  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
      help='Force the docs to be built, even if no files have changed.',

  parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args)

  base = shakaBuildHelpers.get_source_base()
  config_path = os.path.join(base, 'docs', 'jsdoc.conf.json')
  jsdoc = compiler.Jsdoc(config_path)
  if not jsdoc.build(parsed_args.force):
    return 1
  return 0