Exemple #1
         'Authorization': "Bearer " + response['access_token'],
         'Accept': "application/vnd.networkfleet.api-v1+json",
         'Content-Type': "application/vnd.networkfleet.api-v1+json"
 if rjson['count'] != 0:
     x = pd.DataFrame(rjson)
     Name = pd.io.json.json_normalize(x['gpsMessage'])
     Nameedit = Name[['latitude', 'longitude', 'messageTime']]
     Nameedit['truck_name'] = i
     Nameedit['timeedit'] = pd.to_datetime(Nameedit['messageTime'])
     #Nameedit['hour'] = (Nameedit["timeedit"]-timezone).dt.hour
     Nameedit['datetime'] = (Nameedit['timeedit'] -
                             timezone).dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:00:00")
     geometry = [
         Point(xy) for xy in zip(Nameedit.longitude, Nameedit.latitude)
     Nameedit1 = GeoDataFrame(Nameedit, geometry=geometry)
     Nameedit1 = Nameedit1.groupby([
         'truck_name', 'datetime'
     ])['geometry'].apply(lambda x: LineString(x.tolist()))
     Nameedit1 = GeoDataFrame(Nameedit1, geometry='geometry')
     Nameedit1 = pd.DataFrame(Nameedit1.to_records())
     Nameedit1 = GeoDataFrame(Nameedit1, geometry='geometry')
     Nameedit1.crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
     x1 = gpd.sjoin(Nameedit1, dataSrc, op='intersects')
     x1 = x1[['STREET_ID', 'datetime']]
     appended_data = appended_data.append(x1)
     print("success: " + i)
     print("0 count: " + i)
Exemple #2
# Polygon-type DataFrame input.
list_gaussian_polys = gplt.utils.gaussian_polygons(gplt.utils.gaussian_points(n=1000), n=2).append(
                 gplt.utils.gaussian_multi_polygons(gplt.utils.gaussian_points(n=1000), n=2)
series_gaussian_polys = gpd.GeoSeries(list_gaussian_polys)
dataframe_gaussian_polys = gpd.GeoDataFrame(geometry=series_gaussian_polys).assign(hue_var=[1,2,3,4])

# Hue input.
list_hue_values = [1, 2, 3, 4]
series_hue_values = pd.Series(list_hue_values)
def map_hue_values(): return map(lambda i: list_hue_values[i], list(range(len(list_hue_values))))

# (Sankey) point input.
# Start and End variables.
list_start_points = [Point(a + 2, a - 2) for a in range(0, 4)]
list_end_points = [Point(a - 2, a + 2) for a in range(1, 5)]
series_start_points, series_end_points = gpd.GeoSeries(list_start_points), gpd.GeoSeries(list_end_points)
def map_start_points(): return map(lambda i: list_start_points[i], list(range(len(list_start_points))))
def map_end_points(): return map(lambda i: list_end_points[i], list(range(len(list_end_points))))
dataframe_gaussian_points = dataframe_gaussian_points.assign(starts=list_start_points, ends=list_end_points)

# (Sankey) paths.
list_paths = [LineString([[a.x, a.y], [b.x, b.y]]) for a, b in zip(list_start_points, list_end_points)]
series_paths = gpd.GeoSeries(list_paths)
def map_paths(): return map(lambda i: list_paths[i], list(range(len(list_paths))))
dataframe_gaussian_points = dataframe_gaussian_points.assign(paths=list_paths)

# (Aggplot) geometry.
dataframe_gaussian_points = dataframe_gaussian_points.assign(mock_category=np.random.randint(1, 5))
aggplot_geometries = dataframe_gaussian_polys.set_index('hue_var', drop=True)
 def test_offset_seconds(self):
     traj = self.default_traj_metric_5
     traj.apply_offset_seconds("value", -20)
     assert traj.df.iloc[2].value == 5
     assert traj.df.iloc[2].geometry == Point(10, 0)
Exemple #4
rivers_us.geom_type  # geometry
rivers_us.crs  # check our CRS - coordinate reference system
rivers_us.total_bounds  # Check the spatial extent

# %% Gages information
# Take only AZ
gages_AZ = gages[gages['STATE'] == 'AZ']

# %% Add specific points
# UA:  32.22877495, -110.97688412
# STream gauge:  34.44833333, -111.7891667
point_list = np.array([[-111.7891667, 34.44833333]])
point_geom = [Point(xy) for xy in point_list]
point_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(point_geom, columns=['geometry'],
                            crs=gages_AZ.crs)  # project into gages_az GEOMETRY
# %% Look at one region in rivers
# Zoom  in and just look at AZ/UTAH
stat_ref_AZ = stat_ref[stat_ref['STATE'] == 'UT']  # Utah and Arizona
test = pd.DataFrame(stat_ref['STATE'])  # aux to see regions name
# super CRUCIAL step!!!
# Project points into stat_ref CRS
points_project = gages_AZ.to_crs(stat_ref_AZ.crs)

# %% Plot map :D
 def test_get_position_of_nearest_timestamp_2(self):
     pos = self.default_traj_metric.get_position_at(datetime(
         1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 15),
     assert pos == Point(10, 0)
 def test_get_position_interpolated_at_timestamp_2(self):
     pos = self.default_traj_metric.get_position_at(datetime(
         1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 15),
     assert pos == Point(6 + 4 / 10 * 5, 0)
 def test_endlocation(self):
     assert self.default_traj_metric.get_end_location() == Point(10, 0)
 def test_get_interpolated_position_at_existing_timestamp(self):
     pos = self.default_traj_metric.get_position_at(datetime(
         1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 10),
     assert pos == Point(6, 0)
Exemple #9
    def calculate_hydro(self, interval=1000, head_distance=500, get_range=False):
        Start at the top of each river, get source GSCDxFlowAccxsquare size.
        Calculates flow rate in m3/s, head in m and power in Watts.

        interval : int, optional (default 1000.)
            Interval in metres between testing points.
        head_distance : int, optional (default 500.)
            How far upstream to look to calculate head.
        get_range : boolean, optional (default False.)
            Whether to attempt to calculate mean, median, max etc.

        # TODO: Make the contribution % dependent on slope (elevation change/distance).

        # Choose the point_interval in metres
        # This loops through each stream and adds points down it at the specified interval
        # And creates a dict with these new point geometries

        # At 20 deg South:
        # 1 degree = 110704 metres -> 1 minute = 1845 metres -> 1 second = 30.75 metres
        # River network is 15 second resolution = 461 metres
        # Therefore each up_cell size is
        cell_area = (110704/60/60*15)**2
        proj = pyproj.Proj(init='epsg:3395')  # Mercator
        rivers = self.rivers.to_crs(epsg=3395)

        rho = 998.57  # density of water, kg/m3
        g = 9.81  # acceleration due to gravity, m/2
        n = 0.5  # overall efficiency of system

        hydro_points_dicts = []
        count = 0
        for _, row in rivers.iterrows():
            geom = shape(row['geometry'])
            length = geom.length
            for _, distance in enumerate(range(0, int(length), interval)):
                arcid = row['arcid']
                up_cells = row['up_cells']
                point = Point(proj(*list(geom.interpolate(distance).coords)[0], inverse=True))
                upstream_point = Point(proj(*list(geom.interpolate(distance - head_distance).coords)[0], inverse=True))
                elevation = next(self.dem.sample(list(point.coords))).tolist()[0]
                upstream_elevation = next(self.dem.sample(list(upstream_point.coords))).tolist()[0]
                head = upstream_elevation - elevation
                runoff = next(self.flow.sample(list(point.coords))).tolist()[0]
                flowrate = runoff * up_cells * cell_area * (1/1000) * (1/(8760*3600))  # convert mm/year to m3/s
                power = rho*g*n*flowrate*head
                if head > 0 and flowrate > 0:
                    hydro_points_dicts.append({'arcid': arcid, 'elevation': elevation, 'head': head,
                                               'flowrate': flowrate, 'power': power, 'geometry': point})
                count += 1
                if count % 10000 == 0:

        self.hydro_points = gpd.GeoDataFrame(hydro_points_dicts)
        self.hydro_points.crs = {'init' :'epsg:4326'}
        print('Calculated hydro potential')

        if get_range:

            # transfer discharge values from the river to the points
            self.hydro_points['discharge_accum'] = -99
            self.hydro_points['discharge_max'] = -99
            self.hydro_points['discharge_mean'] = -99
            self.hydro_points['discharge_min'] = -99
            for index, row in self.nodes_out.iterrows():
                self.hydro_points.loc[index, 'discharge_accum'] = \
                    rivers.loc[self.nodes_out.loc[index, 'arcid'], 'discharge_accum']
                self.hydro_points.loc[index, 'discharge_max'] = \
                    rivers.loc[self.nodes_out.loc[index, 'arcid'], 'discharge_max']
                self.hydro_points.loc[index, 'discharge_mean'] = \
                    rivers.loc[self.nodes_out.loc[index, 'arcid'], 'discharge_mean']
                self.hydro_points.loc[index, 'discharge_min'] = \
                    rivers.loc[self.nodes_out.loc[index, 'arcid'], 'discharge_min']

            # calculate the power in watts based on Alex's formula
            self.hydro_points['power_accum'] = rho * g * eta_t * eta_g * conv * self.nodes_out['discharge_accum'] * self.nodes_out['head']
            self.hydro_points['power_max'] = rho * g * eta_t * eta_g * conv * self.nodes_out['discharge_max'] * self.nodes_out['head']
            self.hydro_points['power_mean'] = rho * g * eta_t * eta_g * conv * self.nodes_out['discharge_mean'] * self.nodes_out['head']
            self.hydro_points['power_min'] = rho * g * eta_t * eta_g * conv * self.nodes_out['discharge_min'] * self.nodes_out['head']
plt.scatter(df['Rating color'], df['Rating text'])

# ##### The scatter plot shows which color corresponds to which rating

sns.distplot(df['Aggregate rating'])

import geopandas as gpd
from shapely.geometry import Point

india_shp = gpd.read_file(

# ##### Restaurants plotting on World Map

geometry = [Point(xy) for xy in zip(df['Longitude'], df['Latitude'])]

crs = {'init': 'epsg:27700'}

gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df['Restaurant ID'], crs=crs, geometry=geometry)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10))
india_shp.plot(ax=ax, cmap='Pastel2')
gdf.plot(ax=ax, color='red', markersize=12)

# ##### Based on the map, few latitude nad longitude does not appear to be correct

# #####  Country specific Data

    'Restaurant ID': np.count_nonzero,
Exemple #11
def project_graph(G, to_crs=None):
    Project a graph from lat-long to the UTM zone appropriate for its geographic

    G : networkx multidigraph
        the networkx graph to be projected
    to_crs : dict
        if not None, just project to this CRS instead of to UTM

    networkx multidigraph

    G_proj = G.copy()
    start_time = time.time()

    # create a GeoDataFrame of the nodes, name it, convert osmid to str
    nodes = {node: data for node, data in G_proj.nodes(data=True)}
    gdf_nodes = gpd.GeoDataFrame(nodes).T
    gdf_nodes.crs = G_proj.graph['crs']
    gdf_nodes.gdf_name = '{}_nodes'.format(G_proj.name)
    gdf_nodes['osmid'] = gdf_nodes['osmid'].astype(np.int64).map(make_str)

    # create new lat/lon columns just to save that data for later, and create a
    # geometry column from x/y
    gdf_nodes['lon'] = gdf_nodes['x']
    gdf_nodes['lat'] = gdf_nodes['y']
    gdf_nodes['geometry'] = gdf_nodes.apply(
        lambda row: Point(row['x'], row['y']), axis=1)
    log('Created a GeoDataFrame from graph in {:,.2f} seconds'.format(
        time.time() - start_time))

    # project the nodes GeoDataFrame to UTM
    gdf_nodes_utm = project_gdf(gdf_nodes, to_crs=to_crs)

    # extract data for all edges that have geometry attribute
    edges_with_geom = []
    for u, v, key, data in G_proj.edges(keys=True, data=True):
        if 'geometry' in data:
                'u': u,
                'v': v,
                'key': key,
                'geometry': data['geometry']

    # create an edges GeoDataFrame and project to UTM, if there were any edges
    # with a geometry attribute. geom attr only exists if graph has been
    # simplified, otherwise you don't have to project anything for the edges
    # because the nodes still contain all spatial data
    if len(edges_with_geom) > 0:
        gdf_edges = gpd.GeoDataFrame(edges_with_geom)
        gdf_edges.crs = G_proj.graph['crs']
        gdf_edges.gdf_name = '{}_edges'.format(G_proj.name)
        gdf_edges_utm = project_gdf(gdf_edges, to_crs=to_crs)

    # extract projected x and y values from the nodes' geometry column
    start_time = time.time()
    gdf_nodes_utm['x'] = gdf_nodes_utm['geometry'].map(lambda point: point.x)
    gdf_nodes_utm['y'] = gdf_nodes_utm['geometry'].map(lambda point: point.y)
    gdf_nodes_utm = gdf_nodes_utm.drop('geometry', axis=1)
    log('Extracted projected node geometries from GeoDataFrame in {:,.2f} seconds'
        .format(time.time() - start_time))

    # clear the graph to make it a blank slate for the projected data
    start_time = time.time()
    edges = list(G_proj.edges(keys=True, data=True))
    graph_name = G_proj.graph['name']

    # add the projected nodes and all their attributes to the graph
    attributes = gdf_nodes_utm.to_dict()
    for label in gdf_nodes_utm.columns:
        nx.set_node_attributes(G_proj, name=label, values=attributes[label])

    # add the edges and all their attributes (including reconstructed geometry,
    # when it exists) to the graph
    for u, v, key, attributes in edges:
        if 'geometry' in attributes:
            row = gdf_edges_utm[(gdf_edges_utm['u'] == u)
                                & (gdf_edges_utm['v'] == v) &
                                (gdf_edges_utm['key'] == key)]
            attributes['geometry'] = row['geometry'].iloc[0]
        G_proj.add_edge(u, v, key=key, **attributes)

    # set the graph's CRS attribute to the new, projected CRS and return the
    # projected graph
    G_proj.graph['crs'] = gdf_nodes_utm.crs
    G_proj.graph['name'] = '{}_UTM'.format(graph_name)
    if 'streets_per_node' in G.graph:
        G_proj.graph['streets_per_node'] = G.graph['streets_per_node']
    log('Rebuilt projected graph in {:,.2f} seconds'.format(time.time() -
    return G_proj
Exemple #12
def get_distance(config1, config2):
    if (config1 is not None and config2 is not None):
        point1 = Point(config1[0], config1[1])
        point2 = Point(config2[0], config2[1])
        return point1.distance(point2)
    return math.inf
def point(l):
    return Point(*l)