def init(): # enable Shapely speedups, if possible if speedups.available: speedups.enable() print 'IN;'
def adjust_channel_depth(grd,shpfile,lcmax=500.): """ Adjusts the depths of a suntans grid object using a line shapefile. The shapefile must have an attribute called "contour" """ from shapely import geometry, speedups from maptools import readShpPointLine if speedups.available: speedups.enable() print 'Adjusting depths in channel regions with a shapefile...' # Load the shapefile xyline,contour = readShpPointLine(shpfile,FIELDNAME='contour') # Load all of the points into shapely type geometry # Distance method won't work with numpy array #P = geometry.asPoint(xy) P = [geometry.Point(grd.xv[i],grd.yv[i]) for i in range(grd.Nc)] L=[] for ll in xyline: L.append(geometry.asLineString(ll)) nlines = len(L) weight_all = np.zeros((grd.Nc,nlines)) for n in range(nlines): print 'Calculating distance from line %d...'%n dist = [L[n].distance(P[i]) for i in range(grd.Nc)] dist = np.array(dist) # Calculate the weight from the distance weight = -dist/lcmax+1. weight[dist>=lcmax]=0. weight_all[:,n] = weight # Now go through and re-calculate the depths dv = grd.dv*(1-weight_all.sum(axis=-1)) for n in range(nlines): dv += weight_all[:,n]*contour[n] grd.dv=dv return grd
def __init__(self, in_dir): # path to CSV directory self.in_dir = in_dir self.file_structure = { 'AreaCode': {'class_id': 101, 'files': ['AreaCode.csv', 'LocalDataAreaCode.csv']}, 'County': {'class_id': 2, 'files': ['CountySynonyms.csv', 'LocalDataCounty.csv', 'County.csv']}, 'ZipCode': {'class_id': 100, 'files': ['ZipCode.csv', 'LocalDataZipCode.csv']}, 'CMSA': {'class_id': 102, 'files': ['CMSA.csv', 'CMSASynonyms.csv', 'LocalDataCMSA.csv']}, 'State': {'class_id': 1, 'files': ['State.csv', 'StateSynonyms.csv', 'LocalDataState.csv']}, 'City': {'class_id': 10, 'files': ['City.csv', 'CitySynonyms.csv', 'LocalDataCity.csv']}, 'Congress': {'class_id': 103, 'files': ['Congress.csv', 'CongressSynonyms.csv', 'LocalDataCongress.csv']}, 'Country': {'class_id': 0, 'files': ['Country.csv', 'CountrySynonyms.csv', 'LocalDataCountry.csv']}, } self._cursor = self._create_cursor(in_dir) speedups.enable()
def append_nuts3_region(dfin, shapefile_path): """ Take a pandas dataframe with lat and long columns and a shapefile. Convert coordinates to Shapely points to do a point-in-polygon check for each point. Append name of nuts3 region corresponding to point-in-polygon to the dataframe. This is extremely slow. Needs to be optimized with Shapely boundary box. """ df = dfin.copy() df['nuts3'] = np.nan fc = speedups.enable() for feature in fc: prepared_shape = prep(asShape(feature['geometry'])) for index, row in df.iterrows(): point = Point(row.loc['long'], row.loc['lat']) if prepared_shape.contains(point): df.loc[index, 'nuts3name'] = feature['properties']['NUTS315NM'] df.loc[index, 'nuts3id'] = feature['properties']['NUTS315CD'] return df
def __init__(self, info_queue: Queue, output_queue: Queue, counter: Counter, exit_event): """ :param info_queue: :param multiprocessing.queue.Queue output_queue: :param Counter counter: Ze Counter class for counting counts """ super().__init__() self.queue = info_queue self.output = output_queue self.counter = counter self.exit_event = exit_event self.logging = logging.getLogger( = info_queue.qsize() self.t = 2 if speedups.available: speedups.enable()
import uuid from collections import OrderedDict import pandas as pd import six from shapely.geometry import ( box, Point, ) from shapely import speedups as shapely_speedups if shapely_speedups.available: shapely_speedups.enable() from rtree.core import RTreeError import six from import get_dataframe from ..utils.exceptions import OasisException from ..utils.log import oasis_log from ..utils.peril import ( DEFAULT_RTREE_INDEX_PROPS, PerilAreasIndex, ) from ..utils.status import ( KEYS_STATUS_FAIL, KEYS_STATUS_NOMATCH,
def subset_CS2(cs2file,ccfile,cc=0,version='V001'): ''' subset_cs2 Takes the CryoSat-2 L2 output from IDL, and the corner coordinate file produced by pyoval. The CC file is cut to the size of the CryoSat-2 file. Furthermore, if you give it both an AWI and an ESA CS2 file, it makes sure that both have the same points and same extent (in case any differences do exist, we use the ESA CS2 file as the standard (since the CryoVal project is designed to examine the ESA CS2 data.) module: subset_cs2 parameters: cs2file: the .csv file with the CS2 L2 Baseline C data. this can be an ESA file or AWI CS2 file, or both. ccfile: the .dat file of corner coordinates cc: flag should be set to 1 if you wish to output the CS2ORB corner coordinate file that is now sized to the extent of the CS2 file. version: processing version code string. Author: Justin Beckers Author Contact: [email protected] Verion: 1.0 Version Notes: 1.0: Initial release. Release Date: 2016/03/17 Usage Notes: Case 1: Using Main From commandline/terminal, can simply run: >>>python This executes the program with the parameters set on lines 327 - 349. Modify this section in the script file text to meet your requirements if __name__=='__main__': ''' #Import python modules. import os import numpy as np from shapely.geometry import Polygon,Point from rtree import index from shapely import speedups speedups.enable() #Add a quick converter to convert longitude to 0/360 from -180/180. cv = lambda x: float(x)+360.0 if float(x) < 0.0 else float(x) #Load in the Cryosat-2 Corner Coordinates file. Convert the Longitude to #0-360 ccdata = np.genfromtxt(ccfile,converters={6:cv,8:cv,10:cv,12:cv,14:cv}) #Load the Cryosat-2 L2 Data from AWI or ESA. Convert the Coordinates to #0-360 if os.path.basename(cs2file).startswith('CS2AWI'): #If it is an AWI file cs2data=np.genfromtxt(cs2file,delimiter=',',skip_header=1, missing_values='nan',filling_values=np.nan,converters={1:cv}) else: # It is assumed to be an ESA CS L2 file cs2data=np.genfromtxt(cs2file,delimiter=',',skip_header=1, missing_values='nan',filling_values=np.nan,converters={10:cv}) #The AWI CS L2 data contains NaNs in the Lon,Lat, and Time fields that #result from the L1B missing waveforms. These NaN values cause problems for #the polygon generation later on, and we don't really need them as they are #not in the ESA CS2 output from IDL (already cut out) so they are cut. foo=[] #A temporary variable #If of the longitude,latitude, or time are NaN, keep a list of the row. for j in np.arange(len(cs2data)): if (np.isnan(cs2data[j,1]) or np.isnan(cs2data[j,2]) or np.isnan(cs2data[j,0])): foo.append(j) cs2data=np.delete(cs2data,foo,axis=0) #Cut the bad rows. #Calculating a polygon over the Prime Meridian or the International Date #Line can be troublesome (polygons sometimes wrap around the earth in the #wrong direction, depending on your coordinate system). Here we check #if we cross either the Prime Meridian or the I.D.L., and either convert to #0/360 coordinate system (already done), or back to -180/180 converted=1 #Flag to indicate if we needed to convert the longitudes. if os.path.basename(cs2file).startswith('CS2AWI'): #If AWI CS2 file: if (np.any(cs2data[:,1] >=359.)==1 and np.any(cs2data[:,1] <=1.)==1 and np.any(np.logical_and(179.<cs2data[:,10],cs2data[:,10]<181.))==0): print "Crosses Prime Meridian but not IDL. Coordinates will be " print "processed in -180/180 system." for i in np.arange(len(cs2data)): cs2data[i,1]=deconvert_lon(cs2data[i,1]) for i in np.arange(len(ccdata)): ccdata[i][6]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][6]) ccdata[i][8]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][8]) ccdata[i][10]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][10]) ccdata[i][12]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][12]) ccdata[i][14]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][14]) converted=0 elif (np.any(cs2data[:,1] >=359.)==0 and np.any(cs2data[:,1] <=1.)==0 and np.any(np.logical_and( 179.<cs2data[:,10],cs2data[:,10]<181.))==1): print "Does not cross prime meridian but crosses IDL. Coordinates " print "will be processed in 0/360 system." converted=1 elif (np.any(cs2data[:,1] >=359.)==1 and np.any(cs2data[:,1] <=1.)==1 and np.any(np.logical_and(179.<cs2data[:,10], cs2data[:,10]<181.))==1): print "Crosses both the Prime Meridian and the IDL. Coordinates " print "will be processed in 0/360 system." converted=1 elif (np.any(cs2data[:,1] >=359.)==0 and np.any(cs2data[:,1] <=1.)==0 and np.any(np.logical_and(179.<cs2data[:,10], cs2data[:,10]<181.))==0): print "Does not cross the IDL or the Prime Meridian. Coordinates " print "will be processed in 0/360 system." converted=1 else: #If ESA CS2 file if (np.any(cs2data[:,10] >=359.) and np.any(cs2data[:,10] <=1.) and np.any(np.logical_and(179.<cs2data[:,10], cs2data[:,10]<181.))==0): print "Crosses Prime Meridian but not IDL. Coordinates will be " print "processed in -180/180 system." for i in np.arange(len(cs2data)): cs2data[i,10]=deconvert_lon(cs2data[i,10]) for i in np.arange(len(ccdata)): ccdata[i][6]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][6]) ccdata[i][8]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][8]) ccdata[i][10]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][10]) ccdata[i][12]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][12]) ccdata[i][14]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][14]) converted=0 pass elif (np.any(cs2data[:,10] >=359.)==0 and np.any(cs2data[:,10] <=1.)==0 and np.any(np.logical_and(179.<cs2data[:,10], cs2data[:,10]<181.))==1): print "Does not cross prime meridian but crosses IDL. Coordinates " print "will be processed in 0/360 system." converted=1 elif (np.any(cs2data[:,10] >=359.)==1 and np.any(cs2data[:,10] <=1.)==1 and np.any(np.logical_and(179.<cs2data[:,10], cs2data[:,10]<181.))==1): print "Crosses both the Prime Meridian and the IDL. Coordinates " print "will be processed in 0/360 system." converted=1 elif (np.any(cs2data[:,10] >=359.)==0 and np.any(cs2data[:,10] <=1.)==0 and np.any(np.logical_and(179.<cs2data[:,10], cs2data[:,10]<181.))==0): print "Does not cross the IDL or the Prime Meridian. Coordinates " print "will be processed in 0/360 system." converted=1 #Setup some variables for later n_records=len(ccdata)#Number of polygons idx=index.Index() #Setup a spatial index p=np.ndarray((n_records),dtype=object) #array to hold the polygons newpolys=[] #holds the index positions of the cc polygons newcs2=[] #holds the index positions of the cs2 data outpoly=[] #output polygon holder t=np.ndarray(0) # a temporary variable nanline = np.empty(len(cs2data[0]))*np.nan #Fill the spatial index with the CS2 data if os.path.basename(cs2file).startswith('CS2AWI'): #If AWI CS2 for i in np.arange(len(cs2data)): idx.insert(i,Point(cs2data[i,1],cs2data[i,2]).bounds) else: #If ESA CS2 for i in np.arange(len(cs2data)): idx.insert(i,Point(cs2data[i,10],cs2data[i,9]).bounds) #Calculate the polygons n_polygon_points=5 polygon_points = np.ndarray(shape=(n_polygon_points, 2), dtype=np.float64) for i in np.arange(n_records): #self.cs2fp.lon_ur[i], self.cs2fp.lon_ul[i], self.cs2fp.lon_ll[i], self.cs2fp.lon_lr[i]] fp_x = [ccdata[i,8],ccdata[i,10],ccdata[i,14],ccdata[i,12],ccdata[i,8]] fp_y = [ccdata[i,9],ccdata[i,11],ccdata[i,15],ccdata[i,13],ccdata[i,9]] polygon_points[:,0]=fp_x[j] #Polygon X coordinates polygon_points[:,1]=fp_y[j] #Polygon Y coordinates p[i]=Polygon(polygon_points) #Builds the polygons #The work: go through each polygon, find the CS2 points that belong #There should only be 1. #Intersection does not imply containment so need #to test for intersection (grabs only the possible data), then test for #containment. for i,poly in enumerate(p): for j in idx.intersection(poly.bounds): #Test for intersection if poly.area>0.01: #because polygon is crossing prime meridian but #in the wrong direction. Let's transform the polygon #coordinates back to -180/180 system, transform the points to #-180/180 and test for containment of points. points=list(poly.exterior.coords) points_x,points_y=zip(*points) newx=[] #holds the retransformed points for i in np.arange(len(points_x)): if points_x[i]>180.0: newx.append(points_x[i]-360.0) else: newx.append(points_x[i]) points_x=newx polygon_points[:,0]=points_x[:] polygon_points[:,1]=points_y[:] newpoly=Polygon(polygon_points) #Do the actual test for containment. if os.path.basename(cs2file).startswith('CS2AWI'): if (newpoly.contains(Point(deconvert_lon(cs2data[j,1]), cs2data[j,2]))): newpolys.append(ccdata[i]) newcs2.append(cs2data[j]) outpoly.append(poly) t=np.append(t,cs2data[j,0]) else: newcs2.append(nanline) newpolys.append(ccdata[i]) outpoly.append(poly) pass else: if (newpoly.contains(Point(deconvert_lon(cs2data[j,10]), cs2data[j,9]))==1): newpolys.append(ccdata[i]) newcs2.append(cs2data[j]) outpoly.append(poly) else: pass else: if os.path.basename(cs2file).startswith('CS2AWI'): if poly.contains(Point(cs2data[j,1],cs2data[j,2]))==1: newpolys.append(ccdata[i]) newcs2.append(cs2data[j]) outpoly.append(poly) t=np.append(t,cs2data[j,0]) else: pass #So if no points are found in the polygon, then we #do not write out the polygon. This limits the output #to the CS2 file extent. So if you wanted to keep each #polygon, despite no CS2 data, you can do so here. else: #ESA CS2 file if poly.contains(Point(cs2data[j,10],cs2data[j,9]))==1: newpolys.append(ccdata[i]) newcs2.append(cs2data[j]) outpoly.append(poly) else: pass #Now we do some back conversion of lat/lon to -180/180 system if os.path.basename(cs2file).startswith('CS2AWI'): if converted==1: for i in np.arange(len(newcs2)): newcs2[i][1]=deconvert_lon(newcs2[i][1]) newpolys[i][6]=deconvert_lon(newpolys[i][6]) newpolys[i][8]=deconvert_lon(newpolys[i][8]) newpolys[i][10]=deconvert_lon(newpolys[i][10]) newpolys[i][12]=deconvert_lon(newpolys[i][12]) newpolys[i][14]=deconvert_lon(newpolys[i][14]) else: #Was not converted out of -180/180 so we can leave it pass else: if converted ==1: for i in np.arange(len(newcs2)) : newcs2[i][10]=deconvert_lon(newcs2[i][10]) newpolys[i][6]=deconvert_lon(newpolys[i][6]) newpolys[i][8]=deconvert_lon(newpolys[i][8]) newpolys[i][10]=deconvert_lon(newpolys[i][10]) newpolys[i][12]=deconvert_lon(newpolys[i][12]) newpolys[i][14]=deconvert_lon(newpolys[i][14]) else:#Was not converted out of -180/180 so we can leave it pass #Print some information to the user. This is a useful check that the file #was correctly sized. print "Length of CCFile to start: ", len(ccdata) print "Length of CS2data: ",len(newcs2)," Length of CCs: ",len(newpolys) print "Length of CCs == Length of CS2data: ",len(newcs2)==len(newpolys) print "" #Let's write the new corner coordinate file to CS2ORB_*.dat? if cc==1:#Yes let's write it if os.path.basename(cs2file).startswith('CS2AWI'): ccoutfile=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ccfile), 'CS2ORB_'+ os.path.basename(ccfile).split('_')[2].zfill(6)+'_'+ os.path.basename(cs2file).split('_')[2]+'_'+ os.path.basename(cs2file).split('_')[3]+'_'+ os.path.basename(cs2file).split('_')[4][:-4]+ '_'+version+os.path.basename(ccfile)[-4:]) else: ccoutfile=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ccfile), 'CS2ORB_'+ os.path.basename(ccfile).split('_')[2].zfill(6)+'_'+ os.path.basename(cs2file).split('_')[2]+'_'+ os.path.basename(cs2file).split('_')[3]+'_'+ os.path.basename(cs2file).split('_')[4][:-4]+ '_'+version+os.path.basename(ccfile)[-4:]) with open(ccoutfile,'w') as ccout: np.savetxt(ccout,newpolys,delimiter=' ',fmt='%14.8f', newline='\n') #Setup the output CS2 file names. if os.path.basename(cs2file).startswith('CS2AWI'): csoutfile=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ccfile), os.path.basename(cs2file)[:-14]+'_'+version+ os.path.basename(cs2file)[-4:]) else: csoutfile=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ccfile), os.path.basename(cs2file).split('_')[0]+'_'+ os.path.basename(cs2file).split('_')[1].zfill(6)+'_'+ os.path.basename(cs2file).split('_')[2]+'_'+ os.path.basename(cs2file).split('_')[3]+'_'+ os.path.basename(cs2file).split('_')[4][:-4]+ '_'+version+os.path.basename(cs2file)[-4:]) #Write the cs2 output data #Open the file, read in the header line with open(cs2file)as r: header=r.readline() #Now write the output file, first writing in the header line. with open(csoutfile,'w') as csout: csout.write(header) np.savetxt(csout,newcs2,delimiter=',',fmt='%14.8f', newline='\n')
def rank(): su.enable() index = rtree.index.Index() house_properties = [] with open("geo_value_clp.json", "r") as house_file: houses = geojson.loads( for ix, feature in enumerate(houses['features']): point = sg.shape(feature['geometry']) index.insert(id=ix, coordinates=(point.bounds)) props = feature['properties'] props['geom'] = point props['trees'] = 0 house_properties.append(props) if ix % 10000 == 0: print ix del houses with fiona.collection("sfutc_m.shp", "r") as tree_file: tree_polys = [sg.shape(feature['geometry']) for feature in tree_file] for ix, poly in enumerate(tree_polys): if not poly.is_valid: # try to fix invalidities poly = poly.buffer(0) poly = so.unary_union(poly) if not poly.is_valid: continue # let canopy 'radiate' on surrounding houses size_factor = math.sqrt(poly.area) / 3.14 #print size_factor bpoly = poly.buffer(50 + math.sqrt(size_factor), resolution=8) # first get rough estimate of houses for hit in index.intersection(bpoly.bounds): point = house_properties[hit]['geom'] # chech more thoroughly if bpoly.contains(point): house_properties[hit]['trees'] += size_factor if ix % 500 == 0: print ix del index del tree_polys geo_features = [] print 'houses to convert: ' + str(len(house_properties)) for idx, house in enumerate(house_properties): if idx % 10000 == 0: print idx point = house['geom'] geometry = geojson.Point((point.x, point.y)) properties = {'addr': house['addr'], 're': house['re'], 'rei': house['rei'], 'trs': house['trees']} gj_house = geojson.Feature(geometry=geometry, properties=properties) geo_features.append(gj_house) print 'writing geojson' gj = geojson.FeatureCollection(geo_features) dump = geojson.dumps(gj) with open('geo_value_trees.json', 'w') as f: f.write(dump) print 'done' del gj del geo_features del dump return
def create_pos_file(posfile,scalefile, xlims,ylims,dx,\ geofile=None,ndmin=5, lcmax=2000.,r=1.05, scalefac=1.0): """ Generates a gmsh background scale file (*.pos) If a geofile is specified the mesh is embedded """ from shapely import geometry, speedups if speedups.available: speedups.enable() X,Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(xlims[0],xlims[1],dx),np.arange(ylims[0],ylims[1],dx)) xy = np.vstack((X.ravel(),Y.ravel())).T Np = xy.shape[0] nj,ni=X.shape # Load the scalefile xyscale,gridscale = readShpPointLine(scalefile,FIELDNAME='scale') # Load all of the points into shapely type geometry # Distance method won't work with numpy array #P = geometry.asPoint(xy) P = [geometry.Point(xy[i,0],xy[i,1]) for i in range(Np)] L=[] for ll in xyscale: L.append(geometry.asLineString(ll)) nlines = len(L) scale_all = np.zeros((nj,ni,nlines)) for n in range(nlines): print 'Calculating distance from line %d...'%n ss = gridscale[n] * scalefac lmin = ndmin * ss # Find the maximum distance Nk = np.log(lcmax/ss)/np.log(r) print ss,Nk lmax = lmin + Nk * ss dist = [L[n].distance(P[i]) for i in range(Np)] dist = np.array(dist).reshape((nj,ni)) # Calculate the scale N = (dist-lmin)/ss scale = ss*r**N ind = dist<=lmin if ind.any(): scale[ind] = ss ind = scale>lcmax if ind.any(): scale[ind] = lcmax scale_all[:,:,n] = scale scale_min = scale_all.min(axis=-1) write_pos_file(posfile,X,Y,scale_min) if not geofile == None: fgeo = open(geofile,'a') fgeo.write("// Merge a post-processing view containing the target mesh sizes\n") fgeo.write('Merge "%s";'%posfile) fgeo.write("// Apply the view as the current background mesh\n") fgeo.write("Background Mesh View[0];\n") fgeo.close()
def setUp(self): self.assertFalse(speedups._orig) speedups.enable() self.assertTrue(speedups._orig)
def use_speedups(): if speedups.available: speedups.enable()
def setUp(self): self.assertFalse(speedups._orig) if speedups.available: speedups.enable() self.assertTrue(speedups._orig)
from typing import NoReturn, Tuple import geopandas as gpd import numpy as np import shapely.geometry as sg from holoviews.element import Geometry from shapely import speedups from seedpod_ground_risk.layers.osm_tag_layer import OSMTagLayer gpd.options.use_pygeos = True # Use GEOS optimised C++ routines speedups.enable() # Enable shapely speedups class ResidentialLayer(OSMTagLayer): _census_wards: gpd.GeoDataFrame def __init__(self, key, **kwargs): super(ResidentialLayer, self).__init__(key, 'landuse=residential', **kwargs) delattr(self, '_colour') self._census_wards = gpd.GeoDataFrame() def preload_data(self): print("Preloading Residential Layer") self.ingest_census_data() def generate(self, bounds_polygon: sg.Polygon, raster_shape: Tuple[int, int], from_cache: bool = False, **kwargs) -> \ Tuple[Geometry, np.ndarray, gpd.GeoDataFrame]: import colorcet import datashader as ds
# DeNSE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with DeNSE. If not, see <>. """ Python/cython interface to the growth C++ code """ import sys as _sys import atexit as _atexit # enable shapely speedups from shapely import speedups as _spdups if _spdups.available: _spdups.enable() __version__ = "" # declare default units _units = {} from . import _pygrowth from . import elements from . import environment from . import io from . import morphology from . import tools from . import units
import geopandas as gpd import pandas as pd import shapely.geometry as geom import shapely.speedups as fast # Really? import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fast.enable() # Load CSB points #df = pd.read_csv(r"../data/reprocessed/xyz/") df = pd.read_csv(r"../data/reprocessed/xyz/") df.drop_duplicates(['UUID', 'LON', 'LAT', 'DEPTH'], inplace=True) geometry = [geom.Point(xy) for xy in zip(df.LON, df.LAT)] crs = "epsg:4326" # pointsGdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, crs=crs, geometry=geometry) print(pointsGdf) # Read in the polygons used to filter CSB points fp = r"../data/gis/TERRITORIAL_SEAS.shp" dataGdf = gpd.read_file(fp) print("CRS: " + str( # Create a subset of with just country name and exclude columns subGdf = dataGdf[['SOVEREIGN1', 'EXCLUDE', 'geometry']].head(10) # Create a subset of polygons for just those areas we want to filter out polyFilterGf = subGdf[subGdf['EXCLUDE'] == "Y"] # Reset indexes polyFilterGf.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # Find all points NOT within exclusion areas pipMask = dataGdf.within(polyFilterGf.loc[0, 'geometry']) pnipMask = ~pipMask #print(pnipMask) pnipGdf = pointsGdf.loc[pnipMask] pipGdf = pointsGdf.loc[pipMask]
def get_grid_layer_pt(input_file, height, field_name, grid_shape="square", mask_layer=None, polygon_layer=None, func='density'): if speedups.available and not speedups.enabled: speedups.enable() proj_robinson = ( "+proj=robin +lon_0=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 " "+ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs") gdf, replaced_id_field = try_open_geojson(input_file) if replaced_id_field and field_name == 'id': field_name = '_id' if field_name: if not gdf[field_name].dtype in (int, float): # gdf.loc[:, field_name] = gdf[field_name].replace('', np.NaN) # gdf.loc[:, field_name] = gdf[field_name].astype(float) gdf.loc[:, field_name] = gdf[field_name].apply(to_float) gdf = gdf[gdf[field_name].notnull()] gdf = gdf[gdf.geometry.notnull()] gdf = gdf[~gdf.geometry.is_empty] gdf.index = range(len(gdf)) if polygon_layer: polygon_layer = GeoDataFrame.from_file( polygon_layer).to_crs(crs=proj_robinson) gdf.to_crs(crs=proj_robinson, inplace=True) result_values = get_dens_from_pt(gdf, field_name, polygon_layer, func) polygon_layer[func] = [i[0] for i in result_values] polygon_layer['count'] = [i[1] for i in result_values] return polygon_layer.to_crs({"init": "epsg:4326"}).to_json() else: if mask_layer: _mask = GeoDataFrame.from_file(mask_layer) mask = GeoSeries( cascaded_union(_mask.geometry.buffer(0)),, ).to_crs(crs=proj_robinson).values[0] try: mask = mask.buffer(1).buffer(-1) except TopologicalError: mask = mask.buffer(0) else: mask = None gdf.to_crs(crs=proj_robinson, inplace=True) cell_generator = { "square": square_grid_gen, "diamond": diams_grid_gen, "hexagon": hex_grid_gen, }[grid_shape] res_geoms = get_dens_grid_pt( gdf, height, field_name, mask, func, cell_generator) result = GeoDataFrame( index=range(len(res_geoms)), data={'id': [i for i in range(len(res_geoms))], func: [i[1] for i in res_geoms], 'count': [i[2] for i in res_geoms]}, geometry=[i[0] for i in res_geoms], ).to_crs({"init": "epsg:4326"}) total_bounds = result.total_bounds if total_bounds[0] < -179.9999 or total_bounds[1] < -89.9999 \ or total_bounds[2] > 179.9999 or total_bounds[3] > 89.9999: result = json.loads(result.to_json()) repairCoordsPole(result) return json.dumps(result) else: return result.to_json()
def write_file(filename, wkt, **attr): from xml.etree import ElementTree as et # Create an SVG XML element # @ToDo: Allow customisation of height/width iheight = 74 height = str(iheight) iwidth = 74 width = str(iwidth) doc = et.Element("svg", width=width, height=height, version="1.1", xmlns="") # Convert WKT from shapely.wkt import loads as wkt_loads try: # Enable C-based speedups available from 1.2.10+ from shapely import speedups speedups.enable() except:"S3GIS", "Upgrade Shapely for Performance enhancements") shape = wkt_loads(wkt) geom_type = shape.geom_type if geom_type not in ("MultiPolygon", "Polygon"): current.log.error("Unsupported Geometry", geom_type) return # Scale Points & invert Y axis from shapely import affinity bounds = shape.bounds # (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) swidth = abs(bounds[2] - bounds[0]) sheight = abs(bounds[3] - bounds[1]) width_multiplier = iwidth / swidth height_multiplier = iheight / sheight multiplier = min(width_multiplier, height_multiplier) * 0.9 # Padding shape = affinity.scale(shape, xfact=multiplier, yfact=-multiplier, origin="centroid") # Center Shape centroid = shape.centroid xoff = (iwidth / 2) - centroid.x yoff = (iheight / 2) - centroid.y shape = affinity.translate(shape, xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff) if geom_type == "MultiPolygon": polygons = shape.geoms elif geom_type == "Polygon": polygons = [shape] # @ToDo: #elif geom_type == "LineString": # _points = shape #elif geom_type == "Point": # _points = [shape] points = [] pappend = points.append for polygon in polygons: _points = polygon.exterior.coords for point in _points: pappend("%s,%s" % (point[0], point[1])) points = " ".join(points) # Wrap in Square for Icon # @ToDo: Anti-Aliased Rounded Corners # @ToDo: Make optional fill = "rgb(167, 192, 210)" stroke = "rgb(114, 129, 145)" et.SubElement(doc, "rect", width=width, height=height, fill=fill, stroke=stroke) # @ToDo: Allow customisation of options fill = "rgb(225, 225, 225)" stroke = "rgb(165, 165, 165)" et.SubElement(doc, "polygon", points=points, fill=fill, stroke=stroke) # @ToDo: Add Attributes from list_fields # Write out File path = os.path.join(current.request.folder, "static", "cache", "svg") if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) filepath = os.path.join(path, filename) with open(filepath, "w") as f: # ElementTree 1.2 doesn't write the SVG file header errata, so do that manually f.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n") f.write("<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\n") f.write("\"\">\n") f.write(et.tostring(doc)) return filepath
def resample_OIB(oibdata,ccdata,ql=1): ''' Does the resampling of the OIB IDCSI files. Uses a spatial index to search points fast. Does not use prepared polygons ''' from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon from shapely import speedups import datetime import numpy as np import pytz #Setup which columns we want to calculate which statistics for. meancols = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13] stdevcols = [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12] mediancols = [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12] maxmincols = [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,12,13] speedups.enable() #Check for crossings of IDL/prime meridian if ((oibdata['lon'] >=359.).any(skipna=True)==1 and (oibdata['lon']<1.).any(skipna=True)==1 and np.logical_and((179.<oibdata['lon']).any(skipna=True), (oibdata['lon']<181.).any(skipna=True)==0)): print "Crosses Prime Meridian but not IDL. Coordinates will be" print "processed in -180/180 system." oibdata['lon']=deconvert_lon(oibdata['lon']) for i in np.arange(len(ccdata)): ccdata[i][6]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][6]) ccdata[i][8]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][8]) ccdata[i][10]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][10]) ccdata[i][12]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][12]) ccdata[i][14]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][14]) converted=0 elif ((oibdata['lon'] >=359.).any(skipna=True)==0 and (oibdata['lon']<1.).any(skipna=True)==0 and np.logical_and((179.<oibdata['lon']).any(skipna=True), (oibdata['lon']<181.).any(skipna=True)==1)): print "Does not cross prime meridian but crosses IDL. Coordinates will" print "be processed in 0/360 system." converted=1 elif ((oibdata['lon'] >=359.).any(skipna=True)==1 and (oibdata['lon']<1.).any(skipna=True)==1 and np.logical_and((179.<oibdata['lon']).any(skipna=True), (oibdata['lon']<181.).any(skipna=True)==1)): print "Crosses both the Prime Meridian and the IDL. Coordinates will" print "be processed in -180/180 system." oibdata['lon']=deconvert_lon(oibdata['lon']) for i in np.arange(len(ccdata)): ccdata[i][6]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][6]) ccdata[i][8]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][8]) ccdata[i][10]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][10]) ccdata[i][12]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][12]) ccdata[i][14]=deconvert_lon(ccdata[i][14]) converted=0 elif ((oibdata['lon'] >=359.).any(skipna=True)==0 and (oibdata['lon']<1.).any(skipna=True)==0 and np.logical_and((179.<oibdata['lon']).any(skipna=True), (oibdata['lon']<181.).any(skipna=True)==0)): print "Does not cross the IDL or the Prime Meridian. Coordinates will" print "be processed in 0/360 system." converted=1 #Try calculating polygons, filling the index. try: p=[] idx=index.Index() #Setup a spatial indec n_records=len(ccdata) n_polygon_points=5 polygon_points =np.ndarray(shape=(n_polygon_points,2),dtype=np.float64) p=np.ndarray(shape=(n_records),dtype=object) #Calculate the polygons for the CryoSat-2 (cc) footprints for i in np.arange(n_records): fp_x = [ccdata[i,8],ccdata[i,10],ccdata[i,14],ccdata[i,12], ccdata[i,8]] fp_y = [ccdata[i,9],ccdata[i,11],ccdata[i,15],ccdata[i,13], ccdata[i,9]] n_polygon_points=len(fp_x) polygon_points[:,0]=fp_x[:] polygon_points[:,1]=fp_y[:] p[i](Polygon(polygon_points)) #Fill the spatial index with the icebridge data points for j in np.arange(len(oibdata['lon'])): idx.insert(j,Point(oibdata.iloc[j]['lon'], oibdata.iloc[j]['lat']).bounds) #Setup our variables to hold the resampled data. Preallocation is fast. newpolys = [] polys = [] navg=np.empty((n_records,1))*np.nan foobar = np.empty((n_records))*np.nan myiflag = np.empty((n_records,1))*np.nan #mode of my ice flag (0 or 1) u=np.empty((n_records,len(meancols)))*np.nan #mean s=np.empty((n_records,len(stdevcols)))*np.nan #stdev m=np.empty((n_records,len(mediancols)))*np.nan #median h=np.empty((n_records,len(maxmincols)))*np.nan #max l=np.empty((n_records,len(maxmincols)))*np.nan #min out = np.empty((n_records,(len(stdevcols)+len(mediancols)+(2*len(maxmincols))+len(meancols)+1))) #Let's try the resampling. try: for i,poly in enumerate(p): newpts=[] n_pts = 0 #Use spatial index to find points that intersect the polygon. #Just because a point intersects the polygon, does not mean #that it is inside the polygon, so we test that further on. #j is an iterative point in the list of points (in the spatial) #index that does intersect with the polygon bounds. for j in idx.intersection(poly.bounds): #We discovered an issue with the polygons near the IDL/PM #where they wrapped the wrong way around the Earth. We test #for them here and fix them. if poly.area>0.1: #because polygon is crossing prime meridian area is large #Let's transform the polygon coordinates back to -180/180 #Transform the points to -180/180 and test print poly #left in so that we notice when these cases happen. points=list(poly.exterior.coords) points_x,points_y=zip(*points) newx=[] for i in np.arange(len(points_x)): if points_x[i]>180.0: newx.append(points_x[i]-360.0) else: newx.append(points_x[i]) points_x=newx n_polygon_points=len(points_x) polygon_points = np.ndarray(shape=(n_polygon_points, 2), dtype=np.float64) for k in np.arange(n_polygon_points): polygon_points[k,0]=points_x[k] polygon_points[k,1]=points_y[k] poly=Polygon(polygon_points) #Test that the point is in the polygon if poly.contains( Point(deconvert_lon(oibdata.iloc[j]['lon']), oibdata.iloc[j]['lat'])): newpts.append(j) n_pts+=1 #If the area is okay, let's move on and check if the point #is in the polygon else: if poly.contains(Point(oibdata.iloc[j]['lon'], oibdata.iloc[j]['lat'])): newpts.append(j) n_pts+=1 #let's append the polygon number (is keeping all polygons). #Relies on having already calculated orbit extent for CS2 file. newpolys.append(i) #Based on the number of points, calculate the statistics #If no points, values are nan or 0 (for navg) if n_pts == 0: u[i] = np.empty(len(meancols))*np.nan s[i] = np.empty(len(stdevcols))*np.nan m[i] = np.empty(len(mediancols))*np.nan h[i] = np.empty(len(maxmincols))*np.nan l[i] =np.empty(len(maxmincols))*np.nan myiflag[i] = np.empty(1)*np.nan #foobar will hold the median point of the points in a poly foobar[i]= 0.0 # navg[i]=0 #If 1 point, calculate the statistics, but std will be nan, #others will just be the value of the point elif n_pts == 1: u[i] = oibdata.iloc[newpts,meancols].mean() s[i] = oibdata.iloc[newpts,stdevcols].std() m[i] = oibdata.iloc[newpts,mediancols].median() h[i] = oibdata.iloc[newpts,maxmincols].max() l[i] = oibdata.iloc[newpts,maxmincols].min() myiflag[i] = oibdata.iloc[newpts,14].mean() navg[i] = n_pts foobar[i]=np.floor(np.median(newpts)) #If more than one point (what we expect), calculate the #statistics. Note that the mode (most common value) is #calculated for all fields, but only the value for the #MY_ICE_FLAG is kept. elif n_pts > 1: foo = oibdata.iloc[newpts].mode() u[i] = oibdata.iloc[newpts,meancols].mean() s[i] = oibdata.iloc[newpts,stdevcols].std() m[i] = oibdata.iloc[newpts,mediancols].median() h[i] = oibdata.iloc[newpts,maxmincols].max() l[i] = oibdata.iloc[newpts,maxmincols].min() myiflag[i]=foo['my_ice_flag'].iloc[0] navg[i] = n_pts foobar[i]=np.floor(np.median(newpts)) except: print traceback.format_exc() #Newpolys sould be unique anyways, but doublecheck and return only the #unique polygon records (no doubles) polys=ccdata[np.unique(newpolys),:] #Concatenate the variables holding the resampled data. out=np.concatenate((u,s,m,h,l,myiflag),axis=1) #Out should have lenght of newpolys so again check for uniqueness out=out[np.unique(newpolys),:] #Same with navg. navg=navg[np.unique(newpolys),:] #Lets rewrite the header here to separate out IDCSI and IDCSI quickooks if ql==1: outhead=['OIBql_lat_mean','OIBql_lon_mean','OIBql_thickness_mean','OIBql_thickness_unc_mean','OIBql_mean_fb_mean', 'OIBql_ATM_fb_mean','OIBql_fb_unc_mean','OIBql_snow_depth_mean','OIBql_snow_depth_unc_mean', 'OIBql_ssh_mean','OIBql_ssh_sd_mean','OIBql_ssh_tp_dist_mean', 'OIBql_thickness_stdev','OIBql_thickness_unc_stdev','OIBql_mean_fb_stdev', 'OIBql_ATM_fb_stdev','OIBql_fb_unc_stdev','OIBql_snow_depth_stdev','OIBql_snow_depth_unc_stdev', 'OIBql_ssh_stdev','OIBql_ssh_sd_stdev', 'OIBql_thickness_median','OIBql_thickness_unc_median','OIBql_mean_fb_median','OIBql_ATM_fb_median', 'OIBql_fb_unc_median','OIBql_snow_depth_median','OIBql_snow_depth_unc_median', 'OIBql_ssh_median','OIBql_ssh_sd_median', 'OIBql_thickness_max','OIBql_thickness_unc_max','OIBql_mean_fb_max','OIBql_ATM_fb_max','OIBql_fb_unc_max', 'OIBql_snow_depth_max','OIBql_snow_depth_unc_max','OIBql_ssh_max','OIBql_ssh_sd_max','OIBql_ssh_tp_dist_max', 'OIBql_thickness_min','OIBql_thickness_unc_min', 'OIBql_mean_fb_min','OIBql_ATM_fb_min','OIBql_fb_unc_min','OIBql_snow_depth_min','OIBql_snow_depth_unc_min', 'OIBql_ssh_min','OIBql_ssh_sd_min','OIBql_ssh_tp_dist_min','OIBql_MYIflag_mode'] else: outhead=['OIB_lat_mean','OIB_lon_mean','OIB_thickness_mean','OIB_thickness_unc_mean','OIB_mean_fb_mean', 'OIB_ATM_fb_mean','OIB_fb_unc_mean','OIB_snow_depth_mean','OIB_snow_depth_unc_mean', 'OIB_ssh_mean','OIB_ssh_sd_mean','OIB_ssh_tp_dist_mean', 'OIB_thickness_stdev','OIB_thickness_unc_stdev','OIB_mean_fb_stdev', 'OIB_ATM_fb_stdev','OIB_fb_unc_stdev','OIB_snow_depth_stdev','OIB_snow_depth_unc_stdev', 'OIB_ssh_stdev','OIB_ssh_sd_stdev', 'OIB_thickness_median','OIB_thickness_unc_median','OIB_mean_fb_median','OIB_ATM_fb_median', 'OIB_fb_unc_median','OIB_snow_depth_median','OIB_snow_depth_unc_median', 'OIB_ssh_median','OIB_ssh_sd_median', 'OIB_thickness_max','OIB_thickness_unc_max','OIB_mean_fb_max','OIB_ATM_fb_max','OIB_fb_unc_max', 'OIB_snow_depth_max','OIB_snow_depth_unc_max','OIB_ssh_max','OIB_ssh_sd_max','OIB_ssh_tp_dist_max', 'OIB_thickness_min','OIB_thickness_unc_min', 'OIB_mean_fb_min','OIB_ATM_fb_min','OIB_fb_unc_min','OIB_snow_depth_min','OIB_snow_depth_unc_min', 'OIB_ssh_min','OIB_ssh_sd_min','OIB_ssh_tp_dist_min','OIB_MYIflag_mode'] #Let's create some of the other variables, like the timestamp oib_time = np.ndarray(shape=(len(oibdata)),dtype=object) secs = np.empty(len(oibdata))*np.nan msecs = np.empty(len(oibdata))*np.nan secs = np.floor(oibdata['elapsed'].values.tolist()) msecs = np.floor(1e6 * (oibdata['elapsed'].values.tolist() - np.floor(secs))) date = oibdata['date'].values.tolist() date=map(int,date) date=map(str,date) #Lets calculate the OIB timestamp. for i in np.arange(len(date)): oib_time[i] = datetime.datetime.strptime(date[i],"%Y%m%d").replace( tzinfo=pytz.utc) +\ datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(secs[i]), microseconds=int( msecs[i])) foobar=foobar.astype(int) #Get the for the middle point of all OIB points in each footprint oib_time=np.where(foobar==0,0,oib_time[foobar]) #Let's calculate the CS2 timestamp from the CC data. cc_time=np.ndarray(shape=(len(polys)),dtype=object) for i in np.arange(len(cc_time)): cc_time[i] = datetime.datetime(int(ccdata[i,0]), int(ccdata[i,1]),int(ccdata[i,2]), int(ccdata[i,3]), int(ccdata[i,4]), int(ccdata[i,5]),int(1e6*(ccdata[i,5] - np.floor(ccdata[i,5]))), tzinfo=pytz.utc) #Let's calculate the difference between the CS2 time and OIB. dt_time=np.ndarray(shape=(len(cc_time)),dtype=object) for i in np.arange(len(cc_time)): if oib_time[i]==0: dt_time[i]=np.nan else: dt_time[i]=(cc_time[i]-oib_time[i]).total_seconds() #Check for uniqueness in the shapely polygon objects. g = np.unique(newpolys) c = [p[x] for x in g] #Setup the output dataframe outdf=pd.DataFrame(data=out,columns=outhead) #Add in the delta time, footprint latitude,longitude, and npts if ql == 1: outdf['OIB_dt_time']=dt_time outdf['OIBql_fp_lat']=polys[:,7] outdf['OIBql_fp_lon']=polys[:,6] outdf['OIBql_n_pts']=navg[:,0] if converted == 1: outdf['OIBql_fp_lon']=deconvert_lon(outdf['OIBql_fp_lon']) outdf['OIBql_lon_mean']=deconvert_lon(outdf['OIBql_lon_mean']) nfinite = np.count_nonzero(np.isfinite(outdf['OIBql_mean_fb_mean'])) else: outdf['OIB_dt_time']=dt_time outdf['OIB_fp_lat']=polys[:,7] outdf['OIB_fp_lon']=polys[:,6] outdf['OIB_n_pts']=navg[:,0] if converted == 1: outdf['OIB_fp_lon']=deconvert_lon(outdf['OIB_fp_lon']) outdf['OIB_lon_mean']=deconvert_lon(outdf['OIB_lon_mean']) nfinite = np.count_nonzero(np.isfinite(outdf['OIB_mean_fb_mean'])) #Let's add in the polygon geometry objects outdf['OIB_geometry']=c #Print out a bit of info about the resampling result and return data. print "Number of Resampled IceBridge Data Points: ", outdf.shape[0] print "Number of finite freeboard values: ",nfinite return outdf except ValueError: pass
def packCurves(): if speedups.available: speedups.enable() t = time.time() packsettings = bpy.context.scene.cam_pack sheetsizex = packsettings.sheet_x sheetsizey = packsettings.sheet_y direction = packsettings.sheet_fill_direction distance = packsettings.distance tolerance =packsettings.tolerance rotate = packsettings.rotate rotate_angle=packsettings.rotate_angle polyfield = [] # in this, position, rotation, and actual poly will be stored. for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects: allchunks = [] simple.activate(ob) bpy.ops.object.make_single_user(type='SELECTED_OBJECTS') bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_GEOMETRY') z = ob.location.z bpy.ops.object.location_clear() bpy.ops.object.rotation_clear() chunks = utils.curveToChunks(ob) npolys = utils.chunksToShapely(chunks) # add all polys in silh to one poly poly = shapely.ops.unary_union(npolys) poly = poly.buffer(distance / 1.5, 8) poly = poly.simplify(0.0003) polyfield.append([[0, 0], 0.0, poly, ob, z]) random.shuffle(polyfield) # primitive layout here: allpoly = prepared.prep(sgeometry.Polygon()) # main collision poly. # allpoly=sgeometry.Polygon()#main collision poly. shift = tolerance # one milimeter by now. rotchange = rotate_angle # in radians xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = polyfield[0][2].bounds if direction == 'X': mindist = -xmin else: mindist = -ymin i = 0 p = polyfield[0][2] placedpolys = [] rotcenter = sgeometry.Point(0, 0) for pf in polyfield: print(i) rot = 0 porig = pf[2] placed = False xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = p.bounds # p.shift(-xmin,-ymin) if direction == 'X': x = mindist y = -ymin if direction == 'Y': x = -xmin y = mindist itera = 0 best = None hits = 0 besthit = None while not placed: # swap x and y, and add to x # print(x,y) p = porig if rotate: ptrans = affinity.rotate(p, rot, origin=rotcenter, use_radians=True) ptrans = affinity.translate(ptrans, x, y) else: ptrans = affinity.translate(p, x, y) xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = ptrans.bounds # print(iter,p.bounds) if xmin > 0 and ymin > 0 and ( (direction == 'Y' and xmax < sheetsizex) or (direction == 'X' and ymax < sheetsizey)): if not allpoly.intersects(ptrans): # if allpoly.disjoint(ptrans): # print('gothit') # we do more good solutions, choose best out of them: hits += 1 if best == None: best = [x, y, rot, xmax, ymax] besthit = hits if direction == 'X': if xmax < best[3]: best = [x, y, rot, xmax, ymax] besthit = hits elif ymax < best[4]: best = [x, y, rot, xmax, ymax] besthit = hits if hits >= 15 or ( itera > 20000 and hits > 0): # here was originally more, but 90% of best solutions are still 1 placed = True pf[3].location.x = best[0] pf[3].location.y = best[1] pf[3].location.z = pf[4] pf[3].rotation_euler.z = best[2] pf[3].select_set(state=True) # print(mindist) mindist = mindist - 0.5 * (xmax - xmin) # print(mindist) # print(iter) # reset polygon to best position here: ptrans = affinity.rotate(porig, best[2], rotcenter, use_radians=True) ptrans = affinity.translate(ptrans, best[0], best[1]) # polygon_utils_cam.polyToMesh(p,0.1)#debug visualisation keep = [] print(best[0], best[1],itera) # print(len(ptrans.exterior)) # npoly=allpoly.union(ptrans) # for ci in range(0,len(allpoly)): # cminx,cmaxx,cminy,cmaxy=allpoly.boundingBox(ci) # if direction=='X' and cmaxx>mindist-.1: # npoly.addContour(allpoly[ci]) # if direction=='Y' and cmaxy>mindist-.1: # npoly.addContour(allpoly[ci]) # allpoly=npoly placedpolys.append(ptrans) allpoly = prepared.prep(sgeometry.MultiPolygon(placedpolys)) # *** temporary fix until prepared geometry code is setup properly # allpoly=sgeometry.MultiPolygon(placedpolys) # polygon_utils_cam.polyToMesh(allpoly,0.1)#debug visualisation # for c in p: # allpoly.addContour(c) # cleanup allpoly print(itera, hits, besthit) if not placed: if direction == 'Y': x += shift mindist = y if xmax + shift > sheetsizex: x = x - xmin y += shift if direction == 'X': y += shift mindist = x if ymax + shift > sheetsizey: y = y - ymin x += shift if rotate: rot += rotchange itera += 1 i += 1 t = time.time() - t polygon_utils_cam.shapelyToCurve('test', sgeometry.MultiPolygon(placedpolys), 0) print(t)
def write_file(filename, wkt, **attr): from xml.etree import ElementTree as et # Create an SVG XML element # @ToDo: Allow customisation of height/width iheight = 74 height = str(iheight) iwidth = 74 width = str(iwidth) doc = et.Element("svg", width=width, height=height, version="1.1", xmlns="") # Convert WKT from shapely.wkt import loads as wkt_loads try: # Enable C-based speedups available from 1.2.10+ from shapely import speedups speedups.enable() except: from ..s3utils import s3_debug s3_debug("S3GIS", "Upgrade Shapely for Performance enhancements") shape = wkt_loads(wkt) geom_type = shape.geom_type if geom_type not in ("MultiPolygon", "Polygon"): error = "Unsupported Geometry: %s" % geom_type from ..s3utils import s3_debug s3_debug(error) return # Scale Points & invert Y axis from shapely import affinity bounds = shape.bounds # (minx, miny, maxx, maxy) swidth = abs(bounds[2] - bounds[0]) sheight = abs(bounds[3] - bounds[1]) width_multiplier = iwidth / swidth height_multiplier = iheight / sheight multiplier = min(width_multiplier, height_multiplier) * 0.9 # Padding shape = affinity.scale(shape, xfact=multiplier, yfact=-multiplier, origin="centroid") # Center Shape centroid = shape.centroid xoff = (iwidth / 2) - centroid.x yoff = (iheight / 2) - centroid.y shape = affinity.translate(shape, xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff) if geom_type == "MultiPolygon": polygons = shape.geoms elif geom_type == "Polygon": polygons = [shape] # @ToDo: #elif geom_type == "LineString": # _points = shape #elif geom_type == "Point": # _points = [shape] points = [] pappend = points.append for polygon in polygons: _points = polygon.exterior.coords for point in _points: pappend("%s,%s" % (point[0], point[1])) points = " ".join(points) # Wrap in Square for Icon # @ToDo: Anti-Aliased Rounded Corners # @ToDo: Make optional fill = "rgb(167, 192, 210)" stroke = "rgb(114, 129, 145)" et.SubElement(doc, "rect", width=width, height=height, fill=fill, stroke=stroke) # @ToDo: Allow customisation of options fill = "rgb(225, 225, 225)" stroke = "rgb(165, 165, 165)" et.SubElement(doc, "polygon", points=points, fill=fill, stroke=stroke) # @ToDo: Add Attributes from list_fields # Write out File path = os.path.join(current.request.folder, "static", "cache", "svg") if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) filepath = os.path.join(path, filename) with open(filepath, "w") as f: # ElementTree 1.2 doesn't write the SVG file header errata, so do that manually f.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"no\"?>\n") f.write("<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\"\n") f.write("\"\">\n") f.write(et.tostring(doc)) return filepath
from .. import transformations from . import raster from . import simplify from . import entities from . import polygons from . import traversal from .io.export import export_path try: # try running shapely speedups # these mostly speed up object instantiation from shapely import speedups if speedups.available: speedups.enable() except BaseException: pass class Path(object): """ A Path object consists of: vertices: (n,[2|3]) coordinates, stored in self.vertices entities: geometric primitives (aka Lines, Arcs, etc.) that reference indexes in self.vertices """ def __init__(self,
def packCurves(): if speedups.available: speedups.enable() t=time.time() packsettings=bpy.context.scene.cam_pack sheetsizex=packsettings.sheet_x sheetsizey=packsettings.sheet_y direction=packsettings.sheet_fill_direction distance=packsettings.distance rotate = packsettings.rotate polyfield=[]#in this, position, rotation, and actual poly will be stored. for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects: allchunks=[] simple.activate(ob) bpy.ops.object.make_single_user(type='SELECTED_OBJECTS') bpy.ops.object.origin_set(type='ORIGIN_GEOMETRY') z=ob.location.z bpy.ops.object.location_clear() bpy.ops.object.rotation_clear() chunks=utils.curveToChunks(ob) npolys=utils.chunksToShapely(chunks) #add all polys in silh to one poly poly=shapely.ops.unary_union(npolys) poly=poly.buffer(distance/1.5,8) poly=poly.simplify(0.0003) polyfield.append([[0,0],0.0,poly,ob,z]) random.shuffle(polyfield) #primitive layout here: allpoly=prepared.prep(sgeometry.Polygon())#main collision poly. #allpoly=sgeometry.Polygon()#main collision poly. shift=0.0015#one milimeter by now. rotchange=.3123456#in radians xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax=polyfield[0][2].bounds if direction=='X': mindist=-xmin else: mindist=-ymin i=0 p=polyfield[0][2] placedpolys=[] rotcenter=sgeometry.Point(0,0) for pf in polyfield: print(i) rot=0 porig=pf[2] placed=False xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax=p.bounds #p.shift(-xmin,-ymin) if direction=='X': x=mindist y=-ymin if direction=='Y': x=-xmin y=mindist iter=0 best=None hits=0 besthit=None while not placed: #swap x and y, and add to x #print(x,y) p=porig if rotate: #ptrans=srotate(p,rot,0,0) ptrans=affinity.rotate(p,rot,origin = rotcenter, use_radians=True) #ptrans = translate(ptrans,x,y) ptrans = affinity.translate(ptrans,x,y) else: #ptrans = translate(p,x,y) ptrans = affinity.translate(p,x,y) xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax=ptrans.bounds #print(iter,p.bounds) if xmin>0 and ymin>0 and ((direction=='Y' and xmax<sheetsizex) or (direction=='X' and ymax<sheetsizey)): if not allpoly.intersects(ptrans): #if allpoly.disjoint(ptrans): #print('gothit') #we do more good solutions, choose best out of them: hits+=1 if best==None: best=[x,y,rot,xmax,ymax] besthit=hits if direction=='X': if xmax<best[3]: best=[x,y,rot,xmax,ymax] besthit=hits elif ymax<best[4]: best=[x,y,rot,xmax,ymax] besthit=hits if hits>=15 or (iter>10000 and hits>0):#here was originally more, but 90% of best solutions are still 1 placed=True pf[3].location.x=best[0] pf[3].location.y=best[1] pf[3].location.z=pf[4] pf[3].rotation_euler.z=best[2] pf[3].select=True #print(mindist) mindist=mindist-0.5*(xmax-xmin) #print(mindist) #print(iter) #reset polygon to best position here: ptrans=affinity.rotate(porig,best[2],rotcenter, use_radians = True) #ptrans=srotate(porig,best[2],0,0) ptrans = affinity.translate(ptrans,best[0],best[1]) #ptrans = translate(ptrans,best[0],best[1]) #polygon_utils_cam.polyToMesh(p,0.1)#debug visualisation keep=[] print(best[0],best[1]) #print(len(ptrans.exterior)) #npoly=allpoly.union(ptrans) ''' for ci in range(0,len(allpoly)): cminx,cmaxx,cminy,cmaxy=allpoly.boundingBox(ci) if direction=='X' and cmaxx>mindist-.1: npoly.addContour(allpoly[ci]) if direction=='Y' and cmaxy>mindist-.1: npoly.addContour(allpoly[ci]) ''' #allpoly=npoly placedpolys.append(ptrans) allpoly=prepared.prep(sgeometry.MultiPolygon(placedpolys)) #*** temporary fix until prepared geometry code is setup properly #allpoly=sgeometry.MultiPolygon(placedpolys) #polygon_utils_cam.polyToMesh(allpoly,0.1)#debug visualisation #for c in p: # allpoly.addContour(c) #cleanup allpoly print(iter,hits,besthit) if not placed: if direction=='Y': x+=shift mindist=y if (xmax+shift>sheetsizex): x=x-xmin y+=shift if direction=='X': y+=shift mindist=x if (ymax+shift>sheetsizey): y=y-ymin x+=shift if rotate: rot+=rotchange iter+=1 i+=1 t=time.time()-t polygon_utils_cam.shapelyToCurve('test',sgeometry.MultiPolygon(placedpolys),0) print(t)
""" import numpy as np from matplotlib.pyplot import contourf from shapely import speedups from shapely.ops import unary_union, transform from shapely.geometry import Polygon, MultiPolygon from geopandas import GeoDataFrame from fiona import _err as fiona_err try: from jenkspy import jenks_breaks except: jenks_breaks = None from .helpers_classif import maximal_breaks, head_tail_breaks from .compute import _compute_stewart if speedups.available and not speedups.enabled: speedups.enable() def quick_stewart(input_geojson_points, variable_name, span, beta=2, typefct='exponential', nb_class=None, nb_pts=10000, resolution=None, mask=None, user_defined_breaks=None, variable_name2=None, output="GeoJSON", **kwargs):
#!/bin/env python from matplotlib import pyplot from fabtotum import gerber from fabtotum.gerber.render import * from fabtotum.toolpath import * from fabtotum.gcode import * from shapely.geometry import Point, Polygon, LineString from shapely.ops import linemerge from shapely import speedups if speedups.available: speedups.enable() BLUE = '#6699cc' RED = '#ff0000' GREEN = '#00cc00' GRAY = '#999999' colors = ['#ff0000','#00cc00', '#0000cc', '#cccc00', '#cc00cc', '#00cccc'] def plot_rect(ax, x,y,w,h, color=GRAY, width=0.5, mirror_x=0): if mirror_x: x = [x,x-w,x-w,x,x] y = [y,y,y+h,y+h,y] else: x = [x,x+w,x+w,x,x] y = [y,y,y+h,y+h,y] ax.plot(x, y, color=color, linewidth=width, solid_capstyle='round', zorder=1)
def __init__(self): self.seed() self.viewer = None self.continuous = False # Denotes if the action space is continuous dense_reward = False # True if the reard is dense, else it will be +1 if success -1 if not self.angular_movement = False # When True dynamics are modeled with steer and thrust, else they are modeled with dx, dy self.observation_with_image = False # When True return an image alongside the observation self.reset_always = False # When True change the environment origin, target and obstacles every time it resets. self.controlled_speed = False # When True the task is to reach the target with a controlled speed, else is just reach the target # Shapely Speedups # if speedups.available: speedups.enable() # TODO things that shouldn't be here self.render_episode = False self.num_envs = 1 # # move this outside the env (check if they serve the resetalways flag) # self.latest_results = collections.deque(maxlen=150) self.done = [False] self.reward_range = (-OUT_OF_BOUNDS_REWARD, POSITIVE_REWARD) self.spec = None # Counters self.episode = 0 self.total_timestep = 0 self.episode_success = True self.n_done = 0 self.oo_time = 0 self.oob = 0 self.crashes = 0 # Rendering variables self.trajectory = copy.deepcopy(EMPTY_TRAJECTORY) self.RENDER_FLAG = False # Simulation parameters self.time_step = 0.1 # To obtain trajectories u_max = MAX_VEL / np.sqrt(2) v_max = MAX_VEL / np.sqrt(2) u_min = MAX_VEL / np.sqrt(2) v_min = MAX_VEL / np.sqrt(2) # Dynamic characteristics um = max([abs(u_max), abs(u_min)]) vm = max([abs(v_max), abs(v_min)]) self.w = np.sqrt(um ** 2 + vm ** 2) self.F = SCALING_FACTOR # It was 20 in airsim i think self.k = self.F / self.w # Obstacles Variables self.obstacles = [] self.prep_obstacles = [] self.obstacle_centers = np.array([]) self.culled = [] # IMPLEMENTED THE IMAGE AS PARTIAL OBSERVABILITY perception_shape = (IMAGE_HEIGTH, IMAGE_WIDTH, 3) observation_shape = (OBS_IMAGE_HEIGTH, OBS_IMAGE_WIDTH, 3) self.field_of_view = np.zeros(perception_shape, np.uint8) # State definition self.s = {'x': [0.0], # Position.x 'y': [0.0], # Position y 'u': [0.0], # Velocity x 'v': [0.0], # Velocity y 'target_x': [0.0], 'target_y': [0.0], 'origin_x': [0.0], 'origin_y': [0.0] } # Perception matrix initialization, only with cartesian(dx,dy) dynamics. self.perception_matrix = create_perception_matrix(dist=PERCEPTION_DISTANCE, n_radius=16, pts_p_radius=6) self.perception_ray_points = create_perception_distance_points(max_dist=PERCEPTION_DISTANCE, n_radius=16) n_discrete_actions = 4 # +dx, -dx, +dy, -dy env_act_lows = np.array([-1, -1]) # dx and dy env_act_high = np.array([1, 1]) # Define the action space either CONTINUOUS or DISCRETE. self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(n_discrete_actions) ENV_OBS_LOWS = np.zeros(shape=self.get_cartesian_observation().shape) ENV_OBS_HIGH = np.ones(shape=self.get_cartesian_observation().shape) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=ENV_OBS_LOWS, high=ENV_OBS_HIGH, dtype=np.float32) self.reward_function = self._airsim_no_speed_reward # no speed reward