Exemple #1
class Test_Shapes(unittest.TestCase):
    """docstring for Test_Roadgen"""

    #Setup the test instance of the class
    def setUp(self):
        self.test0 = Shapes()

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_unit_vector(self):
        npt.assert_almost_equal(self.test0.unit_vector([345.345, 0]),
                                np.array([1., 0.]),
        npt.assert_almost_equal(self.test0.unit_vector([0, 345.345]),
                                np.array([0., 1.]),
        npt.assert_almost_equal(self.test0.unit_vector([-345.345, 0]),
                                np.array([-1., 0.]),
        npt.assert_almost_equal(self.test0.unit_vector([0, -345.345]),
                                np.array([0., -1.]),
        npt.assert_almost_equal(self.test0.unit_vector([-3, -4]),
                                np.array([-.6, -.8]),
Exemple #2
    def middle_points(self, y_train, y_noise, orientation=1):
        #Assign the central control point:
        y_train[1, 0,
                1] = np.random.randint(0, self.view_res[0]) + self.cropsize[0]
        y_train[1, 1,
                1] = np.random.randint(0, self.view_res[1]) + self.cropsize[1]
        '''Calculate the control point axis:
        control point axis is defined by a unit vector parallel to a line
        originating at the midpoint of the line's start and end and 
        terminating at the curves second control point'''
        u_delta = Shapes.unit_vector(y_train[1, :, 1] - (
            y_train[1, :, 0] + (y_train[1, :, 2] - y_train[1, :, 0]) / 2))

        #scales the sideways road outputs to account for pitch
        vertical_excursion = np.absolute(u_delta[1]) * self.max_road_width

        #rotational correction:
        u_rot = Shapes.rot_by_vector(y_train[1, :, 2] - y_train[1, :, 0],
        #Checks to see which side of the line between start and end the midpoint falls on
        if u_rot[1] > 0:
            #If u_delta has a negative y component then it falls south of the line and need to be inverted
            u_delta *= -1

        #Set the left side no.1 control point
        y_train[0, :, 1] = (y_train[1, :, 1] + u_delta * np.multiply(
            (self.max_road_width - y_noise[0, 1]),
            (1 - self.lane_convergence + self.lane_convergence * np.maximum(
                (y_train[1, 1, 1] + vertical_excursion)) / self.gen_res[1])))
        #Set the right side no.1 control point
        y_train[2, :, 1] = (y_train[1, :, 1] - u_delta * np.multiply(
            (self.max_road_width - y_noise[1, 1]),
            (1 - self.lane_convergence + self.lane_convergence * np.maximum(
                (y_train[1, 1, 1] - vertical_excursion)) / self.gen_res[1])))

        return y_train