Created on Tue Mar 21 19:39:57 2017 @author: Gretel_MacAir """ # %% Import libs import shapefile from shapely.geometry import Point from shapely.geometry.polygon import Polygon import pickle # %% Read shapefile path = "[PUT YOUR OWN]" shape_file = "ZillowNeighborhoods-WA.shp" sf = shapefile.Reader(path + shape_file) # %% Create list with Seattle shapes counter = 0 seattle_areas = [] for rec in sf.iterRecords(): if rec[2] == 'Seattle': neighboorhood = rec[3] seattle_areas.append((counter, neighboorhood)) counter += 1 # %% Create coordinate pair list for rectangle slightly larger than Seattle def create_coordinates_list(lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max):
import rasterio import rasterio.features import rasterio.warp import rasterio.drivers import rasterio.mask import matplotlib.pyplot as pyplot import numpy import as ma import geojson import shapefile import pandas as pd import SimpleITK as sitk #%% #Extract polygons from Voronoi Cells and convert into geojson shape = shapefile.Reader( "C:/DataAnalysis/SegmentationOfData/Voronoi/Voronoi.shp") #first feature of the shapefile feature = shape.shapeRecords()[0] # geo interface of the shape featureGeoInterface = feature.shape.__geo_interface__ geoJsonString = geojson.dumps(featureGeoInterface, sort_keys=True) geoJsonObject = geojson.loads(geoJsonString) #%% # mask and crop image with 'C:/DataAnalysis/SegmentationOfData/20190425MSC_index_ndvi_transformed.tif' ) as src: croppedMaskedImageNDVI = rasterio.mask.mask(src, [geoJsonObject], crop=True, nodata=-1000.)
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import shapefile as shp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import csv sns.set(style="whitegrid", palette="pastel", color_codes=True) sns.mpl.rc("figure", figsize=(10,6)) # opening the vector map shp_path = "D:\\MEGA\\Core CS\\Projects\\TNWaterMap\\resources\\tamilnadu_district.shp" # reading the shape file by using reader function of the shape lib sf = shp.Reader(shp_path) # print(len(sf.shapes())) # print(sf.records()) # print(sf.records()[1][5]) # with open('tn_districts.csv', mode='w') as f: # f = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) # for record in sf.records(): # f.writerow(record) # with open('tn_districts.csv', mode='r') as f: # f = csv.DictReader(f) # line_count = 0 # for row in f: # if line_count == 0: # print(f'Column names are {", ".join(row)}')
plt.fill(*shape.exterior.xy, facecolor = 'khaki', edgecolor = 'black', linewidth = 0.5) ax.set_facecolor('xkcd:lightblue') plt.savefig(mapOutFile) print("Saved map to file: {}".format(mapOutFile)) if build == False: print("Exiting. Check the saved map to verify polygons") print("Re-run with '--build' option to generate the visibility graph.") exit(0) ############################## # Shapes -> Visibility graph # ############################## ## Read shapefile input_shapefile = shapefile.Reader(shapeOutFile) shapes = input_shapefile.shapes() # Load raster regionData = gdal.Open(regionRasterFile) regionExtent = getGridExtent(regionData) minx = regionExtent["minx"] maxx = regionExtent["maxx"] miny = regionExtent["miny"] maxy = regionExtent["maxy"] polygons = [] for shape in shapes: polygon = [] for point in shape.points: x = ((round(point[0], 10) - minx) / (maxx - minx) * rangeWidth)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #matplot library for plotting import pandas as pd from ortools.linear_solver import pywraplp # Or-tools library n_stops = 50 #Number of stops fleet_size = 25 veh_capacity = 12 max_demand = 10 depo = 1 random.seed(2) #initializing # first column is x-axis, second: y-axis, third: demand, fourth: dummy variable, no reason to assign this variable. coords_X = [] attr_X_list = [] reader = shapefile.Reader( r"C:\Users\shyam.rampalli\OneDrive - Nanyang Technological University\documents\Conf - Mar 2\Data\AV Stops.shp" ) fields = [field[0] for field in reader.fields[1:]] for feature in reader.shapeRecords(): geom = feature.shape.__geo_interface__ field_names = [field for field in fields] atr = dict(zip(field_names, feature.record)) attr_X_list.append(atr['name']) coords_X.append([ geom['coordinates'][1], geom['coordinates'][0], atr['name'], random.randint(0, max_demand), int(0) ]) coords_X = random.sample(coords_X, n_stops) X1 = np.asarray(coords_X) X1_df = pd.DataFrame(np.asarray(coords_X)[:, :3],
import shapefile import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np shp = shapefile.Reader('geofiles/nybb_15c/nybb_wgs84.shp') pos = None count = 0 for shape in shp.iterShapes(): points = np.array(shape.points) parts = parts.append(len(shape.points)) for i in range(len(parts) - 1): plt.plot(points.T[0][parts[i]:parts[i + 1]], points.T[1][parts[i]:parts[i + 1]]) plt.savefig('NYC.png')
#--load the structure information from the MIKE11 nwk file file = '..\\MIKE_SHE_Baseline\\Broward_Base_05.nwk11' structs = mss.load_structure(file) weirs = mss.load_weirs(file) culverts = mss.load_culverts(file) #--load the structure points file = 'she_structures_culverts_1' str_shp = shapefile.Reader(shapefile=file) str_points = str_shp.shapes() str_header = str_shp.dbfHeader() #--the dbf attribute index of the str name str_name_idx = 1 str_br_idx = 0 str_ch_idx = 3 #--load the swrpre polylines file = 'polylines_active' ply_shp = shapefile.Reader(shapefile=file) ply_lines = ply_shp.shapes() ply_header = ply_shp.dbfHeader() ply_recs = ply_shp.records()
def weatherapi(year="2017"): # variaveis e paths necessárias api_key = "af22cf6a216a427fb88685100b43d048" pathfolder = "Dataset" + str(year) path = os.path.join("Ardidas" + str(year) + "final", "ardidas" + str(year[-2:]) + ".shp") sf = shapefile.Reader(path) json_folder = check_jsonstats_folder("JsonApis") verify_filename = "LastIndex_WeatherApi" + " " + str(year) + ".json" jverifypath = os.path.join(json_folder, verify_filename) json_requests = "Requests" + "_forKey_ " + f"{api_key}" + ".json" jrequestspath = os.path.join(json_folder, json_requests) timefile = "Last_time" + "_forKey_ " + f"{api_key}" + ".json" jtimefilepath = os.path.join(json_folder, timefile) jsonstring = "Last Iteration" + " " + str(year) counter_requests = "Counter" lastdate = "Lastdate" verify = False # verificar existência e extrair info de jsons de controlo # controlo de nº de requests/ timestamp em que se atingiu esse limite/ ultimo index no momento paragem my_file_index = Path(jverifypath) my_file_requests = Path(jrequestspath) my_file_lasttime = Path(jtimefilepath) if my_file_requests.is_file(): with open(jrequestspath, "r") as file: data_r = file_dict = json.loads(data_r) number_requests = file_dict[counter_requests] else: number_requests = 0 if my_file_lasttime.is_file(): with open(jtimefilepath, "r") as file: data_t = file_dict = json.loads(data_t) last_date = file_dict[lastdate] last_date_obj = datetime.strptime(last_date, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") delta = - last_date_obj delta_in_sec = delta.total_seconds() delta_in_hours = divmod(delta_in_sec, 3600)[0] if delta_in_hours < 24: sys.exit( "Ainda não passou o periodo de espera para efetuar requests à api!" ) else: pass else: pass if my_file_index.is_file(): with open(jverifypath, "r") as file: data = file_dict = json.loads(data) index = file_dict[jsonstring] else: index = 0 api = Api(api_key) # ciclo para percorrer a totalidade do dataset for i in range(index, len(sf)): if my_file_requests.is_file(): verify = verify_last_request_date(jrequestspath) update_verify_jsontime(number_requests, jtimefilepath, verify) shape = sf.shapeRecord(i) pathjson = os.path.join(pathfolder, str(i)) filename = "Weather.json" filepath = os.path.join(pathjson, filename) longitude, latitude = centerpointshape(shape) if int(year) == 2017: DHInicio = shape.record.DHInicio DHFim = shape.record.DHFim else: DHInicio = shape.record.data_inici DHFim = shape.record.data_fim # formatar data extraida do shapefile date_format_str = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f' start = datetime.strptime(DHInicio, date_format_str) final = datetime.strptime(DHFim, date_format_str) # calculos para seleccionar o tipo de request a efetuar delta = final - start delta_in_sec = delta.total_seconds() delta_in_hours = divmod(delta_in_sec, 3600)[0] dias_completos = math.floor(delta_in_hours / 24) num_horas_restantes = delta_in_hours - (24 * dias_completos) initial_dateime = start + timedelta(hours=-1) initial_date = initial_dateime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d:%H") # primeiro caso if delta_in_hours >= 24: # parte relativa aos dias completos for k in range(1, dias_completos + 1): new_end = initial_dateime + timedelta(days=1) new_end_date = new_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d:%H") filename = os.path.join(pathjson, f"{k}.json") weather_request(api, latitude, longitude, initial_date, new_end_date, filename) number_requests += 1 initial_dateime = new_end initial_date = initial_dateime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d:%H") updatejsonrequest(number_requests, jrequestspath) update_verify_jsontime(number_requests, jtimefilepath, verify) # parte relativa às horas restantes if num_horas_restantes != 0: new_initial = start + timedelta(days=dias_completos, hours=-1) new_initial_date = new_initial.strftime("%Y-%m-%d:%H") temporal_dif = final - new_initial temporal_dif_hours = temporal_dif.total_seconds() / 3600 if temporal_dif_hours < 24: new_end = initial_dateime + timedelta( hours=math.floor(temporal_dif_hours) + 1) else: new_end = initial_dateime + timedelta( hours=math.floor(temporal_dif_hours)) new_end_date = new_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d:%H") filename = os.path.join(pathjson, f"{dias_completos + 1}.json") weather_request(api, latitude, longitude, new_initial_date, new_end_date, filename) number_requests += 1 updatejsonrequest(number_requests, jrequestspath) update_verify_jsontime(number_requests, jtimefilepath, verify) # Merge dos jsons e posterior eliminação dos jsons temporários listfiles = [] for file in os.listdir(pathjson): if re.match(r"[0-9]+.json", file): fpath = os.path.join(pathjson, file) listfiles.append(fpath) merge_json(listfiles, pathjson) del_files(listfiles) # segundo caso (no limite de durar 24 horas) elif 22 <= delta_in_hours < 24: final_plus_1day = start + timedelta(days=1, hours=-1) end_date = final_plus_1day.strftime("%Y-%m-%d:%H") weather_request(api, latitude, longitude, initial_date, end_date, filepath) number_requests += 1 # terceiro caso (última possibilidade) else: final_plus_2hours = final + timedelta(hours=1) end_date = final_plus_2hours.strftime("%Y-%m-%d:%H") weather_request(api, latitude, longitude, initial_date, end_date, filepath) number_requests += 1 # criação de dicionarios para json de controlo de index json_dict = {jsonstring: i} json_dict_exception = {jsonstring: 0} """ Escrita de ficheiro json para guardar index onde o programa parou ou reiniciar index se terminou o ciclo. Por questão de segurança guarda o penúltimo indice para assegurar que a parte meteorológica do dataset é gerada na sua totalidade e corretamente. """ if i < len(sf) - 1: with open(jverifypath, 'w') as output: json.dump(json_dict, output, indent=4) else: with open(jverifypath, 'w') as output: json.dump(json_dict_exception, output, indent=4) updatejsonrequest(number_requests, jrequestspath)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author: D. Irga B. Naufal Fakhri """ import shapefile # Meng-import library shapefile sf = shapefile.Reader( "Nomor10") # Berguna untuk membaca file dari nama filenya tanpa ekstensi isiData = sf.records( ) # Untuk membaca isi record dari file shp yang kita baca dan memasukkannya kedalam variable print(isiData) # Menampilkan isi dari variable
## able to use -1 as the end below. points = shape.points points.append(points[0]) points = np.array(points) ## Plot by individual parts for i, j in zip(parts[:-1], parts[1:]): axes.plot(points[i:j, 0], points[i:j, 1], c=colors.get(this_level, "0"), lw=max(1.5 - 0.5 * this_level, 0.5)) if __name__ == "__main__": ### Example usage of the above function. ## Get the shapefile and create a sf object shp = "..\\_data\\Shapefile\\Nigeria.shp" sf = shapefile.Reader(shp) ## Create a dataframe to be plotted on the map names = [record[1] for record in sf.records() if record[1].count(":") == 3] df = pd.Series({n.lower(): i for n, i in zip(names, range(len(names)))}) ## Make the plot fig, axes = plt.subplots() PlotDfonSf(fig, axes, df, sf, colorbar=True, admin_level={2}, alpha=0.45) PlotBorders(fig, axes, sf, admin_level={0, 1, 2})
""" def build_soho_poly(bbox): coords = np.array([[bbox[0], bbox[2]], [bbox[0], bbox[3]], [bbox[1], bbox[3]], [bbox[1], bbox[2]], [bbox[0], bbox[2]]]) sohopoly = sg.Polygon(coords) return sohopoly if __name__ == '__main__': # Pull in pump and death locations pump_shps = shapefile.Reader("SnowGIS/Pumps.shp") death_shps = shapefile.Reader("SnowGIS/Cholera_Deaths.shp") # Extract xy locations pumps_xy = np.array([s.points[0] for s in pump_shps.shapes()]) deaths_xy = np.array([d.points[0] for d in death_shps.shapes()]) # Full color image # img = mpimg.imread('OSMap.png') # f = open('OSMap.tfw', 'rb') # Grayscale image img = mpimg.imread('SnowGIS/OSMap_Grayscale.tif') f = open('SnowGIS/OSMap_Grayscale.tfw', 'rb') # tfw file includes scaling information for the tiff image
def get_geometry_from_various(locations_config=[], **query_args): """Creates a shapely geometry using given query kwargs arguments :param locations_config: EODAG locations configuration :type locations_config: list :param query_args: query kwargs arguments from method :type query_args: dict :returns: shapely geometry found :rtype: :class:`shapely.geometry.BaseGeometry` :raises: :class:`ValueError` """ geom = None if "geometry" in query_args: geom_arg = query_args["geometry"] bbox_keys = ["lonmin", "latmin", "lonmax", "latmax"] if isinstance(geom_arg, dict) and all(k in geom_arg for k in bbox_keys): # bbox dict geom = Polygon(( (geom_arg["lonmin"], geom_arg["latmin"]), (geom_arg["lonmin"], geom_arg["latmax"]), (geom_arg["lonmax"], geom_arg["latmax"]), (geom_arg["lonmax"], geom_arg["latmin"]), )) elif isinstance(geom_arg, (list, tuple)) and len(geom_arg) >= 4: # bbox list geom = Polygon(( (geom_arg[0], geom_arg[1]), (geom_arg[0], geom_arg[3]), (geom_arg[2], geom_arg[3]), (geom_arg[2], geom_arg[1]), )) elif isinstance(geom_arg, str): # WKT geometry geom = shapely.wkt.loads(geom_arg) elif isinstance(geom_arg, BaseGeometry): geom = geom_arg elif geom_arg is None: pass else: raise TypeError("Unexpected geometry type: {}".format( type(geom_arg))) # look for location name in locations configuration locations_dict = {loc["name"]: loc for loc in locations_config} # The location query kwargs can either be in query_args or in query_args["locations"], # support for which were added in 2.0.0 and 2.1.0 respectively. # The location query kwargs in query_args is supported for backward compatibility, # the recommended usage is that they are in query_args["locations"] locations = query_args.get("locations") locations = locations if locations is not None else {} # In query_args["locations"] we can check that the location_names are correct locations = locations if locations is not None else {} for location_name in locations: if location_name not in locations_dict: raise ValueError(f"The location name {location_name} is wrong. " f"It must be one of: {locations_dict.keys()}") query_locations = {**query_args, **locations} for arg in query_locations.keys(): if arg in locations_dict.keys(): found = False pattern = query_locations[arg] attr = locations_dict[arg]["attr"] with shapefile.Reader(locations_dict[arg]["path"]) as shp: for shaperec in shp.shapeRecords(): if, shaperec.record[attr]): found = True new_geom = shape(shaperec.shape) # get geoms union geom = new_geom.union(geom) if geom else new_geom if not found: raise ValueError( f"No match found for the search location '{arg}' " f"with the pattern '{pattern}'.") return geom
import pykrige.kriging_tools as kt from pykrige.rk import OrdinaryKriging from import UniversalKriging import pandas as pd import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm import matplotlib.colors as colors import matplotlib.patches as mpatches import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) import shapefile as shp sf = shp.Reader("L090102_ComuneMilano.shp") # reading the data data = pd.read_csv('result.csv', sep=';', decimal='.') col_list = ["UTM_Est", "Utm_Nord", "Valore"] rr = data #leave one out #non = "Milano v.Feltre" non = "" #data = data.loc[data.NomeStazione != non] #selezione colonne data = np.array(data[col_list]) X0, X1 = data[:, 0].min(), data[:, 0].max()
def readPointsShape(self, directory): # Inicializacion de variables num_Zmax = [] num_Zmin = [] self.clc = calculosD() self.areas = [] # Variables de contadores cont1 = 0 cont2 = 0 # Variables para eliminar duplicados max_drop = [] min_drop = [] # Variables para almacenar los puntos self.pointXmax = [] self.pointYmax = [] self.pointZmax = [] self.pointXmin = [] self.pointYmin = [] self.pointZmin = [] try: # Lee la data del archivo sf = shapefile.Reader(directory) fields = [x[0] for x in sf.fields][1:] records = [y[:] for y in sf.records()] # Se escribe en el datagrama y se agrupa por Shape_Area = pd.DataFrame(columns=fields, data=records) columnsneeded = ['X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Shape_Area'] if columnsneeded == [ ele for ele in columnsneeded if (ele in ]: s =[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].groupby(['Shape_Area']) # Se obtienen los max y min de los datos seleccionados maxT = pd.DataFrame(s['Z'].max()) minT = pd.DataFrame(s['Z'].min()) # Asignacion valores min y max a listas for i in maxT['Z']: num_Zmax.append(i) for i in minT['Z']: num_Zmin.append(i) else: raise KeyError # Extraccion de fila correspondiente a los max valores for names, groups in s: self.areas.append(names) max_values = groups[groups['Z'] == num_Zmax[cont1]] # Almacena temporalmente la data del punto seleccionado tempMax = max_values.drop_duplicates(subset=None, keep="first", inplace=False) # Comprobacion de tamano para escoger el primer caso if len(tempMax) > 1: p = tempMax[tempMax['X'] == tempMax['X'].max()] max_drop.append(p) else: max_drop.append(tempMax) cont1 = cont1 + 1 # Extraccion de fila correspondiente a los min valores for names, groups in s: min_values = groups[groups['Z'] == num_Zmin[cont2]] # Almacena temporalmente la data del punto seleccionado y elimina duplicados tempMin = min_values.drop_duplicates(subset=None, keep="first", inplace=False) # Comprobacion de ta`mano para escoger el dato correcto if len(tempMin) > 1: p = tempMin[tempMin['X'] == tempMin['X'].min()] min_drop.append(p) else: min_drop.append(tempMin) cont2 = cont2 + 1 # Reemplazo de los datos por posibles inconsistencias en el formato de origen for rows in max_drop: for x in rows.X: if (isinstance(x, float)): self.pointXmax.append(float(x)) else: # Reemplaza la coma por el punto xm = str(x).replace(',', '.') self.pointXmax.append(float(xm)) for y in rows.Y: if (isinstance(y, float)): self.pointYmax.append(float(y)) else: # Reemplaza la coma por el punto ym = str(y).replace(',', '.') self.pointYmax.append(float(ym)) for z in rows.Z: if (isinstance(z, float)): self.pointZmax.append(float(z)) else: # Reemplaza la coma por el punto zm = str(z).replace(',', '.') self.pointZmax.append(float(zm)) # Reemplazo para los valores minimos for rows in min_drop: for x in rows.X: if (isinstance(x, float)): self.pointXmin.append(float(x)) else: xm = str(x).replace(',', '.') self.pointXmin.append(float(xm)) for y in rows.Y: if (isinstance(y, float)): self.pointYmin.append(float(y)) else: ym = str(y).replace(',', '.') self.pointYmin.append(float(ym)) for z in rows.Z: if (isinstance(z, float)): self.pointZmin.append(float(z)) else: zm = str(z).replace(',', '.') self.pointZmin.append(float(zm)) # Se envia la data a procesarse self.clc.calcularDistaciaElongacion(self.pointXmax, self.pointXmin, self.pointYmax, self.pointYmin, self.pointZmax, self.pointZmin) except shapefile.ShapefileException: arcpy.AddError("No se ha podido leer el archivo especificado") arcpy.AddMessage("{0}".format(directory)) except KeyError: arcpy.AddError( "El archivo debe contener las siguientes coordenadas de las cuencas: {0}" .format(columnsneeded)) else: return 1 return 0
def load_world(self, world_file): return shapefile.Reader(world_file, encoding='latin1').shapeRecords()
def iterload(self): import shapefile self.sf = shapefile.Reader(str(self.source)) self.reloadCols() for shaperec in Progress(self.sf.iterShapeRecords(), total=self.sf.numRecords): yield shaperec
import shapefile import shapely from shapely.geometry import Point #setup database connection try: conn = psycopg2.connect( "dbname='dbbuurt' user='******' host='localhost' password='******'") print("Database connection established") except: print("Database connection failed") cur = conn.cursor() #download list of gm codes gemeenten = shapefile.Reader("gem_2018") gemeenteshapes = gemeenten.shapeRecords() gmcodes = [] for gemeente in gemeenteshapes: gmcodes.append(gemeente.record[0]) #download shapefile wijken = shapefile.Reader("wijk_2018") wijkshapes = wijken.shapeRecords() #postgresl comms stembureaucaller = """SELECT id, bureau, plaats, xc, yc FROM stembureau WHERE gem_code = %s""" addphrase = """UPDATE stembureau SET wk_code = %s WHERE id = %s""" #create list of stembureaus
def trypyshp(): shpf = shapefile.Reader('/home/ash/Data/tl_2014_39049_roads/tl_2014_39049_roads') pass
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. """ import shapefile import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from shapely.geometry import Polygon from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch """ IMPORT THE SHAPEFILE """ shp_file_base='american_community_survey_blk_grp_2010_2014' dat_dir='../shapefiles/'+shp_file_base +'/' sf = shapefile.Reader(dat_dir+shp_file_base) print 'number of shapes imported:',len(sf.shapes()) """ PLOTTING """ """ Find max/min of record of interest (for scaling the facecolor)""" # get list of field names, pull out appropriate index fld = sf.fields[1:] field_names = [field[0] for field in fld] print 'record field names:',field_names fld_name='MED_HH_INC'
1.447155e+03,1.498224e+03,1.551094e+03,1.605828e+03,1.662493e+03, 1.721156e+03,1.781888e+03,1.844761e+03,1.909852e+03,1.977238e+03, 2.047000e+03,2.119223e+03,2.193992e+03,2.271398e+03,2.351534e+03, 2.434496e+03,2.520384e+03,2.609300e+03,2.701352e+03,2.796650e+03, 2.895309e+03,2.997448e+03,3.103188e+03,3.212656e+03,3.325986e+03, 3.443312e+03,3.564775e+03,3.690522e+03,3.820703e+03,3.955475e+03, 4.095000e+03,4.239445e+03,4.388984e+03,4.543796e+03,4.704068e+03, 4.869992e+03,5.041768e+03,5.219600e+03,5.403705e+03,5.594301e+03, 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0]) ############### # Graphics ############### path_shp = Path(current_folder, 'data','swiss_border_shp', 'Border_CH.shp') BORDER_SHP = shapefile.Reader(str(path_shp)) ############### # Data retrieval ############### FOLDER_DATABASE = '/store/msrad/radar/radar_database/' FOLDER_RADAR = '/store/msrad/radar/swiss/data/' FOLDER_CPCCV = '/store/msrad/radar/cpc_validation/' COSMO1_START = datetime.datetime(2015,10,1) FOLDER_RADAR = '/store/msrad/radar/swiss/data/' FOLDER_COSMO1 = '/store/s83/owm/COSMO-1/' FOLDER_COSMO1_T = '/store/s83/owm/COSMO-1/ORDERS/MDR/' FOLDER_COSMO2_T = '/store/msrad/cosmo/cosmo2/data/' FILTER_COMMAND = '~owm/bin/fxfilter' CONVERT_COMMAND = '~owm/bin/fxconvert'
from os import path from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon from numpy import array, zeros_like, where try: from tools.nsha_tools import get_field_data, get_shp_centroid except: print 'Add PYTHONPATH to NSHA18 root directory' ############################################################################### # parse AUS6 shp exported from MIF ############################################################################### domshp = 'Domains_Sep2011_edit.shp' print 'Reading source shapefile...' sf = shapefile.Reader(domshp) shapes = sf.shapes() polygons = [] for poly in shapes: polygons.append(Polygon(poly.points)) # get src name src_name = get_field_data(sf, 'CODE', 'str') ############################################################################### # parse Domains lookup csv ############################################################################### domcsv = 'Domains_Sep2011_lookup.csv' dom = []
def convert(path, output_name_prefix): """ The main conversion method """ # get projection information prj_file = path + '.prj' prj_text = open(prj_file, 'r').read() srs = osr.SpatialReference() if srs.ImportFromWkt(prj_text): raise ValueError("Error importing PRJ information from: %s" % prj_file) in_projection = pyproj.Proj(srs.ExportToProj4()) # process shapes geojson = {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': []} # read attribute table records sf = shapefile.Reader(path) fields = {} num = 0 for field in sf.fields: if field[0] == 'DeletionFlag': continue fields[field[0]] = { 'name': field[0], 'type': field[1], 'sequence_number': num } num += 1 # convert shapes #print fields.keys() for r in sf.shapeRecords(): shape = r.shape record = r.record rec_id = None if 'NUMMER' in fields: rec_id = record[fields['NUMMER']['sequence_number']] elif 'OBJECTID' in fields: rec_id = record[fields['OBJECTID']['sequence_number']] elif 'ID' in fields: rec_id = record[fields['ID']['sequence_number']] feature = shape.__geo_interface__ projected_feature = { 'type': 'Feature', 'geometry': { 'coordinates': [], 'type': 'Polygon' # hard coded... }, 'id': rec_id, 'properties': {} } # add properties from records for key in fields: fieldname = fields[key]['name'] val = record[fields[key]['sequence_number']] if type(val) == str: val = val.decode('latin-1') projected_feature['properties'][fieldname] = val for ring in feature['coordinates']: projected_ring = [] for c in ring: p = pyproj.transform(in_projection, out_projection, c[0], c[1]) projected_ring.append(p) projected_feature['geometry']['coordinates'].append(projected_ring) geojson['features'].append(projected_feature) write_geojson(geojson, output_name_prefix + '.geojson') write_kml(geojson, output_name_prefix, output_name_prefix + '.kml')
nodes[ni][3] = float(vy) ni += 1 except: pass nodes = np.array(nodes) print("\nCreating initial drop positions...") if path_shape is None: x_min, y_min, vx_min, vy_min = nodes.min(axis=0) x_max, y_max, vx_max, vy_max = nodes.max(axis=0) drops = np.random.rand(nodes.shape[0], 2) drops[:, 0] = x_min + drops[:, 0] * (x_max - x_min) drops[:, 1] = y_min + drops[:, 1] * (y_max - y_min) else: sf = shapefile.Reader(path_shape) bboxes = [] for i in range(0, len(sf.shapes())): x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = sf.bbox drops = np.random.rand(nodes.shape[0], 2) drops[:, 0] = x_min + drops[:, 0] * (x_max - x_min) drops[:, 1] = y_min + drops[:, 1] * (y_max - y_min) print(" -> ONLY USING FIRST FEATURE") break print("\nBuilding KDTree...") kdtree = KDTree(nodes[:, (0, 1)])
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Use pyshp to explore Arlington County, Virginia roads data""" import shapefile sf = shapefile.Reader('data/Roads') sr = sf.shapeRecords() print("sf = shapefile.Reader('data/Roads'), sr = sf.shapeRecords()") print('type(sr): {0}'.format(type(sr))) print('len(sr): {0}'.format(len(sr))) print('type(sr[0]): {0}'.format(type(sr[0]))) print("Names that don't start with '__' in sr[0]:") print([name for name in dir(sr[0]) if not name.startswith('__')]) print('type(sr[0].record): {0}'.format(type(sr[0].record))) print('type(sr[0].shape): {0}'.format(type(sr[0].shape))) print('sr[0].record): {0}'.format(sr[0].record)) print("Names that don't start with '__' in sr[0].shape:") print([name for name in dir(sr[0].shape) if not name.startswith('__')]) print('sf.fields: {0}'.format(sf.fields))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Oct 28 17:47:03 2019 @author: FannyShafira """ import shapefile #mengimport shapefile sf = shapefile.Reader( "NamaFile") #digunakan untuk membaca file tanpa menggunakan ekstensi sf.bbox #membaca boundary box atau batas kotak # In[]
import psycopg2 import shapefile locale = input("Locale: ") name = input("Name: ") fpath = "Resources/{locale}/{name}".format(locale=locale, name=name) print("Reading file") sh = shapefile.Reader(fpath) print("Fetching records...") records = sh.records() print("Fetched all records ({})".format(len(records))) print("Connection Databse..") conn = psycopg2.connect( host="localhost", port=5433, user="******", password="******", database="geo" ) cur = conn.cursor() print("Succesfully connected to Database with cursor {}".format(id(cur))) vals = [] print("Making values...") for rec in records: if rec[19]: vals.append(
# lat_lon_df = get_lat_lon(sf) # margin = 0.01 # plt.xlim(min(lat_lon_df['latitude'])/2-margin, # max(lat_lon_df['latitude'])*2+margin) # plt.ylim(min(lat_lon_df['longitude'])/2-margin, # max(lat_lon_df['longitude'])*2+margin) limits = get_boundaries(sf) print("limits", limits) plt.xlim(limits[0] - 39050, limits[1] + 39050) plt.ylim(limits[2], limits[3]) sf = shapefile.Reader("taxi_zones/taxi_zones.shp") '''Record #0: [1, 0.116357453189, 0.0007823067885, 'Newark Airport', 1, 'EWR'] ''' ''' [('DeletionFlag', 'C', 1, 0), ['OBJECTID', 'N', 9, 0], ['Shape_Leng', 'F', 19, 11], ['Shape_Area', 'F', 19, 11], ['zone', 'C', 254, 0], ['LocationID', 'N', 4, 0], ['borough', 'C', 254, 0]] ''' fields_name = [field[0] for field in sf.fields[1:]] shp_dic = dict(zip(fields_name, list(range(len(fields_name))))) attributes = sf.records() shp_attr = [dict(zip(fields_name, attr)) for attr in attributes]
import shapefile #mengimport shapefile sf = shapefile.Reader("Tugas4/Soal1.shp") #membaca file shp yang bernama Soal1 di dalam folder Tugas4 sb = sf.bbox # membaca bbox nya print(sb) #menampilkan isi dari variable sb
import shapefile sf = shapefile.Reader("mpa_inventory_2014_public_shp.shp")
parser.add_argument( '--input_shapes', '-is', required=True, help='The file which contains definitions of the neighborhood shapes') if __name__ == "__main__": args = parser.parse_args()'Using input crime file ' + str(args.input_crime))'Using input geographic shape file ' + str(args.input_shapes)) outFileName = "" if args.output == 'output.csv': outFileName = os.path.splitext( args.input_crime)[0] + '_w_Zillow_Neighborhoods.csv' else: outFileName = args.output'Output tranform file will be saved to ' + str(outFileName)) """ Read in the shapes defined in the Zillow Neighborhood shape file """ r = shapefile.Reader(args.input_shapes) shapes = r.shapes() encodings = r.records() """ Create class instance for GPS to Zillow neighborhood to store shapes and crime data """ neihgborhoodFinder = gps2zh.GPStoZNeighborhood( pd.read_csv(args.input_crime), shapes, encodings) """ Call the function which will find the zillow neighbor hood for each crime data """ inputCrimeWZillowNH = neihgborhoodFinder.add_zillow_neighborhood_column()"Saving output dataframe to " + outFileName) inputCrimeWZillowNH.to_csv(outFileName, index=None, header=True)