def createIntermediateImage(translated, intermediateShape, pixels): intermediate=() for x in translated.tolist()[0]: intermediate = intermediate + ((x[0],x[1]),) poly_unordered = MultiPoint(intermediate).convex_hull img_width, img_height = pixels intermediate_img ='1', (img_width, img_height)) pixels = intermediate_img.load() white = 1 #(255,255,255) black = 0 #(0,0,0) for i in range(img_width): for j in range(img_height): point = Point(i,j) if poly_unordered.contains(point): pixels[i,j] = white #formerly grey else: pixels[i,j] = black for i in intermediate: pixels[i[0],i[1]] = white
def PreciseLabels(data_shape, argmin_xy, out_edges, mask_center): """ Fuction """ mesh_x, mesh_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(data_shape[1]), np.arange(data_shape[0])) coords = np.vstack((mesh_x.ravel(), mesh_y.ravel())).T coords = MultiPoint(coords) label_data_prec = np.zeros(data_shape, dtype=int) num = np.sum(mask_center) # number of precise labels percentage = np.rint(np.linspace(0,num,21)).astype(int) count = 0 # number of calculated labels print('Calculated: ', end='') for i, outs in enumerate(out_edges): if mask_center[i] == True: poly = MultiPoint(argmin_xy.T[outs]).convex_hull inpoints = [point for point in coords if poly.contains(point)] for point in inpoints: label_data_prec[point.y, point.x] = i + 1 if count in percentage: print('{}%... '.format(np.argwhere(percentage==count)[0,0]*5), end='') elif count == num - 1: print('100%') count += 1 return label_data_prec
class TestTools: def setup_method(self): self.p1 = Point(0, 0) self.p2 = Point(1, 1) self.p3 = Point(2, 2) self.mpc = MultiPoint([self.p1, self.p2, self.p3]) self.mp1 = MultiPoint([self.p1, self.p2]) self.line1 = LineString([(3, 3), (4, 4)]) def test_collect_single(self): result = collect(self.p1) assert self.p1.equals(result) def test_collect_single_force_multi(self): result = collect(self.p1, multi=True) expected = MultiPoint([self.p1]) assert expected.equals(result) def test_collect_multi(self): result = collect(self.mp1) assert self.mp1.equals(result) def test_collect_multi_force_multi(self): result = collect(self.mp1) assert self.mp1.equals(result) def test_collect_list(self): result = collect([self.p1, self.p2, self.p3]) assert self.mpc.equals(result) def test_collect_GeoSeries(self): s = GeoSeries([self.p1, self.p2, self.p3]) result = collect(s) assert self.mpc.equals(result) def test_collect_mixed_types(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): collect([self.p1, self.line1]) def test_collect_mixed_multi(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError): collect([self.mpc, self.mp1]) def test_epsg_from_crs(self): assert epsg_from_crs({'init': 'epsg:4326'}) == 4326 assert epsg_from_crs({'init': 'EPSG:4326'}) == 4326 assert epsg_from_crs('+init=epsg:4326') == 4326 @pytest.mark.skipif( LooseVersion(pyproj.__version__) >= LooseVersion('2.0.0'), reason="explicit_crs_from_epsg depends on parsing data files of " "proj.4 < 6 / pyproj < 2 ") def test_explicit_crs_from_epsg(self): expected = {'no_defs': True, 'proj': 'longlat', 'datum': 'WGS84', 'init': 'epsg:4326'} assert explicit_crs_from_epsg(epsg=4326) == expected assert explicit_crs_from_epsg(epsg='4326') == expected assert explicit_crs_from_epsg(crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'}) == expected assert explicit_crs_from_epsg(crs="+init=epsg:4326") == expected
def setup_method(self): self.p1 = Point(0, 0) self.p2 = Point(1, 1) self.p3 = Point(2, 2) self.mpc = MultiPoint([self.p1, self.p2, self.p3]) self.mp1 = MultiPoint([self.p1, self.p2]) self.line1 = LineString([(3, 3), (4, 4)])
def extractPoints(geom): if isinstance(geom,Point) or isinstance(geom,MultiPoint): return geom elif isinstance(geom,GeometryCollection): result = None for g in geom: p = extractPoints(g) if not p: continue elif not result: result = p elif isinstance(result,MultiPoint): result = [geom1 for geom1 in result.geoms] if isinstance(p,Point): result.append(p) result = MultiPoint(result) else: for geom1 in p.geoms: result.append(geom1) result = MultiPoint(result) else: if isinstance(p,Point): result = MultiPoint([result,p]) else: result = [result] for geom1 in p.geoms: result.append(geom1) result = MultiPoint(result) return result else: return None
def Find_Average_Hexagon_Color(self, hex_coords, im): from shapely.geometry import Point, MultiPoint coords = list(hex_coords) # Default RGB values to black opaque and pixel counter to zero. rgb = [0, 0, 0] count = 0 # Calculate hexagon bounding box. minx = min(coords[::2]) maxx = max(coords[::2]) miny = min(coords[1::2]) maxy = max(coords[1::2]) bbox_coords = [minx, miny, maxx, miny, maxx, maxy, minx, maxy] # Calculate polygon center. midx = (minx + maxx) / 2.0 midy = (miny + maxy) / 2.0 coords[::2] = [(self.scale * (x - midx)) + midx for x in coords[::2]] coords[1::2] = [(self.scale * (y - midy)) + midy for y in coords[1::2]] subhex_coords = list(zip(coords[::2], coords[1::2])) subhex_hull = MultiPoint(subhex_coords).convex_hull # Flatten subhex list of tuples to conventional list for plotting. subhex_coords = list(sum(subhex_coords, ())) for x in range(int(math.floor(minx)), int(math.ceil(maxx))): for y in range(int(math.floor(miny)), int(math.ceil(maxy))): mypt = Point(x, y) if(subhex_hull.contains(mypt)): r, g, b = im.getpixel(tuple([x, y])) rgb[0] += r rgb[1] += g rgb[2] += b count += 1 rgb[0] = rgb[0] / count rgb[1] = rgb[1] / count rgb[2] = rgb[2] / count rgb_color = tuple([int(i) for i in rgb]) return bbox_coords, subhex_coords, rgb_color
class TestTools(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.p1 = Point(0,0) self.p2 = Point(1,1) self.p3 = Point(2,2) self.mpc = MultiPoint([self.p1, self.p2, self.p3]) self.mp1 = MultiPoint([self.p1, self.p2]) self.line1 = LineString([(3,3), (4,4)]) def test_collect_single(self): result = collect(self.p1) self.assert_(self.p1.equals(result)) def test_collect_single_force_multi(self): result = collect(self.p1, multi=True) expected = MultiPoint([self.p1]) self.assert_(expected.equals(result)) def test_collect_multi(self): result = collect(self.mp1) self.assert_(self.mp1.equals(result)) def test_collect_multi_force_multi(self): result = collect(self.mp1) self.assert_(self.mp1.equals(result)) def test_collect_list(self): result = collect([self.p1, self.p2, self.p3]) self.assert_(self.mpc.equals(result)) def test_collect_GeoSeries(self): s = GeoSeries([self.p1, self.p2, self.p3]) result = collect(s) self.assert_(self.mpc.equals(result)) def test_collect_mixed_types(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): collect([self.p1, self.line1]) def test_collect_mixed_multi(self): with self.assertRaises(ValueError): collect([self.mpc, self.mp1])
def clip_images(directory, points, dist): buffer_dist = dist files = os.listdir(directory) regex = re.compile('.tif$', re.IGNORECASE) files = [os.path.join(directory, f) for f in files if] from_crs = Proj({'init': 'epsg:4326'}) with[0]) as src: dest_crs = Proj( # points = ['57.232,-2.971'] points = [x.split(',') for x in points] points = [[float(x), float(y)] for y, x in points] points = [transform(from_crs, dest_crs, x, y) for x, y in points] if len(points) > 1: points = MultiPoint(points) boundary = points.bounds points = [[boundary[0], boundary[1]], [boundary[2], boundary[3]]] else: points = Point(points[0][0], points[0][1]) area = points.buffer(buffer_dist) boundary = area.bounds points = [[boundary[0], boundary[1]], [boundary[2], boundary[3]]] [[ulx, lry], [lrx, uly]] = points for image in files: output_image_new = image + '.tmp' command_new = 'gdalwarp -overwrite -of GTiff '\ '-te %s %s %s %s %s %s' % (ulx, lry, lrx, uly, image, output_image_new) return_code = call(command_new, shell=True) os.remove(image) os.rename(output_image_new, image)
def get_neighborhood_from_kml(results, kml_path): test_lat, test_lon = (results['geometry']['location']['lat'], results['geometry']['location']['lng']) test_point = Point(float(test_lat), float(test_lon)) kml = etree.parse(kml_path) placemarks = kml.findall('//kml:Placemark', namespaces=NSMAP) found_neighborhood = None for placemark in placemarks: el = placemark.find(COORDINATES, namespaces=NSMAP) coords = [] for coord in el.text.split(' '): lat, lon, _ = coord.split(',') coords.append((float(lon), float(lat))) poly = MultiPoint(coords).convex_hull if poly.contains(test_point): name = placemark.find('kml:name', namespaces=NSMAP) found_neighborhood = name.text if found_neighborhood is None: return get_neighborhood(results) return found_neighborhood
def get_neighborhood_from_kml(lat_lon, kml_path): test_lat, test_lon = lat_lon test_point = Point(float(test_lat), float(test_lon)) kml = etree.parse(kml_path) placemarks = kml.findall('//kml:Placemark', namespaces=NSMAP) found_neighborhood = None for el in kml.findall('.//kml:coordinates', namespaces=NSMAP): coords = [] for coord in el.text.split(' '): lat, lon, _ = coord.split(',') coords.append((float(lon), float(lat))) poly = MultiPoint(coords).convex_hull if poly.contains(test_point): placemark = el.getparent().getparent().getparent().getparent() if 'MultiGeometry' in str(placemark.tag): placemark = placemark.getparent() val = placemark.find('kml:ExtendedData/kml:Data[@name=\'32CitiesNa\']/kml:value', namespaces=NSMAP) if val is not None: found_neighborhood = val.text return found_neighborhood
class SeismicNetwork(object): def __init__(self, net_lats, net_lons): poly_x, poly_y = pyproj.transform(wgs84, pj_laea, net_lons, net_lats) self.polygon = MultiPoint(zip(poly_x, poly_y)).convex_hull def contains(self, lat, lon): x, y = pyproj.transform(wgs84, pj_laea, lon, lat) point = Point(x, y) if self.polygon.contains(point): return True else: return False def inside_network(self, epi_lats, epi_lons): """ This function returns epicenter coordinates located inside a seismic station network. The point-in-polygon problem is solved based on ray casting method. :param epi_lats: Latitudes of earthquake epicenters. :param epi_lons: Longitudes of earthquake epicenters. :type epi_lats: numpy.array, list/tuple or scalar :type epi_lons: numpy.array, list/tuple or scalar :returns: Epicenter coordinates located within network. The first and second columns are latitude and longitude, respectively. :rtype: numpy.array """ epi_x, epi_y = pyproj.transform(wgs84, pj_laea, epi_lons, epi_lats) r = [] for i, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(epi_x, epi_y)): epicenter = Point(x, y) if epicenter.within(self.polygon): r.append((epi_lats[i], epi_lons[i])) return np.array(r)
def __init__(self, data_folder, results_folder, casename, miso_data): print("loading plotting data...") self.miso_map = miso_data.miso_map self.iso_map = miso_data.iso_map self.states_map = miso_data.states_map self.utilities_map = miso_data.utilities_map self.casename = casename miso_data.utility_territory_mapping() self.map_dict = miso_data.map_dict assert (type(casename)) == str # loads data, mostly # data loads miso_map = pd.read_excel( join(data_folder, "NREL-Seams Model (MISO).xlsx"), sheet_name="Mapping" ) miso_loads = pd.read_excel( join(data_folder, "NREL-Seams Model (MISO).xlsx"), sheet_name="Load" ) miso_tx = pd.read_excel( join(data_folder, "NREL-Seams Model (MISO).xlsx"), sheet_name="Transmission", ) # new loads miso_busmap = pd.read_csv( os.path.join(data_folder, "MISO_data", "Bus Mapping Extra Data.csv") ) miso_bus_zone = pd.read_excel( join(data_folder, "MISO_data", "Bus_to_SeamsRegion.xlsx") ) miso_busmap = miso_busmap.merge(miso_bus_zone, left_on="Name", right_on="Bus") miso_busmap = miso_busmap[ ~miso_busmap["Seams Region"].isin(["PJM-C", "CSWS+", "MDU", "MN-NW"]) ] miso_busmap = miso_busmap.rename(columns={"Seams Region": "Seams_Region"}) miso_seam_zone = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Seams_Region", "geometry"]) for i in list(miso_busmap.Seams_Region.unique()): tmp = miso_busmap[miso_busmap.Seams_Region == i] tmp_Lon = list(tmp.Lon) tmp_Lat = list(tmp.Lat) Seams_loc = MultiPoint(list(zip(tmp_Lon, tmp_Lat))) miso_seam_zone = miso_seam_zone.append( [{"Seams_Region": i, "geometry": Seams_loc,}], ignore_index=True, ) miso_seam_zone_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(miso_seam_zone) miso_seam_zone_gdf["centroid"] = miso_seam_zone_gdf.centroid miso_seam_zone_gdf = miso_seam_zone_gdf.set_geometry("centroid") = "EPSG:4326" self.miso_seam_zone_gdf = miso_seam_zone_gdf # for later use # results loads region_lole = pd.read_csv( join(results_folder, casename + "regionlole.csv"), header=None ) region_eue = pd.read_csv( join(results_folder, casename + "regioneue.csv"), header=None ) region_period_eue = pd.read_csv( join(results_folder, casename + "regionperiodeue.csv"), header=None ) period_eue = pd.read_csv( join(results_folder, casename + "periodeue.csv"), header=None ) period_lolp = pd.read_csv( join(results_folder, casename + "periodlolp.csv"), header=None ) utilization = pd.read_csv( join(results_folder, casename + "utilizations.csv"), header=None ) flow = pd.read_csv(join(results_folder, casename + "flows.csv"), header=None) # clean and reformat some of the loaded info region_lole.index, region_eue.index = ( list(miso_map["CEP Bus ID"]), list(miso_map["CEP Bus ID"]), ) region_lole.columns, region_eue.columns = ["LOLE"], ["EUE"] region_df = pd.concat([region_lole, region_eue], axis=1) tmps = len(region_period_eue.columns) region_df["load"] = list(miso_loads.iloc[:tmps, 1:].sum(axis=0)) region_df["names"] = miso_map["CEP Bus Name"].values # clean and reformat transmission info # create attributes of stuff we want later self.results_folder = results_folder self.miso_map = miso_map self.miso_loads = miso_loads self.miso_tx = miso_tx self.region_df = region_df self.region_lole = region_lole self.region_eue = region_eue self.region_period_eue = region_period_eue self.period_eue = period_eue self.period_lolp = period_lolp self.utilization = utilization self.flow = flow print("...plotting data loaded")
def get_the_most_possible_value(valueArea, ocr_result_content): ''' 第一步:初始化返回结果 ''' find_value_content_dic = [] # 返回的iou匹配处理结果记录 ''' 格式化area区域,为计算iou做准备 ''' # 计算iou记录area的标准化处理 line1 = [ valueArea[0][0], valueArea[0][1], valueArea[1][0], valueArea[1][1], valueArea[2][0], valueArea[2][1], valueArea[3][0], valueArea[3][1] ] # 四边形四个点坐标的一维数组表示,[x0,y0,x1,y1....] a = np.array(line1).reshape(4, 2) # 四边形二维坐标表示 poly1 = Polygon( a).convex_hull # python四边形对象,会自动计算四个点,最后四个点顺序为:左上 左下 右下 右上 左上 ''' 遍历ocr结果,寻找合适框 ''' # print(Polygon(a).convex_hull) # 可以打印看看是不是这样子 for i in range(len(ocr_result_content)): content_dic = ocr_result_content[i] # confidence = content_dic['confidence'] # text = content_dic['text'] text_box_position = content_dic['text_box_position'] points = text_box_position ''' 格式化box区域,为计算iou做准备 ''' line2 = [ points[0][0], points[0][1], points[1][0], points[1][1], points[2][0], points[2][1], points[3][0], points[3][1] ] b = np.array(line2).reshape(4, 2) poly2 = Polygon(b).convex_hull # print(Polygon(b).convex_hull) ''' 合并box坐标,计算box的区域面积 ''' union_poly = np.concatenate((b, b)) # 合并两个box坐标,变为8*2 # print(union_poly) # print(MultiPoint(union_poly).convex_hull) # 包含两四边形最小的多边形点 ''' 计算iou值 ''' if not poly1.intersects(poly2): # 如果两四边形不相交 iou = 0 else: try: inter_area = poly1.intersection(poly2).area # 相交面积 # print(inter_area) # union_area = poly1.area + poly2.area - inter_area union_area = MultiPoint(union_poly).convex_hull.area # print(union_area) if union_area == 0: iou = 0 # iou = float(inter_area) / (union_area-inter_area) #错了 else: iou = float(inter_area) / union_area # iou=float(inter_area) /(poly1.area+poly2.area-inter_area) # 源码中给出了两种IOU计算方式,第一种计算的是: 交集部分/包含两个四边形最小多边形的面积 # 第二种: 交集 / 并集(常见矩形框IOU计算方式) except shapely.geos.TopologicalError: # print('shapely.geos.TopologicalError occured, iou set to 0') iou = 0 ''' 根据iou判断并处理最后结果 ''' if iou > 0.7: if len(find_value_content_dic) <= 0: find_value_content_dic.append(content_dic) else: insert_index = -1 for point_id in range(len(find_value_content_dic)): # insert_index = point_id value_box_position = find_value_content_dic[point_id][ 'text_box_position'] if text_box_position[0][0] > value_box_position[0][0]: iou_h = (min(text_box_position[3][1], value_box_position[2][1]) - max(text_box_position[0][1], value_box_position[1][1])) / ( max(text_box_position[3][1], value_box_position[2][1]) - min(text_box_position[0][1], value_box_position[1][1])) else: iou_h = (min(value_box_position[3][1], text_box_position[2][1]) - max(value_box_position[0][1], text_box_position[1][1])) / ( max(value_box_position[3][1], text_box_position[2][1]) - min(value_box_position[0][1], text_box_position[1][1])) if iou_h > 0.2: if text_box_position[0][0] < value_box_position[0][0]: insert_index = point_id break else: pass elif text_box_position[0][1] < value_box_position[0][1]: insert_index = point_id break else: pass # insert_index = if insert_index < 0: find_value_content_dic.append(content_dic) else: find_value_content_dic.insert(insert_index, content_dic) # print("index_value, score_index", index_value, score_index) return find_value_content_dic
import pandas as pd from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint # read the csv file containing borderline longitudes and latitudes for all Indian districts df = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\sam\IndiaMap\Ind_adm2_Points.csv") district = "" geoList = [] result_df = pd.DataFrame( data=None, columns=['State', 'District', 'Latitude', 'Longitude']) for index, row in df.iterrows(): # check if this is anew district value if district and (district != df.iloc[index]['District']): # calculate centroid for previous district points = MultiPoint(geoList) # save the state, district, long-lat and centroid to new dataframe result_df = result_df.append( { 'State': df['State'].iloc[index - 1], 'District': df['District'].iloc[index - 1], 'Latitude': points.centroid.x, 'Longitude': points.centroid.y }, ignore_index=True) # clear old geoList (APPEND NEW LONG-LAT ALSO) del geoList[:] # save this new district's name district = df.iloc[index]['District'] # add this long lat info to later calculate centroid geoList.append((df.iloc[index]['Latitude'], df.iloc[index]['Longitude']))
from matplotlib import pyplot from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch from figures import SIZE fig = pyplot.figure(1, figsize=SIZE, dpi=90) fig.set_frameon(True) # 1 ax = fig.add_subplot(121) points2 = MultiPoint([(0, 0), (2, 2)]) for p in points2: ax.plot(p.x, p.y, 'o', color='#999999') hull2 = points2.convex_hull x, y = hull2.xy ax.plot(x, y, color='#6699cc', linewidth=3, alpha=0.5, zorder=2) ax.set_title('a) N = 2') xrange = [-1, 4] yrange = [-1, 3] ax.set_xlim(*xrange) ax.set_xticks(range(*xrange) + [xrange[-1]]) ax.set_ylim(*yrange) ax.set_yticks(range(*yrange) + [yrange[-1]]) ax.set_aspect(1) #2
def main(): #-- start MPI communicator comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD #-- Read the system arguments listed after the program long_options = ['help','directory=','region=','verbose','mode='] optlist,arglist = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'hD:R:VM:',long_options) #-- working data directory for location of RGI files base_dir = os.getcwd() #-- region of Randolph Glacier Inventory to run RGI_REGION = 17 #-- verbosity settings VERBOSE = False #-- permissions mode of the local files (number in octal) MODE = 0o775 for opt, arg in optlist: if opt in ('-h','--help'): usage() if (comm.rank==0) else None sys.exit() elif opt in ("-D","--directory"): base_dir = os.path.expanduser(arg) elif opt in ("-R","--region"): RGI_REGION = elif opt in ("-V","--verbose"): #-- output module information for process info(comm.rank,comm.size) VERBOSE = True elif opt in ("-M","--mode"): MODE = int(arg, 8) #-- enter HDF5 file as system argument if not arglist: raise IOError('No input file entered as system arguments') #-- tilde-expansion of listed input file FILE = os.path.expanduser(arglist[0]) #-- read data from input file print('{0} -->'.format(FILE)) if (VERBOSE and (comm.rank==0)) else None #-- Open the HDF5 file for reading fileID = h5py.File(FILE, 'r', driver='mpio', comm=comm) DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(FILE) #-- extract parameters from ICESat-2 ATLAS HDF5 file name rx = re.compile('(ATL\d{2})_(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})_' '(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})_(\d{3})_(\d{2})(.*?).h5$',re.VERBOSE) PRD,YY,MM,DD,HH,MN,SS,TRK,CYCL,GRAN,RL,VERS,AUX = rx.findall(FILE).pop() #-- read data on rank 0 if (comm.rank == 0): #-- read RGI for region and create shapely polygon objects poly_dict,RGI_file = load_glacier_inventory(base_dir,RGI_REGION) else: #-- create empty object for list of shapely objects poly_dict = None RGI_file = None #-- Broadcast Shapely polygon objects poly_dict = comm.bcast(poly_dict, root=0) RGI_file = comm.bcast(RGI_file, root=0) #-- RGI version and name RGI_VERSION,RGI_NAME = re.findall('\d_rgi(\d+)_(.*?)$',RGI_file).pop() #-- read each input beam within the file IS2_atl06_beams = [] for gtx in [k for k in fileID.keys() if bool(re.match(r'gt\d[lr]',k))]: #-- check if subsetted beam contains land ice data try: fileID[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['segment_id'] except KeyError: pass else: IS2_atl06_beams.append(gtx) #-- number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch #-- and ATLAS Standard Data Product (SDP) epoch atlas_sdp_gps_epoch = fileID['ancillary_data']['atlas_sdp_gps_epoch'][:] #-- copy variables for outputting to HDF5 file IS2_atl06_mask = {} IS2_atl06_fill = {} IS2_atl06_mask_attrs = {} #-- number of GPS seconds between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00Z UTC) #-- and ATLAS Standard Data Product (SDP) epoch (2018-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC) #-- Add this value to delta time parameters to compute full gps_seconds IS2_atl06_mask['ancillary_data'] = {} IS2_atl06_mask_attrs['ancillary_data'] = {} for key in ['atlas_sdp_gps_epoch']: #-- get each HDF5 variable IS2_atl06_mask['ancillary_data'][key] = fileID['ancillary_data'][key][:] #-- Getting attributes of group and included variables IS2_atl06_mask_attrs['ancillary_data'][key] = {} for att_name,att_val in fileID['ancillary_data'][key].attrs.items(): IS2_atl06_mask_attrs['ancillary_data'][key][att_name] = att_val #-- for each input beam within the file for gtx in sorted(IS2_atl06_beams): #-- output data dictionaries for beam IS2_atl06_mask[gtx] = dict(land_ice_segments={}) IS2_atl06_fill[gtx] = dict(land_ice_segments={}) IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx] = dict(land_ice_segments={}) #-- number of segments segment_id = fileID[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['segment_id'][:] n_seg, = fileID[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['segment_id'].shape #-- invalid value for beam fv = fileID[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['h_li'].fillvalue #-- define indices to run for specific process ind = np.arange(comm.Get_rank(), n_seg, comm.Get_size(), #-- extract delta time delta_time =[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['delta_time'][:], mask=(fileID[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['delta_time'][:]==fv), fill_value=fv) #-- extract lat/lon longitude =[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['longitude'][:], mask=(fileID[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['longitude'][:]==fv), fill_value=fv) latitude =[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['latitude'][:], mask=(fileID[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['latitude'][:]==fv), fill_value=fv) #-- convert reduced lat/lon to shapely multipoint object xy_point = MultiPoint(list(zip(longitude[ind],latitude[ind]))) #-- create distributed intersection map for calculation distributed_map = np.zeros((n_seg),dtype=np.bool) distributed_RGIId = np.zeros((n_seg),dtype='|S14') #-- create empty intersection map array for receiving associated_map = np.zeros((n_seg),dtype=np.bool) associated_RGIId = np.zeros((n_seg),dtype='|S14') for key,poly_obj in poly_dict.items(): #-- finds if points are encapsulated (within RGI polygon) int_test = poly_obj.intersects(xy_point) if int_test: #-- extract intersected points int_map = list(map(poly_obj.intersects,xy_point)) int_indices, = np.nonzero(int_map) #-- set distributed_map indices to True for intersected points distributed_map[ind[int_indices]] = True distributed_RGIId[ind[int_indices]] = key #-- communicate output MPI matrices between ranks #-- operation is a logical "or" across the elements. comm.Allreduce(sendbuf=[distributed_map, MPI.BOOL], \ recvbuf=[associated_map, MPI.BOOL], op=MPI.LOR) #-- operation is a element summation. comm.Allreduce(sendbuf=[distributed_RGIId, MPI.CHAR], \ recvbuf=[associated_RGIId, MPI.CHAR], op=MPI.SUM) distributed_map = None distributed_RGIId = None #-- wait for all processes to finish calculation comm.Barrier() #-- group attributes for beam IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['Description'] = fileID[gtx].attrs['Description'] IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['atlas_pce'] = fileID[gtx].attrs['atlas_pce'] IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['atlas_beam_type'] = fileID[gtx].attrs['atlas_beam_type'] IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['groundtrack_id'] = fileID[gtx].attrs['groundtrack_id'] IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['atmosphere_profile'] = fileID[gtx].attrs['atmosphere_profile'] IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['atlas_spot_number'] = fileID[gtx].attrs['atlas_spot_number'] IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['sc_orientation'] = fileID[gtx].attrs['sc_orientation'] #-- group attributes for land_ice_segments IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['Description'] = ("The land_ice_segments group " "contains the primary set of derived products. This includes geolocation, height, and " "standard error and quality measures for each segment. This group is sparse, meaning " "that parameters are provided only for pairs of segments for which at least one beam " "has a valid surface-height measurement.") IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['data_rate'] = ("Data within this group are " "sparse. Data values are provided only for those ICESat-2 20m segments where at " "least one beam has a valid land ice height measurement.") #-- geolocation, time and segment ID #-- delta time IS2_atl06_mask[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['delta_time'] = delta_time IS2_atl06_fill[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['delta_time'] = delta_time.fill_value IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['delta_time'] = {} IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['delta_time']['units'] = "seconds since 2018-01-01" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['delta_time']['long_name'] = "Elapsed GPS seconds" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['delta_time']['standard_name'] = "time" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['delta_time']['calendar'] = "standard" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['delta_time']['description'] = ("Number of GPS " "seconds since the ATLAS SDP epoch. The ATLAS Standard Data Products (SDP) epoch offset " "is defined within /ancillary_data/atlas_sdp_gps_epoch as the number of GPS seconds " "between the GPS epoch (1980-01-06T00:00:00.000000Z UTC) and the ATLAS SDP epoch. By " "adding the offset contained within atlas_sdp_gps_epoch to delta time parameters, the " "time in gps_seconds relative to the GPS epoch can be computed.") IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['delta_time']['coordinates'] = \ "segment_id latitude longitude" #-- latitude IS2_atl06_mask[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['latitude'] = latitude IS2_atl06_fill[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['latitude'] = latitude.fill_value IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['latitude'] = {} IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['latitude']['units'] = "degrees_north" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['latitude']['contentType'] = "physicalMeasurement" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['latitude']['long_name'] = "Latitude" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['latitude']['standard_name'] = "latitude" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['latitude']['description'] = ("Latitude of " "segment center") IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['latitude']['valid_min'] = -90.0 IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['latitude']['valid_max'] = 90.0 IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['latitude']['coordinates'] = \ "segment_id delta_time longitude" #-- longitude IS2_atl06_mask[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['longitude'] = longitude IS2_atl06_fill[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['longitude'] = longitude.fill_value IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['longitude'] = {} IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['longitude']['units'] = "degrees_east" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['longitude']['contentType'] = "physicalMeasurement" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['longitude']['long_name'] = "Longitude" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['longitude']['standard_name'] = "longitude" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['longitude']['description'] = ("Longitude of " "segment center") IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['longitude']['valid_min'] = -180.0 IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['longitude']['valid_max'] = 180.0 IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['longitude']['coordinates'] = \ "segment_id delta_time latitude" #-- segment ID IS2_atl06_mask[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['segment_id'] = segment_id IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['segment_id'] = {} IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['segment_id']['units'] = "1" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['segment_id']['contentType'] = "referenceInformation" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['segment_id']['long_name'] = "Along-track segment ID number" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['segment_id']['description'] = ("A 7 digit number " "identifying the along-track geolocation segment number. These are sequential, starting with " "1 for the first segment after an ascending equatorial crossing node. Equal to the segment_id for " "the second of the two 20m ATL03 segments included in the 40m ATL06 segment") IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['segment_id']['coordinates'] = \ "delta_time latitude longitude" #-- subsetting variables IS2_atl06_mask[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting'] = {} IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting'] = {} IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting']['Description'] = ("The subsetting group " "contains parameters used to reduce land ice segments to specific regions of interest.") IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting']['data_rate'] = ("Data within this group " "are stored at the land_ice_segments segment rate.") #-- output mask to HDF5 key = RGI_NAME.replace('_',' ') IS2_atl06_mask[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting'][RGI_NAME] = associated_map IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting'][RGI_NAME] = {} IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting'][RGI_NAME]['contentType'] = "referenceInformation" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting'][RGI_NAME]['long_name'] = '{0} Mask'.format(key) IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting'][RGI_NAME]['description'] = ('Mask calculated ' 'using the {0} region from the Randolph Glacier Inventory.').format(key) IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting'][RGI_NAME]['source'] = \ 'RGIv{0}'.format(RGI_VERSION) IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting'][RGI_NAME]['reference'] = \ '' IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting'][RGI_NAME]['coordinates'] = \ "../segment_id ../delta_time ../latitude ../longitude" #-- output RGI identifier IS2_atl06_mask[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting']['RGIId'] = associated_RGIId IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting']['RGIId'] = {} IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting']['RGIId']['contentType'] = "referenceInformation" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting']['RGIId']['long_name'] = "RGI Identifier" IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting']['RGIId']['description'] = ('Identification ' 'code within version {0} of the Randolph Glacier Inventory (RGI).').format(RGI_VERSION) IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting']['RGIId']['source'] = \ 'RGIv{0}'.format(RGI_VERSION) IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting']['RGIId']['reference'] = \ '' IS2_atl06_mask_attrs[gtx]['land_ice_segments']['subsetting']['RGIId']['coordinates'] = \ "../segment_id ../delta_time ../latitude ../longitude" #-- wait for all processes to finish calculation comm.Barrier() #-- parallel h5py I/O does not support compression filters at this time if (comm.rank == 0) and associated_map.any(): #-- output HDF5 file with RGI masks args = (PRD,RGI_VERSION,RGI_NAME,YY,MM,DD,HH,MN,SS,TRK,CYCL,GRAN,RL,VERS,AUX) file_format='{0}_RGI{1}_{2}_{3}{4}{5}{6}{7}{8}_{9}{10}{11}_{12}_{13}{14}.h5' #-- print file information print('\t{0}'.format(file_format.format(*args))) if VERBOSE else None HDF5_ATL06_mask_write(IS2_atl06_mask, IS2_atl06_mask_attrs, CLOBBER=True, INPUT=os.path.basename(FILE), FILL_VALUE=IS2_atl06_fill, FILENAME=os.path.join(DIRECTORY,file_format.format(*args))) #-- change the permissions mode os.chmod(os.path.join(DIRECTORY,file_format.format(*args)), MODE) #-- close the input file fileID.close()
dt = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%S") #load data container = np.load(i, allow_pickle=True) pindex = container['pindex'] tripts = container['tripts'] #get all nods of triangles in lkfs lkf_tri = [ tripts[p] for p in pindex ] lkf_nods = [val for sublist in lkf_tri for val in sublist] print('This pair has # LKF nods',len(lkf_nods)) #lkf_nods_extra = lkf_nods.copy() #a region for all area where there is data (following image pair edges) all_nods = [val for sublist in tripts for val in sublist] region = MultiPoint(all_nods).convex_hull #buffer size in meters print('buffer size',bf) #alpha for triangulation in concave hull print('max triangulation distance',1/alpha) #make polygons of all triangles tmp = [ Shapely_Polygon(p) for p in lkf_tri ] poly_tri = unary_union(tmp) #buffer around them in hope they will merge poly_buff = poly_tri.buffer(bf) #check what is contained in individual polygons of this multipolygon
def get_centermost_point(cluster): #print cluster centroid = (MultiPoint(cluster).centroid.x, MultiPoint(cluster).centroid.y) centermost_point = min(cluster, key=lambda point: great_circle(point, centroid).m) res = {'count': len(cluster),'point': centermost_point, 'cluster': cluster} return res
river = sys.argv[1] geojson = json.load( open("../../data/us-postal-history/consistent/postoffices.geojson")) points = [] for point in geojson['features']: projected = ProjectedFeature(point['geometry'], projection='wgs84').lcc points.append((projected.x, projected.y)) post_offices = QuadTree(points) river_line_meters = ProjectedFeature( json.load(open("../../data/rivers/%s/river.geojson" % river))['features'][0]['geometry'], 'wgs84').lcc bridges = json.load(open("../../data/rivers/%s/bridges.geojson" % river))['features'] bridge_collection = ProjectedFeature(MultiPoint( [shape(bridge['geometry']) for bridge in bridges]), projection='wgs84').lcc segments = [ dict(river_mile=point['river_mile'], geometry=disc_5km(point['geometry'])) for point in get_every_10k_points(river_line_meters) ] water_body_fc = json.load(open("input/%s/river_poly.geojson" % river)) water_body = ProjectedFeature( feature_collection_to_multipolygon(water_body_fc), projection='epsg3975').lcc predicted_crossing_points = MultiPoint([ ProjectedFeature(shape(point['geometry']), projection='epsg3975').lcc for point in json.load( open("input/%s/predicted_crossing_points.geojson" % river))['features'] ])
def triangulate_points(points): if isinstance(points, list): pp = MultiPoint(points) elif isinstance(points, MultiPoint): pp = points return unary_union(triangulate(pp))
def random_points(n_points=10, x_min=-10, x_max=10, y_min=-10, y_max=10): assert x_min < x_max, 'x_min must be lower than x_max' assert y_min < y_max, 'y_min must be lower than y_max' x = random.rand(n_points) * (x_max - x_min) + x_min y = random.rand(n_points) * (y_max - y_min) + y_min return MultiPoint([(xi, yi) for xi, yi in zip(x, y)])
for postcode in postcodes_arr: points = [] for point in gf.loc[gf.postcode == postcode].geometry: points.append(point) if ALGORITHM == 'ALPHA': alpha_geometry, edge_points = alpha_shape.alpha_shape(points, 1000) gf_postcode_poly = gf_postcode_poly.append( { 'geometry': alpha_geometry, 'postcode': postcode }, ignore_index=True) elif ALGORITHM == 'CONVEX': multipoint = MultiPoint(points) gf_postcode_poly = gf_postcode_poly.append( { 'geometry': multipoint.convex_hull, 'postcode': postcode }, ignore_index=True) # Serie de colores para cada uno de los códigos postales colors = sns.hls_palette(len(postcodes_arr)) colormap = ListedColormap(colors) base = gs.plot(color='blue') # Representación de los códigos postales y los polígonos gf.plot(ax=base, marker="*",
def test_multipoint(): mp = MultiPoint([(0, 0), (5, 5), (10, 0)]) assert point_on_geom(mp) == Point(5, 5)
def pcf2d(array_positions, bins_distances, coord_border=None, coord_holes=None, fast_method=False, show_timing=False, plot=False, full_output=False): r""" Computes the 2D radial distribution function (pair correlation function) g(r) for a set of points, corrected to take account of the boundary effects. Parameters: - array_positions (numpy array, shape Nx2): the (x,y) coordinates of N points. - bins_distances (numpy array, shape Mx1): a monotonically increasing array of bin edges defining the values of r for which g(r) is going to be computed. Optional parameters : - coord_border (numpy array, shape Lx2): the (x,y) coordinates of L points, defining the boundary enclosing the area of interest to compute the g(r). Points in array_positions that are outside the area of interest are automatically excluded. !! The list of coordinates must be "valid" in the sense used by the shapely library: linking all the points in order should result in a simple polygon with no line intersecting each other. !! Ex: Assuming one wants a square border of area 1 [[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0]] is valid (square shape) [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]] is not valid (bow tie shape) If no value is provided, the smallest convex Polygon containing all the points in array_positions is computed using convex_hull. (default value: None) - coord_holes (list of numpy arrays): a list of the (x,y) coordinates of points forming "holes" in the area of interest (useful if one is using a geometry with obstacles or exclusion zones where no particles can be found). It is possible to define several holes (as long as they do not intersect each other). Ex: Assuming the area of interest is a square and one wants to to remove a smaller square at the center coord_border=[[0,0],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0]] coord_holes=[[[0.2,0.2],[0.2,0.8],[0.8,0.8],[0.8,0.2]]] If no value is provided, the area of intereste will be a simple polygon with no hole. (default value: None) - fast_method (bool): if True, all the points whose distance to the boundary is less than the longest distance in bins_distance are excluded from the g(r) computation, and only the points sufficiently far away from the boundary are considered. This method is faster, but might exclude a lot of points. if False, the code computes for each point its distance to the boundary, then computes a normalization factor for the points that are too close to the boundary. This is the default method that correctly takes account of all points, but might be time consuming. (default value: False) - show_timing (bool): if True, the code will print outputs showing timings at different stages of the computation (to let one know what operations are the most time consuming). (default value: False) - plot (bool): if True, shows the points that were kept, and the computed g(r). (default value: False). - full_output (bool): if True, the function also returns also "raw" distribution of distances between the points PDF(r), the new array of coordinates with only the points that were considered for computing g(r), the distance of each point to the closest boundary of the area of interest, the normalization factors, and the estimated density of points in the area of interest. (default value: False). Outputs: - g(r): a 1x(M-1) numpy array (where M is the length of bin_distances) - r: a 1x(M-1) numpy array (where M is the length of bin_distances) Optional output: - PDF(r): a 1x(M-1) numpy array - new_array_positions: a 2xN numpy array - distance_to_boundary: a 1xN numpy array - normalization_factor: a Nx(M-1) numpy array - estimated_density: a float (where N in the number of points in the area of interest and M is the length of bin_distances) """ if show_timing == True: t0 = time.time() if coord_border is None: positions_of_interest = MultiPoint( array_positions) #all the points are considered area_of_interest = positions_of_interest.convex_hull #the boundary is the convex_hull of all the points else: if coord_holes is None: area_of_interest = Polygon( shell=coord_border) #definition of the boundary else: area_of_interest = Polygon( shell=coord_border, holes=coord_holes) #definition of the boundary if not area_of_interest.is_valid: print( 'The list of coordinates your provided for the border is not valid (see help for the definition of valid coord_border).' ) return positions_of_interest = area_of_interest.intersection( MultiPoint(array_positions) ) #only the points inside the area of interest are considered array_positions = np.array( positions_of_interest ) #redefinition of "array_positions" with only the points inside the area of interest (time consuming operation) if show_timing == True: t1 = time.time() - t0 print( 'Creating boundary polygon and array of points inside took %f s' % t1) nb_part = len(array_positions) #number of particles densite = nb_part / (area_of_interest.area) #average density of particles border_area = area_of_interest.boundary #the boundary (line) of the area of interest (polygon) rings = [[] for i in range(len(bins_distances) - 1)] ring_area = np.zeros(len(bins_distances) - 1) #true ring areas ring_area_approx = np.zeros( len(bins_distances) - 1) #approximate ring areas (useful for normalization calculation) #For each distance bin, defines the ring (difference between the disk of radius r[jj+1] and the disk of radius r[jj]) #and computes the area of those rings. for jj in range(len(bins_distances) - 1): inner_circle = Point([0, 0]).buffer(bins_distances[jj]) outer_circle = Point([0, 0]).buffer(bins_distances[jj + 1]) rings[jj] = outer_circle.difference(inner_circle) ring_area_approx[jj] = rings[jj].area ring_area[jj] = np.pi * (bins_distances[jj + 1]**2 - bins_distances[jj]**2) if show_timing == True: t2 = time.time() - t0 print('Creating all ring polygons took %f s' % (t2 - t1)) g_of_r = np.zeros(len(bins_distances) - 1) g_of_r_normalized = np.zeros(len(bins_distances) - 1) #For each point, computes its distance to the boundary, and for each bin computes the normalization factor #(the area of "the intersection of the ring and the area of interest", divided by the ring area) normalisation = np.ones( (nb_part, len(bins_distances) - 1)) #normalization factors to take account of the boundaries dist_to_border = np.zeros(nb_part) if fast_method == True: for ii in range(nb_part): dist_to_border[ii] = positions_of_interest[ii].distance( border_area) #distance of current point to boundary far_enough = np.where(dist_to_border > bins_distances[-1])[ 0] #indexes of points far enough from the boundary array_positions = array_positions[ far_enough, :] #points too close to the boundary are excluded nb_part = len(array_positions) #the new number of points if full_output == True: dist_to_border = dist_to_border[ far_enough] #points too close to the boundary are excluded normalisation = np.ones( (nb_part, len(bins_distances) - 1)) #just so that the matrix has the right size else: for ii in range(nb_part): dist_to_border[ii] = positions_of_interest[ii].distance( border_area) #distance of point ii to boundary if dist_to_border[ii] <= bins_distances[ 0]: #special case the point is too close to the boundary for every r for jj in range(len(bins_distances) - 1): normalisation[ii, jj] = (area_of_interest.intersection( translate(rings[jj], xoff=positions_of_interest[ii].xy[0][0], yoff=positions_of_interest[ii].xy[1] [0])).area) / ring_area_approx[jj] else: for jj in ( np.where(bins_distances > dist_to_border[ii])[0] - 1 ): #the normalization factor needs only to be computed for a subset of r normalisation[ii, jj] = (area_of_interest.intersection( translate(rings[jj], xoff=positions_of_interest[ii].xy[0][0], yoff=positions_of_interest[ii].xy[1] [0])).area) / ring_area_approx[jj] if show_timing == True: t3 = time.time() - t0 print('Computing normalization factors took %f s' % (t3 - t2)) #For each point, computes the distance to others, then compute the g(r) by binning for ii in range(nb_part): #coordinates of the current point x_loc = array_positions[ii, 0] y_loc = array_positions[ii, 1] dist_to_loc = np.sqrt( (array_positions[:, 0] - x_loc)**2 + (array_positions[:, 1] - y_loc)** 2) #distance of the current point to each other point dist_to_loc[ ii] = np.inf #the distance from a point to itself is always zero (it is therefore excluded from the computation) g_of_r = g_of_r + np.histogram(dist_to_loc, bins=bins_distances)[ 0] #computes the histogram of distances to the current point g_of_r_normalized = g_of_r_normalized + np.histogram( dist_to_loc, bins=bins_distances )[0] / ( ring_area * normalisation[ii, :] ) #computes the histogram of distances to the current point normalized by the area of the intersection of the ring and the area of interest if show_timing == True: t4 = time.time() - t0 print('Computing g(r) took %f s' % (t4 - t3)) g_of_r = g_of_r / nb_part #computes PDF(r) g_of_r_normalized = g_of_r_normalized / (nb_part * densite) #computes g(r) radii = (bins_distances[1::] + bins_distances[0:-1]) / 2 #computes the values of "r" if plot == True: plt.figure() plt.scatter(array_positions[:, 0], array_positions[:, 1]) plt.xlabel('x') plt.ylabel('y') plt.title('Points kept to compute g(r)') plt.figure() plt.plot(radii, g_of_r_normalized) plt.xlabel('r') plt.ylabel('g(r)') plt.title('Radial Distribution Function') if full_output == True: results = (g_of_r_normalized, radii, g_of_r, array_positions, dist_to_border, normalisation, densite) else: results = (g_of_r_normalized, radii) if show_timing == True: t5 = time.time() - t0 print('Total time: %f s for %i points ' % (t5, nb_part)) return results
def water(self, origin, res, raster, tin, extents, stage): """ Function that flattens the water bodies that are present within the specified raster. Uses all local polygons in shapefile format that are available in the specified folder in the config, theoretically not limited to water. Retrieves the polygons within the bounding box of the raster to interpolate the median value for this polygon. Then overlays these values in the correct position in the raster to create flattened areas on the raster. :param origin: List containing the coordinates of the top left corner of the raster :param res: List containing the x and y resolution of the raster :param raster: Numpy array containing the content of the raster (x, y, z) :param tin: startin.DT() object containing all relevant LAS points for interpolating values of polygons :param extents: List containing the extents of the raster as [[minx, maxx], [miny, maxy]] :return: Numpy array containing raster with flattened areas where polygons were found """ print('\n{0}: Starting to flatten water bodies'.format( multiprocessing.current_process().name, )) x0 = extents[0][0] x1 = extents[0][1] y0 = extents[1][0] y1 = extents[1][1] bbox = [[x0, x1], [y0, y1]] input_vectors = [] for polygon in self._polygons: vec = vector_prepare(bbox=bbox, filepath=polygon) if len(vec) != 0: input_vectors.append(vec) if stage == Stages.INTERPOLATED_DTM: # Only flatten buildings if it's DTM try: vec = wfs_prepare(bbox=bbox, url=self._wfs_url[0], layer=self._wfs_url[1]) if len(vec) != 0: input_vectors.append(vec) except: # WFS server might be down pass if len(input_vectors) > 0 and tin is not None: xs = np.linspace(x0, x1, res[0]) ys = np.linspace(y0, y1, res[1]) xg, yg = np.meshgrid(xs, ys) cell_centers = np.vstack( (xg.ravel(), yg.ravel(), raster.ravel())).transpose() data = cell_centers[cell_centers[:, 2] != NO_DATA] data_hull = MultiPoint(data).convex_hull shapes = [] for polygons in input_vectors: for polygon in polygons: els = [] for vertex in polygon.exterior.coords: if Point(vertex).within(data_hull): try: els += [ tin.interpolate_laplace( vertex[0], vertex[1]) ] except OSError: # Apparently we can sometimes still be outside CH pass for interior in polygon.interiors: for vertex in interior.coords: if Point(vertex).within(data_hull): try: els += [ tin.interpolate_laplace( vertex[0], vertex[1]) ] except OSError: # Apparently we can sometimes still be outside CH pass if len(els) > 0: shapes.append((polygon, np.median(els))) if len(shapes) > 0: transform = rasterio.transform.from_origin( west=origin[0], north=origin[1], xsize=self._raster_cell_size, ysize=self._raster_cell_size) raster_polygons = rasterize(shapes=shapes, out_shape=raster.shape, fill=NO_DATA, transform=transform) for yi in range(res[1]): for xi in range(res[0]): if raster_polygons[yi, xi] != NO_DATA: raster[yi, xi] = raster_polygons[yi, xi] return raster
hull_attacker = ConvexHull(u1_pos) hull_attacker = Polygon( us_pos[hull_attacker.vertices]).minimum_rotated_rectangle.boundary u2_pos = np.array((u2.get_soldiers_pos(False))) hull_defender = ConvexHull(u2_pos) hull_defender = Polygon(u2_pos[hull_defender.vertices]) nps = nearest_points(hull_attacker, hull_defender) plt.scatter(*np.array(u1.get_soldiers_pos(False)).T, color="green", alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(*np.array(u2.get_soldiers_pos(False)).T, color="red", alpha=0.5) plt.scatter(nps[0].x, nps[0].y, color="green") plt.scatter(nps[1].x, nps[1].y, color="red") u1_pos = MultiPoint(u2.get_soldiers_pos(False)) u2_pos = MultiPoint(u1.get_soldiers_pos(False)) u2_rect = u2_pos.minimum_rotated_rectangle.boundary nps = nearest_points(u1_pos, u2_rect) x0, y0 = u2_rect.coords.xy u2_rect = LineString([(nps[1].x, nps[1].y)] + [(x, y) for x, y in zip(x0[:-1], y0[:-1])]) num_points0 = 10 new_points = [u2_rect.interpolate(i * size) for i in range(num_points0)] MultiPoint(new_points + u2.get_soldiers_pos(False)) plt.scatter(*np.array(u1.get_soldiers_pos(False)).T, color="green", alpha=0.5)
def enveloppe_convexe(self): multipt = MultiPoint(self.points) return (multipt.convex_hull)
def get_centermost_point(cluster): centroid = (MultiPoint(cluster).centroid.x, MultiPoint(cluster).centroid.y) centermost_point = min(cluster, key=lambda point: great_circle(point, centroid).m) return tuple(centermost_point)
def voronoi(adata, color_by=None, colors=None, x_coordinate='X_centroid', y_coordinate='Y_centroid', imageid='imageid', subset=None, x_lim=None, y_lim=None, voronoi_edge_color='black', voronoi_line_width=0.1, voronoi_alpha=0.5, size_max=np.inf, overlay_points=None, overlay_points_categories=None, overlay_drop_categories=None, overlay_points_colors=None, overlay_point_size=5, overlay_point_alpha=1, overlay_point_shape=".", plot_legend=True, legend_size=6, **kwargs): """ Parameters: adata : Anndata object color_by : string, optional Color the voronoi diagram based on categorical variable (e.g. cell types or neighbourhoods). Pass the name of the column which contains the categorical variable. colors : string or Dict, optional Custom coloring the voronoi diagram. The parameter accepts `sns color palettes` or a python dictionary mapping the categorical variable with the required color. x_coordinate : float, required Column name containing the x-coordinates values. y_coordinate : float, required Column name containing the y-coordinates values. imageid : string, optional Column name of the column containing the image id. subset : string, optional imageid of a single image to be subsetted for plotting. voronoi_edge_color : string, optional A Matplotlib color for marking the edges of the voronoi. If `facecolor` is passed, the edge color will always be the same as the face color. voronoi_line_width : float, optional The linewidth of the marker edges. Note: The default edgecolors is 'face'. You may want to change this as well. voronoi_alpha : float, optional The alpha blending value, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque). x_lim : list, optional Pass the x-coordinates range [x1,x2]. y_lim : list, optional Pass the y-coordinates range [y1,y2]. overlay_points : string, optional It is possible to overlay a scatter plot on top of the voronoi diagram. Pass the name of the column which contains categorical variable to be overlayed. overlay_points_categories : list, optional If the passed column in `overlay_points` contains multiple categories, however the user is only interested in a subset of categories, those specific names can be passed as a list. By default all categories will be overlayed on the voronoi diagram. overlay_drop_categories : list, optional Similar to `overlay_points_categories`. Here for ease of use, especially if large number of categories are present. The user can drop a set of categories. overlay_points_colors : string or dict, optional Similar to `colors`. User can pass in a a) solid color (like `black`) b) sns palettes name (like `Set1`) c) python dictionary mapping the categories with custom colors overlay_point_size : float, optional Overlay scatter plot point size. overlay_point_alpha : float, optional The alpha blending value for the overlay, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque). overlay_point_shape : string, optional The marker style. marker can be either an instance of the class or the text shorthand for a particular marker. plot_legend : bool, optional Define if the figure legend should be plotted. Please note the figure legend may be out of view and you may need to resize the image to see it, especially the legend for the scatter plot which will be on the left side of the plot. legend_size : float, optional Resize the legend if needed. Example: ```python, color_by='phenotype', colors=None, x_coordinate='X_position', y_coordinate='Y_position', imageid='ImageId',subset=None, voronoi_edge_color = 'black',voronoi_line_width = 0.2, voronoi_alpha = 0.5, size_max=np.inf, overlay_points='phenotype', overlay_points_categories=None, overlay_drop_categories=None, overlay_point_size = 5, overlay_point_alpha= 1, overlay_point_shape=".", plot_legend=False, legend_size=6) ``` """ # create the data frame needed data = adata.obs # Subset the image of interest if subset is not None: data = data[data[imageid] == subset] # subset coordinates if needed if x_lim is not None: x1 = x_lim[0] if len(x_lim) < 2: x2 = max(data[x_coordinate]) else: x2 = x_lim[1] if y_lim is not None: y1 = y_lim[0] if len(y_lim) < 2: y2 = min(data[y_coordinate]) else: y2 = y_lim[1] # do the actuall subsetting if x_lim is not None: data = data[data[x_coordinate] >= x1] data = data[data[x_coordinate] <= x2] if y_lim is not None: data = data[data[y_coordinate] <= y1] data = data[data[y_coordinate] >= y2] # create an extra column with index information data['index_info'] = np.arange(data.shape[0]) # generate the x and y coordinates points = data[[x_coordinate, y_coordinate]].values # invert the Y-axis points[:, 1] = max(points[:, 1]) - points[:, 1] # Generate colors if color_by is None: colors = np.repeat('#e5e5e5', len(data)) # elif color_by is None and colors is not None: # if isinstance(colors,str): # colors = np.repeat(colors, len(data)) elif color_by is not None and colors is None: # auto color the samples if len(np.unique(data[color_by])) <= 9: c = sns.color_palette('Set1')[0:len(np.unique(data[color_by]))] if len(np.unique(data[color_by])) > 9 and len(np.unique( data[color_by])) <= 20: c = sns.color_palette('tab20')[0:len(np.unique(data[color_by]))] if len(np.unique(data[color_by])) > 20: # For large categories generate random colors np.random.seed(0) c = np.random.rand(len(np.unique(data[color_by])), 3).tolist() # merge colors with phenotypes/ categories of interest p = np.unique(data[color_by]) c_p = dict(zip(p, c)) # map to colors colors = list(map(c_p.get, list(data[color_by].values))) elif color_by is not None and colors is not None: # check if colors is a dictionary or a sns color scale if isinstance(colors, str): if len(sns.color_palette(colors)) < len(np.unique(data[color_by])): raise ValueError( str(colors) + ' includes a maximun of ' + str(len(sns.color_palette(colors))) + ' colors, while your data need ' + str(len(np.unique(data[color_by]))) + ' colors') else: c = sns.color_palette(colors)[0:len(np.unique(data[color_by]))] # merge colors with phenotypes/ categories of interest p = np.unique(data[color_by]) c_p = dict(zip(p, c)) if isinstance(colors, dict): if len(colors) < len(np.unique(data[color_by])): raise ValueError( 'Color mapping is not provided for all categories. Please check' ) else: c_p = colors # map to colors colors = list(map(c_p.get, list(data[color_by].values))) # create the voronoi object vor = Voronoi(points) # trim the object regions, vertices = voronoi_finite_polygons_2d(vor) # plotting pts = MultiPoint([Point(i) for i in points]) mask = pts.convex_hull new_vertices = [] if type(voronoi_alpha) != list: voronoi_alpha = [voronoi_alpha] * len(points) areas = [] for i, (region, alph) in enumerate(zip(regions, voronoi_alpha)): polygon = vertices[region] shape = list(polygon.shape) shape[0] += 1 p = Polygon(np.append(polygon, polygon[0]).reshape(*shape)).intersection(mask) areas += [p.area] if p.area < size_max: poly = np.array( list( zip(p.boundary.coords.xy[0][:-1], p.boundary.coords.xy[1][:-1]))) new_vertices.append(poly) if voronoi_edge_color == 'facecolor': plt.fill(*zip(*poly), alpha=alph, edgecolor=colors[i], linewidth=voronoi_line_width, facecolor=colors[i]) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) else: plt.fill(*zip(*poly), alpha=alph, edgecolor=voronoi_edge_color, linewidth=voronoi_line_width, facecolor=colors[i]) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) #plt.xlim([1097.5,1414.5]) #plt.ylim([167.3,464.1]) # Add scatter on top of the voronoi if user requests if overlay_points is not None: if overlay_points_categories is None: d = data if overlay_points_categories is not None: # convert to list if needed (cells to keep) if isinstance(overlay_points_categories, str): overlay_points_categories = [overlay_points_categories] # subset cells needed d = data[data[overlay_points].isin(overlay_points_categories)] if overlay_drop_categories is not None: # conver to list if needed (cells to drop) if isinstance(overlay_drop_categories, str): overlay_drop_categories = [overlay_drop_categories] # subset cells needed d = d[-d[overlay_points].isin(overlay_drop_categories)] # Find the x and y coordinates for the overlay category #points_scatter = d[[x_coordinate,y_coordinate]].values points_scatter = points[d.index_info.values] # invert the Y-axis #points_scatter[:,1] = max(points_scatter[:,1])-points_scatter[:,1] # Generate colors for the scatter plot if overlay_points_colors is None and color_by == overlay_points: # Borrow color from vornoi wanted_keys = np.unique(d[overlay_points]) # The keys to extract c_p_scatter = dict((k, c_p[k]) for k in wanted_keys if k in c_p) elif overlay_points_colors is None and color_by != overlay_points: # Randomly generate colors for all the categories in scatter plot # auto color the samples if len(np.unique(d[overlay_points])) <= 9: c_scatter = sns.color_palette( 'Set1')[0:len(np.unique(d[overlay_points]))] if len(np.unique(d[overlay_points])) > 9 and len( np.unique(d[overlay_points])) <= 20: c_scatter = sns.color_palette( 'tab20')[0:len(np.unique(d[overlay_points]))] if len(np.unique(d[overlay_points])) > 20: # For large categories generate random colors np.random.seed(1) c_scatter = np.random.rand(len(np.unique(d[overlay_points])), 3).tolist() # merge colors with phenotypes/ categories of interest p_scatter = np.unique(d[overlay_points]) c_p_scatter = dict(zip(p_scatter, c_scatter)) elif overlay_points_colors is not None: # check if the overlay_points_colors is a pallete if isinstance(overlay_points_colors, str): try: c_scatter = sns.color_palette(overlay_points_colors)[ 0:len(np.unique(d[overlay_points]))] if len(sns.color_palette(overlay_points_colors)) < len( np.unique(d[overlay_points])): raise ValueError( str(overlay_points_colors) + ' pallete includes a maximun of ' + str(len(sns.color_palette( overlay_points_colors))) + ' colors, while your data (overlay_points_colors) need ' + str(len(np.unique(d[overlay_points]))) + ' colors') except: c_scatter = np.repeat( overlay_points_colors, len(np.unique( d[overlay_points]))) #[overlay_points_colors] # create a dict p_scatter = np.unique(d[overlay_points]) c_p_scatter = dict(zip(p_scatter, c_scatter)) if isinstance(overlay_points_colors, dict): if len(overlay_points_colors) < len( np.unique(d[overlay_points])): raise ValueError( 'Color mapping is not provided for all categories. Please check overlay_points_colors' ) else: c_p_scatter = overlay_points_colors # map to colors colors_scatter = list( map(c_p_scatter.get, list(d[overlay_points].values))) #plt.scatter(x = points_scatter[:,0], y = points_scatter[:,1], s= overlay_point_size, alpha= overlay_point_alpha, c= colors_scatter, marker=overlay_point_shape) plt.scatter(x=points_scatter[:, 0], y=points_scatter[:, 1], s=overlay_point_size, alpha=overlay_point_alpha, c=colors_scatter, marker=overlay_point_shape, **kwargs) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) if plot_legend is True: # Add legend to voronoi patchList = [] for key in c_p: data_key = mpatches.Patch(color=c_p[key], label=key) patchList.append(data_key) first_legend = plt.legend(handles=patchList, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., prop={'size': legend_size}) plt.tight_layout() # Add the legend manually to the current Axes. ax = plt.gca().add_artist(first_legend) if overlay_points is not None: # Add legend to scatter patchList_scatter = [] for key in c_p_scatter: data_key_scatter = mpatches.Patch(color=c_p_scatter[key], label=key) patchList_scatter.append(data_key_scatter) plt.legend(handles=patchList_scatter, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.05, 1), loc=1, borderaxespad=0., prop={'size': legend_size})
logging.basicConfig(filename='/data/home/faw513/tokunaga-workflow/log.log', level=logging.INFO)'entering loop') for i, filename in enumerate(file_list):'File {} of {}'.format(i + 1, len(file_list))) points = [] with open(filename) as csvfile: reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') next(reader) for row in reader: points.append(Point(float(row[1]), float(row[0]))) concave_hull, edge_points = alpha_shape(MultiPoint(points), alpha=10.5) stats = zonal_stats(concave_hull, '/data/Geog-c2s2/CHELSA_bio10_12.tif', stats="mean") toku_id = filename.split('toku_network_')[1][:-4] precips[toku_id] = stats[0]['mean']'writing json') with open('/data/Geog-c2s2/toku/toku-data.json', 'w') as outfile: json.dump(precips, outfile)
jsonfile = os.path.join(datadir, 'manhattan_island_proj.json') citibikefile = os.path.join(datadir, 'citibike.json') manhattan = shape(geojson.load(open(jsonfile))) man_arr = np.asarray(manhattan.exterior) # load citbike station locations, transform to map coordinates, # and filter for only those in Manhattan c = json.load(open(citibikefile)) stations = [(x['longitude'], x['latitude']) for x in c['stationBeanList']] lon, lat = zip(*stations) nyp = Proj('+datum=NAD83 +lat_0=40.1666666667 +lat_1=40.6666666667 ' '+lat_2=41.0333333333 +lon_0=-74 +no_defs +proj=lcc +units=us-ft ' '+x_0=300000 +y_0', preserve_units=True) wgs84 = Proj(init='epsg:4326') x, y = transform(wgs84, nyp, lon, lat) points = MultiPoint(zip(x, y)) points = MultiPoint([p for p in points.geoms if manhattan.contains(p)]) pt_arr = np.asarray(points) # make a small buffer that aproximates 59th Street mp = MultiPoint([Point([978887, 224975]), Point([1009023, 207566])]) s59 = LineString(mp).buffer(0.5) sp = manhattan.difference(s59) lower_manhattan = sp.geoms[1] man_arr = np.asarray(manhattan.exterior) # TODO: calculate area fractions below 59th Street # draw buffers around bike stations with 1, 2, and 3 block radius block = 260 # Manhattan city block (feet) buffer = points.buffer(1 * block) one_block = buffer.intersection(manhattan)
def plot_formatted_shapefile_with_locations(self, list_of_new_points): """ Plot both existing and recommended office locations on formatted State shapefile. Parameters ---------- list_of_new_points : list List of Longtitude & latitude for location recommendations. """ fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, axisbg='w', frame_on=False) dev = self._state_shapefile.scatter( [geom.x for geom in self._state_points], [geom.y for geom in self._state_points], 20, marker='o', lw=.25, facecolor='#33ccff', edgecolor='w', alpha=0.9, antialiased=True, label='Current Office locations', zorder=3) map_points = pd.Series([Point(self._state_shapefile(mapped_x, mapped_y)) for mapped_x, mapped_y in \ zip(list_of_new_points['Long'], list_of_new_points['Lat'])]) _new_state_points = MultiPoint(list(map_points.values)) dev = self._state_shapefile.scatter( [geom.x for geom in _new_state_points], [geom.y for geom in _new_state_points], 20, marker='o', lw=.25, facecolor='#41ff16', edgecolor='w', alpha=0.9, antialiased=True, zorder=3, label='Recommendations') # plot office locations by adding the PatchCollection to the axes instance ax.add_collection( PatchCollection(self._df_map['districts'].values, match_original=True)) # Draw a map scale self._state_shapefile.drawmapscale(self._coords[0] + 0.08, self._coords[1] + 0.015, self._coords[0], self._coords[1], 10., barstyle='fancy', labelstyle='simple', fillcolor1='w', fillcolor2='#555555', fontcolor='#555555', zorder=5) plt.title("Shubham Housing Finance Office Locations, {State}".format( State=self._state)) plt.tight_layout() plt.legend(loc='best') fig.set_size_inches(10, 10) plt.xlabel('Longitude') plt.ylabel('Latitude') plt.savefig('data/{State}_visualized.png'.format(State=self._state), dpi=100, alpha=True) pass
def filter_stations(area_of_influence, bounds, stations): total_points = MultiPoint( [Point(x, y) for x, y in stations[['X', 'Y']].to_numpy()]) intersection = bounds.buffer(area_of_influence).intersection(total_points) return stations[[intersection.contains(point) for point in total_points]]
def main(): gdal.AllRegister() path = auxil.select_directory('Choose input directory') if path: os.chdir(path) # input image infile = auxil.select_infile(title='Choose image file') if infile: inDataset = gdal.Open(infile,GA_ReadOnly) cols = inDataset.RasterXSize rows = inDataset.RasterYSize bands = inDataset.RasterCount projection = inDataset.GetProjection() geotransform = inDataset.GetGeoTransform() if geotransform is not None: gt = list(geotransform) else: print 'No geotransform available' return imsr = osr.SpatialReference() imsr.ImportFromWkt(projection) else: return pos = auxil.select_pos(bands) if not pos: return N = len(pos) rasterBands = [] for b in pos: rasterBands.append(inDataset.GetRasterBand(b)) # training data (shapefile) trnfile = auxil.select_infile(filt='.shp',title='Choose train shapefile') if trnfile: trnDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') trnDatasource = trnDriver.Open(trnfile,0) trnLayer = trnDatasource.GetLayer() trnsr = trnLayer.GetSpatialRef() else: return # hidden neurons L = auxil.select_integer(8,'number of hidden neurons') if not L: return # outfile outfile, fmt = auxil.select_outfilefmt() if not outfile: return # coordinate transformation from training to image projection ct= osr.CoordinateTransformation(trnsr,imsr) # number of classes feature = trnLayer.GetNextFeature() while feature: classid = feature.GetField('CLASS_ID') feature = trnLayer.GetNextFeature() trnLayer.ResetReading() K = int(classid)+1 print '=========================' print ' ffncg' print '=========================' print time.asctime() print 'image: '+infile print 'training: '+trnfile # loop through the polygons Gs = [] # train observations ls = [] # class labels print 'reading training data...' for i in range(trnLayer.GetFeatureCount()): feature = trnLayer.GetFeature(i) classid = feature.GetField('CLASS_ID') l = [0 for i in range(K)] l[int(classid)] = 1.0 polygon = feature.GetGeometryRef() # transform to same projection as image polygon.Transform(ct) # convert to a Shapely object poly = shapely.wkt.loads(polygon.ExportToWkt()) # transform the boundary to pixel coords in numpy bdry = np.array(poly.boundary) bdry[:,0] = bdry[:,0]-gt[0] bdry[:,1] = bdry[:,1]-gt[3] GT = np.mat([[gt[1],gt[2]],[gt[4],gt[5]]]) bdry = bdry*np.linalg.inv(GT) # polygon in pixel coords polygon1 = asPolygon(bdry) # raster over the bounding rectangle minx,miny,maxx,maxy = map(int,list(polygon1.bounds)) pts = [] for i in range(minx,maxx+1): for j in range(miny,maxy+1): pts.append((i,j)) multipt = MultiPoint(pts) # intersection as list intersection = np.array(multipt.intersection(polygon1), # cut out the bounded image cube cube = np.zeros((maxy-miny+1,maxx-minx+1,len(rasterBands))) k=0 for band in rasterBands: cube[:,:,k] = band.ReadAsArray(minx,miny,maxx-minx+1,maxy-miny+1) k += 1 # get the training vectors for (x,y) in intersection: Gs.append(cube[y-miny,x-minx,:]) ls.append(l) polygon = None polygon1 = None feature.Destroy() trnDatasource.Destroy() m = len(ls) print str(m) + ' training pixel vectors were read in' Gs = np.array(Gs) ls = np.array(ls) # stretch the pixel vectors to [-1,1] maxx = np.max(Gs,0) minx = np.min(Gs,0) for j in range(N): Gs[:,j] = 2*(Gs[:,j]-minx[j])/(maxx[j]-minx[j]) - 1.0 # random permutation of training data idx = np.random.permutation(m) Gs = Gs[idx,:] ls = ls[idx,:] # setup output dataset driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(fmt) outDataset = driver.Create(outfile,cols,rows,1,GDT_Byte) projection = inDataset.GetProjection() geotransform = inDataset.GetGeoTransform() if geotransform is not None: outDataset.SetGeoTransform(tuple(gt)) if projection is not None: outDataset.SetProjection(projection) outBand = outDataset.GetRasterBand(1) # train on 9/10 training examples Gstrn = Gs[0:9*m//10,:] lstrn = ls[0:9*m//10,:] affn = Ffncg(Gstrn,lstrn,L) print 'training on %i pixel vectors...' % np.shape(Gstrn)[0] start = time.time() cost = affn.train(epochs=epochs) print 'elapsed time %s' %str(time.time()-start) if cost is not None: # cost = np.log10(cost) ymax = np.max(cost) ymin = np.min(cost) xmax = len(cost) plt.plot(range(xmax),cost,'k') plt.axis([0,xmax,ymin-1,ymax]) plt.title('Cross entropy') plt.xlabel('Epoch') # classify the image print 'classifying...' tile = np.zeros((cols,N)) for row in range(rows): for j in range(N): tile[:,j] = rasterBands[j].ReadAsArray(0,row,cols,1) tile[:,j] = 2*(tile[:,j]-minx[j])/(maxx[j]-minx[j]) - 1.0 cls, _ = affn.classify(tile) outBand.WriteArray(np.reshape(cls,(1,cols)),0,row) outBand.FlushCache() outDataset = None inDataset = None print 'thematic map written to: ' + outfile print 'please close the cross entropy plot to continue' else: print 'an error occured' return print 'submitting cross-validation to multyvac' start = time.time() jid = mv.submit(traintst,Gs,ls,L,_layer='ms_image_analysis') print 'submission time: %s' %str(time.time()-start) start = time.time() job = mv.get(jid) result = job.get_result(job) print 'execution time: %s' %str(time.time()-start) print 'misclassification rate: %f' %np.mean(result) print 'standard deviation: %f' %np.std(result) print '--------done---------------------'
def data_extract(self): list_img = os.listdir(self.input_slide_dir) list_obj_mask = os.listdir(self.obj_dir) list_obj_Tissue = os.listdir(self.tissue_mask_dir) list_img = sorted(list_img, key=natural_key) list_obj_mask = sorted(list_obj_mask, key=natural_key) list_obj_Tissue = sorted(list_obj_Tissue, key=natural_key) voronoi_dir = 'voronoi' if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.output_dir, voronoi_dir)) is False: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.output_dir, voronoi_dir)) for p1 in range(len(list_img)): file_name = list_img[p1] img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.input_slide_dir, list_img[p1])) img_orig = img.copy() file1 = os.path.join(self.obj_dir, list_obj_mask[p1]) file2 = os.path.join(self.tissue_mask_dir, list_obj_Tissue[p1]) x1 = [] y1 = [] points11 = [] x1, y1 = centroids1(file1) for i in range(0, len(x1)): points11.append([x1[i], y1[i]]) points = np.array(points11) vor = Voronoi(points) regions, vertices = voronoi_finite_polygons_2d(vor) cnts_img_t = Contours(file2) point_t = [] for c1 in cnts_img_t: point_t.append([c1[0][0], c1[0][1]]) point_t = np.array(point_t) pts = MultiPoint([Point(i) for i in point_t]) mask = pts.convex_hull print("mask=", mask.bounds) new_vertices = [] a = 0 for region in regions: print("a=", a) a = a + 1 polygon = vertices[region] shape = list(polygon.shape) shape[0] += 1 p = Polygon(np.append( polygon, polygon[0]).reshape(*shape)).intersection(mask) print("p=", p.bounds) print("lk=", int(p.length)) l1 = int(p.length) if (l1 > 0): poly = np.array( list( zip(p.boundary.coords.xy[0][:-1], p.boundary.coords.xy[1][:-1]))) new_vertices.append(poly) new_vertices.append(poly) for p1 in new_vertices: pts = np.array(p1, np.int32) pts = pts.reshape((-1, 1, 2)) cv2.polylines(img, [pts], True, (0, 0, 0), 3) for p1 in points11:, (p1[0], p1[1]), 13, (0, 255, 0), cv2.FILLED, cv2.LINE_AA, 0) # cv2.imwrite(os.path.join(self.output_dir, voronoi_dir, file_name), img) new_vert = [] for i in range(len(new_vertices)): new_vert.append(new_vertices[i].tolist()) write_voronoi_detail(self.output_dir, file_name, new_vert)
def main(): import argparse parser=argparse.ArgumentParser("Build LINZ binary format reverse patch definition file") parser.add_argument('model_dir',help="Model directory") parser.add_argument('build_dir',help="Patch build directory") parser.add_argument('patch_name',nargs="?",help="Patch file name") parser.add_argument('--version',help="Deformation model for which patch applies, default is current version") parser.add_argument('--ordinates',choices=('3d','horizontal','vertical'),default='3d',help="Ordinates required") parser.add_argument('--extents-tolerance',type=float,default=0.0,help='Minimum change to include in extents') parser.add_argument('--extents-buffer',type=float,default=2000.0,help='Buffer for extents') parser.add_argument('--extents-simplification',type=float,default=1000.0,help='Simplification for extents') args=parser.parse_args() modeldir=args.model_dir builddir=args.build_dir format='linzdef' if not os.path.isdir(builddir): raise RuntimeError('Build directory {0} does not exist or is not a directory' .format(builddir)) extents_tolerance=args.extents_tolerance extents_buffer=args.extents_buffer extents_simplification=args.extents_simplification model=Model(modeldir) version=args.version if version is None: version=model.version() datumcode=model.metadata('datum_code') modelname=model.metadata('model_name') patchname=args.patch_name if patchname is None: patchname='{0}_patch{2}_{1}'.format(datumcode,version, '' if args.ordinates=='3d' else '_'+args.ordinates[:1].upper()) deffile=os.path.join(builddir,patchname+'.def') binfile=os.path.join(builddir,patchname+'.bin') affectedfile=os.path.join(builddir,patchname+'.extents.wkt') gdfname=os.path.join(builddir,patchname+'_g{0:03d}.gdf') ngrid=0 ncomp=0 with open(deffile,'w') as deff: deff.write(patch_header( patch_name=modelname, patch_version='1.0', patch_description=( 'Model version: '+version + '\n' + '\nReverse patch calculated '+"%Y-%m-%d")) )) revcomps=model.reversePatchComponents(args.version) extentsfiles=[] for factor,c in revcomps: ncomp += 1 spatial=c.spatialModel ordinates=output_ordinates.get((args.ordinates,spatial.displacement_type)) if ordinates is None: continue gridfiles=[] for gm in spatial.models(): grid=gm.model() if type(grid).__name__ != 'Grid': raise RuntimeError('Only grid models handled by') gridfiles.append(model.getFileName(grid.gridFile())) # Reverse to ensure highest priority is listed first for g in reversed(gridfiles): ngrid += 1 gdf=gdfname.format(ngrid) wktf=gdf+'.wkt' commands=[ gridtool, 'read','csv',g, 'write_linzgrid',datumcode, modelname, 'Reverse patch for ', 'Grid file '+os.path.basename(g), 'resolution','0.0001', 'columns','+'.join(ordinates), gdf, 'affected_area', 'where','|'+'|'.join(ordinates)+'|','!=',str(extents_tolerance), 'noheader',wktf ] extentsfiles.append(wktf) deff.write(patch_component( grid_file=os.path.basename(gdf), group_id=ncomp, factor=factor, comp_description="{0}: {1}".format(,os.path.basename(g)) ))[makeshiftpl,'-f','LINZSHIFT2B',deffile,binfile]) extentspolys=[] for wktf in extentsfiles: poly=wkt.loads(open(wktf).read()) extentspolys.append(poly) centroid=MultiPoint([p.centroid for p in extentspolys]).centroid yscale=100000.0 xscale=yscale*math.cos(math.radians(centroid.y)) union=None for p in extentspolys: g=affinity.scale(p,xfact=xscale,yfact=yscale,origin=centroid) g=g.buffer(extents_buffer,resolution=4) g=g.simplify(extents_simplification) if union is None: union=g else: union=union.union(g) union=union.simplify(extents_simplification) extents=affinity.scale(union,xfact=1.0/xscale,yfact=1.0/yscale,origin=centroid) with open(affectedfile,'w') as wktf: wktf.write(extents.wkt)
def test_collect_single_force_multi(self): result = collect(self.p1, multi=True) expected = MultiPoint([self.p1]) assert expected.equals(result)
def __init__(self, net_lats, net_lons): poly_x, poly_y = pyproj.transform(wgs84, pj_laea, net_lons, net_lats) self.polygon = MultiPoint(zip(poly_x, poly_y)).convex_hull
def generate_waypoints_3( site: str, floor: str, known_waypoints: np.ndarray, min_distance_to_known: float = 3.0, corner_min_distance_to_known: float = 1.05, max_distance_to_known: float = 30.0, dist_maybe_wall_pt: float = 2.0, dist_definitely_wall_pt: float = 0.4, corner_radians_slack_upper: float = (pi / 2) * 0.34, corner_radians_slack_lower: float = (pi / 2) * 0.34, angle_support_dist: float = 1.5, max_inner_points: int = 999, generate_inner_waypoints: bool = True, generate_corner_waypoints: bool = True, generate_edge_waypoints: bool = True, wall_point_distance_multiplier: float = 0.35, inner_point_distance_multiplier: float = 0.7, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: del generate_inner_waypoints del generate_corner_waypoints del generate_edge_waypoints del max_inner_points known_waypoints = fuse_neighbors(known_waypoints, threshold=0.8) known_waypoints = asMultiPoint(known_waypoints) known_waypoints = unary_union(known_waypoints) inner_floor, inner_clean, floor_poly, _ = create_floor_polygon( site=site, floor=floor, ) bndry = floor_poly.boundary if isinstance(bndry, MultiLineString): outer_poly = MultiPolygon([Polygon(b) for b in bndry]) else: outer_poly = Polygon(floor_poly.boundary) outer_poly = unary_union(outer_poly) assert outer_poly.is_valid assert floor_poly.is_valid outer_walls = floor_poly.envelope.difference(outer_poly) inner_walls = floor_poly.difference(inner_clean) if isinstance(inner_walls, Polygon): inner_walls = [inner_walls] walls = unary_union([item.buffer(0) for item in inner_walls] + [outer_walls.buffer(0)]) walls = walls.buffer(0.05) assert walls.is_valid assert not walls.is_empty # plot_polygon(inner_walls, title="inner_walls") # plot_polygon(outer_walls, title="outer_walls") # plot_polygon(walls, title="walls") distance_to_wall = np.array([pt.distance(walls) for pt in known_waypoints]) maybe_wall_mask = distance_to_wall < dist_maybe_wall_pt wall_mask = maybe_wall_mask if len(maybe_wall_mask) > 10: assert len(maybe_wall_mask[maybe_wall_mask]) / len(maybe_wall_mask) > 0.2 consider_wall_dist = 0.0 known_wall_points = np.empty(shape=(0, 2)) if maybe_wall_mask.any(): typical_distance_to_wall_global = np.quantile( distance_to_wall[maybe_wall_mask], q=0.7) consider_wall_dist = max((typical_distance_to_wall_global * 1.5), dist_definitely_wall_pt) wall_mask = distance_to_wall < max( (typical_distance_to_wall_global * 1.5), dist_definitely_wall_pt) known_wall_points = np.array(known_waypoints)[wall_mask] dist_mean, dist_std, global_median_distance = local_stats(known_waypoints) not_wall_points = ( np.empty(shape=(0, 2)) if wall_mask.all() else np.array(known_waypoints)[~wall_mask]) # plot_polygon( # walls.buffer(typical_distance_to_wall_global), # bounds=floor_poly.bounds, # title=f"inner site: {site} floor: {floor} walls", # ) # plot_polygon( # inner_clean.buffer(-typical_distance_to_wall_global), # bounds=floor_poly.bounds, # title=f"inner site: {site} floor: {floor} inner", # ) ( to_wall_distances, along_wall_distances, near_wall_to_rest_distances, ) = near_wall_stats( polygons=inner_clean, known_wall_points=known_wall_points, known_waypoints=known_waypoints, min_len=2.0, maybe_wall_dist=dist_maybe_wall_pt, ) median_to_wall_dist = maybe_median( to_wall_distances[to_wall_distances < consider_wall_dist]) median_between_wall_pts_dist = maybe_median( along_wall_distances[(along_wall_distances > 1.1) & (along_wall_distances < 20)]) median_near_wall_to_rest = maybe_median( near_wall_to_rest_distances[(near_wall_to_rest_distances > 1.1) & (near_wall_to_rest_distances < 10)]) gen_wall_pts_dist = median_between_wall_pts_dist * wall_point_distance_multiplier gen_inner_pts_dist = global_median_distance[ 0] * inner_point_distance_multiplier corner_waypoints, wall_waypoints, inner_waypoints = along_wall( inner_clean, walls=walls, known_wall_points=known_wall_points, known_waypoints=known_waypoints, wall_pts_dist=gen_wall_pts_dist, inner_pts_dist=gen_inner_pts_dist, to_wall_dist=median_to_wall_dist, min_len=gen_wall_pts_dist, angle_support_dist=angle_support_dist, slack_lower=corner_radians_slack_lower, slack_upper=corner_radians_slack_upper, consider_wall_dist=consider_wall_dist, wall_point_distance_multiplier=wall_point_distance_multiplier, inner_point_distance_multiplier=inner_point_distance_multiplier, ) corner_waypoints = unary_union(MultiPoint(corner_waypoints)) corner_waypoints = filter_inside(corner_waypoints, inner_clean.buffer(0.05)) corner_waypoints = fuse_neighbors( corner_waypoints, threshold=gen_wall_pts_dist * 0.3) wall_waypoints = unary_union(MultiPoint(wall_waypoints)) wall_waypoints = filter_inside(wall_waypoints, inner_clean.buffer(0.05)) wall_waypoints = fuse_neighbors( wall_waypoints, threshold=gen_wall_pts_dist * 0.6) inner_waypoints = unary_union(MultiPoint(inner_waypoints)) inner_waypoints = filter_inside(inner_waypoints, inner_clean.buffer(0.05)) generated_inner_ratio = len(inner_waypoints) / (len(wall_waypoints) + 1e-9) known_inner_ratio = len(not_wall_points) / len(known_wall_points) if generated_inner_ratio > (known_inner_ratio * 6) or known_inner_ratio < 0.1: inner_waypoints = np.empty(shape=(0, 2)) inner_waypoints = fuse_neighbors( inner_waypoints, threshold=min(gen_inner_pts_dist * 0.95, gen_wall_pts_dist * 0.95), ) corner_waypoints = filter_dist_waypoints( points=corner_waypoints, known_waypoints=known_waypoints, min_distance_to_known=corner_min_distance_to_known, max_distance_to_known=max_distance_to_known, ) wall_waypoints = filter_dist_waypoints( points=wall_waypoints, known_waypoints=corner_waypoints, min_distance_to_known=gen_wall_pts_dist, max_distance_to_known=math.inf, ) wall_waypoints = filter_dist_waypoints( points=wall_waypoints, known_waypoints=known_waypoints, min_distance_to_known=min_distance_to_known, max_distance_to_known=max_distance_to_known, ) corner_waypoints = maybe_to_array(corner_waypoints) wall_waypoints = np.concatenate((corner_waypoints, wall_waypoints)) inner_waypoints = filter_dist_waypoints( points=inner_waypoints, known_waypoints=wall_waypoints, min_distance_to_known=gen_inner_pts_dist * 0.50, max_distance_to_known=math.inf, ) inner_waypoints = filter_dist_waypoints( points=inner_waypoints, known_waypoints=known_waypoints, min_distance_to_known=max(min_distance_to_known, median_near_wall_to_rest * 0.9), max_distance_to_known=max_distance_to_known, ) wall_waypoints = maybe_to_array(wall_waypoints) inner_waypoints = maybe_to_array(inner_waypoints) if wall_waypoints.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected shape at output. Wall waypoints shape: {wall_waypoints.shape}" ) if inner_waypoints.ndim != 2: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected shape at output. Inner waypoints shape: {inner_waypoints.shape}" ) # assert len(wall_waypoints) > (len(known_waypoints) * 0.1), f"{site} {floor}" return wall_waypoints, inner_waypoints
def generate_meter_projected_chunks( route_shape: LineString, custom_stops: List[List[float]] = None, stop_distance_distribution: int = None) -> List[LineString]: # Reproject 4326 lat/lon coordinates to equal area project = partial( pyproj.transform, pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:4326'), # source coordinate system pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:2163')) # destination coordinate system rs2 = transform(project, route_shape) # apply projection # Two ways to break apart this route into chunks: # 1. Using custom stops as break points (this one takes precedence) # 2. Using a custom distance to segment out the route # In either case, we need to generate mp_array such that we have # target stops or "break points" for the route line shape # Path 1 if available if custom_stops is not None: mp_array = [] for custom_stop in custom_stops: # Now reproject with cast point geometry custom_stop_proj = transform(project, Point(custom_stop)) interp_stop = rs2.interpolate(rs2.project(custom_stop_proj)) mp_array.append(interp_stop) # Otherwise we go with path 2 else: stop_count = round(rs2.length / stop_distance_distribution) # Create the array of break points/joints mp_array = [] for i in range(1, stop_count): fr = (i / stop_count) mp_array.append(rs2.interpolate(fr, normalized=True)) # Cast array as a Shapely object splitter = MultiPoint(mp_array) # 1 meter buffer to address floating point discrepencies chunks = split(rs2, splitter.buffer(1)) # TODO: Potential for length errors with this 1 meter # threshold check # Take chunks and merge in the small lines # from intersection inside of the buffered circles # and attach to nearest larger line clean_chunks = [chunks[0]] r = len(chunks) for c in range(1, r): latest = clean_chunks[-1] current = chunks[c] # Again, this is a week point of the buffer of # 1 meter method if latest.length <= 2: # Merge in the small chunks with the larger chunks clean_chunks[-1] = linemerge([latest, current]) else: clean_chunks.append(current) return clean_chunks
color='none', zorder=2) # set up a map dataframe df_map = pd.DataFrame({ 'poly': [Polygon(xy) for xy in], 'hoodname': [names['Neighborho'] for names in m.boston_info] }) df_map['SqMiles'] = df_map['poly'].map(lambda x: x.area) # Convert our latitude and longitude into Basemap cartesian map coordinates mapped_points = [ Point(m(mapped_x, mapped_y)) for mapped_x, mapped_y in zip(df['longitude'], df['latitude']) ] all_points = MultiPoint(mapped_points) # Use prep to optimize polygons for faster computation def num_of_contained_points(apolygon, all_points): return int(len(filter(prep(apolygon).contains, all_points))) df_map['hood_count'] = df_map['poly'].apply(num_of_contained_points, args=(all_points, )) #print df_map['hood_count'] # # # # # We'll only use a handful of distinct colors for our choropleth. So pick where # you want your cutoffs to occur. Leave zero and ~infinity alone. breaks = [0.] + [qt10, qt20, qt30, qt40, qt50, qt60, qt70, qt80, qt90] + [1e20]
def main(): gdal.AllRegister() path = auxil.select_directory('Input directory') if path: os.chdir(path) # input image infile = auxil.select_infile(title='Image file') if infile: inDataset = gdal.Open(infile,GA_ReadOnly) cols = inDataset.RasterXSize rows = inDataset.RasterYSize bands = inDataset.RasterCount projection = inDataset.GetProjection() geotransform = inDataset.GetGeoTransform() if geotransform is not None: gt = list(geotransform) else: print 'No geotransform available' return imsr = osr.SpatialReference() imsr.ImportFromWkt(projection) else: return pos = auxil.select_pos(bands) if not pos: return N = len(pos) rasterBands = [] for b in pos: rasterBands.append(inDataset.GetRasterBand(b)) # training algorithm trainalg = auxil.select_integer(1,msg='1:Maxlike,2:Backprop,3:Congrad,4:SVM') if not trainalg: return # training data (shapefile) trnfile = auxil.select_infile(filt='.shp',title='Train shapefile') if trnfile: trnDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') trnDatasource = trnDriver.Open(trnfile,0) trnLayer = trnDatasource.GetLayer() trnsr = trnLayer.GetSpatialRef() else: return tstfile = auxil.select_outfile(filt='.tst', title='Test results file') if not tstfile: print 'No test output' # outfile outfile, outfmt = auxil.select_outfilefmt(title='Classification file') if not outfile: return if trainalg in (2,3,4): # class probabilities file, hidden neurons probfile, probfmt = auxil.select_outfilefmt(title='Probabilities file') else: probfile = None if trainalg in (2,3): L = auxil.select_integer(8,'Number of hidden neurons') if not L: return # coordinate transformation from training to image projection ct= osr.CoordinateTransformation(trnsr,imsr) # number of classes K = 1 feature = trnLayer.GetNextFeature() while feature: classid = feature.GetField('CLASS_ID') if int(classid)>K: K = int(classid) feature = trnLayer.GetNextFeature() trnLayer.ResetReading() K += 1 print '=========================' print 'supervised classification' print '=========================' print time.asctime() print 'image: '+infile print 'training: '+trnfile if trainalg == 1: print 'Maximum Likelihood' elif trainalg == 2: print 'Neural Net (Backprop)' elif trainalg ==3: print 'Neural Net (Congrad)' else: print 'Support Vector Machine' # loop through the polygons Gs = [] # train observations ls = [] # class labels classnames = '{unclassified' classids = set() print 'reading training data...' for i in range(trnLayer.GetFeatureCount()): feature = trnLayer.GetFeature(i) classid = str(feature.GetField('CLASS_ID')) classname = feature.GetField('CLASS_NAME') if classid not in classids: classnames += ', '+ classname classids = classids | set(classid) l = [0 for i in range(K)] l[int(classid)] = 1.0 polygon = feature.GetGeometryRef() # transform to same projection as image polygon.Transform(ct) # convert to a Shapely object poly = shapely.wkt.loads(polygon.ExportToWkt()) # transform the boundary to pixel coords in numpy bdry = np.array(poly.boundary) bdry[:,0] = bdry[:,0]-gt[0] bdry[:,1] = bdry[:,1]-gt[3] GT = np.mat([[gt[1],gt[2]],[gt[4],gt[5]]]) bdry = bdry*np.linalg.inv(GT) # polygon in pixel coords polygon1 = asPolygon(bdry) # raster over the bounding rectangle minx,miny,maxx,maxy = map(int,list(polygon1.bounds)) pts = [] for i in range(minx,maxx+1): for j in range(miny,maxy+1): pts.append((i,j)) multipt = MultiPoint(pts) # intersection as list intersection = np.array(multipt.intersection(polygon1), # cut out the bounded image cube cube = np.zeros((maxy-miny+1,maxx-minx+1,len(rasterBands))) k=0 for band in rasterBands: cube[:,:,k] = band.ReadAsArray(minx,miny,maxx-minx+1,maxy-miny+1) k += 1 # get the training vectors for (x,y) in intersection: Gs.append(cube[y-miny,x-minx,:]) ls.append(l) polygon = None polygon1 = None feature.Destroy() trnDatasource.Destroy() classnames += '}' m = len(ls) print str(m) + ' training pixel vectors were read in' Gs = np.array(Gs) ls = np.array(ls) # stretch the pixel vectors to [-1,1] for ffn maxx = np.max(Gs,0) minx = np.min(Gs,0) for j in range(N): Gs[:,j] = 2*(Gs[:,j]-minx[j])/(maxx[j]-minx[j]) - 1.0 # random permutation of training data idx = np.random.permutation(m) Gs = Gs[idx,:] ls = ls[idx,:] # setup output datasets driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(outfmt) outDataset = driver.Create(outfile,cols,rows,1,GDT_Byte) projection = inDataset.GetProjection() geotransform = inDataset.GetGeoTransform() if geotransform is not None: outDataset.SetGeoTransform(tuple(gt)) if projection is not None: outDataset.SetProjection(projection) outBand = outDataset.GetRasterBand(1) if probfile: driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(probfmt) probDataset = driver.Create(probfile,cols,rows,K,GDT_Byte) if geotransform is not None: probDataset.SetGeoTransform(tuple(gt)) if projection is not None: probDataset.SetProjection(projection) probBands = [] for k in range(K): probBands.append(probDataset.GetRasterBand(k+1)) if tstfile: # train on 2/3 training examples Gstrn = Gs[0:2*m//3,:] lstrn = ls[0:2*m//3,:] Gstst = Gs[2*m//3:,:] lstst = ls[2*m//3:,:] else: Gstrn = Gs lstrn = ls if trainalg == 1: classifier = sc.Maxlike(Gstrn,lstrn) elif trainalg == 2: classifier = sc.Ffnbp(Gstrn,lstrn,L) elif trainalg == 3: classifier = sc.Ffncg(Gstrn,lstrn,L) elif trainalg == 4: classifier = sc.Svm(Gstrn,lstrn) print 'training on %i pixel vectors...' % np.shape(Gstrn)[0] start = time.time() result = classifier.train() print 'elapsed time %s' %str(time.time()-start) if result: if trainalg in [2,3]: cost = np.log10(result) ymax = np.max(cost) ymin = np.min(cost) xmax = len(cost) plt.plot(range(xmax),cost,'k') plt.axis([0,xmax,ymin-1,ymax]) plt.title('Log(Cross entropy)') plt.xlabel('Epoch') # classify the image print 'classifying...' start = time.time() tile = np.zeros((cols,N)) for row in range(rows): for j in range(N): tile[:,j] = rasterBands[j].ReadAsArray(0,row,cols,1) tile[:,j] = 2*(tile[:,j]-minx[j])/(maxx[j]-minx[j]) - 1.0 cls, Ms = classifier.classify(tile) outBand.WriteArray(np.reshape(cls,(1,cols)),0,row) if probfile: Ms = np.byte(Ms*255) for k in range(K): probBands[k].WriteArray(np.reshape(Ms[k,:],(1,cols)),0,row) outBand.FlushCache() print 'elapsed time %s' %str(time.time()-start) outDataset = None inDataset = None if probfile: for probBand in probBands: probBand.FlushCache() probDataset = None print 'class probabilities written to: %s'%probfile K = lstrn.shape[1]+1 if (outfmt == 'ENVI') and (K<19): # try to make an ENVI classification header file hdr = header.Header() headerfile = outfile+'.hdr' f = open(headerfile) line = f.readline() envihdr = '' while line: envihdr += line line = f.readline() f.close() hdr['file type'] ='ENVI Classification' hdr['classes'] = str(K) classlookup = '{0' for i in range(1,3*K): classlookup += ', '+str(str(ctable[i])) classlookup +='}' hdr['class lookup'] = classlookup hdr['class names'] = classnames f = open(headerfile,'w') f.write(str(hdr)) f.close() print 'thematic map written to: %s'%outfile if trainalg in [2,3]: print 'please close the cross entropy plot to continue' if tstfile: with open(tstfile,'w') as f: print >>f, 'FFN test results for %s'%infile print >>f, time.asctime() print >>f, 'Classification image: %s'%outfile print >>f, 'Class probabilities image: %s'%probfile print >>f, lstst.shape[0],lstst.shape[1] classes, _ = classifier.classify(Gstst) labels = np.argmax(lstst,axis=1)+1 for i in range(len(classes)): print >>f, classes[i], labels[i] f.close() print 'test results written to: %s'%tstfile print 'done' else: print 'an error occured' return
def centroid_coords2(list_coords): global lc lc = list_coords from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint points = MultiPoint([(m[0], m[1]) for m in list_coords]) return (points.centroid.x, points.centroid.y)
""" based on shapely docs: """ from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, Polygon, LineString import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from descartes.patch import PolygonPatch fig = plt.figure(1, dpi=90) fig.set_frameon(True) # 1 ax = fig.add_subplot(121) mp = MultiPoint([(0, 0), (0.5, 1.5), (1, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5)]) rect = mp.minimum_rotated_rectangle for p in mp: ax.plot(p.x, p.y, 'o', color='#999999') patch = PolygonPatch(rect, facecolor='#6699cc', edgecolor='#6699cc', alpha=0.5, zorder=2) ax.add_patch(patch) ax.set_title('a) MultiPoint') xr = [-1, 2] yr = [-1, 2] ax.set_xlim(*xr)
def get_centroid(cluster): centroid = (MultiPoint(cluster).centroid.x, MultiPoint(cluster).centroid.y) return list(centroid)
def main(): usage = ''' Usage: --------------------------------------------------------- python %s [-p bandPositions] [- a algorithm] [-L number of hidden neurons] [-P generate class probabilities image] filename trainShapefile bandPositions is a list, e.g., -p [1,2,4] algorithm 1=MaxLike 2=NNet(backprop) 3=NNet(congrad) 4=SVM If the input file is named path/filenbasename.ext then The output classification file is named path/filebasename_class.ext the class probabilities output file is named path/filebasename_classprobs.ext and the test results file is named path/filebasename_<classifier>.tst --------------------------------------------------------''' %sys.argv[0] options, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],'hnPp:a:L:') pos = None probs = False L = 8 graphics = True trainalg = 1 for option, value in options: if option == '-h': print usage return elif option == '-p': pos = eval(value) elif option == '-n': graphics = False elif option == '-a': trainalg = eval(value) elif option == '-L': L = eval(value) elif option == '-P': probs = True if len(args) != 2: print 'Incorrect number of arguments' print usage sys.exit(1) if trainalg == 1: algorithm = 'MaxLike' elif trainalg == 2: algorithm = 'NNet(Backprop)' elif trainalg == 3: algorithm = 'NNet(Congrad)' elif trainalg == 4: algorithm = 'SVM' infile = args[0] trnfile = args[1] gdal.AllRegister() if infile: inDataset = gdal.Open(infile,GA_ReadOnly) cols = inDataset.RasterXSize rows = inDataset.RasterYSize bands = inDataset.RasterCount projection = inDataset.GetProjection() geotransform = inDataset.GetGeoTransform() if geotransform is not None: gt = list(geotransform) else: print 'No geotransform available' return imsr = osr.SpatialReference() imsr.ImportFromWkt(projection) else: return if pos is None: pos = range(1,bands+1) N = len(pos) rasterBands = [] for b in pos: rasterBands.append(inDataset.GetRasterBand(b)) # output files path = os.path.dirname(infile) basename = os.path.basename(infile) root, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) outfile = '%s/%s_class%s'%(path,root,ext) tstfile = '%s/%s_%s.tst'%(path,root,algorithm) if (trainalg in (2,3,4)) and probs: # class probabilities file probfile = '%s/%s_classprobs%s'%(path,root,ext) else: probfile = None # training data trnDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') trnDatasource = trnDriver.Open(trnfile,0) trnLayer = trnDatasource.GetLayer() trnsr = trnLayer.GetSpatialRef() # coordinate transformation from training to image projection ct = osr.CoordinateTransformation(trnsr,imsr) # number of classes K = 1 feature = trnLayer.GetNextFeature() while feature: classid = feature.GetField('CLASS_ID') if int(classid)>K: K = int(classid) feature = trnLayer.GetNextFeature() trnLayer.ResetReading() K += 1 # es kann losgehen print '=========================' print 'supervised classification' print '=========================' print time.asctime() print 'image: '+infile print 'training: '+trnfile print 'algorithm: '+algorithm # loop through the polygons Gs = [] # train observations ls = [] # class labels classnames = '{unclassified' classids = set() print 'reading training data...' for i in range(trnLayer.GetFeatureCount()): feature = trnLayer.GetFeature(i) classid = str(feature.GetField('CLASS_ID')) classname = feature.GetField('CLASS_NAME') if classid not in classids: classnames += ', '+ classname classids = classids | set(classid) # label for this ROI l = [0 for i in range(K)] l[int(classid)] = 1.0 polygon = feature.GetGeometryRef() # transform to same projection as image polygon.Transform(ct) # convert to a Shapely object poly = shapely.wkt.loads(polygon.ExportToWkt()) # transform the boundary to pixel coords in numpy bdry = np.array(poly.boundary) bdry[:,0] = bdry[:,0]-gt[0] bdry[:,1] = bdry[:,1]-gt[3] GT = np.mat([[gt[1],gt[2]],[gt[4],gt[5]]]) bdry = bdry*np.linalg.inv(GT) # polygon in pixel coords polygon1 = asPolygon(bdry) # raster over the bounding rectangle minx,miny,maxx,maxy = map(int,list(polygon1.bounds)) pts = [] for i in range(minx,maxx+1): for j in range(miny,maxy+1): pts.append((i,j)) multipt = MultiPoint(pts) # intersection as list intersection = np.array(multipt.intersection(polygon1), # cut out the bounded image cube cube = np.zeros((maxy-miny+1,maxx-minx+1,len(rasterBands))) k=0 for band in rasterBands: cube[:,:,k] = band.ReadAsArray(minx,miny,maxx-minx+1,maxy-miny+1) k += 1 # get the training vectors for (x,y) in intersection: Gs.append(cube[y-miny,x-minx,:]) ls.append(l) polygon = None polygon1 = None feature.Destroy() trnDatasource.Destroy() classnames += '}' m = len(ls) print str(m) + ' training pixel vectors were read in' Gs = np.array(Gs) ls = np.array(ls) # stretch the pixel vectors to [-1,1] (for ffn) maxx = np.max(Gs,0) minx = np.min(Gs,0) for j in range(N): Gs[:,j] = 2*(Gs[:,j]-minx[j])/(maxx[j]-minx[j]) - 1.0 # random permutation of training data idx = np.random.permutation(m) Gs = Gs[idx,:] ls = ls[idx,:] # setup output datasets driver = inDataset.GetDriver() outDataset = driver.Create(outfile,cols,rows,1,GDT_Byte) projection = inDataset.GetProjection() geotransform = inDataset.GetGeoTransform() if geotransform is not None: outDataset.SetGeoTransform(tuple(gt)) if projection is not None: outDataset.SetProjection(projection) outBand = outDataset.GetRasterBand(1) if probfile: probDataset = driver.Create(probfile,cols,rows,K,GDT_Byte) if geotransform is not None: probDataset.SetGeoTransform(tuple(gt)) if projection is not None: probDataset.SetProjection(projection) probBands = [] for k in range(K): probBands.append(probDataset.GetRasterBand(k+1)) # initialize classifier if trainalg == 1: classifier = sc.Maxlike(Gs,ls) elif trainalg == 2: classifier = sc.Ffnbp(Gs,ls,L) elif trainalg == 3: classifier = sc.Ffncg(Gs,ls,L) elif trainalg == 4: classifier = sc.Svm(Gs,ls) # train it print 'training on %i pixel vectors...' % np.shape(Gs)[0] start = time.time() result = classifier.train() print 'elapsed time %s' %str(time.time()-start) if result: if (trainalg in [2,3]) and graphics: cost = np.log10(result) ymax = np.max(cost) ymin = np.min(cost) xmax = len(cost) plt.plot(range(xmax),cost,'k') plt.axis([0,xmax,ymin-1,ymax]) plt.title('Log(Cross entropy)') plt.xlabel('Epoch') # classify the image print 'classifying...' start = time.time() tile = np.zeros((cols,N),dtype=np.float32) for row in range(rows): for j in range(N): tile[:,j] = rasterBands[j].ReadAsArray(0,row,cols,1) tile[:,j] = 2*(tile[:,j]-minx[j])/(maxx[j]-minx[j]) - 1.0 cls, Ms = classifier.classify(tile) outBand.WriteArray(np.reshape(cls,(1,cols)),0,row) if probfile: Ms = np.byte(Ms*255) for k in range(K): probBands[k].WriteArray(np.reshape(Ms[k,:],(1,cols)),0,row) outBand.FlushCache() print 'elapsed time %s' %str(time.time()-start) outDataset = None inDataset = None if probfile: for probBand in probBands: probBand.FlushCache() probDataset = None print 'class probabilities written to: %s'%probfile K = ls.shape[1]+1 print 'thematic map written to: %s'%outfile else: print 'an error occured' return # cross-validation start = time.time() rc = Client() print 'submitting cross-validation to %i IPython engines'%len(rc) m = np.shape(Gs)[0] traintest = [] for i in range(10): sl = slice(i*m//10,(i+1)*m//10) traintest.append( (np.delete(Gs,sl,0),np.delete(ls,sl,0), \ Gs[sl,:],ls[sl,:],L,trainalg) ) v = rc[:] v.execute('import auxil.supervisedclass as sc') result =,traintest).get() print 'parallel execution time: %s' %str(time.time()-start) print 'misclassification rate: %f' %np.mean(result) print 'standard deviation: %f' %np.std(result)
_expected_exceptions = {} # ------------------ # gdf with Points gdf = GeoDataFrame({'a': [1, 2]}, crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'}, geometry=[city_hall_entrance, city_hall_balcony]) _geodataframes_to_write.append(gdf) # ------------------ # gdf with MultiPoints gdf = GeoDataFrame( {'a': [1, 2]}, crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'}, geometry=[ MultiPoint([city_hall_balcony, city_hall_council_chamber]), MultiPoint( [city_hall_entrance, city_hall_balcony, city_hall_council_chamber]) ]) _geodataframes_to_write.append(gdf) # ------------------ # gdf with Points and MultiPoints gdf = GeoDataFrame({'a': [1, 2]}, crs={'init': 'epsg:4326'}, geometry=[ MultiPoint([city_hall_entrance, city_hall_balcony]), city_hall_balcony ]) _geodataframes_to_write.append(gdf) # 'ESRI Shapefile' driver supports writing LineString/MultiLinestring and